Stress is the physiological response of the body on external influences that violates its own self-regulation (homeostasis). Stressful reactions help us survive in dangerous situations, cope with external dangers, make the brain and body work faster, in some cases - motivated, allow you to feel all the completeness of life.

But if a person stays in voltage for a long time, worries and nervous, such an alarming state is already becoming a threat to health. Stress begins to interfere with everyday life, various alarming disorders appear - and these are already chronic diseases.

Therefore, it is so important to find a way to get rid of stress. It is worth noting that the phenomenon is quite well studied by scientists, and there are many such ways to get rid of overvoltage.

One of the simplest is physical activity: experts confirm that some uncomplicable is able to remove the voltage, eliminating a variety of problems.

Simple and efficient ways of getting rid of stress

As well as well, a person copes with adverse effects depends on the state of its health, temperament, personal qualities and other factors.

All people perceive stressful situations in different ways. But each of us normalize emotional state is the easiest way with the help of a beloved sport. Or even just physical exertion. The main thing is to choose this type of activity that brings pleasure.

The effectiveness of such a simple means is easily explained.

  • help to distract;
  • relax;
  • strengthen health;
  • improve the appearance;
  • helps to reduce the production of stress hormones;
  • during sports activities, happiness hormones are produced, which quickly leads to a tangible improvement in mood.

Some types of exercises help faster and easier to remove stressful manifestations. Well deliver from unnecessary unfortunately - a game of volleyball, basketball, football, as well as swimming.

But not everyone does not always have the opportunity to choose this type of activity. But a hike in a fitness room for yoga classes can afford anyone - good, the schedule of such institutions usually allows you to choose the most convenient time.

So, the top three comfortable stress savings.

Breathing is the most important physiological process, from which the well-being and emotional state of human depends largely.

Our intermittent superficial breaths / exhalations are ordinary stress satellites. It is breathing exercises that best helps calm down, relieve tension, relax, normalize heartbeat and pressure.

The special charm of the effective respiratory technique is that it is available absolutely to everyone.

In a state of strong emotional stress, it perfectly helps to calm yoga. The fulfillment of relaxing Asan makes it possible to remove muscle tension, tune in to positive swallow, cheer up.

It does not cause strong pain in the muscles - on the contrary, slopes, stretching and all other exercises are aimed at learning to relax muscles.

Yoga practices are trying not only to reduce the voltage in the body, but also purify the mind, thoughts - it also contributes to the removal of stressful manifestations, anxiety, pacifies, gives the feeling of inner strength and tranquility.

Regular practice has repeatedly increases stress resistance, removes everyday irritability, anxiety.

Even a small jog gives a powerful endorphin emission. All negative thoughts go out of the head, the person is liberated. During running time, time to restore the psyche, nervous loads are removed.

The body of the running person is saturated with oxygen, its muscles train, stamina increases.

Allowed to be in the form, trained people are prone easier to look into small daily problems, they switch faster from one activity to another, they love themselves more and appreciate.

Useful advice from specialists: If there is an opportunity to run by barefoot, it must be used. The fact is that when running barefoot, the shock load is redistributed in a special way: the landing is not on the heel, and the foot muscles are loaded onto the front of the foot, respectively, the bones and joints are less at risk of injury.

If you need to urgently put yourself in order, one of the simple exercises will help. You can choose what is easiest to fulfill in specific conditions and what matches physical capabilities.

Exercise number 1

  • It is necessary to lie on the back on a flat surface, the hands should be arranged along the body;
  • raise your legs and try to get the feet of the floor behind your head;
  • to be in this position for two or three minutes.

  • You need to become smooth, legs on the width of the shoulders, relax, closing the eye - about 30 seconds;
  • next, make some deep breaths and exhale, so that in the breathing cycle;
  • then make at least 20 jumps on the spot, during the jump hand you need to raise up.

Exercise number 3.

