How to answer the question "who are you in life?" and justify.

  1. eye him with a finger and run
  2. Well, kid, I'm not a gopnik, but I live according to the law of thieves, they will ask who in life, tell me with a question, and who will you be to ask me, they will ask you breathe evenly, answer I move smoothly, I breathe evenly, and you do not cough
  3. Mmm) someone is planning an arrow)
  4. What you do in life, so you will be in life. If you say that you are a kid in life, they will tell you, why are you going to be a kid all your life, I say that I am a student in life
  5. must answer! "I am a slave of Allah" and then you yourself will throw questions!
    and ask him and this interests you ?! you just need to talk kindly with these gopniks, the courtesy will not turn you into a corner! and on, etc.
  6. Decent guy
  7. Say Babkin Grandson
  8. Listen to you, you are all some cowards and income, brainless ... You have to beat them for such words, even if you dug 15 of them together. Hit and run, run and hit ... we were returning from training with my uncle, he is an OMON soldier, and I was engaged with them under the OMON…. people in 20 gopniks decided to test their fate, I was 16 at that time, my uncle was about 30 ... My uncle immediately knocked out the questioner with a blow and said they ran as quickly as possible, and we ran ... while we were running, the rest who were chasing us, everyone caught mainly blows from my uncle in the counter-passage and also fell ill, I just ran in front, because the uncle said to run in front ... so that they could not hurt me ... at first almost everyone rushed after us, but some of them immediately fell behind and stopped running, they realized that they were dead, and the stubborn ones who saw how they got approaching, also some stopped and naturally the most persistent all fell ill in an unequal battle ... after which the uncle managed to call the cops from the very first house that came across on the way, they were loaded and even in the doorway they broke everyone's fingers ... it was cool.
  9. I must say: I have not lived my life, I will tell you my life.
  10. Shove it in your face!
  11. If they ask you questions, answer a clearly posed question if you ask them your question in response, it will be a jamb (question to a question) jamb, follow your speech and just be interested, but do not ask if they start to hate you, tell me who you are so as not to introduce yourself to the front desk ask questions and for your decency, in general, you can say anything, but in general, get sincerity and honesty or mutual help mutual understanding
  12. Send to hell and that's it. Freaks with their type of kid notions should be ignored.
  13. You need to ask for what purpose you are interested. Will answer for himself. The kid is decent. World Cup your decency ... honor, sincerity, dignity. honor is not tarnished sincerity single thought dignity did not fall below one's dignity .... if you lead the life of a man, you can say far from a criminal I am a man (support of thieves) well, in brackets for this, too, it is necessary to scatter the men do not purr do not blat ... a man at once was no more. And yes they ask from suckers and so on. you need to tell them who you saw in me. they will start looking for the vents, that is, unlocking. You tell them how to scatter for your joint. but don't be too blatant the situation can be directed against you. There is an expression against the masses, you can’t trample on their mass and you are alone. Always be ready to hit .... Don't raise your voice. explain clearly and understandably, first of all for yourself. Oh yes, if they ask which move you move, answer in black, since red is garbage, snitches, bitches, and so on ... channel this that is not lower than your dignity, it’s me .... iz for mistakes All farts.
  14. huh) Well, depending on who you ran into, if you are outrageous, you will still snatch it, and if according to concepts, then you will not answer anything, because you want it in a simple way. But in general, say "for what purpose are you interested?"
    if he starts to say "just" or "make excuses", then it means the suckers themselves, who picked up thieves' turnovers
    in such cases, the main thing is to feel confident, do not be rude and do not make excuses, because this is a jamb. do not say that you are a kid, because you will have to "pull out" for this, because this is a thug suit, they may ask for this, it is better to say that you are a man
  15. Answer that you are a man in life if you have no relation to the thieves and criminal world.
  16. You have to ask who they are and where they are from. Do not answer questions. They have no right to ask, because they ask for something, and so - they are interested. They are interested? And ask what interest they have. If they answer just like that, then say that it's just an ass in Chinese and let them substitute their ass, because they asked you, but there are no jambs behind you, and in life you are the right kid and what kind of hit is this outrageousness? If you pull your hand, like you came up like a kid, you don’t shake your hand, because the right kid will not shake the hand of the first person he meets, but say that you don’t know him. Now they are obliged to answer you who they are in life, because you have already shown them that you doubted whether they are boys. If they are interested, then ask for what purpose they are interested, let them justify. And in no case should you make excuses like: "I respect you, but ..." If you make excuses, then you feel something behind you, and this is already a reason to ask you. In general, it is better to answer a question with a question. And if they suddenly tell you for what purpose you are interested, tell for yourself I am interested. And in any case, do not fulfill small requests. Wait for a further hitting like: "Are you into a bastard or what?" And say: "Did you find a shnyrya?" Or "check for a Lokhov suit?" Then he will already be making excuses. And if you do everything right, then he will offer to meet you and will again stretch out his hand, then you can already shake hands with your name and maybe you will find new friends. The main thing:
    Don't make excuses.
    Don't answer questions.
    Do not fulfill requests
    Do not fall for "high" tones - remain polite and calm.
    Continue to demand an answer to your question.
    Asking "uncomfortable" questions.
    Usually they are not complete thugs, but quite normal guys who will not beat anyone for no reason, but want to stumble upon a sucker who will give everything himself yes
  17. Tell the prosecutor and get ksivu
  18. Answers.
    1. And who are you that I would tell you about my life here.
    2. For what purpose you are interested.

