Most parents seek to identify a child in Kindergarten or the school closest to where you live or work. Due to the workload, first of all, children who have a temporary or permanent registration in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200blocation are accepted there. educational organization.

How to: step by step instructions

for admission to kindergarten or the school is carried out according to general rules, according to which the parents of a child under 14 years old must submit the originals of the following documents to the migration service department or to another authorized body:

  • statement;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence of the parent;
  • a document-basis for moving in (a notary-certified residential lease agreement, an extract of the USRN for one's own home).

Child who has reached the age of 14 years old, draws up a statement with his own hand, in the presence of one of the parents. In this case, you will need a teenager's passport, as well as consent to registration from the parent and an application from the owner who agrees to accept the tenant (?).

In the case of registration in a municipal apartment, you must additionally obtain the consent of the local government.

All originals of the submitted documents are returned to the parents together with a certificate of temporary registration.

Is registration checked at the place of residence upon admission and how is it done?

In accordance with the Procedure for the admission of citizens to study on educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 32 dated January 22, 2014, and Order No. 293 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 8, 2014 No. programs preschool education”, School and preschool institutions have the right to request a certificate of temporary registration of a child in the list of required documents for enrollment.

Registration must be in the area where the educational institution is located... Due to the frequent cases of falsification, the management of the kindergarten or school can verify the authenticity of the document. This can be done by requesting a certificate in the form No. 9, which will confirm the registration.

It is also allowed to clarify the fact of temporary registration by phone, or by writing a letter to the department of the migration service. It is possible to use the organ's online service.

Temporary registration at a school or kindergarten can be checked not only upon admission, but also during the learning process.

Can they refuse admission, on what grounds?

The issue of refusing to accept or enroll in an educational institution of a child who does not have a temporary residence permit is rather ambiguous and controversial. In the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" there is no direct rule that would prohibit the admission of a child's documents to a school or preschool institution without temporary registration.

According to this law, as well as part 2 of Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the availability of education is guaranteed by the state. This implies the right of citizens to choose an educational institution regardless of their place of residence. The only reason for refusal of admission to training is the lack of free places in the institution.

Also, the absence of a certificate of temporary registration can make the priority of the child entering the education secondary. In this case, no refusal should be made. In case of refusal, the parent has the right to demand a written justification and contact the Education Department or the prosecutor's office.

At the same time, the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2017 No. AKPI17-265 recognized the absolute legality of the requirements for temporary registration when admitted to a general educational institution. Therefore, you will not be able to do without this certificate.

Not required for children whose parents are in the military, law enforcement, or in court. Children of these persons have the right to enter kindergarten or school out of turn.

Thus, the registration of temporary registration of a child for admission to a kindergarten or school is a fairly simple process that does not require much time. Her absence is not a direct reason for refusing admission to the institution. However, a timely registration of temporary registration makes it possible to enter the chosen educational institution without any problems in the order of priority.

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School time brings a number of troubles and sometimes problems for young parents. Some of them are typical household items: the purchase of school clothes, the choice of stationery, flowers for the holiday. But what to do if the baby is ready for admission, and the educational institution refuses to accept the child. in 2018? It is worth examining the pitfalls and understanding the situation in more detail.

If the city is large enough, it is divided into separate microdistricts with a well-developed infrastructure, banks, public institutions, shops, educational institutions. Sometimes the school at the place of residence is not suitable for the child for personal reasons, then the parents turn to the directors of other institutions with a request for admission or transfer of the student and in 50 percent of cases they hear a refusal. Is it legal?

In 1992, the Law was promulgated Russian Federation"On Education", according to which the administration has no right to refuse schoolchildren in education without good reason. Every child, regardless of nationality, gender, place of residence, is equal in rights.

How to get a child to go to school without registration

Parents can solve a troubling issue in three ways:

  1. With knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation on education, their duties and rights, parents do not make possible mistakes when submitting documents, and the child is admitted to an educational institution.
  2. Parents are not 100% aware and, being refused admission to school, stop fighting and send the child to the attached district school.
  3. In case of refusal, the parents submit an application to higher authorities, which verify the competence of the administration's actions educational institution.

