You cannot become a good soldier without a bit of stupidity.

Florence Nightingale

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The most pitiful thing in the world is the crowd, here is the army - the crowd, they go into battle not because courage flashed in them, - it gives courage the consciousness that there are many of them and that they are commanded.

Mark Twain

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Children play soldiers. This is clear. But why are soldiers playing children?

Karl Kraus

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In the army, they take out your soul and insert a charter instead.

Rod Steiger

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There are no convenient trenches.

Murphy's Army Laws

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The inevitability of conscription tends to voluntarily enter military service.

Lewis Hershey

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The army is lining up for destruction.

Antonio Miro

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Military justice has the same relationship to justice as military music is to music.

Georges Clemenceau

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A pint of sweat conserves a gallon of blood.

General George Patton

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A military service contract is an agreement in which the military department undertakes to pay salaries, and the contractor agrees to be killed in the event of hostilities.

V. Zubkov

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The commander is like a road sign: he shows everyone where to go, but he doesn't go there himself.

Konstantin Melikhan

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The army is a nasty school, since war does not happen every day, and the military pretend that their work is constant.

B. Shaw

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The officers in the garrison are the commanders of their subordinates. The commanders of the commanders are their wives. Commanding their husbands is the only thing they enjoy. And we must pay tribute - many in this show amazing abilities.

V. Zubkov

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In the war for the budget, the army is invincible.

Arkady Davidovich

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The better the soldiers march, the worse they shoot.

Arkady Davidovich

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The cap deforms the head.

Maurice Druon

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The purpose of military education is to cultivate courage through fear.

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They say that compulsory military service is a democratic institution. Yes, like the cemetery.

Meyer London

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Experts in the art of war have established an inverse proportion between the number of enemy soldiers killed and the number of our generals.

S. Parkinson

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In the army, everything is exactly like the boy scouts, but the scouts are under the supervision of adults.

Blake Clark

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A British soldier will stand up to anyone but the British Department of Defense.

George Bernard Shaw

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An officer cannot be a good commander if he is no longer afraid of the corporal at all.

Bruce Marshall

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A soldier is required first of all endurance and patience; courage is the second thing.

Napoleon I

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The soldier must fear his boss more than his enemies.


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The army is a school in which no matter how well you study, you will still stay for the second year.

S. Safonov

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They do nothing in the barracks, but extremely disciplined.

Jacques Deval

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The army is people gathered in one place with a single purpose: to correct the mistakes of diplomats.

D. Daniels

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Inform all parts that communication is completely lost.

Ashley Diamond

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Big battalions are always right.

Napoleon I

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The army rule: "Only those who know how to obey know how to command." It's like saying, "Only one who knows how to drown can swim."

Lawrence Peter

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Before commanding, learn to obey.


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The soldier is the last link in the evolution of the animal world.

John Steinbeck

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God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of the best shooters.


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In the army, everything is done quickly, so the service there drags on slowly.

Konstantin Melikhan

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One bad commander in chief is better than two good ones.

Napoleon I

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A volunteer in the army is a person who does not care what to attack to run, what to retreat to run. If only the money was paid.

V. Zubkov

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States and armies are often like ships that are prevented from sailing by their size.

Claude Adrian Helvetius

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The War Department prepares three types of reports: one to deceive the public, the second to deceive the cabinet, and the third to deceive themselves.

M. Asquith

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Military education instills courage through fear.

T. Kotarbinsky

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Speed \u200b\u200bin the army is of the utmost importance both for those who are advancing and especially for those who are retreating.

V. Zubkov

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A career officer is a person whom we feed in peacetime so that in wartime he would send us to the front.

Gabriel Laub

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Ultimately, a soldier's knapsack is no heavier than a prisoner's chains.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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If the enemy is not threatening, the army is in danger.

A. Davidovich

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Military power is like fire: it burns up close, warms up from a distance.

G. Foix

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An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions headed by a ram.