    And do not be afraid of gopniks you will not do anything for such words.

  19. buy a barrel

https: //

"Who are you in suit?"

How to survive in prison if you are not a criminal

How to survive in prison? What if you are detained or arrested? Questions are not idle. The situation with the arrest of video blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky clearly showed that in modern Russian realities anyone can be imprisoned - for an inadvertently spoken word on the Internet, for a repost on social networks, for a stupid picture. But, as a rule, people who are far from criminal life post pictures and conduct video blogs, so a sudden arrest and placement in an IVS (hereinafter - in a pre-trial detention center and, if not at all lucky, a colony) can be a real shock for them. A person who is in such a situation can easily do something stupid, turning his life into a real hell.

There are more and more outrageous cases of landings in Russia. the site decided to consult with people who have a rich experience of staying in places, as they say, “not so remote”. These are Alexey Kuznetsov (more than 10 years in the camps, has his own channel about life in prison on YouTube, is engaged in human rights activities), Andrey Reut (served 17 years), Alena (she asked not to indicate her last name and term, works in a law firm), as well as a well-known Ural human rights activist Alexey Sokolov. Here are their tips.

1. Detention. Be quiet

Almost any landing begins with an arrest. This can happen on the street, at work, at university, on public transport. They can be detained after a search or interrogation. Detention is not an arrest yet. Sometimes detainees are released after giving evidence or establishing the necessary facts. But sometimes, at the moment of detention, a person says goodbye to freedom for a long time. It is important not to lose your composure here.

Reut:As a rule, if a person has never fallen into the hands of representatives of the authorities, after being detained, he experiences shock and fright. All illusions about law enforcement are crumbling. A person is faced with rudeness and cynicism, realizes that he is just an insect. The first thing he will face is intimidation, sometimes beating, and torture is not excluded. After all, the "suspect" is already guilty - this is what the investigators and operatives think. And it is very difficult to get an apology or an explanation later. It is advisable to have a lawyer or a lawyer familiar with criminal practice as a friend. If there are none, then it is better to be patient, not to slander yourself, as in the future ALL your words will be used against you. Regardless of alibis, defense witnesses, or lack of evidence of your guilt. Declare that you will not testify without a lawyer (attorney) chosen by your family or yourself. Article 51 of the Constitution: a citizen has the right not to testify against himself. In general, it is better to overcome fear, confusion and pain, but not to stipulate yourself, any word can be distorted in the interrogation protocol.

Kuznetsov: When a person is detained, the main thing is not to panic and understand that his fate depends on the first measures that will be carried out in relation to the detainee. In the first days of detention, by his actions, he lays the foundation for the future - release or imprisonment. All this is perfectly understood by the security forces and therefore they try to work out as much as possible in the first minutes and days of detention, hoping that their victim in a panic, not understanding anything, will behave to please them. The security officials, as a rule, in the first minutes and days of detention, try to limit any contacts with the outside world for the detainee, slip their duty lawyer, who with sweet speeches about a possible imminent release persuades the detainee to do whatever the security officials want, virtually excluding the chances of release, exacerbating the situation ... At such moments, it is better for the detainee to remain silent and not testify against himself and his loved ones, especially since Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows him to do so.

Alyona:No matter how many times you are detained, it’s always like the first time. The circumstances are different, the prerequisites are different and the police, respectively, are different. But in any case, you need to know your rights. Not to “download”, but to know. This will greatly reduce the risks and help you later in the implementation of your protection. You can give a lot of recommendations, but each case is individual - and there is a difference if you were detained by a PPS detachment or by a rapid response team, and the difference is global. It is worth studying the law "On the Police", which clearly spelled out the duties and rights of police officers.

