TEST "Phraseology" TEST "Phraseology"

6-8 grades 6-8 grades

1.Specify wrong statements 1.Specify wrong statements

a) phraseological units - free combinations of words; a) phraseological units - free combinations of words;

b) there are phraseological units - synonyms; b) there are phraseological units - synonyms;

c) phraseological units give liveliness and imagery to speech; c) phraseological units give liveliness and imagery to speech;

d) phraseological units in a sentence are one member of the sentence; d) phraseological units in a sentence are one member of the sentence;

e) phraseological units can be different members of a sentence. e) phraseological units can be different members of a sentence.

love very much: 2.Specify phraseological units - synonyms for the phraselove very much:

a) like the back of your hand; a) like the back of your hand;

b) the apple has nowhere to fall; b) the apple has nowhere to fall;

c) do not cherish the soul; c) do not cherish the soul;

d) simpler than a steamed turnip; d) simpler than a steamed turnip;

e) carry on hands; e) carry on hands;

f) in all honesty. f) in all honesty.

3. Find words - synonyms for phraseological units: 3. Find words - synonyms for phraseological units:

a) to beat the thumbs - ... a) to beat the thumbs - ...

b) headlong - ... b) headlong - ...

c) lead by the nose - ... c) lead by the nose - ...

d) on my mind - ... d) on my mind - ...

e) the apple has nowhere to fall - ... e) the apple has nowhere to fall - ...

4.Add missing words - animal names 4.Add missing words - animal names

a) Writes like ... with a paw. a) Writes like ... with a paw.

b) Divide the skin of the unkilled ... .. b) Divide the hide of the unkilled ....

c) At the heart ... scratching. c) At the heart ... scratching.

d) ... the nose will not undermine. d) ... the nose will not undermine.

e) Take ... by the horns. e) Take ... by the horns.

f) It sulks like ... on the croup. f) It sulks like ... on the croup.

1- - 1-

5. What is it? 5. What is it?

a) He is hanged, becoming discouraged; he is bullied, arrogant; a) He is hanged, becoming discouraged; he is bullied, arrogant;

They poke him everywhere, interfering with something other than their own business - ... they poke him everywhere, interfering with something other than their own business - ...

b) Not flowers, but wither; they do not clap their hands, they clap them if they do not understand something; b) Not flowers, but wither; they do not clap their hands, they clap them if they do not understand something;

Not underwear, but overly trusting and curious people hang them - ... not underwear, but overly trusting and curious people hang them up - ...

c) He is swallowed, stubbornly unwilling to talk about anything; c) He is swallowed, stubbornly unwilling to talk about anything;

He is well suspended from a person who speaks briskly, easily; he is well suspended from a person who speaks briskly, easily;

They pull for him, they pull him, persistently forcing him to speak; they pull for him, they pull him, persistently forcing him to speak out;

They hold him by their teeth when they do not want to say too much - ... they hold him by their teeth when they do not want to say too much - ...

d) He is in the head of a frivolous, frivolous person; d) He is in the head of a frivolous, frivolous person;

It is advised to look for him in the field where words are thrown, money - ... it is advised to look for him in the field where words are thrown, money - ...

6. Find synonymous phraseological units: 6. Find synonymous phraseological units:

a) by all means; a) by all means;

b) the game is not worth the candle; b) the game is not worth the candle;

c) neither hearing nor spirit; c) neither hearing nor spirit;

d) shout at least the guard; d) shout at least the guard;

e) more expensive for yourself; e) more expensive for yourself;

f) even a wolf howl; f) even a wolf howl;

g) nosebleed; g) nosebleed;

h) as he sank into the water. h) as he sank into the water.

7.Find antonymic phraseological units: 7.Find antonymic phraseological units:

a) soul to soul; a) soul to soul;

b) roll up your sleeves; b) roll up your sleeves;

c) play into your hand; c) play into your hand;

d) in all honesty; d) in all honesty;

e) insert sticks into the wheels; e) insert sticks into the wheels;

f) bend the soul; f) bend the soul;

g) like a cat with a dog; g) like a cat with a dog;

h) a deck through the stump. h) a deck through the stump.

Examination on the topic "Phraseology", 6th grade

    Replace the highlighted phrases with phraseological units.

a) got up very early and hit the road.

b) The student read the book twice from the beginning to the end .

in) " Remember tightly : everyone should be responsible for their actions, ”said the father to his son.

d) The son very often dabbled, and my mother did it didn't pay attention .

e) For a long time already it was necessary to do this business, but somehow there was no time .

f) The railway station is located very close from here.

g) He was breathing heavily because he was running very fast to tell your sister the news.

h) Seryozha and Tolya always do everything together, their impossible to separate

    Find mistakes in the use of phraseological units and correct them. Explain their meaning.

a) circle around the nose

b) even tear out your eyes

c) not in your pot

    Make pairs by choosing a phraseological phrase that is suitable for the meaning of the word:

    In which row are synonyms for phraseological units correctly indicated?

