Solden of the Ottoman Empire and years of reigns are divided into several stages: from the period of creation to the formation of the republic. These time periods have almost accurate boundaries in Osman's history.

Education of the Ottoman Empire

It is believed that the founders of the Ottoman state arrived in Malny Asia (Anatoly) from Central Asia (Turkmenistan) in the 20s of the XIII century. Sultan Turk-Seljuzkov Keykubad II provided them with areas of the towns of Ankara and Segeut.

Seljuk Sultanat in 1243 died under the blows of Mongols. Since 1281, Osman comes to power in the allocated Turkmen of possession (Bailice), who holds a policy to expand his Baylik: captures small cities, proclaims Gazawat - a sacred war with incorrect (Byzantines and others). Osman partially subordinates the territory of Western Anatolia, in 1326 he takes the city of Bursa and makes it the capital of the empire.

In 1324, Osman I Gazi dies. Buried him in Bursa. The inscription on the grave was a prayer that Ottoman Sultans pronounced when joined the throne.

Osmanid dynasty continue:

Expansion of the borders of the Empire

In the middle of the XV century. The period of the most active expansion of the Empire of Osmanids has occurred. At this time, at the head of the empire stood:

  • Mehmed II Conqueror - Rules in 1444 - 1446. and in 1451 - 1481. At the end of May 1453 captured and plundered Constantinople. He suffered into a plundered city of the capital. The Sofia Cathedral redid to the main temple of Islam. At the request of Sultan in Istanbul, the Residences of the Orthodox Greek and Armenian Patriarchs are located, as well as the main Jewish Rabbi. With Mehmeda II, Serbia's autonomy was discontinued, Bosnia is subordinate to the Crimea. The death of Sultan did not allow to capture Rome. Sultan absolutely did not appreciate human life, but wrote poems and created the first poetic duvan.

  • Bayazid II Holy (Dervish) - Rules from 1481 to 1512. Practically did not fought. He stopped the tradition of personal sultan leadership for troops. Patronized culture, wrote poems. He died, giving power to his son.
  • Selim I Grozny (merciless) - Rules from 1512 to 1520. He began the Board with the destruction of the nearest competitors. Brutally suppressed the rebellion of shiites. Captured Kurdistan, West Armenia, Syria, Palestine, Arabia and Egypt. The poet, whose poems were subsequently published by the German Emperor Wilhelm II.

  • Suleiman I Canow (legislator) - Rules from 1520 to 1566. Sliding the borders to Budapest, the righteousness of the Nile and the Gibraltar Strait, Tiger and Euphrates, Baghdad and Georgia. Held many state reforms. The last 20 years have passed under the influence of the plan, and then the wives of roxolants. The most fruit among the sultans in poetic creativity. Died during a hike in Hungary.

  • Selim II drinker - Rules from 1566 to 1574. There was an addiction to alcohol. Talented poet. This board occurred the first conflict of the Ottoman Empire with the Moscow principality and the first major defeat on the sea. The only expansion of the empire is to capture about. Cyprus. Died from hitting head about stone slabs in the bath.

  • Murad III - on the throne from 1574 to 1595. The "amateur" of numerous concubines and a corrupt officer who practically did not deal with the empire. With it, Tiflis was captured, imperial troops reached Dagestan and Azerbaijan.

  • Mehmed III - Rules from 1595 to 1603. The record holder for the destruction of competitors for the throne - 19 brothers, their pregnant women and the Son killed on his order.

  • Ahmed I - Rules from 1603 to 1617. The Board is characterized by a leaf of higher officials who were often replaced at the request of the harem. The Empire lost the Transcaucasia and Baghdad.

  • Mustafa I - Rules from 1617 to 1618. and from 1622 to 1623. It was considered saints for dementia and Lunatism. 14 years spent in the dungeon.
  • Osman II - Rules from 1618 to 1622. Erected to the throne in the 14th yanychars. There was a pathological cruel. After the defeat under Whether from the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, for trying to escape with the treasury killed by Janchars.

  • Murad IV - Rules from 1622 to 1640. The price of a large blood was brought into order in the Yanychar Corps, destroyed the dictatorship of the vise, cleared the courts and the state apparatus from corrupt officials. He returned to the Erivan and Baghdad empire. Before his death, he ordered to kill his brother Ibrahim - the last of Osmanids. Died from wine and fever.

  • Ibrahim - Rules from 1640 to 1648. Weak and blessing, cruel and wasteful, falling to female caress. Offed and strangled by Janchars with the support of the clergy.

  • Mehmed IV Hunter - Rules from 1648 to 1687. Proclaimed by Sultan in 6 years. The true management of the state was carried out by great vizers, especially in the early years. In the first period of the reign of the empire strengthened its military power, won about. Crete. The second period was not so successful - the battle of Saint-Gotard was lost, Vienna, the Bunth of Yanychar and the overthrow of Sultan.

  • Suleiman II - Rules from 1687 to 1691. Erected to the throne of Yanychars.
  • Ahmed II - Rules from 1691 to 1695. Erected to the throne of Yanychars.
  • Mustafa II - Rules from 1695 to 1703. Erected to the throne of Yanychars. The first section of the Ottoman Empire in the Karlovitsky Peace Treaty in 1699 and the Constantinople Mirny Treaty with Russia in 1700.

  • Ahmed III - Rules from 1703 to 1730. Sheltered the hetman Mazepu and Karl XII after the Poltava battle. War with Venice and Austria was lost in his rule, a part of possessions in Eastern Europe, as well as Algeria and Tunisia, lost.

In the article, we describe the feminine Sultanate in detail about its representatives and their board, on the estimates of this period in history.

Before considering the female Sultanate in detail. Let's say a few words about the state itself, in which he was observed. It is necessary to enter the period of interest to us in the context of history.

The Ottoman Empire is otherwise called Ottoman. It was founded in 1299. It was then, Osman I Gazi, who became the first Sultan declared independence from the Selzhuks of the territory of a small state. However, in some sources it is reported that the title of Sultan for the first time officially accepted only Murad I, his grandson.

The flourishing of the Ottoman Empire

The Board of Suleiman I is magnificent (from 1521 to 1566) is considered to be a flourishing of the Ottoman Empire. The portrait of this Sultan is presented above. In the 16-17th centuries, Osmanov's state was one of the most powerful in the world. The territory of the empire by 1566 included land located from the Persian city of Baghdad in the east and Hungarian Budapest in the north to Mecca in the south and Algeria in the West. The influence of this state in the region from the 17th century began to gradually increase. The empire finally broke up after lost in the First World War.

The role of women in government management

Within 623, the Ottoman dynasty ruled the land owned by the country, from 1299 to 1922, when the monarchy ceased to exist. Women in the empires interested in us, unlike the monarchies of Europe, were not allowed to manage the state. However, this situation was in all Islamic countries.

However, in the history of the Ottoman Empire there is a period called the feminine Sultanate. At this time, the fair sex was actively involved in government management. Many famous historians tried to understand what the Sultanate of women is to comprehend his role. We offer you a closer look at this interesting period in history.

The term "female Sultanate"

For the first time, this term proposed to use in 1916 Ahmet Refic Altynai, Turkish historian. He meets in the book of this scientist. Its labor is called - "Women's Sultanate". And in our time, disputes do not subscribe about what influence this period was on the development of the Ottoman Empire. Disagreements are observed regarding what is the main cause of this phenomenon, such an unusual Islamic world. Scientists argue about who should be considered the first representative of the female Sultanate.

