The study of the Russian language begins with the basic elements. They form the foundation of the structure. The components are linguistic units such components of the linguistic system for which division within their own level is unacceptable. Next, we will analyze the concepts in more detail, define the classification. The article will also present the characteristics of the basic linguistic components.


What are the basics of the Russian language? There is a division in the structure into elements belonging to a lower rank. There is such a thing as a decomposability criterion. It determines whether the given language unit is divisible. According to the possibility of decomposability, all elements are divided into simple and complex. The former include indivisible units such as phonemes and morphemes. The second group includes those components that are decomposed into elements that are at the lowest level. The main language units are combined into different levels of the system.


Various language units are grouped into two groups. The first determines the type of sound shells. For this category, there are material types that have a permanent sound shell. In particular, they include such language units as a phoneme, a word, a morpheme, and even a sentence. There is also a relatively material type. It is a model for constructing phrases and sentences, which has a generalized common meaning. There is also such a thing as units of value. They cannot exist outside the material and relatively material species, as they are their semantic part. In addition, the material units of the language are further subdivided into one-sided and two-sided. The former have no meaning, they only help to create a sound shell. These include, for example, phonemes and syllables. But bilateral ones matter, which is why they are even ranked among the highest units of the language. These are words and sentences. Language levels are complex systems or are their components.

Russian language

By definition, this system is a collection of sign particles reproduced in sound form, which express the thoughts and feelings of a person. In addition, they are a means of communication and information transfer. Nina Davidovna Arutyunova, a Soviet and Russian linguist, considered language to be an important point in the evolution of culture and society. At the lowest level of the system is phonetics, that is, sounds. Above are morphemes, which are composed of elements of the previous level. Words are made up of morphemes, which, in turn, form syntactic constructions. A linguistic unit is characterized not only by its location in it, but also performs a specific function and has characteristic structural features.

Take the unit of language, which is at the lowest level - the phoneme. By itself, the sound does not carry any semantic load. However, it, interacting with other elements that are on the same level with it, helps to distinguish between individual morphemes and words. Phonetic elements are syllables. However, due to the fact that their significance is not always sufficiently substantiated, some scientists are in no hurry to agree that the syllable is also a language unit.


Morphemes are considered the smallest units of a language that carry a semantic meaning. The most important part of the word is the root. After all, it is he who determines the meaning of words. But various suffixes, prefixes and endings only complement the meaning given by the root. All morphemes are divided into those that form words (word-forming), and those that create (they are called grammatical). The Russian language is rich in such constructions. So, the word "reddish" is composed of three morphemes. The first is the root "red-", which determines the attribute of the object. The suffix "-ovat-" indicates that this feature is manifested to a small extent. And, finally, the ending "th" determines the gender, number and case of the noun agreed with this adjective. With the development of history and language, some morphemes gradually change. Words such as "porch", "finger" and "capital" used to be divided into more parts. However, over time, these details merged into single roots. In addition, some morphemes used to have a different meaning from the current one.


This independent language unit is considered one of the most significant. It gives names to feelings, objects, actions and properties, is a component of the sentence. The latter can also consist of one word. Words are formed by a sound shell, that is, a phonetic feature, morphemes (morphological feature) and their meanings (semantic feature). In all languages, there are quite a few words that have several meanings. The Russian language abounds in such cases especially. So, the well-known word "table" denotes not only an interior item related to furniture, but also a menu of several dishes, as well as a component of the medical office environment.

All words are divided into several groups according to different criteria. The distribution according to grammatical features forms groups of parts of speech. Word-building connections create categories of words. By meaning, these elements are divided into synonyms, antonyms and thematic groups. History divides them into archaisms, neologisms and historicisms. From the point of view of the sphere of use, words are divided into professionalisms, jargon, dialectisms and terms. Taking into account the function of elements in the linguistic structure, phraseological units and compound terms and names are distinguished. The former, for example, include expressions such as "White Sea" and "Ivan Vasilyevich" for compound names.