a) the cat cried - harmful, stupid

b) with grief in half - barely, somehow

c) put a cross - be baptized, humiliate

d) lead by the nose - drown out, interfere

    Determine where the meaning of the phraseological unit is incorrectly indicated.

a) shot sparrow - experienced

b) to circle around the finger - to deceive

c) with a gulkin's nose - a lot

d) the apple has nowhere to fall - it's cramped

    Explain the meaning of phraseological units :

a) Ready to fall through the ground

b) Tongue without bones

c) Hair stood on end

    In which row are the antonyms to the phraseological unit correctly indicated?

a) a stone's throw - fast, good

b) swallow tongue - harmful, quiet

c) on the sly - loudly, openly

d) Babylonian pandemonium - vanity, disorder

    Indicate a phraseological unit with the meaning "a large amount of something."

a) between two lights

b) neither two nor one and a half

c) like stars in the sky

d) lie with a dead weight

    In which row in both sentences are there phraseological phrases?

a) No guests arrived day or night. We were not given rest either day or night.

b) While eating, the baby bit his tongue and cried. He almost let it out, but he bit his tongue in time.

c) He looked into the distance with all his eyes. Masha opened her eyes to the doll.

d) Friends washed bones with friends. For this I lathered my head to whom I should.

    Continue the definition by choosing the correct answer.

Phraseology is a branch of the science of language that studies ……………………………………………………


    Indicate the option in which the interpretation of the phraseological unit is incorrect:

a) a person with a head is smart

b) puzzle - it is painful to think about something

c) hot head - a hot-tempered person

d) smash completely - inflict complete defeat

e) garden head - think a lot about yourself

    The meaning of phraseological units"Take it into your own hands":

a) persistently strive for something

b) take on leadership, management of something

c) achieve anything by shouting, swearing

d) act fraudulently

e) make a note, a note about something

    Specify phraseological unit:

a) hold a stick in your hands

b) work without a year for a week

c) work from the beginning of winter

d) fell off the balcony

e) swallowed a piece of bread

Key to the test for the section "Phraseology"

(for 6th grade students)

1. (8 points)

a) neither light nor dawn; b) from cover to cover; c) Cut your nose; d) closed her eyes; e) hands do not reach; f) close at hand; g) from all legs; h) do not spill water.

2. (6 points)

a) circle around finger - to deceive; b) even an eye gouge out -dark; c) not in his plate - awkward

3.1-d; 2-a; 3rd; 4-g; 5-z. (5 points)

4.b (1 point)

5.in (1 point)

6. a) ashamed; b) chatty; c) scared. (3 points)

7.in (1 point)

8.in (1 point)

9.g (1 point)

10.indivisible words (phraseological units) (2 points)

11.d (1 point)

12.b (1 point)

13.b (1 point)

Criteria for evaluation

Maximum points: 32 points

1. Which of the following signs does not apply to Old Slavism?

1) The initial sound [a], corresponding to the Russian [ya];

2) the basics good, good, evil;

3) a confluence of vowel sounds;

4) attachments car-, bottom-, out-.

2. Which of the following words is Old Slavicism?

1) Bracelet;

3. Write out the dialect word from the sentence.

We hid from our grandfather in a small ravine overgrown with wormwood and burdocks.

4. Write out the slang word from the text.

I am getting healthier every day. I am engaged, I am engaged, I am engaged ... I have never swung so intensively.

5. Determine the type of highlighted word in terms of scope.

Front briefing Kucherenko looked through an album with clippings of articles and notes.

1) Term;

2) professionalism;

3) dialecticism;

4) jargon.

6. Determine the type of highlighted word in terms of scope.

Anisim took the scythe, walked over it with a bar. ... He looked at cochineal - waved well in the morning.

1) Term;

2) professionalism;

3) dialecticism;

4) jargon.

7. Determine the type of highlighted word in terms of scope.

"What happened?" - "Sharp leukemia. We did a second analysis yesterday. "

1) Term;

2) professionalism;

3) dialecticism;

4) jargon.

8. What words do not have synonyms in the modern language?

1) Histories;

2) archaisms.

9. Determine the type of obsolete word.

The Volga is nearby, but the Volga region is in barge haulers did not go.

1) Archaism;

2) historicism.

10. Determine the type of obsolete word.

People have cleanliness in their homes, babble,And we have something in the house - cramped, stuffy.

1) Archaism;

2) historicism.

11. Determine the type of obsolete word.

Kriv was a Gnedich poet, presenter blind Homer, Sideways one with the model is similar and his translation. (A.S. Pushkin)

1) Archaism;

2) historicism.

12. Determine the type of obsolete word.

I watched eagerly as she put cheese in front of me with fiascowine. (A.Maykov)

1) Archaism;

2) historicism.

13. Write out historicism (in the same form as the word is used in the sentence).

Tredyakovsky unlocks the chest, takes out from a catcoin and hands it with a bow.(I. Lazhechnikov)

14. Determine what makes the highlighted word obsolete.

Well, really commission me with you ... ... after all, you are like a child: let, let fire in your hands.(F. Dostoevsky)

2) the meaning of the word is outdated;

3) the whole word is outdated.