  • You should become smooth, to raise your hands up, keep your head straight;
  • strain all the muscles, starting with the fingers of the hands and moving down, to the legs;
  • relax muscles, moving in reverse order: first legs, then belly, back, shoulders, hands. Repeat several times.

  • Lie on the stomach, tear off the head from the floor, the legs bend in the knees;
  • hands to capture your feet, feel,;
  • in such a position, you need to be a couple of minutes without having to be confused with even deep breathing.

Exercise number 5.

  • Become smooth, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands behind the head;
  • raise the left foot, bent in the knee, and with a slope to get the right elbow of the left knee;

Literally, each person met with this state, someone theoretically, and someone practically. If we consider stress from a scientific point of view, this is a peculiar reaction of the human body to external stimuli.

It can be distinguished both and the negative sides of this state. Among the positive can be noted: in a person whose body is experiencing a stress reaction, the likelihood of survive in a dangerous life situation increases. This is due to the fact that the brain begins to function faster, and the whole of the fullness of life is felt.

But the negative sides take the top. Since stress is negative emotion, a long stay of the body in a similar state becomes dangerous to health. There are violations not only in health, but also in life, in general. Therefore, if a woman or man turns out to be in a similar situation, it is necessary to take measures to help get rid of stress.

Stress removal exercises

One effective is sport, or just a physical activity. It depends on human health, its temperament and some other factors.

Attention! The choice of exercises to overcome the stressful situation should be individual! One person is enough will be easy physical activity, and the other needs a full-fledged sports.

There are certain types of exercises that will help get rid of stressful situations. You can familiarize yourself with them below.

  • "Problem". It is performed if the stress is caused by a certain problem. It is performed as follows: a person needs to take a comfortable position, relax and look at his problem from the side. Gradually present your home, relatives and loved ones, further your city, country. And then it is recommended to fantasize more globally, to see the galaxy, the universe and all people who are inside. Against the background of all this, the problem will seem quite insignificant, and therefore work with stress will bring the result. Exercise is recommended about fifteen minutes.
  • "Maria Ivanovna." This exercise is appropriate if a person has stressed due to a conflict situation at work. It is proposed to do the following: put yourself in place of your colleague or boss, walking with his gait, imitate gestures that are inherent in or to her. To imagine home furnishings of an employee, its possible problems and experiences. After such actions, the voltage will gradually leave, and with it stress.
  • "Mood". Such an exercise helps in the fight against stress if the voltage arises due to the conflict, after which there was an unpleasant precipitate. To perform this exercise it will take a white sheet of paper and colored markers or pencils. A person needs to relax as much as possible and give your mood in the color scheme. But you need not just draw lines, figures, and leave all your experiences, problems on the paper sheet. After the entire sheet is assessed, you need to flip it over and tenth words describe your mood. After that, look at the abstract drawing, reread all the words and break a piece of leaf. This exercise is recommended to spend twenty minutes.

There is also respiratory gymnastics, which also helps to bring the psychological state of a person to normal. The respiratory exercises on the removal of stress include:

  • Inhale and exhale. It is performed as follows: slowly is inhaling on account 1-4, breathing is delayed for a few seconds, and under the same score - exhalation. You can do in the evening, for better sleep. It is performed five to six times.
  • Breathing belly. To do this exercise, sit down exactly, straightening your back, but not strain. Then take a deep breath, first filling the abdomen, and then the chest. For a few seconds, delay your breath and slowly exhaled. But now, on the contrary, first release air from the chest, and then from the abdomen.

Physical exercises for removing stress

Sometimes it also happens that a person does not have enough breathing exercises to get rid of stress. Therefore, exist exercise to help eliminate the state of elevated stress from their lives. These exercises include the following:

  1. Stretching shoulders. A person needs to become straight and put on his hands on the shoulders. On the breath of elbows, the hands are rising as high as possible, and the head rolls back. In exhalation, the initial position is taken. Thanks to this exercise, tension in the back, shoulders and neck.
  2. Death to the sky. The initial position is to become straight, the legs put on the width of the shoulders. On the breath, a person needs to stretch up, as if he tries to reach the sky. On the exhale, the hands slowly down, the initial position is taken. Exercise is performed five to six times.
  3. Pose of a child. To do this, you need to sit on the heels, and the knees are a little diluted on the parties. Doing inhale, you need to raise your hands and pull up. On the exhalation, the hands are lowered first on his knees, and then in front of them to the floor as far as possible. In this position it is recommended to stay for a few seconds, and then take the starting position. Exercise is performed five to six times.

