Irina Mandyakova
GCD for the development of speech "Reading V. Bianchi's fairy tale" Fox and Mouse "(first junior group)

Reading a fairy tale B. Bianchi"Fox and mouse» .

Target: To acquaint children with the work of V. Bianchi"Fox and mouse»


Enrich the vocabulary by choosing nouns for adjectives with the help of a teacher (home - house, forest - forest, field - field)

Foster a desire to listen carefully.

Didactic material: pictures with images; mouse in the field, in the house, in the forest, a toy fox and a mouse.

A knock on the door. I came to visit mouse and invites children to visit their friends.

M. - Guys, let's go visit my friends, only we have to go quietly on tiptoe.

Fit to the first the table, they examine the picture and, together with find out with a mouse that this is a house mouse, that's why it lives in the house.

M. -And you know I also have a friend, only he lives in a different place, now we will be jumping like bunnies.

On the second table in the picture, the children find out that it is a forest mouse.

M. - And the guys are meadow mouse and I live in the meadow. Oh, oh-who is this?

The fox appears.

Reading a work. Bianchi"Fox and mouse» .

- Little mouse, Little mouse why is your nose dirty?

I dug the earth.

Why did you dig the earth?

I did mink.

Why did you make a mink?

Hide from you, Fox.

- Little mouse, Little mouse, I'll lie in wait for you!

And I have a sleeping room in my burrow.

If you want to eat, you will get out!

And I have a pantry in my mink.

- Little mouse, Little mouse, but I will dig your hole.

And I am from you in the back - and I was like that!

The mouse runs away.

Playing with children, the teacher plays the role of a fox, and the children play the role of a mouse.

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Abstract of GCD for Speech development(Speech development)

For children from 2-3 years old

Topic: V. Bianchi's fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse".

Educator: Plakhotina N.I.

Target: to acquaint with the content of V. Bianchi's fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse", to teach to listen attentively to literary works without visual accompaniment, to form the ability of children for dialogical speech.

Tasks :

1.Educational:learn to answer questions with words and sentences consisting of 3-4 words, learn to distinguish between animals and guess them by description;

2.Educational: develop thinking, quick wits, memory, sensory abilities, the ability to listen to a song and perform movements to music, develop general and fine motor skills;

3.Educational:to cultivate a love for fiction, for animals, an interest in the game, and arouse positive emotions.

Material : Bianca's fairy tale "Fox and Mouse", soft toys - Fox and Mouse, building material: 4 arches, 1 bricks; a scarf, cards with mice in minks and doors (blue, red, yellow, green) made of cardboard - according to the number of children,Musical accompaniment: “Educational songs of the Zheleznovs. Little mouse".

Introductory part. ( Surprise moment)

Educator. Children, today a small animal came running to us. Here he is hiding in my pocket. The little animal is gray. Very afraid of cats. A riddle was invented about him:

Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink

Gray baby.

Who is this? .... (children answer)

(Pulls out a toy mouse).

Of course, it's a mouse. What is she like? Where does he live? Did you know that not all mice live in houses? There are mice that live in the forest. And there, too, is a beast that mice are very afraid of. Do you know him? (Children answer: "No") No? Then listen to the tale.

2. The main part. Reading V. Bianchi's fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse".

The teacher reads V. Bianki's fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse".

I dug the earth.

Why did you dig the earth?

I did mink.

Why did you make a mink?

Hide from you, Fox.

And I have a sleeping room in my burrow.

Conversation with children "What fox?"

Educator. From whom is the mouse hiding in its hole? (Children's answers). Yes, the mouse is hiding from the fox. (shows the children a toy fox). Here she is, the sly little fox-sister. And what is her coat? (children answer: redhead, fluffy). Yes, she is wearing a beautiful red coat. She is easily recognizable by her sharp muzzle. What is the fox's face? (Children answer: "The fox has a sharp face") And what else does the chanterelle have? (Children's answers). Yes, the chanterelle has a beautiful fluffy tail. Who does Fox want to eat?

Physical minute.

Children, do you know the song about the Mouse? Let's dance and sing.

(Children, as shown by the teacher, perform rhythmic movements to the song of the Zheleznovs "Little Mouse")

A little mouse runs around the city. (run with the fingers of both hands along the knees)

Looks at everyone through the windows (folding their fingers in a round window, look into it)

And threatens with a finger (shake a finger)

And who didn't go to bed? Who doesn't want to sleep? (hands are pressed with palms to each other under the head, then turn over to the other side)

Such a naughty one I will tickle! (tickle with their fingers one or the other palm).

Are all our children obedient?

Reading Bianca's fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse" (repeated).

Staging a fairy tale.

(The teacher plays with toys)

Do you want to listen to the fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse" again? (children's answers) Now the Fox and the Mouse will tell you about it. Listen carefully, and who remembered help tell the tale.

Mouse, Mouse, why is your nose dirty?

I dug the earth.

Why did you dig the earth?

I did mink.

Why did you make a mink?

Hide from you, Fox.

Mouse, Mouse, I'll lie in wait for you!

And I have a sleeping room in my burrow.

If you want to eat, you will get out!

And I have a pantry in my mink.

Mouse, Mouse, but I will dig your hole.

And I am from you to the side - and I was like that.

Conversation on the content of the tale.

