Studying at universities in Belgium is an opportunity to get a high-quality higher education and a prestigious European diploma, which gives good prospects in building a future career. In addition, Belgium and the capital of the country Brussels are the center of political and economic life in Europe, where a huge number of international organizations, representative offices of large companies and business centers are located.

Belgian students have the chance to study in one of the official languages ​​of the country, mainly French or Dutch and choose one of the many courses on english... Price higher education in Belgium depends on the university, program, language of instruction and citizenship of the student, but in any case, the prices are quite reasonable. On average, EU citizens pay about 900 euros per year, and foreigners from third countries, including Russians and Ukrainians, up to 4175 euros.

About a quarter of the Belgian population, whose total population is just over 11.5 million, are immigrants. The locals are welcoming and friendly. The country has a high standard of living, many places for tourism, rich culture and traditions, excellent cuisine. Foreign students, after graduation, have a good chance of finding a decent job in Belgium or another country of the European Union, and perhaps even register their own Belgian company.

Higher education in Belgium

Belgian universities consistently rank high in prestigious international rankings. For example, in TOP-300 QS World University Rankings 2019 6 Belgian universities are located. Highest position, 81st place at the Catholic University of Leuven, which is considered one of the best higher education institutions in Europe.

A feature of the Belgian higher education system is the division of universities into language groups depending on the region. Most of the courses are taught in French and Dutch. As a rule, a small number of German-speaking Belgians go to study in Germany or attend programs in French and English.

Types of universities in Belgium

  • Universities .
  • University colleges .
  • Institutes of arts, architecture and military academy .

Currently, there are more than 100 universities in Belgium where they study over 300 thousand students... The structure of higher education is built on the basis of the Bologna Process, which includes a system of loans ( ECTS) and offers the following training cycles:

  1. Undergraduate(3 years).
  2. Master's degree(1-2 years).
  3. Doctorate(3-4 years).

A bachelor's degree implies a specialized professional education or academic, which is designed for further education in a master's degree. After that, students can devote themselves to research activities and receive a doctorate.

Academic year at universities in Belgium consists of two semesters:

    • autumn (September-January)
    • spring (february-june)

The procedure for admission to a Belgian university depends on the specific educational institution. Usually, a high school diploma that meets the Belgian requirements is sufficient for enrollment. Depending on the language of instruction, students from the CIS countries need to contact one of the special institutions in Belgium, which conduct an appropriate assessment. The following resources will help you with this:

  • Flanders Universities (Dutch) -
  • French group universities -

Further, much will depend on the direction of study. For example, to enter the technical and medical specialties, you need to pass an exam. When choosing an arts degree program, you will need to take entrance tests. After enrolling in a university, you need to open a student visa and apply for a residence permit in Belgium.

For students from third countries, including Russians and Ukrainians, when obtaining a visa, a prerequisite is sufficient financial security to cover daily expenses, about 600 euros per month... Also, depending on the course, you may need a certificate of proficiency in a foreign language. In any case, details of the admission requirements should be obtained directly from the educational institution.

For foreigners planning to connect their future with this European country, you need to know that the opportunity to obtain Belgian citizenship appears no earlier than through 5-10 years permanent residence in Belgium.

Tuition and accommodation fees for students in Belgium

The costs of studying at universities in Belgium for foreigners largely depend on the university itself, the curriculum and the student's citizenship. Most local higher education institutions are funded by the state, so the government sets a special registration fee annually, the amount of which varies based on the territorial affiliation of the university.

The highest is the cost of studying at the universities of the French group. For Belgians and Europeans, this amount is about 375-837 euros in year. For other foreigners in the area 4175 euros... At universities in Flanders, students from third countries pay up to 1.5 thousand euros in year. Within the framework of various programs of international cooperation, foreigners can count on scholarships and grants to fully or partially cover the costs of studying in Belgium.

Living costs mainly depend on the city and lifestyle of each student. Brussels will need at least 1000 euros per month, excluding rental housing. Antwerp often has enough 700 euros... A room in a student dormitory will cost on average 150-450 euros per month. Renting an apartment or room privately from 500-600 euros... You will have to spend at least on food 150-200 euros monthly.

Top Belgium Universities

Catholic University of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

The first Belgian university in Leuven (near Brussels) was founded back in 1425. Today it is the largest and prestigious university in the country, the center of the research potential of Belgium. The main language of instruction is Dutch, however, a large number of programs are offered in English. Today, there are over 56 thousand students within the walls of the university, of which about 9 thousand are foreigners from more than 150 countries of the world.

