Why does fate bring people together again and again?


Secret Oracle Answer:

Yes, there are a lot of such cases, at least not a lot. When at first people converge and then disperse, but the fate of both develops in such a way that the events in their lives proceed in such a way that again and again bring those people together or keep them close. Such phenomena can occur for the reason when people are driven by the heart, and divorced by the mind, but which they do not even suspect and do not think about. Such people, each of them, have such an internal energy that attracts them to each other, like a magnet to iron, but their minds are brought up in such a way that they have disagreements and views on life. Everyone has their own views and plans, their own dreams and aspirations, ideas about life and things in general. And they are not divorced by the fact that they begin to argue among themselves and live in a misunderstanding of each other, but they are divorced by the fact that they do everything to ensure that their dreams and aspirations come true and come true, but which are not the same, which are different, and therefore lead away them on different sides (but alas, fate, and - again they are together or next to each other). If, for example, such people, such a couple, are sent to a desert island, but only so that they do not know that they will be taken back, let's say, in two or three years, so that it all looks natural, and not rigged. In order for the couple to be alone with nature, and nothing distracts their minds, as it was in life among people, in the civilized world, among various temptations and various brilliance, then - this couple would simply turn back there on the island into “Romeo and Juliet” , and upon returning from the island to their familiar civilized world, they would be happy, would love each other with pure and strong love and would never be separated. Nothing and no one could separate them.

To all this, one more thing can be added - an aphorism on the topic:

“Those who love each other should never part, there is no such reason, there is no such force that could separate them, except for that which is in themselves”

If you love each other, then you will not part, and if you parted, then the reason is in yourself, remove the reason - and you will be together again.

In the example with the island, there - all causes are removed automatically. But you can do the same in real life yourself, without going anywhere on purpose. The main thing is to realize this moment, and - decide.

Believe me, love is worth it ... love is not just a swim in the same beautiful and gentle sea, but it is - to plunge into happiness, the wave of which will certainly pick you both up, rushing to the shores of paradise, which only you can see ...

the answer was given on the site “Big Question”

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There is always some reason why someone comes into our life and leaves it.

It is impossible to explain where feelings for someone come from in us. Why we get along with some people more than others, or why a spark suddenly flies between us and a stranger. Perhaps someone from above brings us closer to certain people, because they are needed at this moment in life. They teach us important lessons about life and about ourselves.

Heaven arranges a meeting with certain people because they have something to teach us. And the irony is that most of these people are temporary, because their duty is to show us a different view of the world and then leave.

Sometimes our life stage determines what kind of people we attract, and there is beauty in that, we are sent the people we need. They provide the answers we've been looking for. They enlighten us, bringing us closer to other people, bringing out the best in us. They help us fight fears and doubts on the way to our dreams.

Shot from the film "Diary of Memory"

We often try to keep these temporary people with us forever, but that's not what they were sent for. They take us one step closer to someone who will stay with us forever.

The problem is, we get upset when they leave because we can't let them go. We do not understand why we lose someone who healed us, but if these people stay in our lives longer than they should, their charm will disappear, love for them will die, they will no longer inspire and become a burden that we do not must bear.

The meaning of parting with them is faith. The belief that the story of meeting them should remain the same. And her change does not imply a happy ending. Perhaps these people are angels sent to us to teach us something of value, heal spiritual wounds or make us better, and when they fulfill their destiny, they will fly away into someone else's life.

Shot from the film "Diary of Memory"

Perhaps these people are also teaching us how to let go and trust that the next person to get close to you will be exactly who we need.

The day we meet a person who will stay with us forever, we will discover it immediately, as if we have known him all our lives, because we will finally understand the difference between someone who touches our hand and someone who touches our soul.

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You live on your own trajectory, you have your own plans and nothing should herald change, as it seems to you. And then suddenly - you literally run into him, you see his eyes, smile, beautiful beautiful face. At the same time, you are not ready for this at all, you simply have no idea what to do and how to behave.

You don’t sleep at night, you eat very little, people around you slowly begin to notice that something strange is happening to you. And now, finally, your best friend suddenly notices that you are not talking to her and your eyes are somehow extinct ... “Yes, you fell in love!” she says. Yes, something really happened.

I want to be near him!

These events are shrouded in mystery. always accompanied by the strongest desire to always be close to a loved one, never part with him under any circumstances, to be with him day and night, no matter how he looks, under any conditions. This is truly true destiny. But ?

