Classroom hour "Way home"

Objectives: to broaden the horizons of students; to conduct explanatory work among students; to ensure that there are fewer injuries among students.

Game progress

Road traffic injuries are a problem that worries people all over the world. People pay tribute to motorization with their lives. This fee is very expensive and unjustified. The car has turned from a means of transportation into a means of threat to life, and the car becomes dangerous for a person due to his indiscipline of both the driver and the pedestrian. And today we, we will repeat the alphabet, a pedestrian. We will repeat it in the form of a game. To do this, we will divide the entire class into 3 teams. Accordingly, we will give each team a name.

1. Warm up

What is the name of the section of the road for pedestrian traffic? Answer. Sidewalk.

Which way should you look first when crossing the road? Answer. To the left.

What do traffic light colors mean? Answer. Red - dangerous or stop, yellow - attention, get ready, green - go.

What traffic signal can you cross the street to? Answer. Green.

What dangers can lie in wait for you in the yard of your house? Answer. Reverse vehicle, open hatch, unobstructed repair work.

What is an intersection? Answer. This is the intersection of streets, roads.

2. Game tasks

Each team plays a misconduct situation on the road, the other teams must notice the violation.

The bus is close, but a pedestrian crosses the road.

Pedestrians walk along the road without paying attention to cars.

Children play on the road.

Crossing the road in the wrong place.

3. Do you know the road signs?

Purpose: to repeat the types of signs, to name correctly what this sign means and to which group it belongs (prohibiting, warning, priority signs, prescriptive signs, information and direction signs, service signs).

The facilitator distributes a leaflet with signs to each team, the teams sign them.

4. Questions-tickets for each team

1 On which side of the sidewalk should a pedestrian move? Answer. On the right.

2 What does the centerline mean? Answer. The center line is the white line that divides the road into 2 equal parts.

3 Where is it allowed to cross the carriageway if there is no crossing in sight? Answer. On a clearly visible section of the road, if there are no fences, at right angles to the carriageway.

4 What are the elements of a suburban road? Answer. Roadside, carriageway, ditch.

5 What is the curb? Answer. This is a special section of the road for pedestrians.

6 What is a cuvette? Answer. This is a drainage ditch on a country road.

7 How should a pedestrian move on a country road? Answer. Towards transport.

8 What does a green flashing traffic light mean? Answer. Stop the movement.

9 What does the yellow flashing traffic light mean? Answer. Wait for the next signal.

5. Riddles(questions are asked to each team in turn)

1. Striped horse.

Her name is zebra.

But not the one at the zoo -

People all walk along it.


2. Look what a strong man:

On the go with one hand

Used to stop

Five-ton truck.


3. House is wonderful - slider

On his eight legs

Day-day on the road

Runs along the alley

Along two steel snakes.


4. That's so miraculous!

There are two wheels under me.

I spin them with my feet

And swing, swing, swing!

(A bike)

5. On the side of the road,

How the soldiers are standing.

We all carry out

Everything they tell us.

6. Inanimate, but goes,

It is motionless, but it leads.

7. To help you

The path is dangerous

Both day and night are burning

Green, yellow, red.

(Traffic lights)

8. Small, remote

Shouts the loudest.


9. The house goes down the street,

We're lucky to get to work.

Not on chicken legs

And in rubber boots.


10. Drinks gasoline like milk,

Can run far.


11. The green sign will light up -

So we can sit down.

(Traffic lights)

6. Conclusion

During the whole class hour, we talked about the rules of the road, about who helps us to comply with them. At the end of the game, let's call all the pedestrian assistants again (Children's Answers).

7. Summing up

Appendix 1. (for cutting)

1 On which side of the sidewalk should a pedestrian move?

2 What does the centerline mean?

3 Where is it allowed to cross the carriageway if there is no crossing in sight?

4 What are the elements of a suburban road?

5 What is the curb?

6 What is a cuvette

7 How should a pedestrian move on a country road?

8 What does a green flashing traffic light mean?

9 What does the yellow flashing traffic light mean?

Appendix 2. (for cutting)

1 Warning signs


No Pedestrians

3 Mandatory signs

Bicycle lane

4 Signs of special regulations


5 Information signs

Parking place

Size: px

Start showing from page:


1 Class hour "My way home" Development of a class hour. Grade: 4 Topic "Safe way from school to home and back." Purpose: to form the ideas of junior schoolchildren about road safety. Tasks: 1) Review the rules of movement of pedestrians on the street and road, 2) Teach to choose the safest route from school to home and back, teach to develop a route, 3) Development of the ability to work in pairs, development of attention. Forms of work: conversation, pair work, practical work. Equipment: multimedia projector, posters "Road signs", audio recording "Down the street, down the street" music by T. Shutenko, words by G. Boyko, cards with schemes for working in pairs. The course of the lesson. 1. Motivational moment. Formulation of the topic of the lesson. - Look at each other, smile, wish successful work for yourself, your neighbor, and the whole class. - What do we need for successful work in the lesson? - Show with your fit that you are ready to work. Guys, watch the video and try to formulate the topic of our class hour. (Video “Safe Way to School” - What do you think is the topic of our lesson? - Yes, you are right, the topic of our class hour is “Safe way from school to home and back.” - What learning objectives will you set for yourself knowing the topic of the lesson ? Based on the words - helpers voice them. (On the slide: repeat the rules to learn how to choose learn about) (Possible answers appear on the slide, which the teacher summarizes repeat the rules for crossing the road, learn how to choose a safe way from school to home and back) learn how make your way safe) II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

2 -How do you understand the meaning of the word - safe? -How else can I say? (Prudent, careful, leisurely.) -To find a safe route to school, what do you think you need to know? - That's right, you need to navigate the road well, know the traffic rules and avoid danger. - What assistants on the streets of our village help to cross the road with a lesser degree of danger? (pedestrian path, there are no traffic lights in the village) - Tell us how to cross the pedestrian path correctly? - What traffic signs do you see on your way to school? Show them on a poster. What are they talking about"? Let's play the game "Road sign" With a guess, you must also answer where on the way to school you meet this sign. I will get off the bike If I see this sign, And I go like a pedestrian, Together with him on the crossing (movement on bicycles is prohibited) What is this sign here? A pedestrian The crossed out goes in it. What does this mean? Maybe they are offended here? (pedestrian traffic is prohibited) The highway rustled with tires, Running cars, But near the school, turn off the gas - Hanging, drivers, for you A special sign is here "Children" We are all responsible for them. And you guys are at this sign too, be careful! (children) - Guys, look at the diagram of our village. (slide map - diagram of the village of Abatskoye) - Tell us about the peculiarities of the location of our school? (entrance is possible from Lenin Street and Sovetskaya Street along the pedestrian path, the presence of sidewalks, the place is lighted, the traffic is quite intense) -What streets do you need to cross? Is it easy to do it? Why? Everyone has their own way to school, so familiar, you can walk along it with your eyes closed! But it turns out that it does not always happen

3 safe. Now you have become an adult and your parents have entrusted you to walk on it on your own. But remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them in order to avoid danger. - How should you go to always be safe? (we walk along the sidewalk, keeping to the right side, we cross the road along the footpath .._) - Also, the guys want to remind you that you can't call anyone across the road: no family, no friends, no acquaintances. This is not only indecent, but can be dangerous, as it encourages you to cross the road, forgetting the traffic rules. If there is no sidewalk, we go towards the moving traffic. We avoid unpopulated places, poorly lit on the road. Those traveling home by bus must also comply with the rules of safe behavior at the bus stop when exiting the bus. - Name these rules. Fizminutka -Now you will listen to a song about the rules of the road and at the same time do what it is sung about, walk along the sidewalk, cross the street. (The song “Down the street, down the street” sounds, music by T. Shutenko, lyrics by G. Boyko.) Repetition of traffic rules. Guys, what is the name of this fabulous man? (on Pinocchio's slide) Pinocchio is going to school. But so that nothing happens to him on the way to school, let's help him. As soon as you hear that Buratino is doing something wrong, immediately clap your hands, that is, you warn. So, Buratino took the "ABC" and went to school. All people walked along the sidewalk, and so did the fairytale man. But here's the road. Three more tremendous steps to the car, and Buratino decided that he would have time to run across. (Children clap their hands) Guys, why are you warning Pinocchio? (You can not cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle) Missed Buratino's cars and crossed the road. There was still a lot of time before the start of school, because Buratino left the house early. Then he decided to read all the signs that came his way. Boy, be careful! Don't count the crows. Go right the passers-by said. (Children clap) (On the sidewalk you have to walk on the right side, so as not to interfere with people who are walking towards) While Buratino was reading the signs, there was not much time left before the lessons began.