Branches of the University of Leuven are located in 11 other Belgian cities, including Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp. The university includes 16 faculties, the largest library, 15 student campuses, modern sports facilities, scientific laboratories and parks. On the English language presented undergraduate programs in engineering, business, philosophy and theology. Of the 180 master's programs, more than 80 are also in English.

Official website of the Catholic University of Leuven -

University of Ghent (Universiteit Gent)

The second most prestigious university in Belgium takes its history from 1817. The educational institution gave the world many outstanding personalities, including astronauts, statesmen and even Nobel laureates. The first university in Belgium to teach in Dutch. Currently, over 41 thousand students study at the university, and the educational process is provided by about 9 thousand employees.

The structure of the university consists of 11 faculties and 117 departments with more than 230 courses of study. Such areas as microelectronics and biotechnology are especially popular with students, and engineering sciences are predominantly among foreigners. A large number of programs are presented in English.

Official website of the University of Ghent -

Free University of Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

One of the most prestigious French-speaking universities is located in the capital of Belgium, Brussels. The date of foundation is 1834. Four Nobel laureates and holders of several other international prizes, in particular in the field of medicine, are graduates of the university. More than 30% of students and teachers of the university are foreigners from different countries... The educational institution actively cooperates with the most famous universities in the world, for example, with the University of California and Oxford.

Students are invited to study in 12 faculties, with an extensive list of disciplines, including law, philosophy, architecture, medicine, economics, art and other sciences. The language of instruction is mainly French, but a large number of programs, especially master's, are presented in English. The modern infrastructure of the university includes 4 student campuses, libraries, museums, sports grounds and university hospitals.

The official website of the Free University of Brussels -

Belgium is a country with many young people seeking higher education. Its location is East Coast North Sea of ​​Western Europe. with countries such as Luxembourg, Germany, France and the Netherlands. The territory of this country is quite large, and the conditions for studying at universities are very good here.

After graduating from higher educational institutions, former students are given the opportunity to undergo internships in large organizations of the international level. That is why Belgium is attractive not only for, but also for foreign students wishing to study abroad. In order to have an idea of ​​the education system in a given country, it is advisable to approach this issue with full responsibility.

It is worth noting that candidates must be no more than 36 years old, in addition, they must have a bachelor's degree.

Research grants are awarded regardless of the type of research being conducted. The age category of candidates is up to 36 years old. They must have a master's or specialist's degree in their hands. Candidates for grants are nominated by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

When you change your place of residence, the question often arises of obtaining a quality education - both preschool and subsequent. In this article we will take a look at a country like Belgium. Her view of the education system in general and in particular. ... There are three main language groups in the country:

  • Flemish;
  • French-speaking;
  • German.

In Belgium, a sufficient amount of attention is paid to all types of education.

Paying attention to the education of preschool children, you can see a system that consists of two main types of institutions

  • a nursery, where young children are sent from birth to reaching 2.5 years of age;
  • toddler schools are institutions for children aged 2.5 to 6.

For the most part preschool education is free... Only entertainment events that are organized outside the walls of the relevant institutions are subject to payment. Such events include:

  • visiting sports complexes (swimming pools, gyms);
  • visiting cultural centers (museums, theaters);
  • other cultural events.

The costs of entertainment are strictly controlled by the state and regulated by the charter of the preschool institution. The cost part does not exceed 20-30 euros per child.

Of course, in Belgium there are also paid institutions that provide their services for a modest financial reward. The price of these services can fluctuate around 4000-9000 euros per year. It all depends on the depth of the wallet.

As soon as a child reaches the age of 2.5 years, the doors of a school for toddlers open for him. Moreover, the availability of citizenship of another country does not affect the provision of this service.

It is very interesting that if the country has the necessary data about your family, then a corresponding notification of such an opportunity comes in the form of a postcard. The notification can also be in the form of a home visit. During such a visit, you will be familiarized with the documents that are required when accepting a child and will be informed about the date of the introductory meeting.

When visiting a school for kids, you are introduced to the internal regulations and rules of this institution. The child's registration can be done in advance.

Interestingly, sisters and brothers who are already studying are the first to gain priority in enrollment.

The total number of children is limited to 15-20 people. This number is supervised by about two employees. The room is conventionally divided into play areas, in which children play in groups of 3-5 people.