15. Determine what makes the highlighted word obsolete.

Love and friendship they will reach you through the gloomy gates ... ...(A. Pushkin)

1) One of the word morphemes is outdated;

2) the meaning of the word is outdated;

3) the whole word is outdated.

16. Determine what type of lexical units the selected word belongs to.

I once visited the country,
Where the particle disappeared not.
I looked around with perplexity:
What a stucco position!

(S. Bondarenko)

17. What testifies to the Old Slavonic origin of the word send down?

1) Suffix infinitive - th;

2) prefix nis-;

3) the lexical meaning of the word.

18. An obsolete word fullcorresponds to the modern captivity.What is the historical process associated with these words?

1) The Old Slavonic word was supplanted by the Russian;

2) the original Russian word was supplanted by the Old Church Slavonic.

19. Write down the neologism:

Socialism is dying out, but its mentality continues to exist, and so far no other way of comprehending reality comes to replace it.

20. Write down the neologism:

Inevitably, you return to the phenomenon of Academician Sakharov, who carried the quiet charisma of peacemaking persuasiveness, born of an alloy of unconditional inner honesty, political outlook and experience of civil tolerance.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 3 2 beam rocked 2 3 1 1 2 1
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer 1 1 cats 2 1 2 2 2 mentality charisma

Test by topic
"Basic lexical units
(synonyms, antonyms, homonyms) "

1. Find an extra word in the synonymous row:

1) difficulty;

2) severity;

3) complication;

4) hitch;

5) a snag.

2. Find an extra word in the synonymous row:

1) annoying

2) annoying

3) obsessive

4) meticulous,

5) obsessive,

6) boring.

3. Find synonyms for the highlighted word: steepshore.

1) Low;

2) steep;

3) flat;

4) sheer;

5) blurry;

6) sandy.

4. Find synonyms for the highlighted word: oblique sight.

1) Cold,

2) severe;

3) distrustful;

4) warm;

6) suspicious.

5. Select the dominant of the synonymous series:

1) brain;

2) to think;

3) reflect;

4) be smart;

5) think;

6) contemplate.

6. Determine the type of synonyms: octopus - octopus.

1) Absolute synonyms;

7. Determine the type of synonyms: to lie - to talk - to lie.

1) Absolute synonyms;

2) differ in shades of meaning;

3) differ in emotional and expressive coloring.

8. Determine the type of synonyms: experience - practice - skill.

1) Absolute synonyms;

2) differ in shades of meaning;

3) differ in emotional and expressive coloring.

9. Choose an antonym for the highlighted word: easy task.

1) Heavy;

2) massive;

3) difficult;

4) overweight;

5) mathematical;

6) resolved.

10. Select the antonym for the highlighted word: softbread.

1) Fragrant;

2) rye;

3) yesterday;

4) stale;

5) delicious;

6) fresh.

11. Determine the type of antonyms.

Shot at crane, but got into sparrow.

1) Linguistic antonyms;

2) contextual antonyms.

12. Select words that have homonyms.

1) Silk tape;

2) pay by dachshund;

3) important event;

4) interrupt speaker;

4) swim for buoys;

13. Determine the type of homonyms.

« Lb sugar and lb. sterling ”(heading of the article).

1) Lexical homonyms;

2) homophones;

3) homoforms;

4) homographs.

14. Determine the type of homonyms.

You are white swans fed,
Throwing back the weight of the black braid….
I swam beside; agreed fed;
The sunset ray was strange braid.

1) Lexical homonyms;

2) homophones;

3) homoforms;

4) homographs.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Answer 2 4 2, 4 3, 6 5 1 3 2 3 4 2 2, 4, 5 1 3

Test by topic
"Paronyms and paronomases"

1. Select the end of the sentence.

Paronymy differs from paronomasia in that ...

1) ... paronyms have a similar sound, and paronomases have the same sound;

2) ... paronomases are one-root words, and paronyms have different roots;

3) ... paronyms are one-root words, and paronomases have different roots;

4) ... paronyms have the same sound, and paronomases have a similar sound.

2. Determine what lexical phenomenon is used in the sentence.

I love Voronin's books. ... Maybe that's why I picked up his book on a long journey, in distant lands reminiscent of the Motherland.(S. Borzenko)

1) Paronymy;

2) paronomasia.

3. Write out a word that has a paronym from the sentence.

Grasshoppers chirp, unbearable heat is over the meadow.(V. Peskov)

4. Write out a word with a paronym from the sentence.

In a small town this subscribers were not called by numbers, but asked to be a telephone operator.(G. Baklanov)

5. Determine what word you want to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

In all of Yakhontov's Pushkin programs, the image of Pushkin arose, the most ____ and the most reliable of all the Pushkins played.(I. Andronikov)

1) Poetic;

2) poetic.

6. Determine which word you want to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

Teachers give students a list of ____ literature and their concept in lectures.

7. Determine which word should be inserted in place of the gap in sentence.

The student Marsov, a brute from the seminarians, did not give him [Pirogov] a pass, stupidly and dully joked about him, while others laughed and rejoiced at this ____ performance.(Yu.German)

1) Gift;

2) donation;

3) free.

