How often are you thinking about how our world was arranged today if the result of some key historical events was different? What would our planet be, if dinosaurs, for example, were not extinct? Each of our action, the solution automatically becomes part of the past. In fact, there is no present: everything that we do in this minute is no longer changed, it is recorded in the memory of the universe. However, there is a theory, according to which there are many universes, where we live absolutely another life: each our action is associated with a certain choice and, making this choice on our universe, in parallel - "Other I" takes the opposite decision. How justified such a theory from a scientific point of view? Why scientists resorted to her? Let's try to figure out our article.

Multimoom concept of the Universe

For the first time, the theory about the likely multitude of worlds mentioned American physicist Hugh Everett. He suggested his solve one of the main quantum mysteries of physics. Before moving directly to the theory of Hugh Everetta, it is necessary to figure out what the mystery of quantum particles, which does not give rest to the physicists of the whole world for more than a dozen years.

Imagine an ordinary electron. It turns out that it may be in two places at the same time as a quantum object. This property is called the superposition of two states. But the magic does not end. As soon as we want to somehow specify the location of the electron, for example, we will try to knock it down with another electron, then it will become normal from the quantum. How is this possible: the electron was in paragraph A, and in paragraph b and suddenly at a certain point he jumped into b?

Hugh Eversette offered his interpretation of this quantum mystery. According to its multimore theory, the electron continues to exist in two states at the same time. It's all about the observer itself: now it turns into a quantum object and is divided into two states. In one of them, he sees an electron in paragraph A, in another - in B. There are two parallel reality, and in which one is observer, it is unknown. The division on reality is not limited to a number two: their branching depends only on the variation of events. However, all these reality exist independently of each other. We, as observers, fall into one, to get out of which, as well as moving to parallel, is impossible.

Octavio Fossatti /

From the point of view of this concept, the experiment with the most scientific cat in the history of physics is easily explained - Schrödinger Cat. According to the multi-volume interpretation of quantum mechanics, an unhappy cat in the steel chamber is simultaneously alive, and dead. When we reveal this chamber, it seem to merge with the cat and form two states - the living and dead that do not intersect. Two different universes are formed: in one observer with a dead cat, in the other - with alive.

It should be noted immediately note that the multi-volume concept does not imply the presence of a set of universes: it is one, simply multilayer, and each object in it can be in different states. Such a concept cannot be considered an experimentally confirmed theory. So far, this is just a mathematical description of a quantum riddle.

Hugh Everett's theory supports a physicist, professor of the Australian University of Griffith Howard Wiserman, Dr. Michael Hall from the center of quantum dynamics of Griffith University and Dr. Dirk Andre Deckkert from the University of California. In their opinion, parallel worlds really have and endowed with different characteristics. Any quantum riddles and patterns are the consequence of the "repulsion" of each other of the world neighbors. These quantum phenomena arise in order for each world to be like another.

Concept of parallel universes and string theory

From school lessons we remember well that there are two main theories in physics: the overall theory of relativity and the quantum field theory. The first explains the physical processes in the macromir, the second - in micro. If both of these theories are used on one scale, they will contradict each other. It seems logical, which should exist some common theory applicable to any distances and scales. As such physics, strings theory was put forward.

The fact is that some oscillations arise on a very small scale, which are similar to oscillations from a regular string. These strings are charged with energy. "Strings" are not strings in the literal sense. This is an abstraction that explains the interaction of particles, physical constant values, their characteristics. In the 1970s, when the theory originated, scientists believed that it would become universal to describe all of our world. However, it turned out that this theory only works in a 10-dimensional space (and we live in a four-dimensional). The remaining six dimensions of space are simply folded. But, as it turned out, they are collapsed in a simple way.

In 2003, scientists found out that they can turn around with a huge number of methods, and in each new way its universe is obtained with different physical constants.

Jason BlackEye /

As in the case of a multi-family concept, the strings theory is quite difficult to prove experimentally. In addition, the mathematical apparatus of the theory is so difficult that for each new idea, a mathematical explanation should be sought literally from scratch.