Phrases and sentences

A language unit that is formed from words is called a phrase. This is a structure consisting of at least two elements connected in one of the following ways: by coordination, control or adjacency. In addition, words and phrases formed by them are components of sentences. But the phrase is also one step lower than the sentence. In this case, the syntactic level on the language ladder is created by combining all the structural elements. An important characteristic of a sentence is intonation. It shows the completeness or incompleteness of the design. She gives it the appearance of a question or order, and also adds emotional coloring with the help of an exclamation.

"Emic" and "ethical" units of language

The material units of a language can exist in the form of several variants or in the form of an abstract set of variants, called an invariant. The former are denoted by ethical terms such as allophones, allomorphs, backgrounds, and morphs. To characterize the latter, there are phonemes and morphemes. Units of speech are made up of language particles. These include phrases and sentences, compound words, morphemes and phonemes. These terms were introduced by Pike, an American linguist.

Characterization of linguistic elements

There are many areas in science, each of which has a different perception and description of language units. However, regardless of which variant to refer to, it is always possible to identify common features and features of language units. For example, a phoneme is considered a class of sounds that are similar in terms of phonetics. At the same time, some scientists believe that the main feature of these elements is that without them it is impossible to determine words and their forms. Morphemes are linguistic units that do not differ in syntactic independence. Words, on the other hand, are independent. They are also components of sentences. All these characteristics are common not only for different points of view. They are suitable for absolutely all languages.

Relationships between structure elements

There are several types of relationships between units. The first type is called paradigmatic. This type denotes a contrast between units that are on the same level. In syntagmatic relations, particles of the same rank are combined with each other during the process of speech, or forming elements of a higher level. Hierarchical relations are determined by the degree of complexity of the unit, when the lower levels are included in the higher ones.

Language units are elements of the language system that have different functions and meanings. The basic units of the language include speech sounds, morphemes (parts of a word), words, sentences.

Language units form the corresponding levels of the language system: speech sounds - the phonetic level, morphemes - the morphemic level, words and phraseological units - the lexical level, phrases and sentences - the syntactic level.

Each of the language levels is also a complex system or subsystem, and their combination forms a common language system.

Language is a system that naturally emerged in human society and is developing a system of sign units clothed in a sound form, capable of expressing the totality of human concepts and thoughts and intended primarily for the purposes of communication. Language is at the same time a condition of development and a product of human culture. (N.D. Arutyunova.)

The lowest level of the language system is phonetic, it consists of the simplest units - speech sounds; units of the next, morphemic level - morphemes - consist of units of the previous level - speech sounds; units of the lexical (lexico-semantic) level - words - consist of morphemes; and the units of the next, syntactic level - syntactic constructions - consist of words.

Units of different levels differ not only in their place in the general system of the language, but also in their purpose (function, role), as well as in their structure. Thus, the shortest unit of language - the sound of speech - serves to identify and distinguish between morphemes and words. The sound of speech itself does not matter, it is connected with semantic distinction only indirectly: combining with other sounds of speech and forming morphemes, it contributes to the perception, discrimination of morphemes and the words formed with their help.

A syllable is also a sound unit - a segment of speech in which one sound is distinguished by the greatest sonority in comparison with neighboring ones. But syllables do not correspond to morphemes or any other meaningful units; in addition, the identification of the boundaries of the syllable does not have sufficient grounds, so some scholars do not include it among the basic units of the language.

A morpheme (part of a word) is the shortest unit of a language that has a meaning. The central morpheme of a word is the root, which contains the main lexical meaning of the word. The root is present in every word and can completely coincide with its stem. Suffix, prefix and ending introduce additional lexical or grammatical meanings.

There are word-forming morphemes (forming words) and grammatical (forming word forms).

