Anastasia Poletaeva

Nordic walking. Secrets of a famous coach

© Piter Publishing House LLC, 2015

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Anastasia Poletaeva is the founder and director of the first professional Scandinavian walking school in Russia, the Poletaeva & Co center for conscious movement and developmental tourism, and the Body Line Moscow Pilates School. She is also a certified coach at The International Coaching Alliance Limited in London, a professional Nordic walking coach, a body-oriented psychologist, a member of the Dance and Movement Therapy Association and a graduate of the Institute. practical psychology and psychoanalysis with a degree in Creative Dance and Developmental Movement.

Nastya is fond of philosophy, psychosomatics, motor practices. Has been practicing Nordic walking and Pilates for over ten years.

At the Scandinavian Walking School, the author leads individual and group classes, including professional instructor training and retraining fitness trainer programs. Nastya is a recognized specialist in the field of health-improving movement and the author of more than ten unique movement programs designed for different categories of clients, including those with stroke and major surgeries.

Anastasia Poletaeva is the author of the book “Nordic Walking. Health with an easy step ”, a participant in numerous conferences on medicine, health and rehabilitation, as well as a guest expert in many publications devoted to beauty and health. He has columns in several magazines and his own blog


Movement is the storehouse of life.

I am often asked what role Nordic walking plays in my life. I have been doing pole walking for almost ten years. Five years ago, she opened the first professional Scandinavian walking School in Russia, where we not only conduct individual and group lessons for everyone, but also do outdoor programs and vocational training Nordic walking instructors. During its work, our School has achieved great success and in many ways contributed to the popularization and development of Scandinavian walking in Russia - the most democratic and affordable type of fitness.

In all honesty, I can say that walking with sticks for me is not just a hobby that has become a profession (as it is now fashionable to say). For me, movement and fitness are an integral part of life. Nordic walking is an important part of my philosophy of a happy, successful and quality life.

Movement is as significant a thing for a person as water, air or food. Walking almost every day, like a foodie, I enjoy the movement process. Nordic walking gives me a sense of integrity and allows me to be in harmony with my body. I feel joy from movement and am happy that I can control my health, manage emotions and prolong my own youth and longevity in such a simple and affordable way.

This book will be a continuation of my first work “Nordic Walking. Health with an easy step. " We will now also touch on many theoretical and practical issues, including the peculiarities of walking technique and various types of training. Here you will find many useful exercises with descriptions, advice on choosing the right shoes and equipment, and various tips. I will reveal secrets to you and tell you stories from my professional career.

However, the main purpose of this book is somewhat broader. First, help the reader find motivation to move (a push that will make him “get off the couch”). Second, to convince you of the importance of understanding your own body and its needs.

After all, we are all born with a very strong connection between body and soul, which, unfortunately, is destroyed due to a passive lifestyle and the use of many "benefits" modern civilization... Most of our diseases do not arise by chance, but, as a rule, are the result of a violation of this natural connection. No diplomas and money can help you become happy if the body lives its own own life... Nordic walking is the easiest, most affordable and effective method achieve personal harmony and learn to fully enjoy life, enjoying every day and being proud of your willpower and a beautiful healthy body. After reading the book, do not put it on the shelf, but take sticks, go to the nearest park and start moving. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming.

I would be glad to hear your stories. Send them to or share on our Facebook page "Nordic Walking School".

Your Anastasia Poletaeva


Dear friends!

Thank you very much for your many responses to my first book, Nordic Walking. Health with an easy step. " I really appreciate your opinion and am glad that the book turned out to be really interesting, informative and useful.

It is thanks to your support and appreciation of my first work that we decided to write a sequel. In writing this book, instructors of the Scandinavian Walking School Irina Vdovina, Elena Aksinevich, Stanislav Rulev, Daniil Gushchin helped me and shared their experience. Thanks to our wonderful photographers Anton Ermakov and Irina Ruleva, whose photographs became illustrations and decoration of the book.

I thank all clients and friends who believe in me and my business.

Anastasia Poletaeva

Nordic walking. Health easy step

© Piter Publishing House LLC, 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the copyright holders.

This book is not a textbook on medicine. All recommendations must be agreed with the attending physician.

