The department was established in 2013 on the basis of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after A.I. D. Rogachev of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Head: d.m.s., prof. A.I. Karachunsky, Deputy Director for International and Innovation Activities of the FNCTS DGOI named after V.I. D. Rogacheva.
The base department provides educational process in bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies.

FNKTs DGOI them. D. Rogacheva is Europe's largest center for the treatment and research of oncological diseases in children and adolescents. This is a unique medical institution where experience and innovation have merged. FNKTs DGOI them. D. Rogacheva actively cooperates with regional and federal centers. Under the guidance of leading specialists of the FNCTS DGOI them. D. Rogachev, effective protocols for the treatment of blood diseases, malignant neoplasms, pathologies of the immune system and other serious diseases of childhood are being developed and implemented. Various scientific directions are constantly being improved and developed, which significantly improve the survival rate of children with extremely serious diseases.

To improve the effectiveness of treatment and the organization of scientific research at the FNCTS DGOI named after. D. Rogachev, modern information systems and technologies are being actively developed and implemented. When conducting scientific research, specialists in the field of mathematical modeling, data analysis, creation and application of medical information systems are involved.


Address FNKTs DGOI them. D. Rogacheva: Moscow, Samory Mashel st., 1. Phones:
(+7 495) 287-65-70 ext. 5588 - head of the department,
(+7 495) 287-65-70 ext. 6988 - deputy head.
Internet address:

Educational activities

The department offers undergraduate education (profiles) and master's degree (master's programs).

Direction of preparation of bachelors 230400.62 "Information systems and technologies", profile "Information technologies in health care" (Faculty of Information technologies)

Basic training in the field of mathematics, informatics, technologies for the development and implementation of information systems. The profile allows you to study the basics of medical informatics with an emphasis on optimizing processes in healthcare and providing high-tech medical care. Particular attention will be paid to the specifics of the development of medical information systems, the context of their implementation and use: the regulatory framework in the field of healthcare, information security requirements, the conditions of modern clinical centers, the latest technologies for integrating medical systems.

Direction of preparation of bachelors 010400.62 "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", profile "Mathematical Methods in Health Care" (Faculty of Cybernetics)

Advanced training in mathematics, including methods of mathematical modeling and data analysis.

Basic training in the field of informatics, technologies for the development and implementation of information systems. Advanced training in mathematics, including mathematical modeling, add. heads of statistics, data analysis. The profile allows you to study the basics of medical informatics with an emphasis on clinical informatics and the conduct of various types of clinical research. Particular attention will be paid to evidence-based medicine, data accumulated in the field of healthcare, requirements for the analysis of clinical trial data and the mathematical apparatus used in this.

Master's program "Medical Information Systems" in the direction 230400.68 "Information Systems and Technologies" (Faculty of Information Technologies)

Training of highly demanded specialists in optimizing and automating processes in healthcare. Using the best international experience, professional clinicians and their colleagues in the field of medical information systems will read the necessary disciplines on modern technologies for information support for the activities of healthcare institutions ( nursinginformatics nursing informatics and related areas.

Master's program "Support and analysis of the results of clinical trials" in the direction 010400.68 "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" (Faculty of Cybernetics)

Training of highly demanded specialists in information support of clinical trials at any level. Using the experience of conducting multicenter clinical trials in the field of pediatric oncology, clinicians-researchers from the FSCC and their foreign partners will read the necessary disciplines on evidence-based medicine, medical statistics, planning, conducting and analyzing the results of clinical trials, modern technologies for information support of clinical activities ( clinicalinformatics). On the basis of the FNKTs DGOI them. D. Rogachev and other partner centers will undergo research practice and the preparation of a master's thesis on open problems clinical informatics and related areas.

Scientific activity

The department conducts research related to the profile of the activities of the FNCTS DGOI. The main focus is on the methodology and methods of evidence-based medicine, international multicenter clinical trials, medical statistics, new diagnostic methods, bone marrow transplantation, and translational medicine. At the same time, modern mathematical models and methods implemented in large software systems are used. Own fleet of diagnostic equipment and data processing center of the FNKTs DGOI them. D. Rogacheva allows solving problems of any complexity class in the field of oncology and immunology.


The leading partners of the department are:

  • Russian and foreign IT companies working on the creation of an integrated information system of the FNKTs DGOI im. D. Rogacheva: IBM, IBS, 1C, Bell Integrator, Communications and Telemechanics Systems, Corus Consulting IT, etc.;
  • Russian oncological and rehabilitation centers;
  • European clinical centers: Charite (Germany), Medical University of Berlin, etc.