Kindergarten in Belgium

As in any such institution, children go out for a walk in the fresh air, where they are left to their own devices. Playgrounds are usually equipped with sports equipment. With all this, a large number of children sometimes create inconveniences for games, since the playground is limited in size, which leads to a general crush.

They also do not make any special adjustments in the walk. In other words, if an outlet to fresh air is established by the routine, then neither rain nor snow will affect this. This treatment has repeatedly caused controversy on the part of the parents. During breaks, both older and younger children are taken out, and therefore the result is a "crush", which often leads to minor incidents. Supervises a large number of children, usually no more than one employee... With this parenting approach, it is believed that older children develop a respectful attitude towards younger children.

As in schools, the bell system develops a sense of discipline and order in children. Having a big change in the lunch area provides the parents with the opportunity to take the baby home. Those children who stay usually gather in canteens and have a snack at home cooked food. For children, whose parents have the opportunity to pay for meals, respectively, hot first and second courses are provided. The presence of local cuisine in the dining room allows fresh food to be prepared. It is not uncommon for food to be simply ordered. The price of such service varies from the cost of food and menu.

The education of preschool children is approached individually. Often this education system takes into account the rate of development of the child himself, his psychological and mental abilities. However, there are five areas:

  • physical education;
  • cultural education;
  • language;
  • mathematics, basic knowledge;
  • ecology.

For each child, a special document is created, which presents the training plan, the passage of activities, lists of the material being learned. Meetings between parents and teachers take place once a quarter, at which the general development of children is discussed and the wishes of parents arising in this case are taken into account. Preschool education is given special attention and is considered a must-see.

After completing the last year of schooling, children are prepared to enter the first grade of school. There is an escort center here. It is he who makes a decision about the child's readiness to continue education or stay for additional education, whether it be homeschooling or a school for toddlers.

Often, toddler schools are located in first grade primary school buildings, which prevents the child from experiencing the stress of the transition.

Starting from the first grade, the child learns according to a program that is integrated into common system getting an education. As elsewhere, this education system can be divided into:

  • initial;
  • the average;
  • higher.

Primary education - schools. The child gets here after completing preschool education and the positive conclusions of the survey commission about the possibility of continuing education. Here, an individual approach to students is preserved and attention is paid to a comprehensive creative development, which is presented in the form of a variety of theatrical circles, needlework and sewing courses. At every school institution psychologists work.

Schools are represented by three levels of education... Of course, the training presented on its territory is given special attention. In schools, teaching French enter from 1 or 2 steps. French-speaking schools offer a choice of teaching Dutch or English. Private schools are also common in Belgium, for the most part they provide their services to certain social groups of the population - for example, children of diplomats or sailors.

Secondary education

Secondary education, like primary school education, is represented by three stages. Duration of education is 4-6 years.

The first four years of study are compulsory, but only completing the full course entitles you to study at higher education institutions.

During this period, students are given a choice of those subjects to which they tend to pay increased attention. Basic subjects like physical fitness, language and the like are not excluded from the general curriculum. High schools in Belgium are represented by four schools:

  • Secondary schools. Pupils of this school continue to acquire knowledge. Their ultimate goal is to enter a university;
  • Schools of a technical nature - technical school. Students of this school, upon graduation, receive knowledge of a technical nature, as well as minimal professional work experience. What contributes to the entry of students into the labor market.
  • Vocational schools. Pupils receive the necessary skills to work in jewelry, mechanical engineering, etc. This type of training does not provide for higher education.
  • art schools. The direction of their study is to obtain the knowledge necessary for admission to universities, which have a bias towards the sphere of art. Choreography, acting, music - these areas are preferred in preparation.

Higher education institutions

Finally, higher education institutions. Since two cultures of education are closely adjacent here, then modern education represented by two subsystems, each of which is controlled by the Ministry of the French and Flemish Communities. The education system is "bachelor-master" in accordance with international standards.

According to the Belgian education system, entrance examinations are excluded in most specialties. However, there are exceptions, for example:

  • the medicine;
  • art;
  • Technical science;
  • management and similar specialties

Upon graduation in the arts, students are tested for practical skills. And when studying in the fields of technical sciences or management, in which it is possible to obtain a master's specialization, knowledge of mathematics or motivation and the presence of certain knowledge in some issues are tested, respectively.

