: Early diagnosis and correction

Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1992

BBK 74.3 m32

Reviewer Methodist I / C number 890 Khoroshevsky district of Moscow L. T. Vorobyeva

Mastiukova E. M.

M32 A child with development deviations: Early diagnosis and correction. - M.: Education, 1992.-95 p.: Il.-ISBN 5-09-004049-4.

The book summarizes the data of domestic and foreign studies on the diagnosis and correction of various forms of abnormal development of young children.

The author considers abnormal development as a consequence of organic lesion of the central nervous system. Special attention draws to early diagnosis and correction of deviations in the cognitive sector of children.

The book is intended for defectologists, psychologists, educators of abnormal children, will be interested in students of defectological faculties, parents.

M 4310010000-339, bz_92 (Order by KB-34-1991) BBK 74.3 103 (03) -92

ISBN. 5-09-004049-4 @ Mastiukova E. M., 1992

Types and causes of deviations in development in children

Causes of deviations in development

Age patterns of psychomotor development of children in the norm and pathology

The main patterns of age development

Psychomotor Development of the first year of life

The role of speech in the mental development of the child

Features of deviations in the development of young children

Early diagnosis of development deviations

Basic Methods and Criteria for Medical Diagnostics

The main forms of abnormal mental development

Mental retardation

Impaired mental function

Heavy violations of speech

Sensory and motor disorders

Violations of communication

Correctional education of children with development deviations


Early diagnosis and correction of disabilities of psychomotor development of children are the main condition for their effective training and education, the prevention of severe disability and social disadaptation.

The role of the family, the emotional and positive communication of the child with the surrounding adults for its normal mental development. However, for children with deviations in the development of this, it turns out to be a little: they often need special conditions that ensure the correction of disturbed functions.

The data obtained by modern medicine indicate the effectiveness of early correctional and educational events. This is due to the fact that it was in the first years of life a child's brain develops the most intensive.

In addition, in the early stages of development, children absorb motor, speech and behavioral stereotypes. If in a child with deviations in development, they were originally formed and enshrined incorrectly, then later it is extremely difficult to correct.

Education of children with developmental deviations is distinguished by the originality, which is, firstly, in its correctional orientation, secondly, in the inseparable relationship of corrective measures with the formation of practical skills and skills. Specific features of education of such children depend on the type of abnormal development, the degree and nature of violations of various functions, as well as the compensatory and age capabilities of the child.

Many children with development deviations besides proper education, training and correction of disturbed functions also need special treatment. All this determines the need for early diagnosis of various deviations in psychomotor development.

In the diagnosis of abnormal development, it is not enough to state the intellectual, speech, motor or sensory failure, it is necessary to put a clinical diagnosis that would reflect the cause and mechanism of developmental development, would define the school and social prognosis, and also planned the paths and methods of medical and correctional work. Therefore, specialists of medical and psychological and pedagogical consultations and pre-school employees should be well focused on the diagnosis of various forms of abnormal development, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe current methods of their treatment and psychological and pedagogical correction.

The book offered to the attention of readers is the result of the generalization of many years of experience of the author with children who have deviations in development, as well as a critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature. This made it possible to describe not only the forms of abnormal development, but also such diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), in which there are complex defects and deviations of psychomotor development.

The purpose of this book is to show employees of special and general pre-school institutions, as well as parents the structure and nature of the developments in children in development, the age patterns of the formation of psyche, techniques and methods for the correction of disturbed functions.

Types and causes of deviations in development in children

Types of developmental disorders

Psychomotor development is a complex dialectical process, which is characterized by a certain sequence and uneven maturation of individual functions, high-quality transformation in the new age stage. At the same time, each subsequent stage of development is inextricably linked with the previous one.

At the heart of psychomotor development lies a genetic program that is implemented under the influence of various environmental factors. Therefore, if the child is lagging behind in development, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the role of hereditary factors in this lag.

Various adverse effects in the intrauterine development period, during childbirth (generic injury, asphyxia), and also after birth can lead to violations of psychomotor development of the child.

For successful medical and correctional and pedagogical work with children who have deviations in development, knowledge of the causes and nature of development violations is important.

It is well known that children suffering from the same disease are in different ways in development. This is due to the genotypical features of their central nervous system, with various environmental influences, as well as at how long the correct diagnosis is made and the medical and correctional and pedagogical work begins.

Under cause Deviations in development understand the impact on the body of an external or internal adverse factor that determines the specifics lesions or development Disorders Psychomotor functions.

It is known that almost any more or less long adverse effect on the developing brain of a child can lead to disabilities in psychomotor development. Their manifestations will be different depending on the time of adverse effect, that is, on what stage of brain development it took place, its duration, from the hereditary structure of the body and primarily the central nervous system, as well as on those social conditions in which A child is raised. All these factors in the complex determine leading defect, which manifests itself in the form of insufficiency of intelligence, speech, vision, hearing, motility, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavior. In some cases, there may be several violations, then they talk about complicated or complex defect.

A complex defect is characterized by a combination of two or more violations, to the same degree determining the structure of the abnormal development and the difficulty of learning and educating the child. For example, a complex defect takes place in a child with simultaneous lesion of vision and hearing, or hearing and motility, etc.

With a complicated defect, it is possible to allocate the lead, or the main, disorders and complicating its disorders. For example, in a child with violations of mental development, non-timers of expressed impacts of view, hearing, musculoskeletal system, emotional and behavioral disorders may be observed.

Both presenter and complicating defect may be character damage so I. underdevelopment. Often there is their combination.

A feature of the children's brain is that even his little defeat does not remain partial, local, as it takes place in adult patients, and adversely affects the entire process of ripening the central nervous system. Therefore, a child with a violation of speech, hearing, view, the musculoskeletal system in the absence of early corrective measures will lag in mental development.

The development disorders described above are primary.However, along with primary often there are so-called secondary Disorders whose structure depends on the nature of the leading defect. Thus, the lag of mental development in children with general systemic underdevelopment of speech will primarily manifest itself in the weakness of verbal (verbal) memory and thinking, and in children with cerebral paralysis - in the insufficiency of spatial representations and constructive activities.

In children with earlieves, the development of an understanding of the concerned speech is violated, an active dictionary and a coherent speech are struggled. With defects of vision, the child experiences difficulties in the correlation of the word with the denotatic subject, he can repeat many words, insufficiently understanding their importance, which delays the development of the semantic side of speech and thinking.

Secondary disorders in development are addressed first of all those mental functions that are most intensively developing in early and preschool age. These include speech, thin differentiated motility, spatial representations, arbitrary regulation of activity.

Insufficiency or lack of early medical and correction and pedagogical measures and especially mental deprivation plays a major role in the emergence of secondary deviations in development. For example, a immobilized child with a cerebral palsy, who has no experience with peers, is characterized by personal and emotional-volitional immaturity, infantality, increased dependence on others.

Inhabited deviations in development, such as poorly pronounced impacts of view and hearing, are primarily delayed by the rate of mental development of the child, and can also contribute to the formation of secondary emotional and personal deviations in children. Being in mass preschool institutions, without having a differentiated approach and not receiving the medical and correctional assistance, these children can stay in the situation of failure for a long time. In such conditions, understated self-assessment, low levels of claims are often formed;

they begin to avoid communicating with peers, and gradually secondary violations are increasingly aggravated by their social disadaptation.

Thus, early diagnosis, medical and psychological and pedagogical correction make it possible to achieve significant success in the formation of the identity of children with development deviations.

Causes of deviations in development

The emergence of developmental anomalies is associated with the action of both a variety of adverse factors of the external environment and with various hereditary influences.

Recently, data were obtained on new hereditary forms of mental retardation, deafness, blindness, complex defects, pathology of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior, including early child autism (RDA).

Modern achievements of clinical, molecular, biochemical genetics and cytogenetics allowed to clarify the mechanism hereditary pathology. Through the special structures of the genital cells of parents - chromosomes - information on the signs of development anomalies are transmitted. In chromosomes, the functional units of heredity are concentrated, which are called genes.

In chromosomal diseases, with the help of special cytological studies, a change in the number or structure of chromosomes is revealed, which causes gene imbalance. According to the latest data, 1000 newborns account for 5-7 children with chromosomal anomalies. Chromosomal diseases are usually distinguished by a complex or complicated defect. At the same time, in half cases, mental retardation occurs, which is often combined with impact defects, hearing, musculoskeletal system, speech. One of these chromosomal diseases affecting primarily the intellectual sphere and often combined with sensory defects is the Down syndrome.

Development anomalies may be observed not only with chromosomal, but also with so-called gene diseases, when the number and structure of chromosomes remain unchanged. The gene is a micro-phase (locus) of chromosome, which controls the development of a certain hereditary feature. Genes are stable, but their stability is not absolute. Under the influence of various adverse environmental factors, their mutation occurs. In these cases, mutant gene programms the development of a modified feature.

If mutations occur in a single chromosome micro-stage, then they talk about monogenic forms of abnormal development; In the presence of changes in several locus chromosomes - about polygenic forms of abnormal development. In the latter case, development pathology is usually a consequence of complex interaction of both genetic and external, environmental factors.

Due to the large variety of hereditary diseases of the central nervous system, the developing abnormalities of development, their differential diagnosis is very difficult. At the same time, it should be noted that the correct early diagnosis of the disease is of paramount importance for conducting timely medical and correctional measures, assessing development forecasting, as well as to prevent the re-birth of children with disabilities in this family.

Along with the hereditary pathology, psychomotor development disorders may arise as a result of the impact on the developing brain of the child of various adverse environmental factors. These are infections, intoxication, injury, etc.

Depending on the time of exposure to these factors, highlight intrauterine or prenatal, pathology (impact during the period of intrauterine development); natal Pathology(damage in childbirth) and postnatal (adverse effects after birth).

Currently it has been established that intrauterine pathology is often accompanied by damage to the nervous system of the child in childbirth. This combination in modern medical literature is indicated by the term perinatal encephalopathy. The cause of perinatal encephalopathy, as a rule, is intrauterine hypoxia in combination with asphycia and generic injury.