Napoleon I

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The Soviet Army is a school in which no matter how you study, you will leave it for the second year.

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The most reliable lever of all power is military force, which is prescribed by law and which is used by genius. - "Maxims and Thoughts of the Prisoner of Saint Helena", LXXXII


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In the whole world we have only two loyal allies - our army and navy.

Alexander III

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God fights on the side that, other things being equal, has more troops.


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Those who served in the army do not laugh in the circus.


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Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike.

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Club politicians who oppose standing armies are crazy. Should the sovereign dissolve his troops, allow his fortresses to be destroyed and spend time reading Grotius, he will not reign even six months. - “Maxims and Thoughts of the Prisoner of Saint Helena,” CCCLXXX


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Where the army depends on the people, sooner or later it turns out that the government depends on the army.

Antoine de Rivarol

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Discipline is the soul of the army. She turns a small army into a mighty force, brings success to the weak and respect to all. - In a letter of instruction to the captains of the regiments of Virginia, July 29, 1759.

George Washington

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A nation that does not want to feed its army will feed someone else's.

Napoleon 4

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Digging the bomb slots gave us a kind of great pleasure. To anyone with at least the rudiments of intelligence, we told ourselves, it should be clear that there can be not the slightest benefit from this. We dug a crack a quarter of a mile from the nearest school building, and that quarter of a mile was an open field. The place was low, very convenient for the accumulation of poison gas. And after the first rains, the trenches we dug will be full of water. Nevertheless, we eagerly delved into the ground, enjoying the mild autumn sun. The whole idea was so frankly senseless that we could take part in it without compromising our pacifist principles. We looked with satisfaction at the dug trenches, viewing them as a monument to the complete bankruptcy of the army's way of thinking.

Freeman Dyson

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There must be discipline in military service - without it, no one would lift a finger for business. Our chief lieutenant Makovets always said: “Discipline, fools, is necessary. Without discipline, you would climb trees like monkeys. Military service will make people out of you, brainless fools! " Well, isn't that so? Imagine a public garden, say, on Karlovo Square, and on each tree there is one soldier sitting without any discipline. It scares me terribly.

Yaroslav Hasek

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The state creates, develops its power and dies along with the army, without the army there is no independence, there is no freedom, there is no state itself.

A. V. Kolchak

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The most numerous armies are far from the strongest.

Emile Girardin

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Service and friendship are two parallel lines: they do not converge.

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

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The state of the enemy is not visible, and the suffering of one's own army is before the eyes, therefore the latter act on an ordinary person more strongly, for in an ordinary person sensual impressions prevail over the voice of reason.


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The army, like the snake, moves on its belly.

Frederick II of Prussia

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Do you know who can cheer up in a minute when it seems that everything has gone to hell? Warlord. The very best of them had enough speech apparatus not only to give the order, but also to say the right words. And not only in wartime.
We have collected the statements of the most famous generals in world history, whose tongues were sharper than weapons.

Alexander Suvorov

The great Russian military leader was a real "father to the soldier" and a very wise man in everyday life. Therefore, Count Rymniksky was always treated with great attention and respect.

"The smaller the army, the more brave men."

"A soldier should be healthy, brave, firm, I will decide, just."

"The soldier - courage, the officer - courage, the general - courage."

"With severity, mercy is needed, otherwise severity is tyranny."

"You should not think that blind courage gives victory over the enemy, but the only thing mixed with it is the art of war."

"Quickness and onslaught are the soul of a real war."

"Although courage, vigor and courage are required everywhere and on all occasions, they are only in vain if they do not flow from the soldier."

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who is Napoleon? Cake? A pompous dwarf? Lover Hero? First of all, this is a wise ruler and a talented commander, and it does not matter whether you consider him so or not. As an emperor, he also had to "rule" the social life of the country, and therefore not all of his phrases concern the war. Some of them are highly dubious, but should we argue with the dead?