* * *

Anastasia Poletaeva is the founder and head of the first professional Scandinavian walking school in Russia, a professional Nordic walking trainer (diploma of the German Institute of Nordic Walking), a certified coach at The International Coaching Alliance Limited in London, a body-oriented psychologist, a member of the Russian Dance and Movement Association. therapy and a graduate of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis with a degree in Creative Dance and Developmental Movement. A student of Dr. Ajan Phra Chatri Hemapandha and a graduate of the Ayurveda and Yoga Center "Ragini" (India).

Conducts individual and group lessons, including professional retraining courses at the Nordic Walking School. Anastasia is a permanent expert on the health movement at specialized conferences and congresses in Russia and abroad, and also maintains her own columns in several publications and the blog.

In addition, Anastasia is engaged in professional life coaching, group and personal support in situations of change and to achieve personal goals, works with internal resources, body and mind.


The walker will overcome the road.


For more than ten years now I cannot imagine my life without Nordic walking - walking with sticks. This is my hobby, my passion, my business, my life!

In this book I share my knowledge, achievements, experience and talk about such an amazing and easy way gaining a healthy and beautiful body. It is intended for both beginners who are just discovering pole walking and experienced fitness and Nordic walking enthusiasts looking to improve their performance.


Many thanks to my family, which has always been my rear and support and inspired me to great things. Like any person, at different times I experienced ups and downs, and once, in spite of everything, I abruptly changed the course of my life - and my loved ones were there. Family is an important part of my life, I value my family very much and love it.

Creating a book is painstaking work that requires a lot of concentration and patience. I am grateful for the assistance in the appearance of this book to the wonderful PR-agency TESSA and personally to Ekaterina Rusakova, who from the very beginning supported me and provided all-round assistance.

Special thanks to all my clients and friends who believed in me and in the business I am doing! I appreciate your attention. This book would not have been possible without you.

Introduction, or My Way to Nordic Walking

Need to maintain

Victor Hugo

From an early age, I am convinced that a person's health and appearance, or rather, his image of himself, can have a tremendous impact on his life. How we perceive ourselves in this world and how tightly we are connected with our bodily shell depends not only on our thoughts (which, I will note, for the most part are material) and character, but also on our communication with other people. Knowing yourself fully, finding harmony and feeling the fullness of life is possible only by turning to your body through movement. It would seem that it is so simple, but also so difficult for a modern person.

My path to Nordic walking has been winding. For many years I have searched, tried various types of fitness and movement practices, from gym classes to yoga, Pilates. At the expense of physical activity I tried to strengthen my health (including emotional), prolong my youth, as well as get to know myself, open up new opportunities in myself.

For a long time, my work meant frequent business trips to the Scandinavian countries and Germany. I have always been impressed by the care and respect with which the governments of these countries surround their citizens. Everything is done there for people, for their personal safety and comfort. Needless to say, even people with disabilities, the elderly look joyful and content with life. Like any person with a Soviet past, I was surprised by many things, and some things even caused a smile. I remember my first impression of meeting with a group of 10-12 people of different ages, who had sticks in their hands. It was near Helsinki, in the small wonderful town of Hamelin. We walked with my Finnish colleague in a nearby forest park. An ordinary forest park, but with ideal dirt paths, cozy gazebos, comfortable tables and benches. Everywhere there is purity, harmony, tranquility. Climbing up to the historic tower, we saw a group of people with sticks in their hands, similar to skiing ones. It was a large family company: children 6-7 years old, parents, grandparents. Everyone walked briskly, carefree and friendly. Some talked, laughed, others for a moment left the distance to take a picture. I had never heard of walking with sticks before, and this whole picture caused me a frank laugh. Why should people, especially young people, go with ski poles in the summer? My ignorance was quickly eliminated by my Finnish colleague, describing in all colors and details the advantages of Nordic walking - Scandinavian walking, or walking with sticks. It turned out that in the Scandinavian countries most of of the population are dedicated fans of this type of fitness. Moreover, walking with sticks for them is not only a great alternative to a stuffy gym, but also an exciting and useful leisure for the whole family and even special kind romantic date.

The next morning I was already walking energetically, accompanied by an instructor, along the same route with rented sticks. I had no idea that this uncomplicated type of fitness has its own rules: a special technique, special sticks that are selected individually depending on height and ground, a system of correct breathing while walking and a set of exercises with sticks. Unfortunately, love did not happen the first time. I was able to appreciate all the advantages of Scandinavian walking only in the second lesson, and fell in love completely and irrevocably in the fifth. I noticed that I easily walk distances of 10-12 km, while after training I do not feel fatigue, pain, or tension, but on the contrary, I feel incredible lightness and calmness. A simple and understandable movement for the body gave me the joy of active rest, took off the burden of problems and gave me a powerful boost of energy.