In the word reddish, for example, there are three morphemes: the root edge- has an indicative (color) meaning, as in the words red, blush, redness; the suffix - ovate - denotes a weak degree of manifestation of the trait (as in the words blackish, rough, boring); the ending - й has a grammatical meaning of the masculine gender, singular, nominative case (as in the words black, rude, boring). None of these morphemes can be divided into smaller meaningful parts.

Morphemes can change over time in their form, in the composition of speech sounds. So, in the words porch, capital, beef, finger, the once distinguished suffixes merged with the root, a simplification took place: derivative stems turned into non-derivative ones. The meaning of the morpheme can also change. Morphemes do not possess syntactic independence.

The word is the main meaningful, syntactically independent unit of the language, which serves to name objects, processes, properties. The word is the material for the sentence, and the sentence may consist of one word. Unlike a sentence, a word outside the speech context and speech situation does not express a message.

The word combines phonetic features (its sound envelope), morphological features (the set of its morphemes) and semantic features (the set of its meanings). The grammatical meanings of a word materially exist in its grammatical form.

Most of the words are polysemantic: for example, the word table in a particular speech stream can denote a type of furniture, a type of food, a set of dishes, an item of a medical setting. The word can have variants: zero and zero, dry and dry, song and song.

Words form certain systems, groups in the language: on the basis of grammatical features - a system of parts of speech; on the basis of word-building connections - nests of words; on the basis of semantic relations - a system of synonyms, antonyms, thematic groups; according to the historical perspective - archaisms, historicisms, neologisms; by sphere of use - dialectisms, professionalisms, jargon, terms.

Phraseological units, as well as compound terms (boiling point, plug-in construction) and compound names (White Sea, Ivan Vasilyevich) are equated to the word according to its function in speech.

Word combinations are formed from words - syntactic constructions consisting of two or more significant words connected according to the type of subordinating connection (coordination, control, adjacency).

The phrase, along with the word, is an element in the construction of a simple sentence.

Sentences and phrases form the syntactic level of the language system. A sentence is one of the main categories of syntax. It is opposed to the word and phrase in terms of formal organization, linguistic meaning and functions. The sentence is characterized by intonational structure - the intonation of the end of the sentence, completeness or incompleteness; intonation of the message, question, motivation. The special emotional coloring that is conveyed by intonation can turn any sentence into an exclamatory one.

Offers are simple and complex.

A simple sentence can be two-part, having a subject group and a predicate group, and one-part, having only a predicate group or only a subject group; can be common and non-common; can be complicated, having in its composition homogeneous members, circulation, introductory, plug-in construction, isolated turnover.

A simple two-part non-common sentence is divided into a subject and a predicate, a common one is divided into a subject group and a predicate group; but in speech, oral and written, there is a semantic articulation of the sentence, which in most cases does not coincide with syntactic articulation. The proposal is divided into the original part of the message - "given" and what is affirmed in it, "new" - the core of the message. The core of the message, the statement is highlighted by logical stress, word order, it ends the sentence. For example, in the sentence A hailstorm predicted the day before broke out in the morning, the initial part (“data”) is the hailstorm predicted the day before, and the core of the message (“new”) is in the morning, it falls logical stress.

A complex sentence combines two or more simple ones. Depending on the means by which the parts of a complex sentence are connected, compound, complex and non-union complex sentences are distinguished.

Language units. Language system levels

Language units - these are elements of the language system that have different functions and meanings. The basic units of the language include speech sounds, morphemes (parts of a word), words, sentences.

Language units form the corresponding levels of the language system : speech sounds - phonetic level, morphemes - morphemic level, words and phraseological units - lexical level, phrases and sentences - syntactic level.

Each of the language levels is also a complex system or subsystem, and their combination forms a common language system.

Language is a system that naturally emerged in human society and is developing a system of sign units clothed in a sound form, capable of expressing the totality of human concepts and thoughts and intended primarily for the purposes of communication. Language is at the same time a condition of development and a product of human culture. (N. D. Arutyunova.)