“Religion is an important subject in women's schools. She, no matter how you look at her, is the most reliable guarantee for mothers and husbands. School should teach a girl to believe, not think. "

“A man should sleep four hours, a woman six; more than six hours sleep only children and stuffed fools. "

"A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is not a man or a woman, but simply nothing."

"A people, like a woman, has only one right: to be ruled."

"Revolution is a conviction backed by bayonets."

"Public opinion is a public wench."

"The Russians turned out to be worthy of being invincible."

"There are two levers to manage people: the first is personal gain, and the second is money."

"A fool has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself."

"The leader is like a trader who has invested his money in a business and expects a profit."

"Coups are performed with the belly."

"What does a million human lives mean to a person like me?"

"What is history if not a lie that everyone agrees with?"

"Write short and vague."

“The cowardly flees from the one who is meaner than him; the strongest wins over the weak: this is the origin of political law. "

“Of course, no gospel Christ existed. There was some Jewish fanatic who imagined himself the Messiah. Such people are killed everywhere, at all times. I myself have shot them. "

“Women should not be treated as equals, for they are only machines for procreation. The best woman is the one with the most children. "

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was so cool that he is revered by Muslims as a prophet. Sword possession and innate coolness helped him not only to cut all kinds of knots and enemies, but also to conquer an empire, the size of which was almost half of the world known to the Hellenes. Thanks to Oliver Stone's film, most people think of him as a brow-haired sodomist, but Alexander is actually incredibly cool.

"I see there will be a great contest over my grave."

"There are countless worlds in the universe, and I haven't conquered one yet!"

"Wars depend on glory, and often a lie that is believed becomes true."

"If I had not been Alexander, I would have become Diogenes."

"There cannot be two suns in heaven and two rulers on earth."

"There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more regal than labor."

“The more you have, the more eagerly you strive for what you do not have. Your war is born of victories. "

"I am dying from the help of too many doctors."

Guy Julius Caesar

Guy Julius Caesar became, probably, the main pop star of ancient Rome. We say: "Rome" - we mean Julik, we say: "Caesar" - we mean Rome. For us there is only one Caesar, although these Caesars were innumerable. The great commander left behind not only the right to call a salad, but also hundreds catch phrases, which have long come into use, and we do not even know what it is. It is especially interesting to read his sayings about sudden death and betrayal, remembering the story of his death.

"The greatest enemy hides where you least search for it."

"I would rather be first here (in a poor town) than second in Rome."

"Make yourself famous."

"It is easier to find people who voluntarily go to death than those who patiently endure pain."

"I came, I saw, I won."

"Pave your way by force."

"People willingly believe what they want to believe." (Libenter homines id, quod volunt, credunt)

"Divide and rule." (lat. Divide et impera)

"Better to die right away than live in anticipation."

"This is a vice inherent in our nature: things invisible, hidden and unknown, give rise in us both great faith and the strongest fear."

"I love betrayal, but I hate traitors."

And finally, the most famous:

"I came, I saw, I won." (Veni, vidi, vici);

At the end of July and the beginning of August in 2016, there are days of memory of the two most glorious deeds of the Russian Armed Forces - the Navy and airborne troops... Why do we treat the defenders of the Fatherland with such love? What did Orthodox saints and great people of the past think about their ministry? Today is the time to talk about it.

Dear readers, let me bring to your attention a small collection wise sayingswritten by the Holy Fathers, Church leaders, scientists, military leaders, heads of state and writers and dedicated to military service, patriotism and defense of the Motherland:

1. “The soldiers also asked him: what should we do? And he said to them: do not offend anyone, do not slander, and be content with your salary. "Prophet John the Baptist (Luke 3:14)

2. “The Roman generals inflamed many times the courage of the soldiers, mixing with the name of the Fatherland memories of spouses and children. These tender commitments are indeed the school of mankind. ” Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin

3. “The cruel truth of war is not in the word“ die ”, but in the word“ kill ”. I did not use the term "instinct", but appealed to it, to the powerful instinct to preserve life. I tried to excite and strain him for victory in battle.