Causes of occurrence

Some of the historians believe that this period was generated by the time of the end of the hike. It is known that the system of conquesting lands and receiving military production was based on them. Other scientists believe that the Sultanate of Women in the Ottoman Empire appeared thanks to the struggle for the abolition of the law "On the Preconsession", published by Fatih. According to this law, all the Sultan brothers must certainly be executed after the end of the throne. At the same time it was not important which intentions were with them. Historians who adhere to this opinion are considered to be Hurrem Sultan by the first representative of the female Sultanate.

Khurem Sultan

This woman (her portrait was presented above) was the wife of Suleiman I. It was she who in 1521, for the first time in the history of the state, began to wear the title of "Haseki Sultan". Translated this phrase means "the most beloved wife."

We will tell you more about Hurrem Sultan, with whose name is often associated by the female Sultanate in Turkey. Its real name is Alexander Lisovskaya (Anastasia). In Europe, this woman is known as Roksolana. She was born in 1505 in Western Ukraine (Rogatin). In 1520, Hurrem Sultan came to the Istanbul Palace of Topkapi. Here Suleiman I, Turkish Sultan, gave Alexandra a new name - Hurrem. This word from the Arabic language can be translated as "bringing joy." Suleiman I, as we have said, granted this woman the title "Haseki Sultan". Alexandra Lisovskaya received great power. She was still strengthened in 1534, when the mother of Sultan died. From this time, Cherrend began to control the harem.

It should be noted that this woman was very educated for his time. She owned several foreign languages, and therefore responded to letters of influential impends, foreign rulers and artists. In addition, Hurrem Haseki Sultan received foreign ambassadors. Hurrem was actually a political adviser to Suleiman I. Her spouse conducted a substantial part of the time in the campaign, so it often had to take on his duties.

Ambiguity of assessment of the role of Hurrem Sultan

Not all scientists agree with the opinion that this woman should be considered a representative of the female Sultanate. One of the main arguments that they impose is that for each representatives of this period in history, the following two points were characterized: the short Board of Sultanov and the availability of the title "Valida" (Sultan's mother). None of them belongs to Cherrem. She did not live eight years before the opportunity to get the title "Valida". In addition, it was simply absurd to believe that the term of the Board of Sultan Suleiman I was short, because he rules for 46 years. As, however, it would be incorrect to call his board "decay". But the period of interest to us is considered to be a consequence of the Empire's "decline". It was the poor state of affairs in the state that gave rise to female Sultanat in the Ottoman Empire.

Mikhrimakh replaced the deceased Hurrem (in the photo above - her grave), becoming the leader of the Harem Topkapi. It is also considered that this woman influenced his brother. However, it is impossible to be called a representative of the female Sultanate.

And who can be fully attributed to their number? We bring to your attention a list of government.

Female Sultanate of the Ottoman Empire: a list of representatives

By virtue of the reasons mentioned above, the main part of historians believes that representatives were only four.

  • The first of them is Nurban Sultan (years of life - 1525-1583). By origin, she was Venetian, the name of this woman is Cecilia Vener-Buffo.
  • The second representative - Safie Sultan (about 1550 - 1603). It is also Venetian, whose real name is Sofia Buffo.
  • The third representative - Keshe Sultan (years of life - 1589 - 1651). Its origin is definitely unknown, but, allegedly, it was Greek Anastasia.
  • And the last, fourth representative - Turkhan Sultan (years of life - 1627-1683). This woman is Ukrainian by Nadezhda.

Turkhan Sultan and Keshe Sultan

When Ukrainian Nadezhda turned 12 years old, the Crimean Tatars captured her captive. They sold her Ker Suleiman Pasha. He, in turn, resell a woman Walid Keshem, Mother Ibrahim I, a mentally defective ruler. There is a movie called "Makhpeker", which tells about the life of this Sultan and his mother who actually standing at the head of the empire. She had to manage all the affairs, as Ibrahim I was mentally retarded, so I could not properly fulfill my duties.

This ruler joined the throne in 1640, at the age of 25. The event is so important for the state after the death of Murad IV, his older brother (which in the first years of the country also managed Keshe Sultan. Murad IV was the last Sultan relating to the Ottoman dynasty. Therefore, Keshe was forced to solve the problems of further reign.

Question about the Preconsession

It would seem, to get the heir in the presence of a numerous harem is not difficult at all. However, there was one snag. She concluded that the Sultan had an unusual taste and his own ideas about female beauty. Ibrahim I (the portrait of it is presented above) preferred very thick women. The chronicles of those years have been preserved, in which one concurrent was mentioned, which you liked. Its weight was about 150 kg. From this you can make an assumption that Tourkhan, which his mother presented his son, also had a considerable weight. Perhaps why I bought it by Keshe.

Fighting two valida

It is not known how many children were born in Ukrainian hopes. But it is known that it was her first of the rest of the concubine presented him with the son of Mehmed. This happened in January 1642 Mehmed was recognized as the heir to the throne. After the death of Ibrahim I, who died as a result of the coup, he became a new Sultan. However, by this time he was only 6 years old. Turkhan, his mother, by law was supposed to get the title "Valida", which would rise it to the top of power. However, everything turned out by no means in its favor. Her mother-in-law, Keshe Sultan, did not want to give up to her. She achieved the fact that no woman could do. For the third time she became Valida Sultan. This woman was the only one in history who had this title at the ruling grandson.

But the fact of her reign did not give rest of Turkhan. In the palace for three years (from 1648 to 1651) scandals flared up, intrigue. In September 1651, 62-year-old Kesie found strangled. She gave way to Turkhan.

End of female Sultanata

So, according to most historians, the start date of the feminine Sultanate is 1574. It was then that Nurban Sultan was given title Valida. The period of interest to us in 1687 ended up, after the edition on the throne of Sultan Suleiman II. He already received the Supreme Power in adulthood, 4 years after Turkhan Sultan died, which became the last influential valid.

This woman died in 1683, aged 55-56 years. Her remains were buried in the tomb, in a mosque designed by her. However, not 1683, and 1687 is considered the official date of the end of the female Sultanate period. It was then at the age of 45 years he was overthrown from the throne. This happened as a result of a conspiracy, which was organized by Keppuraul, the son of the Great Vizier. So ended the Sultanate of Women. Mehmed spent in prison for another 5 years and died in 1693.

Why did the role of women in managing the country increased?

Among the main reasons why the role of women in managing the state increased, several. One of them is the love of Sultanov to the representatives of the beautiful sex. Another - the influence that had their mother's sons. Another reason is that the sultans were incapable by the time of entry into the throne. You can also note the cunning and intrigue of women and the ordinary set of circumstances. Another important factor is that great vizizers were often replaced. The duration of their occupation of their post was at the beginning of the 17th century on average for a few more than a year. This, naturally, contributed to the chaoticness and political fragmentation in the empire.

Starting from the 18th century, the Sultans began to join the throne already in rather mature age. Mothers of many of them died even before their children became rulers. Others were so old that no longer capable of fighting power and participate in solving important state issues. It can be said that by the mid-18th century, the Valida no longer played a special role at the court. They did not participate in the management of the state.

Estimates of the period of the female Sultanate

Female Sultanate in the Ottoman Empire is determined very ambiguous. The representatives of the beautiful gender, which were once slaves and were able to rise before receiving the status of Valid, were often not prepared to lead political affairs. In his choice of applicants and their appointment on important posts, they relied mainly on the tips of approximate. The choice was often founded not on the ability of certain persons or their dedication to the ruling dynasty, but on their loyalty in ethnicity.

On the other hand, the female Sultanate in the Ottoman Empire had positive parties. Thanks to him, he managed to preserve the monarchical order characteristic of this state. He was based on the fact that all the sultans should be from one dynasty. The incompetence or personal shortcomings of the rulers (such as cruel Sultan Murad IV, the portrait of which is presented above, or mentally ill and Ibrahim I) was compensated by the influence and force of their mothers or women. However, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that the actions of women implemented during this period contributed to the stagnation of the empire. To a greater extent it belongs to Turkhan Sultan. Mehmed IV, her son, September 11, 1683 lost to the Vienna battle.