8. Determine what word you need to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

Despite the dawn hour, there were many people ... Some ____ part moved at a step towards the outpost... (Yuri Trifonov)

1) Horse;

2) equestrian.

9. Determine what word should be inserted in place of the gap in the sentence.

As we got older, we learned that fairy tales are ____ the creativity of the people, in which their life, aspirations and hopes were reflected in an illusory form.(V. Mezentsev)

1) Spiritual;

2) spiritual.

10. Determine what word to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

The summer turned out to be extremely cold, and ____ holiday-makers did not improve the financial affairs of most of Sochi's sanatoriums.

1) Lonely;

2) single.

11. Determine which word you want to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

The prophets could not prove the very existence of Allah, for example, by the fact that the birds stay in the air or, as the Qur'an says, "fly under the firmament of the sky."(L. Klimovich)

1) Banner;

2) a sign.

12. Determine what word should be inserted in place of the gap in the sentence.

Both nature and eternal themes - all this is invisibly present in the works of Chekhov, however, for the _____ character, the inner world of a person, the author skillfully describes the actions of the heroes and their surroundings.

1) Display;

2) indications;

3) showing.

13. Determine what word you need to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

So, under the conditions of occupation, the ____ war began in the city.

1) Hidden;

2) secretive.

14. Determine what word to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

The date of the commission's arrival was not known to the employees of the inspected department. This ___ always kept officials on their toes.

1) Factor;

15. Determine what word to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

The photographer performed various ___ operations with photographic materials.

1) roguish;

2) scam.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 3 1 intolerable subscribers 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

Test on the topic "Phraseologisms"

1. Write down the phraseological unit.

She has her own horse and a brand new chaise she bought this summer. In general, she lives on a grand scale: she hired another dacha - a mansion with a large garden and moved her urban setting to her, has two maids, a coachman.(A. Chekhov)

2. Write down the phraseological unit.

He stood in thought, sleepily looking at the door, through which only the chairman, the vowels and the highest members of the council had dared to peep before; and then, without a moment's hesitation, took hold of her bracket and, closing it on the hook, stayed behind this door for a long, long time.(I. Bunin)

3. Write down the phraseological unit.

The restless old man's heart beat anxiously, he walked through his empty rooms and listened. One had to keep an eye out: Dmitry Fyodorovich could guard her [Grushenka] somewhere, but when she knocks on the window ... the doors must be unlocked as soon as possible.(F. Dostoevsky)

4. Write down the phraseological unit.

About noon, a black cloud with tousled edges approached from the north side, and the wind became extremely strong. He broke the mast of our weather station. By dusk, they began to fear for the roof of the house and, just in case, tied it to the neighboring trees.(V. Arseniev)

5. Write down the phraseological unit.

You should know that the Russian people, even in the most difficult and difficult times of their history, never broke their caps in front of the enemy-invader, but ... they took a dung pitchfork and flogged their belly.(A.N. Tolstoy)

6. Pick up phraseological units with the meaning of "praise".

1) Giving the heart;

2) lift up to heaven;

3) remember with a kind word;

4) stick labels.

7. Pick up phraseological units with the meaning of "deceive".

1) Throw words to the wind;

2) lead by the nose;

3) to blame from a sore head to a healthy one;

4) circle around the finger;

5) look through your fingers.

8. Pick up phraseological units with the meaning of "mess around".

1) Dance to the tune;

2) to beat the thumbs;

3) walk on hind legs;

4) celebrate the lazy person;

5) lie on the stove.

9. Choose a phraseological unit with the meaning "free".

1) His own head;

2) zero without a stick;

3) a week without a year;

4) side heat;

5) museum rarity.

10. Determine the meaning of the phraseological unit fill your hand.

1) To take revenge on someone for the offense inflicted;

2) doing something in a state of anger, being angry;

3) gain experience, skill, dexterity;

4) start a conflict, a quarrel with someone.

11. Indicate the number of the phraseological unit, the meaning of which is determined wrong.

1) Chasing a long ruble - strive to find a high-paying job, regardless of whether you like it.

2) Byword - what everyone knows is a frequent subject of discussion.

3) Be under the fly - to be in a stupid position.

4) Let the rooster go - breaking off on a high note while singing, make a squeaky sound.

12. Indicate the phraseological unit number, the meaning of which is determined correctly.

1) Rub glasses - flatter, praise someone exaggeratedly.

2) Greek gift - extremely generous reward.

3) Foundation stone - hindrance, difficulty in any business.

4) Raise to the shield - create favorable conditions for the implementation of something.

13. Indicate the number of the phraseological unit, the meaning of which is determined wrong.

1) Procrustean bed - a yardstick under which they are trying to forcibly adjust something that is not suitable for her.

2) Bast does not knit - about a person who does not know how to express his thoughts, tongue-tied person.

3) Smoke incense - to praise someone exaggeratedly, to flatter.

4) Be born with a shirt - about who is always accompanied by good luck, luck.