It is difficult to just take and let go of a loved one, you want to hug him, press him to your heart, warm him with your love, give him a piece of yourself. This desire should be so huge that it becomes more important than all other desires, a single goal appears in life - therefore, it's time to start a family, everything is already available for this.

We have a strong and mature relationship!

There is nothing more unifying than giving complete freedom to your soulmate. When you are completely trusted in everything, this creates real freedom in a relationship. So there is complete responsibility to your loved one and real strong relationships are built, which not a single worldly storm can knock down!

Any fateful meeting of a man and a woman characterized by a serious approach to creating a family. From the very first day, the feeling that this is “my husband” and this is “my wife” flies in the air, and mature relationships are never built differently.

Every day we get to know each other in a new way!

Yet fateful meeting has a side effect: this is only the first meeting in a series of subsequent meetings! You reveal everything and reveal your love, it appears before you in new and new forms, it never ceases to amaze you, constantly inspiring you with its incredible and close nature.

How does the fateful meeting take place? Day by day we meet each other, we love each other, we cannot live even a minute without each other, because once we meet, we are not able to break our strong union. Infinitely discovering everything and discovering yourself in another person, you seem to grow in him as a beautiful picturesque tree, and soon it will bear fruit ... Real happiness!

Signs of a fateful meeting

  • it always happens at the moment when we are least ready for it. Fateful meeting will never happen according to our order or desire. And we are always unprepared for the fact that today we will meet our fate.
  • one of the clearest signs is that you can't help yourself and immediately say: "I love you." These words themselves are pulled out of your lips, as if, a nightingale singing its nightingale song, you sing to your loved one that you met him and you can no longer live without him.
  • you do not pretend that this person belongs to you, on the contrary, you allow him or her to live freely and easily, move freely, be what this person wants, you will not impose anything on your soul mate, never.
  • you are interested in everything, because this person inspires and inspires you, he creates a special atmosphere of hope and trust. And, of course, you believe him as yourself, you are like a small child who pulls his hands to his mother, stretches with all his being to a loved one, giving his heart without a trace.
  • meeting destined for fate, causes the feeling of a slowly bursting bomb, when there is only one image of a loved one in your head, this happens to everyone in different ways, but in one form or another it happens to almost everyone. The fateful meeting is like a small revolution, when almost everything in our life begins to change, and we ourselves cease to be who we were before.

How to find your soul mate?

For many years, we have been waiting and waiting for the very second half to meet us, which will be the one and only, for the sake of which we want to perform feats and miracles. But she still does not appear, she does not come. It even happens that a person has already been married several times, but never met his soul mate.

And yet, we must continue to look for it. Because each person has his own soul mate, no one can live without her ... you need to meet her at least once in your life in order to be a full-fledged person.

To fateful meeting of a man and a woman took place, you must honestly tell yourself who you are or who you are, what you do in life, what you want. What are you striving for, what are you dreaming about? Your soulmate is a continuation of you, it cannot be different, it is impossible.

Therefore, you need to look for yourself. Find yourself in this life. Do what you want to do. Set goals and achieve your goals. In the process of your journey, you will meet your like-minded people, among whom will be your half, the missing second part of your self, you will immediately understand when you meet, because it will be fateful meeting two people united by common goals, a common dream and a common hope!

In contact with

In the life of every Human, the people around him play an important role, whether they are relatives, acquaintances or someone else. Relatives are not chosen, They are determined even before birth, depending on karma (tasks to be solved). Relatives will necessarily contain fragments of clones, their goal is either to convey something forgotten, to give back what they did not have time to return in a past life, or vice versa to accept what they did not have time to give the image of an individual in past lives (a brother takes care of his sister, because in the past incarnation, suppose a nurse cared for a sick person). Some people, for contacts, are chosen by a person, others are pushed by Fate, others by a combination of circumstances. The attitude of people who have fallen into the field temporarily, due to some combination of circumstances, will reflect the nature of the radiations of the personality (a person respects himself, and society will appreciate him (respect does not mean proving his own significance)).

Consider the people with whom Fate brings. It can be anyone: friend, neighbor, husband (wife), colleague.

A person chooses people for contacts, but often Fate begins to push towards individuals who have certain qualities.

People attracted by Destiny take on either the role of a teacher or the role of a student. Getting rid of the person to whom the feeling of rejection has appeared will not solve the problem, but soon the identity will again knock on the door, with a more pronounced nuance. Noticing the similarity of events, one should think about what lessons, values, experience can be drawn from the situation, perhaps someone needed help (repayment of a debt).