A more detailed training program in higher educational institutions is represented by the following steps:

  • Basic or Bachelor. The term of study is 2-3 years, depending on the specialty.
  • Basic or Master. The training period is 2-3 years after passing the basic level and writing the corresponding scientific article. The terms can be increased for certain specialties.
  • Complementary or Doctor. The timing of obtaining may vary, but not earlier than a year from the date of mastering the main stage. It is required to write a dissertation on a specific topic and defend it.
  • The highest stage. Awarded 2 years after receiving the Doctor's degree.

It is worth mentioning that education in Belgium is represented by both public and private educational institutions. Some emphasize more traditional conditions for obtaining education, others prefer to provide knowledge of a professionally applied nature. Among the special mentions deserve:

  • University of Antwerp (specialization - liberal arts education);
  • University of Ghent (specialization - technical education, economics, medicine);
  • Vrieux University.

How to apply to a Belgian university

If you take a local student, then the tuition fee will not be charged, if the student is of origin from another country, then you will have to pay for the corresponding courses. When enrolling a foreign student, universities in Belgium are guided by the following rule: the total number of foreign students should not be more than 2% of the number of students admitted last year.

However, it is possible to enroll more than these percentages for an additional fee, which can be at least half of the official cost of the course. The expenses incurred may well be partially offset by scholarships.

Documents should be submitted 10-12 months before the date of the desired enrollment.

Required documents for admission for students from other countries:

  • the passport;
  • an extract on the possibility of admission as a student of a Belgian educational institution;
  • financial statement;
  • no previous convictions;
  • medical certificate.

For the possibility of training for a period exceeding 3 months, it is necessary to obtain, for which it is worth collecting a separate list of documents.

Russian schools in Belgium

Finally, it is worth noting about the availability, and there are many of them. The main goals of this kind of schools is to provide children with an appropriate education. Integration into the Belgian community, which will contribute to the rapid assimilation of the language, traditions and culture, as well as the preservation and enhancement of the traditions and culture of Russia. The main documents of schools are:

  • a copy of the passport of the parents (one of them);
  • a copy of the child's documents;
  • Receipt of payment;
  • statement;
  • completed personal data.

Belgium is known to the general public as the country of "beer and chocolate" and also "the crossroads of European roads". But in this state you can get a quality education, which will serve as a further springboard in your career, including abroad. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Belgium is included in the list of 14 countries where the level of education is considered above the European average. The country is ready to provide young people from different parts of the world with excellent conditions for study and life. Belgium is multilingual and the economy is focused on international business and trade.

Belgian education system

The education system in Belgium reflects the cultural and linguistic structure of society, in which there is a division into French-speaking Walloons, Flemings and the German-speaking minority. Each of these groups has autonomous learning systems for schoolchildren and students. There are schools that belong to two communities at once, for example, Franco-Flemish or Franco-German. The Flemish, French and German communities are independent, each with its own minister of education. But all these three systems work according to a single structure and differ only in details. The influence of the central government on education is small, it only defines the minimum programs a student needs to know, the length of compulsory education, and provides funding to communities.

Stages of education in Belgium

Belgian education is divided into preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary education. It is imperative that children study from six to eighteen years of age until they receive a high school diploma. The schools themselves are of three types, depending on who owns them:

  • community schools,
  • provincial and municipal schools,
  • Catholic schools. The largest number of students in the country go here.

Government inspectors monitor the quality of training. Parents themselves choose which school to send their child to.

Belgian education is divided into preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary

Video: education in Belgium

Preschool education

Children attend preschool institutions (école maternelle, kleuterschool) from 2.5 years to 6 years. Interesting that preschool education is free but optional. Nevertheless, up to 90% of Belgian children study in preschool institutions. Children are sent to kindergartens at an early age, since many parents work. Enrollments of children in preschool institutions are held several times a year. Administratively and organizationally, kindergartens are assigned to primary schools.

Belgian kids in kindergartens are under the strict supervision of educators

The learning process in kindergartens

In the classroom, kids play, learn independence and self-expression, develop their abilities, show creative skills. Lessons are held in a free interactive form, without a rigid program and control of knowledge assimilation. Children must learn to respect each other, work in a group. The approach to each child is individual; a permanent teacher is assigned to the group. In kindergartens there are computer classes, specially equipped gyms, swimming pools, playrooms for the little ones. In preschool institutions, circles are very popular. They are different - from an acting club to needlework. A group of psychologists always works in kindergartens.