The enemy is coming to kill you and me. I teach you, I demand: kill him, manage to kill him, because I want to live too. And each of us commands you, each commands: kill - we want to live! And you demand from a comrade - you must demand, if you really want to live - kill! Homeland is you. The homeland is us, our families, our mothers, our wives and children. The homeland is our people.

Maybe a bullet will overtake you, but first kill! Exterminate as much as you can! By this you will keep him alive, and him, and his - comrades in the trench and a rifle! I, your commander, want to fulfill the command of our wives and mothers, the command of our people. I want to lead into battle not to die, but to live! ”.Alexander Beck, “Volokolamsk highway”.

4. "Abhor the enemies of God, defeat the enemies of the Fatherland, love your enemies."Saint Philaret of Moscow

5. "Even glory should be sacrificed for the sake of the fatherland."Fabius Maxim

6. “It is impermissible to kill, but to destroy the enemy in war is both legal and praiseworthy; therefore those who distinguished themselves in battle are rewarded with great honors, and monuments are erected to them, announcing their merits. "St. Athanasius the Great

7. “Is the military rank deprived of the hope of salvation? Is there not a single pious centurion? I remember the first centurion who, standing at the cross of Christ and realizing the power by miracles, when the insolence of the Jews had not yet cooled, was not afraid of their rage and did not refuse to proclaim the truth, but confessed and did not deny that truly was the Son of God. I also know another centurion, who in the Lord, when he was still in the flesh, knew that He is God and the King of forces and that one command is enough for Him to send benefits to those in need through the ministerial spirits. About his faith, the Lord confirmed that it is greater than the faith of all Israel. And Cornelius, being a centurion, did not he merit to see an angel, and finally, through Peter, did he not receive salvation? "Saint Basil the Great

8. "A people who do not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's."Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte

9. "It is not a sin to be a warrior, but to fight for theft is lawlessness." Saint Ambrose of Mediolan

10. “Wars are ignited most of all for the acquisition of someone else's property. But we must not blame everyone who leads the war; who laid the foundation for either insult or embezzlement is rightly called destructive demons; but those who take revenge in moderation should not be reproached as acting unjustly, because they are doing a lawful deed. " Rev. Isidore Pelusiot

11. “The victory is decided by the art of war and the bravery of the commanders and the fearlessness of the soldiers. Their breasts are the protection and strength of the Fatherland ”. Emperor Peter I the Great

12. “God loves a good-natured world, and God blesses righteous warfare. For since there are non-peaceful people on earth, peace cannot be achieved without military help. For the most part, an honest and trustworthy world must be won. And to preserve the acquired peace, it is necessary that the victor himself does not allow his weapons to rust. " Saint Philaret of Moscow

13. “They fight for the love of their own people, so that they are not subject to captivity and enemy violence. What were the French doing in Russia? And how could you not fight them? ” Saint Theophan the Recluse

14. “Fighting for freedom, we must be careful not to violate the freedom of conscience of others, always remembering that God is the judge over the hearts of people.

I am quite sure that no one should hesitate even for a minute to resort to weapons to protect the priceless gift of freedom, on which all good and evil in life depends, but the weapon, I dare add, is the last resort. " George Washington

15. "A thin citizen of an earthly Fatherland and a heavenly one is unworthy." Saint Philaret of Moscow

16. "The best way to instill in children a love for the fatherland is for the fathers to have this love." Charles Louis de Montesquieu

17. "Remember that the earthly Fatherland with its Church is the threshold of the heavenly Fatherland, therefore love it fervently and be ready to lay down your soul for it." Righteous John of Kronstadt

18. "A true warrior of Christ is he who, in addition to the weapons of the earth, also has the weapon of God - living faith, firm hope, unhypocritical love for truth and Christian humility." Saint Innocent of Kherson

19. "Fatherland is that mysterious, but living organism, the outlines of which you cannot clearly define for yourself, but which you continuously feel touching yourself, for you are connected with this organism by a continuous umbilical cord." Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

20. “Going into battle with adversaries, it is fitting to beware of all unkind words and deeds, to direct your thought to God and to create prayer and fight in a clear consciousness, for help is given from God to bright hearts. Victory in battle is not due to greater strength, but strength in God. " Equal to the Apostles Methodius, Slovenian teacher.