The emergence of intracranial generic injury and asphyxia contributes to various disorders of the intrauterine fetus development, which reduces its protective and adaptation mechanisms. Generic injury leads to intracranial hemorrhages and to the death of nerve cells in the places of their occurrence. In premature babies, intracranial hemorrhages often arise due to the weakness of their vascular walls.

The most severe development deviations occur when clinical death Newborn, which occurs when a combination of intrauterine pathology with severe asphyxia in childbirth. There is a certain dependence between the duration of clinical death and the severity of the TSS defeat. When clinical death, more than 7-10 minutes often arise with low-respectable changes from the central nervous system with manifestations in further children's cerebral paralysis, speech disorders, mental development violations.

Recall that heavy generic injuries, hypoxia and asphyxia in childbirth may be as the only cause of abnormal development and a factor combined with intrauterine underdevelopment of the child's brain.

Among the reasons that determine the deviations in the psychomotor development of the child, a certain role can play immunological incompatibility Between the mother and the fruit of the reserves-factor and blood antigens.

Rhine or group antibodies, penetrated through the placental barrier, cause the disintegration of the erythrocytes of the fetus. As a result of this decay of erythrocytes, a special, toxic substance for the central nervous system is distinguished - indirect bilirubin. Under the influence of the indirect bilirubin, the subcortical brain departments are affected, the auditory nuclei, which leads to irregularities of hearing, speech, emotional sphere and behavior disorders. There is so-called bilirubinic encephalopathy.

With mostly intrauterine lesions of the brain, the most severe development deviations arise, including mental retardation, underdevelopment of speech, impacts of view, hearing, musculoskeletal system. These complex defects can be combined with defects in the development of internal organs, which are often observed with various infectious, especially viral, diseases of a pregnant woman. The most serious defeat of the fetus occurs with the disease of the mother in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The frequency of fetal damage in various viral diseases of the future mother of Natives. The most unfavorable in this respect of rubella, epidemic parotitis, cortex. The fetal damage can also be with a pregnant woman's disease with infectious hepatitis, chickenpox, influenza, etc.

In women who have undergone rubella during pregnancy, especially in the period of embryogenesis, i.e. from 4 weeks to 4 months, there is a high frequency of birth of children with vices of the brain, defects of hearing bodies, vision, and the cardiovascular system, in other words, speaking The infants of these women have the so-called rubeolar embryochia.

Intrauterine pathology takes place if pregnant woman has hidden (latent) chronic infections, especially such as toxoplasmosis, cytomegalia, syphilis, etc. The fetal brain defeat with these infections often leads to mental retardation combined with impairment, musculoskeletal system, epileptic seizures and others.

Also, intrauterine intoxication, metabolic disorders in a pregnant woman have an adverse effect on the development of the brain of the fetus.

Intricultural intoxication may occur when applying the mother during pregnancy medicines. It has been proven that most of the drugs passes through a placental barrier and penetrates the bloodary system of the fetus. These drugs include neuroleptic, sleeping pills and soothing agents, many antibiotics, salicylates, and, in particular, aspirin, analgesics, including drugs used for headaches, and many others. An adverse effect on the development of the brain of the fetus can be provided by various hormonal drugs and even large doses of vitamins, calcium preparation. The toxic effect of all these drugs is especially expressed in the early periods of pregnancy.

A particularly adverse effect on developing fruit has a mother's use during pregnancy of alcohol, narcotic drugs, as well as smoking.

Special studies of recent years have shown the existence between the pregnancy and the nature of the influence of alcohol on the offspring. The use of alcohol by the future mother in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially in the first weeks after conception, as a rule, causes the death of the embryo cells, which leads to gross vices for the development of the nervous system of the fetus. The alcoholization of the fetus at the later pregnancy rates causes structural changes in its nervous and bone systems, as well as in various internal organs. Such systemic manifestations of alcohol damage to the fetus in the intrauterine period were called alcohol fetal syndrome. With alcoholic fetus syndrome, pronounced psychomotor development disorders, including mental retardation, are usually combined with multiple defects: defects in the structure of the skull, face, eye, skeletal, skeletal anomalies, congenital heart defects and expressed dysfunction from the central nervous system.

It has been established that chronic alcoholism of the mother, as a rule, is combined with systematic smoking, more frequent use of drugs and drugs with a narcotic action. In these cases, a child has obviously pronounced deviations in the development, combined with violations of behavior and often with convulsive seizures. In addition, many of these children are distinguished by a pronounced physical attenuation, low vitality.

An adverse effect on the development of the brain of the fetus has various metabolic disorders in a pregnant woman, most often arising from late toxicosis of pregnancy, especially in nephropathy.

Negative impact on the development of the fetus are also diseases such as diabetes, hormonal failure, various hereditary metabolic diseases, such as phenylketonuria.

The cause of the disruption of the development of the fetus can be various physical factors and primarily ionizing radiation, as well as the effect of high frequency currents, ultrasound, etc. In addition to the direct damaging effect on the fetal brain, these factors have a mutagen influence, that is, damage the sex cells of parents and lead to genetic diseases.

Violations of psychomotor development arise under the influence of various adverse factors after birth. In these cases are noted postnatal deviations B. Development with organic or functional nature.

For the reasons of organic nature, there are primarily different neuroinfections - encephalitis, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, as well as secondary inflammatory diseases of the brain, arising as complications in various infectious childhood diseases (measles, scarletin, chickenpox, etc.). With inflammatory diseases of the brain, the death of nerve cells often occurs, followed by replacing them with a scar cloth. In addition, under these conditions, hydrocephalus can develop with an increase in intracranial pressure (hydrocephaly-hypertensive syndrome). Both of these focus-death of nerve cells and the development of hydrocephalus - contribute to atrophy of the sections of the brain, which leads to various deviations in psychomotor development, which are manifested in the form of motor and speech disorders, disorders of memory, attention, mental performance, emotional sphere and behavior. In addition, there are sometimes headaches and convulsive seizures.

Card injuries can also cause organic Damage to the CNS. The nature of the effects of the cranial and brain injury depends on its species, extensity and localization of the brain lesion. However, it should be borne in mind that in case of damage to the immature brain there is no direct correlation between the localization and severity of the defeat, on the one hand, and the remote consequences in the aspect of psychomotor development disorders, on the other. Therefore, when assessing the role of exogenous-organic factors, in the occurrence of deviations in psychomotor development, it is necessary to take into account the time, nature and localization of damage, as well as the features of the plasticity of the child's nervous system, its hereditary structure, the degree of formation of neuropsychiatric functions at the time of the brain damage.

Violations of psychomotor development are celebrated in children with severe and long-term somatic diseases. It is known that many somatic diseases in newborns and infants can determine the defeat of the nervous system as a result of metabolic disorders and the accumulation of toxic products that adversely affect developing nerve cells. The damage to the nervous system in somatic diseases is more often in premature and hypotrophic children, as well as in cases of intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia in childbirth.

Thus, the delay in psychomotor development of various severity can be observed in children with intestinal suction disorders (Malabsorption). Nervous mental deviations appear in them from the first months of life: they are distinguished by an increased nervous excitability, sleep disorders, slowing down the formation of positive emotional reactions, communicating with adults. In the future, these children are lagging behind in mental and speech development, with delay all integrative functions are formed, in particular, visual and engine coordination.

Functional reasons for the deviations of psychomotor development include social and pedagogical neglence, emotional deprivation (insufficiency of emotionally positive contact with adults), mainly in the first years of life. It is known that adverse conditions of education, especially in infant and early age, slow down the development of the communicative and cognitive activity of children. An outstanding domestic psychologist L. S. Vygotsky has repeatedly emphasizing that the process of forming the psyche of the child is determined by the social situation of development.

Violations of psychomotor development have different dynamics. Along with persistent deviations in the development due to organic brain damage, many so-called reversible options are observed, which occur with light brain dysfunction, somatic weakened ™, pedagogical neglection, emotional deprivation. These deviations can be completely overcome subject to timely carrying out the necessary medical and correctional events.

Among such reversible forms of violations in the first years of life, the lag in the development of motility and speech is most often observed.

It should be noted the importance of medical diagnosis of such functional disorders. Only a comprehensive evolutionary analysis of the development of a child as a whole and its neurological violations in particular is the basis of the correct diagnosis and forecast.

Practice shows that many parents in the presence of speech and motor disorders have basic importance attach to drug treatment, explicitly underestimating the importance of correctional work.

Currently, it has been established that there are many options for functional, partial (partial) deviations that are primarily manifested in the lag of speech or motility development, which are due to the pecuration of the brain. The approach to treating and overcoming these deviations is purely individual, and not all children show intensive stimulating treatment.

Age patterns of psychomotor development of children in the norm and pathology

The main patterns of age development

In order to reveal as early as possible in a child's deviation in development, it is important not only to have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir causes, but also to know the basic patterns of normal psychomotor development.

Mental development is carried out under the influence of biological and social factors in their inseparable unity. The ratio of these factors in the formation of various functions is ambiguous. The formation of such vital functions as regulation of respiration, cardiovascular activities, digestion is mainly predetermined by biological factors (genetic development program). The formation of the same functional systems associated with the highest nervous activity is largely due to the peculiarities of social environment, training and education.

L. S. Vygotsky was put forward by the Regulations on the leading role of training and education in the mental development of the child. He emphasized that the highest mental functions (arbitrary attention, active memorization, thinking and speech) pass the long path of their formation and mainly depend on the surrounding social environment. At the same time, the medium acts not only as a condition, but also as a source of development.

Features of mental development in the norm and pathology are largely related to the patterns of ripening of the brain, which is also due to the interaction of genetic and medial factors.

The patterns of development of the brain and the ripening of functional systems determine the continuity of the stages of the neuropsychic development of the child. This is determined by the important principle of the evolution of the brain, namely the principle of heterochrony of its development. As L. S. Vygotsky pointed out, each mental function has its own optimal formation step, which corresponds to the period of the dominant position of this function in the psyche. Intensive and uneven development of mental functions in these periods determines their increased vulnerability. The unevenness of ripening is manifested in partial (partial) development delays. For example, with normal mental development, a child may have a satisfactory understanding of speech and temporary lag in the formation of active, colloquial speech. About such children, parents usually say: "Everything understands, but does not say." Of course, with such uneven development of speech, the child must be carefully examined by a psychoneurologist and speech therapist.