Sokolov: First, when they come to your house, you need to look at the documents. They are obliged to introduce themselves, show an identity card and a search or arrest warrant. Everyone is entitled to a phone call. You can call before you open the door. You need to contact a lawyer. If there is no lawyer, call relatives or friends to send a lawyer. You can, of course, try to declare that you will not let the policemen until the lawyer arrives, but they can break the door in that case. You can let them in and give them a pipe to the lawyer to tell them he is coming. Employees may not give a damn about it, but then they can bring it up in court. If a lawyer is absent, it is best to record the procedural actions on a video camera. You need to demand from the employees that the searches are carried out in your presence. First in one room, then in another, and so on. So that it doesn't work out that all the employees scattered around the rooms and came out with drugs, ammunition or something else like that. Attesting witnesses must be present during the search. Either they are "tame" witnesses, or they attract neighbors.

It is necessary to find out who is in charge of the investigation team, who makes the decision. Any violation must be paid attention to attesting witnesses. This should be shown on the search log. At the end all violations can be indicated. It is necessary. Because later it will be possible to refer to it. The next stage is interrogation. During this interrogation, if there is no lawyer, then it is better to take 51 articles. Because imagine the psychological state of a person, when people come to you, lift you out of bed at six in the morning, start scouring the rooms - this is a shock.

Even if a lawyer is appointed, you can work with him. Ask him to record violations. Consult with him. (At the next stages, it is highly desirable to acquire a lawyer by agreement - see the next paragraph).

2. IVS. Do not believe

After your arrest, you will most likely be sent to a temporary detention center, IVS. This is a police station where you can be held for up to 48 hours without a court order. This is not a pre-trial detention center or a prison, but only their "dressing room".

Andrei:Being in a temporary detention facility, a citizen understands and feels that life is not so beautiful. Lack of sunshine in the cell, lack of clean air and, often, unsanitary conditions cripple many morally. But we must not forget that, perhaps, even worse conditions for existence are ahead. Therefore, one should not trust inmates ... Many cooperate with investigators, someone works for them. If in a cell where only those detained for the first time are kept, there is a citizen all in tattoos, telling how easy and simple he lived in the zone, know: this is an employee of those who interrogated you the day before, with a 99 percent guarantee. You may be offered a "duty" lawyer during interrogation or other investigative action. Disagree! The lawyer on duty, as a rule, begins to persuade you to confess to the crime that you are charged with, with the explanation that they will give you less, or let you go home on recognizance not to leave. As a rule, such a “bearish” service of a lawyer on duty will then cost tears and, most likely, face a real term. There are also appointed lawyers who honestly work out their bread and reputation, but there are very few of them. Therefore, I propose to think carefully and see where and what to sign.

Alexei: From the first minutes it is necessary to understand that you find yourself in a part of another world, where operative measures can be carried out against you, using your cellmates, who, as it were, are constantly summoned from the cell by investigators and lawyers. In fact, they constantly go to the operatives to merge information on you and receive new tasks for your development. From the first step into this other world, the detainee must be a "simpleton" who, entering the cell, will simply say: "Hello everyone." At the same time, it is internally necessary to keep the wolf's defense and at any time to make decisions in accordance with internal perception. For a minute of weakness, you can pay for decades, and maybe eternity.

While in the IVS during the first days, you should understand that the investigator depends on your testimony, and you depend on the investigator - use this to inform your relatives and relatives that you have been detained. Tell the investigator: yes, I agree to give explanations and testimonies, but inform my relatives and friends about my arrest so that they hire a lawyer for me, after meeting with whom we will actively carry out legal proceedings. Behave as if you are running towards the investigator with leaps and bounds.

When a hired lawyer comes, through him you will be able to inform relatives and friends of any information, since your meetings will be confidential, this is the law.

If you do not have a hired lawyer, do not trust the appointed attorney on duty, since this is the same investigator, prosecutor and judge in one person.

You will not be kept in the IVS for a long time, and if you are arrested, you will go by stage to the SIZO. This is a new test - you seem to have adapted to the IVS, but here again something new and scary.

Alyona: What is an IVS ... First of all, it is a vacuum of uncertainty, in which even an experienced person begins to draw pictures with the best outcome for himself. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. And even from a small fly, in the absence of information about their rights, about the norms of the law and much more, a good elephant can emerge.

State lawyer. It's free, so it often doesn't care about you. He is not a doctor and did not take the Hippocratic oath. He does not really represent that a person who has been imprisoned can simply be killed or put down. This is not in any article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but there are hundreds of cases. The lawyer understands that by questioning the suspect or the accused and remaining for him "only" the lawyer on duty, all he can count on is a penny from the state. You should not blame them for following the path of least resistance, offering to write a confession and sue in a special order. He does not do this without the consent of the accused.