Teaching Staff

Classes at the department are conducted by specialists of the FNCTS DGOI them. D. Rogacheva in clinical and research activities (D.M.S., Prof. A.I. Karachunsky, D.M.S. A.F. Karelin, D.M.S., Prof. M.A. Maschan), specialists in the field of information technology (Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. A.A. Neznanov, A.V. Pavlyuk, I.V. Ashenbrenner), foreign partners (Prof. Dr. Gunter Henze, Medical University Berlin).

Knowledge and skills acquired by students

  • Understanding of tasks and problems of healthcare IT support.
  • Orientation in the current legal field, knowledge of the basic standards of healthcare IT support.
  • Ability to evaluate and select tools offered on the market of software and hardware for the healthcare sector.
  • Skills for describing business processes in a complex, poorly formalized field of medical informatics.
  • Knowledge required to deploy, configure and operate healthcare information systems.
  • Experience in participating in clinical trials and the ability to process their results.

Readable disciplines

  • Analysis and optimization of business processes
  • Medical Information Systems
  • Mathematical methods for planning and processing the results of clinical
  • Telecommunications and Collaborative Technologies
  • Outsourcing of medical information technologies
  • Security of information systems functioning
  • Legal and social aspects of medical informatics
  • Methodological foundations of medical informatics
  • Designing interaction with the user of medical information systems
  • Clinical Informatics
  • Mathematical support for clinical research
  • Methods and software for data mining
  • Organization of multicenter clinical trials
  • Information support of multicenter clinical trials
  • Data warehousing and information security
  • Mathematical models of pattern recognition

Student practices

  • Research practice
  • Internship

Undergraduate admission

Direction 230400.62 "Information systems and technologies", profile "Information technologies in healthcare"

  • Entrance tests (USE): mathematics, physics, Russian language.

Faculty of Cybernetics
Direction 010400.62 "Applied mathematics and informatics", profile "Mathematical methods in health care"

  • Entrance examinations (USE): mathematics, computer science, Russian language.

Admission to the magistracy

Faculty of Information Technology
Master's program "Medical Information Systems" direction 230400.68 "Information Systems and Technologies"
Faculty of Cybernetics
Master's program "Support and analysis of the results of clinical trials" direction 010400.68 "Applied mathematics and informatics"
Entrance tests: mathematics (in writing), English (qualification).

Postgraduate admission


  • 05.13.11 - "Mathematical and software support for computers, complexes and computer networks"
  • 05.13.18 - "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages"

Entrance tests: philosophy, foreign language, specialty.

Assignments on the topic: "Text editor MS Word"


Use the MS Word help system.

See help: Search query examples: hidden characters, search and replace, etc.

Save each task in a separate filewith indication in the file name of the topic of the task and the surname of the performer. Don't forget to save your changes to the file do not close the program window- this is necessary to save the history of your actions and check the assignment by the teacher.

Exercise 1.

Cm. Annex 1

Copy the text from Appendix 1 (below) into a new document while maintaining the original formatting!

You need to remove incorrect text formatting.

Turn on display all characters(pi sign): tab home, group paragraph. Review the text, paying attention to incorrect formatting.

Select all text. Do not deselect until further notice.

Set the font to Times New Roman, color black, size 14.

For the following operations, use the command Replace(tab home, group edit - replace - more - special).

Replace non-printable character "line break" on paragraph mark.

· tabs- replace "tab" to nothing, i.e. leave the "replace with" field empty,

· transfers- replace "soft transfer" to nothing

· non-breaking spaces and multiple spaces- replace "empty spaces" for one space.

We remove leading and trailing spaces of a paragraph(replace combinations of the "pi" sign with a space with the "pi" sign):

The first replacement "paragraph mark"+ space on "paragraph mark",

second substitution - space + "paragraph mark" on "paragraph mark".

To get rid of empty paragraphs, perform a multiple replacement: two paragraph marks for one (until there are no replacements).

Now the selection can be removed

The task was prepared by Art. teacher Gevorkyan R.N..