The lowest level of the language system is phonetic, it consists of the simplest units - speech sounds; units of the next, morphemic level - morphemes - consist of units of the previous level - speech sounds; units of the lexical (lexico-semantic) level - words - consist of morphemes; and the units of the next, syntactic level - syntactic constructions - consist of words.

Units of different levels differ not only in their place in the general system of the language, but also in their purpose (function, role), as well as in their structure. Yes, the shortest language unit - the sound of speech serves to identify and distinguish between morphemes and words. The sound of speech itself does not matter, it is connected with semantic distinction only indirectly: combining with other sounds of speech and forming morphemes, it contributes to the perception, discrimination of morphemes and the words formed with their help.

A syllable is also a sound unit - a segment of speech in which one sound is distinguished by the greatest sonority in comparison with neighboring ones. But syllables do not correspond to morphemes or any other meaningful units; in addition, the identification of the boundaries of the syllable does not have sufficient grounds, so some scholars do not include it among the basic units of the language.

Morpheme (part of a word) is the shortest unit of language that has a meaning. The central morpheme of a word is the root, which contains the main lexical meaning of the word. The root is present in every word and can completely coincide with its stem. Suffix, prefix and ending introduce additional lexical or grammatical meanings.

There are word-forming morphemes (forming words) and grammatical (forming word forms).

In the word reddish, for example, there are three morphemes: the root edge- has an indicative (color) meaning, as in the words red, blush, redness; the suffix -ovat- denotes a weak degree of manifestation of the trait (as in the words blackish, rough, boring); the ending -y has a grammatical meaning of the masculine, singular, nominative case (as in the words black, rude, boring). None of these morphemes can be divided into smaller meaningful parts.

Morphemes can change over time in their form, in the composition of speech sounds. So, in the words porch, capital, beef, finger, the once distinguished suffixes merged with the root, a simplification took place: derivative stems turned into non-derivative ones. The meaning of the morpheme can also change. Morphemes do not possess syntactic independence.

Word - the main meaningful, syntactically independent unit of the language, which serves to name objects, processes, properties. The word is the material for the sentence, and the sentence may consist of one word. Unlike a sentence, a word outside the speech context and speech situation does not express a message.

The word combines phonetic features (its sound envelope), morphological features (the set of its morphemes) and semantic features (the set of its meanings). The grammatical meanings of a word materially exist in its grammatical form.

Most of the words are polysemantic: for example, the word table in a particular speech stream can denote a type of furniture, a type of food, a set of dishes, an item of a medical setting. The word can have variants: zero and zero, dry and dry, song and song.

Words form certain systems, groups in the language: on the basis of grammatical features - a system of parts of speech; on the basis of word-building connections - nests of words; on the basis of semantic relations - a system of synonyms, antonyms, thematic groups; according to the historical perspective - archaisms, historicisms, neologisms; by sphere of use - dialectisms, professionalisms, jargon, terms.

Phraseological units, as well as compound terms (boiling point, plug-in construction) and compound names (White Sea, Ivan Vasilyevich) are equated to the word according to its function in speech.

Word combinations are formed from words - syntactic constructions consisting of two or more significant words connected according to the type of subordinating connection (coordination, control, adjacency).

The phrase, along with the word, is an element in the construction of a simple sentence.

Sentences and phrases form the syntactic level of the language system. Offer - one of the main categories of syntax. It is opposed to the word and phrase in terms of formal organization, linguistic meaning and functions. The sentence is characterized by intonational structure - the intonation of the end of the sentence, completeness or incompleteness; intonation of the message, question, motivation. The special emotional coloring that is conveyed by intonation can turn any sentence into an exclamatory one.

Offers are simple and complex.

Simple sentence it can be two-part, having a subject group and a predicate group, and one-part, having only a predicate group or only a subject group; can be common and non-common; can be complicated, having in its composition homogeneous members, circulation, introductory, plug-in construction, isolated turnover.