Along with the uneven maturation of individual functional systems and their links, their interaction has important for normal mental development, otherwise there will be no full-fledged connection of systems into a single ensemble, which will lead to specific deviations in development. Despite the different pattern of maturation of each functional system at different stages of the age development of the child, its brain in all periods of life works as a whole, which implies the formation of intersystem bonds.

The development of intersystem bonds in normal ontogenesis begins in the first months of the child's life. Their development is then carried out intensively. At the same time, connections with a motor-kinesthetic analyzer are most actively forming: turning head towards sound - listening and motor connections, manipulation with toy-tactful-kinesthetic and visual-tactful-motor, self-resolution sounds - vocal hearing. Finally, one of the nodal functions of the first half of the life is developing - visual and engine coordination, which will be improved throughout the preschool age.

In a newborn baby, along with a set of primary congenital reflexes, providing vital functions of sucking, swallowing, breathing, regulation of muscle tone, there is a predominance of perception of contact irritation. On various tactile stimuli, the child responds with a common and local motor reaction. At the same time, the most developed protective reflexes occurring in irritation of the eyes or the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth. So, with pain irritation in the eye, the child grits his eyes, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corner of the mouth - turns his head in the opposite direction. In addition, he has well expressed all unconditional reflexes associated with feeding. The oppression or excessive severity of unconditional reflexes indicate the damage to the nervous system.

One of the important indicators of normal psychomotor development and the formation of interfunctional relations is, in particular, fixing the child's gaze on its hand, which normally occurs at the age of 2-3 months, and then the direction of the hand to the object. From 12-13 weeks, the child begins to throw hands on the visual stimulus and direct them to the object. He also sends hands to his mouth, follows the movement of his hands. By 4 months, the child is formed by the reaction of active touch under the control of vision. This manifests itself in the fact that after visual concentration on any subject he directs both hands to him and begins to drive them on this subject. At the age of 5-5.5 months, the child begins to capture objects.

Spectato-motor coordination becomes a nodal function from the 5th month of the child's life. This manifests itself that the child stretches to visible and closely located subject, controlling the movement of the hand with a look. In the same stage, the child is formed by visual-tactful and motor connections, which manifests itself in the trend pull into the mouth in hand to the toy.

The development of a three-dimensional communication type of a visual-engine-tactile is the basis for the formation of further manipulative and gaming activities.

On the basis of visual and engine manipulative behavior, a child has been formed active cognitive activity from the second half of life.

Already in the process of monitoring a child of an early age, it is possible to note the features of his behavior that are characteristic of the backlog of psychomotor development. In particularly severe cases, the child may not show interest in the surrounding interest; or its actions with the subject may have the character of stereotype - long and monotonous repetitions of the same actions: it monotonates the subject of the subject, swinging, waving his hands before his eyes, etc. This behavior is characteristic of children with various mention in mental development. . It may be observed in mentally retarded children, as well as children suffering from early childhood autism or mental delay due to emotional deprivation.

The basis of the formation and development of the psyche of the child is a variety of activities, interaction with the outside world, and above all - with the surrounding adults

If the baby has a motor or sensory failure, then it is primarily violated the formation of the perception of objects of the surrounding world. The non-formation of subject action delays the formation of substantive perception. It is known that subject action develops as the general motility is improved under the control of vision. So, the child begins to actively manipulate with objects, if he keeps his head well, it sits stably and when he has a preserved visual perception. Only under these conditions, the visual-engine manipulative behavior described above is developing. As an action with objects, the baby develops an active touch, the possibility of recognition of the subject to the touch appears. This feature is stereogenesis - is important for the development of cognitive activity. In children with deviations in development, especially in the presence of motor and visual disorders, the spontaneous development of this function is violated, and special correction classes are needed to form.

At each age stage, one or another mental or motor function has a leading (dominant) value in the overall progressive nature of psychomotor development. In the child of the first months of life, such a function is visual perception. By 3 months, an auditory perception begins to play a leading role in the mental development of the child.

The reaction to the sound irritant with the possibility of localization of sound in space appears in a healthy child at the age of 7-8 weeks, more distinct-in 10-12 weeks, when the child begins to turn his head towards the sound stimulus. After some time, the same reaction occurs on a sounding toy. At the age of 8-10 weeks, the child turns to the sound source located above the head, and by 3 months, it quickly localizes the sound of any direction not only in the lying position, but also in a vertical position in the hands of an adult.

By 3 months, auditory reactions begin to acquire a dominant character: if they speak with the engine excited and screaming child or rummet with a sounding toy, he freezes and stops screaming. If at the time of the audio stimulus, the child was calm or slept, he shudders.

Lack of hearing reactions, their asymmetry or excessive duration of the latent period may indicate a hearing impairment. Such a child urgently needs a special examination - electric circuit audiometry. It should be borne in mind that the absence or weakness of reactions to sound stimuli is most often due to a decrease in hearing, while the unevenness of the reactions to the sounds located on different sides may be due to the peculiarities of adult behavior. So, if an adult comes to a bed of a child always on the one hand, then the sound on the sound in this direction will be shown more clearly. If in these cases give guidance to parents about the need for speech contact with the child on the other hand, it is quickly possible to note the sameness of auditory reactions.

When evaluating the auditory function, a child of 3-6 months should pay attention to the ability to localize sound in space, selectivity and differentiance of the reaction. So, a child at the age of 3 months quickly and accurately turns his head to the sound source. The child at the age of 5-6 months quickly turns his head to the sound source only when his attention is not distracted by other stronger stimuli, i.e., if he does not deal with a toy at that moment, it does not communicate with adults, etc. Otherwise, the child may not show the reaction to the sound at all or respond to it after a long latent period. This indicates not a decrease in the level of sound perception, but on the development of the function of active attention.

In children with deviations in the development of the reaction to sound may be absent, to be neurco expressed, fragmented or pathological. The lack of reactions is observed in deafness or severe hearing loss, as well as with deep mental retardation and sometimes with early childhood autism. Fragment of the reaction when the child perceives the sound stimulus, but does not turn to it, it can be due to motor or visual defects. Reducing the reaction is manifested in the form of elongation of the latent period, its rapid fading. It takes place at the inhibited and apathetic children, as well as with early childhood autism. Unlike taguhuh children who react only to loudest sounds, for causing reactions in these children often need re-stimulation.

In a child who suffered a generic injury, asphyxia, especially if he has increased intracranial pressure, the reaction to the sound incentive is often strengthened and occurs very quickly. Such a child in response to any sound irritant shuddling greatly, shouts, sometimes he appears trembling pens and chin. This type of reaction is pathological. Its long-term preservation is characteristic of children with mental delay and an increased excitability of the nervous system.

Psychomotor Development of the first year of life

The first year of life is essential in the mental development of the child. The brain develops at the highest pace. The child initially helpless, by the end of the first year of life masters a reprehension, walking, subject-manipulative activity, initial understanding of the converted speech. It is during this period that the formation of speech as a means of communication, i.e., a purely human function is formed to develop millions of years in evolution.

In the psychomotor development of the child of the first year of life, several periods are distinguished, on each of which there is a translational complication of ended forms of communication, which constitute the basis for the formation of speech and thinking (L . T. Zhurb, E. M. Mastjukova, 1981).

Already In the first period - a period of newborn (0-1 months) along with a set of congenital adaptive reactions that play a major role in the life of the body, from the 3-4th week of life to identify the initial prerequisites of the so-called communicative behavior: in response to a tender voice facing a child or a smile begins to occur, oral attention - the child freezes The lips are slightly stretched forward, he, as it were, "listens" to the lips. Following this reaction a smile appears. Already in the period of the newborn, it can be noted that the child reacts faster to the voice than on the sounding toy.

In second period (1-3 months) In a child, along with the intensive development of reactions to visual and auditory irritants, emotional reactions to adults with adults more clearly appear: a smile stabilizes, and by the end of the period, laughter appears. By 3 months, a pronounced emotional response to the appearance of an adult - "Complex of revival" begins to develop a pronounced emotional reaction. An attempt to enter into contact with the child 10-12 weeks causes his joyful revival, recreation, throwing the handles, turning off with legs, voice reactions. At this age stage, the avenue complex arises at the sight of both a familiar and unfamiliar face.

The timely appearance and good severity of the reciprocal complex indicate the normal mental development of the child.

In children who continue to demonstrate pronounced deviations in mental development, a complex of revival and other emotional-mimic and voice reactions to all surrounding incentives are absent. The underdevelopment of individual components of the reciprocal complex, such as the movements of the hands or legs (bilateral or unilateral), may indicate the damage to the motor sphere; Weakness or lack of voice reactions or nasal shade of voices are characteristic of the defeat of speaking muscles, which can later lead to speech disorders.

The lack of a reciprocal complex or its paradoxicality, for example, the appearance of fear, cry and other negative emotions are characteristic of children with emotional disorders - early children's autism, early childish nervous nervous disorders.

Since the revival complex is formed in close relationship with the development of vision and hearing, then during the defects of these analyzers, it may be absent or manifested in rudimentary form. With congenital blindness or deafness and especially with a combination of these defects, there is no revival complex at this age stage.

With a non-trimmed defeat of the central nervous system in children who have suffered a generic injury, asphyxia, the jaundice of newborns, as well as the premature and immature, a complex of revival is manifested in a later date. It may also be absent in children raising in terms of emotional deprivation.

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Elena Mikhailovna Mastyukova
Date of Birth:
Date of death:
Scientific sphere:
Place of work:

Since 1974, Art. Researcher of the Defectology of the APN of the USSR

Since 1985, the head. Laboratory of Clinical Genetic Study of Abnormal Children Research Institute of Defectology of the APN of the USSR

From 1992 to 1997 - the head of the Consultative and Diagnostic Center for the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO.

Academic degree:

doctor of Medical Sciences

Alma Mother:

1 Moscow Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov

Known as:

specialist in the field of children's psychoneurology and defectology

Elena Mikhailovna Mastyukova (July 1, Moscow - February 10, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian neuropathologist, children's psychoneurologist and a defectologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the laboratory of clinical and genetic study of abnormal children, Moscow (since 1985), which will call The sector of the Advisory Diagnostic Center of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO, Moscow (from 1992 to 1997). During her work in the Research Institute of Defectology (Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO), the laboratory has become a All-Union Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children with Psychophysical Development Violations.