Annex 1

New data

To date, it is known that the specific signs of GC in most patients are either mild or absent. There are a number of published data on cases of GC that were clinically presented only with hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus (DM). Thus, like a number of other diseases, GC has transformed from a clinically prominent disease to a clinically silent one. In our opinion, the study of cases with mild clinical manifestations is of undoubted interest.
Most of the studies aimed at determining the prevalence of clinically occult GC in specific populations have been conducted in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). In the literature available to us, about 20 studies were found on the screening of occult HA in patients with type 2 diabetes. However, a number of them contained fundamental methodological errors, so we did not take them into account in our further analysis. Thus, 7 studies can be distinguished (Table 1). Despite the different design, they are united by the main criterion for inclusion in the study - the absence of specific clinical signs of GC in patients with type 2 diabetes.
In 2003 B.Catargi et al. conducted a prospective study of 200 obese patients with DM2 hospitalized due to poor compensation of carbohydrate metabolism (HbA1c> 8%). According to a thorough objective examination, none of the patients showed specific signs of GC. At the first stage of the study, a suppressive test with 1 mg of dexamethasone (STD) was performed. The purpose of the second stage was to confirm cortisol hypersecretion, to determine the level of ACTH, the circadianity of cortisol secretion, free cortisol in daily urine, nocturnal cortisol, STD 4 mg. Patients who had at least one abnormal test result underwent imaging studies. In total, the incidence of GC without specific signs in this study was 5.5%.
I.Chiodini et al. conducted a study among 294 hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes older than 30 years. This study included a control group of non-diabetic patients matched for age, body mass index (BMI) hospitalized during the same period. The prevalence of clinically occult GC in diabetic patients was 9.4% and was 4.8% higher than in controls. Similarly, G.Leibowitz et al. screened clinically latent GC among 90 patients with poorly compensated DM2 (HbA1c>8%) and overweight. The prevalence of clinically occult GC, according to the results of this study, was 3.3%. In another study, GC screening was performed in 100 patients with newly diagnosed T2DM. At the same time, neither the presence of obesity nor poor compensation for diabetes was taken into account. The prevalence of clinically latent GC in this group was 1.0%.
It is worth noting that there are studies with a negative result, that is, those in which the prevalence of HA was 0.0%. For example, screening of clinically occult GC in 154 elderly men (over 65 years of age) with type 2 diabetes by measuring salivary cortisol at 11 p.m. did not reveal a single case. Also in the study by K.Mullan et al. no cases of clinically occult GC were identified among 201 patients with DM with at least 2 out of 3 criteria: HbA1c>7%, BMI>25 kg/m2, hypertension.
Thus, the prevalence figures for clinically latent GC in the population of patients with DM2, according to the above data, vary from 0.0 to 9.4%. According to a meta-analysis of studies conducted by A.Tabarin, the prevalence of hidden HA is 1.98% (95% CI 0.00–5.25). However, given that the prevalence values ​​in the studies were statistically different (p<0,0001), полученная цифра 1,98% не отражает истинную картину .
It should be clarified that the definitive diagnosis of clinically occult GC requires the development of hypocorticism after surgery and histological examination of the removed pituitary or adrenal mass. However, only 24% of diabetic patients with suspected clinically occult HA underwent surgery. Probably in some cases there was an overdiagnosis of clinically latent GC. But even if we consider only patients in whom the diagnosis of clinically occult HC was confirmed through the development of hypocorticism after surgery and histological examination, the prevalence of clinically occult HC varies from 0.0 to 3.3%. Differences between study prevalence values ​​were not statistically significant (p=0.71). It follows that the prevalence based on the pooled estimate is 1.11% (95% CI 0.11–2.10). Taking into account the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the world, the resulting figure in absolute terms is huge.
Thus, it can be assumed that by basing screening on the presence of specific symptoms of HC, many patients with HC may be out of the sight of physicians.

Used tests

To exclude GC as screening tests, the following methods are currently used: the determination of free cortisol in daily urine, STD 1 mg and the determination of free cortisol in saliva, measured at 23.00. The last two tests are also used to screen for clinically occult GC. Regardless of which test is preferred, there are a number of factors that affect the accuracy, reproducibility, sensitivity, and specificity of a test.

Influence of SD

As is known, stress and hypoglycemia are the most powerful stimuli for the activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. Accordingly, screening for poorly controlled diabetes can result in a large number of false positives.

Evidence from several studies suggests that DM and its complications (hypertension, neuropathy, microangiopathy) are associated with functional activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. In addition, H. Liu et al showed that age, DM, and hypertension were independently associated with elevated evening salivary cortisol levels.


Summarizing all the points necessary for screening, we can conclude that today there are not enough arguments for the introduction of systemic screening of clinically latent HA in patients with type 2 diabetes.

However, it must be said that studies aimed at screening clinically occult HA in specific populations are certainly needed, and, first of all, in order to reveal its true prevalence, which is probably higher than previously thought. A number of questions have already been raised that cannot be ignored. For example, does this condition have increased morbidity and mortality? Is it responsible, at least in part, for metabolic disturbances in patients? Will there be a benefit from surgical treatment in terms of morbidity and cost compared to pharmacological treatment? Of course, all this requires serious large-scale controlled randomized trials.

And yet, while we await the results of such studies, clinicians can definitely be advised to be more vigilant and clinically vigilant about GCs in patients with DM.