Back in Moscow, I continued my training in the park on Vorobyovy Gory. Then in the city I was a real pioneer. They looked at me the way they looked at punks on Old Arbat in the 1980s: with bewilderment and a grin. But nothing stopped me: I saw excellent results from classes and every time I made my workouts more difficult. Very quickly I developed a professional interest in a new hobby. Having several higher and vocational education, including a certified coach of the London Academy of The International Coaching Alliance Limited and a body-oriented psychologist, I decided to open my own project - to create the first professional Nordic walking school in Russia. For more than a year I have studied specialized literature on rehabilitation, anatomy, the latest achievements in the field of fitness, attended master classes by leading specialists in Nordic walking in Germany, Finland, Lithuania. In addition, I graduated with honors from the prestigious German Institute of Nordic walking. As a result, in February 2010, under my leadership, the first Scandinavian Walking School in Russia was opened in Moscow.

The first visitors to the school were my friends, acquaintances, neighbors. It was a wonderful time full of fresh ideas, enthusiasm and incredible energy. I dreamed of changing people's perception of fitness, opening a simple and understandable path to beauty and health, where there is no pain and struggle with oneself. And, I want to admit, I succeeded. Few can boast of such a variety of clients. Children and adolescents, young and old people, people with disabilities come to us - Scandinavian walking knows no barriers and is available to everyone. We started with two programs: a general health program and a weight loss program, and today we have more than 10 different directions. In addition, we often organize field trips in Lithuania and Bulgaria. Professional training of instructors is carried out separately. For six years of work, we have opened 50 clubs in Moscow, more than 40 - in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries, trained over 800 instructors in walking with poles for leading rehabilitation and wellness centers in Russia and the CIS, sanatorium complexes, specialized medical institutions.

  • The cost of Nordic walking poles. How to make an optimal selection in terms of price-quality ratio?
  • How to choose the right size (length) of Nordic walking poles?
  • How to choose the right Nordic walking poles: a quick guide
  • What you should never do if you decide to buy Nordic walking poles (based on negative reviews)
  • Scandinavian walking centers, schools and clubs

  • What is Nordic pole walking?

    Nordic walking with sticks ( Nordic walking, nordic walking , Finnish walking) - a kind of amateur sports, which is a hiking trip, during which, when walking, they lean on special poles, the appearance of which vaguely resembles ski poles.

    This is a relatively new type of wellness that is gaining popularity. physical culture, which was patented by the Finn Mark Kantan in 1997 under the name "original Nordic walking".

    The idea of ​​walking with sticks itself belongs to Finnish skiers, who initially used ordinary ski poles. Subsequently, it turned out that athletes who trained intensively by walking with sticks in the summer received significantly better results in skiing competitions in winter.

    With the light hand of athletes, walking with sticks began to spread in Scandinavia, and then in North-Western Europe, gaining particular popularity in Germany, where special tracks were created for this sport.

    The author of the patented name, Mark Kantan, developed and published the first manual on the original Nordic walking, and significantly modified the structure of the poles. Thanks to his inventions, the popularity of walking with sticks made a new round - the original form of physical culture became widespread in many countries of the world.

    Why is Nordic race walking useful?

    It should be noted that a great contribution to the popularization of the new amateur sport was made by German doctors, who published serious studies indicating the high health potential of Scandinavian walking.

    The fact is that when walking with poles, the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are very well trained, while, for example, when running, the muscles of the upper half of the body are not much involved. Scientists have calculated that with Nordic race walking, about 90% of all muscles in the human body receive an increased load, and only 70% with normal walking.

    On the other hand, support on poles reduces stress on the knee and hip joints, as well as on the heel bones. This circumstance makes it possible to successfully use Scandinavian walking for diseases of the joints of the lower extremities, heel spurs, gout, etc.

    Since Nordic walking uses more muscles, it burns energy almost one and a half times more than regular walking walking. Therefore, walking with sticks is recommended for people prone to overweight and / or obese.

    The high energy intensity of Scandinavian walking contributes to the training of the heart muscle (increases the heart rate by 10-15 beats per minute).

    Scientific studies have shown that pole walking trains balance and coordination, and is also ideal for improving posture.