Hypothesis of mathematical universe

Cosmologist, Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Max Tegmark in 1998 put forward his "theory of all" and called it a hypothesis of the mathematical universe. He in his own way solved the problem of the existence of a large number of physical laws. In his opinion, each set of these laws that are consistent from the point of view of mathematics corresponds to an independent universe. The universality of the theory is that with its help you can explain all the variety of physical laws and the values \u200b\u200bof physical constants.

Tegmark offered all worlds on his concept to divide into four groups. The first includes worlds outside our space horizon, so-called non-malactic objects. The second group includes worlds with other physical constants other than our universe. Third - worlds that appear as a result of the interpretation of the laws of quantum mechanics. The fourth group is a certain totality of all universes in which certain mathematical structures are manifested.

As the researcher notes, our universe is not the only one, since the space is infinite. Our world, where we live is limited by space, the light from which came to us for $ 13.8 billion after a large explosion. To learn about other universes, we can reliably even at least a billion years old, while the light from them reaches us.

Stephen Hawking: Black Holes - Path to another Universe

Stephen Hawking is also a supporter of the theory of many universes. One of the most famous scientists in 1988 first introduced his essay "Black holes and young universes." The researcher assumes that black holes are the road to alternative worlds.

Thanks to Stephen Hawking, we know that black holes tend to lose energy and evaporate, while releasing the radiation of Hoking, which received the name of the researcher himself. Before the great scientist made this discovery, the scientific community believed that everything that in any way enters the black hole disappears. Hawking theory refutes this assumption. According to physics, hypothetically, any thing, the subject, the object that fell into a black hole flies out of it and falls into a different universe. However, such a journey is a movement of one way: it is impossible to return back.

Multiveselenny - Scientific concept involving the presence of many parallel universes. There are a number of hypotheses describing the diversity of these worlds, their properties and interaction.

The success of quantum theory is indisputable. After all, it together with represents all the fundamental laws of physics, famous for the modern world. Despite this, quantum theory still puts a number of questions that still do not have certain answers. One of these is the famous "Schrödinger Cat's problem", which clearly demonstrates the sounding foundation for quantum theory, which is formed on predictions and the likelihood of a particular event. It is that a feature of a particle, according to quantum theory, is to exist in a state of equal amount of all its possible states. In this case, if you apply this law to the quantum world, it turns out that the cat is the sum of the state of the living and dead cat!

And although the laws of quantum theory are successfully used in the application of technologies such as radars, radio, mobile phones and the Internet, have to put up with the paradox indicated above.

In an attempt to resolve the quantum problem, the so-called "Copenhagen theory" was formed, according to which the status of the cat becomes definite when we open the box and observe its condition, and before it is uncertain. However, the use of Copenhagen theory, admit, to, means that Pluto exists only from the moment American astronomer Clyde Tombo opened on February 18, 1930. Only on this day, the wave function (state) of the pluto was recorded, and the rest were all collapsed. But it is known that the Pluto's age significantly exceeds the mark of 3.5 billion years, which indicates the problems of Copenhagen interpretation.

Multiplicity of worlds

Another option to solve a quantum problem has proposed an American physicist Hugh Eversett in 1957. It formulated the so-called "multi-volume interpretation of quantum worlds." According to it, each time the object passes from an indefinite state into a certain - this object cleaves the number of probable states. Having asked as an example of Schrödinger's cat when we open the box, the universe appears with a script, where the cat is dead and the universe appears, where it remains alive. Thus, it is in two states, but already in parallel worlds, that is, all the climbing functions of the cat remain valid and no of them collapses.

It is this hypothesis, many science fiction writers used in their scientific fiction works. The multiplicity of parallel worlds implies a number of alternative events, due to which the story has accepted a different course. For example, in some world, invincible Spanish Armada was not crushed or the third Reich won in World War II.