4 We must hurry, the wooden boy decided. And there is another road ahead. The traffic light was blinking a red eye on everyone. I'll cross the road, Buratino decided. There are no cars. (Children clap their hands) (Buratino wanted to cross the road at a red traffic light. And you can't cross this way, even if there are no cars. You have to wait for the green light to turn on) But then the green light came on. All pedestrians, and Pinocchio too, crossed the road. And here is the school! Guys, you helped Buratino get to school safely. But trouble could have happened. What rules did the fairytale hero want to break? (Crossing the street in front of nearby traffic, crossing the street at a red light, walking on the sidewalk off the right and interfering with oncoming pedestrians) What advice would you give to children like Pinocchio? (Study the rules of the road) Working in pairs. Pupils are given schematic images of situations. Children perform tasks in pairs, remembering traffic rules. (work with schemes. The schemes are presented below) Rules of traffic safety on the street. The right way to school. Check on the slide (a slide with a diagram opens, the children compare) - Clap your hands for those who have completed the task correctly. Explain why this path is correct and safe? 3. Practical work. 1. Drawing up a diagram of a safe path. We repeated the rules of the road and now using a map - a scheme, try to develop a scheme - a safe route from school to home. We will agree on dangerous places, mark in red, and mark a possible path in green. - Do not forget to mark pedestrian crossings, road signs. Children who use the bus on the way to school should plot the path from the stop on the diagram. (Children do it on a piece of paper, the teacher helps) -Who wants to tell about the route of movement according to their scheme. 2. Practical lesson on the street. Near our school there is a road along the street. Gogol. Who crosses it every day when they go to school? How do you do it? (Children explain) What signs did you see there?

5 SCHOOL Now we will go out onto this street, take a closer look at these signs and repeat the rules for crossing the road. We comply with the rules of movement in the group, the rules of conduct. The practical part. Children observe with the teacher passers-by who cross the streets, if there are violations, we find out what they can lead to. IY. The total. Reflection of the lesson. (continued in the classroom) - Why, guys, did we learn to draw up a route of our movement from home to school today, how will it be useful to us? - Can you use the developed route when moving from home to school? Why? - Who completed the educational tasks set for themselves at the beginning of the lesson, raise the yellow pencil. Those who met difficulties - a blue pencil. (we find out the reasons for the difficulties, a slide with tasks on the screen) - Our lesson is over. Thanks to all. Handout: Diagram of a route sheet for a student living in Vasilkovoye, Krasnovka (for work in pairs and a memo in a diary) Working with these schemes, the children mark road signs on the way home and from home, the most dangerous places with a red pencil. With. Vasilkovoe s. Krasnovka

6 Scheme of a route sheet for a student living in the village of Sinitsyno (for work in pairs and a memo in a diary) SCHOOL st. Evdokimov st. Kartashova st. Kuryakova Kindergarten DK street jubilee st. Soviet street Kalinin st. Gogol st. Laskin st. Laskin st. Thalmann