Department of Medical Informatics MGMSU

Department head

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation

Kudrina Valentina Grigorievna

Head of Education

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Goncharova Olga Valentinovna

125445, Moscow, st. Belomorskaya, 19/38

Full nameAcademic degreeAcademic titleJob title
KUDRINA Valentina Grigorievna Doctor of Medical SciencesProfessor,
Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation
head of department
In 1973 he graduated from the sanitary and hygienic faculty of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov.
In 1996, he was awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty "Social hygiene and healthcare organization".
In 1982 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, in 1993 a doctoral thesis.

At the department since 1997, she leads sections of healthcare organization, quality management of medical care, management in healthcare, information technologies in healthcare.

Kudrina Valentina Grigorievna, was born in Moscow. Graduated from I MMI them. THEM. Sechenov. Since the 1980s, scientific activity has been associated with the problem of healthcare informatization. This direction was developed by V. G. Kudrina at NPO Medsotseconominform of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (1990-1997), working as a scientific secretary, then deputy director of the NGO and head of the computer-analytical center for scientific medical research. The development of IT and expert procedures is the subject of his doctoral dissertation "Evaluation of the quality of research in the management of medical science" (1993). Since 1997, he has been working at RMAPE (now RMANPO), head of the Department of Medical Statistics and Informatics, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation (since 1996), Academician of the International Informatization Academy, member of the "Russian Society for Health Organization and Public Health" .

He is a member of the expert council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the use of IT in the field of health care, a member of the Teaching Methods for Public Health and Healthcare of EMUs of Russian universities, a dissertation council on public health and health care at the Central Research Institute of Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, an expert group in the specialty "organization of health care and public health » Central Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Member of the editorial board of the journals "Public Health and Health", "Medical Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs".

Among the publications:
- Kudrina, V.G. Methodological and technological foundations of informatization of professional postgraduate medical education / V.G.Kudrina, T.V.Andreeva, S.S. – M.: Moment. - 2012. - P.369-385.

Kudrin, V.G. The effectiveness of training medical workers in information technology / V.G. Kudrina, Andreeva T.V., Dzeranova N.G. / M.: Publishing House "Health Manager", 2013. - 248p.

Kudrin, V.G. The current level of innovative development of postgraduate medical education and its prospects / V.G. Kudrina, T.V. Andreeva, D.O. Sapralieva // Public health and health care. - 2014. - No. 3. - S. 50-54.

Sapralieva D.O. Experience of indicative planning in the healthcare of the region: monograph / D.O. Sapraliev, V.G.

Kudrin, V.G. Theory and practice of indicative planning in health care / V.G. Kudrina, D.O. Sapralieva // Healthcare of the Russian Federation. - 2016. - Volume 60 (2). - S. 60-65.

Kudrin, V.G. Project approach in solving urgent problems of health care / V.G. Kudrina, S.G. Komarov, O.V. Goncharova // Problems of urban health care. - Issue 21: Collection of scientific papers / Ed. z.d.s. Russian Federation, MD, prof. N.I. Vishnyakova. - St. Petersburg, 2016. - S. 53-57.

Kudrin, V.G. Modern aspects of the organization of medical care in the Russian Federation / V.G. Kudrina // Medical Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Scientific and practical journal. - M., 2017. - Volume LXXXIX. - No. 4. - P. 2-5.

Kudrin, V.G. Information guidelines for the development of a system of targeted training of medical workers / V.G. Kudrina, T.V. Andreeva, S.G. Komarov, P.S. Ekazheva // Vrach i informatsionnye tekhnologii. Scientific and practical journal. - M., 2017. - No. 3. - S. 121-127.

Kudrin, V.G. Theoretical and practical issues of medical statistics in reforming the healthcare system / V.G. Kudrina, A.V. Pogonin, S.G. Komarov, O.V. Goncharova // Mental health. - 2017. - No. 9. - P. 11-17.

GONCHAROVA Olga Valentinovna Candidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorassistant professor

Head of study department.

In 1994 she graduated from the sanitary and hygienic faculty of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov.

In 2000 she defended her PhD thesis.
PP in the specialty "Health Organization and Public Health".
Author of more than 50 publications.
At the department since 2001, she has been conducting sections on the examination of the quality of medical care, standardization and coding in healthcare, ICD-10, and analysis of the activities of medical facilities.