21. "Only one fatherland contains what is dear to everyone." Mark Tullius Cicero

22. "There is no higher idea of \u200b\u200bhow to sacrifice your own life, defending your brothers and your Fatherland." Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, a paraphrase of Holy Scripture

23. “What is not contrary to the law of God is ordered, listen and obey: otherwise, do not listen, since it is more appropriate to obey God than men. This is what the martyrs of the saints did ... if [the commander] orders to do untruth, offend, steal, lie, and so on, do not obey. If he threatens with punishment for this, do not be afraid. " Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

24. “A good name is the belonging of every honest person, but I concluded a good name in the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity. Never self-esteem, often a submissive veil of transient passions, did not govern my actions. I forgot myself where it was necessary to think about the general benefits. My life was a harsh school, but innocent morals and natural generosity made my work easier: my feelings were free, but I myself was strong. " Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

25. “Fortitude is one of the first virtues of the army, both earthly and spiritual. Experienced warriors in battle regard a brave attack on an enemy's formation as a sign of courage, but incomparably great - a silent standing with a gloomy firmness under the cannonballs and buckshot of enemy batteries, when this is required by the general plan of the commander. He can rely on such and such soldiers most, our heroic hero Jesus Christ relies on such soldiers and crowns them with spiritual crowns. " Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

26. “You are a future warrior! The warrior's business is to stand up cheerfully and always be ready to engage in combat with the enemy, not sparing myself and not indulging the enemy. " Saint Theophan the Recluse

27. "While we are burning with freedom, While hearts are alive for honor, My friend, we will devote beautiful impulses to the fatherland!" ... Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

28. “The Church wants a person wearing a military uniform to be enlightened by the light of the Truth of Christ, so that the Lord Himself guides this person both in peacetime and in wartime. The Church believes that if a soldier gives his heart to Christ and is led by the Lord, he will not go astray, but will sincerely and sacrificially protect his neighbors, honorably fulfill his military duties. " Patriarch Alexy II

29. “Don't think about yourself, think about your comrades; comrades will think of you.
This is the first military commandment. " General Mikhail Dragomirov

30. “Christ our God has commanded us to pray for those who offend us and to be pleased with them; but He also commanded us: there is no more love than if someone lay down his life for his friends. Therefore, we endure the insults that we inflict on each of us separately, but in society we protect each other and lay down our lives for our brethren, so that you, taking them into captivity, do not capture their souls along with their bodies, incline the pious to your evil and god-loathing business ". Equal to the Apostles Kirill, Slovenian teacher

31. “Many who laid down their belly in battle will surely receive the remission of sins, and many will be crowned with incorruptible crowns of heavenly glory, while their remaining neighbors, and indeed everyone in general, suffering for this with their hearts and suffering in many respects, will involuntarily abandon luxury and be established in faith ". Venerable Macarius of Optina

32. “When I met face to face with Russian wounded soldiers, I became convinced what an abyss of Christian love and selflessness lies in the heart of a Russian man, and nowhere, perhaps, they are not manifested in such amazing strength and greatness as on the battlefield” ... Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Andrey Segeda

In contact with

  • Time has no power over the greatness of everything that we experienced during the war. And the people who once experienced great trials will continue to draw strength from this victory. (G.K. Zhukov)
  • Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while the country defended by the people is invincible. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • I came, I saw, I won. (Guy Julius Caesar)
  • Best General Quotes