The benefits of psychological exercises

If the human body is constantly experiencing stress, psychological health can also fail. "This is the first enemy of a woman or a man, since he prevents to seek success, oppressing a person, as a result of which Apathia comes.

But in this case, you can get rid of the oppressive state by performing some psychological actions. What is their benefit? When a person is in a stressful situation, it makes involuntary movements that help him calm down, for example: walks continuously around the room, knocking his fingers on the table, turns the handle or another object in his hands. If these automatic exercises turn into an ideomotoric, that is, consciously perform certain actions, the benefit will be much more. This is due to the fact that the controlled movements are directly directed to the focus of the occurrence of psychological stress. Among such exercises can be allocated:

  • visualization - the creation of concrete thoughts, images, sensations, experiences;
  • motivation - exercises that are able to motivate and systematize;
  • perception is a system of methods that will help concentrate and soberly assess the current situation, build the desired model of the future.

Important! Any of the exercises must be performed in complete silence and tranquility! It is recommended to concentrate on the problem in order to get rid of it once and forever.

Useful will be and. This is one of the important conditions in order to preserve the emotional state. Preventive control methods are as follows:

  • refer to emerging situations easier;
  • learn positively think;
  • get rid of negative emotions;
  • laughter is the best prevention of stress;
  • physical exercises;
  • relaxation;
  • walks in the open air;
  • dream and fantasize;
  • sometimes - to contact a psychologist, if there is a need for this.


So, the life of a person is difficult to imagine without stressful situations. People are hard to cope with this state, especially if there is no support from loved ones.

However, the system of exercises, which includes psychological and physical methods of struggle with stress, will help effectively cope with this state.

How to quickly remove the nervous tension to avoid conflict situations, save health and well-being. The article is available and safe ways, many applicable on the go and invisible for the environment.

Than dangerous stress

The dangers of long negative experiences are known since a long time. Convincingly and original this fact confirmed Avicenna (XI century).

He placed two one marked lambs in equal terms, but not far from one tied a wolf.

A lamb, who constantly observed predator, almost did not eat, weakened and soon died. The second lamb was well fed, gained weight, was energetic and cheerful.

As emotions affect health, why there are diseases after prolonged stress, who in the risk group.

Our brain and psyche are more plastic than animals can adapt to a changing external and internal environment. However, the potential of our nervous system is not limitless.

Prolonged stresses are applied colossal damage organism and can cause:

  • alcohol and drug dependencies;
  • many severe ailments;
  • premature old age and death.

Along with health, the situation in society deteriorates, because with its negative feelings, we form our tomorrow, different from the desired.

We all necessarily need to get rid of offensive, disappointment, aggression, self-name, fear, dislike, etc.

Any strong feeling must be short-term, so that the body and the psyche could be recovered after emotional shake.

Techniques freed from tension

Physical activity

Even a very moderate - a universal recipe for soothing for all ages and levels of health, useful to the heart and brain, warns its atrophy.

When we move, favorable processes occur:

  • the activity of the endocrine system and the balance of hormones come back.
  • Stimulated areas of the brain controlling emotions - the synthesis of our own opiates (endorphins) is intensifying, acting as much as Morphine, which reduces the depressive moods that make us happy.
  • Biochemical reactions provoked by stress excitation switches to ensure motor functions.

stroll In the fresh air gives a positive charge and vigor, eliminates concern.