In general, it can be said that in our time there is no unambiguous and generally accepted historical assessment of the influence that the feminine Sultanat had to develop the empire. Some scientists believe that the board of representatives of the beautiful floor pushed the state to death. Others believe that it was rather a consequence than the cause of the country's decline. However, one thing is: the women of the Ottoman Empire had much less influence and were much further from Absolutism, rather than their modern government in Europe (for example, Elizabeth I and Catherine II).

Since the creation of the Ottoman Empire, the state was continuously ruled by the descendants of Osman on the male line. But despite the fertility of the dynasty, there were those who graduated from their life with childless.

The founder of the Osman Gazi dynasty (rules 1299-1326) was a father of 7 sons and 1 daughter.

The second ruler was the son of Osman Orhahan Gazi (AF.1326-59) had 5 sons and 1 daughter.

God did not adopt the offspring and Murad 1 Huudavendigur (Son Orhan, PR.1359-89.) - 4 Sons and 2 daughters.

The famous bayazid lightning (son Murada 1, PR.1389-1402) was the father of 7 sons and 1 daughter.

The son of Bayazid Mehmet 1 (1413-21) left after himself 5 sons and 2 daughters.

Murad 2 Big (son Mehmeta1, PR.1421-51GG.) - 6 sons and 2 daughters.

The conqueror of Constantinople Fatih Mehmet 2 (right.1451-1481) was the father of 4 sons and 1 daughter.

Bayazid 2 (Son Mehmet2, PR.1481-1512) - 8 sons and 5 daughters.

The first caliph from the Ottoman dynasty Yavuz Sultan Selim-Selim Grozny (AF.1512-20) had only one son and 4 daughters.


The famous Suleiman magnificent (legislator), a husband of at least famous Rocksola (Hurrem Sultan, 4 Sons, 1 Dead), was the father of 8 sons and 2 daughters from 4 wives. He ruled for so long (1520-1566), which survived almost all of his children. The eldest son of Mustafa (Makhiderwan) and the 4th son of Bayazid (Roksolana) were suffocated by order of Suleiman 1 on charges of conspiracy against the Father.

The third son of Suleiman and the second son of Roksolana Selim 2 (Red Selim or Selim Pooven, PR.156-1574) from 2 wives had 8 sons and 2 daughters. Despite his love of guilt, was able to expand his possessions from 14.892.000 km2 to 15.162.000 km2.

And now we will greet the record holder - Murada 3 (PR.1574-1595). He had one official wife Safiya Sultan (Sofia Buffo, the daughter of the ruler Corfu, was abducted by pirates) and many concubines, from which there were 22 sons and 4 daughters (they write that at the time of his death, heir Mehmet 3 ordered to strangle all his pregnant women). But despite the love of the weak floor, was able to expand its possessions to 24.534.242 km2.

Mehmet 3 (PR.1595-1603) was a record holder for another part-in the death of the father of his father ordered to suffer all his brothers and sisters. In fertility, a much gave way to his father, only 3 sons from 2 wives

The eldest son of Mehmet 3 Ahmet 1 (PR.1603-1617, died of typhoid at 27) entered the throne introduced a new dynasta law, according to which the ruler became the eldest son of the deceased ruler.

Mustafa1, Sevsima on the throne due to the youngsters of the son of Ahmet 1 (PR 1617-1623, mind. 1639), apparently I had to pay for the sins of my father - it was not only childless, but in 6 years after he who began on the throne To fall in madness, and in Festiva Sheikh-Ul-Islam was shifted from the throne.

Little-known facts from the life of Sultanov ...

When they begin to talk about the Ottoman rulers, then people automatically appear the image of the formidable, cruel conquerors who spent their free time in a harem among semi-naughty concubines. But everyone forget that they were simple mortals with their shortcomings and hobbies ...

Osman 1.

Describe that when he stood, his lowered hands reached his knees, based on it, it was believed that he had or very long hands, or short legs. His distinctive feature character was that he never dressed upper clothes again. And not because What was a pigeon, he just loved to give his clothes by shit over coat. If someone looked at his caftan for a long time, he removed him and gave this man. Osman loved her music before the meal before the meal, was a good fighter and skillfully owned weapons. Turks had a very interesting old custom - once a year, ordinary members of the tribe worn from the house of the leader all that they would like in this house. Osman and his wife came out of the house with empty hands and opened the doors for his relatives.


Orhan's board lasted 36 years. He owned the 100th fortresses, and he spent around them all his time. None of them remained more than one month. He was a big fan of Mevlana-Jelleleddin Rumi.

Murad 1.

In European sources, a brilliant ruler, a tireless hunter, a very gallant knight and showed him a symbol of honesty. He was the first Ottoman ruler who created a private library. The hotel was killed in the battle on the Kosovo field.

Bestis 1.

For the ability to quickly overcome long distances along with your army, and to appear in front of the enemy at the most unexpected moment received a nickname lightning room. I loved the hunt and was an avid hunter, often participated in combat competitions. Historians also celebrate his master's master's possession and horse riding. He was one of the first rulers writing poetry. He was the first to be asked by Constantinople, and more than once. He died in captivity of Timur.

Mehmet Chelaby.

It is considered the revolution of the Ottoman state as a result of victory over thimurila. When he was with him, he was called a wrestler Mkhemet. During his reign, we entered the custom every year to send to Mecca and Medina the gifts, which was not canceled even in the most difficult times until the First World War. Every Friday evening prepared food for his personal money and distributed to the poor. As the father loved the hunt. During the hunt for the idar, fell from the horse and broke the hip bone, which is why he died soon.

And tell us how much it happened that there are portraits, because Islam prohibits images of a person.
Found Italian incorrect to perpetuate themselves, great?

    • Mother Padishakhov
      Murat 1,3rd ruler of the Ottoman Empire, was the son of Orhans and Byzantines, hioffers, (Niluofer Hatun).

Bases 1 lightning, the 4th ruler of the rules from the 1389th year to 1403. He was Murat 1, and Bulgarian Mother Mary, for the adoption of Islam Gulchichek Hatun.

    • Mehmet 1 Clalebi, 5th Sultan. His mother was Bulgarian, Olga Khatun.


      Murat 2 (1404-1451) was born from the marriage of Mehmet Chelaby and the daughter of the Prover Beilik Dulcadiroglu Emine Hatun. For some unconfirmed sources, his mother was Veronica.

      Mehmet 2 Conqueror (1432-1481)

      Son Murat 2 and Hyum Hatun, daughter Beei from the genus Giandaroglu. Calculated that his mother was a singer Despina.

      Basesid 2, too, was no exception - his mother was also a Christian Cornelia (Albank, Serbka or Frenchwoman). After the adoption of Islam, her name Gulbahar Hatun. Father was Fatih Sultan Mehmet 2.

      Selim 1. (1470-1520)

      Selim 1 or Yavuz Sultan Selim, the conqueror of Egypt, Baghdad, Damascus and Mecca, the 9th Padishas of the Ottoman state and the 74th Caliph was born from the Bestis of the 2nd and the daughter of influential Bee in Western Anatolia from the genus Dulcadiroglu Gulbahar Hatun.

      Suleman 1 (1495-1566).

      Suleiman Kanuni was born on April 27, 1495. He became Sultan when he was 25 years old. Uncompromising wrestler with bribery, Suleiman won the location of the people with good deeds, built schools. Suleiman Kanuni patronized poets, artists, architects, he himself wrote poems, was considered a skillful blacksmith.

      Suleiman was not so blooddered as his father - Selim I, but he was not less than his father's conquest. In addition, neither kinship nor merit saved from his suspicion and cruelty.