It happens due to fateful meetings that the outlook on life changes radically (attitude towards people, towards phenomena, towards life, life values ​​are rethought). From time to time it is important to analyze a memorable period of your life - when and with whom Fate brought you together, with whom you became friends for a long time, with whom you broke up, why they broke up, what influence these people had and have on life.

Why lie to yourself?

People often lie to themselves. Intuition, the subconscious directs them to the right track, and logic, consciousness, falling under the advice of the Illusionist, keeps and gives out their erroneous arguments. A person gets confused, forgets what he really wants. What he wants to do, for whom, what, why and how he lives. He rushes about in one direction, then in the other, wanting to choose something or someone more suitable for himself, he goes to consult with friends (if he himself does not know how they should know). They, of course, advise something at their own discretion, in the end, a Man does not find his own Self and is disappointed by a meaninglessly lived life. But is it all that bad? Before you meet with anyone, do something, you need to think, but really this is my own, dear. Most often, the Man does not reconcile himself with the present, wanting to see in it what he wants, which does not correspond to reality. He lives in hope, inventing a bright future, although it is initially obvious that this is a failure, and then he is offended that everything, everyone is against him. In his address, he usually hears what he wants. But if it's not, why lie to yourself? You must always face the truth, take it as it is, and there will be no such frequent disappointments. Lying to a loved one is a sin, but when you lie to yourself?

Take care of the gut

Modern culture is not always, of course, for the good, but it has taught people to regularly monitor and care for their appearance. But Man does not only consist of a body. It is also necessary to regularly take care of the inside, cleanse the Soul (feelings), Mind (thoughts), Spirit (emotions), Shell (the ability to balance the inner and outer worlds). To gain maturity, wisdom, it is important to review the actions committed in the past (if you look at the same object, but from a different angle it visually changes), the quality of the environment; what set of circumstances is most often encountered, what information usually comes from outside, what the inside thinks about. When problems are found, it is important to test oneself and free oneself from negative foreign matters.

True "I"

A person is usually not satisfied with his life because he could not remember, find, know himself. If a person does not find himself, being immersed in unconsciousness, then the surrounding processes will lead to chaos. Gradually, one's true Self will be forgotten, in return, a completely different, distorted "I" will be acquired, constantly leading one astray from the true path. But as soon as it is possible to force out alien programs, thanks to the fulfillment of the mission, solving problems, remembering oneself, then everything will gradually return to its place, the traveler will feel a surge of vitality, love for the universe, creative inspiration, confidence in the future.

Society does not always perceive the individual as he really is. Especially if he did not really find his true "I". In one team, he can be characterized positively, in another, vice versa. Often, with its absurd conclusions, society undeservedly humiliates or elevates people. It happens that at first a person's opinion of himself does not coincide with the characteristics of society, and he begins to resist, unsuccessfully trying to prove something.

The one who is strong in the Spirit does not give in to negative influences. People are different, many try to judge someone from their own point of view, drawing conclusions based on the maturity of development, life experience. The reality is that you can't forbid people around you to think and judge. The important thing is to always be yourself. Sooner or later, the team will have to accept and agree with individuality, otherwise, each time changing the team, the living conditions will not recede the similarity of circumstances. One day, tired of a senseless struggle, it is easy to doubt oneself, reconciled and accepted the verdict of society, turning onto the path of degradation, immersion in oblivion, unconsciousness.


There is no such impermanence in the Universe as Man, everything in him is changeable and deceptive, dual.

People willingly become attached to each other, wanting to be together for many years, and then, when they lose each other for any reason, they become disappointed in love, fidelity, gratitude. It is a mistake to find fault with loved ones who, for whatever reason, are moving onto a different path. It is best, knowing about impermanence from the beginning, not to become attached, enjoying the present moment. After all, it is not known what goal, task Fate carries out.

Children leave their parents, and they lament: "We gave our whole life for the sake of children, but they abandoned us." But what if they gave birth to a child, his direct duty to be with his parents all his life? Old age or illness - yes, falls into the care of children. Loved ones go to others, friends become acquaintances. Each person has his own path, his own mission. Impermanence lives in an illusory, dynamic, perishable projection, what claims can there be to fiction? Attachment hurts itself. From here, disappointment in life, unwillingness to live with spiritual emptiness are formed.