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MAOU Abatskaya secondary school №1 Class hour "Safe way from school home and back" Developed by: Timofeeva Lyudmila Valerievna, primary school teacher MAOU Abatskaya secondary school №1, Abatsky district, Tyumen region Development of a class hour. Grade: 1 Topic "Safe way from school to home and back." Objective: to continue to shape the ideas of junior schoolchildren about road safety. Tasks: 1) Review the rules of movement of pedestrians on the street and road, 2) Teach to choose the safest route from school to home and back, teach to develop a route, 3) Development of the ability to work in pairs, development of attention. Forms of work: conversation, pair work, practical work. Equipment: multimedia projector, posters "Road signs", audio recording "Down the street, down the street" music by T. Shutenko, words by G. Boyko, cards with schemes for working in pairs. The course of the lesson. I. Organizational moment. Formulation of the topic of the lesson. - Look at each other, smile, wish successful work for yourself, your neighbor, and the whole class. - What do we need for successful work in the lesson? - Show with your fit that you are ready to work. Guys, watch the video and try to formulate the topic of our class hour. (Safe Way to School video - What do you think is the topic of our lesson? - Yes, you are right, the theme of our class hour is "Safe way from school to home and back." - What educational tasks will you set for yourself, knowing the topic of the lesson? Based on words - helpers voice them. (On the slide: repeat the rules ... ... learn to choose ... ... learn about ... ...) (Possible answers appear on the slide, which the teacher summarizes, repeat the rules for crossing the road, learn to choose a safe way from school to home and back) learn how to make your way safe ...) II. Work on the topic of the lesson. -How do you understand the meaning of the word - safe? -How else can I say? (Prudent, careful, leisurely.) -To find a safe route to school, what do you think you need to know? - That's right, you need to navigate the road well, know the traffic rules and avoid danger. - What assistants on the streets of our village help to cross the road with a lesser degree of danger? (pedestrian path, there are no traffic lights in the village) - Tell us how to cross the pedestrian path correctly? - What traffic signs do you see on your way to school? Show them on a poster. What are they talking about"? Let's play the game "Road sign" With a guess, you must also answer where on the way to school you meet this sign. I will get off the bike If I see this sign, And I go like a pedestrian, Together with him on the crossing (movement on bicycles is prohibited) What is this sign here? A pedestrian The crossed out goes in it. What does this mean? Maybe they are offended here? (pedestrian traffic is prohibited) The highway rustled with tires, Running cars, But near the school, turn down the gas Hanging, drivers, for you A special sign is here "Children" We are all responsible for them. And you guys are at this sign too, be careful! (children) - Guys, look at the diagram of our village. (slide map - diagram of the village of Abatskoye) - Tell us about the peculiarities of the location of our school? (entrance is possible from Lenin Street and Sovetskaya Street along the pedestrian path, the presence of sidewalks, the place is lighted, the traffic is quite intense) -What streets do you need to cross? Is it easy to do it? Why? Everyone has their own way to school, so familiar, you can walk along it with your eyes closed! But it turns out that it is not always safe. Now you have become an adult and your parents have entrusted you to walk on it on your own. But remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them in order to avoid danger. - How should you go to always be safe? (we walk along the sidewalk, keeping to the right side, we cross the road along the footpath .._) - Also, the guys want to remind you that you can't call anyone across the road: no family, no friends, no acquaintances. This is not only indecent, but can be dangerous, as it encourages you to cross the road, forgetting the traffic rules. If there is no sidewalk, we go towards the moving traffic. We avoid unpopulated places, poorly lit on the road. Those traveling home by bus must also comply with the rules of safe behavior at the bus stop when exiting the bus. - Name these rules. Fizminutka -Now you will listen to a song about the rules of the road and at the same time do what it is sung about - walk along the sidewalk, cross the street. (The song “Down the street, down the street” sounds, music by T. Shutenko, lyrics by G. Boyko.) Repetition of traffic rules. - Guys, what is the name of this fabulous man? (on Pinocchio's slide) - Pinocchio is going to school. But so that nothing happens to him on the way to school, let's help him. As soon as you hear that Buratino is doing something wrong, immediately clap your hands, that is, you warn. - So, Buratino took the "ABC" and went to school. All people walked along the sidewalk, and so did the fairytale man. But here's the road. Three more tremendous steps to the car, and Buratino decided that he would have time to run across. (Children clap their hands) - Guys, why are you warning Pinocchio? (You cannot cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle) - Buratino missed the car and crossed the road. There was still a lot of time before the start of school, because Buratino left the house early. Then he decided to read all the signs that came his way. - Boy, be careful! Don't count the crows. Walk right - passers-by said. (Children clap) (On the sidewalk you have to walk on the right side, so as not to interfere with people who are walking towards) - While Pinocchio was reading the signs, there was not much time left before the lessons began. “We must hurry,” the wooden boy decided. And there is another road ahead. The traffic light was blinking a red eye on everyone. - I'll cross the road, - Buratino decided. There are no cars. (Children clap their hands) (Buratino wanted to cross the road at a red traffic light. And you can't cross this way, even if there are no cars. You have to wait for the green light to turn on) - But then the green light came on. All pedestrians, and Pinocchio too, crossed the road. And here is the school! - Guys, you helped Pinocchio safely get to school. But trouble could have happened. What rules did the fairytale hero want to break? (Cross the street in front of a nearby vehicle, cross the street at a red traffic light, walk on the sidewalk not on the right side and interfere with oncoming pedestrians) - What advice would you give to children like Pinocchio? (Study the rules of the road) Working in pairs. Pupils are given schematic images of situations. Children perform tasks in pairs, remembering traffic rules. (work with diagrams. The diagrams are presented below). Traffic safety rules on the street. ... The right way to school. Check on the slide (a slide with a diagram opens, the children compare) - Clap your hands for those who have completed the task correctly. Explain why this path is correct and safe? III. Practical work. 1. Drawing up a diagram of a safe path. We repeated the rules of the road and now, using the map, try to develop a safe route from school to home. We will agree on dangerous places - we mark it in red, and in green we mark a possible path. - Do not forget to mark pedestrian crossings, road signs. Children who use the bus on the way to school should plot the path from the stop on the diagram. (Children perform on a piece of paper in a box, the teacher helps) -Who wants to tell about the route of movement according to their scheme. 2. Practical lesson on the street. Near our school there is a road along the street. Lenin. Who crosses it every day when they go to school? How do you do it? (children explain) What signs did you see there? Now we will go out to this street, take a closer look at these signs and repeat the rules for crossing the road. We comply with the rules of movement in the group, the rules of conduct. The practical part. Children observe with the teacher passers-by who cross the streets, if there are violations, we find out what they can lead to. IY. The total. Reflection of the lesson. (continued in the classroom) - Why, guys, did we learn to draw up a route of our movement from home to school today, how will it be useful to us? - Can you use the developed route when moving from home to school? Why? - Who completed the educational tasks set for themselves at the beginning of the lesson, raise the yellow pencil. Those who met difficulties - a blue pencil. (we find out the reasons for the difficulties, a slide with tasks on the screen) - Our lesson is over. Thanks to all. Schemes for working in pairs Link to Internet sources -shkolu ›index.php / zagadki / 283-zagadki-o