    • As you know, the army is an instrument of war, it exists for an armed struggle against the enemies of the Motherland, and for this struggle it, first of all, must be prepared tactically. Otherwise, she will be forced to finish her studies during the battles, while incurring unnecessary losses. (G.K. Zhukov)
    • An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions headed by a ram. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
    • Quotes from commanders - The defeat of the enemy in an operation, battle or in battle is the business of the entire team, a common cause. The one who tries to rise above the collective, or the one who wants to exalt someone, is contrary to the truth. (G.K. Zhukov)
    • Happiness is always on the side of the brave. (P.I.Bagration)
    • A soldier is required above all endurance and patience; courage is the second thing. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, vigor, courage, courage - victory. (A.V.Suvorov)
  • Courage in war is absolutely necessary, but it is no less important in times of peace, when it is necessary to uncompromisingly oppose lies, routine military service, ignorance, imperfections and the calming influences of the environment. (N.L. Clodo)
  • Combat success is guaranteed only for an army that is imbued with the spirit of initiative. (A.K. Baiov)
  • The Russian army is invincible in battles and is inimitable in the generosity and virtues of the peaceful. (M.I.Kutuzov)
  • No matter how bad it is, never despair, hold on while you have strength. (A.V.Suvorov)
  • The highest and ultimate goal of military education is the art of defeating the enemy. (ND Butovsky)
  • Love for the homeland is the first virtue of a civilized person. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • Honor is the shrine of an officer ... it is the highest good ... honor is a reward in happiness and consolation in sorrow. Honor builds courage and ennobles courage. Honor knows no hardships or dangers ... honor does not tolerate, and does not tolerate any stain. (M.S. Galkin)
  • Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike. (A.V.Suvorov)
  • They study great examples of military science not in order to literally imitate them, but in order to be imbued with their spirit. (M.I.Dragomirov)
  • Idleness is the root of all evil, especially a military man. (A.V.Suvorov)
  • Devotion to the Motherland and the interests of the common cause is the main task of the military education program. (M.I.Dragomirov)
  • War consists of unforeseen events. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • The entire disciplinary charter is completely removed in one phrase of the oath: "not only for fear, but also for conscience." (S.O. Makarov)
  • Read it first, study it, then act. (M. Frunze)
  • Upbringing is more important than education, because military affairs are to a large extent more volitional than mental. (M.I.Dragomirov)
  • A Russian soldier does not go to service because of money, he looks at the war as the fulfillment of his sacred duty, to which he is called by fate ... All the valor of the Russian soldier is based on this. (S.O. Makarov)
  • Undaunted people are not among those who have something to lose. (Napoleon I Bonaparte)
  • Statements of great commanders - Do not think about yourself, think about your comrades; comrades will think of you. Here is the first military commandment. (M.I.Dragomirov)
  • The one who has never left a plane in his life, whence cities and villages seem like toys, who have never experienced joy and fear free fall, whistling in the ears, a stream of wind blowing into the chest, he will never understand the honor and pride of a paratrooper ... (V.F. Margelov)
  • No amount of strict measures will destroy evil if there are reasons for it.


    Chatting about business does not mean being able to do it.

    With regard to the masses, it is undoubtedly true that where they read more, they think more.

    What is useless in war, it is harmful to introduce into peaceful education.

    It is necessary in peacetime to teach not to rush anywhere and not to be late; in the military it is too late to learn this habit.

    A dedicated leader should not be afraid and learn himself ... You should sincerely acknowledge your mistakes, and not pretend to be sinless.

    A little more heart, a little more attention to the soldier on the part of the officer, and success is sure.

    Saving people is the sacred duty of every boss.

    To give an order briefly and clearly, to cheer up with a word, a glance is a great and difficult art, which is given to the majority only by practice.

    If the officer does not, then no one will.

    An army in which an officer enjoys the confidence of a soldier has on its side an advantage that cannot be acquired either by numbers, or by the perfection of technology, or by anything else.

    An officer is not only a military rank, but also a public figure; the army is not only an armed force, but also a school for educating the people, preparing them for public life.