If the family moved not within the framework of one specific city, but within the region or even between regions, then one cannot do without registration at the place of stay. It may well be temporary, but be prepared that the educational institution will require written documents confirming the child's place of residence. To avoid problems with enrollment, you must adhere to two rules:

  1. The educational institution must be located in the microdistrict of residence and registration.
  2. The school administration accepts the documents of the future student in the presence of compulsory registration in this territory.

Temporary registration of a child in another area of ​​the city can be obtained from relatives, acquaintances, friends. ... Many homeowners are afraid and refuse to grant temporary registration to their children. ... After the child has been temporarily registered, the parents present to the administration of the educational institution the received certificate, medical card and application for admission to the school.

In the 1st grade according to the registration of the husband

It so happens that the places of registration of the parents and the child are different. Usually, the baby is registered at the mother's place of residence, and the father is listed at a different address. As an option for solving the problem, determine the grown-up child to a school not at the place of residence - Intending to submit documents to a school that does not have a child's registration, you have the right to contact the institution of the microdistrict where the father is registered, putting the child on temporary registration at this address. At the same time, the future student will be considered when forming the lists of the first grades as having priority. The rule applies only to first grade students, because in the future, the administration has the right to form classes according to rating system student success - indicators of his knowledge and abilities.

Analysis of situations

Below we will consider why they may be refused admission and what to do in such cases.

Not accepted to first grade

The problem is common in cities with few educational institutions. Each will have a high influx of children. And since No. 310-ФЗ speaks about the priority of schoolchildren registered in the microdistrict where the school is located at the place of registration, other children have much less chance of getting there. ... Much also depends on the status. If this is not a municipal institution, then all children who have collected a standard set of documents have an equal chance of admission.

Not accepted to any class when transferring

The problem is relevant not only for first graders. Older schoolchildren who need to change their place of study for personal reasons also find themselves in such a situation. Parents can get a “no” for several reasons, not always knowing whether the school has the right to refuse admitting a child:

  • shortage - the school does not have places, equipment or textbooks for additional students;
  • a hint of a bribe is a common problem encountered not only in private educational institutions, including kindergartens.

If you see that the administration comes up with vague excuses on the go and practically speaks directly about “the possibility of solving the issue in a certain way”, think again, is it worth transferring your child to such a school? After all, the criteria for assessing the abilities of students can be based on the same principle of payment.

Do not take to specialized gymnasiums and lyceums

Problems in specialized institutions are not based on the presence or absence of a residence permit, but on the results of the interview. Which children get into the class is decided by knowledge. The child is refused if he could not demonstrate the ability in specialized subjects, native and foreign language... In gymnasiums and lyceums, knowledge is also tested in primary grades... The only difference is the absence profile subjects: monitoring of reading, mathematics, knowledge about the world around is performed.

How to get to school at the wrong address of registration

So that the efforts are not in vain, but are crowned with success, it is worthwhile at the very first visit to the educational institution to which you belong, to familiarize yourself with the charter. The charter is the main document school institution, where it is mentioned whether it is possible to arrange a child to study without a residence permit. If there is no information, discuss the issue with the director so as not to make mistakes that separate from the cherished place and push to study at the school at the place of registration.

What to do in case of refusal

Read the regulatory documents, laws on education of the Russian Federation in order to understand the legality / illegality of the refusal. In the first case, an analysis of the problem is made and its elimination, because almost all educational institutions have standard selection criteria. If the refusal is unlawful, the parents should demand a written explanation from the administration, which is sent for review to the higher authorities, the prosecutor's office.

Find out which school your child belongs to in your area. Local self-government bodies (educational departments) attach people to the educational institution. Contacting them with the question of how to find out the school by the address of registration will be better than calling educational institutions within a radius of several kilometers for the availability of free places after the main stream with the hope of arranging a child.

Try to search for a suitable object on the Internet. After reading the reviews of other parents, form an opinion about the atmosphere in the gymnasium, college, school, teaching staff... Check out the training program.

The question of how to get to school without a registration or without it and what to do in case of refusal, you need to attend to in advance, and not in the last weeks before starting school year... If you suddenly have to submit an application to higher authorities, then the process may drag on for several months, and children, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are required to receive secondary education and, therefore, sitting at home waiting for a solution to the issue is not the best way out.