      Suleiman personally led 13 campaigns. A significant part of the wealth received from military extraction, Dani and taxes was spent by Suleiman I on the construction of palaces, mosques, caravan Sarai, tomb.

      Also, it was also drawn up laws (eve) on the administrative device and the position of individual provinces, about finance and forms of land tenure, the contestedness of the population and attaching peasants to the Earth, the regulation of the military system.

      Suleiman Kanuni died on September 6, 1566 during the next trip to Hungary - with the siege of the fortress of the Sigtwar. He was buried in a mausoleum on the cemetery of the Sleymani mosque along with his beloved wife Rocksolan.

      The 10th Ottoman Ruler and the 75th Khalif Muslims Suleman's magnificent, known yet by the fact that the husband of Roxolants was born from Selima 1 and the Polish Jewish Helga, afterwards Havza Sultan.

      Havza Sultan.

      Selim 2. (1524-1574)

      The son of the famous Roksolana (Hurrem Sultan) Selim 2 climbed the throne after her death. The real name of it was Alexander Anastasia Lisovsk, was his beloved wife Suleyman.

      Murat 3 (1546-1595).

      Born from Selima of the 2nd and Jewish Rashel (Nurban Sultan) Murat 3, was their eldest son and a prone to the throne.

      Mehmet 3 (1566-1603).

      Ascended to the throne in 1595 and the rules until his death. His mother was also no exception, was also abducted and sold in a harem. She was a daughter from the rich family Buffo (Venice). It was captured while traveling on a ship when she was 12 years old. In the harem in Cecilia, Buffo fell in love with the Father of Mehmet 3rd and married her, her name was Safia Sultan.

        So I am for the friendship of peoples and denominations. Now 21 century and people should not differ in a racial or confessional principle. We see how many sultans had christians? By the way, the last Sultan, if I'm not mistaken, the grandmother was Armenian. Russian kings parents are also Germans, Danes and the British.

        Son Murat 2 and Hyum Hatun, daughter Beei from the genus Giandaroglu. Calculated that his mother was Serbka Despina -
        And I read that the Mother of Mehmet was the second Armenian concubine.

      Palace intrigues of Padishakh wives

      Hyrem-Sultan (Roksolana 1500-1558): Due to its beauty and the mind, she not only managed to attract the attention of Suleiman's great, but also to become his beloved woman. Her struggle with the first wife of Suleiman, Makhidervan, was the most famous intrigue of that time, such a struggle was not on life, but to death. Roksolana walked around her in all articles and finally became his official wife. As its influence on the ruler, its influence and in state affairs increased. Soon she managed to shift and Vesiri and Azam (Prime Minister) Ibrahim Pasha, who was married to the sister of Suleiman. For married betray, he was executed. She married the next Vesir and Azama Rushem-Pasha, she married her daughter and with the help of which she managed to defame, by replacing letters, accuse in hostile relations with the main enemies by the Iranians of the Elder Son Suleiman Shahzad Mustafa. For the mind and great abilities, Mustafa was able to follow the next Padishah, but by order of his father strangled him during the campaign to Iran.

      Over time, during meetings while in the secret department, Hyrem Sultan listened and shared after the Council his opinion with her husband. From the poems dedicated to the Suleiman Rocksolane, it becomes obvious that the love of him to her was more expensive for him in the world.

      Nurban Sultan (1525-1587):

      At the age of 10 years, the corsars were abducted and sold on the famous feather market in Istambul by traders with slaves. The traders marked her beauty and the mind sent it to Harem, where she managed to attract the attention of Hyrem Sultan, who sent to the upbringing in the city of Manis. A real beauty was able to conquer the heart of the son of Hurrem Sultan Selima 2, who soon married her. Poems written by Selim in her honor entered as excellent patterns of lyrics. Selim was a younger son, but as a result of the death of all his brothers, becomes the only heir to the throne, which he climbed. Nurban became the only mistress of his heart and, respectively, Harem. There were other women in the life of Selim, but none of them was able to conquer his heart as Nurban. After the death of Selima (1574), her son Murat 3 became Padishah, she becomes Sultan's Valida (Korleva-Mother) and for a long time held the reign threads in their hands, despite the fact that this time her rival was Murat 3 Safiy Sultan's wife.

      Safia Sultan

      Life full intrigue has become the topic for many novels after her death. Just like Nurban Sultan, she was kidnapped with corsairs and sold in a harem, where Nurban Sultan was bought for the big money for his son Murat 3.

      Hot love of her son to her embarrassed the influence of the mother on the son. Then Nurban Sultan begins to enter into the lives of the son of other women, but the love of Safie Sultan was unshakable. Shortly after the death of the mother-in-law actually the rules of the state.

      Sledge Sultan.

      Murada 4 (1612-1640) Soul Sultan became a widow when he was still small. In 1623, at the age of 11 years, it is erected on the throne and Sultan's sledge becomes revenge on it. In fact, the rules of the state.

      As the son growled, she moved into the shadows, but continued to influence her son to his very death. Another son - Ibrahim (1615-1648) was erected on the throne. The beginning of his rule was the beginning of the struggle by Sultan's sulter with his wife Turkhan Sultan. Both of these women sought to establish their influence in state affairs, but over time this struggle has become so apparent that it served the formation of opposing groups.

      As a result of this long struggle, Sultan sultan was found in their room, and her supporters were executed.

      Turkhan Sultan (Hope)

      It was abducted in the steppes of Ukraine and was presented in the harem. Soon she became the wife of Ibrahim, after the death of which her juvenal son Menmet was planted on the throne, even though she became the reserve, her mother-in-law Sultan Sultan was not going to release the reign of the board from their hands. But soon she was found chosen in her room, and her supporters were executed the next day. Regency Turkhan Sultan lasts 34 years and it was a record in the history of the Ottoman Empire.

        • roksolana, with his son-in-law slandered him before his father, were drawn up letters, allegedly written by Mustafa Iranian Shah, where he asks for the latter to help capture the throne. All this is happening against the background of the acute struggle between Rumelia Turks (Osmans) and Iran's Turks for the extension East. Anatoly, Iraq and Syria. Suleiman ordered to strangle Mustafa.

          Could the maral save Krnstantinopol? The 15th century was marked by the unreaved Natius of Ottomans on Byzantium. By this time, only Constantinople remained from Byzantium. How once Sultan Mehmet 2, "Or I will take Constantinople, or he."

Anastasia Gavrilovna Lisovskaya, or Roksolana, or Hurrend (1506-1558) - first was a concubine, and then became the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman magnificent. Why, no one ordered it by this name, no one knows, but in Arabic may mean "cheerful, bright", but about Roksolana - disputes serious, the name to Rusinam, Russians - the name of all the inhabitants of Eastern Europe.

And where she was born, no one knows exact location. Perhaps the city of Rogatin Ivano-Frankivsk region or the city of Checomers Khmelnitsky region. When she was a little she kidnapped the Crimean Tatars and sold to Turkish harem.

In the harem life was not easy. She could die or fight. She chose the struggle and is now known to the whole world. Everything in the harem was ready for everything, just to get a sultan tenderness. Everyone wanted to survive and put off the feet. The life of Roksolana-Nastya is well known to everyone, but about other slaves, which could also break out of the slavery of information.

Kezate Sultan

The most famous Valida Sultan Kezeme-Sultan (1589-1651), she was a favorite concubine of Sultan Ahmet's first. In the years of short virginity, she was a girl Anastasia, a priest's daughter from the Greek Island Tinos.

She officially and was alone at the head of the Muslim Empire during debts of years. She would be a tough woman, but also with mercy in it also attended - she looked at all his slaves in 3 years.