Sokolov:Life in the IVS ... These are four bunks, a table, a toilet fenced with a brick wall, a washbasin, windows. I advise you not to talk to anyone in the IVS, not to discuss not only your business, but also other aspects of your personal, professional life, parents and relatives. Because it is at this stage that operatives use the services of "hens". Those pump out all the information that is used against you.

It is possible to receive parcels in the IVS. You need to read about it in the rules of the isolation ward.

3. SIZO. "Who are you in life?"

If the court decides to arrest, the person from the IVS is transferred to the SIZO. This is almost a real prison. You can spend long months here, while formally you remain an innocent person - you were simply isolated so that it would be more convenient to conduct investigative actions.

Andrei:From the IVS, you can be taken to a pre-trial detention center, that is, to a prison. They have their own procedures and rules, which it is desirable to know for a "beginner" who has not been in the chamber system. What to take with you? What can you do? Of course, hygiene items: soap, toothpaste and a brush, socks, underpants, T-shirts (preferably plain, black or gray). Cigarettes, tea, coffee (even taking into account the fact that you personally do not smoke), since you can always treat your cellmates, which will give you the opportunity to win over people. You cannot have with you piercing-cutting objects, belts and laces. Therefore, choose shoes without lacing. The same applies to trousers, it is better to have a tracksuit - this is more practical.

Do not forget, when you find yourself in a pre-trial detention center, it is better to be restrained and extremely polite with your cellmates. You should not rely on your own strength, there is a different atmosphere and rules of life. Entering the cell, greet the prisoners with the words: “Peace and prosperity in the hut (cell), warmth and health to the prisoners, it was great (it is not accepted to say simply“ great ”, because they can answer with an indecent proverb - author's note), I welcome a decent people. " At first glance, these words may seem ridiculous, but they are not. The prison lives its own life.

There are so-called VIP cells in the prison. There are, for example, in the Yekaterinburg Central. I even had a chance to sit there once. These are cameras for two beds. If memory serves, from 411th to 420th. There are plastic windows, everything is clean, repairs are made. Even the food in these cells is much better: the meat is given, the soup is rich. You can't get a job in such a cell for money. The administration looks at the personality of the convict. For example, [former vice president of the City Without Drugs Foundation] Yevgeny Malenkin was sitting in one of these. But I did not sit there for a long time, I asked to join the general. I need communication, I am used to being with other prisoners. In addition, my cigarettes were constantly fired by youngsters in the neighboring cells, I could not refuse them. And the isolation was crushing. Therefore, I asked for the general.

Do not forget that no one can offer you an action that denigrates your name, or offends human dignity. Anyone who dared to do this is not a good person, not a "decent prisoner", and such a person must boldly speak in the eyes for his actions! Otherwise, you will experience many unpleasant moments from life "out of will". For example, the "first move" gets to the prison. If he is asked, say, to do the cleaning for others, then he has the right to refuse. Everyone lives here and cleans up for themselves. They cannot force him. In each cell there is a person who is considered "sane", he resolves various conflict situations. You can always turn to him, if they try to act unfairly with you, he is obliged to react. The use of force is not respected in prison. Even if you want to receive a certain service from a “gay” (offended) person, you cannot use force against him, you must agree with him. Otherwise they will ask you.

About writing complaints. If you are writing a complaint about your criminal case, no one has the right to interfere with you - neither the convicts, nor the administration, this is your own business. If you complain about the conditions of detention, then everyone decides for himself. There is a possibility that other prisoners controlled by the administration will try to dissuade you. Like, you write, and then they will arrange a shmon for us. But everyone decides for himself.

Some talk about the "Caucasian" cameras, which are used to frighten those under investigation. They say, we will put you, and they will tear you to pieces. There is no such thing in the Sverdlovsk region. Caucasians are the same people, perhaps even more restrained and hospitable, they don't even swear usually. There are no nationalities at all in the prison. These edges are erased. Another thing is that we have “limitless” cameras. In the Yekaterinburg SIZO-1 there is also. These cells are located in the basements. When some commissions arrive, they are quickly sent somewhere in stages. Then they return it. If you get there, nothing good will happen, of course.

Alexei: Upon arrival at the pre-trial detention center in the "krikushnik" (the place where the data of the arrested inmates in the pre-trial detention center is verified and where they receive additional information, according to which the detainee will be assigned to one or another category of detainees), the DPNSI (the officer on duty at the pre-trial detention center) will ask your name, date of birth, by what In the article, you are brought in as an accused, until what date is the measure of restraint chosen, and then he will ask the question: "Who is in life?" or "What suit are you?" If you do not know what to answer, then do not get lost, say that "man" (this is not "red", not "lowered", not a thug). This is the "golden mean". And then you will figure it out over time. Question: "Who in life?" is set in order to assign you to the appropriate hut, that is, the camera, in accordance with your answer.