Especially if:

  • when walking, change its pace (accelerate and slow down), alternate short steps with wide;
  • move attention from problematic circumstances on something outsuning - people, sky, trees, their dreams, bright memories;
  • send affirmations like: I am calm. I am relaxed. I am in one rhythm with the universe. I am full of energy and strength. I let go anxiety (anger, anger, annoyance, etc.). I'm fine, a beautiful future awaits me ahead.

Very soon, replacing annoyance and discontent will be reassured and the ability to analyze the situation of healthy.

By the way, a long stress and depression are frequent causes of paramyania, in which people, staying by sex sleeping, eat at night, prepare complex dishes, can not remember anything in the morning.

Why a man eats at night in a dream, symptoms and causes of pathology, in what danger, diagnosis, treatment.

Implicit gymnastics In the case when leaving the office is not possible, or a person is weakened. All exercises return spiritual equilibrium and improve the body image.

We repeat at least 10 times.

  • Pull the neck up the maximum, then pull it out.
  • Turns head, as if we want to see someone behind your back.
  • Head slopes to shoulders slowly and neatly, shoulders are still.
  • Hands in the castle, we bring for the cervical department and davim on the spine, resisting pressure.
  • Squeeze hard hands in fists (thumb inside), exhale. Weaken clamp and inhale. Exercise Returns sincere equilibrium. The action will multiply with closed eyes.

There is a wonderful finger gymnastics, you can do it imperceptibly. The benefits are colossal for the brain, psyche, cognitive processes.

She needs everyone to live to her old age in the right mind. It helps with violations in their hands (paresthesia, tunnel syndrome, pain), serves as the treatment and prevention of multiple sclerosis.

  • Sitting on a chair, hold on for the seat and pull it away from all over the power, we consider to seven, let go.
  • We strain both buttocks, then each alternately.
  • We raise the heels above the floor and with the power of them omit on the floor. The same movements are done with socks.
  • Squeeze and sprink your fingers on the legs.
  • Raise your feet alternately above the floor and hold for a while.
  • Tighten your stomach, we consider to 10, let go.

Easy yoga complex. If it allows the condition of the body and the situation, make a workout and exercises that not only relax, but still strengthen health and tighten the figure.

Thoughts that your body becomes stronger, slimmer, more beautifully replacing problem experiences.

"Relaxation mask"

A pretty simple and very fast relaxation technique in a matter of seconds, eliminates tensions, restores performance. Applicable for all settings, in transport, office, traffic jam.

The head is vertically, the mouth is ajar. Send "Yyy". Feeling how the lower jaw disperses, the tension from the chewing muscles and the whole body, the eyelids are heavy, the look becomes motionless, the items awake.

Stay in this position a couple of minutes at least, and better five to ten. Then we make energetic breaths and eliminating.

Lowering emotions, releasing steam:

creek - in a pillow or silent when there are witnesses. We retreat in the bathroom, we turn on the water and the yeast to the volatile, splashing your irritation, anger, offense without a residue.

Beam, throw, river Pillow and other subjects in terms of situation. You can do it mentally.

There are excellent techniques to get rid of the wrath and other protective reactions from the famous psychologist. Choose anyone and go!

11 simple techniques for controlling nervous tension, anger, anger, indignation from the leading psychologist.

By the way, German researchers found:

spouses, at the moments of family quarrels, screaming and beating dishes, repeatedly reduce the risk to die from heart attacks and strokes.

Respiratory exercise from Nikolai Lukinsky.

The actor it helped get rid of painful pains of the head that arose due to the inability to relax.

Put on my waist my hands. A deep breath, inflation to the belly and consider up to eight. I exhale my mouth, pressing the tongue to the sky, as if I pronounce the sound of "SSSS" (exhale it turns out to be smooth), simultaneously count up to 16.

Good allocate such breathing a quarter of an hour. Muscle spasms are removed, blood flow is accelerated, and fatigue passes together with tension.

We occupy your hands, preferably painstaking:

i swore small items (butchers, nuts. Balls, toys), print, embroider, sew, knit.