She died with a violent death, was strangled by order of the future Sultan Valid the main eunuch of the harem.

Handan Sultan

Valida Sultan was Handan (Handan) Sultan, the wife of Sultan Mehmed III and the mother of Sultan Ahmed I (1576-1605). Previously, she was Elena, a daughter of a priest, also Greek.

She was abducted in a harem, and tried to get to power with all ways.

Nurban Sultan

Nurban Sultan (translated - "Princess of Light", 1525-1583) was his beloved wife Sultan Selima second (drunkard) and mother Sultan Murad Third. She was noble origin. But it did not stop the slave workers to kidnap her and deliver to the palace.

When her husband died, she sledged him to wait for her son to wait, when her son arrives and goes to the throne.

The corpse was so lay down 12 days.

Nurbanu was a relative of the most influential and rich people in Europe, for example, Senator and Poet Georgio Buffo (1694-1768). In addition, she was a relative of the Government of the Ottoman Empire - Safia Sultan, who was Venetian in origin.

At that time, many Greek islands belonged to Venice. They were relatives and "in the Turkish line", and "on Italian".

Nurbanu led correspondence with many ruling dynasties, led a pro-Venetian policy, for which it was raised by the Genoese. (There is also a legend that the Genoese agent pointed it). Lined the mosque Attik Valid in honor of Nurban near the capital.

Safia Sultan

Safiy Sultan was born in 1550. She was the wife of Murad Third and Mother Mehmed Third. In freedom and the virology, Sofia Buffo was named, was the daughter of the ruler of the Greek Island Corfu and the relative of the Venice Senator and the poet Giorgio Buffo.

She was also kidnapped and delivered to the harem. She led correspondence with European monarchs - even the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth first, who even gave her a real European crew.

Excursions around the city of Safiye Sultan made in a presented crew, the subjects were shocked by such behavior.

She was the hence of the Turkish Sultans after her after her.

In her honor there is a mosque in Cairo. And Turkhan Hatis's mosque, which she herself began to build, finished another Valida Sultan Nadia from the small Ukrainian city. She was kidnapped when she was 12 years old.

Sultanshi due to circumstances

The stories of such girls can not be called happy. But they did not died, they did not sit in imprisonment in the most distant rooms of the palace, they were not expelled. They themselves began to rule, it seemed impossible to everyone.

They achieved power with cruel ways, including the orders for killing. Turkey for them is the second homeland.

They did not try to end the life of suicide, but someone contacted a knife from many thousands sold to the Seryla girls of many nationalities. And someone just died. And some decided to edit those who deprived them of home, parents and their homeland. We will not blame them in anything.

What the girls had the power of character and will, which were in such situations. They fought for their lives, sprill intrigues, killed. But is there a sweet life in a harem?

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100% +

The love of Sultan Abdul-Khamid I to the coercive Harem named Ruhshah was so great that he himself became a slave of this girl

Here is a letter of Sultan, begging ruhs about love and forgiveness (the originals of all his letters are kept in the library of the Topkapi Palace).

"My ruhshams!

Your Abdul Hamid appeals to you ...

The Lord, the creator of the whole living, has mercy and forgives, but you left your faithful slave, I whose sin is so insignificant.

I kneel, begging, sorry.

Let me see you this night; If you want, kill, I will not resist, but please hear my cry, or I will die.

I fall to your legs, no longer tolerate more. "

Also love worthy to be saved in the centuries - like the love of Sultan Suleiman and Rocksolanes

Bukhara Emir Seyid Abd Al-Ahad Bahadur-Khan (rules in 1885-1910), according to his Russian travelers who visited his Russian travelers, had only one wife, and he made it more for sight.

Were in history and other examples.

Muslim Rights

According to the laws of Sharia Women, Sultan could have four, but the number of slaves was not limited. But from the point of view of Muslim law, the status of Cadin-Efendi (Sultan's wife) was distinguished from the status of married women who had personal freedom. Gerard de Nerval, who traveled east in the 1840s, wrote: "A married woman in the Turkish Empire has the same rights as we have and can even ban our husband to have a second wife, making it an indispensable condition for the marriage contract [...] Do not even think that these beauties are ready to sing and dance, in order to entertain her Mr. - a honest woman, in their opinion, did not stick to such talents.

Turkanka could well initiate a divorce herself, for which she was only enough to submit a testimony to the court with her handle.

The most famous women of the Ottoman Empire

It is safe to say that Hurrem Sultan, who lived during the heyday of the Ottoman Empire, in the era of the famous Sultan Suleiman's magnificent, heads the list of the most famous women of the Ottoman dynasty. Historians continue this list in this order: after the famous Cherrem, or Roksolana, she is La Sultana Rossa goes Nurban - the wife of the son of Hurrem, Sultan Selima I; Then the favorite package of Ottoman Sultanov - Safiya, Makhpeker, Hatice Turkhan, Ememetullah Gulnush, Salikha, Michrisha, Michrisha, who received the title of Mother Sultan (Queen-Mother) were followed. But Hurrem Sultan became referred to as a queen-mother while her husband's lifetime, to the adoption of their son on the throne. And in this another consistent violation of traditions that followed first - when Sultan Suleiman made Hurrem his official spouse. And violate the age-old traditions is allowed only to the elect.

Ottoman monarchs from Osman I to Mehmed V

Ottoman Empire. Briefly about the main thing

The Ottoman Empire was formed in 1299, when Osman I Gazi, who was in history as the first Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, announced the independence of his small country from Seljukov and took the title of Sultan (although some historians believe that for the first time such title began to wear only his grandson. Murad I).

Soon he managed to conquer the entire western part of Malaya Asia.

Osman I was born in 1258 in the Byzantine province of Viphini. He died his death in the city of Bursa in 1326.

After that, the authorities went to his son, known under the name Orhahan I Gazi. Under it, a small Turkic tribe finally turned into a strong state with a strong army.

Four capitals Osmananov

In the entire long history of its existence, the Ottoman Empire replaced four capitals:

Segel (the first capital of Osmanov), 1299-1329;

Bursa (the former Byzantine Fortress of Bruus), 1329-1365;

Edirne (the former city of Adrianopol), 1365-1453;

Constantinople (now the city of Istanbul), 1453-1922.

Sometimes the first capital of Ottomans is called the city of Bursa, which is considered erroneous.

Ottoman Turks, descendants of Kaya

Historians are told: In 1219, the Mongolian Hordes of Genghis Khan hit Central Asia, and then, saving their lives, defeating Skarb and her homework, all who lived on the territory of the Kara-Kidney state rushed to the south-west. Among them were a small Turkic tribe of Kaiy. A year later, it came to the border of the Konian Sultanate, who occupied the center and east of Malaya Asia by that time. Seljuki, who inhabited these lands, like Kaiy, was Turks and believed in Allah, so their Sultan found a reasonable to distinguish to refugees a small border-free buzz area in the city of Bursa, 25 km from the coast of the Marmara Sea. No one could imagine that this small plot of land will be a bridgehead with which the Earth will be conquered from Poland to Tunisia. So the Ottoman (Ottoman, Turkish) empire arises, populated by Ottoman Turks - as the descendants of Kaya.

The further the power of Turkish sultans in the next 400 years, the luxuriously their courtyard became the luxurious, which glaels gold and silver from all over the Mediterranean. They were modes of modes and a model for imitating in the eyes of the rulers of the entire Islamic world.

The battle of Nikopol of 1396 is considered to be the last major cross campaign of the Middle Ages, which was not able to stop the offensive in Europe, Ommans Turk

Seven periods of existence of the empire

Historians share the existence of the Ottoman Empire into seven major periods:

The formation of the Ottoman Empire (1299-1402) is the period of the reign of the first four Sultans of the Empire: Osman, Orhans, Murad and Bayazid.