When entering a hut, remember that here you are entering someone's house, in which someone lived and lives before you. Here it is necessary to adhere to the rule: "Do not go into a strange monastery with your charter."

Entering the hut, say: "Hello everyone" or "Were great." Then you will be called by the "overseer" (the main in the cell) to talk. From the conversation, he learns what kind of fruit you are. In accordance with his conclusions, an attitude in the hut will be built towards you. You must remember: as you put yourself in the hut, so be it. The attitude of others to your person depends on you. Living conditions in a pre-trial detention center are like in a well-groomed basement of intelligent homeless people, however, in a pre-trial detention center a bedroom, a toilet and a kitchen are one room.

Alyona:A lot can happen in a pre-trial detention center, or rather, anything - it all depends on what kind of person you are in life, what kind of “baggage” you have (that is, financial situation and help from your will). Well, and some more nuances. Everything is individual. There is only one principle: if you lived like a human being before all the sad events, then after them you will live with dignity.

Sokolov: Complaints should be written about the actions of investigators. All answers are also to be appealed. This will all come in handy in court. You need to be polite with the administration. Some employees will provoke you to be rude in order to spin you into new criminal cases. The jailers provoke very professionally - they will crawl under the skin so that a person loses his temper. This is all done on purpose. A person must self-discipline, look both ways. Here, too, there are "hens" who leak information to the operational services. Many do it for tea and cigarettes.

4. Colony. Red and black

You can find yourself in a colony both after a temporary detention facility and a pre-trial detention center, and bypassing these stages. For example, you may be sentenced and taken into custody right in the courtroom.

Andrei:Convicted persons can get into either the general regime or the strict regime, it all depends on the severity of the crime. One way or another, but in the Sverdlovsk region there are no camps (IK) that have not come under the influence of convicts who are actively cooperating with the administration. Yes, this is so, the administration, having delegated powers to such convicts, is doing arbitrariness, and sometimes even lawlessness. The terrible word is lawlessness. Such camps, zones are called "red", and this is due to blood. In such camps, all movements take place in formation, or by running. Singing songs, sometimes of an offensive nature. I personally know firsthand about torture, humiliation and beatings, so I can say with full confidence: lawlessness reigns in the Sverdlovsk region on the part of the administration staff and their accomplices in the person of the convicts.

Once in the quarantine department in the penal colony, upon arrival in the zone, almost 100% of newly arrived convicts stay there for two weeks. During this time, they undergo a medical examination. For your information, especially cruel activists working with the administration are working in the "red" zones in quarantine. After all, it is in quarantine that the initial "breaking" of new arrivals begins. Everything is selected, up to hygiene items. A nightmare begins for those who respect themselves and others. Administration employees, as a rule, are not in quarantine, so all powers are vested in the "asset". All illusions disappear for those who find themselves in such camps. I have heard more than once personally from those who create lawlessness: "They will be afraid, they will no longer sit down, they will be obedient." I have been judged many times and can assure that those who have gone through this hell become different, and not for the better. Morality breaks down, human values \u200b\u200bdisappear, compassion and sympathy die. Only a few, having gone through the nightmares of the camps, become stronger without losing their human appearance.

“Black” camps are different - everything is based on honesty and decency, insults to the person or to relatives and friends are unacceptable. Scuffle and violence are not welcome. For such - demand to the fullest extent, after which few people want to break human foundations. There they will always help in word and deed, they will not remain indifferent to sorrow and grief.

It is extremely difficult to remain a human being in the "red" colony, it takes fortitude and endurance. Many are forced to write receipts: "I will cooperate with the administration." Torture and "confessions" are being videotaped everywhere. Activists and the administration warn that in case of disobedience, all videos will be shown on internal TV.

In many "red" camps there are workshops for the manufacture of certain products. The payment is scanty, it is true, but this is an option to avoid torture and bullying.

Alexei: The prevailing notions in society that the administration of the correctional colony sets the rules for the internal life of prisoners in the "red" zones, and thieves in the "black" zones, are wrong. The entire policy of the internal life of both the “red” and the “black” colonies is set by the administration, and it all depends on who carries out the administration’s instructions - “active” or thieves (prisoners who honor thieves' ideas and openly propagate them). I would like to note that in the “black” camps I saw more human, since the thieves who fulfill the instructions of the administration must nevertheless keep the defining image of thieves' piety so that the bulk of the prisoners would respect them.