A more modern interpretation of this model explains the inability to interact with other worlds the lack of coherence of wave functions. Roughly speaking, at some point, our wave function has ceased to fluctuate into tact with the functions of parallel worlds. Then it is possible that we can coexist in the apartment with "cohabitants" from other universes, without interacting with them in any way, and, as well as they, be convinced of what our universe is real.

In fact, the term "multi-volume" is not quite suitable for this theory, as it implies one world with many options for events occurring simultaneously.

Most theoretical physicists agree that this hypothesis is incredibly fantastic, but it explains the problems of quantum theory. However, a number of scientists do not consider the multi-volume interpretation of scientific, as it cannot be confirmed or refuted using the scientific method.

In quantum cosmology

Today, the hypothesis of the multiplicity of worlds is returned to the scientific scene, as scientists intend to use quantum theory not for any objects, but to apply in relation to the whole universe. We are talking about the so-called "quantum cosmology", which, as it may seem at first glance, carries absurd even in its wording. The questions of this scientific field are related to the Universe. The meager dimensions of the universe at the first stages of its formation are quite consistent with the scale of quantum theory.

In this case, if the size of the universe was order, then applying a quantum theory to it, we can also obtain an indefinite state of the universe. The latter implies the presence of other universes in various states with a different probability. Then the states of all parallel worlds in the amount give one single "wave function of the Universe." In contrast to the multimist interpretation, quantum universes exist separately.


As you know, there is a problem of the fine setting of the universe, which draws attention to the fact that physical fundamental constants that ask the basic laws of nature in the world are selected ideal for the existence of life. Whether the proton mass is slightly smaller, the formation of elements is heavier than hydrogen would be impossible. This problem can be solved using a multi-dealer model, which realizes a plurality of parallel universes with various fundamental. Then the likelihood of the existence of some of these worlds is small and they "die" shortly after birth, for example, shrink or fly out. Others, whose constants form not contradictory laws of physics, with high probability remain stable. According to this hypothesis, the multi-dealer includes a large number of parallel worlds, most of which are "dead", and only a small number of parallel universes allows them to exist for a long time, and even gives the right to have a reasonable life.

In the theory of strings

One of the most promising areas of theoretical physics is. It deals with the description of quantum strings - extended one-dimensional objects whose oscillation seems to us in the form of particles. The initial calling for this theory is to combine two fundamental theories: the general theory of relativity and quantum theory. As it turned out later, this can be done in several ways, as a result of which several strings theories were formed. In the mid-1990s, a number of physicists of theorists found that these theories are different cases of one design, later called as a "M-theory."

Its peculiarity lies in the existence of a certain 11-dimensional membrane, the strings of which permeate our universe. However, we live in a world with four dimensions (three space coordinates and one temporary), where do other measurements go? Scientists suggest that they are closed on themselves on themselves in the smallest scales, which should not be observed, by virtue of the lack of technology development. From this statement, another purely mathematical problem implies - there is a large number of "false vacuums".

The simplest explanation of this convolution of the spaces unobserved by us, as well as the presence of false vacuums - Multivalented. Physics involved in the theories of strings are based on the statement that there is a huge number of other universes in which not only other physical laws, but also another number of measurements. Thus, the membrane of our universe in a simplified form can be represented as a sphere, a bubble, on the surface of which we dwell, and 7 measurements of which are in the "rolled" state. Then our world along with other universe membranes is something like a set of soap bubbles that float in 11-dimensional hyperspace. We, existing in 3-districny space, and cannot get out of its limits, and therefore we have no opportunity to interact with other universe.

As mentioned earlier, most of the parallel worlds, the universes are dead. That is, due to unstable or unsuitable physical laws, their substance can be represented, for example, only in the form of the structureless accumulation of electrons and. The reason for this variety of possible quantum states of particles, other values \u200b\u200bof fundamental constants and another number of measurements. It is noteworthy that such an assumption does not contradict the principle of Copernicus, arguing that our world is not unique. Since although in small quantities, but there may be worlds, the physical laws of which, despite their difference from ours, still admit the formation of complex structures and the birth of a reasonable life.