Ottoman transmission (1402-1413) - the eleven-year period, which began in 1402 after the defeat of Ottomans in the Angora battle and tragedy of Sultan Bayazida I and his wife in captivity of Tamerlane. During this period, Bayazid's sons were a struggle for power, from which the winner only in 1413 came out of the younger son Mehmed I Chelebi.

The rise of the Ottoman Empire (1413-1453) is the period of the Board of Sultan Mehmed I, as well as his son Murad II and the grandson of Mehmed II, ended with the capture of Constantinople and the destruction of the Byzantine Empire of Mehmed II, who received the nickname "Fatih" (conqueror).

The growth of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1683) is the period of the main expansion of the borders of the Ottoman Empire. Continued at the Board of Mehmed II, Suleiman I and his son Selim II, and ended with the defeat of Ottomans in the Vienna Battle during the reign of Mehmed IV (Son Ibrahim I Crazy).

Stagnation of the Ottoman Empire (1683-1827) - a period that lasted 144 years, which began after the victory of Christians in the Vienna battle forever put an end to the conquering aspirations of the Ottoman Empire on European lands.

The decline of the Ottoman Empire (1828-1908) is a period characterized by the loss of a large number of territories of the Ottoman state.

The decomposition of the Ottoman Empire (1908-1922) - the period of the recent two Sultans of Osmanov's state, the Mehmed V and Mehmed VI brothers, which began after changing the form of state government to the constitutional monarchy, and continued until the existence of the Ottoman Empire continued (the period covers the participation of Ottomans in the first World War).

The main and most serious cause of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire historians is a defeat in the First World War, caused by the surpassing human and economic resources of the Entente countries.

The day of termination of the existence of the Ottoman Empire is called on November 1, 1922, when the Great National Assembly of Turkey adopted a law on the division of the Sultanate and Khaliphate (then the Sultanate was abolished). November 17 Mehmed VI Vakhidddin, the last Ottoman monarch, the 36th in a row, left Istanbul at the British warship, Malaya battleship.

On July 24, 1923, the Lausanian Agreement was signed, according to which Turkey's independence was recognized. On October 29, 1923, Turkey was proclaimed by the Republic, and its first president was elected Mustafa Kemal, subsequently known as Ataturk.

Last Representative of the Turkish Sultan Ottoman Dynasty

Ertogrul Osman - Grandson of Sultan Abdul-Hamid II

"The last representative of the Ottoman Dynasty Ertogrul Osman died.

Osman spent most of her life in New York. Ertogrull Osman, who would be the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in the event that Turkey did not become the republic in the 1920s, died in Istanbul aged 97 years.

He was the last of the Sultan Abdul-Hamid II remained in the living grandchildren, and his official title, if he became the ruler, would be his imperial Highness Prince Shah-Zade Ertogrull Osman Efendi.

He was born in Istanbul in 1912, but most of his life modestly lived in New York.

The 12-year-old Ertogrull Osman studied in Vienna, when he learned that his family was sent from the country of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founding the modern Turkish republic on the wreckage of the old empire.

In the end, Osman settled in New York, where she lived for over 60 years in an apartment above the restaurant.

Osman would have become a sultan if Ataturk was not founded by the Turkish Republic. Osman always claimed that he had no political ambitions. He returned to Turkey in the early 1990s at the invitation of the Turkish government.

During his visit to his homeland, he went to Dolmobakhche Palace at the Bosphorus Strait, which was the main residence of Turkish Sultans and in which he played a child.

As the BBC Observer, Roger Hardy, says, Ertogrull Osman was very modest and not to attract attention, he joined the group of tourists to get into the palace.

Ertogrula Osman's wife has a relative of the last king of Afghanistan. "

Tag as a personal sign of the ruler

Tag (TRA) is a personal sign of the ruler (Sultan, Khalifa, Khan), which contains his name and title. From the time of Ulubey Orhan I, putting out the writing of the palm, immersed in the ink, entered the custom of surrounding Sultan's signature by the image of his title and the title of his father, merging all the words in a special calligraphic style - it turns out a remote similarity with the palm. The tag is drawn up in the form of an ornamentally decorated Arabic Vzci (text may be not in Arabic, but also on Persian, Turkic, etc.).

The tag is placed on all state documents, sometimes on coins and gates of mosques.

For fake Tugs in the Ottoman Empire, the death penalty was relying.

In the rest of the Vladyka: persecuted, but with taste

About the rest of the Lord of the Ottoman Empire Traveler Theophile Guide wrote: "The Sultan's chambers are decorated in the style of Louis XIV, slightly modified to the eastern way: the desire to recreate the magnificence of Versailles. Doors, window bindings, platbands are made of mahogany, cedar or massive rosewood with fried threads and expensive iron flops, covered with golden crumbs. From the windows there is a wonderful panorama - no monarch of the world has equal to her palace. "

Tuner Suleiman Magnificent

So not only the European monarchs were fond of the style of their neighbors (let's say, oriental style, when the Baoras arranged as pseudo-desiral alkali or organized oriental balls), but the Ottoman Sultans admired the style of their European neighbors.

"Lions Islam" - Yanychars

Yanychars (Tour. Yeniçeri (Yenicheri) - a new warrior) - Regular infantry of the Ottoman Empire in 1365-1826. Yanychars, together with sipahs and Aknzhi (Connection), constituted the basis of troops in the Ottoman Empire. There were part of the Kapukula regiments (the Personal Guard of Sultan, held from slaves and prisoners). Yanychar troops also performed police and punitive functions in the state.

Yanycharn infantry was created by Sultan Murad I in 1365 from the Christian boys of 12-16 years. Mostly in the army, Armenians, Albanians, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Georgians, Serbs, subsequently raised in Islamic traditions were enrolled. Children scored in Rushelia were given to upbringing in the Turkish families of Anatolia and vice versa.

Set of children in Janchars ( devmirme "The tax of blood) was one of the contestants of the Christian population of the Empire, since he allowed the authorities to create a counterweight of the feudal Turkic army (sipahum).

Yanychars were considered slaves of Sultan, lived in monasteries-barracks, they were originally forbidden to marry (until 1566) and to engage in the economy. The property of the deceased or deceased Yanachar became the property of the regiment. In addition to military art, Janchars studied calligraphy, right, theology, literature and languages. The wounded or old Yanychars received a pension. Many of them made a civil career.

In 1683, Janacares are also beginning to be completed from Muslims.

It is known that Poland copied the Turkish army system. In the army of the Commonwealth of the Turkish sample from volunteers, their own Yanychars were formed. The king Augustus II created his personal Jancharian Guard.

The weapons and the form of Christian Yanychar completely copied Turkish samples, including the military drums were a Turkish sample, and the color was different.

Yanychars of the Ottoman Empire had a number of privileges, from the XVI century. They got the right to marry, engage in trade and crafts in the free time. Yanychars received a salary from Sultanov, gifts, and their commanders were put forward to the highest military and administrative positions of the Empire. The garrisons of Yanychar were not only in Istanbul, but also in all major cities of the Turkish empire. From the XVI century Their service becomes hereditary, and they turn into a closed military cast. Being the Sultan Guardian Yanychars became a political force and often intervened in political intrigues, overthrowing unnecessary and removed to the throne of the sultans they needed.

Yanychars lived in special quarters, often restrained, organized the riots and fires, overthrew and even killed Sultanov. Their influence has acquired such a dangerous scale that in 1826 Sultan Mahmoud II defeated and completely destroyed Yanychar.

Yanychars Ottoman Empire

Yanychars were known as courageous warriors who rushed to the enemy without sorry for their lives. It was their attack that often solved the fate of the battle. Not in vain, they were figuratively called "Lions Islam".