Video: early childhood education in Belgium

Primary education

Primary school (école primaire, lagere school) lasts six years and is part of compulsory education. In all types of such schools, the number of subjects and the content of the programs are approximately the same. Education is divided into three cycles, each of which lasts two years.

In schools, Belgian children learn the basics of basic subjects

  • story,
  • mathematics,
  • music,
  • religion,
  • natural sciences,
  • creativity lessons.

Classes last five hours with a long lunch break. The morning usually begins with writing, math, languages, or other subjects that require concentration. And in the afternoon, time is devoted to creative disciplines. On Wednesdays - a shortened day, until lunchtime.

Language policy in primary school

Classes are conducted in the languages ​​of the communities, depending on which of them the school belongs to. In Brussels and some other Flemish municipalities, a second language (usually French) begins to be taught from the first cycle, but it is mainly taught from the third stage of primary education. In French municipalities, Flemish or English is taught as a second language in primary schools. In German-speaking, French is always taught. Private primary schools also work in Belgium: they are designed for children of foreigners. Education there is often conducted in English, such schools are open in large cities country.

Secondary education

School options

Belgian children graduate from primary school at about 12 years old. At this age, they enter secondary school, where they can determine their further specialization and show their skills and interests. A high school in Belgium (école secondaire, middelbare school) offers students a six-year course of study. For all schoolchildren there is basic program with compulsory subjects. Other disciplines are offered to students to choose from, the type of secondary education depends on this. In Belgium, it is of two types:

  • classic traditional,
  • classic updated.

Classic traditional education consists of two program cycles, each lasting three years. It offers general specializations in classical and humanities and prepares students for university admission. Classical renewed education is divided into three two-year cycles. The first of them is general education, the second is orientational (where a choice of subjects for further study is provided) and the third is defining. In the last cycle, the program is limited to the study of the selected disciplines and prepares the child for admission to a higher educational institution or for vocational education. Specialization in this type of school focuses on two possibilities:

  • obtaining basic, technical or art education for further education,
  • obtaining professional education, after which the graduate immediately goes to work.

Basic secondary education is sufficient for college or university admission. It assumes knowledge of at least five modern languages, ancient Greek and Latin, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, mathematics, fundamentals of economics, communications, history and sociology. Art education can be theoretical and practical. The latter trains specialists in the field of music, dance, acting skills... A theoretical art education helps graduates to enter the conservatory, ballet school, theater institutes and colleges, and so on.

Secondary school is an important stage in which Belgian students decide their future

What is technical education?

Program technical education offers a not so high level of knowledge of basic subjects as basic. It can be qualified (when a graduate goes to work after six years of study) and transitional (if the graduate wants to continue to study in his specialty). Many students who are going to continue their education choose another additional year, they call it specializing.

The most popular directions in technical education:

  • tourism and hotel business,
  • the medicine,
  • commerce.

Vocational education offers highly specialized training in different areas: jewelry, woodwork, iron, stone. Immediately after it, they do not enter universities, but go to work.

Video: specialization in Belgian schools and its impact on further studies and job search

Other features of school education in Belgium

In the middle and primary schools Belgium is very popular for such a subject as the study of the history and culture of other countries. Under this program, contracts are concluded between the Belgian and foreign schools... Therefore, the students often travel to different European countries, visit each other, live in families "on an exchange". The academic year in Belgium starts in September and ends in June. High school days off are Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Education in schools of any type for Belgian citizens is free, because the state pays large subsidies to private schools.

Compulsory education in Belgium is from 6 to 18 years old

Higher education in Belgium

Training options

Higher education in Belgium is divided between two communities - the French and the Flemish. Applicants from the German minority go to Germany or enter universities where they study in French. Most universities have programs that provide training in English. By category, higher education in this country can be divided into:

  • universities and higher schools(categories ISCED 5A and ISCED 5B according to the International Classification of Education),
  • colleges where you can get higher professional education of the university type (category ISCED 4).

Graduated high school graduates can enter almost any university, high school or college without examinations. However, there are exceptions for higher education in medicine, arts, engineering and management. Universities accept applicants in these areas only after state or entrance exams.

Video: is it difficult to study in Belgium?

Bologna system in Belgium

Previously, Belgium had its own higher education system, but since 2005 the country has fully adapted to the Bologna system. Now, as in many other countries, Belgian universities issue two types of diplomas - bachelor's and master's. Education in higher schools and universities is as follows:

  • after three years of study, students receive a bachelor's degree. A professional bachelor's degree gives you the opportunity to go to work. An academic bachelor's degree is a "pass" to further education;
  • after the next two years (or one year) of study, students receive a master's degree.