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Parents do not always want to take their child to the school next door. And, often, they are refused on the basis. It contains main criterion selection to an educational institution - registration of a child.

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You can hear from the staff of the school administration the following wording: "Children are admitted to the school assigned to the territory of residence." That is, according to registration.

But rarely, who knows that the continuation of the quotation from the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation reads as follows: August 1 of the current year children who are not assigned to the school can also be admitted, but subject to availability. "

This means that you need to ask in advance if there are free places in the school.

And the best thing is to submit an application in advance, justifying your position by the fact that, according to the law, the school administration has no right to refuse parents in accepting documents if there are free places.

What it is

Registration is an outdated legal concept. Currently, this word is used only in colloquial speech, it has no legal basis.

By habit, registration is called registration at the place of residence. Although for almost a quarter of a century this word has been removed from the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Registration at the place of residence can be:

  • permanent (at the place of residence);
  • temporary (at the place of stay).

Children are prescribed together with their parents starting from 0 to 14 years old... Parents of a newborn, having received a birth certificate, can already prescribe a child.


The admission procedure is based on ensuring the compulsory education.

The application (regardless of the form) contains the data:

  • Full name of the child;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Name of parents;
  • address;
  • phones of parents.

The papers along with the application must be taken to the school. After the decision to accept the child will be followed by psychological research determining the child's ability.

Statements in 1 class accepted in schools approximately from February to early July.

All documents and their copies are registered in the journal. Parents receive a registration number and a receipt for documents. School admission orders are posted on special information boards on the day of its release. A personal file is set up, where all documents are stored.

How to get there not by registration

Sometimes the school that parents choose is far from the place of registration. We will tell you how you can get there further.

What can help

If you want to place your children in a school without a registration, you must:

  1. Apply as early as possible.
  2. Prepare a testimonial.

    If the child did a good job in kindergarten and he has any diplomas, then this can be an advantage.

  3. Apply to several schools you like.
  4. Across 5-7 days after receiving a positive answer, immediately confirm your consent.

Some go for tricks. To be in the second stage upon admission to school, parents apply for a temporary residence permit for their child. Up to 14 years old this can only be done at the place of residence of the parents.

For military personnel

According to, which came into force in March of the same year, the children of military personnel are given places in schools as a matter of priority.

By the way, not only in schools. Children of the military have an advantage when applying to a kindergarten, as well as to summer camps.

How to get a child to school in another city

In order to arrange a child without a registration in another city, you need to contact the local administration under the administration, which is in charge of educational institutions. There they will help you choose the best option for your place of residence.

Do not forget that despite the absence of a permanent residence permit, they have no right to refuse you.

But schools may run out of places for those who do not have any registration. And this is already a good reason for refusal. Therefore, it is best to issue a temporary registration by. It will take no more than a week.

By law, documents are required to issue within 6 days.

How to be refugees

Refugee parents have the right to send their child to school regardless of registration. The main condition will be the availability of free seats. You can apply to several schools at once within a walking distance from your place of residence.

But it will be more effective to appeal to the child's parents to the education authorities of the municipality, where they will offer several schools to choose from.

In order to prove their status, parents are required to present a refugee certificate.

The list of documents submitted by refugees does not differ from those of those who are citizens of the Russian Federation.

Additionally presented:

  • documents confirming relationship;
  • a document that confirms the family's right to stay in Russia.

All documents must be in Russian or with a translation certified by a notary. But the lack of translation under the law will not be grounds for refusal.

Enrolling a child in school can be a problem for many parents, since some schools only accept children at their place of registration, and sometimes it is not possible to get into the desired educational institution. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to start or continue studying at a school not at the place of registration, then you should take care of this in advance - talk with the management, discuss the possibility of studying in the absence of registration with the child and possible solutions to the problem. Next, we will analyze how to get to school without registration, if the parents have chosen some prestigious institution or simply moved with their family to another city.

Is it possible to arrange a child in an educational institution not at the place of registration? This question still remains relevant for many parents, since legislative norms state one thing, but in reality the situation often develops differently. In accordance with the law on education, adopted back in 1992, a child can enroll in any chosen public school regardless of their origin, race and place of residence. And the administration of an educational institution does not have the right to refuse to accept a child to school without a residence permit without sufficient grounds.