    Since Nordic walking uses the muscles of the upper half of the body, it, unlike the usual walking step, increases the respiratory volume of the lungs by more than 30%.

    Published clinical researches testify that in patients who regularly engage in this type of health-improving physical culture, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, intestinal function improves, metabolism is normalized, toxins are eliminated faster, which generally contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the body.

    Last but not least, Nordic walking provides more comfort when hiking, as you can lean on poles when climbing a mountain or for short stops.

    The benefits of Nordic walking for various diseases

    Today in Germany, Nordic walking with sticks is included as a mandatory element in almost all rehabilitation courses conducted after injuries and operations on the musculoskeletal system.

    So, for example, thanks to this type of physical therapy, patients with a prosthetic hip joint in clinics in Germany, already a month after the operation, completely return to their usual rhythm of life.

    In addition, this type of health-improving physical education is especially indicated for the following diseases:

    • osteochondrosis;
    • lung diseases (especially good for bronchial asthma);
    • chronic back, shoulder and neck pain;
    • psychological problems (neuroses, depression);
    • overweight and obesity.
    For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, Nordic walking with sticks is prescribed with an increased risk of developing diseases such as:
    • osteoporosis;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • arterial hypertension .


    Nordic pole walking is almost universal - it suits people of all ages, genders and fitness levels.

    There are no contraindications to Nordic walking as such. Of course, walks should be postponed in cases where bed or semi-bed rest is indicated (acute infectious diseases, exacerbation of any chronic ailments with severe pain syndrome, etc.).

    In the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, hypertension, etc.), it is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting training.

    Regardless of your health condition, you should gradually increase the workout load. In order for Nordic walking classes to have a positive effect and not bring unpleasant sensations, beginners need regular training, quality equipment and a good instructor.

    Nordic walking technique with sticks

    The Nordic pole walking technique has been described by recognized sport gurus as natural. Indeed, it strongly resembles ordinary walking: the arms, legs and body move freely and synchronously: the left arm and right leg forward, then the next step is the right arm and left leg forward, etc.

    When walking, you should first stand on the heel, and then on the toe, while the movements should be smooth, without unnecessary jerking.

    As with any travel, when Nordic walking, the main thing is to take the first step: in this case, one arm is slightly bent at the elbow and pulled forward, making sure that the stick is at an angle, and the other arm, bent at the elbow, is held at the level of the pelvis and send back.

    The pace of Scandinavian walking, as a rule, is somewhat more intense than the usual walking one. In this case, the amplitude of hand movement determines the step width and, accordingly, the total load on the muscles of the body.

    With a decrease in the span of the arms, the step is made smaller, and the load decreases, and if it is necessary to make the walking more intense, the amplitude of movement of the arms is increased. It is important from the very beginning to choose the right walking intensity that would give the most significant result.

    The Scandinavian walking technique provides different options: you can alternate between slow and fast walking, wide and shallow strides. Short runs and breaks for rest or exercise with walking sticks are also possible.

    For lovers of increased physical activity, special weights for sticks are provided.

    Nordic walking: what will happen to your body if you walk 5 km or more every day - Video

    Nordic walking technique with sticks - video

    How to walk properly with Nordic walking?

    How often are the classes held?

    Nordic walking instructors advise adhering to a standard training regimen: at least 2-3 times a week with a walk duration of 30 minutes or more.

    It should be noted that many walking stick enthusiasts testify that the daily workout regimen with a walk duration of about an hour was suitable for them. This rhythm of Nordic walking provides a daily boost of energy.

    Beginners can start with 15 minute walks, 3-4 days later. The rate of increase in the frequency and duration of training depends on the initial state of the organism. In no case should you bring yourself to exhaustion.

    The first rule of Scandinavian health walking is that each lesson begins with a warm-up.

    Warm up before starting walking. Warm-up exercises are well documented in published manuals on Nordic walking techniques. They involve all muscle groups and the use of walking poles.

    We present the most popular and simple exercises. For beginners, this warm-up will be enough to get ready for the actual Nordic walking.

    Exercise 1
    We take a Nordic walking stick at both ends, and raise it above our head. We make successive inclinations to the right and left.

    Exercise 2
    We put one leg forward. We make a bend forward, and at the same time we direct our hands back. Then we bend back and direct our hands forward. After making a few bends, put the other leg forward, and repeat the exercise.

