Incredible Facts

These signs will help you know if the person you are interested in is thinking about you.

At some subconscious level, we are all able to feel the emotional and physical state of a loved one.

This ability is called clairsentience, and although most of us have it innate, many do not know how to use it.

Have you ever wondered why you can't get a certain person out of your head? This happens because we physically and emotionally feel the mood, feelings and energy of another person.

When we become emotionally attached to another person, an invisible bond develops between us. Even if you are no longer close and don't talk to this person, you can feel whether he is happy or sad. This kind of emotional communication exists outside of time and space.

How do you know if this person is thinking about you? Here are a few signs:

Does a person think of me

1. An unexpected rush of emotions

Imagine that you are having a great time and having fun, how unexpectedly for a split second you are seized by an incomprehensible sadness.

These sudden bursts of emotion often make us think of a particular person. If something like this happens to you, it is likely that they are thinking about you, especially a close person. It could be your ex-partner or an old friend.

2. You had a dream about this person

Perhaps you never dreamed of your acquaintance or friend, but last night he appeared in your dreams. You can see what this person is doing, what they look like, and what they say. Since we are all energetically connected to each other, this can tell something about his current life and suggest what might happen to him in the future.

Most likely, his appearance in your dreams is due precisely to the fact that he thinks about you, and that through a dream he is trying to contact you. Try to write or call this person and ask him about life, and you will find out if your friend or loved one thought about you.

3. Desire to be closer

Many believe that fate makes us fall in love with some person. In fact, we fall in love because we subconsciously feel that the person who thinks of us is able to satisfy our deepest needs.

This explains why we look for ways to bring him into our lives and close the distance between us. Therefore, if a certain person is often around, this is a sure sign that he thinks about you and subconsciously reaches out to you.

4. Long smile

Notice what you do first when you meet an old friend you haven't seen in a while. You smile and the smile stays on your face for more than 10 seconds.

Your subconscious tells you that you like this person. The same thing happens when someone thinks of you. When a person meets you, he experiences the same feelings as when meeting an old friend, and his smile does not leave his face for a long time.

The person who is thinking about you will not talk to you in their usual neutral manner. If he thought about you, he will experience an inner feeling of happiness, and this feeling will manifest itself in an outer smile while talking with you.

5. You are often in sight of a person

When someone thinks of you often, their subconscious will always want you to be in their field of vision. This person will deep down want you to be closer and become a part of his life.

For this reason, the interested person will want to know what you do, who you spend time with, and who you associate with. He may not even look directly at you, but he always wants to see you in his field of vision at every opportunity. If a person constantly thinks about you, they most likely really like you, or they have deeper feelings for you.

6. The person's legs are pointing in your direction.

Our feet naturally turn in the direction we are heading. There is a subconscious connection between our intentions and the direction our feet are pointing.

If you are in the company of people, your feet will always be turned towards the one you like the most. If you notice that a person’s legs are looking at you, then this is a clear sign that this person likes you, and he thinks about you.

7. Interested in your friends

You will know if a person is thinking about you if he tries to talk not only with you, but also with your friends. Friends have a great influence on our lives, and therefore, when we are interested in someone, we try to be closer to the person's friends, trying to please them.

If you are in a company, and your interlocutor, after talking with your friends, is the last one to talk to you, you can be sure that he thinks of you.

8. Approaches you for no reason.

When a person is interested in you, his subconscious will look for ways to attract you into his life. He will want to approach you, even if there are no objective reasons for this. Perhaps this person is constantly thinking about you, and he has more serious feelings for you.

9. You often think about this person

Of course, when we are infatuated with someone, our thoughts are completely absorbed in the object of our desires. However, if for no reason at all you began to think about a person, then it is likely that he also thinks about you.

This is especially true for situations when the thought of him arose from scratch, and nothing foreshadows its appearance. If something like this happens, you are most likely occupying the thoughts of this person. Perhaps you should even expect a message from him.