The theory's viability

Although the hypothesis about the multiverse and looks like a script for a science fiction book, it has only one drawback - scientists are not possible to prove or refute it with the help of the scientific method. But there is a complex mathematics behind it and a number of significant and promising physical theories are based on. The arguments in favor of the Multivalene are represented by the following list:

  • It is a foundation for the existence of a multi-family interpretation of quantum mechanics. One of the two advanced theories (along with the Copenhagen interpretation), solving the problem of uncertainty in quantum mechanics.
  • Explains the causes of the existence of a fine setting of the universe. In the case of the multiverse, the parameters of our world are just one of the many possible options.
  • It is the so-called "landscape of string theory", as it solves the problem of false vacuum and allows you to describe the reason why a certain amount of measurements of our Universe is folded.

  • Supported that best explains its expansion. In the early stages of the formation of the Universe, it most likely, it could be divided into two universes and more, each of which evolved regardless of another. On the theory of inflation, a modern standard cosmological model of the Universe - Lambda CDM is being built.

Swedish cosmologist Max Tegmark proposed a classification of various alternative worlds:

  1. Universes located outside our visible universe.
  2. Universes with other fundamental constants and measurement numbers, which, for example, can be located on other membranes, according to the M-theory.
  3. Parallel universes arising according to the multi-family interpretation of quantum mechanics.
  4. The final ensemble is all possible universes.

There is nothing to say about the fate of the theory about the theory of multi-dealerous yet, but today it takes an honorable place in cosmology and theoretical physics, and is supported by a number of outstanding physicists of our time: Stephen Hawking, Brian Green, Max Tegmark, Mitio Kaku, Alan Gut, Nile Tyson and others.

Worlds parallel universes

Increasingly in the theoretical works of cosmologists, our universe, as in the mirrors, is reflected in the countless one. Parallel universes multiply infinity. The worlds of our twins, which in other existences are amenable to all the temptations, from which we refused - and vice versa. Universes, in all not similar to our: with absolutely other laws of nature and physical constants, with time, current in the other direction, with particles rushing with superluminal speed.

"The idea of \u200b\u200bparallel universes seemed to be a very suspicious scientist - such a refuge of esoterics, videos and charlatans. Any physicist, who decided to talk about parallel universes, immediately turned into an object of ridicule in the eyes of colleagues and risked his career, because even now there is not the slightest experimental confirmation of their right.

But over time, the attitude to this problem has changed dramatically, and the best minds are persistently trying to solve it, "says Professor of New York University Mitio Kaku, the author of the book" Parallel Universe ".

The combination of the universes has already received its name: Multivalented, Multiwers. She is increasingly dedicated to serious scientific books. The author of one of them, the "Universe in the neighborhood", Astrophysicist from Britain Marcus Chaun wrote: "Our universe is not a single universe, but only one in an endless line of other, raging in the river of time, like foam bubbles. There, behind the most distant boundaries of the universe, visible to the telescope, there are universities, ready to fit with all thought of mathematical formulas. "

Max Tegmark, the author of the research "Parallel Universes", stated: "Nature with various ways prompts us that our universe is only one among many other universes ... At this time, we are not yet able to see how these parts add up in one giant picture ... Of course, many ordinary people find a similar representation by madman, and many of the scientists also consider. But this is an emotional reaction. People simply do not like all this trash of lifeless universe. "

The most authoritative physics of our time remains away from this puffy. So, Professor Cambridge University Martin Rice, Royal Astronomer Great Britain, I am confident: "What we used to call the" Universum "can actually be only a single link in the whole ensemble. It is quite acceptable to the existence of the countless other universes, where the laws of nature look completely different. The universe in which we arose is included in an unusual subset, where the birth of consciousness is allowed. "

This kind of idea fits into modern ideas of physicists and astronomers. So, our universe was born 13.7 billion years ago as a result of a large explosion. Nothing says that it was a unique, single event. Such explosions could occur the countless number of times, invariably generating another alien universe. They, as if pieces of puzzles, make up one picture of the "world-in-whole" - Mulvers.