Did the Cossacks use an abnormative vocabulary in a letter to Turkish Sultan?

Letter from the Zaporozhette Turkish Sultan - an offensive answer of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, written by the Ottoman Sultan (probably Mehmed IV) in response to his ultimatum: stop attacking the brilliant port and surrender. There is a legend that, before sending troops to the Zaporizhia Sch, Sultan sent the Cossacks demand to submit to him as the Lord of the whole world and the governor of God on Earth. The Cossacks allegedly answered this letter to their letter, not embarrassed in expressions, denying all the valor of Sultan and cruelly mocking the fatherlessness of the "invincible knight."

According to the legend, the letter is written in the XVII century, when the tradition of such letters was developed in the environment of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and Ukraine. The original letter was not preserved, however, several options for the text of this letter are known, one of which is abounding with material words.

Historical sources lead such text of the letter of Turkish Sultan to the Cossacks.

"Offer Mehmed IV:

I, Sultan and Lord of the brilliant port, the son of Ibrahim I, the brother of the Sun and the Moon, the grandson and the governor of God on Earth, the Lord of the Macedonian Macedonian, Babylonian, Jerusalem, Great and Small Egypt, the king above the kings, the ruler over the Lords, the incomparable Knight, nobody The winning warrior, the ruler of the Tree of Life, the relentant keeper of the coffin of Jesus Christ, the guardian of God himself, the hope and comforter of Muslims, the designer and the great defender of Christians, commanding you, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, to surrender to me voluntarily and without any resistance and I do not force your attacks to worry.

Sultan Turkish Mehmed IV. "

The most famous version of the Answer of the Zaporozhtsev Magomet IV translated into Russian is as follows:

"Zaporizhzhya Cossacks - Turkish Sultan!

You, Sultan, Damn Turkish, and Cursed Briard Brother and Comrade, Lucifer himself secretary. What kind of knight you are, when naked assholes do not kill. Damn raises, and your army devours. You will not be, Sukin You are son, the sons of Christian under them, we are not afraid of your troops, we will fight with you, the land and water, the rush ... Your mother.

Babylonian you cook, Macedonian chariot, Jerusalem brewer, Alexandrian Kozolupe, Big and Small Egypt Sveynbow, Armenian Voruga, Tatar Sagaidak, Kamenetsky Palach, Total Light and reference of the fool, aspid grandson and our x ... Hook. Pork you are a muzzle, a mare asshole, a meat dog, a naked forehead, your mother ....

So, the Cossacks answered you, plug. You will not even pig in Christians graze. With this end, because numbers do not know and calendar do not have, month in the sky, year in the book, and the day is like that you have, what you have a kiss in the ass!

Signed: Kosheva Ataman Ivan Sirko with all camp Zaporizhia. "

The letter is abounding with an abnormative vocabulary, leads the popular Wikipedia encyclopedia.

Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan. Artist Ilya Repin

The atmosphere and mood among the Cossacks that compose the text of the answer is described in the famous picture of Ilya Repin "Cossacks" (more often called: "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan").

Interestingly, in Krasnodar at the intersection of Gorky and Red Streets in 2008, the monument "Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan" (Sculptor Valery Pchelen).

Roksolana - Queen of the East. All secrets and puzzles

Information about the origin of roxolane, or Hur-Rem, - as her beloved Sultan Suleiman is magnificent, contradictory. Because documentary sources and written evidence telling about the life of Hurrem to its appearance in the harem are absent.

We know about the origin of this great woman from the legends, literary writings and reports of diplomats at the court of Sultan Suleiman. At the same time, almost all literary sources mention its Slavic (Rusinsky) origin.

"Roksolana, she is Hurrems (according to the historical and literary tradition, name at birth - Anastasia or Alexander Gavrilovna Lisovskaya; the exact year of birth is unknown, died on April 18, 1558) - concubine, and then the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman's magnificent, mother Sultan Selima II" - Vikipedia reports.

The first details about the early years of the life of Roksolan-Hurrem to get into the harem appear in the literature in the XIX century, while this amazing woman lived in the XVI century.

Captive Artist Jan Baptist Gyuismans

Consequently, to believe in such "historical" sources that have arisen in centuries, it is possible only by virtue of their imagination.

Abduction of Tatars

According to some authors, the Poksolan's Presents became the Ukrainian Girl Nastya Lisovskaya, which was born in 1505 in the family of the priest Gavrille Lisovsky in Rhathine - a small town in Western Ukraine. In the XVI Art. This town was part of the Commonwealth, which at that time suffered from the devastating raids of the Crimean Tatars. In the summer of 1520, on the night of an attack on the settlement, the young daughter of the priest fell to the eyes of Tatar invaders. Moreover, some authors, let's say, N. Lazzor, the girl kidnap the wedding day. Whereas others - she has not yet reached the age of the bride, but was a teenager. In the series "Magnificent Century" also show the bridegroom Roksolan - Artist Luka.

After the abduction, the girl fell on the slave market of Istanbul, where it was sold, and then donated to the Garem of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman. Suleiman then was the heated prince and held a state post in Manisa. Historians do not exclude that the girl was presented to the 25-year-old Suleiman as a gift on the occasion of the end of the throne (after death on September 22, 1520 His father Selima I). Once in a harem, Roksolana received the name of Hurrem, which in translated from Persian means "cheerful, laughing, giving joy."

Hownamed name: Roksolana

According to the Polish literary tradition, the present name of the heroine was Alexander, she was the daughter of the priest Gavrille Lisovsky from Rogatina (Ivano-Frankivsk region). In the Ukrainian literature of the XIX century, it is referred to by Anastasia from Rogatina. This version is colorfully set in the novel of Pavlo Zagrebelny "Roksolan". Then, according to another writer, Mikhail Orlovsky, set forth in the historical story "Roksolana or Anastasia Lisovskaya", the girl was from the Chemissell (Khmelnitsky region). In those long-standing times, when there could be a future Hurrem Sultan, both cities were located on the territory of the Kingdom of Polish.

In Europe, Hurrem became known as Roksolana. Moreover, this name was literally invented by Oleg Giselin de Busbek, the Hamburg ambassador in the Ottoman Empire and the writer of Latin-speaking "Turkish notes". In his literary work, he, based on the fact that Hurrem took place from the territory of residence of the tribe of Roxolanov or Alanov, called her rokcolan.

Sultan Suleiman and Hurrem Wedding

From the story of the author "Turkish letters" of the Austrian Ambassador Busbek, we learned many details from Roksolan's life. We can say that thanks to him, we learned about the very existence, for the name of the woman could easily be lost in the centuries.

In one of the letters, Busbek reports the following: "Sultan loved to Hurrems so much that in violation of all the palace and dynastic rules, marriage was married to the Turkish tradition and prepared dowry."

One of the portraits of Roksolana-Hurrem

It happened is a significant event in all respects in 1530. The Englishman George Young described this as a miracle: "This week an event has happened here, which the whole story of the local sultans does not know. The Great Lord Suleiman as the Empress took a slave from Russia named Roksolana, which was noted by the greeting festival. The marriage ceremony took place in the palace, which was dedicated to the feast of the scope of the unprecedented. The streets of the city at night are flooded with light and people have fun everywhere. Houses are hunted by garlands of flowers, the swings are installed everywhere, and the people are swinging for hours. On the old hippodrome, large tribunes with places and a gold-plated grill for the empress and its courtiers were built. Roxolant with approximate ladies observed from there for the tournament, in which Christian and Muslim knights participated; Before the Tribouquer passed the speeches of the musicians, they spent wild animals, including wiper giraffes with such long necks that they got to the sky ... There are many different things about this wedding, but no one can explain that it can all mean. "

It is necessary to indicate that in some sources it is said that this wedding took place only after the death of Valid Sultan, Mother of Sultan Suleiman's magnificent. And Valida Sultan Hafs Hatun died in 1534.