Elena Mikhailovna Mastiukova was born on June 1, 1928 in the family of teachers in Moscow. Graduated. Died on February 10, 2004. He was buried in Krasnogorsk, Gorbrus cemetery.

Education and scientific degrees

Labor activity

1952 - 4 City Clinical Hospital (Moscow), doctor-therapist.

1953 - 1958 - therapist C / h in the GDR.

1959 - 1960 - Moscow Hospital. S.P. Kotkin, the ordinature of neuropathology.

1960 - Psychoneurological City Clinical Hospital IM.Solovyova - Clinical Adminator for Children's Psychoneurologists.

1964 - Children's Polyclinic - a psychoneurologist.

1964 - 1966 - The house of the child is a psychoneurologist.

1966 - 1968 - Assistant of the Department of Child Psychiatry

1968 - 1974 - TsNII of the forensic psychiatry. V.P. Serbian - Senior Researcher of the Rehabilitation Office.

1974 - 1980 - The NIE of the Defectology of the APN of the USSR - Art. Researcher of the laboratory of training and education of children with a violation of the musculoskeletal system.

1980 - 1981 - Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin - head. Department of speech therapy.

1981 - 1985 Defectology of the APN of the USSR - Art. Researcher.

1985 - 1992 Defectology of the APN of the USSR - head. Laboratory of clinical and genetic study of abnormal children.

1992 - 1997 - Consultative and diagnostic center of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO - Head. sector.

1997 - 1998 - Moscow City Psychological and Medical Social Center "Childhood" - Chief Specialist.

1998 - 2000 - Educational and Methodological Center for the problems of guardianship, guardianship and socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children and adolescents "Childhood" - Methodist.

Contribution to science

A scientist in the field of children's psycho-neurology and defectology, known not only in Russia, but also abroad, Elena Mikhailovna was engaged in research, speech and mental violations in children with neuropsychic development anomalies and the development of methods for their rehabilitation.

She participated in the creation of psychodiagnostic techniques for children with various developmental impairment, as well as a quantitative assessment scale of newborn and infants, allowing to objectify the overall level of their development and determine the ratio of disturbed and saved functions in its structure.

Mastiukova E. M. Developed a clinical approach to the problem of general underdevelopment of speech in children. He is the author of the relevant clinical classification, distinguishing the options of uncomplicated, complicated general underdevelopment of speech and children with Alalia. There was a founder of the Russian scientific neuropsycholic-pedagogical position in relation to the differential diagnosis and correction of systemic violations of speech in children. Analyzing the features of children from ONR, E. M. Mastiukova comes to the conclusion that their speech defect acts as the only reason determining the delay in mental development (CRAP). The structure of this delay dominated the slowdown in the rate of formation of mental processes, the difficulties of forming language and other symbolic activities, the insufficiency of the speech of mental operations (verbal memory, phone and morpheme analysis skills, performing actions by analogy, transferred in language material, etc. )

E. M. Mastyukova also pointed out that the violation of the timing of the development of speech is one of the frequent symptoms of neuropsychiatric diseases and deviations in the development of pre-school and early preschool children: when compared with healthy children, they had a later appearance of the appearance of the first words and Understanding situational speech.

Mastiukova E. M. Actively developed issues of treatment and prevention of impaired mental development, namely specific speech development disorders. E. M. Mastiukova always highlighted an important circumstance that even with pronounced deviations from the norm, the saved parameters constituting the functional reserve, which can be used to develop neurore-inhabitation activities.

Elena Mikhailovna showed himself as an experienced teacher: Taught at the Faculty of Defectology (all teachers and psychologists who were lucky to listen to her lectures, consider themselves her students). Under her leadership, interesting candidate dissertations were defended on a wide range of problems of speech therapy, special pedagogy and psychology. E. M. Mastiukova made a great contribution to the development of Russian defectological science, in the creation of a correctional (therapeutic) pedagogy for children with impaired psychophysical development.

Elena Mikhailovna is known as the author of many monographs, textbooks and guidelines for doctors, psychologists, defectologists and teachers, as well as benefits for parents. The results of its scientific activities in the field of speech violations were based on the heads written by her in the textbook of the speech therapy edited by L. S. Volkovkov, withstood several reprints, other textbooks on speech therapy, whose co-author it was. The problem of learning, education and treatment of children with cerebral paralysis was reflected in numerous editions, including in the book "Physical education of a child with cerebral paralysis." The problem of helping orphans and children deprived of parental care is covered in the book "Prevention and correction of mental disorders in family alcoholism". The problem of special forms of deviations in the development associated with genetic factors, was reflected in the books: "They are waiting for our help", "a child with development deviations", the textbook "Basics of Genetics".

Elena Mikhailovna as a specialist in early and preschool children's age, one of the first drew attention to the need for early assistance to the family raising a "special" child. She has a number of methodological developments representing a system of early comprehensive diagnosis and clinical and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children of infant, early and preschool age. A generalization of its many years of advisory-diagnostic and medical activities in close contact with speech therapists and other specialists in the field of special pedagogy and psychology is the book "Medical Pedagogy".


  • Clinic and rehabilitation therapy of children's cerebral paralysis (1972, co-author)
  • Overcoming the delay of speech development in preschoolers (1973, co-author)
  • Violation of psychomotor development of children of the first year of life (1981, co-author)
  • Violation of speech in children with cerebral palsy (1985, co-author)
  • Prevention and correction of violations of the mental development of children with family alcoholism (1989, co-author)
  • Speech Studies / Study Guide for Students Pedagogical Institutions in Defectology (1989, co-author)
  • Psychodiagnostic Complex Methods for determining the level of mental development of younger students (1990, co-author)
  • Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech from preschoolers (1990, co-author)
  • Pedagogy Health (1990, co-author)
  • Physical education of children with cerebral palsy (1991)
  • They are waiting for our help (1991, co-author)
  • Children with violation of mental development: Tutorial (1992, co-author)
  • Baby Deviations in Development: Early Diagnosis and Correction (1992)
  • Medical Pedagogy (Early and Preschool Age: Tips for teachers and parents to prepare for children with special problems in development (1997)
  • Speech therapy. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech from preschoolers (1998, co-author)
  • Basics of genetics. Clinical and genetic bases of correctional pedagogy and special psychology (2001, co-author)
  • Family education of children with development deviations (2003, co-author)
  • Preparation for teaching children with special development issues. Early and preschool age (2003)
  • Handbook of Psychology and Psychiatry (2004, co-author)
  • Prevention and correction of violations of the mental development of children with family alcoholism (2006, co-author)
  • Speech therapy. Fundamentals of theory and Practice (2011, co-author)
  • Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in children (2011, co-author)

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Books written by E. M. Mastyukova, and today retain their relevance. Many of her works are available to study online:

  • - www.al24.ru/pdf_kniga_14012.html
  • "Family education of children with deviations in development", Mastiukova E. M., Moskovina A. G. - www.padabum.net/d.php?id\u003d65389
  • "Psychodiagnity complex Methods for determining the level", the transfer of L.I., Mastyukova E.M., Chuprov L.F. - www.Read.in.ua/book241289/
  • "Clinic and rehabilitation therapy of children's cerebral paralysis", Semenova K.A., Mastiukova E.M., Smuglin M.Ya. - www.kidsunity.org/book_dzp/
  • "A child with development deviations: early diagnosis and correction." Mastiukova E.M.
  • "Violation of psychomotor development of children of the first year of life", Zhurb L.T., Mastiukova E.M.
  • "Family education of children with deviations in development", Mastiukova E. M., Moscow A. G.
  • "Clinic and rehabilitation therapy of children's cerebral paralysis", Semenova K.A., Mastiukova E.M., Smuglin M.Ya
  • "Physical education of children with cerebral paralysis: infant, early and dosy. Age." Mastiukova E. M. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.- 159 S.- ISBN 5-09-003456-7
  • "Therapeutic pedagogy (early and preschool age: Tips for educators and parents to prepare for children with special problems in development." Mastiukova E.M.- M.: Humanit. Ed. Center Vlados, 1997, - 304 p.
  • "Violation of speech in children with cerebral paralysis." Mastyukova E.M., Ippolitova M.V.
  • "Education of children with cerebral paralysis in the family." IPPolitova M.V., Babenkova RD, Mastiukova E.M.