Talented university graduates with an interest in research activities can continue their studies and apply for a doctorate. To do this, you need to study for at least three more years. The highest degree in Belgium is called "aggregate".

Non-university higher education

In the country's colleges, students are offered a "long" or "short" course of vocational training. The short cycle consists of three or four years of study. At the same time, theoretical studies are supplemented by work in laboratories, practical classes, etc. The long course combines a three-year specialized professional education with two years of basic university-type training.

It is very difficult to study, but very interesting! We have a lot of practice and creative assignments... But there is also a lot of theory, 5 subjects per semester. Believe me, there is neither time, nor desire, nor sufficient knowledge of the language for them. Everything is done in Dutch. These are subjects such as philosophy, anthropology, art history from 1945 to the present, history of ancient cultures, research methodology, theory of papermaking, literature, history of graphic design, etc. There are very interesting moments in everything, but colossal the success of the study of the subject is inherent in the teacher. There are very, very few true teachers like our teacher in the history of ancient cultures. Our practical classes include graphic design, web, illustration, graphics and engraving, nude drawing, photography, film photography, and so on. There are a lot of subjects, as well as teaching hours. I study every day of the week (except weekends) from 8-30 to 18-00. Sometimes I manage to leave early. Then I work at home ... and I spend 2 hours a day on the train and I work there too.

How is the school year organized?

At universities, students study for two semesters: from September to January and from February to June. At the end of each semester, exams are taken. The progress in each study program is assessed by the number of points (or credits) that a student receives after a year of study. In college, the passing score is 20-30 points, and in the university and high school - 60.

Belgian universities

There are eight universities in Belgium. Most of them are state-owned. Universities founded by private individuals are called Free Universities. There are also universities created by the Roman Catholic Church. There are state universities in Liege, Monse-Hainaut, Ghent. There are two Free Universities (Flemish and French) in Brussels, and two Catholic (also Flemish and French) in Leuven. The oldest universities in the country are Leuven and Ghent universities. And the University of Antwerp is the youngest: it was founded in 2003. The Royal Military School stands apart, where education is equated to the university one. There are also 10 universities in Belgium that do not have university status, but are equated to them. And in total, in this small country there are 180 different higher educational institutions, where about 280 thousand students are educated.

Specialization of universities in Belgium

Students public universities can count on a classical education in the humanities or natural sciences. The University of Antwerp is famous for the special quality of humanitarian programs. The University of Ghent trains specialists in the fields of medicine, engineering, economics and transport. He is on list 96 the best universities the world. Free universities have a narrower specialization, while Catholic ones pay more attention to disciplines of theological orientation. Branches of foreign universities have been opened in Brussels and Antwerp, where they teach in English. Belgium is also known high quality education in the field of natural sciences, management and logistics. And in recent years, business schools have become more and more popular, especially among foreigners, whose programs are among the ten best in Europe.

Photo Gallery: Belgian Universities Popular with Russian Immigrants

The University of Antwerp is the newest in the country and is famous for its humanitarian programs The Catholic University of Leuven graduates theologians and social workers The University of Liege is public and provides classical education The University of Ghent trains specialists in the field of medicine, technical sciences, logistics The capital of the country has two Free Universities, owned by the French and the Flemish communities

Cost of education

The government of the communities in charge of the higher education institutions itself sets the cost of the registration fee and other payments for higher education. The total amount depends on whether the student is able to pay tuition according to his income level. Poor students (most often from large families or unemployed) receive financial assistance from the government in the form of cash loans and benefits. Young people from families with an income of less than 1286 euros per month pay 800 euros registration fee and an annual fee of 330-370 euros for tuition. All others must pay an admission fee from 500 (in Flemish universities) to 850 euros (in French) per year. Although the real amount that universities, higher schools and colleges spend on training students is about 4 thousand euros per year, universities receive this money from sponsors. Young people from the European Union are not charged extra money. But students from non-EU countries, in addition to registration fees and annual education fees (350-850 euros, depending on the university) must give another 480 euros per year in social security tax.