For example, I came to the "black" colony. Quarantined. The thieves organize so that the new arrivals are treated normally by the "red" prisoners, who are also called "goats" in the jargon. Tea, cigarettes, sweets and other necessary items are allocated from the common fund for the period of being in quarantine (14 days). Let it be very modest, but every day and for everyone. If, God forbid, in quarantine the "goats" in such a camp raised their hand against you, then the thieves should react. Therefore, in such "black" camps there is less torture and violence by "goats" against the mass of prisoners. Although, to be honest, all this is present there, but to a lesser extent than in the "red" camps.

So I arrived at the "red" camp, got into quarantine. Then from the first minutes they start to beat you. The "goats" are putting pressure on them during all 14 days of being in quarantine. By talking to you, "goats" get information about your financial well-being. They look at your reaction to their proposed indulgences, for which you have to pay, give you a cell phone to call home, while saying that for the call your relatives must put a certain amount of money on the phone or bank card. Naturally, in conditions when you are beaten and humiliated 24 hours a day, a call home is priceless, and you pay ... But from that moment on you will pay the entire time. You will be milked.

Alyona:There is only one thing to tell about the women's colony: the “baul system”. Buy, sell, change. Concepts as such exist when it is beneficial or when there is nothing to lose, and basically everyone who is friends with common sense strives to leave on parole. After all, there are mothers. And when the narcotic fog subsides, the brains fall into place, then there comes an understanding of how little a person needs for happiness: home, child, family. I don't know a single woman who doesn't want to go home. In a colony, a woman has nothing to do, so you shouldn't go there.

What colony, such is the routine. The difference is in the number of checks - two or three. And the rest - from the detachment in which you live, the type of your activity and the mental state of the colony administration.

Even in the zone you can occupy yourself and diversify your leisure time. Someone reads, someone watches films, someone participates in amateur performances, someone knits, writes, draws. Who is in that much. If a person wants to self-realization, self-expression, self-education - in a good understanding of these words (not to freak and not to shake the regime) - a person will find something to do for his leisure and will not be dull for the years that are meted out by the sentence.

Sokolov: There is a very simple saying "Don't believe, don't be afraid, don't ask." She needs to be guided. More - listen more, talk less. A person, getting into a colony, usually internally already resigns himself to the fact that he will sit. The shock releases him, he begins to actively communicate. But at first it is better to listen more and try to think, then just talk.

A few simple rules for the "first move" from experienced convicts

  1. Be who you are.In prison, you should not pretend to be someone, because masks here quickly fly off. And when the masks come off, the consequences can be bad.
  2. Do not close. You shouldn't live by the principle “me and my bedside table”. If a person closes in, it is interpreted as if he considers himself superior to others.
  3. Don't be greedy.Today you have tea and cigarettes, and tomorrow you have nothing. Nobody says that you should give the last, but mutual assistance is always welcome here.
  4. Do not discuss others behind your back. This is called "intrigue" here. You cannot gossip about the actions and words of other convicts. For "washing the bones" may be asked.
  5. Stay away from the "lowered" ones.There is no escape from reality, there is such a caste of people in the colonies. They sit at separate tables, eat with separate cutlery. You cannot take cigarettes or other items from them. You cannot wash off this throughout the entire period.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask your elders. There is a special attitude towards first-timers. If he unknowingly uses some expression that is considered normal in ordinary life, but not in prison, then they will explain everything to him, teach him, no one will immediately make a claim. For example, if you want to know something, you should say: “I have an interest in you”, because the phrase “I have a question for you” means a specific claim, for which the one to whom you are applying is obliged to answer.
  7. Everything will be fine.The hope for release is something that warms not only the heart of a first-time prisoner. It is a feeling that unites all prisoners. Remember that even the most dangerous-looking camp dwellers are people just like you. Just accustomed to living by other laws. Your task is to accept these laws and live by them. Maintain your dignity and do not put yourself above others. Then you will be treated with respect.

To the question How to answer the question "who are you in life?" and justify. given by the author Eurovision the best answer is buy a barrel

Answer from Ѐuslan[master]
Send to hell and that's it. Freaks with their type of kid notions should be ignored.

Answer from Special[newbie]
I must say: I have not lived my life, I will tell you my life.

Answer from Promise in marriage[newbie]
Answer that you are a man in life if you have no relation to the thieves and criminal world.

Answer from Pavel pavel[newbie]
eye him with a finger and run

Answer from Danil Semeriakov[newbie]
If they ask you questions, answer a clearly posed question if you ask them your question in response, it will be a jamb (question to a question) jamb, follow your speech and just be interested, but do not ask if they start to hate you, tell me who you are so as not to introduce yourself to the front desk ask questions and for your decency, in general, you can say anything, but in general, get sincerity and honesty or mutual help mutual understanding

Answer from Vyacheslav Zimin[active]
Shove it in your face!