14. Determine which member of the sentence is the selected phraseological unit.

“My son is not a dark horse, - Mikhailov informs with the arrangement. “She's an excellent student.”(V. Makanin)

1) Subject;

2) predicate;

3) definition;

4) addition;

5) circumstance.

15. Determine which member of the sentence is the selected phraseological unit.

Katerina Lvovna looked and screamed good obscenities. (N. Leskov)

1) Subject;

2) predicate;

3) definition;

4) addition;

5) circumstance.

16. Determine which member of the sentence is the selected phraseological unit.

This one even dressed casually - shirt not the first freshness and crumpled trousers, cheeks and chin in the dark youthful thicket, untouched by a razor.(V. Tendryakov)

1) Subject;

2) predicate;

3) definition;

4) addition;

5) circumstance.

17. Determine the stylistic coloring of the selected phraseological unit.

Here with fat and rage people: they choke, then poison themselves, and Fedka - he and the piglets are killed.(M.Zoshchenko)

1) Neutral;

2) bookstore;

3) colloquial;

4) vernacular.

18. Determine the stylistic coloring of the selected phraseological unit.

There, between the fields, a road curled like a snake and ran away behind the forest, the road to the promised land to Petersburg.(I. Goncharov)

1) Neutral;

2) bookstore;

3) colloquial;

4) vernacular.

19. Determine the stylistic coloring of the selected phraseological unit.

“Do you skillful fingers! - they will tell him. - You could know how to live! .. "(V. Shukshin)

1) Neutral;

2) bookstore;

3) colloquial;

4) vernacular.

20. Determine the stylistic coloring of the selected phraseological unit.

Who keeps on their own feet lives with his mind, He does not exchange his character for cheap, does not drown himself in guilt, does not twist the path of his life - that person has his own separate place in life and on earth.(V. Astafiev)

1) Neutral;

2) bookstore;

3) colloquial;

4) vernacular.


1. Which of the following signs does not apply to Old Slavism?

1) The initial sound [a], corresponding to the Russian [ya];

2) the basics good, good, evil;

3) a confluence of vowel sounds;

4) attachments car-, bottom-, out-.

2. Which of the following words is Old Slavicism?

1) Bracelet;

3. Write out the dialect word from the sentence.

We hid from our grandfather in a small ravine overgrown with wormwood and burdocks.

4. Write out the slang word from the text.

I am getting healthier every day. I am engaged, I am engaged, I am engaged ... I have never swung so intensively.

5. Determine the type of highlighted word in terms of scope.

Front briefing Kucherenko looked through an album with clippings of articles and notes.

1) Term;

2) professionalism;

3) dialecticism;

4) jargon.

6. Determine the type of highlighted word in terms of scope.

Anisim took the scythe, walked over it with a bar. ... He looked at cochineal - waved well in the morning.

1) Term;

2) professionalism;

3) dialecticism;

4) jargon.

7. Determine the type of highlighted word in terms of scope.

"What happened?" - "Sharp leukemia. We did a second analysis yesterday. "

1) Term;

2) professionalism;

3) dialecticism;

4) jargon.

8. What words do not have synonyms in the modern language?

1) Histories;

2) archaisms.

9. Determine the type of obsolete word.

The Volga is nearby, but the Volga region is in barge haulers did not go.

1) Archaism;

2) historicism.

10. Determine the type of obsolete word.

People have cleanliness in their homes, babble,And we have something in the house - cramped, stuffy.

1) Archaism;

2) historicism.

11. Determine the type of obsolete word.

Kriv was a Gnedich poet, presenter blind Homer, Sideways one with the model is similar and his translation. (A.S. Pushkin)

1) Archaism;

2) historicism.

12. Determine the type of obsolete word.

I watched eagerly as she put cheese in front of me with fiascowine. (A.Maykov)

1) Archaism;

2) historicism.

13. Write out historicism (in the same form as the word is used in the sentence).

Tredyakovsky unlocks the chest, takes out from a catcoin and hands it with a bow.(I. Lazhechnikov)

14. Determine what makes the highlighted word obsolete.

Well, really commission me with you ... ... after all, you are like a child: let, let fire in your hands.(F. Dostoevsky)

2) the meaning of the word is outdated;

3) the whole word is outdated.

15. Determine what makes the highlighted word obsolete.

Love and friendship they will reach you through the gloomy gates ... ...(A. Pushkin)

1) One of the word morphemes is outdated;

2) the meaning of the word is outdated;

3) the whole word is outdated.

16. Determine what type of lexical units the selected word belongs to.

I once visited the country,
Where the particle disappeared not.
I looked around with perplexity:
What a stucco position!

(S. Bondarenko)

17. What testifies to the Old Slavonic origin of the word send down?

1) Suffix infinitive - th;

2) prefix nis-;

3) the lexical meaning of the word.

18. An obsolete word fullcorresponds to the modern captivity.What is the historical process associated with these words?

1) The Old Slavonic word was supplanted by the Russian;

2) the original Russian word was supplanted by the Old Church Slavonic.

19. Write down the neologism:

Socialism is dying out, but its mentality continues to exist, and so far no other way of comprehending reality comes to replace it.