Study Prospects for Russians in Belgian Universities

To get higher education in Belgium, you need to have a certificate that corresponds to that issued by local secondary schools. Therefore, immediately after graduating from a Russian school, it is very difficult to become an entrant to a Belgian university. You will need to pass special exams, so it is easier to first study for a year or two in your country. Before entering Belgian universities, a Russian student should think about the community in which he is going to study. In addition, according to the laws of the country, the number of foreigners in universities should not exceed 2% of the Belgian applicants last year. If young people from other countries still want to study, although they did not get into the allocated number of places, they must pay an additional fee: about half of the cost of all education. Its size can be from 2 thousand euros (humanities) to 6 thousand (medicine).

After grade 11, I went to study in Belgium. There were no problems with admission - I submitted all the necessary papers, my candidacy was considered immediately. Now I'm in my 2nd year. Teaching is different from ours. Here everything is according to the European standard, they give more knowledge.


Obtaining a visa for study

If a Russian student wants to study at a Belgian university or college for more than three months, he must apply to the consulate of that country to obtain a student visa. To do this, you need to provide:

  • internal and foreign passports (the latter must still be valid 90 days after the expiry of the entry permit),
  • two visa applications completed in the language of the community in which you intend to study,
  • two color photographs,
  • documents on education received and, if necessary, on completion of language courses,
  • a document on admission to a university or on admission to exams,
  • bank statement, scholarship document (at least 465 euros per month) or other proof of financial solvency (for example, a sponsorship letter from a Belgian citizen with income statement and a copy of identity card);
  • a certificate that you have not been convicted (it is valid for six months),
  • a medical certificate of health issued by a center accredited by the Belgian consulate,
  • document confirming the availability of a place of residence in Belgium.

Documents are submitted in original with two copies, and all papers in Russian must be translated into one of the languages ​​of Belgium or into English and notarized. The package of necessary papers should be submitted no later than three to four weeks before the planned departure.

A package of documents for studying at a university

Belgian universities do not put forward special requirements for foreigners for admission. But in order to find out all the necessary information, you should contact the university directly. When you submit the package required documents where you want to study, then enrollment will take place without exams. But it happens that the most prestigious universities and colleges are introducing entrance tests. In addition, there is more competition for French-speaking universities and English-language programs than for universities with Dutch language of instruction. An application for admission to a university must be submitted at least ten months before the expected admission, because then there is a chance that you will be one of the first and get into the 2% of the lucky ones who do not pay additional fees. A standard package of documents includes the following papers:

  • international passport,
  • a document confirming proficiency in a foreign language at the level required for obtaining higher education (French, Dutch or English, if we are talking about the University of Antwerp). The Flemish and French communities of Belgium offer foreigners three-week summer language courses, after which they issue the necessary certificate;
  • notarized translation of a certificate or diploma. The document itself about secondary education must be equivalent to the Belgian one. They also accept students who have completed 1–2 courses (a certificate with grades is needed) and graduates of Russian universities;
  • recognition document Russian education(it is issued by the National Center, which deals with the confirmation of academic documents),
  • confirmation of registration at the university where you intend to study.

There is a very interesting rating system here. Each subject is evaluated with a certain number of points. Maximum amount points per year varies, but the average is 54. If a student fails any subject, then he can "take" it with him for the next year. Thus, as a rule, no one kicks anyone out, just students in case of failure remain students until everyone passes or until they give up themselves. In order to start studying, I needed to confirm my diploma, since I did not want to do it again, from scratch.

Tanya Bogacharova

Study Scholarships for Foreigners

International students can apply for scholarships to study and pursue a bachelor's or master's degree. They are issued by both the Flemish and French communities. Grants for education and research programs are provided by the universities of Brussels and Wallonia. But the competition for these scholarships is very high, and they are often offered for a short period - up to a year. Among the requirements for fellows are knowledge of the language of instruction, the topic of the thesis that will interest the grantor, and excellent marks in the certificate. The Catholic University of Leuven offers scholarships of up to 2 thousand euros per month from the Hoover Foundation for those wishing to study social and economic ethics (even travel expenses are paid). Many grants are provided by international organizations with offices in Brussels. These are NATO, UNESCO, the World Health Organization. Many agreements in the field of education, science and culture have been concluded between Russia and Belgium, as well as the Flemish and French communities of the country. The list of activities includes grants and scholarships that are awarded every year. Therefore, it is advisable for future students to regularly browse the website of the Belgian Embassy in the Russian Federation. Every year, grants for foreign applicants are provided by the Belgian Development Cooperation Program as agreed. In Russia, the lists of applicants for such grants are coordinated by universities with the Federal Agency for Education.