    Exercise # 3
    We pick up walking sticks. We slightly move our hands back, so that the ends of the sticks rested slightly behind. With an emphasis on the sticks, we do squats. Instructors advise doing at least 15 squats (of course, beginners should start with 3-6 squats, and then gradually increase their number).

    Exercise 4
    We lean on a stick with our right hand, bend our left leg at the knee and grasp the ankle with our left hand. We try to bring the ankle to the gluteal muscles. We stop in this position for 10-20 seconds. We stand straight. Then we do the same exercise with the ankle of the right leg.

    Exercise # 5
    We put both poles for Nordic walking in front of us at a distance of a slightly bent arm, shoulder-width apart. We stretch one leg forward and put it on the heel, lift the toe up. We gently bend the other leg at the knee and bend forward. We keep our back straight without bending. We linger in this position for 15 seconds. Then we repeat the exercise, putting the other leg forward.

    Exercise 6
    We take both sticks in our hands, and slightly move our hands to the sides. Then we direct our hands back and up. Raise the sticks behind your back until you feel the muscle tension. We perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking.

    Exercise 7
    Both walking sticks are in hand. We make a bend forward and rest on the sticks with straight outstretched arms. We bend several times, leaning on the sticks.

    Exercise # 8
    We take a Nordic walking stick in one hand, raise our hand up and, bending at the elbow, throw it over our head, so that the stick is behind our back. We intercept the lower end of the stick with the other hand, putting the hand behind the back at the level of the pelvis. Raise the upper arm up until we feel the tension in the muscles of the lower arm. Repeat the exercise by swapping hands.

    It should be noted that this basic set can and should be supplemented with your own exercises over time, since everyone's needs for warm-up are individual.

    Scandinavian walking training and correct breathing rhythm

    After familiarizing yourself with the Scandinavian walking technique and having done a warm-up, you can start the first walk. Before starting to walk, be sure to check the condition of the bindings and adjust the length of the straps holding the poles in your hands.

    As for the breathing methods during Nordic walking, there are no clear rules and restrictions. You can talk to companions, which, of course, will break the rhythm. However, the most important thing is that you enjoy your activities.

    It is advised to start breathing while walking as usual, that is, through the nose. But Nordic walking is quite an energy-intensive sport, so very soon you will have to start breathing through your mouth. This is perfectly acceptable.

    Nordic walking instructors advise, if possible, to adhere to the breathing rhythm with an inhalation-exhalation ratio of 1: 2, that is, inhale in two steps, and exhale after four more.

    How do Nordic walking lessons end?

    After completing the walk, take a few deep breaths and do the usual exercises to help stretch the muscles in your back, hips, and calves. Relaxation exercises are done in slow motion and should not be too long.

    After returning from a Nordic walking lesson, it is very useful to go to the sauna or steam bath. If this is not possible, then a warm relaxing bath is fine. It is necessary to warm up the muscles well so that they do not hurt after the first workouts.

    What equipment do you need for Nordic walking?

    An obligatory element of equipment for Nordic walking are special poles with tips.

    It should be noted right away that regular ski poles will not work as they are much longer. An incorrect length increases the stress on the musculoskeletal system, especially on the back, knees and ankles.

    Another distinctive feature of Nordic walking sticks is the presence of special straps that resemble gloves with cut-off fingertips. Such a device helps to push off the sticks without squeezing their handle, and thus prevents calluses on the palms of the hands.

    The sticks end with a sharp spike that helps when walking on snow, ice, paths and other relatively loose surfaces. A special rubber tip is used for walking on asphalt and concrete. When walking on a hard surface, rubber wears off quickly enough, so the tip has to be changed frequently.

    Shoes and clothing are not prescribed by the rules of Nordic walking. Normal, well-fitting sneakers and a comfortable tracksuit are fine. However, there is a wide range of special equipment for walking with sticks on the market.

    Choosing poles for Nordic walking: what to look for

    Telescopic and monolithic poles

    According to the structure of the shaft, telescopic (sliding) sticks for Scandinavian walking are distinguished, and monolithic (fixed length).

    There is no consensus among fans of Nordic walking as to which type of pole is best for walking. Both telescopic and monolithic poles have their own advantages and disadvantages.

    Telescopic Nordic walking poles are convenient because they can be easily adjusted to the height of any family member. They are especially good for children as they can "grow" with their owner.