How to find out what they think of you

10. Your ears are burning or itchy.

Many consider this a simple sign, but one cannot deny the fact that our body and brain are closely connected, and we are not always able to understand this connection. If your ears suddenly start to burn or itch out of the blue, obviously someone is thinking about you.

Of course, if you suffer from allergies or sunburn, you can rule out this symptom. But if there are no objective reasons, then most likely you have aroused someone's interest.

It is believed that when your left ear itches, someone is discussing your shortcomings. If the left ear itches and turns red, the person may speak disgustingly about you.

On the contrary, the right ear, which burns or itches, indicates that someone loves you, speaks well of you and believes in you. If both ears itch, then you may need to clean your ears.

11. Sudden sneeze

Many will consider this an old belief, but it has some truth.

If you suffer from allergies or a cold, then this sign cannot be considered reliable. However, a sudden sneeze out of the blue can mean that they are thinking about you. It is believed that unexpected sneezing indicates not only what they think of you, but also a sign that someone misses you a lot.

If you sneeze just once, you are thought and spoken well of. A double sneeze means just the opposite, and someone is talking bad about you. Three sneezes are considered a good sign. If someone says the phrase "Be healthy" after you sneeze, then everything will end well for you.

12. Burning cheeks

We often blush when we feel shame or embarrassment. However, if your cheeks start to burn when you are not in an awkward situation, this may indicate that someone thinks of you and speaks ill of you.

Such a sensation is similar to the heat after a slap in the face, which, in fact, happens when a person strikes with "words".

13. Discomfort while eating

If you are choking, coughing, or have a tickle in your throat while eating, this may be a sign of an upcoming quarrel. The sudden feeling that you might choke is due to the tense atmosphere around you.

Your subconscious feels tension from the other person, and your body reacts to it. If you are sitting alone and almost choked, then perhaps you are trying to unconsciously build such a situation in your head.

14. Itchy eyes

Itchy eyes may simply indicate that you have allergies or very sensitive eyes.

If suddenly your eyes began to itch, then this may indicate that there is a person whose thoughts you constantly occupy.

It is believed that if a woman's left eye itches, someone praises her and thinks well of her. If the right eye itches, the person’s thoughts are negative. For men, it's the other way around.

Obsessive thoughts about a person are strongly and often pumped up, it is not possible to figure out why, because we no longer communicate. I would really like to understand what still happens to a person when you constantly think about him, is this energy transmitted to him? and is it possible to somehow transfer your state of energy to him, so that he would remember, write, call? How do thoughts materialize? Does the person feel what they think of him?

In contact with


Thoughts about a person are transmitted at a distance about who you think to. And not voluntarily a person can make himself felt. Your feelings can be heard through your thoughts, so when you constantly think about your loved one, he will definitely feel it.

Hello Anastasia. Most likely, you have not completely broken the connection and both of you remember and think about each other. A human thought has great power, just like a word. And with its proper use, you can achieve results. I wish you success.

Of course, feelings and thoughts can be transmitted at a distance. And if you constantly think about a person who is dear to you, he will feel it. His feelings can be expressed in different ways. But there is nothing easier than just calling, writing a message, meeting and expressing your feelings to a person in person, looking into the eyes. This is the best way to confess and open up to a person who will understand you.
As for the materialization of thoughts, this is a very global topic that can be discussed in a private telephone consultation with a psychic. I wish you good luck and fulfillment of your most cherished desires, Anastasia!


Asks: Olga (2011-04-24 06:59:27)

I sometimes have the feeling that a person who is close to me is thinking about me. Moreover, there is some special feeling, and for some reason I immediately understand that it is him.
Can you please tell me if this is possible or does it all seem to me?
Thanks in advance, looking forward to your reply!


Hello Olga!

All of the above is quite possible. This phenomenon is called synchrony: knowing each other for more than a day, we somehow guess when a person is free, when he has a break at work, when he usually rests :) - why not think about it :))) - of course, having a small amount of knowledge about your schedule and habits, it may suggest the same. if you find yourself in different places at the usual time for meetings, the lack of communication automatically evokes memories of a loved one - the hand itself reaches for the phone or keyboard.