Excerpt characterizing Mastiukova, Elena Mikhailovna

The emperor said he would thank, and bowed. Prince Andrei came out and immediately from all sides was surrounded by court. On all sides, gentle eyes were glanced and affectionate words were heard. Yesterday's Flygel Adjutant made him reproaches, why he did not stop in the palace, and offered him his house. The Military Minister approached, congratulating him with the Order of Mary Teresii, from the degree, which his emperor fled. The Empress Chamber invited him to her Majesty. Ertzgezogiy also wanted to see him. He did not know who was answered, and a few seconds were going with thoughts. The Russian messenger took him by the shoulder, took to the window and began to talk to him.
Contrary to the words of Bilibin, the news brought by him was adopted joyfully. Appointed thanks to the gratis. Kutuzov was awarded Maria Teresia Big Cross, and the whole army received awards. Bolkonsky received invitations from all sides and all morning had to make visits to the main dignitaries of Austria. After graduating from his visits in the fifth hour of the evening, mentally writing the letter to the Father on the battle and his trip to Bunnin, Prince Andrei returned home to Bilibin. The porch has a house occupied by Bilibin, stood up to half the brickered things, and Franz, Bilibin servant, with difficulty Touch the suitcase, left the door.
Before going to Bilibin, Prince Andrei went to the book shop to stock at the hike with books and suited in the shop.
- What? - asked Bolkonsky.
- Ach, Erlaucht? - said Franz, barely hammering a suitcase in a bricch. - Wir Ziehen Noch Weiter. Der Bosewicht IST Schon Wieder Hinter Uns Her! [Ah, your clay! We go further. The villain is again for us on the heels.]
- What? What? - asked Prince Andrei.
Bilibin went to Tovkkonsky towards. Always calm the face of Bilibin was an excitement.
- Non, Non, Avouez Que C "Est Charmant," he said, "Cette Histoire du Pont De Thabor (Bridge in Vienna). ILS L" ONT PASSE SANS COUP FERIR. [No, no, admit that it is charm, this story with the Tabor Bridge. They switched it without resistance.]
Prince Andrei did not understand anything.
- Where do you come from, what do you do not know what is already knowing all the Couter in the city?
- I'm from Ertzgezogi. There I did not hear anything.
- And did not see what happened everywhere?
- I did not see ... yes what's the matter? - impatiently asked Prince Andrei.
- What's the matter? The fact is that the French switched the bridge that protects Auweerg, and the bridge did not blown up, so Murat runs now on the road to Brynna, and now tomorrow they will be here.
- Like here? How did you not blow up the bridge when he is minimized?
- And I ask you. No one, and Bonaparte himself, does not know.
Blocks shrugged.
"But if the bridge is transferred, it means that the army died: she will be cut off," he said.
- That's the thing in this, "Bilibin answered. - Listen. The French join Vienna, as I told you. Everything is very good. Another day, that is, yesterday, gentlemen Marshals: Murat Lann and Bellyar, sit on horseback and go to the bridge. (Note all three Gasons.) Lord, "says one," you know that the TEBORSK bridge is minimized and smalill, and that in front of him the Terrible TETE DE PONT and fifteen thousand troops, who ordered to blow the bridge and do not let us. But our sovereign to the emperor Napoleon will be pleased, if we take this bridge. Threatening and take this bridge. - Coming, others say; And they depart and take the bridge, go it and now with all the army forces on the day of the Danube are sent to us, on you and your messages.
"Fullness to joke," Prince Andrei said sadly and seriously.
This was sorely and at the same time prince Andrei.
As soon as he learned that the Russian army is in such a hopeless situation, he occurred to him that he was meant to withdraw the Russian army from this provision that he was, that toulon who would bring him out of the ranks of unknown officers and will open him the first way To glory! Listening to Bilibina, he already consumed, as, having arrived at the army, he will serve the opinion on the military council, which one will save the army, and how it will be charged with the execution of this plan.
"It's fullness to joke," he said.
"Not joking," continued Bilibin, "there is nothing fair and sad." Lord these come to the bridge alone and raise white scarves; They assure that a truce, and that they, marshals, are going for negotiations with Prince Aürsperg. A duty officer allows them to TETE DE PONT. [Bridge strengthening.] They tell him a thousand Gasconian nonsense: They say that the war is over, that Emperor Franz appointed a date Bonaparte, that they wish to see Prince Aürsperga, and a thousand Gasconad and so on. The officer sends for Auersperg; These gentlemen embrace officers, joking, sit on the guns, and meanwhile, the French batalian is unnoticed by the bridge, drops bags with combustible substances into the water and is suitable for TETE de Pont. Finally, General Lieutenant himself, our cute prince Aürsperg von Mautern. "Cute enemy! Color of the Austrian Help, Hero of Turkish Wars! Enhea Cincenk, we can file each other's hand ... Emperor Napoleon burns out the desire to know the prince of Awerp. " In a word, these gentlemen, not a gift of the Gasconse, so throw Auarsperga with beautiful words, he is so elegant so quickly established intimacy with French Marshals, so blinded by the view of the mantle and Ostrich Feather Murat, QU "Il N" Y Voit Que du Feu, et Oubl Celui QU "Il Devait Faire Faire Sur L" Ennemi. [That he sees only their fire and forgets about his, about the one he had to open against the enemy.] (Despite the liveliness of his speech, Bilibin did not forget to pause after that Mot to give time to evaluate it.) French batalian runs in TETE DE PONT, Push guns, and bridge taken. No, but what is best, he continued, calm down in his excitement by the beauty of his own story, is the fact that the sergeant, close to that gun, at the signal of which should be lit by mines and blow up the bridge, this sergeant, see that the French troops Run to the bridge, I wanted to shoot, but Lann took his hand. Sergeant, who, visible, was smarter than his general, comes to Auerspember and says: "Prince, you are deceived, here are the French!" Murat sees that the case is lost, if they say to speak Sergeant. He is surprised to appeal to Auerspembergu: "I do not recognize such an Austrian discipline in the world," he says, "and you allow you to talk to you to the lowest rank!" C "EST GENIAL. LE Prince D" Auerspert SE Pique D "Honneur et Fait Mettre Le Sergent Aux Arrets. Non, Mais Avouez Que C" Est Charmant Toute Cette Histoire du Pont De Thabor. CE N "EST NI BETISE, NI LACHETE ... [This is brilliant. Prince Auersperg is insulted and orders to arrest sergeant. No, admit that it is charm, the whole story with the bridge. This is not that stupidity, not that meanness ...]
- With "Est TRAHISON PEUT ETRE, [perhaps a betrayal,] - said Prince Andrei, vividly imagining gray chinels, wounds, powder smoke, sounds of flips and glory, which awaits him.
- Non Plus. Cela Met La Cour Dans De Trop Mauvais Draps, - continued Bilibin. - CE N "EST NI TRAHISON, NI LACHETE, NI BETISE; C" EST Comme A ULM ... - It seemed to think, looking for an expression: - C "EST ... C" EST DU Mack. Nous Sommes Mackes, [also not. This puts the yard in the most ridiculous position; it's neither treason nor meanness, nor stupidity; It's like Ulm, it ... This is Makovschina. We have wake up. ] - He concluded, feeling that he said Un Mot, and the fresh Mot, such a MOT, which will be repeated.
The folds collected until the fold on his forehead quickly dismissed as a sign of pleasure, and he, smiling slightly, began to consider his nails.
- Where are you going? He suddenly said, turning to the prince Andrei, who got up and headed into his room.
- I'm going.
- Where to?
- To Army.
- Yes, you wanted to stay two more days?
- And now I'm going now.
And Prince Andrei, making an order about the departure, went to his room.
"You know what, my dear," said Bilibin, entering him into the room. - I thought about you. Why do you go?
And in the proof of the irrefutableness of this prompt, the folds were all fled from the face.
Prince Andrei looked questioningly on his interlocutor and did not answer.
- Why do you go? I know you think your debt is to jump into the army now where the army is in danger. I understand this, MON Cher, C "EST De L" Heroisme. [My dear, this is heroism.]
"Not at all," said Prince Andrei.
- But you are un philosophiee, [philosopher,] Be quite it, look at things on the other hand, and you will see that your debt is, on the contrary, take care of yourself. Give it to others who are no longer suitable for anything ... You are not ordered to come back, and from here you did not let go; Therefore, you can stay and ride with us where our unhappy fate will entail us. They say, go to Olmyuz. And Olmyz is a very cute city. And we will safely go to my stroller together.
"Stop joke, Bilibin," Bolkonsky said.
- I tell you sincere and friendly. Judge. Where and why do you go now when you can stay here? One of the two expects you (he collected the skin over the left blade): or you will not reach the army and the world will be concluded, or defeat and worm with all the Kutuzov army.
And Bilibin dissolved the skin, feeling that his dilemma is irrefutable.
"I can't judge this," said Prince Andrei, and thought: "Food in order to save the army."
- Mon Cher, Vous Etes Un Heros, [my dear, you are a hero,] - said Bilibin.

On the same night, having gone to the military minister, Bolkonsky went to the army, he himself is not knowing where he will find her, and fearing on the road to Kresres to be intercepted by the French.
In Brynne, all the court population was laid, and gravity in Olmyuz had already been sent. Near Ezelsdorf, Prince Andrei went on the road, according to which the Russian army was moving with the greatest hasty and in the greatest unrest. The road was so damaged by wagons, which was impossible to go in the crew. Taking the Cossack Chief of the Horse and Cossack, Prince Andrei, Hungry and Tired, overtaking the calls, went to find the commander-in-chief and wagon. The most sinister rumors about the position of the army reached him dear, and the type of random Running Army confirmed these rumors.
"CETTE ARMEE RUSSE QUE L" OR DE L "ANGLETERRE A TRANSPORTEE, DES EXTREMITES DE L" UNIVERS, NOUUS ALLONS LUI FAIRE EPROUVER LE MEME D "ULM)", ["This Russian army, which The English gold moved here since the end of the world, it will experience the same fate (the fate of the Ulm army). " "And if nothing remains, except to die? He thought. What, if you need! I will do it no worse than others."
Prince Andrei with contempt looked at these endless, prevented teams, carts, parks, artillery and again wagons, wagons and carts of all possible species, which overthrowed one and three, in four rows the dirty road. From all sides, Nazady and ahead, as long as the rumor was heard, the sounds of the wheels, the rumble of the body, cart and flaws, horsepower, honesty, shock, shouts of dulling, cursing soldiers, twins and officers. At the edges of the road were visible, the fallen encouraged and unexposed horses were visible, then broken carts, who, waiting for something, sat lonely soldiers, who separated from the teams soldiers who were sent to the neighboring villages or dragged from the villas of chickens, hay, hay or Bags than that filled.

Particular attention is paid to the early diagnosis of the most frequent deviations in the development of cognitive activity and complex defects.

Violation of psychomotor development of children of the first year of life

The monograph is devoted to the peculiarities of violation of psychomotor development of children of the first year of life.

Based on a large clinical experience, an original approach to identifying psychic, speech and motor disorders is described. The method of quantitative assessment of the age-related psychomotor development of newborns and infants developed and applied in the clinic was presented, allowing to objectify the level of development and determine which functions suffer primarily and to the greatest extent.

Described by the authors, a developmental delay classification and main neurological and psychopathological syndromes that can be combined with this delay and influence its quality. The ways are planned to clarify the causes of the violation of age-related development and set out the general principles of its correction.

Violation of speech in children with cerebral palsy

The book presents neurological data on speech brain mechanisms and sound-proof side of speech in children with cerebral paralysis, as well as methodical techniques of corrective classes for correcting speech violations in this category of children

Violations of communicative behavior in early childhood autism

Early children's autism is a special anomaly of mental development, in which there are persistent and peculiar violations of communicative behavior, the emotional contact of the child with the surrounding world. The main sign of autism, the nonconptureness of the child, is usually emerging early, already in the first year of life, but especially clearly at the age of 23 years in the period of the first age crisis.