    The army should be an organically growing mass, and not a mechanically rallying mass ... and the feeling of camaraderie cannot but give all its fruits; fighting side by side with a person to whom your heart lies, or with someone who has only one thing in common with you, is not the same thing.

    Don't think about yourself, think about your comrades; comrades will think of you - this is the first military commandment.

    Military success is based on freedom; the mind suggests only the easiest path to success.

    In battle, only he beats who is not afraid to die; for a person who has raised himself in this way, there are no surprises ... And only under this condition ... audacity and perseverance in achieving the goal will become a matter of course.

    What in the military can be more contemptuous than fear, which paralyzes both mind and will?

    Above all ... is the willingness to suffer and die, that is, selflessness ... it gives the strength to endure to the end, to bring the Motherland a sacrifice of the highest love.


    Moral development determines the existence of a strong military family, which the soldier loves and willingly accepts all its customs.

    The soldier must be proud of his beautiful appearance, his uniform, the characteristic manners of the unit in which he serves, and, in general, his braveness.

    The dashing appearance of a soldier ... plays very important role at critical moments of the battle. ... First of all, the general youthful appearance of the masses will be striking, and this is enough for the masses not to waver.

    Drill ... refers to the boss even more than to the soldier; The confused soldier confuses himself, and even shoves his comrades, and the confused chief confuses hundreds and thousands.

    And drill and educate! .. But only - first yourself, and then a soldier.

    N. D. Butovsky

    The officer should be a person for the whole society ... his authority should not be undermined by anyone, if only he does his job.

    Ask the subordinate what needs to be done; leave it to him to decide how to carry out the order.

    We need a good selection of bosses and a system of production and appointments that would make it possible to nominate people in accordance with the strength of character, intelligence and knowledge.

    A. A. Terekhov

    If you want the soldiers to perform honestly and from the heart, do it yourself! And who is too gentle for such a rough job, do not hesitate to leave ...

    It is better to have fewer officers, but quite reliable, than a mass of incapable ones. The example is contagious.

    N. Ya.Shneur

    The monetary reward of military ranks for their military merits does not fit the spirit of the Russian army ... The Russian soldier does not go into service for money, he looks at the war as the fulfillment of his sacred duty, to which he is called by fate, and does not expect monetary awards for their service ... Anyone who can be influenced by money in wartime is not worthy of the honor of wearing a naval uniform.

    It's easy to make our youth work, you just need to see that the results of their work are beneficial ... The sooner a young person sees active service, the better.
    An officer who, after leaving the school, ceases to study, cannot be called a reliable officer.

    S.O. Makarov

    The commander, who allows robbery in his troops, violence against residents and prisoners, lays the most pernicious foundations for the moral decay of troops and the guarantee of their sure defeat by the enemy.

    Discipline must be ironclad. There is no doubt about this, but this is achieved by the moral authority of the boss, and not by slaughter.

    It is imperative that the officers maintain full energy, self-control and the ability to decide independently under all circumstances.

    To be successful, the boss must lead his unit into battle, not send it out.

    Untiring concern for the soldier, love for him, proven by deeds, is the best guarantee for victory.

    Victory is based on mutual assistance.

    Not the forms, but the spirit of the troops, not the book calculation, but the genius, not the hasty peaceful training, but the war — that is what forms both the army and the leaders.

    Let's preserve in all its purity the glory of the Russian name and the glory of the regiments, supported ... at the price of blood.

    M. D. Skobelev

    On the duty and honor of the military in the Russian army: Collection of materials, 0-11 documents and articles / Comp. Yu.A. Galushko, A.A. Kolesnikov; Ed. V.N. Lobova. - 2nd ed. M .: Voenizdat, 1991.- 368 p: ill.
    Layout and design of the artist's book N.T. Katerushi.
    Photographing of the exhibits of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops and Signal Corps specially for this book was made by D.P. Getmanenko.