These are still flowers - having lived with a person for a couple of years, you can understand what he feels by his voice, look, hand movements, etc. - this is already empathy - the ability to enter into emotional resonance with another person at the level of feelings. Children up to 10 years old are excellent at this, as well as higher mammals (dogs, cats, dolphins) - who, by our movements and sounds, understand our joy, anger, anxiety or fear.

Love to you and understanding! Christ is risen!

Hello Olga! Many people operate from their projective "Projection" mechanism, which may or may not be real. In order to find out - how it really is - you need to find out, that is, ask! Moreover, this happens to you in relation to a person who is close to you, and with close people - they communicate, share their thoughts, feelings, through contact and interaction! This will be the surest way to find out the truth! And translate "understanding" into the language of feelings, then great opportunities and pleasures will open up for you! All the best. Sincerely, Ludmila K.

This happens, of course!

The question is how much do you need it? Does this state replace your need to be in contact with a person? Do you have a need to merge with it? It's an UNHEALTHY "feel each other" relationship. This leads to emotional addiction, which can be very difficult to get rid of, like any other form of addiction.

The merger of close people "high" only in rare moments of intimacy. This is the norm. You seem to lack real intimacy with a loved one, so you use a substitute.

Better not be deceived and do not lose touch with reality. (Tested on myself)

Olga, everything is possible! And maybe he doesn’t think, but you feel that he thinks - and that’s great! And he feels that you think what he thinks, and starts thinking about you! Have you noticed that sometimes you just think of someone and he/she calls (or vice versa)! This is a phenomenon, the relationship of people! To be able to feel is a wonderful gift!

Almost everyone knows how difficult it is to get rid of obsessive thoughts. Ideas, anxiety about not turning off the iron, a banal melody - this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is more difficult if the object is a person who is dear to the heart. Many have fallen into such a situation, it seems that there is no reason to remember, and all thoughts are concentrated around one person. Is such a connection one-sided and what happens if you think about a person for a long time, will he feel it?

Telepathic communication - fact or fiction?

The issues of telepathy have been studied for more than a century, some argue that such an interaction is real, others in every possible way brush aside the idea of ​​​​communication with the help of thoughts. But multiple eyewitness stories confirm the existence of such a phenomenon.

The strongest connection is between blood relatives, especially between mother and child. In this case, the rule is: if you think about a person, he feels it, he works. Sudden calls after a thought, the same gifts, similar ideas are the most common examples of parent-child mental interaction.

Also, couples in love often notice a similar phenomenon, but in this case it is difficult to say for sure, because their thoughts are constantly busy with each other. But it is impossible to deny the coincidence of dreams and anxieties of loving hearts.

The most interesting thing is with telepathic messages to an outsider or person who was once dear. In such a situation, the result directly depends on the energy sensitivity of the object. In the case of immunity to subtle matters, he most likely will not feel anything at all and will continue to go about his business.

But if he or she is distinguished by a fine mental organization, then most likely he will feel a vague anxiety, perhaps also a sudden appearance of thoughts about a person who has not reminded himself of himself for a long time. In this case, the statement: if you think about a person - he feels it - is real.

Constantly thinking about a person - is it good?

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the appearance of obsessive thoughts significantly depletes a person. His internal energy is concentrated not on achieving his own goals, but on the energy impact on the object. In a situation where you think a lot about a person, several scenarios are possible.

A strong-minded person who is at the peak of his energy content can feel a sudden surge of strength. So, a thinking person will transfer his strength to him, help him fulfill his dreams, which means that such, even obsessive states will bring good.

If the object is energetically weak or at this stage is experiencing a period of spiritual decline, thoughts about it can do harm. He will experience vague anxiety, will not be able to concentrate on his thoughts, will lose the ability to concentrate, which is fraught with trouble.

Getting rid of obsessive thoughts about a person is extremely difficult. But it is important to understand that such telepathic messages can significantly complicate the life of the object. And if this person is dear, then it makes sense to decide whether to think about a person if this can harm him. If the answer is no, then you can use the tips to get rid of the obsessive state.