Classroom hour

"Safe way home and back from school"

Designed by:

Korolenko T.N.,

primary school teacher


Development of a class hour.

Class: 2 B

The theme is "Safe travel from school to home and back."

Target: to form the ideas of junior schoolchildren about road safety.


1) Repeat the rules of movement of pedestrians on the street and road,

2) Learn to choose the safest route from school to home and back, teach to develop a route,

3) Development of the ability to work in pairs, development of attention.

Forms of work : conversation, pair work, practical work.

Equipment : multimedia projector, posters "Road signs", audio recording "Down the street, down the street" music by T. Shutenko, words by G. Boyko, cards with schemes for working in pairs.

The course of the lesson.

  1. Motivational moment. Formulation of the topic of the lesson.

Look at each other, smile, wish successful work for yourself, your neighbor, and the whole class.

What do we need to be successful in class?

Show with your fit that you are ready to work.

Guys, watch the video and try to formulate the topic of our class hour.

(Safe Way to School video )

What do you think is the topic of our lesson?

Yes, you are right, the theme of our class hour is "Safe Route from School Home and Back".

Knowing the topic of the lesson, what learning objectives will you set for yourself?

Based on words - helpers voice them.

(On the slide:

Repeat rules ... ...

learn to choose ……

learn about ……)

(Possible answers appear on the slide, which the teacher summarizes

repeat the rules for crossing the road,

learn to choose the safe route from school to home and back)

learn how to make your path safe ...)

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

How do you understand the meaning of the word - safe?

How else can you say?

(Prudent, careful, unhurried.)

To find a safe route to school, what do you think you need to know?

That's right, you need to navigate the road well, know the traffic rules and avoid danger.

What assistants on the streets of our village help to cross the road with less danger? (pedestrian path, there are no traffic lights in the village)

Tell us how to cross the pedestrian path correctly?

What traffic signs do you see on your way to school? Show them on a poster. What are they talking about"?

Let's play the game "Road Sign"

With a guess, you must also answer where on the way to school you meet this sign.

I will get off the bike

If I see this sign

And I will go like a pedestrian

Together with him on the transition

(cycling is prohibited)

What is the sign here? A pedestrian

In it, the crossed out goes.

What does this mean?

Maybe they are offended here?

(No Pedestrians)

The highway rustled with tires

Running cars

But near the school, turn down the gas

Hanging, drivers, for you

Special sign here "Children"

We are all responsible for them.

And you are with this sign too,

Guys, be careful! (children)

Guys, look at the diagram of our village. (Slide map - diagram of the village of Abatskoe)

Tell us about the peculiarities of the location of our school?