Such an idea is fraught with strange conclusions. "We have one and the same obsessive picture," the American physicist Frank Wilchek, Ironized, "we see an infinite many of our own copies that almost do not differ from each other and who lead their parallel life. And every moment more and more than our twins appear, which live the most different options for our own future. "

Generally speaking, this kind of paintings will go up to the idea of \u200b\u200bAmerican physics Hugh Everett, set forth for more than half a century ago, in 1957 he interpreted quantum theory as follows: he suggested that every time you have to make a choice between several possible states, our universe is split There are several parallel universes, very similar to each other. Thus, there is an universe, in which today I will meet with Elena. There is an universe where the meeting will not take place. And henceforth, each of them will develop in their own way. So my private life is indeed only a particular case of a great set of destinies that have to live Summa Summarum to me and all my twins.

At the same time, the idea of \u200b\u200bEverett is also a brilliant way to resolve the inevitable paradoxes that arise when we argue about the "car time". What if her inventor, going to the past, suddenly falls into a wild longing and decides to impose on his hands? He will die in distant youth; He will not come up with a car flying through the distance; He will not return to his youth; He will not kill himself; He will live long, doing technical creativity; It will inhibit the time machine; He will return to the past, kill himself; He will die in a distant youth ... on this logical chain sliding, as in the Lest Mebius, not understanding where he switched from the front side to the revolving.

1991 - the node of this paradox ruled David Doych from Oxford University. You can really travel to the past - and even with a gun in your hands, - But every time we go to the past, we do not get into our Universe, where we did not see any guests from the future and hear did not hear, but in an alternative universe, Which is born as soon as the time machine land. In our world, the framework of causal relationships is unshakable.

"The object comes a trip from a certain time flowing in a certain world, and gets at another time and another world. But no object can be transferred to the last era of the same world, "this experience can be formulated, which transformed into a trip to the parallel space. Aphorism Maoris Metherlinka "If today Judas will go on the road, this path will lead to Judas" did not stand the test of cosmological views. A man who went into the past to meet himself finds only his twin in someone else's past.

Strange? "Interpretation of Everett is an inevitable conclusion that should be done if we consider quantum theory as a universal teaching, applicable and everywhere," many physicists will agree with such a reasoning. And others are already engaged in mapping the universe, which can accommodate not alone, but an infinite set of universes.

We, unique and unique people, multiply a copy of films on DVDs disassembled by different apartments. And if at that moment disk № 3234 dust in the box, then disk number 3235, someone just puts on the player, and disk number 3236 someone takes out to put exactly in the same box, and disk number ... in general, with Everything happens to them that only can happen.

Can I visit the parallel universe?

When scientists talk about the parallel universes, they most often talk about the various subjects: about remote areas of the universe, between which "super-flowered" - inflation - the abyss, about the world series, which will still spare from our universe, about the edges of the N-dimensional universe, one Of which forms familiar to us space.

According to one scenarios, the density of the vacuum energy may sometimes be spontaneously changed so that it leads to the birth of the "subsidiary of the Universe". Such universes are flying out on Multi-Merce as soap bubbles, blown by a child. According to other scenarios, the new universes are born in the depths of black holes.

Critics also consider the speculative hypothesis of the multi-lens. It can not really justify or prove. Other universes are not available for observation; We can not see them to face, as we do not see the day yesterday or tomorrow. So is it possible, relying on physical laws known to us or the facts, describe what lies beyond the horizon of the universe? It would be presumptuous to argue that "no moon, no one sees her," that there are no other worlds, since they do not see them. Is it worth rejecting this "speculative fantasy" if any attempt to describe what lies outside of our world, in his own way fantastic?

We have to deal with only a theoretical basis on which it does not argue anything that has practical value. As for extravagance, the quantum theory, in the view of an overview observer, is no less fantastic than a conversation about an endless set of universes.