You need to try to occupy your thoughts with completely different people, objects and events. More to be in society, not to withdraw into oneself. You can find friends with similar interests, for example, buy a gym membership or go to needlework courses. The atmosphere of such places is conducive to communication with like-minded people.

And then, of course, not immediately, life will sparkle with new facets, it will slightly open the door to new fascinating worlds, where there is no place for melancholy and repetitive thoughts. The main thing is not to be afraid to let go of the thread that connects with the past or unfulfilled dreams.

When the first intrusive thoughts appear, it is important to admit to yourself that they complicate life for both sides of telepathic communication. And find the courage to fight them, because there is a long and happy path ahead.

Each person felt in his head an endless stream of obsessive thoughts that overshadows consciousness and does not allow to calm down. It is much more difficult to cope with obsessive thoughts if their object is a person who is important to the heart.

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Many found themselves in a similar situation and became hostages of their feelings. It happens that there is not even a reason for memories, and all thoughts are still directed exclusively to a certain person. It becomes interesting whether such a connection can only be one-sided, or whether a person will also feel something if he thinks about it for a long time.

Communication through thought processes

Scientists and psychologists have been searching for answers to questions about such a strange phenomenon as telepathy for decades, trying to study what is happening between people. Some say that such interaction is quite real, while others do not take seriously the possible communication only by thought processes. But a large number of eyewitnesses who have experienced this phenomenon on themselves serve as confirmation of its existence:

  • The strongest invisible connection was found between relatives by blood, most of all it is expressed between mother and child. After all, it is no coincidence that you can often hear about sudden calls after the appearance of a thought, desired gifts, similar ideas, fears, feelings. Parents and children are the most capable of interacting mentally, often unconsciously.
  • A similar phenomenon occurs in couples in love. But in such cases it is difficult to affirm something, since in the thoughts of the beloved there is always only the chosen one or the chosen one, who at first are the whole world for each other. But it is also impossible to completely exclude the coincidence of simultaneous dreams or an unexpected anxiety state in both.

It is a completely different matter when it comes to telepathic messages to a complete stranger and stranger, who has never been important and dear. In this case, the main criterion is the energy sensitivity of the object of thought, so there are two options:

  • If an individual is completely immune to subtle matters, then for sure he will not feel anything at all, but will simply continue his business.
  • If the distinguishing feature of the personality is a subtle mental organization, then there will come a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety or even thoughts about some other long-forgotten person.

In such cases, the person to whom the stream of thoughts is directed will be able to feel it.

They say that if you miss a person for a long time, he will definitely feel it. But in psychology there are no exact theories and evidence for such a fact. When a certain person is constantly spinning in the head, this disrupts the psycho-emotional state of the thinker - he is always in tension, but this rarely affects the object of thought. The reason for his poor condition, mood and such thoughts can be anything - problems at work or in the family, difficult periods of life, lack of love and understanding.

How obsessive thoughts affect a person

When studying the problems of telepathy, one should pay special attention to this fact - obsessive thoughts that last a long time can serve as a source of exhaustion for the person himself. His internal energy is concentrated solely on the impact of energy on the object, and not on achieving his own goals.

People who have different energy levels manifest themselves as follows:

  • A person who is strong in spirit and filled with energy at the maximum level feels a surge of strength and a desire to achieve great success. A thinking person will only have a positive impact - he will share his strength and energy, he will be able to mentally help take a step towards the fulfillment of an old dream. Thanks to this, a person who was constantly thought about will become happier and will not even understand the reason for such increased ambition.
  • When the object of thoughts has a weak level of energy, or at this stage of life, his spiritual powers are depleted, thoughts directed at him can be harmful. The person will feel anxious, his concentration will decrease, and the ability to focus on something important will also be minimal. In this situation, the thoughts of the thinker will only bring trouble to a weak and defenseless person who does not understand anything. He is very vulnerable to external factors, any outside influence only worsens his psychological state, causes discomfort and inconvenience.