(entrance is possible from Lenin Street and Sovetskaya Street along the pedestrian path, the presence of sidewalks, the place is illuminated, the traffic is quite intense)

What streets do you need to cross? Is it easy to do it? Why?

Everyone has their own way to school, so familiar, you can walk along it with your eyes closed! But it turns out that it is not always safe. Now you have become an adult and your parents have entrusted you to walk on it on your own.

But remember that there are always rules, on every road, and therefore you must follow them in order to avoid danger.

How should you go to always be safe?

(we walk along the sidewalk, keeping to the right side, we cross the road along the footpath .._)

Also, the guys want to remind you that you cannot call anyone across the road: neither relatives, nor friends, not acquaintances. This is not only indecent, but can be dangerous, as it encourages you to cross the road, forgetting the traffic rules. If there is no sidewalk, we go towards the moving traffic. We avoid unpopulated places, poorly lit on the road. Those traveling home by bus must also comply with the rules of safe behavior at the bus stop when exiting the bus.

Name these rules.


Now you will listen to a song about the rules of the road and at the same time do what it is sung about - walking on the sidewalk, crossing the street.

(The song "Down the street, down the street" is played, music by T. Shutenko, lyrics by G. Boyko.)

Repetition of traffic rules.

- Guys, what is the name of this fabulous man?

(on the slide Pinocchio)

- Buratino is going to school. But so that nothing happens to him on the way to school, let's help him. As soon as you hear that Buratino is doing something wrong, immediately clap your hands, that is, you warn.

- So, Buratino took the "ABC" and went to school. All people walked along the sidewalk, and so did the fairytale man. But here's the road. Three more tremendous steps to the car, and Buratino decided that he would have time to run across.

(Children clap their hands)

- Guys, why are you warning Pinocchio?

(You can not cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle)

- Buratino missed the car and crossed the road. There was still a lot of time before the start of school, because Buratino left the house early. Then he decided to read all the signs that came his way.

- Boy, be careful! Don't count the crows. Walk right - passers-by said.

(Children clap)

(On the sidewalk, you need to walk on the right side, so as not to interfere with people who are walking towards)

- While Pinocchio was reading the signs, there was little time left before the lessons began.

“We must hurry,” the wooden boy decided.

And there is another road ahead. The traffic light was blinking a red eye on everyone.

- I'll cross the road, - Buratino decided. There are no cars.

(Children clap their hands)

(Pinocchio wanted to cross the road at a red traffic light. And you can't cross that way, even if there are no cars. You have to wait for the green light to turn on)

- But then the green light of the traffic light came on. All pedestrians, and Pinocchio too, crossed the road. And here is the school!

- Guys, you helped Pinocchio safely get to school. But trouble could have happened. What rules did the fairytale hero want to break?

(Cross the street in front of a nearby vehicle, cross the street at a red traffic light, walk on the sidewalk not on the right side and interfere with oncoming pedestrians)

- What advice would you give to children like Pinocchio?

(Learn traffic rules)

Pair work.

Pupils are given schematic images of situations. Children perform tasks in pairs, remembering traffic rules.

(work with diagrams. The diagrams are presented below)

Traffic safety rules on the street.

The right way to school.

Check by slide (a slide with a diagram opens, the children compare)

Clap your hands for those who have completed the task correctly. Explain why this path is correct and safe?

  1. Practical work.

1. Drawing up a diagram of a safe path.

We repeated the rules of the road and now using a map - a scheme, try to develop a scheme - a safe route from school to home. We will agree on dangerous places - we mark it in red, and in green we mark a possible path.

Do not forget to mark pedestrian crossings, road signs. Children who use the bus on the way to school should plot the path from the stop on the diagram.

(Children do it on a piece of paper in a box, the teacher helps)

Who wants to tell about the route according to their scheme.

2. Practical lesson on the street.

Near our school there is a road along the street. Lenin. Who crosses it every day when they go to school? How do you do it? (Children explain)

What signs did you see there?

Now we will go out to this street, take a closer look at these signs and repeat the rules for crossing the road. We comply with the rules of movement in the group, the rules of conduct.

The practical part.

Children observe with the teacher passers-by who cross the streets, if there are violations, we find out what they can lead to.

IY. The total. Reflection of the lesson.

(continued in class)

Why, guys, did we learn to draw up the route of our movement from home to school today, how will it be useful to us?

Can the developed route be used when moving from home to school? Why?

