Clinical medicine

Health and Preventive Copper Sciences



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Reception Commission ROSGMU

schedule.Mode of operation:

Mon, W., Wed, Thu., Fri. from 11:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews of ROSGMU

Anonymous feedback 14:34 21.05.2017

Tightening unbound university. Teachers, often, have no idea what they say. In most cases, tagged with a book. Many teachers extort money for a session from students. Attitude towards students as a cattle. If you want to kill 5-6 years old in your life, get a minimum of knowledge, spend a bunch of money at the session. Never enter into this seedler corruption.

Popov Alexey 16:56 05/20/2013

In 2007, the sister had a question where to do?! After a long reflection, the whole family decided that it would be RGMU. Immediately examined the question of medical university, because Sister liked medicine. Dad, being a physician, said that if medicine, then only dentistry. So decided that it would be a dentist. It was not very difficult to enter, because Immediately did not claim to budget, and the contract is never a problem. They dangled, the examinations of the exams, and came! Problems with a hostel ...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Rostov State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Colleges of Rostgmu

  • College Rostov State Medical University


No. 02604 acts indefinitely from 06/22/2017


No. 03092 is valid from 04/30/2019

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RFGMU

Indicator2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Efficiency indicator (out of 5 points)5 6 6 6 4 6
Middle Screen EGE in all specialties and training forms73.74 71.35 75.66 69.48 68.38 80.92
Middle score exam enrolled on the budget79.9 79.24 81.24 79.00 76.93 88.2
Middle score exam enrolled on a commercial basis68.57 66.02 66.30 63.42 62.51 77.54
Middle for all specialties Minimal scores of EE enrolled in full-time compartment48.77 45.4 38.98 42.94 49.14 55.8
Number of students6446 6062 5793 5513 5197 4947
Full-time compartment6409 6012 5694 5394 5027 4695
Part-time compartment15 5 0 17 67 129
Extramural22 45 99 102 103 123
All data

Rostov State Medical University is one of the oldest and largest medical universities in the south of Russia. The university has a rich history. From the date of its foundation and to the present, the University occupies a leading place in the training of specialists for the practical health care of Russia, countries of near and far abroad. University's specialists at a high professional level provide qualified and specialized medical care. The history of ROSGMU begins in 1915, when at the beginning of the First World War in Rostov-on-Don, the Imperial Warsaw University was evacuated, which consisted of the medical faculty. The medical faculty rapidly grew into the largest independent domestic medical university in the south of Russia.

The quality of education at the university provides 122 doctors of sciences, professors, 505 candidates of science, 6 honored science figures of the Russian Federation, 8 honored workers of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, 27 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, 5 Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation and carriers other honorary ranks of Russia, scientists with world names. Advanced doctors of our country have formed large scientific schools in RFGMU.

The University has a simulation learning center that allows you to get the most approaching the process of preparing future doctors to the realities of professional activities.

RFGMU interacts with foreign research centers, exchanges employees and students with medical institutions of Great Britain, USA, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova /

In November 2015, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation created a scientific and educational medical cluster of the Southern Federal District - "South", whose coordinator became the Rostov State Medical University.

ROSGMU - one of the few medical educational institutions in Russia, having its own clinic, including 16 stationary departments for 630 beds (of which 120 beds of the day hospital), including the center of neurological, 2 branches of anesthesiology-resuscitation, advisory-polyclini- Clear office, medical center, dental department, 11 medical diagnostic divisions, blood technology center, morphological department, and working on a functional basis, center Cardiology, center of paroxysmal states and epilepsy, city center for diagnostics and treatment of extrapyramidal disorders.

Since 2017, the University's structure includes the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics (NIIAP ROSGMU). In NIIAP, 19 divisions and 8 laboratories are functioning, 5 scientific departments in which 16 doctors of medical sciences, 5 doctors of biological sciences, 7 professors, 92 candidates of medical and biological sciences, 1 Honored Scientist of Russia, 1 Honored Inventor of Russia, 1 Honored Worker Health of Russia.

Along with researchers in medical and practical work, 105 doctors of various specialties are involved, including 55 doctors of the highest qualifying category. The scientific research structure of RFGMU includes the Central Research Laboratory, which includes a laboratory of bioinformatics, medical statistics and computer modeling, Department of biochemical, physicochemical and microbiological studies and the department of molecularobiological and optical research methods; Nii of immunology and allergology and 4 problematic scientific laboratories: the laboratory of neuropsychological methods of diagnosis and treatment, the laboratory of a comprehensive study of reproductive violations of girls and teenage girls, the laboratory of physical methods of diagnosis and treatment, the laboratory for the study of pain forming mechanisms.

The university successfully develops 9 scientific schools - pathophysiologists, general surgeons, urologists, physiologists, pediatricians, cardiologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons, clinical immunologists and allergists and school of obstetricians and gynecologists.

November 17, 2015 in Rostov-on-Don (Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, 55, the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth) took place the VI information exhibition of educational institutions of the Rostov Region "Asbiturient-2016", dedicated to the International Student Day. The event was organized by the Youth Public Organization "Union of Young Rostovchan" with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Rostov Region and the Southern Federal University.

The exhibition was attended by representatives of 25 educational institutions of the highest professional and
secondary vocational education of the city of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region. The exhibition participants were able to familiarize themselves with the achievements of educational organizations, to participate in professional testing and counseling, visit master classes.

Students and teachers of College ROSGMU presented 2 exhibition modules. Schikhkayivova Diana demonstrated to applicants of the exhibition master class on intramuscular injections, as well as on the use of Vacutainer vacuum system with HemoGard Castle to take venous blood on research prepared under the guidance of the teacher Isaiet T.N. A large number of applicants became interested in a master class and tried their own hands to carry out blood sampling from veins and make an intramuscular injection.

College students under the guidance of teachers Medvedova T.A. and Shulzhenko A.I. They told the participants of the festival about the possibilities of learning in the college, presented a presentation on the specialties of the preparation and conditions of receipt of the college, distributed flyers with college information. I would like to note that schoolchildren who are interested in receipt of the College of ROSGMU turned out to be a lot.

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