Khalyastov Igor Nikolaevich Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor
In 1985 he graduated from the medical and preventive faculty of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute. DI. Ulyanov.
In 2001 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 2009 his doctoral thesis.
Author of more than 50 publications.
He has been teaching at the department since 2012, leading sections of the organization of clinical and expert work, quality management of medical care.
Shamshurina Nina Grigorevna Doctor of Economic SciencesProfessorProfessor
In 1982 she graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute.
In 1982 she defended her PhD thesis, in 2002 she defended her doctoral thesis.
In 2015, she completed the Professional Retraining Program "Teacher of Higher Education" (288 hours) at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov"
Author of over 130 publications.
At the department since 2011, she leads sections of health economics, statistical evaluation of economic decisions, economic statistics in health care.
BERSENEVA Evgenia Alexandrovna Doctor of Medical Sciencesassistant professorProfessor
In 1997 she graduated from the Russian State Medical University.
In 1999 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, in 2006 - a doctoral thesis.
Author of over 160 publications. Has 15 Rospatent certificates .
At the department since 2014, she leads sections of information technology in healthcare, medical and biological statistics, information security in medical organizations.
Karimova Daniya Yusufovna Doctor of Medical Sciences
Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation
In 1970 she graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the Kazan State Institute. S.V. Kurashov.
In 2007 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Law.
In 1980 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, in 1991 a doctoral thesis.
Author of over 100 publications.
At the department since 2003, leads sections of the legal aspects of healthcare management, analytical analysis of legal decisions.
ANDREEVA Tatyana Vadimovna candidate of pedagogical sciencesassistant professorassistant professor

In 1995 she graduated from the Moscow State University of Culture with a degree in information systems in the socio-cultural sphere.
Passed a refresher course for teachers of higher educational institutions in the amount of 588 hours in the specialty: “Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. Methods of teaching automated data processing technology” and postgraduate studies at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry.
In 2003 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "New pedagogical approaches in teaching healthcare workers the basics of computer science."
Author of over 60 publications. Passed certification on software products.

He has been teaching at the department since 2001, leading sections on the practical implementation of information technologies, information and computer training of healthcare professionals.

Curator of advanced training cycles "Issues of computerization in healthcare institutions" and "Planning and statistical analysis of research results" .

LIPATOVA Elena Lvovna Candidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorassistant professor
In 1979 she graduated from the sanitary and hygienic faculty of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov.
In 1999 she defended her PhD thesis.
PP in the specialty "Health Organization and Public Health".
Author of more than 50 publications.
At the department since 1989, she has been leading sections of demography, analysis of public health, medical insurance, planning and statistical analysis of research results, expert assessments in health care, and management in health care.
SAVOSTINA Elena Anatolievna Doctor of Medical Sciences assistant professor
In 1980 she graduated from the medical faculty of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov.
In 1991 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, in 2006 she defended her doctoral thesis.
He has been teaching at the department since 2006, the subject is work with personal data, development and implementation of regional information programs and medical information systems.
SCHELYKALINA Svetlana Pavlovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences assistant professor

In 2009 she graduated with honors from the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian State Medical University. N.I. Pirogov of Roszdrav with a degree in Medical Cybernetics.

In 2012, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty 03.01.09 - "Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics" of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. In 2013 she defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty 03.01.09 - mathematical biology and bioinformatics. In 2013 completed an exclusive course on STATISTICA Automated Neural Networks. In 2014, she completed advanced training under the program "Knowledge Engineering and Visual-Analytical Thinking" on the basis of St. Petersburg State University. In 2016, she was trained on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volga State Technological University" on "Actual problems of commercialization of the results of scientific activity." At the department since 2015, conducts seminars on the processing and statistical analysis of the results of medical and biomedical research, methods of statistical analysis in evaluating the activities of medical organizations.

ZAICHENKO Natalia Mikhailovna Senior Lecturer
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics.
He has been teaching at the department since 2000, leading sections on the analysis of the activities of healthcare facilities, the rules for maintaining statistical documentation, accounting and reporting in healthcare facilities.
KOMAROV Sergey Georgievich
Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor of the Department

In 2002 he graduated from the Medical State Medical and Dental University with a degree in General Medicine.

In 2009 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.

He has been teaching at the department since 2017, leading sections on the analysis of the activities of medical institutions, medical statistics and measures to implement the Moscow standard of the clinic.

The Department of Medical Statistics and Informatics was organized in 1945 as the Department of Sanitary Statistics. Until 1949, it was headed by a well-known scientist - Professor A.M. Merkov. At that time, the department carried out the specialization of doctors working in the newly organized offices of medical statistics of medical institutions. This was the period of formation of the country's sanitary and statistical service, the reform of statistical accounting and reporting. The department conducted the first cycle of doctors in the country - heads of sanitary statistics of the republics and regions.

In 1949, the department was merged with the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization. The department taught a course on medical statistics, which was led by Professor I.S. Sluchanko.

In connection with the creation of the Faculty of International Health and the reorganization of the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization, by order of the TsOLIU of February 1, 1973, the Department of Medical Statistics and Demography was established, the head of which is a professor, later a corresponding member. INJURED. Shigan. Under his leadership in 1978 the department was named the Department of Medical Statistics and Cybernetics. From 1996 to 1998 the department was headed by Professor V.P. Nevzorov.