Gradually, the principle was established in physics: "All that is not forbidden will inevitably come true." In this case, the right of the next turn is transmitted to opponents. It should be proven to prove the impossibility of one or another hypothesis, and the case of enthusiasts is to offer them. So the share of critics is to convince that none of the many universes has the right to exist in any part of N-dimension. And if they coped with the proof, it would be rather strange. "If only one of our universe was existed," British cosmologist Dennis William Skyama writes, it would be difficult to explain why there is no place for many other universes, while one thing is still available. "

With the topical idea of \u200b\u200bthe "multiplicity of the universes", the Copernikovsky revolution, which began 5 centuries ago, comes to its logical conclusion. "At first, people believed that the Earth was located in the center of the Universe," Alexander Vilenkin writes. - Then it became clear that the land occupies about the same place as other planets. It was difficult to put up with what we are not unique. "

At first, the Earth was expelled from the center of the Universe, then our galaxy turned out to be one of the small islets in space, and now the cosmos has multiplied as the sand in the endless imfilad mirrors. The horizons of the universe expanded - in all directions, in all measurements! Infinity has become a natural reality in physics, the immutable property of the world.

So, somewhere far away, other universes are hidden. Is it possible to get to them? Perhaps, it was time for science fiction, it was time to change the "Time Machines", which have already managed to fly through the worlds of the past and the future, on the "Machines of the Space", which are noticed through our star worlds in an unknown distance of foremost geometry. And what do scientists think about this?

2005 - the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics honored the awards in the category "Flight of the Future" Austrian physics of Walter Dresher and his German colleague Joachim Hoisher. If the ideas proposed by them are correct, then it is possible to get to the moon in a few minutes, to Mars - in two and a half hours, well, and 80 days will be enough not only to hurt the earth, but also to move to the star lying in the top ten light years from us. This kind of sentence is simply not may not appear - otherwise the cosmonautics will go to a dead end. There is no other choice: or we will fly to the stars, or cosmic swimming - the case is absolutely meaningless, as an attempt to bypass the globe, jumping on one leg.

What is the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200bDresher and Hoiser? Half a century ago German scientist Burkhard Highm tried to reconcile two most important theories of modern physics: quantum mechanics and general theory of relativity.

At one time, Einstein showed that the space in the vicinity of the planets or stars is heavily twisted, and the time flows slower than away from them. It is difficult to check, but it is easy to clarify with a metaphor. Space can be like a tight taut cloth from rubber, and the heavenly bodies are an ardent of metal balls, monotonously circling on it. The more a massive ball, the deeper the depression under it. Gravity, Einstein said, this is a spatial geometry, visible distortion of space-time.

Khaim brought his idea to a logical completion, making the assumption that other fundamental interactions are also generated by the characteristics of the space in which we live - and we live according to Heim, in the six-dimensional space (including time).

His followers, Dresher and Hoyzer, brought the number of dimensions of our universe to eight and even described how to penetrate the line of the usual measurements (here he, "Flight of the Future"!).

Their model "Machines of space" is as follows: a rotating ring and a powerful magnetic field of a specific configuration. As the speed of rotation of the ring increases, located here, the starship would seem to dissolve in the air, it becomes invisible (those who watched the film "Contact" on the novel of Karl Sagan, well remember the scene when a spherical ship rummaged on the spot, disappeared at the veil Tuman - was transferred to the "Tunnel-wormwort").

The starship of Drescher and Hoiser also slipped into another dimension, where, according to the hypothesis of scientists, physical constants, including the speed of light, can be taken at all, for example, much greater. Running on someone else's measurement - according to the "parallel universe" - with superlumina (mostly) speed, the ship was declared a moment from the goal, be it moon, Mars or Star.

The authors of the work honestly write that "this project contains disadvantages" and "mathematically not esteble", in particular, it is not entirely clear how the ship penetrates into the parallel universe and the more will be chosen from it. Modern technique is not capable of it. And in general, the proposed theory, it is said in the comments of the magazine "New Scientist", it is difficult to linet with modern physics, but it may be a rather promising direction.