An early diagnosis of autism is important, since the forecast of this development anomaly largely depends on the time of the beginning of psychological and pedagogical correction and treatment.

Psychodiagnostic complex Methods

Psychodiagnostic Methodology Complex to determine the level of mental development of younger students.

A teaching manual contains theoretical, methodological and diagnostic material on the use of a psychodiagnostic complex of techniques developed and tested by the authors in relation to the objectives of the school psychological service and the practice of work of medical and pedagogical commissions on the selection of children in special schools.

Child with deviations in development

Early diagnosis and correction.

The book summarizes the data of domestic and foreign studies on the diagnosis and correction of various forms of abnormal development of young children.

The author considers abnormal development as a consequence of organic lesion of the central nervous system. Special attention draws to early diagnosis and correction of deviations in the cognitive sector of children.

EAT. Mustyukova

Special Pedagogy Preparation for Children's Training

from special problems

in development

Early and preschool ever

Made by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

as a tutorial for students of higher educational institutions, students in the field:

031500 Typhalplopedaging, 031600 SURDSOPEDAGOGY,

031700 oligophrenopedagogic, 031800 speech therapy,

031900 Special Psychology, 032000 Special Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

t / Lassix

BBK 74.3 m31

Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia" (subprogram "Support for printing and book publishing Russia")

Mastiukova E.M.

M 31 Special pedagogy. Preparation for teaching children with special development issues. Early and preschool age / ed. A.G. Moscow. - M.: Classic style,

2003. - 320 p. 15VK 5-94603-051-5

Particular attention is paid to the early diagnosis of the most frequent deviations in the development of cognitive activity and complex defects.

The book is intended for specialists in special (correctional) pedagogy, students of defectological and psychological faculties, children's psychoneurologists, pediatricians, family doctors, as well as parents.

Light memory M.S. Pevzner is dedicated


The purpose of this book is to help students of pedagogical universities, teachers, educators and parents in preparing for learning children of early and preschool age with various deviations in the development and chronic somatic diseases.

Knowledge of the foundations of therapeutic pedagogy is necessary to create special conditions and prerequisites for the successful learning of each child with various neurological, mental and chronic somatic diseases and development deviations. The book describes how to ensure successful training of each of these children, how to contribute to the best assimilation of their knowledge, how to develop their cognitive abilities and interest in classes, intensify their independent cognitive activity. A description of correctional classes on sensory education, the development of gaming activities, speech, familiarizing children with the world around the world, the formation of initial mathematical ideas, the development of personality and interpersonal relationships.

Particular attention is paid to the combination of pedagogical process with medical and hygienic and wellness activities.

The correctional focus of the pedagogical process involves overcoming and correction of violations available in a child: motor, speech, intellectual, behavioral disorders, violations of communication, insufficiency of higher mental functions, such as spatial disorders.

The effectiveness of the proposed methods of correctional pedagogical work is possible only with their systematic and early use, taking into account the differentiated approach, depending on the structure of violated development, the clinical diagnosis, the nature of the leading violations and the features of secondary deviations in development.

The effectiveness of therapeutic and pedagogical correctional and educational activities largely depends on the cooperation of specialists and parents.

The success of the medical and correctional work is determined not only by the differentiation of the approach, taking into account the specifics of the deviations in the development, somatic, neurological and mental state of the child, but also its individual characteristics, inclinations, interests, abilities, especially with possible earlier identification and development.

Of the proposed recommendations of teachers, educators and parents can choose those that seem to be the most appropriate, taking into account the type of abnormal development, the degree and nature of violations of various functions, as well as the compensatory and age capabilities of the child and specific living conditions.

The study guide to the attention of readers is the result of generalizing the many years of experience of the author's work with children who have deviations in development, as well as a critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature.

The book is designed to students of the defectological faculties and faculties of special (correctional) pedagogy and psychology, teachers, educators, speakers, children's psychoneurologists working in children's restoration centers, special nursery, children's homes, kindergartens, and parents. It can be useful to students of psychological and pediatric faculties, as well as a children's family doctor.

section First

Early diagnosis of developmental deviations and general approaches to medical procedures

Chapter 1. Age patterns of psychomotor development

Psychomotor development of a child of early age depends on many factors, primarily from the hereditary features of the body, the general state of health, gender, the environment. The sequence of psychomotor development is closely related to the stratitude of the ripening of the brain and the complicating conditions for the interaction of the baby with the environment. In addition, the development in early and preschool age occurs unevenly, so its assessment always requires dynamic observation.

The slowdown pace of age-related development may concern one or more functions, marked at one or several stages, to be combined or not combined with various neurological disorders. Therefore, the assessment of the child's development at an early age requires a professional approach.

Teachers and parents need to know the deadlines for the normal psychomotor development of the child in order to carefully look at the kid, to create the most favorable conditions for its development.

It should be very careful approaching the assessment of the lag

homoric development in the premature or born with low body weightchild. If the temporal parameters of its development are in accordance with its degree of presence and tend to normalize, it is a good prognostic sign, especially if, with a neurological examination, the doctor does not indicate deviations from his nervous system (see Appendix 1 and 2).

It should be remembered that some forms of delay in the development of certain functions (for example, speech) can be hereditary.

Assessment of the level of psychomotor development of a child in early and preschool age should always be differentiated,

considering the features of the development of common motility, fine motility of hands, visual and engine coordination, perception, cognitive functions and speech. In addition, it is important to assess the features of socio-emotional development.

Features of the socio-emotional development of the child at an early age are least studied. At the same time, it is well known that the mental development of the child in the first years of life occurs in the process of interaction with adults and with the emotional knowledge of the surrounding world. The favorable conditions for the interaction of the adult and the child and especially the Music Diabands are necessary for normal socio-natural development.

Socio-emotional and mental development is inextricably linked. There are three stages of social and emotional development.

The first stage (conditionally covering the first 5 months of life) is characterized by the development of undifferentiated attachments to persons who care for the child. The child is rejoicing to communicating with adults, strives for a bodily contact, smiles at the affectionate appeal to him.

The second stage (from 5-6 months to 1 year) is characterized by the development of specific attachments. The child begins to show morestary attachment to any one caring face carefully. He watches him with his eyes, expresses discontent with his care, smiles more than this person than others, who's more good and longer, and hesitate in his presence. By the end of this stage, it can show an active desire to refuse to communicate with other persons, fear at the sight of someone else's face.

The third stage is characterized by the gradual development of multiple attachments. By the year, the child has the only attachment begins to expand and extends another 2-3 faces from his environment. Usually this is another parent, grandmother or anyone else from loved ones.

Some children in their development will permeasiate the second stage and more quickly go to the third. This is especially characteristic of children who are brought up in children's institutions.

Thus, specific emotional attachments in a child of early age are most intensively developing between 22 weeks to 1 year.

The structure of the emotional attachment of the child is not always the same type. The so-called structure of safe attachment is most favorable for mental development,

in which the child feels confidently and calmly. Such affection is formed as a result of the proper interaction of the mother with the baby, when the child has, perhaps, not so frequent, but emotionally pleasant physical contact with the mother.

Violations of social and emotional development in children may be observed in cases where the mother is emotional and in communicating with the baby is more guided by the mind. She cares about him, but he plays little with him, and if he plays, it is not infected simultaneously with him joy. A similar type of communication can predict to the development of neurotic states in a child, primarily fear and autistic forms of behavior (care, avoiding contacts).

The difficulties of communicating mother with a child may occur with the disease of the baby with cerebral paralysis (heavy motor disorders associated with the lesion of the brain). Often, such a child with difficulty holds his head, he sits badly, he can have violent movements, when taking him to hand, he involuntarily disjects, he enhances muscle tension. All this causes great excitement and worrying of the mother, it is also strained, and does not arise joyful communication for both.

Of great importance in the formation of the prerequisites of socially moto interactions is not only contact of the touches, but also vision and hearing. In children with violations of violations and hearing, in the absence of relevant correctional activities, the development of social relationships may be violated. In these cases, the synchronization of the actions of the mother and the child is difficult.

This can be reflected in all the subsequent development of the child: he does not develop cognitive-research behavior, passivity is often noted, sometimes aggressiveness. In addition, these children may have special forms of behavior characteristic of early child autism and aimed at self-immulation (stereotypical movements of hands, bouncing on the spot, running in a circle, etc.), as well as various pathological habits: lip biting, nails , sucking your fingers, etc. In children with a simultaneous impairment of vision and hearing, contact with others, which is adversely affected not only on their social and emotional development, but also on the formation of intelligence.

One of the factors violating the formation of social environmental behavior in a child may be stressful

standing mother and other family members associated with chronic somatic or neurological disease of the child. Mother in a state of stress cannot become the basis for a child for its full protected. Such a child grows anxious, fearful, passive, he delayed the deadlines for normal socio-emotional development, which is adversely affected by the formation of all psychomotor functions and on the prechiev and speech development. In addition, the insufficiency of land communication is adversely affected by the formation of speech.

Thus, the chatting of the baby with adults is a prerequisite for its normal psychomotor development. Thanks to this communication, the child gradually develops the most important social need for positive emotions from an adult (L.A Venger, V.S. Mukhina, 1988). The child's response to adults is important for the diagnosis of its psychomotor development, especially in the first months and years of life. Thus, with normal development, a smile with adults with adults is a regular already at a 2-month-old child, and a 3-month-old emotional-motive reaction appears - a complex of revival. By 4 months, a child is formed an estimated response to the revival complex. The absence of this indicative reaction may be the first symptom of the risk of mental delay (L.T. Zhurb, E.M. Mastkzhova, 1981). By 6 months, a clear reaction to the mother and interest in the surrounding subjects appears.

In the process of communicating with adults, the child is formed the first prerequisites for speech development.

Attaching great importance to communicating with the child, it is necessary to remember that in some cases, negative consequences may have excessive communication. If the adult is constantly with the child, the baby very quickly gets used to this and begins to continuously demand attention, he does not show independent interest in toys and his surround. This is especially concerned with weak, painful children, as well as children with lagging in development. Therefore, it is very important in the first months of the child's life to provide him with the opportunity for independent knowledge of the surrounding reality, the accumulation of sensory and motor experience. It is known that sensory functions are developing in close relationship with motor skills, forming a holistic integrative activity - sensory-power behavior that constitutes the basis for the development of intellectual activity and speech.