From 1998 to the present, he has been the head of the department, which was renamed the Department of Medical Statistics and Informatics, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation V.G. Kudrina.

For a long time at the department worked: d.m.s. Professor I.S. Sluchanko, Ph.D. Associate Professor S.V. Ivanov, Ph.D. Associate Professor V.P. Stonogina, Ph.D. Associate Professor E.G. Fedorov.

Currently, the department has 4 professors and 5 associate professors who constantly improve their skills in the field of healthcare organization, medical statistics and informatics, legal and economic aspects.

The department systematically assists the practical health authorities in the analysis and evaluation of the activities of its services. For many years, the department has supervised WHO international courses, as well as international cycles on management and informatization, being a WHO collaborating center for systems analysis, statistics, modeling and forecasting in health care.

Employees of the department are regular participants in all-Russian and regional forums on medical statistics, informatics, trainings on innovative forms of education, participate in the development of regulatory documents, expert work, in particular, in the preparation of reviews on curricula of postgraduate and additional professional education.

Education at the department is organized in the form of lectures, seminars, educational conferences, practical classes, trainings, master classes, including on the basis of medical facilities. A computer class has been created at the department, which conducts a course on computer training for health care workers, and also improves the professional skills of users of information systems in the industry. The curriculum of the department is constantly being improved depending on the needs of practical health care and medical science.

The main direction of the department's work is higher education and additional education of healthcare organizers, employees of the MIAC and the Bureau of Medical Statistics, thematic improvement on issues of clinical and expert activities, and analysis of the activities of medical organizations. A special group is the training of teachers and researchers in medical statistics and work in the modern information environment.
About 250 specialists from federal level organizations, as well as from regions, services and departments, individual medical organizations of Russia study at the department annually. Over the years of the department's work, a circle of students has formed and is constantly expanding, coming to study 4-5 times to confirm the certificate of a specialist or to be trained in newly opened advanced training cycles.

Cycles are held at the department:

professional retraining of doctors in the specialty "Health Organization and Public Health" (576 hours)

professional retraining of medical workers with secondary medical education in the specialty "Medical statistics" (288 hours)

advanced training of doctors in the specialty "Organization of health care and public health" (144 hours), advanced training "Analysis of activities and assessment of the quality of medical care in medical facilities" (144 hours),

advanced training of medical workers with secondary medical education "Modern medical statistics and computerization issues" (144 hours),

PC "International Classification of Diseases - 10" (72 hours),

PC "Issues of computerization in healthcare institutions" (72 hours),

"Organizational and methodological measures in healthcare institutions to reduce morbidity and mortality" (72 hours),

“Rules for issuing a “Medical Death Certificate”, selection and coding of the initial causes of death in accordance with ICD-10” (72 hours).

In connection with the licensing of medical organizations of various forms of ownership, organizational, legal and departmental affiliation, the department developed, approved and implemented advanced training cycles: “Examination of temporary disability and examination of the quality of medical care” (144 hours)

As part of the educational program for the training of researchers and teachers of universities, training is conducted annually on the topic "Planning and statistical analysis of research results" (144 hours).

Form of conducting cycles: full-time, full-time-remote and visiting.

To master practical organizational skills within the framework of training cycles, simulation tasks have been developed at the department in the section “Medical statistics. Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare”, which form the basic competencies of organizational specialists.

The training program can be adapted to the specifics of the students' professional activities by changing the time for mastering the relevant modules and developing tailor-made advanced training programs for practical healthcare with the inclusion of distance learning units.

Students who have mastered the advanced training program and successfully passed the final certification or the state (final) certification receive a state document on additional professional education, depending on the number of training hours - a diploma of professional retraining, a certificate of a specialist and / or a certificate of advanced training.

The main directions of scientific work at the department:

Scientific substantiation of innovative approaches to informatization for continuous professional medical education.

Scientific substantiation of the information vector of higher and additional professional medical education.

Development and implementation of modern information and telecommunication technologies in the training, retraining and advanced training of doctors and paramedical personnel.

Development and implementation of a new generation of "activated" educational and test material for in-depth training of medical statisticians and secondary medical statisticians.

Development of applied training courses for computer training of doctors and nurses.

Development of paper and electronic educational materials with the possibility of prompt updating of content and interactive use.

The scientific topic being developed at the department - "Evaluation of the effectiveness of training medical workers in information technology" is included in the industry research program "Postgraduate education of medical personnel", state registration number 01200216501.