Who completed the educational tasks set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson, raise the yellow pencil. Those who met difficulties - a blue pencil.

(we find out the reasons for the difficulties, a slide with tasks on the screen)

Our lesson is over. Thanks to all.

Pairing circuits

Municipal government educational institution

middle School of General education

With. Preobrazhenka of the Katangsky district of the Irkutsk region

Primary school teacher of the first category

Menshova Iya Iosifovna

Extracurricular activity

"Safe road to school!"

Target:to form knowledge about road signs and the ability to apply safety rules of behavior on the roads; foster a sense of respect for their health.


  1. Educational: to form the skills of implementation of the basic rules of behavior among students on the street and on the road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;
  2. Developing: the development of visual memory, attention, dexterity, ingenuity.
  3. Educational: foster discipline, collectivism; a culture of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

Equipment and TCO : music center, music tracks, camera, video camera, traffic rules, sheets of paper, pencils, puzzles and crosswords, colored circles (corresponding to the colors of the traffic light), ball, felt-tip pens.

Participants: 3 teams of 3-5 people (students in grades 1-4).

Preliminary organizational work:

1. Selection of material for the event and writing a script.

2. Installation of equipment and decoration of the event venue

3. Making handouts for participants.

Event progress:

I ... Organizing time.

- The bell has already rung

then the lesson has begun.

Our lesson will tell everyone -

how without troubles and without problems

early in the morning slowly,

come to school for kids.

- You can guess what we are going to talk about in today's lesson.I suggest you rubpalms. Have you lost it? Place them on your cheeks. Do you feel warm? Warmth is life, and life is the most precious thing we have. Life must be protected!

  1. Introductory conversation.

Guess the riddle:

Winding among the cornfields,

Forest, copse

Without end and edge.

Nor tear it,

Not in a ball.

- Guys, what is it ? ROAD.

How are the words "life" and "road" related? What are we going to talk about in today's lesson? Why do you need to know the Rules of the road?(so as not to get hit by a car, not to die)


Everyone must remember:

If the traffic rules

They do it all around

Let's be alive, we'll be whole

Me and you, my young friend.

To everyone in the world

To everyone in the world

These rules are needed.

Remember adults and children

These rules should!

  1. Story

The first Traffic Laws appeared over 2000 years ago.

There was a time, when there were no cars yet, when only riders on horseback, chariots and horse-drawn carriages rode along the streets and roads. They could be considered the first vehicles. Wentthrough the streets and walked as you like, and therefore often collided with each other. Often there were collisions of people with horses, horses among themselves.After all, the streets of cities in those days were usually narrow, and the roads were winding and bumpy. It became clear that it was necessary to streamline traffic on the streets and roads, so they invented rules that made traffic convenient and safe. Moreover, the streets of modern big cities are filled with cars, trucks, buses, trams. The clutter on the street would make life difficult and dangerous: cars would create congestion, run over pedestrians, collide with each other. Goods would not be delivered to shops on time, doctors did not have time to see patients, firefighters - to a fire.

So that there was no disorder, Traffic Rules were drawn up - the laws of streets and roads. It is the responsibility of drivers and pedestrians to be aware of and comply with these rules. The driver must know what awaits him on the road ahead. Traffic signs inform him about it. They are made in the form of simple drawings so that they can be distinguished from afar and so that they can be understood by people of different countries.The first country to come up with traffic rules for car drivers is France.

- Whoever believes that he knows all the traffic rules and knows how to use them, show the green signal.

Who knows all the rules, but does not know how to apply them correctly, show the yellow signal.

Who does not know everything and can not do everything, show the red signal.

Guys, I see that we still have a lot to learn and a lot to learn.

2. Transport (presentation)

What types of public transport do you know? (Trolleybus, bus, tram, car, metro)

Well done! When we walk down the street, who are we?(Pedestrians.)

Is it easy to be a pedestrian?

What you need to remember as soon as you leave the house ... ..that you immediately become a pedestrian. Whateasier! He stepped with his left foot, stepped with his right ... It is really not difficult to walk. Throughout the room, through the park, along the forest path. But the street is not a park, not a path. A real pedestrian is one who calmly walks through a noisy city, village and along a quiet road. A real pedestrian behaves confidently on the street, he does not interfere with cars and he himself will never get hit by a car. Cars go by the rules and there are rules for pedestrians too. Everyone should know these rules in order not to be under the wheels of the car. But guys, after all, there are those among us who themselves jump out onto the roadway directly under the wheels, or play on the roadway, pushing each other.