A simple two-part non-common sentence is divided into a subject and a predicate, a common one is divided into a subject group and a predicate group; but in speech, oral and written, there is a semantic articulation of the sentence, which in most cases does not coincide with syntactic articulation. The proposal is divided into the original part of the message - "given" and what is affirmed in it, "new" - the core of the message. The core of the message, the statement is highlighted by logical stress, word order, it ends the sentence. For example, in the sentence A hailstorm predicted the day before broke out in the morning, the initial part (“data”) is the hailstorm predicted the day before, and the core of the message (“new”) is in the morning, it falls logical stress.

Difficult sentence combines two or more simple ones. Depending on the means by which the parts of a complex sentence are connected, compound, complex and non-union complex sentences are distinguished.

45. Divide the text of the previous article into parts, formulate questions on the content of each part (in writing), prepare oral answers to the questions.

46*. You already know that language changes, develops, improves over time. Read the text aloud, highlighting its key points with intonation. Identify the main idea of ​​each paragraph and write it down briefly.

Prepare an oral report, answering the following questions: a) what is the state of the Russian language now and what will activate its development; b) what external influences affect the changes taking place in it; c) what changes in the Russian language are taking place most actively, which ones, in the author’s opinion, are only expected, and which ones are difficult to say anything about?

Today, the Russian language is undoubtedly activating its dynamic 5 tendencies 6 and is entering a new period of its historical development.
Now, of course, it is still too early to make any predictions about the paths that the Russian language will follow, serving the development of new forms of consciousness and life activity. After all, the language develops according to its objective internal laws, although it reacts vividly to all sorts of "external influences".
That is why our language requires constant close attention, careful care - especially at the critical stage of social development that it is going through. We all the world must help the language to discover its original essence of concreteness, definiteness of formulation and transmission of thought. After all, it is well known that any sign is not only an instrument of communication and thinking, but also a practical consciousness.

It is difficult to say whether syntactic, and even more so morphological shifts are coming to the Russian language. After all, such changes require a very significant time and, moreover, are not directly associated with external influences. At the same time, one can apparently expect significant stylistic rearrangements. Important "external" stimuli in these processes will be such phenomena as scientific and technological progress, the transformation of the Russian language into the world language of modernity, which has become one of the global realities of our time.

Phraseology is being created before our eyes, overcoming formalism and opening up the possibility of a direct, frank discussion of the current situation, real affairs and tasks. For example: remove debris (of the past); look for connections; add to work; enhance search; improve society; to educate in word and deed, etc.

New political thinking also requires new speech means, their precise use. After all, without linguistic precision and concreteness there can be neither true democracy, nor economic stabilization, nor progress in general. Even M. V. Lomonosov expressed the idea that the development of the national consciousness of the people is directly related to the streamlining of the means of communication. (L.I. Skvortsov.)

Find a sentence that talks about the functions of the language. What are these functions?

Vlasenkov A. I. Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook. for general education institutions: basic level / A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkov. - M. : Education, 2009. - 287 p.

Russian language planning, textbooks and books online, courses and tasks in Russian for grade 10 download

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So, you already know that a language is a system, and any system consists of separate elements interconnected. What elements does the language consist of and what is the relationship between them?

These elements are called "language units". In most languages ​​of the world, such units of language are distinguished as phoneme, morpheme, word, phrase, sentence, text.

So, we see that the smallest units of the language add up to larger ones, but the units of the language differ from each other not only in size. The main difference between linguistic units is not quantitative (some are larger, others are smaller), but qualitative (difference in their function, purpose). True, size also has some significance: each higher language unit can include subordinate ones, but not vice versa (that is, a phoneme is included in a morpheme, a morpheme in a word, a word in a phrase and sentence).

The units of the language in their structure can be simple and complex. Simple ones are absolutely indivisible (phoneme, morpheme), complex ones (phrase, sentence) always consist of simpler ones.

Each language unit takes its place in the system and performs a specific function.