Educator. Who met the Fox in the forest? (Children's answers) What was the mouse dirty in the ground? (Children's answers) Why did the mouse get dirty? (Children's answers) Why does the mouse need a mink? (Children's answers) What did the Fox want? (Children's answers)

Didactic game "Hide the mouse"

How can we help the little mouse? After all, the fox is very cunning. There are little holes with mice on the table, I will give you the doors. And we will hide the entrance to the burrow.

(The teacher gives the children doors of 4 basic colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Pictures with painted minks and mice are laid out on the table in advance. At the teacher's signal, we close the holes). Show red, green, blue, yellow minks.


Game moment "Fox sneaks to the minks"

Educator Children, look, the Fox is sneaking to the mice holes. What is her muzzle? ( Sharp ). What kind of fur coat? Redhead, fluffy. What does she want to do? ( Rip the burrows ). And what have we done for our mice? (closed the mink door)

Let's build a mink house for our Mouse too and close it with a door

Finger gymnastics

All day long knock and knock

A resounding knock is heard

The hammers are knocking

Building a house for mice

With such a roof,

With these walls

Here with such a window,

And with such a door

Designing a house for a mouse.

3.The final

Educator So we built a mink with a door for the mouse. The mouse hid from the fox. He closed the door and will not open the sly fox. (Explain to children that you cannot open the door to strangers).

Made and sent by Anatoly Kaidalov.

Mouse, Mouse, why is your nose dirty?
- I dug the earth.
- Why did you dig the earth?
- I did mink.
- Why did you make a mink?
- Hide from you, Fox.
- Mouse, Mouse, I'll lie in wait for you!
- And I have a sleeping room in my burrow.
- If you want to eat, you will get out!
- And I have a pantry in my mink.
- Mouse, Mouse, but I will dig your hole.
- And I am from you in a otnorochek - and was like that!

The more carefully books are handled, the longer they live. This. understandably. But even with the most careful handling of books, their covers gradually get dirty.
To prevent the covers from getting dirty, you need to make wrappers.
The simplest wrapper is a dust jacket.
Get a sheet of good, not very heavy paper that is about the height of a book, but long enough to wrap the book.
Fold a paper flap 6 to 7 centimeters wide under each cover. Use scissors to shape the flaps. The dust jacket is ready.
Some books are published by publishers in ready-made dust covers - very bright and beautiful. The flaps sometimes inform about the content of the book and contain excerpts from reviews.
It is very easy to make a wrapper for a brochure. To do this, it is enough to take a sheet of paper, slightly larger than the open brochure. First, the top edge of the paper is folded, then
lower. The folded edges are tucked between the cover and the brochure.
The brochure is then closed and the side edges of the paper are folded under the cover. Side
the valves of the wrapper can be folded again (in the corners) - for accuracy, the wrapper is ready.
The paper for wrapping brochures should be as thin as possible, but strong.
A thick book is a little more difficult to wrap.
First, the top and bottom edges of the paper are folded: along the height of the book cover. Then the book is wrapped with this paper like a dust jacket. The side flaps are folded under the cover (while the book is closed). The thickness of this book is marked in the wrapper with two vertical folds, as shown in the figure.
After that, the book is taken out of the paper, and the paper is straightened. Scissors make four cuts in the paper. Two rectangular tabs are obtained. They are folded over and an open book is placed on top of them. Then the top, bottom and side edges of the wrapper are applied to the cover of the book along the existing folds. The corners of all edges are folded neatly. Ready! The book is closed and put under the load for a while: so that the new wrapper "gets used" to the book.
Light brown "letter" paper (kraft) is very good for such wrappers - it is dense, durable, sufficiently resistant to moisture and bright light (custom-made parcels are packed in this paper in post offices).
Just as good is the marbled paper sold in school supplies stores.
In general, paper of pleasant tones is desirable - not very light (so that it does not get dirty longer), rather thick.
If you don't have anything suitable at hand, you can take old newspapers for wrappers: in two layers.
Each wrapper should have the title of the book written on it. The author is listed.
It is best to write on wrappers with ballpoint pens of different colors. It can turn out very nicely. If you wish, you can stick a light paper rectangle on the wrapper, on which you can write the title of the book and the surname of the author. It's not bad if the title of the book is not only where the titles of books are always written, but also on the thick fold of the wrapper. Then you won't have to search for a book for a long time.
Recently, paper wrappers have been replaced by wrappers made of flexible (transparent, translucent and not at all transparent) plastics.
These pre-made wrappers can be purchased in stores.
But it is much more interesting to make such wrappers yourself: according to the format of your books. To do this, you need to take a plastic wrap: for example, a plastic shopping bag (they are sold in hardware stores) and cut the desired rectangle from the film. Fold the edges as shown in the figure. And put a book in the resulting wrapper.
No plastic wrap adhesive is needed. It adheres perfectly with a hot iron. True, you first need to practice a little on the scraps of the film. Recently, special machines for welding polyethylene films - "Lightning", have appeared on sale.
Inscriptions on plastic wrap are made with ballpoint pens in different colors.
It goes without saying that all book wrappers are needed primarily for books that are often used. Primarily for textbooks. And for books that are lent out from the library.
Books that sit in bookcases under glass for a long time hardly need wrapping. And dust jackets will not hurt.