What if our like-minded people in one of the parallel worlds think the same way, maybe even try to penetrate us?

The physicist and astronomer Stefan Fernie from the University College of London - one of the leading British universities is convinced that traces of such clashes can be noticed on the cards of relict radiation, which is considered to be preserved from the initial stages of the existence of the Universe and evenly fills it. It is considered as one of the main confirmations of the theory of the Big Explosion.

On such cards presents the results of measuring the spectrum of relic radiation - more hot areas are designated in red colors, coolest - blue. After examining the round formations on the panorama, the finishes and his colleagues came to the conclusion that this is a kind of "cosmic potholes", which remained after the collision of parallel universes.

The center of such a circle is the hottest area, whereas closer to the periphery of the color of the spectrum are becoming colder than.

According to scientists, in the distant past, the real "battles" between the parallel worlds in which our participation was participating in Space. "Bublik-Universe" in which we live, according to them, survived at least four such collisions.

Many cosmologists, however, have criticized, stating that in a similar way, many other early conclusions can be made easily. The authors of the study agreed that much still have to double-check. However, if the theory of "bubbles" is confirmed by future research, then humanity will be able to "look" in parallel worlds for the first time, not limited to only its own universe, they are optimistic about them.

This "discovery" in the footsteps of the relic radiation made a month after the other group of scientists on the basis of similar data issued the theory according to which the universe gave rise to a big explosion. They believe that the Universe was before him, and "big explosions" occurs periodically - according to cosmic standards.

Professor Oxford University Roger Penrose and Professor Yerevan State University Vaga Gurzadyan found 12 concentric circles on the cards of relict radiation, some of them have up to five rings. The separation of a circle by five rings means that during the existence of objects, which displays this circle, five large-scale events were marked.

Cosmologists believe that the circles are the prints of the powerful gravitational radiation waves formed by the collision of black holes during the "previous eternity" - a space era that was to a large explosion.

Ultimately, black holes will pierce all the matter in the universe, Professor Penrose says. With the destruction of matter only energy will remain. And she, in turn, will cause a new big explosion and a new "eternity". Meanwhile, according to the current theory of the Big Bang, the Universe is constantly expanding, and this process will last infinitely. Some astronomers believe that as a result it will turn into a cold dead waste.

Parallel Universes is a theory or reality? Many physicists are fighting on the decision of this issue is far from the first year.

Are there parallel universes?

Is our universe one of the set? The idea of \u200b\u200bparallel universes, previously attributed only to science fiction, is now becoming increasingly respected among scientists - at least among physicists who usually bring any idea to the most framework that it can be assumed at all. In fact, there is a huge number of potential parallel universes. Physics proposed several possible forms of Multivalene, each of which is possible on a particular aspect of physics laws. The problem that follows directly from the very definition is that people will never be able to visit these universes to make sure they exist. Thus, the question is how other methods check the existence of parallel universes that cannot be seen or touching?

Narget idea

It is assumed that at least some of these universes live human twins who live like this or even identical lives with people from our world. Such an idea affects your ego and awakens fantasies - that is why the multiverse, whatever distant and unoccupied, they have always received such wide popularity. The most clearly you could see the ideas of multivalented in such books as the "man in a high castle" Philip K. Dick, and in such films, as "carefully, the doors are closed." In fact, there is nothing new in the idea of \u200b\u200bMultivalented - it clearly proves the religious philosopher Meri-Jane Rubarenstein in his book "Worlds without end." In the middle of the sixteenth century, Copernicus argued that the Earth is not the center of the Universe. A few decades, the Galileo telescope showed him the stars out of reach, so humanity received the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe immensity of the space. Thus, at the end of the sixteenth century, the Italian philosopher Jordano Bruno argued that the universe could be infinite and maintain an infinite number of settlements.