The set of basic units of the language forms certain levels of the language system. Traditionally, the following main levels of language are distinguished: phonemic, morphemic, lexical, syntactic.

The structure of each level, the relationship of language units in it are the subject of study of various sections of the science of language:

ü phonetics studies the sounds of speech, the laws of their formation, properties, rules of functioning;

ü morphology - word formation, inflection and categories of words (parts of speech);

ü lexicology - the vocabulary of the language;

ü Syntax studies phrases and sentences.

The simplest unit of language is phoneme- an indivisible and in itself insignificant sound unit of the language, which serves to distinguish between minimal meaningful units (morphemes and words). For example, words sweat - bot - mot - cat differ in sounds [p], [b], [m], [k], which are different phonemes.

Minimum significant unitmorpheme(root, suffix, prefix, ending). Morphemes already have some meaning, but they cannot be used on their own. For example, in the word Muscovite four morphemes: Moscow-, -ich-, -k-, -a. Morpheme moscow-(root) contains, as it were, an indication of the area; -ich- ( suffix) denotes a male person - a resident of Moscow; -To- (suffix) denotes a female person - a resident of Moscow; -A(ending) indicates that the given word is a feminine singular noun in the nominative case.

Has relative independence word- the next in terms of complexity and the most important unit of the language, which serves to name objects, processes, features or point to them. Words differ from morphemes in that they not only have some meaning, but are already capable of naming something, i.e. a word is the minimum nominative (naming) unit of a language. Structurally, it consists of morphemes and is a building material for phrases and sentences.

phrase- a combination of two or more words, between which there is a semantic and grammatical connection. It consists of the main and dependent words: new book, put play, every of us (key words in italics).

The most complex and independent unit of language, with which you can not only name some object, but also tell something about it, is offer- the main syntactic unit that contains a message about something, a question or a prompt. The most important formal feature of a sentence is its semantic design and completeness. Unlike a word, which is a nominative (nominative) unit, a sentence is a communicative unit.

Language units are interconnected by paradigmatic, syntagmatic (compatibility) and hierarchical relations.

Paradigmatic called the relationship between units of the same level, by virtue of which these units differ and group. Units of the language, being in paradigmatic relations, are mutually opposed (for example, the phonemes "t" and "d" are distinguished as voiceless and voiceless; the forms of the verb I write - I wrote - I will write are distinguished as having the meanings of the present, past and future tense), interconnected, i.e. combined into certain groups according to similar features (for example, the phonemes "t" and "d" are combined into a pair due to the fact that both of them are consonants, front-lingual, explosive, solid; these three forms of the verb are combined into one category - the category of time, so as they all have a temporary value), and thus interdependent.

Syntagmatic(compatibility) are the relations between units of the same level in the speech chain, by virtue of which these units are connected with each other, - the relationship between phonemes when they are connected into syllables, between morphemes when they are connected into words, between words when they are connected into phrases. However, at the same time, units of each level are built from units of a lower level: morphemes are built from phonemes and function as part of words (i.e., they serve to build words), words are built from morphemes and function as part of sentences.

Relationships between units of different levels are recognized hierarchical.

[?] Questions and tasks

Language units call the elements of the language that are reproducible, are distinguished by their relatively constant features in the language system or are formed directly in speech acts according to the rules and models developed in the language.

Essential features of language units:

two-sided character: a language unit must have an expression plan and a content plan;

stability: a language unit must remain identical to itself;

functional significance: units must perform a strictly assigned function;

substantiality: a language unit must have different forms of existence;

reproducibility: the use of units in speech as something ready and given, i.e. a language unit must have a set of specific features, thanks to which this unit can be easily reproduced in speech;

paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations: language units must represent a class of variants and be combined with each other;

linearity: units appear in speech and follow one after another, forming linear rows. The concept of position is important. Positional changes must be accounted for;

discreteness: separability, isolation from the flow of speech as a specific object;

globality: the inability to divide the unit without losing the main specific property.