20. Write down the neologism:

Inevitably, you return to the phenomenon of Academician Sakharov, who carried the quiet charisma of peacemaking persuasiveness, born of an alloy of unconditional inner honesty, political outlook and experience of civil tolerance.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 3 2 beam rocked 2 3 1 1 2 1
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer 1 1 cats 2 1 2 2 2 mentality charisma

Test by topic
"Basic lexical units
(synonyms, antonyms, homonyms) "

1. Find an extra word in the synonymous row:

1) difficulty;

2) severity;

3) complication;

4) hitch;

5) a snag.

2. Find an extra word in the synonymous row:

1) annoying

2) annoying

3) obsessive

4) meticulous,

5) obsessive,

6) boring.

3. Find synonyms for the highlighted word: steepshore.

1) Low;

2) steep;

3) flat;

4) sheer;

5) blurry;

6) sandy.

4. Find synonyms for the highlighted word: oblique sight.

1) Cold,

2) severe;

3) distrustful;

4) warm;

6) suspicious.

5. Select the dominant of the synonymous series:

1) brain;

2) to think;

3) reflect;

4) be smart;

5) think;

6) contemplate.

6. Determine the type of synonyms: octopus - octopus.

1) Absolute synonyms;

7. Determine the type of synonyms: to lie - to talk - to lie.

1) Absolute synonyms;

2) differ in shades of meaning;

3) differ in emotional and expressive coloring.

8. Determine the type of synonyms: experience - practice - skill.

1) Absolute synonyms;

2) differ in shades of meaning;

3) differ in emotional and expressive coloring.

9. Choose an antonym for the highlighted word: easy task.

1) Heavy;

2) massive;

3) difficult;

4) overweight;

5) mathematical;

6) resolved.

10. Select the antonym for the highlighted word: softbread.

1) Fragrant;

2) rye;

3) yesterday;

4) stale;

5) delicious;

6) fresh.

11. Determine the type of antonyms.

Shot at crane, but got into sparrow.

1) Linguistic antonyms;

2) contextual antonyms.

12. Select words that have homonyms.

1) Silk tape;

2) pay by dachshund;

3) important event;

4) interrupt speaker;

4) swim for buoys;

13. Determine the type of homonyms.

« Lb sugar and lb. sterling ”(heading of the article).

1) Lexical homonyms;

2) homophones;

3) homoforms;

4) homographs.

14. Determine the type of homonyms.

You are white swans fed,
Throwing back the weight of the black braid….
I swam beside; agreed fed;
The sunset ray was strange braid.

1) Lexical homonyms;

2) homophones;

3) homoforms;

4) homographs.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Answer 2 4 2, 4 3, 6 5 1 3 2 3 4 2 2, 4, 5 1 3

Test by topic
"Paronyms and paronomases"

1. Select the end of the sentence.

Paronymy differs from paronomasia in that ...

1) ... paronyms have a similar sound, and paronomases have the same sound;

2) ... paronomases are one-root words, and paronyms have different roots;

3) ... paronyms are one-root words, and paronomases have different roots;

4) ... paronyms have the same sound, and paronomases have a similar sound.

2. Determine what lexical phenomenon is used in the sentence.

I love Voronin's books. ... Maybe that's why I picked up his book on a long journey, in distant lands reminiscent of the Motherland.(S. Borzenko)

1) Paronymy;

2) paronomasia.

3. Write out a word that has a paronym from the sentence.

Grasshoppers chirp, unbearable heat is over the meadow.(V. Peskov)

4. Write out a word with a paronym from the sentence.

In a small town this subscribers were not called by numbers, but asked to be a telephone operator.(G. Baklanov)

5. Determine what word you want to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

In all of Yakhontov's Pushkin programs, the image of Pushkin arose, the most ____ and the most reliable of all the Pushkins played.(I. Andronikov)

1) Poetic;

2) poetic.

6. Determine which word you want to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

Teachers give students a list of ____ literature and their concept in lectures.

7. Determine which word should be inserted in place of the gap in sentence.

The student Marsov, a brute from the seminarians, did not give him [Pirogov] a pass, stupidly and dully joked about him, while others laughed and rejoiced at this ____ performance.(Yu.German)

1) Gift;

2) donation;

3) free.

8. Determine what word you need to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

Despite the dawn hour, there were many people ... Some ____ part moved at a step towards the outpost... (Yuri Trifonov)

1) Horse;

2) equestrian.

9. Determine what word should be inserted in place of the gap in the sentence.

As we got older, we learned that fairy tales are ____ the creativity of the people, in which their life, aspirations and hopes were reflected in an illusory form.(V. Mezentsev)

1) Spiritual;

2) spiritual.

10. Determine what word to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

The summer turned out to be extremely cold, and ____ holiday-makers did not improve the financial affairs of most of Sochi's sanatoriums.

1) Lonely;

2) single.

11. Determine which word you want to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

The prophets could not prove the very existence of Allah, for example, by the fact that the birds stay in the air or, as the Qur'an says, "fly under the firmament of the sky."(L. Klimovich)

1) Banner;

2) a sign.