Universe Matryoshka

The idea that the universe contains many solar systems, has become rather common in the eighteenth century. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Irish physicist Edmund Fournier D'Laba even suggested that there may be an infinite regression of the "nested" universes of various sizes, both large and smaller. From this point of view, a separately taken atom can be viewed as a real populated solar system. Modern scientists denied the assumption of the existence of a multi-dealer-nephew, but in return, they offered several other options in which the multiverse can exist. Here are the most popular among them.

Patchwork universe

The simplest of these theories follows from the idea of \u200b\u200binfinity of the universe. It is impossible to know for sure whether it is infinite, but it is impossible to deny it. If she is still infinite, then it should be divided into "flap" -Regions that are not visible to each other. Why? The fact is that these regions are so far from each other that the light cannot overcome such a distance. The age of the universe is only 13.8 billion years, so any regions that are at a distance of 13.8 billion light years apart from each other are completely cut off apart. In accordance with all data, these regions can be considered separate universes. But they do not remain in such a state forever - in the end, the light passes the border between them, and they expand. And if the Universe actually consists of an infinite number of "island universes" containing matter, stars and planets, then somewhere there must be worlds identical to the earth.

Inflationional multualselne

The second theory grows out of ideas about how the universe originated. In accordance with the dominant version of the Big Explosion, it began as an infinitely small point, which incredibly quickly expanded in a fiery flare. While a second, after the start of expansion, the acceleration has already reached such a huge speed, which is much higher than the speed of light. And this process is called "inflation". Inflationary theory explains why the universe is relatively homogeneous in any particular point. Inflation has expanded this fireball to cosmic scales. However, the initial state also had a large number of different random variations, which were also inflation. And now they are preserved as relict radiation, weak afterglow of a large explosion. And this radiation permeates the entire universe, making it not so uniform.

Space natural selection

This theory was formulated by Smolin from Canada. In 1992, he suggested that the universes could develop and reproduce in the same way as living beings. On Earth, natural selection contributes to the appearance of "useful" features, such as a high speed of running or a special location of large fingers. There should also be a certain pressure that makes some universes better than others. Smolin called this theory "cosmic natural selection." The idea of \u200b\u200bSmolina is that the "maternal" universe can give life to "subsidiary" that are formed inside it. The mother universe can do it only if it has black holes. The black hole is formed when a big star is destroyed under the influence of its own strength of attraction, configuring all atoms to such an extent until they reach infinite density.


When the overall theory of the relativity of Albert Einstein began to gain popularity in the twenties, many people discussed the fourth dimension. What can be there? Perhaps hidden universe? It was a nonsense, Einstein did not assume the existence of a new universe. All he said is that time is the same dimension that is similar to three dimensions of space. All four wangle among themselves, forming a spatially temporary continuum, whose matter is distorted - and the gravity is obtained. Despite this, other scientists began to discuss the possibility of existence of other measurements in space. For the first time, hidden measurements appeared in the works of the theoretical physics of Theodore Kaluti. In 1921, he demonstrated that, adding new dimensions to the equation the general theory of Einstein, the additional equation can be obtained by which the existence of light can be predicted.

Multi-Live Interpretation (Quantum Multivale)

The theory of quantum mechanics is one of the most successful in the whole science. It discusses the behavior of the smallest objects, such as atoms and their components of elementary particles. It can predict a variety of phenomena, ranging from molecules and ending with how light and matter interact - and all this with incredible accuracy. Quantum mechanics considers particles in the form of waves and describes their mathematical expression, which is referred to as the wave function. Perhaps the most strange feature of the wave function is that it allows a particle to exist simultaneously in several states. This is called superposition. But superpositions are destroyed as soon as the subject is measured in any way, since the measurements cause the object to select a specific position. In 1957, American physicist Hugh Everett offered to stop complaining about the strange nature of this approach and just live with him. He also suggested that objects are not switched to a specific position when measured - instead, he believed that all possible positions embedded in the wave function are equally real. Therefore, when the subject is measured, a person sees only one of many reality, but all other reality also exist.