The psychomotor development of the child is characterized by the transition from one qualitative state to another, higher, which is associated with the development of the functions of the central nervous system.

Several stages of the early mental development of the child are distinguished:

- infant - from birth to year;

- predoschool - from 1 year to 3 years;

- preschool - from 3 to 7 years;

- junior school - from 7 to 12 years old.

Periodization of the child's development is considered as a phased transition from one qualitative state to another - higher.

It is assumed that at each level of development the specific features of neuropsychiatric response prevail. These features of response determine the age specifics of neuropsychic disorders in children.

In infant age(from birth to year) It is important that first of all the close emotional interaction of the mother and the child has been established. It is in the process of this communication that the foundations of all mental activities are formed.

The dynamics of psychomotor development in the first years of life depends on many factors, primarily from the hereditary features of the organism, the general state of health, gender, the environment. In addition, the development at an early age occurs unevenly, so its assessment always requires dynamic observation.

In the first year of life, the child's brain has the highest pace of its development: a helpless newborn by the end of the first year of life masters a reprehension, walking, subject-manipulative activity, an initial understanding of speech facing him, besides, he begins to utter the first brave words and relate them to persons and objects. It is during this period that the formation of speech as a means of communication begins. The first year of life is very important in the mental development of the child. It is in the first year of life that the prerequisites for further education of the child are formed.

In the psychomotor development of the child of the first year of life there are several periods. Already in the first period - a period of newborn - in the first month of life, the first prerequisites of the so-called communicative behavior appear to 3-4 weeks

Kovalev V.V. Psychiatry of children's age. M.: Medicine, 1979.

: Owl attention, when the kid on a gentle voice and an adult smile freezing, pulling the lips slightly forward, it seems to listens to her lips. In addition, in the period of the newborn, the baby reacts faster to the voice than on the sounding toy.

IN the first months of life in the baby intensively develops vision and hearing: visual and auditory concentration, visual fixation and tracking of the subject appear. By 3 months the child is already clearly expressedemotional and expressive response to communication - a complex of revival. The recreation complex is manifested in the fact that the child focuses on the face of the adult communicating with him, smiles, actively moves with the handles and legs and makes quiet sounds. The appearance of a complex of revitalization determines as it were, the face between the period of newborn and infancy. The emotional and positive attitude of the child to adult is intensively developing during the infancy: a smile appears, then laughter, by 4-5 months, the child's communication with adult acquires the election. The child gradually begins to distinguish his own from others. By 6 months, the child already distinguishes the mother or caring for him to the adult, considers the surrounding items and people, and if he does not differentiate the mother, does not give an approximate or negative reaction to a new face and / or does not consider the surrounding items, it must be shown Children's psychoneurologist.

IN the process of communication with adults in a child is formed prerequisites for speech masters. In the presence of an adult, the child is more active, and then hesitates, from the second half of his life begins to imitate syllables, pronounced adults.

Emotional-positive adult communion with a baby forms a communicative need from him and stimulates the development of speech.

By the end of the first half of the life, the child along with communicative behavior intensively develops sensory functions. First of all, the nature of the visual tracking is changed: if the baby followed the subject in the first months of life, without rejoicing the look, and having lost the subject from sight, it was no longer returned to him, then after 5 months a child, following the subject, seems to be inspecting, feeling Look. If at the same time the child's attention to switch to another object or the face of an adult, then after a very short time he can return to the chopped lesson. The appearance of this function is an important indicator of the normal neuropsychic development of the child.

hands The visual analyzer begins to play the greatest role:

by 6 months, the child quickly and accurately directs his hand to the toy located in the field of his vision. The toy becomes a means of communication and mental development of the child (L.A. Wenger, V.S. Mukhina, 1988).

At the age of 6 and 9 months, the child under the control of vision takes the toys, considers and feeling them, shifts out of his hand, pulls into his mouth. All these actions are accompanied by lively facial expressions and varied by intonation by voice reactions. Thus, on the basis of active manipulation with objects, the activity of cognitive activity is developing with objects, a preparedness for a joint game with adults is being prepared, expressive communicative gestures appear, the initial understanding of the proceeding speech is formed, it is activated by the bowel, the suspecting and imitation of the sounds of an adult develops.

Understanding the situation and the desire for imitation and contact with adult allows the 9-month-old child to learn the game in the ladies, as well as the ability to look for a hidden toy.

An important importance for the assessment of the psychomotor development of the child at the end of the first year of life has its response to speech communication. Children with normal mental development and severe hearing by the end of the year adequately react to speech communication and intonation, respond to the action for some verbal requests. By the end of the year, with appropriate training, the child understands and performs several verbal teams. It should always be remembered that a similar understanding of the speech addressed to the baby develops only in the learning process against the background of an emotionally positive interaction of an adult with a child. Therefore, non-fulfillment of such requests may be associated with the lack of special occupations with the baby, as well as the insufficiency of emotional communication.

If the baby does not have an adequate response to speech, he should be checked and consult with a children's psychiatrist or a neuropathologist regarding his mental development.

A child with a lag in development, poorly responds to communication with adults and the surrounding items, it does not differentiate "his" and "strangers".

One of the characteristic features pre-school age(from 1 year to 3 years) is the formation of a new type of communication based on the intensive development of speech. In addition, the baby begins to use it with its intended objects to use it. In a personal plan, he develops will,

the desire for independence, creative activity, cognitive interest. Independent movement, active interaction with objects and toys contribute to the further development of sensory functions.

The most intensively developing function in pre-school age is speech. By 3 years, the child communicates with the surrounding deployed phrases. His active dictionary is significantly expanding. The child constantly commented on his actions, begins to ask questions.

Intensive development of speech at this age stage rebuilds all mental processes of the child. It is becoming a leading means of communication and development of thinking.

By 2 years, the so-called regulatory function of speech begins to develop, i.e., the child is increasingly more and more begins to subordinate its actions of verbal instruction of an adult. However, only on the third year of life, speech regulation of behavior becomes more constant. There is an intensive development of understanding of speech. The child not only sharply increases the number of words they understand, but he begins to act with the subjects of the adult instruction, he develops interest in the hearing of fairy tales, stories and poems, i.e., the understanding of the speech begins to go beyond the direct situation of communication.

The pace of development of speech in pre-school age is very high. So, by the end of the second year, the child consumes up to 300 words, by the beginning of the third year their number increases sharply, reaching 1000-1500 words by the end of the third year. At the same time, the articulation of sounds remains still not perfect: many sounds are lowered or replaced by close articulation or sound. The child when pronouncing words, first of all, is focused on their intonational and rhythmic and melodic characteristics.

An indicator of the normal development of children's speech at this age stage is the possibility of a child by 3 years to build offers from 3-4 words and more and use familiar words in several grammatical forms1. Many authors celebrate greater dynamism of this process in children with normal speech development.

Identification of a pronounced lag in the development of speech and especially understanding the reasons for this lag at this age stage is greater difficulty, since individual

Zhukova N.S., Mustyukov EM.If your child is lagging behind in development. M.:

Medicine, 1993. P. 25.

the terms of normal speech development vary widely and, in addition, any adverse effect on the child's body in this most sensitive (sensitive) speech formation period can lead to a resurrection of speech development. Therefore, parents and teachers should be borne in mind that the child may lag in the development of speech under the influence of a wide variety of adverse factors. These can be various somatic diseases, weakening the child's body, mental injuries, malfunction of emotional communication, as well as various neuropsychiatric diseases and developmental deviations. Therefore, any child lagging behind speech needs to consult a children's psychoneurologist. It is the doctor in the process of examining a child will determine the causes and character of the backlog and note therapeutic and correctional events. The tactics of the doctor is always aimed at clarifying the clinical diagnosis and the definition of early correctional intervention. To the question of parents, from what age should begin to deal with the child if he is lagging behind in development, the answer is only one - immediately.

For the mental development of the child, the relationship between the development of actions with objects and speech is essential. It is known that effective analysis and synthesis precede the development of speech and the verbal method of knowledge, however, the participation of speech is necessary in the formation of ideas.

Studing in the development of speech leads to difficulties in the formation of comparison operations, differentiated perception of objects.

By 3 years of age, speech starts to occupy a central place.

in mental development of the child. By 3 years, the child begins to talk about herself in the first person, he has a feeling of "me", that is, the possibility of allocating itself from the world.

IN this period in the child is marked by a pronounced desire for independence. Attempts by parents to treat him as a kid cause him a feeling of protest. If parents stubbornly suppress the child's independence, he has stubbornness and the desire to do everything on the contrary, subsequently becoming the rule.

Features of the behavior of the child during this period of development largely depend on the attitude towards it by adults. The stubbornness and negative form of behavior are directed, first of all, against adults who constantly care for the child, especially if they are overly taking it, most often is a mother or grandmother.

This stage of development is considered as a crisis of three years (the first age crisis).

At this age stage, a special psychological neoplasm is formed - the separation of oneself from others, which is important for the personal development of the child.

At the same time, various psychopathological disorders appear in children with special problems in development during this period. For example, the separation of themselves from others can take a painful character in children with early child autism (RDA). It is not by chance that this deviation in development is most pronounced manifests at the age of 3 years.

At this stage of age development it is very important that parents and teachers will be attentive to the child as much as possible. The sharp distance of the child from the mother, for example, placing it in a children's institution, can injure the psyche of the baby and lead to the breakdown of the nervous system. In some cases, this can manifest itself in fears, closures, "care of yourself", in others - in aggression, violations of behavior. In addition, at this stage, sleep can break, difficulties with feeding, toilet may occur, stuttering may appear.

The fact that the most diverse neuropsychiatric disease in children at this age stage is primarily manifested by violations of speech. So, a child with early child autism begins to talk about himself in the third face, without using the pronoun; Sometimes it seems that it does not seem to understand the speech of others, does not perform speech instructions. All this leads to the assumption of its local speech disorders. In fact, such a child has a hidden communicative behavior due to the lack of need for communicating with others.