    Another important advantage of folding poles is their comfort during transportation, they are very convenient to take on long journeys.

    In addition, telescopic Nordic walking poles are generally much cheaper than monolithic models.

    The disadvantage of folding sticks is their significantly lower reliability: the clips can become unusable when water or sand penetrates, and they often freeze in winter.

    A damaged retainer leads to the appearance of extraneous sounds and vibration. Pay attention to this immediately because the stick can suddenly collapse and cause serious injury.

    Monolithic (fixed length) Nordic walking poles are safer. In addition, they are much lighter and easier to handle. Therefore, experienced instructors usually advise their students to purchase fixed-length sticks first.

    It should be noted that both monolithic and telescopic poles for Nordic walking are low and High Quality however, among the high-end poles, you will not find folding models.

    Carbon sticks

    The shaft of Nordic walking poles can be made from aluminum alloys, from carbon (carbon fiber) or from composites containing carbon and glass fibers.

    The advantage of carbon poles is that they are strong, lightweight and so resilient they spring on their own.

    Telescopic sticks of budget models are made of aluminum alloys. There are folding models with a composite carbon shaft, but they are quite expensive.

    An important characteristic of composite carbon nordic walking poles is the carbon index, which reflects the percentage carbon fiber.

    For beginners, the optimal choice would be carbon poles with an index of 20 to 30%. Walking poles with a lower carbon fiber content will be unreliable, higher ones too stiff.

    When choosing poles for Nordic walking, pay attention to the handle and lanyard (mount)

    Mid-range Nordic walking poles tend to have very comfortable grips, rubberized or made of material that resembles natural cork.

    The lanyard is a fastening similar to a glove with cut off fingers. A good mount has a special system that allows you to quickly detach the stick and free your hand to, for example, answer an unexpected phone call or take a good picture.

    Pole tips

    Each nordic walking stick has a spike at the end. It is made from a super strong material called tungsten carbide. This thorn is also called a claw - it can be freely stuck into the soil or sand, and it will neither slip nor get stuck.

    The best Nordic walking poles have a set of removable spikes that can be used on a variety of surfaces (snow, ice, soil).

    Of course, the claws are not suitable for walking on asphalt, so the set includes special "boots" - removable rubber tips. Sometimes Nordic walking poles come with plastic boots - they are much worse.

    Rubber tips are quickly erased, therefore, regardless of the price of sticks, you should get a set of spare "boots".

    Choice of poles for Nordic walking - video

    What brands do Nordic walking enthusiasts prefer?

    Exel Nordic Walking Poles

    Exel, a Finnish company that founded the International Nordic Walking Federation, manufactures carbon fiber sticks. This is the most popular company, famous for its connection with the history of the development of Scandinavian walking, the ease and convenience of equipment, an almost lifetime guarantee of a pole shaft and the release of innovative products.


    Ergoforce Nordic walking sticks have gained wide popularity due to the combination of relatively good quality and low price.

    The Taiwanese firm Ergoforce produces telescopic (sliding) poles that are easy to adjust in height (suitable for people with a height of 154 to 206 cm). Not a bad choice for beginners.


    Leki Nordic walking poles are made in Germany, a country that is now considered the second home of this amateur sport. The German company Leki attracts pole walkers with an extremely wide range of products, as well as the release of innovative adjustable poles that can be independently adjusted according to height, the degree of mastery of walking technique and the conditions of the terrain chosen for walking.


    The RealStick brand is owned by a Finnish company that specializes in floorball (field hockey) sticks and produces inexpensive, lightweight carbon nordic walking sticks with fixed lengths.


    The Marko Kantaneva brand (made in Estonia) also boasts of Finnish origin. It makes relatively inexpensive aluminum telescopic Nordic walking poles.

    The best third-party Nordic walking poles

    We have separately listed Nordic walking poles, which, judging by the requests, are most popular among users of the Russian-speaking Internet. In addition, very reliable products are produced by:
    • The Italian company Gabel, which has a wide range of poles of adjustable length, with soft straps for fastening.
    • Finnish manufacturer Karhu, produces quality fixed-length sticks.
    • Austrian company Kompardell.
    • Norwegian company Swix, which is also a manufacturer of cross-country ski poles. Produces very light poles suitable for quick walks.

    The cost of Nordic walking poles. How to make an optimal selection in terms of price-quality ratio?