3. Traffic light

- What mechanical device is used to regulate traffic? (Traffic lights)

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burns day and night -

Green, yellow, red. (Traffic lights.)

- Tell me, do you know why the traffic light is called that?

- This word is composed of two parts: "light" and "fore". You know the meaning of the word "light", but what is "fore"? The word "for" comes from the Greek "foros", which means "carrier" or "carrier". If you combine these two parts, it becomes clear that the word "traffic light" means "carrier of light", "carrying light". The traffic light does indeed carry light, with three different colors. Which ones?

It turns out that they began to regulate movement with a mechanical device already 140 years ago, inLondon.The first traffic light stood in the center of the city on a pillar high 6 meters ... It was controlled by a specially assigned person. With the help of a system of belts, he raised and lowered the pointer of the device. Then the arrow was replaced by a lantern that worked on lamp gas. There were green and red glasses in the lantern, and the yellow ones had not yet been invented.

The first electric traffic light appeared in the United States, in the city of Cleveland, in 1914. He, too, had only two signals - red and green - and was manually controlled. The yellow signal replaced the police warning whistle. But after 4 years, three-color electric traffic lights with automatic control appeared in New York.

Interestingly, in the first traffic lights, the green signal was at the top, but then it was decided that it was better to place the red signal on top. And now, in all countries of the world, traffic lights are located according to a single rule: red at the top, yellow in the middle, green at the bottom.

In our in the country for the first time traffic lights appeared in 1929 in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the regulator manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color.

Why are these colors chosen?

Red - the color of danger. It is clearly visible both day and night, and in rain and fog.He seems to be saying: “Stop! The way is closed! "

Green the color differs sharply from red; they cannot be confused. Therefore, a green traffic light, unlike a red one, does not prohibit, but allowsmotion. He seems to be saying:“The way is open! Boldly forward! "

Another traffic light was placed between the red and green "eyes"yellow ... He encourages drivers and pedestrians to be attentive, as if telling them:"Attention! Traffic will soon be either allowed or prohibited. "

- What are the two types of traffic lights?

(Children have album sheets on their tables depicting three traffic lights and two pedestrian ones.)

Physical minute (traffic light )

DD signs

Important road signs. Compass for adults and children.Children! Be careful!Know what is not allowed, what is possible!Follow immutably everything that the signs say!

V red triangle The signs are careful. They warn, Call for attention. (showing signs)

Prohibit signs Miscellaneous movement: overtaking, turning - Bred circles The people are circling around them. (showing signs)

And there are also signs - good friends: They will indicate the direction of your movement. Where to eat, refuel, sleep,

1. The road to school and home.

How old can you rideby bikeon the carriageway? (From the age of 14).


  1. What is another name for a pedestrian crossing? (zebra)
  2. A person who regulates traffic at an intersection and road. (adjuster)
  3. Striped traffic control stick. (rod)
  4. What is the name of any street used for traffic, avenue, including sidewalks, curbs? (road)
  5. The intersection of roads and streets. (crossroads)
  6. How do cars light up the roads? (headlights)
  7. One of the means of traffic regulation. (traffic lights)
  8. What traffic signal is pedestrian and vehicle traffic allowed? (green)
  9. Part of the road designated for pedestrian traffic. (Sidewalk)
  10. Waiting place for a bus, trolleybus, tram. (stop)
  11. How to name a car, bus, tram, trolleybus in one word? (transport)
  12. A person who drives a vehicle. (driver)

N. A. Izvekova "Rules of the road". 2nd class.

  • N.A.Izvekova "Traffic rules". Grade 3
  • A.A. Pleshakov “To make the path happy.” The world around us. Textbook. for 3cl. beginning school At 2h. Part 2
  • A.A. Pleshakov "Road signs". World around us. Textbook. for 3cl. start. At 2h. Part 2
  • V. Timofeev "For pedestrians".
  • A. M. Yakupov "Safety in the streets and cities."
  • Extracurricular activities: Grade 1 / Auth. Compiled by OU Zhirenko, L. N. Yarovaya, L. P. Barylkina and others - 3rd ed., Revised. and add. –M.: VAKO, 2010.-288
  • 2019г