In some cases, at this age stage, children may experience excessively intensive and uneven development of speech. Parents, seeking to promote this, often make a mistake, overloading the child with excessive verbal information, new impressions. This can lead to the so-called evolutionary stuttering ("stuttering development"). At the same time, there is a pronounced unevenness in the development of speech and mental communications. With high motivation to communicate, sufficient dictionary reserve, good voice memory in the child is often lacking for general and speech moto-ricks, regulatory activities, coordinator functions, which leads to this particular form of children's skating. Parents and caregivers should be especially attentive to the child

during this period intensive development of speech. Any disease, mental injury, excessive speech development stimulation can lead to a breakdown of the most intensively emerging speech function. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to children with an increased nervous excitability, left-handedness, motor awkwardness, somatic weakened, light cerebral dysfunction, i.e., on children born from mothers with adversely undergoing pregnancy and childbirth and those who had different life on the arrovers, including various and weakly pronounced, neurological deviations.

For children with light cerebral dysfunction, incorrect cultivation conditions on this age stage are characterized by general motor dismissal, emotional excitability.

Particular attention in this age period, parents and educators should be paid to the so-called regressive disorders of mental, speech and motor functions. These disorders may occur with various mental and neurological diseases.

As noted, they are characteristic of early child autism. At this age stage, in addition to violations of communicative behavior, children with autism show the density of them from the surrounding world, the weakness of the emotional response to the close, monotonous, stereotypical behavior with the intolerance to the eye of the eye, "games" with non-game objects, fears.

At the same age stage, more rare neurochical diseases are also clearly manifested, for example, such as Rett syndrome - a disease observed exclusively in girls.

Mental and neurological diseases arising during the first age crisis, such as schizophrenia, epilepsy and others, can lead to rapid decay of the formed and emerging mental functions.

IN preschool age (from 3 to 7 years old) is intensively developing a game, mediated activity with objects, speech, which contributes to the formation of abstract forms of thinking, the arbitrariness of mental processes, the possibility of forming an internal action plan and evaluating their own actions and behaviors.

IN the first years of the preschool period prevails gaming activities, gradually developingscene-role game. The plot-no-role game develops on the basis of simple story games in which younger preschoolers are clearly reproduced.

the actions of the people depicted by them. These are the games "in the daughter of the mother", "in the doctor", etc.

The plot role-playing game is characteristic of senior preschoolers. This game is usually collective and distinguished by a variety of subjects. Children reflect in the game familiar situations that go beyond their personal experience.

In addition, moving and didactic (educational) games are developing in the older preschool age. It should be noted that these games arise only in the process of focused leadership of adults. The main feature of these games is that these games with the rules.

For children with special problems in development, didactic and educational games are of particular importance, are an important means of learning a child.

Along with the game in preschool age, the so-called productive activities are developing - drawing and design. The identical activity of the child begins to form at the border of predos-school and preschool age. A large role in its development is played by the emerging sign function of consciousness.

By the end of the preschool period, along with the improvement of visual-effective and visual-shaped thinking, logical operations begin to form. The child begins to think with the help of reasoning, i.e. he learns to communicate with each other's knowledge to solve a specific mental task.

A very important qualitative acquisition in the mental development of the senior preschooler is the possibility of allocating common and essential signs of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, in this way it is formed by logical summarizable thinking.

At the same time, it is important to note the relationship in the development of various kinds of thinking of the preschooler. Especially close interconnection exists between visual-shaped and logical thinking. Usually they are jointly involved in solving a preschooler of various thinking tasks.

By the end of the preschool period, the child usually seizes the rational abilities of mental actions, but for this requires a special training impact. As a result of mental actions, a child has new knowledge and ideas about the world around. These knowledge can be formed as with help, predominantly, visual-shaped thinking (then it is new images and visual models

metals and phenomena of the surrounding world) and logical thinking (then - these are new concepts). It should be borne in mind that the preschooler prevails visual-shaped thinking, therefore a variety of visual-shaped material in the training of a preschooler is of important practical importance. At the same time, visual thinking stimulates the formation of logical thinking.

For the development of visual-shaped thinking, all productive activities of the child have important, especially drawing and designing. Draw a child begins in the younger preschool age. Child 3-4 years old in the picture is trying to portray individual items. Training has a great influence on how he draws, from the point of view of drawing technology, and on how it depicts various items. At the initial stage of drawing, the child transmits in the figure only individual parts of the image that it seems to be the most important. Only very gradually, as objective activity and visual-motor function, as well as active attention, the drawing of the child is modified and improved. Thus, the figure reflects the process of material, i.e. the ripening of integrative functions of the central nervous system.

Drawing is essential for the mental development of the child, as well as to improve his motility and the preparation of the hand to the letter. Drawing, the child receives and enshrines ideas about the properties of objects.

Important for mental development of the preschooler has constructions. Constructive activity begins to form for the fourth-fifth year of life. Mastering design at the initial stages always occurs under the leadership of an adult. The learning method is important. Depending on the tasks that are given to children, the design is based on the sample, by conditions and on the plan.

When designing according to the sample, the child reproduces the sample represented by it, which can be both in the form of the finished design and its total contour.

When designing under the conditions, the child reproduces a familiar subject in the design, taking into account certain requirements, for example, build a small house for a doll or a garage for a large car, etc.

Important for the mental development of the child is constructed by his own intent.

As the design develops, constructive representations and constructive thinking are formed.

There is a big role in the development of all types of activities of the preschooler and in the development of his thinking, training is played: "It causes a number of such development processes that would be impossible at all." 1.

The mental abilities of the preschooler develop through the assimilation of certain knowledge and ideas about the world around, as well as by mastering them a number of skills (drawing, designing, reading, writing). In addition, by many authors, first of all A.V. Zaporozhet, the importance is shown for the mental development of the child mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling, which gives the child the opportunity already at the level of visual-shaped thinking to absorb generalized knowledge. Such a method is used by a number of authors when teaching preschoolers, diploma and in the formation of their initial mathematical concepts. "

It has been established that in preschool age modeling contributes to the development of thinking that spatial models contribute to the transition of children from visual-effective thinking to visual-shaped. No less important is that modeling contributes to the development of the ability to plan their activities3. Proved the role of targeted leadership for mastering children with visual modeling. This determines the importance of forming in children with deviations in the development of interest in constructive activities and its result. At the same time, special attention is paid to the use of graphic models in learning. In the domestic correctional pedagogy, special techniques have been developed that contribute to the mastery of visual modeling of preschool children with deviations in development4. It is shown that the introduction of graphic models contributes to the formation of constructive representations.

In preschool age, along with the improvement of motility, the development of constructive activities, all mental functions are developed and, above all, the intensive development of speech continues. Vocabulary by 6 years increases to 3.5 thousand words. Speech continues to play a major role in

Vygotsky hp Selected psychological research. M.: Publishing House of APN RSFSR, 1956. P. 156.

2 Zhurov L.E. Literacy learning in kindergarten. M.: Pedagogy, 1974. S.

Taruntaeva T.V. Development of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers. M.: Enlightenment, 1973. P. 80.

Gavrilushkina O.P., Sokolova N.D. Education and learning mentally retarded preschoolers. M.: Enlightenment, 1985. P. 72.

aI Mr. Baby, being a means of regulating his

The process of perception is becoming more independent and targeted. In children, observation is formed, the circle of ideas about the world around the world is expanding, an understanding of causal relationships is developing.

All this creates the basis for the development of generalized thinking, by the end of preschool age, the simplest types of logical operations are available to the child.

In preschool age, spatial representations are formed, which play a large role in the overall psychic development of the child and are one of the necessary prerequisites for mastering elementary counting operations, and in the future and mathematical concepts.

The memory is rapidly developing, children easily remember poems, fairy tales.

The intensive development of all mental functions and the expansion of the circle of practical activity forms a cognitive attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Already in the senior preschool age, the child forms an internal assessment of the situation, actions, actions, attention is being improved, the foundations of moral development of the individual are being laid.

Resistant disorders in preschool age are often one of the signs of various deviations in the general state of health, as well as one of the indicators of the delay in mental or physical development. Particularly persistent violations are characteristic of children with some neurological diseases, such as hydrocephalus, children's cerebral paralysis, epilepsy and other diseases.

A coherent speech is improved in preschool age. The child can be connected and consistently, grammatically and phonetically correctly express their thoughts. In some cases, children may have an undifferentiated pronunciation of individual sounds, more often are whistling, hissing, affringers and sonornal.

Often there is a phonemetic underdevelopment of hearing, the child does not clearly differentiate a rumor similar to the sounding of the phonemes, as well as sounds that are characterized by the finest acoustic articulation signs. This is often combined with the difficulties of making a story on the picture or a series of plot pictures. In addition, such children hardly memorize poems. These children need speech therapy classes.

Psychomotor development is a complex dialectical process, which is characterized by a certain sequence and uneven maturation of individual functions, high-quality transformation in the new age stage. At the same time, each subsequent stage of development is inextricably linked with the previous one.

At the heart of psychomotor development lies a genetic program that is implemented under the influence of various environmental factors. Therefore, if the child is lagging behind in development, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the role of hereditary factors in this lag.

Various adverse effects in the intrauterine development period, during childbirth (generic injury, asphyxia), and also after birth can lead to violations of psychomotor development of the child.

For successful medical and correctional and pedagogical work with children who have deviations in development, knowledge of the causes and nature of development violations is important.

It is well known that children suffering from the same disease are in different ways in development. This is due to the genoty-patch features of their central nervous system, with various environmental influences, as well as at how long the correct diagnosis is made and the medical and correctional and pedagogical work begins.

Under the cause of deviations in development, the impact on the body of an external or internal unfavorable factor, which determines the specifics of the defeat or violation of the development of psychomotor functions.

It is known that almost any more or less long adverse effect on the developing brain of a child can lead to disabilities in psychomotor development. Their manifestations will be different depending on the time of adverse effects, i.e., on what stage of brain development it took place, its duration, from the hereditary structure of the body and primarily the central nervous system, as well as on those social conditions in which A child is raised. All these factors in the complex determine the lead defect, which is manifested in the form of insufficiency of intelligence, speech, vision, hearing, motility, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavior. In some cases, there may be several violations, then they talk about a complicated or complex defect.