However, the factor that plays a role here is that children with registration in the district where the school is located have the primary right of admission when enrolling in education. Thus, if in the classroom, for example, there are no empty seats, then the director may not take another student. But this decision should not depend in any way on any other factors.

With private gymnasiums and lyceums, the situation is a little different. Education here is carried out for a certain fee from the parents, and such a school is not tied to a territorial union, and therefore students from different districts and even cities have equal chances of admission. In this situation, it is only important that the child has the required package of documents and the correct payment for education by his parents.

If a student does not have Russian citizenship, then in order to study at a local school, he will need a referral from the Department of Education, where parents should apply.

This body, depending on the completeness of classrooms, distributes children to the schools closest to their place of residence, and at the same time, as a rule, does not listen to the wishes of the child himself or his relatives.

Necessary grounds

It is possible to send a child to a school not at the place of registration, especially since the Constitution of the Russian Federation contains all the grounds for parents to choose an educational institution based on their own beliefs and wishes, in which their children will study. And, first of all, it is the child's right, approved at the legislative level, to receive free secondary education in any state (free) school. But at the same time, there is a reservation - if the location of the institution does not coincide with the territory of their residence, then the school administration, when enrolling students, is guided primarily by registration data. Accordingly, local children have priority over nonresident or residents of other areas.

The legislation of the Russian Federation operates the federal law No. 273, which secures the parents the right to choose a school for their child at the place of their actual residence.

But, again, upon admission, one should take into account the availability of vacancies, which may not be available. And in this situation, the only solution to the problem will be only enrollment in another educational institution, where the child can be admitted due to the lack of students in the class.

The same applies to families of immigrants and refugees from other states. This status does not give privileges to children who must complete secondary education. They, like everyone else, have the right to apply for free education at school, but they will hardly be able to choose an institution of their own free will.

How to get a child to go to school without registration

When entering a school without a registration, it is important to do everything correctly and on time. And before registering a child for enrollment, it is necessary to observe the phasing of the following actions:

  • First of all, you have to submit an application to the desired educational institution. In terms of dates, most public schools open first grade enrollment from April 1 to June last. But some institutions start accepting applications as early as March, so you should find out this information in advance. And parents from other areas will only be able to apply for admission from the beginning of July. By this date, the composition of the class has already been determined and it becomes known whether there are free places. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to enroll in several educational institutions.
  • Next, you need to collect a package of documents. For first graders, this is a birth certificate, medical card and a copy of the parent's passport. If an older student applies for admission, then a characteristic from the previous place of study, all available certificates and awards for intellectual, sports and other achievements may be useful. Any evidence of a child's success can help him in enrollment, since they still try to select the most promising among equal applicants.

After a while, the director or representative of the educational institution will contact the parents and report the results. According to the law, the student should be notified within a week after the submission of the documents - usually there are not very many applicants who do not have local registration, so it should not take a long time to consider applications. And if the student is accepted, then it is necessary to immediately submit the originals of all papers in order to secure the received place for him.

Admission options

There are several ways to ensure your child has a higher chance of being admitted to the school of his choice, if it is not the same as his place of registration:

  • issue a temporary registration at the place of residence, and if it coincides with the territorial location of the municipal educational institution, the student must be accepted - this option is suitable for admission to a school in another city;
  • change the existing permanent registration - that is, discharge the child and register him in a suitable place;
  • apply to several schools at once - if a child cannot be registered in one of them due to a lack of vacancies, he will have to be admitted to a nearby institution, even if it is located in another area.

When choosing the option with a change in registration, it should be remembered that a minor child under 14 years old must be registered with the parents or at least one of them. Therefore, parents will have to change their registration.

Documents required for enrollment in first grade

To enroll in a school, you will need a standard package of papers:

  • birth certificate of the future student;
  • passport of one of the parents who will draw up the application;
  • an extract from the place of registration of the child;
  • a medical record with vaccinations and a certificate in the form 0-26 / U;
  • directly the statement.

It is better to prepare documents in advance and submit in the very first days after the start of admission, since some schools recruit students quickly enough. These include educational institutions in the city center, sleeping areas and often specialized educational institutions, where children are divided into classes with in-depth study selected items.