Getting rid of intrusive thoughts

Getting rid of obsessive thoughts is not as easy as it might seem. It is important that the messages of the telepathic plan tend to complicate life. And if this person is truly dear, then it makes sense to think about whether it is worth thinking in this direction, because these actions can turn out to be negative. If the answer turned out to be negative, then you need to try to use some tips that will help you cope with the obsessive state:

  • Forcibly, by your actions and deeds, try to occupy your personal thoughts with events, objects, conditions.
  • Spend more time among crowds of people, in society. Do not think only about yourself, do not close yourself.
  • You should find friends of interest, real or even virtual.
  • Find an interesting hobby that will take up all your free time so that you won't be tempted to start thinking about that person again.
  • Mentally wish happiness to the object of thought and let it out of your head, imagine it.

If you suddenly want to think about a person again, then you need to remind yourself that telepathic thoughts spoil the life of both the thinker and the one they think about. This is not worth the suffering of both parties, does not bring happiness and pleasure to anyone, so you can easily and quickly say goodbye to them.

When obsessive thoughts leave the mind, life will immediately become rich and full, sparkle with new colors, incredible worlds of happiness and a variety of feelings will open, where there will be no feeling of longing and sadness for a dear person. The main thing is not to be afraid to let go of the past and step into the future with full confidence in yourself and your abilities.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

If you constantly think about a person, does he feel it? And why is he always dreaming?

    I think that he feels that we have some kind of higher connection with each other. Constantly dreaming because you constantly think about a person, what you think about, then you dream))

    Sorry, but I also very often remember and think about a loved one, but I think that these are all our illusions. In love, as in all other qualities, you need to try to maintain harmony. We need a balance Unfortunately, I don’t have a balance, I think that’s where we have a little problem with you. Sometimes there is an excess of love and this often creates problems. And again I repeat that it seems to you that he thinks about you ILLUSIONS. And dream-because you think about him I wish you good luck

    Of course he doesn't feel it, it goes against all the possible rules of biology, physics, etc. He can dream because he makes you feel/thought.

    From my own experience I can say that he does not feel anything) He can feel something only if you are as important to him as he is to you. Then two-way communication works. It often happens with my husband: I thought - he called and vice versa. Sometimes the dreams are even similar. When in adolescence I was in love with one guy, I thought about him all the time, I dreamed about him, but he didn’t feel anything. At least it was not noticeable from him that he guessed something)))) But, there is one interesting feature - he does not feel something, because he is not tuned to your "wave", but you can feel something associated with it. For example, I still feel when the guy I was once in love with comes to my city. I no longer think about him, and I don’t even have a desire to meet, but that connection, attunement to him, left over from adolescence, is still working. Later I found out that another guy, whom I did not pay attention to, was quietly suffering from unrequited love for me, but at that time I did not feel anything at all and did not even suspect. So, if you think about a person, he will not feel it), but he dreams because you think. The brain processes daytime experiences overnight.

    You are in an eclipse, you are dreaming because you think about him (her), you feel something for him (her), something you didn’t tell him (her) or you can’t say. You know, there is an interesting Chinese proverb about the "red thread of fate" ... What is important is WHAT we think about a person, but how we manifest it is another question))) .. You are in doubt, develop them, talk with a person on the topic that you are worried, do not be afraid to reveal your feelings... Life is one...

    He doesn't feel it. He is dreaming because you are thinking about him, if you want him to feel it, tell him about it.

    I can't give a definitive answer to this question, I've asked myself the same question. I used to think about a person and he also dreamed of me. And it happened that I completely forgot about a person, but in dreams he reminded me of himself, he dreamed. I will answer this way: if you previously had some kind of emotional connection, but the transmission of thoughts at a distance is possible, and mutual transmission. But if you think about a neighbor from the entrance with whom you barely greet, or about a guy who accidentally saw you somewhere or you saw him, then it’s unlikely. This is just your imagination.