Results of scientific research and educational innovations:

presented at International, National, All-Russian and regional forums in the city of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Izhevsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Ulan-Ude, Tolyatti;

are reflected in the monographs “Improving the information base of the professional activity of a specialist doctor” (V.G. Kudrina et al., Moscow-Tolyatti, 2002, 352 pp.); “Fundamental Foundations of Clinical Epidemiology” (V.G. Kudrina et al., Moscow-Saratov, 2004, 413 pp.); "Ophthalmological service in the context of healthcare reform" (Under the scientific editorship of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor L.K. Moshetova. Tyumen, 2005, 256 p.);

published in more than 110 printed works, reflected in 7 teaching aids, leading journals "Problems of standardization in healthcare" (2000, No. 1; 2003 No. 5), "Human Ecology" (2000, No. 4; 2001, No. 2) , "Russian Medical News" (2001, No. 1), "Information Technologies in Healthcare" (2001, No. 6-7), "Chief Physician" (2003, No. 4), "Health Management Problems" (2004, No. 6; 2007, No. 5), "Omsk Scientific Bulletin" (2004, Issue 28), "Doctor and Information Technologies" (2007, No. 4; 2008 No. 5; 2011 No. 6; 2017 No. 3), "Medical Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" ( 2014, No. 3; 2017, No. 4,5,6), “Health Manager” (2012 No. 1), “Kuban Scientific Bulletin” (2008, No. 1-2), “Public Health and Healthcare” (2014, No. 3 ), “Healthcare of the Russian Federation” (2016, Volume 60 (2), “Mental Health” (2017, No. 5, 9).

The results of the scientific activity of the department are taken into account in the materials on the modernization of the healthcare industry, as well as departmental services of railway transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the gas industry.

The greatest activity of the department was noted in events on the development of the information vector in healthcare and in postgraduate professional medical education:

Russian scientific forums "MedComTech" (2003, 2004).

All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Information technologies in the system of healthcare modernization" (2005).

International conferences "Information technologies and society" (2006, 2007, 2009, 2010).

International Forum "Information Technologies in Management" (N.Novgorod, 2008).

Annual international congresses and exhibitions "Information technologies in medicine" (2008-2017)

All-Russian conference with international participation "Medical education" (2012-2017), etc.

Issued in the certificates of RosPatent on the official registration of computer programs (2001, 2003, 2005).

In the certificate of RosPatent No. 2003620232 dated October 20, 2003, the copyright for the “Database of test tasks for monitoring the knowledge of healthcare workers in the system of postgraduate education” was registered (Author: L.K. Moshetova, V.G. Kudrin, etc.).

The problems of the development of information technologies and expert procedures, the development of medical statistics, are devoted to the protected V.G. Kudrina in 1993 doctoral dissertation on the topic "Assessment of the quality of research in the management of medical science." She substantiated the scientific and technological approach to the creation of information technologies in healthcare, which she successfully introduced, including in the dissertations of her students - 5 doctors who defended their own and 29 candidates of medical sciences in almost all areas of activity - management, medical care, science, education.

The studies were carried out as part of the preparation for the period 2000-2013. doctoral (N.A. Konovalova, 2000; A.S. Shkoda, 2005; T.Yu. Gracheva, 2006; S.V. Zubov, 2006; K.I. Popandopulo, 2008) and candidate dissertations, including full-time and correspondence graduate students of the department B.S. Budaev, 2001; N.N. Ivashchenko, 2004; T.L. Makarova, 2010; N.G. Dzeranova, 2013; D.O. Sapralieva, 2014; V.A. Pozdnyakov, 2015.

Education at the department is carried out according to a modular principle based on an educational and methodological complex, including programs for higher and additional education of doctors in the direction of "Organization of healthcare and public health", preliminary, current, intermediate control of knowledge, final certification or final state certification in the form of a test / examination and/or defense of the final qualifying work.

The programs are developed in accordance with new legal and regulatory documents: FZ-273 dated December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. skills through training in additional professional educational programs in educational and scientific organizations", by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 499 dated 07/01/2013 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs", Orders of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 293n dated 03.21.2017 No. 293 “On approval of the professional standard “General practitioner (district physician)”, No. 768n of 07.11.2017 “On approval of the professional standard “Specialist in the field of healthcare organization and public health”, as well as in accordance with a package of documents regulating higher education .

Currently in the educational process are used:

Educational and methodological manual "Analysis of the activities of medical institutions" / Ed.: V.G. Kudrina, O.V. Goncharova, E.L. Lipatov. - M., 2010. - 43 p. (the manual is updated annually on electronic media)

Educational and methodological manual "Assessment of the quality of medical care in medical institutions" / Ed.: V.G. Kudrina, O.V. Goncharova. - M., 2017. - 50 p.