On the hands of hands a huge number of nerve receptors and biologically active zones associated with the brain, CNS and internal bodies. Therefore, manipulations with fingers and brushes soothes quickly.

Periodic actions.

We are so accustomed to live in constant stress that sometimes we do not notice how busy.

This can be understood by characteristic features:

  • tapping your hands or foot
  • swinging or twisting legs,
  • walking there and here (not sitting in place).

So the body tries to free themselves from unnecessary emotions, transforming their energy in motion. Take these repetitive admission to weapons.

Why we are nervous: external and internal reasons what happens in the body. How nervousness is manifested, simple ways to calm down.

A quick effect can also be obtained from chewing chewing gum. Muscles, activating brain processes and its blood supply, which reduces stress.

By the way, it is not necessary to chew a gum. The same result is achieved:

  • if you mentally imagine how you chew a chewing, and move the suitable jaws;
  • neatly (without fanatism) move the lower jaw in the horizontal plane, clockwise and counterclockwise.


Sweet products Supply in blood glucose - source of serotonin, neurotransmitter of well-being and quiet joy. Therefore, I enee the cake, we feel happier. But, unfortunately, addictive, threat of excess weight, diabetes, obesity occurs.

Acute food stimulates the synthesis of endorphins that deliver confidence and hope for improving circumstances. It is enough to eat a little red chili pepper to the mood rose.

Negative emotions should be known - one of the causes of night food syndrome, in which people awaken at night from hunger and are not able to fall asleep without snack.

Tea is a wonderful natural tranquilizer. Thanks to catechins, flavonoids, carotes, vitamins E, C is eliminating anxiety, fears, irritability.

Green tea has the most beneficial properties. You can mix it with black in equal proportions and add, adding honey.

Hug and kiss

if you have a bad mood, and life is painted in gray tones.

Friendly contacts remove stress, depression, fears, charge positive energy, strengthen the will, nerves, vitality.

By the way, people are affectionate and sociable lives three times longer than those who closed their personalities.

Kisses reduce the degree of stress hormone cortisol and increase the level of oxytocin - the hormone of attachment, tenderness and love.

Especially kissing often and passionately, life is smiling, they successfully folded career growth and affairs on the personal front. They are cheerful and optimistic.

Raise face

The most funny, but very effective way to relax. Sorry for a while, representing your offender or a detractor.

By the way, children are often griming and unrest on others, intuitively neutralize their negative impressions.


Protective body reaction in fatal, excess voltage, oxygen starvation. When we yawn, the exchange processes are accelerated, the blood is moving more active, the work of the brain and nerves comes back to normal.

If the emotions are excavated, the energy is closer to zero, yawn, even if I do not want. Our body is readily responded by real yawning on the fake.


quickly get rid of heavens, increase the quality of falling asleep and sleep.

Therapeutic effect accumulates, and therefore they are better to take on 10-15 procedures, daily or every other day or two.

Water should not exceed 38 degrees not to create an excessive load on the heart. Duration - 20 minutes maximum.

Good baths with essential oils (7-8 drops to mix with salt, milk, serum or wine - 200ml) conifer group, lavender, jasmine, chamomiles, patchouli, valerians, etc.

Herbal infusions:

  • sage with mint and birch (leaves) - 2 table. spoons;
  • yarrow with chamomile and sage - 2 table. spoons.

Fill the raw materials with 2 liters of boiling water, insist 6 hours.

  • Yarrow - 5 table. Spoons on 2 liters of boiling water, prepare similarly.

After the bath, the vessels are expanding, spasms are removed, the relaxing effect is strong.

It is desirable to follow the procedure to lie on the floor of the watch and take a nap, or do before bedtime.

Important! Contraindications should be studied, the consultation of the doctor will not prevent.

Smile and laughter

People who can smile and laugh in spite of the poor mood, maintain an even arrangement of the spirit, the depression does not threaten.