    Dreaming because you think about him ALL THE TIME! You are not tired? In general, you put a person at the center of your universe. Move it a little to the side, distract yourself and your beloved and activities that bring you joy and make you a little happier. And if you constantly get hung up on a person, then there is not far from dependence on him. And before that, it is better not to bring it. And yet, when you think about it all the time, you feed it with your energy. Excuse me, where do you get yours from? So find a source from where you will replenish the source of your energy. Otherwise, you'll run out of steam soon.

    Good afternoon!
    You know, I'm sure - feels. Perhaps unconsciously, but still.
    I had a period when I thought a lot about one person: I missed it, stretched my mind and called by name. Interestingly, the next day after that, he always showed up - he wrote, he was interested in how I was doing. By the way, I didn’t abuse such “barkers” - you never know how they will affect him, I don’t want to harm him at all.
    People usually dream for two reasons:
    1. either your subconscious "digests" the participation of this person in your life (in this case, dreams happen "just" on their own, they do not carry meaning - this is usually felt very well, because there is no anxiety or a sense of the significance of the dream).
    2. either the subconscious persistently wants to tell you something. If he wants, dreams will be repeated, they will contain some iconic symbol or emotion. Feel the joy of sleep - everything is fine, enjoy. Some object is dreaming - think about how it affects you and what sensations it causes. You can "consult" with dream books. But don't rely on them completely. The fact is that the subconscious will never give you a dream that you cannot solve for yourself. Roughly speaking, all the details of sleep are "sharpened" for your level of development and intelligence.
    In general, thinking about people you like is such a lovely thing in itself. Enjoy :)).
    Good luck!

If very often think about a person(that is, you direct your energy to it) will it somehow affect it? maybe nonsense came to my mind, but now it doesn’t give me rest, maybe he feels it?

Yes, I myself receive lessons for "think of a person."

There is such an understanding of “invasion”, i.e. when we think about a person or a situation related to someone in the past or future, then we create our own phantom and place ourselves in a person or situation. It's called " be out of your mind “, that is, in reality you are not all in yourself. And thinking about one thing, then about another, you are all disassembled, scattered, doing everything mechanically. It is harmful in the first place for you, namely “to be dismantled”. In a scattered state, you yourself become weak and immunity to anything (not only viruses) goes down.

Secondly, it is harmful for that person, when you move into him, you distract him and for some reason he begins to remember you and already moves into you.
Plus, if that person has some pollution, diseases, you can pick them up.

Forbid yourself to think about something or someone to no avail and even harmful, you will push the reason inside yourself even deeper and this reason will be embodied already in the body.
You just need to keep track of how, when your brain began to think about someone or something unnecessary, tracked means already stopped the flow of energy and messages of the phantom. Everything! Job is done! You will practice and it will be easy to track how your brain is cunning and starts to think ...

I do not urge you not to think about situations, about people at all, of course, you need to plan and summarize, but not every day living and living situations, dreaming and dreaming, you have to be in yourself and in the present!

What then to think about?

If the brain is used to constantly working, thenthink about what you are doing in the present tense. For example, when you wash your face, think about washing, cleansing, cleanliness, water. You go to a stop - think about the movement, about your legs, about the ground, fix what is happening around.

If you often think in the present, you will notice a very strong surge of energy, or rather there will be no “ebb” and you will be complete and, as a result,high return on everything you do.

And what to do with daydreaming, especially for those who like to imagine how good it will be in the future?

Think but don't live the dreamlike a trip to the sea! Leave this pleasure for now. When you are buying tickets, think of the sea; when you are choosing a swimsuit, think of the sea. You need to dream, but for example, when you fall asleep or meditate, but not ten times a day. This is a recommendation, but if it is difficult for you to fit in, then it means that you do not need it yet.

And if you go by bus, then just go?

Yes, the situation on the bus is the same. Best of all, live in the present, just be on the bus, you can listen to the signs (the speech of the people around you is for you, they can talk about their own, but just for you, think about what you have associated with this conversation). Better yet, feel the wind from the window or the sun warming or even billboards can be for you. All this will help you to be in the present, to be in yourself. And then in any situation you will be protected.

Try it all and see the difference!