In 1555, Istanbul visited Hans to Turchesham, he wrote the following in his way notes: "Suleiman more than other concubines loved this girl with Russian roots, from an unknown family. Hurrem was able to receive a document on freedom and become his legitimate wife in the palace. In addition to Sultan Suleiman Gorgeous, no in the history of Padishah, who would have listened to the opinion of his wife. Whatever she wanted, he immediately performed. "

Roksolana-Hurrend was the only woman in a sultan harem having the official title - Sultan Haseki, and Sultan Suleiman shared his power with her. She forced Sultan to forget about the harem. All Europe wanted to know the details about a woman who at one of the receptions in the palace in a dress from Golden Parchs rose to the Sultan on the throne with an open face!

Children Hurrem born in love

Hurrem gave birth to Sultan 6 children.


Mehmed (1521-1543)

Abdullah (1523-1526)


Of all the sons of Suleiman, the magnificent Father-Sultan survived only Selim. The rest died earlier during the struggle for the throne (except Mehmed, who died in 1543 from smallpox).

Hurrem and Suleiman wrote each other letters full of passionate confessions in love

Selim became the heir to the throne. After the death of the mother in 1558, the other son of Suleiman and Roksolana - Bayazid - raised the rebellion (1559) he was defeated by the troops of his father in the battle at Kone in May 1559 and tried to hide in Sefavid Iran, but Shah Tahmasp I issued him to his father For 400 thousand gold, and Bayazid was executed (1561). Five sons of Bayazid were also killed (younger of them were only three years old).

Letter to Hurrend His Lord

A letter to Hurrem Sultan Suleiman was written when he was hiking at Hungary. But there were many such touching letters between them.

"My soul's soul, my lord! Hello, who raises the morning breeze; Prayer to the one who gives sweetness in love with lover; praise to someone who fulfills the fever's voice; respect to someone who burns, exactly words of passion; Unlimited devotion to the one who is Osihasyan with the most grades, as the faces and heads of the ascended; to the one who is a hyacinth in the form of a tulip, squeezed by the aroma of loyalty; Glory to the one who keeps the banner of victory before the army; To those whose cry: "Allah! Allah!" - heard in heaven; His Majesty my Padyshah. May God help him! - We are transferring the Divo of the highest lord and conversations of eternity. Enlightened conscience, which adorns my consciousness and dwells the light of my happiness and my sad eyes; to the one who knows my innermost secrets; The rest of my sorry heart and the pacification of my chest wounded; To the one who is the Sultan on the throne of my heart and in the light of the eyes of my happiness, "the eternal slave worships him, devoted, from one hundred thousand burns in the soul. If you, my lord, my highest paradise tree, at least for a moment, learn to think about it or ask about this orphanage, know that everything except her is under the tent of the mercy of the meal. For that day, when an incorrect heaven with comprehensive pain I needed violence and in my soul, despite these poor tears, there were numerous split swords, in that day, when I had the eternal fragrance of paradise flowers, my world turned into non-existence , My health is in the ailment, and my life is in perfection. From my continuous sighs, sobbing and painful screams, not subsidizing in the afternoon, no night, the human souls were filled with fire. Maybe, the Creator is humble and, responding to my longing, will return you to me again, the treasure of my life to save me from the current alienation and oblivion. May it come true, my husband! The day I turned on the night, about the thanks to the moon! My lord, the light of my eyes, there is no night that would not be hushed up from my hot breaths, there is no evening, when they did not reach the heavens of my loud sobs and my longing on your sunny face. The day I turned into the night, about the longing moon! "

Fashionable Roksolana on the canvases of artists

Roksolana, she, as Hurrem Sultan, in many areas of the palace life was the discoverer. For example, this woman became the legislator of the new Palace Fashion, forcing the tailors to sew for themselves and close clothes of the free cut and unusual cape. She adored all sorts of exquisite decorations, some of whom were personally made by Sultan Suleiman, while the other part of the jewelry was purchases or gifts of ambassadors.

We can judge the draws of the pictures of famous artists who have tried to restore her portrait and recreate along the pictures of the famous artists. For example, in the picture of Jacopo Tintoretto (1518 or 1519-1594), painter of the Venice School of the Late Renaissance, Hurrem is depicted in a long sleeve dress, with a postponed collar and cape.

Portrait of a Topkapi Palace Museum

The life and elevation of roxolans so excited creative contemporaries, that even the great painter Titian (1490-1576), whose student, by the way, was Tintoretto, wrote a portrait of a famous sultach. Picture of Titian, written in the 1550s, is called La Sultana Rossa., that is, Russian Sultansh. Now, this masterpiece of Titian is stored in the Museum of Art and Circus Art Brothers Ringling in Sarasota (USA, Florida); The museum contains unique works of painting and sculpture of the Middle Ages of Western Europe.

Another artist who lived at the time and had attracted to Turkey was a major German artist from Flebburg Melchior Loris. He arrived in Istanbul as part of the Austrian Busbek Embassy to Sultan Suleiman Kanuni, and stayed in the capital of the Ottoman Empire four and a half years. The artist made a lot of portraits and household sketches, but, in all likelihood, his portrait of Roksolana could not be made from nature. Melchior Loris portrayed the Slavic heroine a little full, with a rose in his hand, with a cape on the head, decorated with precious stones and with hair laid in a spit.

About the unprecedented outfits of the Ottoman Queen, not only picturesque canvas, but also books. Bright descriptions of the wardrobe Spouses Suleiman are magnificent can be found in the famous book of P. Zagrebelny "Roksolan".

It is known that Suleiman composed a small poem, which is directly related to the wardrobe beloved. In the presentation of a loved dress, his beloved looks like this:

I repeated many times:
Sure my favorite dress.
Make a top of the sun, put a month,
From white clouds, tap the fluff, the threads are missing
from sea blue
Sew button of buttons from stars, and make a loop out of me!
Enlightened government

Hurrem Sultan managed to show his mind not only in love spells, but also in dealing with equal to himself. She patronized artists, rewritten with the rulers of Poland, Venice, Persia. It is known that she kept a correspondence with the Queen and the sister of Persian Shaha. And for the Persian Prince Elkas Mirza, shelled in the Ottoman Empire from the enemies, she launched a silk shirt and a vest with her own hands, thereby demonstrating the generous maternal love, which was supposed to cause gratitude, and confidence of the Prince.

Hurrem Haseki Sultan even took foreign messengers, corresponded with influential veversions of that time.

Historical information is preserved that a number of contemporaries Cherrem, in particular SEHNAME-I AL-I OSMAN, SEHNAME-I HUMAYUN and TALIKI-ZADE EL-FENARI presented a very flattering portrait of Suliman's spouse, as women read "for her numerous charitable donations, for Her patronage of students and respect for scholars, connoisseurs of religion, as well as for the acquisition of rare and excellent things it. "

Contemporaries believed that Hurrem was beaten by Suleiman

She implemented large-scale charitable projects. Hurrem received the right to build religious and charitable buildings in Istanbul and in other major cities of the Ottoman Empire. She created a charity foundation of his name (tour. Külliye Hasseki Hurrem). Aksarai or Women's Bazaar was built on donations from this fund in Istanbul, later the name of Haseki (tour. Avret Pazari), among the buildings of which the mosque, Madrasa, Imaret, elementary school, hospitals and fountain were included. It was the first complex built in Istanbul by the architect Sinan in his new position of the chief architect of the ruling home, as well as the third largest building in the capital, after Complexes of Mehmet II (tour. Fatih Camii) and Suleymania (Tour. Süleymanie).