And all because when we laugh and smile:

  • there is deep abdominal breathing, abdominal organs are massaged;
  • the bloodstream and flow of oxygen and nutrition in the brain increases, its work is stimulated;
  • the psyche comes back to normal - the synthesis of stressful hormones slows down, and neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine) and endorphins are produced intensively.

The life-quality strength of laughter is unique and comparable:

  • with meditation
  • with antidepressants
  • with harmless drugs (the more dose, the better the result),
  • with fitness - a minute of laughter replaces 25 minutes of sports load.

Still laughter - reliable prevention of incurable diseases.

The benefits of laughter. Laugh to live.

So, if you are experiencing tension, anxiety, try to find a reason for laughter, see comedy or funny videos, read anecdotes or others.

You can laugh at yourself. Imagine the crown on your head, you are a very important person, which can not be criticized anyone.


Negative emotions have the property to accumulate, which entails stress, depression, neurosis and serious disorder in the body.

How to quickly remove the nervous tension to prevent the conflict situation, avoid problems at work or in the family, to preserve health and social status.

The article presents the available and safe ways, many can be applied on the go, in transport, in the office, imperceptibly for others.

Take care of yourself!

Elena Valva for the project Sleepy Cantata

Prevention of stress and disposal from the depressed states are reduced to a simple recipe: more physical exertion. Sport wins sports with poor mood and depression.

Materials on the topic:

Sport classes help raise the mood, improve the tone, attach optimism and facilitate the symptoms of depression.

Important! It is worth distinguishing clinical depression and the fact that the people are called "depression": poor mood, depression and decay of forces. Depression in severe form is a mental disorder that is a violation of affect. It is characterized by "depressive triad": a decrease in mood and loss of the ability to experience joy, impairment of thinking (negative judgments, a pessimistic look at what is happening, etc.), motor intensity. At depression reduced self-esteem, there is a loss of interest in life and usual activity. In some cases, a person suffering from her may begin to abuse alcohol or other psychotropic substances. If you have noticed all the listed symptoms, in addition to sports, ask for a qualified help.

Regular sports, in addition to obvious health benefits in the form of muscle strengthening and cardiovascular system, improving the shape, help:

  1. Reduce stress.
  2. Dog anxiety and depressive feelings.
  3. Raise self-esteem.
  4. Improve sleep.
  5. Enhance life energy.
  6. Come healthy and tightened.

People who are engaged in physical exercises have fewer symptoms of concern and depression, and smaller levels of stress and irritability. Exercises are beginning to influence both antidepressants on certain neurotiate system systems in the brain, and they help patients with depression attacks to restore a positive attitude to life. For patients with disturbing disorders, exercise reduce fears and related symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat and breathing.

- Jasper Smiths, Head of Research and Treatment of Anxiety under the Southern Methodist University of Dallas (USA)

Sadness - Fight!

Turn to physiology.

Sugar level

The dosage loads level the blood sugar level and eliminate chronic muscle overvoltage, which happens in constantly nervous people. This allows you to keep stress under control, and turns the negative into a positive, because Promotes the splash of accumulated aggression in the outside and with benefit, and not on loved ones and with a scandal.


During sports, the body produces - endorphins, natural antidepressants. Endorphins (chemical compounds, according to the structure of similar opiates, which naturally produced in the neurons of the brain) lead a person to the state of Euphoria, for this reason it is often called the "hormone of happiness" or "joy hormone".


Physiotherapists explain the beneficial effects of sports in depressions by the fact that physical activity causes an active influx of oxygen to all body bodies, including the brain. This helps to reduce the symptoms of many mental concerns, such as despondency, depression, stress, insomnia.

Psychological pluses

In the period of stress and despondency, people strive to burn out the surrounding world (which later delayed the depression in the puchins even deeper than domestic troubles). Therefore, experts advise on the outdoor sports or a group in the gym.

You are trying for yourself something new, something else - and that's good.