Educational and methodological manual "Expert assessments in health care" / Ed.: V.G. Kudrina, E.L. Lipatova, O.V. Goncharova. - M., 2010. - 38 p. (the manual is updated annually on electronic media)

Educational and methodological manual "Application of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) in the practical work of medical institutions" / Ed.: V.G. Kudrina, O.V. Goncharova, E.L. Lipatov. - M., 2010. - 51 p. (the manual is updated annually on electronic media)

Control and measuring materials on "Organization of healthcare and public health" for current and intermediate control are supplemented by "Test tasks in medical statistics and informatics" / Ed.: V.G. Kudrina, T.V. Andreeva, O.V. Goncharova, E.L. Lipatov. - M., 2010. - 280 p.

All educational materials are updated and used in the form of electronic educational resources (EER).
Internet resources “Data sources of international and national medical and social statistics and scientific publications in remote databases” are used as remote technologies / Compilers and moderators of the webinar V.G. Kudrin and S.S. Soshnikov.
Educational and methodological materials accompanying the educational process at the department are updated depending on the curriculum and students' requests.

  1. Materials of the site of the Ministry of Health of Russia (access mode) -
  2. Bondareva I.B., Sergienko V.I. Mathematical statistics in clinical research: a practical guide. - M: GEOTAR-Media, 2006. - 304 p.
  3. Weissman D.Sh. The use of the international classification of diseases in the practice of a doctor: a monograph. - Tula: Grif and K, 2007. - 152 p.
  4. Vlasov V.V. Introduction to evidence-based medicine. - M., "Mediasphere", 2008. - 460s.
  5. Gagarinov A.V. Legal foundations of health care: Textbook for universities. - M: Academy, 2006. - 192 p.
  6. Glantz S. Medico-biological statistics: Per. from English. - M., Practice, 1998. - 459 p.
  7. Informatics and medical statistics / Ed. G.N. Tsarik. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2017. – 304 p.

  8. Kucherenko V.Z. Application of statistical analysis methods for the study of public health and health care. Tutorial. - M: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 256 p.
  9. Aviva Petri, Caroline Sabin. Visual medical statistics: Per. from English. ed. V.P.Leonova. – 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. - M.: Publishing group "GEOTAR-Media", 2009. - 168 p.
  10. Lisitsyn Yu.P. Public health and health care: Textbook. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 512 p.
  11. Medik V.A., Yuriev V.K. Public health and health care: Textbook. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 288 p.
  12. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). - WHO, Geneva. - T.1. - Part 1. - 698 p.: T.1. - Part 2. - 633 p.: T2. - 179 p.: T.3. – 923 p.
  13. Public health and health care: National guidelines edited by V.I. Starodubov, O.I. Shchepin and others - M: GEOTAR-Media, 2013. - 624 p.
  14. Public health and health care: Textbook / Ed.: O.P.Schepin, V.A.Medic. - M: "GEOTAR-Media", 2011. - 592 p.
  15. Polunina N.V. Public Health and Public Health: A Textbook. - M.: Publishing house "Medical Information Agency", 2010. - 544 p.
  16. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. No. 294 "State program "Health Development"".
  17. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2016 No. No. 136 “On the organization of work on an independent assessment of the quality of services by medical organizations.
  18. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 10, 2017 No. No. 203n "On approval of criteria for assessing the quality of medical care."
  19. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2012 No. No. 2599-r “On approval of the action plan (“road map”) “Changes in social sectors aimed at improving the efficiency of healthcare””.

Brief description Publishing house "Medicine", founded in 1918, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Publishing house "Medicine" and currently specializes in the production of domestic and foreign medical literature and medical periodicals. Of great importance was the publication of the works of Russian scientists - luminaries of world science: I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, N. I. Pirogov, S. P. Botkin, B. M. Bakhterev and others. both a medical student and a scientifically savvy researcher.

Brief description (continued) The journals publish original articles and reviews on topical issues of modern medicine, acquainting readers with the latest achievements of domestic and foreign medical science. The readership of the journals is doctors, pharmacists, pharmacologists, managers and specialists of medical, research and educational institutions, all those who shape health policy.

Publications and interface. General Director of JSC "Publishing House "Medicine" Professor Shifman Efim Munevich Language: Russian. Direction of the audience: students of medical universities, doctors, scientists.

Site structure. The site is the official page of a medical publishing house, which specializes in the production and sale of scientific and medical literature, as well as the release of medical journals. Many sections with subsections as well as a clear structure make navigation much easier.

Navigation Site navigation is facilitated by many links and references, as well as the convenience and consistency of their location. Link transitions are highlighted.

Functionality The page loads quickly, all links are working, the site is independent of the operating system and browser used. The technologies used correspond to the purpose of the site and the intended audience.

Presence of links to sites of similar subjects Links to sites of similar subjects, both Russian and English, are not observed.

Updating Information on the site is updated monthly. Adjustments are being made to sections such as News and Books and Magazines.