Cost of Living for International Students in Belgium

Students from other countries live in Belgium in hostels, in host families, or they rent apartments (on their own or with companions). The cheapest way is to live with a family. A dorm room will cost between 150 and 300 euros per month, depending on the university. But this amount can also be shared with other companion students. The most expensive housing option is renting an apartment. Prices for it range from 300 to 800 euros per month, and utilities are not included in this amount. In addition to housing rental costs, students pay about 100–150 euros per month for food, and about 50 more for mobile communications and the Internet. Educational materials are also expensive. Students of Belgian universities spend about 400 euros a year on textbooks alone. Therefore, foreigners have to look for ways to reduce the cost of their stay in Belgium.

As for everyday life, in Belgium you need an average of 800 euros per month. A dorm room in Ghent cost 390 euros, a studio in Brussels could be rented for 400 - 500. There were very good student canteens on the university campuses, which were only slightly inferior in range to the Minsk Lido. Lunch was inexpensive - 4 - 5 euros. The Belgians consider French fries to be one of their national dishes, so they were literally everywhere with a lot of sauces. Liege waffles were very tasty, which we ate with anything - from kiwi to cream with banana.

Evgeny Sachkov

Opportunity to earn money

If a foreign student wants to earn extra money while studying, he must obtain a special permit for this. They are of three types: A, B or C. Permits A and C allow you to get a job with any employer, but for different periods. You can work with type A without any limit, and with type C - no more than a year. Type B has the greatest restrictions: they get a job with a certain employer for a period of no more than a year, then it is extended. Students are usually given exactly this type - B. It allows you to work 20 hours a week. It is also mandatory to sign an employment agreement with the employer. If students want to work only during vacations and weekends, then they can work full time and without any permission.

The prospect of staying in Belgium for international students is higher than in many other European countries. If, after graduation, a graduate receives a work permit, then he is given a document of permanent residence. A certified specialist has the right to stay in the country for six months after graduation in order to find a job. If he officially finds a job, then after three years he can already apply for Belgian citizenship. Another option to stay in Belgium after graduation is an internship in international organizations with the prospect of employment.

Summary table: pros and cons of studying in Belgium

The virtues of a Belgian education

Disadvantages of Belgian education

Belgium has completely switched to the Bologna education system, so the diplomas received are recognized in all other European countries.

There is a difference between the French and Flemish higher education systems. Studying in French-speaking universities is more expensive.

Belgium is a cosmopolitan country where it is easier for international students to adapt.

Bureaucracy, when enrolling, require many documents that are not needed in other European countries (for example, a certificate of no criminal record).

The cost of most higher education is subsidized by sponsors.

It is expensive for Russians to study, “cheap” places in universities go to a small number of applicants.

Training is conducted in three languages, including English.

To enter a Belgian university, you need to have a certificate of proficiency in one of the three languages ​​of instruction at an appropriate level.

Good living conditions with host families. Belgian student dormitories are equipped to a very high standard.

Rented housing is expensive, and there are not enough places in hostels.

Most Belgian universities accept applicants without entrance exams.

It is difficult to enter universities in Belgium immediately after graduating from a Russian school - you need a year of study at a university in your homeland or passing special tests.

V free time students can earn money and travel throughout Europe.

Expensive life, transportation, textbook costs. A special work permit is required.

Studying in Belgium is closely related to research activities and internships in international organizations.

It is possible to get a job in Belgium only if a citizen of the country does not apply for this place.

Getting to Belgium, foreign students note that this country is full of contrasts. She is original and cosmopolitan, tolerant of foreigners and intolerant of those who do not want to know her languages, cultures and peculiarities. The country is located in the center of Europe, and students who study here can combine education with inexpensive travel and study of several foreign languages. The adaptation to the Bologna system, although it neutralized some of the peculiarities of the Belgian education, but equalized the degrees and diplomas of local universities with the rest of Europe. Therefore, it is much easier for a student who graduated from Brussels or Leuven University to continue their education and work not only in Belgium, but also in neighboring countries. Education in the country will allow you to master both the humanities and natural sciences, and practical professions related to modern technologies, business, and finance. All this gives young Russians, who have overcome financial difficulties, bureaucratic delays and an extremely complex educational system, huge advantages over their compatriots who did not dare to leave for a foreign country and stayed to study at home.