There are many factors, objective and subjective. Expansion of the circle of communication. The emergence of new interests, knowledge and goals. Change the setting and switching from depressing thoughts. Getting rid of aggression, malice and other destructive emotions. Improving self-esteem: If a person gets an exercise, he becomes more confident in himself, and it moves into the background dark thoughts, allows not to fall into despair, and another positive result will affect the mirror.

Also individual perceptions: for example, you really like your new form, and jumps with a skip remind of childhood.

The first study designed to find out how physical activity affects the mood, was held back in 1970. Two groups of men participated in it. The first-in the six weeks trained: jogs, swimming, cycling were included in the program. The second - led its usual low-wear lifestyle. As a result, it turned out that fans of physical education were much faster from the depressed state.

What sport is best suited to get rid of depression?

Any exercise, any load help to alleviate the symptoms of depression, even if it are jumping in place. The main thing is that they like you, and you did not make them do themselves.

First, you will probably have to get off yourself, but then the training will like it.

  • bicycling,
  • dancing,
  • hiking or Walking,
  • for not big distances
  • morning or evening,
  • aerobics of medium difficulty
  • classes in the hall
  • tennis,
  • aqua aerobics,
  • any cardiovenation (even running on the spot and jumping with a rope).

Someone will fit the classes with triathlon, bodybuilding, paeerlifting or cross-fit. It is individually. Choose what you like and brings pleasure. After all, it is important to cheer yourself and feel the tide of strength.

The main thing is to set my goals. For example: Slow 300 meters, pass 5 kilometers, mix 10 tightening or pushups. Yes, these are small goals. The main thing is that they are achievable. And every time it is a victory: and above yourself, and over a bad mood. And the victory is not to give up and go further.

Important! E.if you are 50, or you have diabetes, or heart disease, or before starting classes, consult your doctor.

Frequency of occupation

How often do you need to play sports to get rid of stress and raise the mood? Morning charging and yoga can be done every day. The same applies to walks.

If workouts require loads (aerobics, hall, running, swimming, etc.) - two or three times a week, give a trainer for 30-60 minutes. Because The body needs rest, no need to train too much - this is one of.

Try to engage at least 20-30 minutes three times a week. Start doing exercises from 20 minutes, gradually increasing time up to 30, and then up to 40, and up to 60 minutes.

When you get used to sports, and they will turn into a habit for you, you can change the time and a set of exercises for greater convenience and interest (training should not bother).

Daily menu

Food is always important, and in sad moments - especially. After all, I want to please yourself, get stress. From eating, we also get endorphins.

Several tips:

  1. Avoid stimulants - forget about tea, coffee, energy, cola and sweets. Conventional water, mineral water (it is so funny hub), juices, milk, kefir.
  2. Start the day with breakfast rich in protein, and carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits). Food will give energy, and multicolored fruits will raise the mood.
  3. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. They have a lot of vitamins necessary to maintain a stable level of blood sugar, which is usually sharply rising during stress (this can lead to excess weight).

Eat healthy food. She is also delicious. The idea that only baking and chocolates will save you - an illusion. Just your body is not enough endorphins, which is easiest to get from the sweet. In itself, awareness that you care about yourself will help in the fight against sadness and depressed state.

In detail about the right and healthy nutrition, we wrote in the articles "

Tatyana Lisitskaya - Master of Sports of the USSR in rhythmic gymnastics, candidate of biological sciences, professor of the department of theory and methods of gymnastics RSUFXIT, Senior coach of the national team in the USSR on aerobics.

After this exercise, you will feel calm and rested, especially after a long and intense working day.

Sit calmly on the chair in the office or in your favorite homemade chair. Put hands on hips palms up. Legs do not cross, do not hold the leg leg.

Look up. Smile. After that, see the distance, seeking the look to pass through the walls, at home, go far beyond the horizon (you can close your eyes, mentally expanding the space around).

Slowly several times (4-8) compress and dispense your hand brushes. You will feel like without your control, breathing becomes smooth, calm, rhythmic. And now soft (slightly bent in the elbows) hands lift up and without changing the position, lower down (repeat 4-8 times).