In linguistics, it is customary to distinguish the following units: phoneme, morpheme, word, sentence.

1. Phoneme- the main insignificant unit of the sound structure of the language (J.A. Baudouin de Courtenay). Not all researchers call the unit of language, but it is recognized by the majority of researchers. This is a one-sided unit: the presence of a plan of expression, the absence of a plan of content. A phoneme is a means of differentiating meaning. As part of the sound shells and words, the phoneme is involved in the expression of meaning. The phoneme is the building material of a linguistic sign and is involved in the expression of meaning.

The phoneme is recognized as a unit of the language, since it enters into paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations, has a number of properties characteristic of this unit, so the phoneme is distinguished as an independent unit.

2. Morpheme is recognized by most researchers as the basic unit of the language. Possesses: substantiality, functional significance, reproducible, linear, stable. Its plane of expression is the phonetic appearance, the plane of content is the meaning as a whole.

3. Word (lexeme) as a unit of language is highly abstract.

Specific features: reproducibility, discreteness, nominativity, relative stability, two-way character, non-two-stress, linearity, lexical-semantic compatibility, idiomaticity, impermeability.

The plan of expression is the phonetic appearance, the plan of content is the meaning as a whole.

4. Syntactic units - word form, phrase, sentence. Some linguists single out STS (complex syntactic whole), paragraph, text. But the text is not recognized by the majority as a language unit, since it is a combination of several sentences; paragraph - because this is a graphic selection; SSC - because. speech unit. And even a phrase - as we build it anew in the statement.

All highlight the word form and sentence. Most distinguished offer. But not all. Yu.V. Fomenko believes that a sentence is a combination of language units. Those who recognize it as a syntactic unit speak of it as a model on which an infinite number of implementations are built.

Language as a structure consists of subsystems that simultaneously have structural independence and are parts of a single whole. These subsystems are called levels (tiers) of the language. The idea of ​​the level organization of the language has become widespread by the middle. 20th century first in descriptive linguistics, later in other directions. The doctrine of the subsystems of the language, the stratification (stratification) of the language into tiers is one of the characteristic aspects of the modern theory of language as a system of systems.

The level organization of the language involves the conditional allocation of the "lower" levels of the language as a result of a kind of dismemberment or transformation of the "higher" levels; in this case, the real direction of development may have the opposite character - from a higher unit.

Language levels(hereinafter - LU) - subsystems of the general language system, each of which is characterized by a set of relatively homogeneous units and a set of rules governing their use and grouping into various classes and subclasses.

Thus, LU are not isolated from each other sections of the language. By virtue of hierarchical relations, they are closely connected and characterize the objective structure of the language system.

Division into levels within the framework of theoretical linguistics:

Basic language levels are

  • phonological (phonemic),
  • morphological (morphemic),
  • syntactic,
  • lexico-semantic.

At each level of the language, certain units and the relationships between them are explored.

On the phonological one, speech sounds, phonemes, syllables (their types) and intoonemes (types of intonation) are studied.

The morphological level covers two types of units: a morpheme and a word form, which are combined into a paradigm and a category. Sometimes these units are considered in order of subordination: it is considered that the morpheme is the minimum morphological unit; it is represented by a word form.

The syntactic level of the language has two types of units - a phrase and a sentence. There is a certain relationship between them: phrases, like word forms, are constructive material for constructing sentences according to their own patterns.

At the lexico-semantic language level, it is customary to single out a lexeme as a central unit, which at the same time can attract other lexemes and also be attracted by them. Therefore, lexical-semantic categories can be of two types: lexical-semantic group of words (lexical) and lexical-semantic group of words (semantic). In both cases, synonymous and antonymic connections are found as more particular and dependent semantic groupings of words. Schematically, it looks like this:

Language units



Sounds, phonemes


Phonetics, phonology



Tokens (words)



Forms and classes of words


