An ideal studio model in graduate school - what is she? Andrei Gavrilova has his answer to this question - to study the problems that are relevant and essential in everyday professional activities as part of its future dissertation. Fortunately, the work of Andrei material for research and reasons to think gives plenty.

That the work and graduate school of each other is not a hindrance (and quite the opposite!), On the path to our dissertation and about which from the inside the problem of those who are engaged in software-defined data processing centers - in an interview with a graduate student 2 years of study of the Department Computer Engineering MIEM HSE.

Graduate student 2 years of study
Gavrilov Andrey

Andrei, tell us how you decide to enter the graduate school. How did this decision caused and what was (if it was) at the same time the defining factor?

As part of its graduation work, I was engaged in the study of software-defined data centers, and this topic was very tightened, so I wanted to continue research in this direction. And interest was not only from a research point of view, but also from the point of view of a specialist. The theme of my dissertation study was born just in the course of my working days, when I thought, what means could simplify the management of the cloud. I was very lucky because my work activity is closely related to the direction of research.

The fact that I will receive experience and knowledge that will be at the same time useful for work, and for research activities, has become a decisive factor for deciding on admission to graduate school.

Let's take a second for a second to another question, for sure, the reader already wants to know: where do you work? And who?

I work at JSC "Argon" JSC Engineer of the IT Implementation Department.

That is, in fact, work is for you the platform, where do you draw all the necessary information for your postgraduate work?

Exactly. And in this work there are some difficulties and problems, analyzing which I, and began to look for ways of their permission.

I was very lucky because my work activity is closely related to the research area

You have completed the specialty in another university. Why did you decide to enter our graduate school?

Postgraduate Studies of the Moscow Financial and Industry University "Synergy" It was opened in 2002 and operates on the basis of perpetual for the right to conduct educational activities (Appendix 1.1) No. 1900 dated January 28, 2016 and certificates of state No. 0647 of May 31, 2013.

Admission to graduate school of the University of Synergy for training is carried out in the following areas and programs for training highly qualified personnel:

full-time education

  • 38.06.01 - Economy
  • 08.00.13 - Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics
  • 40.06.01 - Jurisprudence
  • 12.00.03 - Civil law; entrepreneurial law; family law; International private law

extramural studies

  • 38.06.01 - Economy
  • 08.00.05 - Economics and national economy management
  • 08.00.10 - Finance, money circulation and credit

The normative term of training in full-time graduate studies in the areas of preparation 08.06.01 "Economics" and 40.06.01 "Jurisprudence" is 3 years, the term of study in correspondence graduate school of the University of Synergy is 4 years. Classes in full-time graduate students are held mainly in the evening, which allows combining training with labor activity. After completion of training, the graduate student is issued.

Acceptance for training, as, is carried out only on places of software. The cost of training for graduate students received in full-time education is 25,000 rubles per quarter (3 months). The cost of training for graduate students received in 2017 to the correspondence form of training is 15,000 rubles per quarter (3 months).

Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons living in the territory of the Russian Federation are accepted to graduate school. In graduate school, the University of Synergy can do faces with higher education confirmed by a specialist or master's diploma.

  • What year was the postgraduate studio of the University of Synergy?
    The graduate school of the Moscow Financial and Industry University "Synergy" was opened in 2002 and operates on the basis of indefinite licenses for the right to conduct educational activities (Appendix 1.1) No. 1900 dated January 28, 2016.
  • Who can enroll in graduate school?
    In graduate school, the University of Synergy can do faces with higher education confirmed by a specialist or master's diploma.
  • What form of training can be entered into graduate school?
    Admission to the graduate school of the University of Synergy is carried out for a full-time education.
  • Is it possible to recover in graduate school University "Synergy"?
    Yes, perhaps. With the terms of restoration and list of necessary documents can be found in the section Restoration in graduate school .
  • Is translated from the postgraduate study of another university?
    Yes, it is possible. With the procedure for transfer from the postgraduate study of another university and the list of necessary documents can be found in the section .
  • Is postponement from the service in the army?
    Currently, postpone from military service by graduate students of Synergy University is not provided.
  • What specialties is prepared in graduate school?
    Currently, in graduate school, the University of Synergy is being prepared in two directions: 08.06.01 "Economics" and 40.06.01 "Jurisprudence". Detailed information can be obtained in the section About graduate school .
  • What is the term of study in graduate school?
    The normative term of study in full-time graduate school in the directions of preparation 08.06.01 "Economics" and 40.06.01 "Jurisprudence" is 3 years.
  • What is the cost of training in graduate school?
    The cost of learning is reflected in the contract. Detailed information can be obtained in the section Cost of education .
  • Are there budget places in graduate school?
    Training in graduate school is carried out only on a fee basis.
  • Where can I pay training?
    Paying training can be made in any bank on the details specified in the sectionHow to pay learning .
  • What entrance tests must be passed for admission to graduate school?
    For admission to graduate school it is necessary to pass special discipline and foreign language (English). Detailed information can be obtained in the section Entrance tests .
  • How is the process of learning in graduate school?
    In detail with the process of studying in graduate studies can be found in the site section Training.
  • Is it possible to combine training in graduate school with labor?
    Such an opportunity in graduate school of the University of Synergy exists, as classes in full-time graduate students are held mainly in the evening.
  • How can I find out your group and get acquainted with the schedule of classes?
    Actual schedule is always available from a personal account on the site. Megacampus. . Detailed information can be obtained in the section Timetable of classes .
  • What are modular courses?
    Classes in modular courses in the framework of training programs (specialties) is an opportunity to get acquainted with Scientific and Pedagogical Schools of the University of Synergy, supervisors and their directions of scientific research, which will further help the graduate student more accurately decide on the topic of scientific research. All classes in modular courses are conducted by leading teachers of the University of Synergy using a presentation material. Detailed information can be obtained in sections. Training and Presentations of modular courses .
  • Can I pass candidate exams at the university without training in graduate school?
    Currently, the reception of candidate exams in individuals who are not graduate students does not lead.
  • What are the specialty passports?
    Passports of specialties are documents developed by the expert councils of WAK, which enshrine the formulas of the specialties and the field of research, within which the themes of dissertations are formulated. You can get acquainted with them in the sectionPassport specialties .
  • What scientific and pedagogical schools exist at the University of Synergy?
    Currently, a number of scientific and pedagogical schools are successfully operating at the University of Synergy. Detailed information can be found in the section Scientific Pedagogical Schools .
  • What magazines from the Wak list are published at the University of Synergy?
    The university includes the following magazines from the list of VAC: Modern competition , Applied Informatics , Applied econometric
  • How many scientific articles need to be published in graduate school?
    During the period of study at the University of Synergy, graduate student recommended at least 7 scientific articles (theses). Of the necessary 7 publications, at least 3 articles should be published in the magazines from the list of VAC. At least 4 years of articles (theses) should be published in publications that are not included in the list of VAC, but the indexed RINTS. Detailed information can be found in the section Requirements for publications .
  • What should be the scope of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of science?
    The amount of candidate thesis is 120-150 pages of A4 format. When it is written, the Times New Roman headset is used, font size 14, one-and-a-half base interval.