Attach your palms to the eyes, and keep your eyes closed within 2-3 minutes. Now, cover your ears with your palms so that the elbows are directed to the sides, and the fingers are back. Hold the pose of one minute, slightly squeezing your ears, then dramatically release your hands.

Having finished the mini-program against stress, smile.

Do not lose and do not throw classes! Watch the future with optimism.

Everyone knows that physical education and sport improve the figure, however, stress and employment do not make a way of life. But with the help of physical activity you can reduce the number of stresses.

Any physical activity, including aerobic and strength exercises, helps to get rid of stress. Even if you are not an athlete and have long come out of the form, uncomplicated exercise will bring a lot of benefits, and over time will help keep stress under control.

Exercises and getting rid of stress

Sport helps to improve health status in general, and also contributes to a good mood. Why?

Activity stimulates endorphins. Physical activity helps your body to produce neurotransmitters of good mood, which are called endorphins.

Sport is meditation in motion. When you start actively moving, you may notice that it helps you forget about any stimuli, with whom you encounter during the day, and concentrate on the movements of your body. If you regularly get rid of the voltage with the help of movement and sports, you will receive an additional energy charge and optimism. This will help you to stay calm in everything that you do.

Activity improves mood. Regular sports helps to strengthen self-confidence and get rid of the symptoms of easy depression and anxiety. Exercises also help improve sleep, which is often disturbed due to stress, depression and anxiety. All this will help reduce stress, and you will feel that you can control your body and your life.

Make the activity work for good

Successful sports program begins with the following steps:

Consult your doctor. If you have any health problems, or you suffer from excess weight, you should appeal to a doctor before starting training, which will tell you exactly what kind of training program you should choose.

Walk before running. Your training programs should begin with light exercises, then you can gradually increase the load. The mistake of many newcomers is that due to the big enthusiasm first, they can harm themselves. If you start the program slowly, more chances that in the future you do not throw a workout. The beginners are advised to engage in no more than 20-30 minutes a day 3-4 times a week, and gradually increase the time and number of classes. Healthy people advise about 150 minutes a week, performing aerobic exercises of medium complexity (including fast walking or swimming), and about 75 minutes per week spend on exercises with a strong load (for example, running). Also, the training program should include strength exercises for 2 hours per week.

Do what you love, and love what you are doing. Do not torment yourself with long runs, if you do not like to run. Any other physical activity will benefit you and help reduce stress. The most important is to find such programs that you would like. You can walk a quick step, climb the stairs, run a coward, ride a bike, do yoga, work in the garden, lift dumbbells or swim.

Plan in advance. Even if your work schedule does not allow you to do at the same time, if you carefully plan your classes in advance, you will be easier to draw and not miss classes. Also, so you can celebrate your workouts, how are the cases of increased importance.

Make a lifestyle activity

Start playing sports or lead a more active lifestyle is just the first step. We offer advice on how to get used to programs and not quitting over time.

Put certain goals. When you start playing sports, it would be nice to have a certain goal. For example, if the primary task is to get rid of stress and recharging its energy batteries, you can put yourself as a job to walk every lunch break, sign up to the gym, buy a subscription to the pool and so on.

Find for yourself the company. If you know that someone is waiting for you in the gym to work out together, or you have agreed with a friend to run together after work - it will be an excellent incentive not to give up training. To play sports along with a friend, family member or a colleague for work will help not lose the motivation.

Avoid monotony. If you are usually engaged only by running, try to include any other types of classes in your program, such as Pilates or Yoga. Do not choose very monotonous programs that are easy to get tired, which will cause the loss of motivation.

What would you do not, do not force yourself to do if you really do not want it. It is better to find such programs from which you can enjoy and will look forward to the next workout. It will help you make a sport part of your everyday life. If you regularly play sports or lead an active lifestyle, stress will not be delayed in your life.