    It is quite difficult for beginners to navigate when choosing sticks for a price. On the one hand, I would not want to overpay from the very beginning for sticks intended for advanced athletes. On the other hand, I would like to provide myself with comfort and safety.

    Therefore, we present the parameters on which you should not save:
    1. When choosing poles for Nordic walking, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. The best quality products are produced by well-known international brands, such as, for example, the Finnish company Exel or the German company Leki. However, the price of such sticks is quite high. You should not buy cheap unknown brands, and even more so sticks made in China - the quality will be appropriate.
    2. For the same reason, it is better to refuse discounted walking poles.
    3. The higher the carbon content in carbon sticks, the higher the price, but it is better not to skimp on strength and safety and buy sticks with a carbon index of at least 20%.
    4. Cheap sticks have spikes that cannot be removed and this significantly reduces their lifespan. Even the toughest alloy does not last forever, so the tip will eventually deteriorate and, in general, the still usable cane will have to be thrown away.
    5. Plastic is a cheap material, but extremely impractical. Therefore, you should not buy walking sticks that have plastic parts (handles or "boots").

    6. As a rule, the longer the warranty period, the higher the price. Buy walking sticks with a minimum two-year warranty.

    How to choose the right size (length) of Nordic walking poles?

    When choosing monolithic poles for Nordic walking, it is necessary to calculate their length in advance. The calculation formula is quite simple: you need to multiply your own growth by a factor of 0.68, and round the result to the nearest multiple of 5.

    For example, if your height is 174 cm, then the length of the sticks is calculated using the formula 174 × 0.68. The obtained result (118.2) is rounded up to 120. In total, the required size of poles for Nordic walking is 120 cm.

    At this length, you should independently install the sliding (telescopic) sticks.

    Since the structure of the body of each person has its own individual characteristics, the estimated size may differ slightly from the physiological length for you. Therefore, the selected length should be checked again "in operation".

    To do this, take a Nordic walking stick in your hand and place the tip on the toe of your foot. In this case, the elbow of the hand holding the stick should be bent at a right angle.

    It should be noted that by changing the length, you can adjust the intensity physical activity when walking: the load increases with the length of the stick. Therefore, some instructors advise to increase the recommended length by 5-10 cm to increase the load. Of course, this advice is good for advanced athletes who have sliding poles.

    Where is the best place to buy Nordic walking sticks?

    It is best to buy Nordic walking poles in specialized stores. As many reviews testify, it is undesirable to order sticks in online stores, since the wrong product is often sent.

    In addition, when buying from an online store, you will not be able to "evaluate the product with your face", and in order to choose the right pole for Nordic walking, you need to examine it in detail, try on fasteners, check the elasticity, length, etc.

    How to Choose the Right Nordic Walking Poles: A Brief

    1. If possible, it is best to consult with an instructor or more experienced athletes before purchasing Nordic walking poles.
    2. It is best to decide on the type (telescopic or monolithic poles), the manufacturer, and correctly calculate the size of the Nordic walking poles at home.
    3. Start examining the selected model from the shaft: weigh the stick in your hands, check the elasticity by knocking on a flat surface, evaluate the length (for monolithic sticks), the quality of the sliding mechanism (for telescopic sticks).
    4. Check how comfortable the handle is. It should fit freely in your hand and not slip. Try on a lanyard - it should be comfortable and snug against your hand.
    5. Check if the shaft is equipped with a removable sharp point. If spare rubber "boots" are not included in the kit, it is better to get them separately right away.

    What you should never do if you decide to buy Nordic walking poles (based on negative reviews)

    1. Do not rely on shop assistants. Unfortunately, there are cases when, instead of poles for Nordic walking, the ignorant beginners were sold poles for alpine skiing or for trekking (for walking).
    2. You should not buy packaged Nordic walking sticks from stores that do not allow you to open the packaging and inspect them before buying.
    3. No need to buy sticks with plastic handles. According to many reviews, plastic handles do not absorb sweat and quickly become slippery.
    4. Be sure to check the shaft for vibration - it's best not to buy strongly vibrating poles - they tend to be heavy and awkward as well.

    Shoes and clothing for walking with Nordic poles

    As the experience of many Nordic walking enthusiasts testifies, the best pole walking shoes are regular sneakers. However, you can use any footwear that is comfortable for your feet, as long as the sole is flexible enough.