Answer from ЅOZYAIN Life[guru]

Answer from Sema dolin[newbie]
Well, kid, I'm not a gopnik, but I live according to the law of thieves, they will ask who in life, tell me with a question, and who will you be to ask me, they will ask you breathe evenly, answer I move smoothly, I breathe evenly, and you do not cough

Answer from Magzhan Tobylbai[newbie]
What you do in life, so you will be in life. If you say that you are a kid in life, they will tell you, why are you going to be a kid all your life, I say that I am a student in life

Answer from Aurora Sidorova[active]
Mmm) someone is planning an arrow)

Answer from Nikita Dvinyaninov[newbie]
Decent guy

Answer from Viachaslav korytkov[newbie]
You need to ask for what purpose you are interested. Will answer for himself. The kid is decent. what is it. your decency ... honor, sincerity, dignity. honor is not tarnished sincerity a single thought dignity did not fall below one's dignity .... if you lead the life of a man, you can say far from criminal, I am a man (support of thieves) well, in brackets for this, too, it is necessary to scatter the men do not purr do not blat ... the man immediately hits no more. And yes they ask from suckers and so on. you need to tell them who you saw in me. they will start looking for the vents, that is, unlocking. You tell them how to scatter for your joint. but do not be too blatant the situation can be directed against you. There is an expression against the masses, you can’t trample on their mass and you alone. Always be ready to hit .... Don't raise your voice. explain clearly and understandably, first of all for yourself. oh yes, if they ask which move you move, answer in black, since red is garbage, snitches, bitches, and so on ... channel this that is not lower than your dignity, it’s your me .... iz for mistakes All farts.

Answer from Oleg58rus[active]
Say Babkin Grandson

Answer from Vlad Vlasenko[newbie]
huh) Well, depending on who you ran into, if you are outrageous, you will still snatch it, and if according to concepts, then you will not answer anything, because you want it in a simple way. But in general, say "for what purpose are you interested?"
if he starts to say "just" or "make excuses", then it means the suckers themselves, who picked up thieves' turnovers
in such cases, the main thing is to feel confident, do not be rude and do not make excuses, because this is a jamb. do not say that you are a kid, because you will have to "pull out" for this, because this is a thug suit, they may ask for this, it is better to say that you are a man

Answer from Irina Romina[newbie]
Tell the prosecutor and get ksivu

Answer from Kazbek Batkhanov[newbie]
must answer! "I am a slave of Allah" and then you yourself will throw questions!
and ask him and this interests you ?! you just need to talk kindly with these gopniks, the courtesy will not turn you into a corner! and on, etc.

Answer from Cram[guru]
You have to ask who they are and where they are from. Do not answer questions. They have no right to ask, because they ask for something, and so - they are interested. They are interested? And ask what interest they have. If they answer just like that, then say that it's just an ass in Chinese and let them substitute their ass, because they asked you, but there are no jambs behind you, and in life you are the right kid and what kind of hit is this outrageousness? If you pull your hand, like you came up like a kid, you don’t shake your hand, because the right kid will not shake the hand of the first person he meets, but you say that you don’t know him. Now they are obliged to answer you who they are in life, because you have already shown them that you doubted whether they are boys. If they are interested, then ask for what purpose they are interested, let them justify. And in no case should you make excuses like: "I respect you, but ..." If you make excuses, then you feel something behind yourself, and this is already a reason to ask you. It's generally better to answer a question with a question. And if they suddenly tell you for what purpose you are interested, tell me I am interested. And in any case, do not fulfill small requests. Wait for a further hitting like: "Are you into a bastard?" And say: "Did you find a shnyrya?" Or "check for a Lokhov suit?" And if you do everything right, then he will offer to meet you and will again stretch out his hand, then you can already shake hands with your name and maybe you will find new friends. The main thing:
Don't make excuses.
Don't answer questions.
Do not fulfill requests
Do not fall for "high" tones - remain polite and calm.
Continue to demand an answer to your question.
Asking "uncomfortable" questions.
Usually they are not complete thugs, but quite normal guys who will not beat anyone for no reason, but want to stumble upon a sucker who will give everything himself yes

Answer from Procul negotiis.[guru]
Listen to you, you are all some cowards and income, brainless ... You have to beat them for such words, even if you dug 15 of them together. Hit and run, run and hit ... we were returning from training with my uncle, he is an OMON soldier, and I was engaged with them under the OMON…. people in 20 gopniks decided to test their fate, I was 16 at that time, my uncle was about 30 ... My uncle immediately knocked out the questioner with a blow and said they ran as quickly as possible, and we ran ... while we were running, the rest who were chasing us, everyone caught mainly blows from my uncle in the counter-passage and also fell ill, I just ran in front, because the uncle said to run in front ... so that they could not hurt me ... at first almost everyone rushed after us, but some of them immediately fell behind and stopped running, they realized that they were dead, and the stubborn ones who saw how they got approaching, also some stopped and naturally the most persistent all fell ill in an unequal battle ... after which the uncle managed to call the cops from the very first house that came across on the way, they were loaded and even in the doorway they broke everyone's fingers ... it was cool.