12. Determine what word should be inserted in place of the gap in the sentence.

Both nature and eternal themes - all this is invisibly present in the works of Chekhov, however, for the _____ character, the inner world of a person, the author skillfully describes the actions of the heroes and their surroundings.

1) Display;

2) indications;

3) showing.

13. Determine what word you need to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

So, under the conditions of occupation, the ____ war began in the city.

1) Hidden;

2) secretive.

14. Determine what word to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

The date of the commission's arrival was not known to the employees of the inspected department. This ___ always kept officials on their toes.

1) Factor;

15. Determine what word to insert in place of the gap in the sentence.

The photographer performed various ___ operations with photographic materials.

1) roguish;

2) scam.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 3 1 intolerable subscribers 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

Test on the topic "Phraseologisms"

1. Write down the phraseological unit.

She has her own horse and a brand new chaise she bought this summer. In general, she lives on a grand scale: she hired another dacha - a mansion with a large garden and moved her urban setting to her, has two maids, a coachman.(A. Chekhov)

2. Write down the phraseological unit.

He stood in thought, sleepily looking at the door, through which only the chairman, the vowels and the highest members of the council had dared to peep before; and then, without a moment's hesitation, took hold of her bracket and, closing it on the hook, stayed behind this door for a long, long time.(I. Bunin)

3. Write down the phraseological unit.

The restless old man's heart beat anxiously, he walked through his empty rooms and listened. One had to keep an eye out: Dmitry Fyodorovich could guard her [Grushenka] somewhere, but when she knocks on the window ... the doors must be unlocked as soon as possible.(F. Dostoevsky)

4. Write down the phraseological unit.

About noon, a black cloud with tousled edges approached from the north side, and the wind became extremely strong. He broke the mast of our weather station. By dusk, they began to fear for the roof of the house and, just in case, tied it to the neighboring trees.(V. Arseniev)

5. Write down the phraseological unit.

You should know that the Russian people, even in the most difficult and difficult times of their history, never broke their caps in front of the enemy-invader, but ... they took a dung pitchfork and flogged their belly.(A.N. Tolstoy)

6. Pick up phraseological units with the meaning of "praise".

1) Giving the heart;

2) lift up to heaven;

3) remember with a kind word;

4) stick labels.

7. Pick up phraseological units with the meaning of "deceive".

1) Throw words to the wind;

2) lead by the nose;

3) to blame from a sore head to a healthy one;

4) circle around the finger;

5) look through your fingers.

8. Pick up phraseological units with the meaning of "mess around".

1) Dance to the tune;

2) to beat the thumbs;

3) walk on hind legs;

4) celebrate the lazy person;

5) lie on the stove.

9. Choose a phraseological unit with the meaning "free".

1) His own head;

2) zero without a stick;

3) a week without a year;

4) side heat;

5) museum rarity.

10. Determine the meaning of the phraseological unit fill your hand.

1) To take revenge on someone for the offense inflicted;

2) doing something in a state of anger, being angry;

3) gain experience, skill, dexterity;

4) start a conflict, a quarrel with someone.

11. Indicate the number of the phraseological unit, the meaning of which is determined wrong.

1) Chasing a long ruble - strive to find a high-paying job, regardless of whether you like it.

2) Byword - what everyone knows is a frequent subject of discussion.

3) Be under the fly - to be in a stupid position.

4) Let the rooster go - breaking off on a high note while singing, make a squeaky sound.

12. Indicate the phraseological unit number, the meaning of which is determined correctly.

1) Rub glasses - flatter, praise someone exaggeratedly.

2) Greek gift - extremely generous reward.

3) Foundation stone - hindrance, difficulty in any business.

4) Raise to the shield - create favorable conditions for the implementation of something.

13. Indicate the number of the phraseological unit, the meaning of which is determined wrong.

1) Procrustean bed - a yardstick under which they are trying to forcibly adjust something that is not suitable for her.

2) Bast does not knit - about a person who does not know how to express his thoughts, tongue-tied person.

3) Smoke incense - to praise someone exaggeratedly, to flatter.

4) Be born with a shirt - about who is always accompanied by good luck, luck.

14. Determine which member of the sentence is the selected phraseological unit.

“My son is not a dark horse, - Mikhailov informs with the arrangement. “She's an excellent student.”(V. Makanin)

1) Subject;

2) predicate;

3) definition;

4) addition;

5) circumstance.

15. Determine which member of the sentence is the selected phraseological unit.

Katerina Lvovna looked and screamed good obscenities. (N. Leskov)

1) Subject;

2) predicate;

3) definition;

4) addition;

5) circumstance.

16. Determine which member of the sentence is the selected phraseological unit.

This one even dressed casually - shirt not the first freshness and crumpled trousers, cheeks and chin in the dark youthful thicket, untouched by a razor.(V. Tendryakov)

1) Subject;

2) predicate;

3) definition;

4) addition;

5) circumstance.

17. Determine the stylistic coloring of the selected phraseological unit.

Here with fat and rage people: they choke, then poison themselves, and Fedka - he and the piglets are killed.(M.Zoshchenko)

1) Neutral;

2) bookstore;

3) colloquial;

4) vernacular.