Even before submitting an application, you should find out whether a psychological conversation with a child will be carried out - now this is a fairly common practice, although it is not used in all educational institutions. In the course of a conversation, which is usually carried out in a playful way, the specialist determines the level of development of the first grader and his ability. The results of such an interview may influence the placement of the child in a certain class. You should also be prepared for the fact that when entering gymnasiums and other institutions with a higher level of student training, you will have to pass entrance tests.

Where to go in case of admission to a school not at the place of registration

First of all, parents should talk with a representative of the administration of the educational institution. It is best if you manage to get to the director, since the final word in the enrollment of students remains with him. If you receive a refusal due to lack of free places, you will have to look for another educational institution.

If the school has openly requested a “donation” to enter the school or refused to accept the child based on poor psychological or other test scores, the child's mother or father can apply to the Department of Education or other higher authorities to help resolve the problem.

When, after the mentioned appeal, the student is not taken to school, it should be required to draw up the refusal in writing and try to appeal it in court - sometimes this is the only way to resolve the issue.

Good day! make a temporary residence permit at an address suitable for the desired school,

Temporary registration of a child for school is needed in different cases. For example, if the school at the place of residence does not suit you, and you would like to choose another one; if the place of residence has changed, but for some reason it is not possible to make a permanent residence permit. How to temporarily register a child, where to go and what documents to collect, we learn from this material.

The new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ establishes general rules and conditions for the admission of children to schools, and the Procedure for the admission of citizens to study in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education Russia from 22.01.2014, No. 32, these rules are specified.
The territorial principle of preferential admission of children to schools is being introduced. This means that preference is given to children living in the territory assigned to the school. Applications for their admission to the school are accepted from February 1 to June 30, 2015. Only if, after the admission of children living in the territory assigned to the school, free places remain in the classes, the rest of those wishing to study in this educational institution are accepted. Acceptance of applications from parents of such children begins on July 1, 2015. And since residence in Russia is confirmed by registration, then at admission, among others, a certificate from the place of residence of registration is required.
In some cases, temporary registration of a child at an address that is geographically related to the desired school can help. But you need to understand that if a temporary registration is a necessity (for example, when changing a place of residence and moving to another city), then there should be no problems with enrolling in school. But if a temporary residence permit turns out to be at an address near the permanent place of residence, then this circumstance may raise some suspicions and will not guarantee 100% enrollment in the school you want, since children under 14 cannot be registered separately from their parents even temporarily, the child must register with one of them or, if the parent is already temporarily registered somewhere, to one of them. Thus, first you need to find housing, the owner of which will agree to a temporary residence permit in it at least an adult. We remind you that a minor child can be registered with a parent without the consent of the owner.

With the owner of the premises, necessary documents and by the personal presence of those wishing to temporarily register, you need to contact the registration authority (FMS of Russia), or to organizations authorized to accept documents for registration at the place of residence. As a rule, management companies allocate employees who accept, hand over to passport offices and receive documents after consideration. Citizens can only find out what working hours these employees have, come to the reception, and then pick up their documents at the right time.
For minors who have not yet turned 14, parents fill out the applications. If the parent is already temporarily registered somewhere, then he can register the child to himself without the owner, independently applying to the registering authority. If it is planned to temporarily register a child of 14 years and older, then the parents give their written consent to this.
The period for which you can temporarily register is agreed with the owner of the apartment, or with all the prescribed ones, if the housing is municipal. Temporary registration does not require removal from permanent registration. At the end of the temporary registration period, the registered person is automatically deregistered. Documents required for temporary registration of a child

For temporary registration of a child, together with a parent, you must provide:
parent's passport;
a child's birth certificate or passport if the child is 14 years old;
a document confirming the right to live in an apartment (rental agreement, social rental agreement, certificate of ownership of housing, or a statement from the owner of the premises).
If a child over 14 years old without parents is temporarily prescribed, one of the parents will need to fill out a consent to this.
Temporary registration applications are filled out on the spot on forms that will be issued by employees. It is possible to independently submit documents through the Single Portal on the website of state services at the address:

Also try to just negotiate with the school principal! Good luck to you!