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No matter how annoying the tactlessness of certain individuals is, getting rid of them can be difficult. And the attack, caused by a lack of upbringing, occurs mostly unexpectedly. Here's how to answer the question "Who are you?" A normal person can get confused. This is completely normal. It is not a blind man who asks. There are certain methods for getting out of such uncomfortable situations. They are standard and, in principle, advantageous. Let's take a look at them.

Analysis of the situation

The first thing to do is listen to your feelings. Exactly! Then you can figure out how to answer the question. "Who are you?" - aggression is clearly expressed in this phrase. Hence, the reaction must be defensive. Any person understands this at the level of feelings. That is, the subconscious mind immediately draws a picture, which, if you listen to it, makes it clear what should be done. There are completely different situations. That is, the question itself is caused rather not by rudeness, but by a lack of tact. After all, sensitivity is a quality that is nurtured from childhood. Not everyone is able to understand how tactless it sometimes sounds: "Who are you?" How to answer in this case? The easiest option is a joke. This is a universal way. Many people literally automatically answer such a question: "A horse in a coat!" Rudeness? Probably yes. Well, the questioner himself ran into it! When dealing with strangers, it is undesirable to rely on instincts. You can get a burst of aggression in return.

Analysis of the personality of the questioner

Before you open your mouth for communication, look and who, in fact, turned to you. A peer or an older person? Familiar or completely outsider? What flashed in his eyes? It is not easy to understand how to answer the question “Who are you?”. After all, it can be set both for the purpose of provocation, and according to the circumstances. Maybe you accidentally found yourself in a society of "secret" like-minded people and require a "password" from you? Don't say anything for a few seconds. Probably, in a situation where it is not possible to understand something, a pause is the best weapon of clarification. Your counterpart himself will clarify the "level" of his own expectations. That is, your silence will be followed by an explanation of what exactly the interlocutor means. Then you can already concretize your answer without fear of getting into a mess.

Outright rudeness

All of the above tips apply to virtually any case. However, there are times when you need to think about how to answer the question "Who are you?" when faced with a boor. Simplicity and openness are recommended here. That is, you do not need to react to aggression symmetrically, as it is now customary to say. If the bully wants to challenge you, then smile and say: "Man!" And then - according to the situation. If you can put the strength of spirit into the answer, then the boor will not pester further. Psychologists unanimously argue that street bullies are not brave. Therefore, the direct way to stop their aggression is to demonstrate self-confidence. A smile will only emphasize your strength and independence.

How to originally answer the question "Who are you?"

Now let's consider other cases. The fact is that in certain circles such a question is not at all considered bad manners. Rather, it is a way to get to know each other, to establish contact. Here I would demonstrate my originality, personal qualities. That is to say, make an irresistible impression from the first second. Yes, but how to do this? Not everyone can cope with such a complex matter. So let's look at the situation. When thinking about how cool it is to answer the question "Who are you?", First of all think about the scale of values \u200b\u200bof the company in which you are now. Some people will like a complete presentation, such as: Ivanov Vasily Petrovich, Doctor of Main Sciences. In other words, the funniest thing: Darth Vader, I am recruiting the space army. In any case, you need to understand what kind of people fate has brought you to. You don't have to be liked by everyone. Sometimes it's better to demonstrate independence. Just do it with humor, without stress.

Critical situations

These are recommended to include those cases when the question sounds from the mouth of the authorities or other people exposed by the authorities. Young people face such a problem. What to say if at work you have not yet been recognized as your own? So, it is recommended here to use the rules of non-aggressive light humor, coupled with tact. Don't be annoyed that you haven't been remembered yet. Introduce yourself: name, surname, position. It doesn't hurt to add a joke to this data. For example: "I am Ivanov Vasya, the first on the back of the head." You will understand what to add to the name if you keep your ears open. Any collective has its own traditions, folklore. Old-timers are happy to share these "secrets". Be on the alert, thoughts themselves will fly into your brain, freed from unnecessary experiences! Just remember: a smile is the best weapon in any situation. A balanced sense of humor is the main advisor. For example, if you start answering: "Your dream, flying on the wings of happiness!" - then you will intrigue people, arouse a positive interest in yourself.