18. Determine the stylistic coloring of the selected phraseological unit.

There, between the fields, a road curled like a snake and ran away behind the forest, the road to the promised land to Petersburg.(I. Goncharov)

1) Neutral;

2) bookstore;

3) colloquial;

4) vernacular.

19. Determine the stylistic coloring of the selected phraseological unit.

“Do you skillful fingers! - they will tell him. - You could know how to live! .. "(V. Shukshin)

1) Neutral;

2) bookstore;

3) colloquial;

4) vernacular.

20. Determine the stylistic coloring of the selected phraseological unit.

Who keeps on their own feet lives with his mind, He does not exchange his character for cheap, does not drown himself in guilt, does not twist the path of his life - that person has his own separate place in life and on earth.(V. Astafiev)

1) Neutral;

2) bookstore;

3) colloquial;

4) vernacular.


Test for the section "Phraseology"

for 6th grade students

    Replace the highlighted phrases with phraseological units below the line.

a) got up very early and hit the road.

from the beginning to the end .

in)" Remember tightly

didn't pay attention .

there was no time .

very close from here.

g) Each person has weakness .

very fast

impossible to separate


From cover to cover, hands do not reach, never dawn, hack to death on your nose, close your eyes to something, Achilles' heel, with all your might, do not spill water, just a stone's throw.

2 .Find mistakes in the use of phraseological units and correct them. Explain their meaning.

a) circle around the nose b) at least tear out an eye c) not in your saucepan

3. Make pairs by choosing a phraseological phrase suitable for the meaning of the word:

1. Aptly

2. Unexpectedly

3. Closely

4. Praise

5. Experienced

and. Like snow on your head

b. Keep your mouth shut

in. Squeeze the sides

g. gouge out an eye

e. Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye

e. The apple has nowhere to fall

g. Lift up to heaven

h. Shooting Sparrow

and. Drive around your finger

j. Disperse like smoke

4. In which row are synonyms for phraseological units correctly indicated?

a) the cat cried - harmful, stupid b) with grief in half - barely, somehow

c) put a cross - be baptized, humiliate d) lead by the nose - drown out, interfere

5. Determine where the meaning of the phraseological unit is incorrectly indicated.

a) a shot sparrow - experienced b) circle around the finger - deceive

c) with a gulkin's nose - a lot d) the apple has nowhere to fall - cramped

6. Explain the meaning of phraseological units :

a) Ready to fall through the ground b) Tongue without bones c) Hair stood on end

7 ... In which row are the antonyms to the phraseological unit correctly indicated?

a) within easy reach - fast, good b) swallow tongue - harmful, quiet

c) under the noise - loudly, open d) Babylonian pandemonium - vanity, disorder

8 ... Indicate a phraseological unit with the meaning "a large amount of something."

a) between two lights b) neither two nor one and a half c) like stars in the sky d) lie dead weight

9 ... In which row in both sentences are there phraseological phrases?

a) No guests arrived day or night. We were not given rest either day or night.

b) While eating, the baby bit his tongue and cried. He almost let it out, but he bit his tongue in time.

c) He looked into the distance with all his eyes. Masha opened her eyes to the doll.

d) Friends washed bones with friends. For this I lathered my head to whom I should.

10. Continue the definition by choosing the correct answer.

Phraseology is a branch of the science of language that studies ...

a) the structure of words and the ways of their formation.

b) the word as the basic unit of the language and its vocabulary.

c) word as part of speech.

d) stable phrases that are integral in their meaning.

11.Indicate the option in which the interpretation of the phraseological unit is incorrect:

a) a man with a head - smart b) puzzle - it is painful to think about something

c) a hot head - a hot-tempered person d) smash it up - inflict complete defeat

e) garden head - think a lot about yourself

12. The meaning of phraseological units "Take it into your own hands":

a) persistently strive for something

b) take on leadership, management of something

c) achieve anything by shouting, swearing

d) act fraudulently

e) make a note, a note about something

13. Specify the phraseological unit:

a) hold a stick in hand b) work without a year for a week c) work from the beginning of winter

d) fell off the balcony e) swallowed a piece of bread

Key to the test for the section "Phraseology"

(for 6th grade students)

1.a) Get up not dawn and hit the road.

b) The student read the book twice fully .

in) Hack your nose : everyone should be responsible for their actions, ”said the father to his son.

d) The son very often dabbled, and my mother did it closed my eyes .

e) For a long time already it was necessary to do this business, but somehow hands do not reach .

f) The railway station is located close at hand from here.

g) Each person has Achilles' heel .

h) He was breathing heavily because he was running at full speed to tell your sister the news.

i) Seryozha and Tolya always do everything together, their do not spill with water.

2.a) cheat - cheat

b) at least gouge out an eye - it's dark

c) not at ease - embarrassing

3.1-d 2-a 3-e 4-f 5-z



6.a) ashamed b) chatty c) scared








Criteria for evaluation

Maximum points: 32 points

Number of points