    As for clothing, there are also no uniform standards. It is not recommended to use cotton clothes (jeans, T-shirts, etc.), as they get wet quickly and become unpleasantly sticky and heavy.

    In cold weather, it is best to wear several layers of thin, light clothing. Thus, not only heat is better preserved, but also freedom of movement.

    Scandinavian walking for weight loss: reviews

    Feedback from lovers of Nordic walking who use weight loss workouts confirmed the theoretical premises: Scandinavian health walking really helps to solve the problem of excess weight much more effectively than regular walking or jogging.

    The fact is that Nordic walking uses a lot more muscles than regular walking or running. Therefore, doing it for an hour will consume the same amount of calories as on a regular two-hour walking trip.

    Nordic walking compares favorably with jogging not only in the amount of fat burned, but also in its more beneficial overall health effect. In addition, jogging is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, due to constant tremors that adversely affect the spine and knee joints.

    As the experience of many Nordic walking enthusiasts who have successfully solved the problem of obesity shows, for tangible weight loss it is necessary to exercise at least five times a week. In this case, the duration of the walk should exceed one hour.

    With this mode, you can achieve weight loss of 3-4 kg per month (physiological norm) without the use of exhausting diets.

    Walking on rough terrain (hills, gravel, sand), walking on snow in winter, as well as additional load (a backpack with a weight of 10-15 kg) significantly help to increase the rate of burning of body fat.

    Nordic walking isn't just a weight loss method. This is the best way to adjust the shape. Many women involved in this sport confirm in reviews that regular walking with poles literally transforms your figure due to the following points:

    • posture correction;
    • burning of deposits on the thighs ("breeches");
    • modeling the hips, chest and abdomen by improving muscle tone and removing excess adipose tissue;
    • improving the shape of the arms by pulling the back surface (a common problem that is difficult to deal with).

    Anastasia Poletaeva

    Nordic walking. Secrets of a famous coach

    © Piter Publishing House LLC, 2015

    All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use without the written permission of the copyright holder.

    © The electronic version of the book was prepared by Litres (

    Anastasia Poletaeva is the founder and director of the first professional Scandinavian walking school in Russia, the Poletaeva & Co center for conscious movement and developmental tourism, and the Body Line Moscow Pilates School. In addition, she is a certified coach at The International Coaching Alliance Limited in London, a professional Nordic walking coach, a body-oriented psychologist, a member of the Dance and Movement Therapy Association and a graduate of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis with a specialization in Creative Dance and Developmental Movement. ...

    Nastya is fond of philosophy, psychosomatics, motor practices. Has been practicing Nordic walking and Pilates for over ten years.

    At the Scandinavian Walking School, the author leads individual and group classes, including professional instructor training and retraining fitness trainer programs. Nastya is a recognized specialist in the field of health-improving movement and the author of more than ten unique movement programs designed for different categories of clients, including those with stroke and major surgeries.

    Anastasia Poletaeva is the author of the book “Nordic Walking. Health with an easy step ”, a participant in numerous conferences on medicine, health and rehabilitation, as well as a guest expert in many publications devoted to beauty and health. He has columns in several magazines and his own blog


    Movement is the storehouse of life.

    I am often asked what role Nordic walking plays in my life. I have been doing pole walking for almost ten years. Five years ago, I opened the first professional Scandinavian walking school in Russia, where we not only conduct individual and group lessons for everyone, but also do outdoor programs and professional training for Nordic walking instructors. During its work, our School has achieved great success and in many ways contributed to the popularization and development of Scandinavian walking in Russia - the most democratic and affordable type of fitness.

    In all honesty, I can say that walking with sticks for me is not just a hobby that has become a profession (as it is now fashionable to say). For me, movement and fitness are an integral part of life. Nordic walking is an important part of my philosophy of a happy, successful and quality life.

    Movement is as significant a thing for a person as water, air or food. Walking almost every day, like a foodie, I enjoy the movement process. Nordic walking gives me a sense of integrity and allows me to be in harmony with my body. I feel joy from movement and am happy that I can control my health, manage emotions and prolong my own youth and longevity in such a simple and affordable way.

    This book will be a continuation of my first work “Nordic Walking. Health with an easy step. " We will now also touch on many theoretical and practical issues, including the peculiarities of walking technique and various types of training. Here you will find many useful exercises with descriptions, advice on choosing the right shoes and equipment, and various tips. I will reveal secrets to you and tell you stories from my professional career.
