Work - Purposeful human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bnecessary for life; all mental and physical costs committed by people in the production of material and spiritual values; result of activity, work, product.

Labor is an activity aimed at creating a socially useful product that satisfies the material or spiritual needs of people. In labor activity, according to Marx, "human essential forces" are revealed. By participating in the creation of products of labor, a person enters into the existing system of production relations, his attitude to labor activity, the motives of labor are formed.

Full disclosure of the abilities and qualities of an individual in work is possible only in a society free from exploitation. Forced labor (physical, legal, economic), characteristic of the slaveholding, feudal and capitalist modes of production, suppressed the natural need for a person to work. Freedom of labor from exploitation, the mechanization of labor-intensive processes, and the blurring of the line between mental and physical labor create in Soviet society the most favorable conditions for the full manifestation of man's need for creative work.

The motives that induce a person to achieve high performance in labor activity are in direct dependence on the existing industrial relations. In a society based on the exploitation of workers, these motives are associated primarily with the desire for personal well-being. The motives of the work of the Soviet people include not only personal interest, but also social incentives. Labor for the good of the Motherland, the realization that in our society the well-being of the worker himself depends on the growth of social wealth, increase the importance of the role of social motives in activities.

In work, a person's abilities, his character, and personality as a whole are revealed and formed. Production presents the worker with a huge number of problem situations, tasks that can be solved only with a creative approach to business. Thus, production stimulates the cognitive activity of the individual, makes the worker improve his knowledge, skills, and abilities. The solution of problems arising in modern industrial and agricultural production often requires extensive general technical training.

The study of the conditions affecting labor productivity has shown that in the production process for a person there are no indifferent factors. The coloring of the premises, the organization of the workplace, the regime of stress and pauses in work, relationships with workmates - all this has a direct bearing on labor productivity, creates a general mood for work and facilitates or hinders the manifestation of labor efforts.

The activity of a teacher (in terms of object, goals and means) is different from other types of labor. The subject-object relation, which is usual for labor activity, is the subject-subject relation in teaching. In pedagogical work, two types of activity collide: training - the activity of the teacher in organizing the process of transferring knowledge and monitoring its assimilation, and teaching - the activity of the student associated with the active perception of knowledge, its processing and assimilation.

In the conditions of technical progress achieved by our country, the characteristics of the teacher's work and the requirements for his knowledge, skills and abilities have changed significantly. The widespread use of mass media (print, radio, film, television) has led to the fact that schoolchildren receive a large amount of information on all branches of knowledge outside of school. The teacher is no longer the only source of information that he was until recently. Higher demands on his work arose. Its tasks increasingly include psychological and pedagogical goals: the formation of the personality and cognitive activity of schoolchildren. The rapid replenishment of factual material in all fields of science forces the teacher to engage in self-education all the time. A creative approach to educational and educational activities has become necessary condition successful education of the younger generation.

Suspension of employment beyond the control of the employee for a long time due to the impossibility of employment resulting from the termination of the agreement between the employee and the employer; unemployment is temporary (a consequence of insufficient mobility or qualification of the labor force); structural, technological (the result of changes in the structure of the economy); cyclical (a consequence of serious economic crises); voluntary; incomplete (reduced working hours and wages); seasonal, etc. Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon when a part of the economically active population does not find a job and becomes a "surplus" population. Differentiation and coexistence in society as a whole different social functions, types of activities performed by certain groups of people and the allocation of various areas in this regard (industry, agriculture, science, education, army, etc.). The amount of labor that employees are willing to provide to the employer in a given period of time for a certain wage rate. It is a system of related attributes, properties of things, processes, phenomena, functions of both material and non-material order. To implement your own professional activity, the specialist must change, transform the object of labor, or create something new, previously absent or not taking place in reality. The ratio of output to labor input. One of the key concepts of political economy is the tools of production and people who set these tools in motion and carry out the production of material goods. One of the important concepts of political economy, certain connections and relationships of people in the production of material goods. Labor activity of a person who possesses certain general and special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training, work experience. The types and names of professions are determined by the nature and content of labor, as well as the specifics and conditions of various fields of activity. A special kind of product, a product in the labor market; an economic category that expresses the ability to work; a set of physical and intellectual abilities, knowledge, abilities and skills that a person has and which are used by him for the production of life benefits; the size of the population offering their labor in the labor market. Means of human influence on objects of labor in order to produce material goods: machinery, equipment, industrial buildings and structures. Part of the country's population with physical development, mental abilities and knowledge necessary to work in the national economy. Characteristics of the labor process, reflecting the load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.). Emotional and evaluative attitude of an individual or group to the work performed and the conditions of its course.

Plan: 1. General concept of activity. External and internal activities and their relationship. 2. The structure of human activity. Actions and
3. Conscious and automated components
activities. Skills, skills, habits and their
features. Skills, their structure and
patterns of production.
4. Types of human activity. Concept
leading activity.

1. Domestic psychological school is based on the theory of activity. The creators and successors of this theory are

A.N. Leontiev, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, B.G.
Ananiev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, E.A. Klimov and others.
In general, the activity is understood as
activity of a living organism aimed at
satisfaction of needs and adjustable
a deliberate goal.

Conscious human activity is fundamentally different from the behavior of animals: - not necessarily associated with biological

- not defined only by visual
- formed by assimilation
social experience.

2. The structure of human activity. Action is a process aimed at realizing a goal. They are characterized by a number of

1) acting as a required component
include the act of consciousness in the form of setting and holding
2) it is simultaneously an act of behavior, and external
actions are inextricably linked with consciousness;
3) through the concept of "action" the principle is approved
4) actions can be external, attracted and
internal mental.
Subject actions are actions aimed at
to change the state or properties of objects
outside world. They are made up of certain

Every activity includes both internal and external components. Initially, objective actions are performed (external

component) and only then,
as experience is gained, a person
acquires the ability to do the same
actions in the mind (internal component)
(interiorization). Aimed at the end
account outside, to transform the subject
reality, they are
reverse transformation

a task

3. Conscious and automated components of activity. Skills, skills, habits and their features. Planning mechanism,

control and regulation
actions were investigated by domestic and foreign
physiologists and psychologists - P.K. Anokhin, P.A. Bernstein,
E.A. Afatyan, W. Ashby et al. In their research
it is shown that the goal of any action is presented in
consciousness in the form of a psychological image -
a kind of neuropsychological model.
Mechanism for correcting actions through correlation with
the expected result, as pointed out by P.K.
Anokhin, called an action acceptor.

P.A. Bernstein proposed a completely new
motion control principle; he called it a principle
sensory correction, meaning the corrections made to
impulses based on sensory information about the movement.
In this connection, various structural elements are distinguished
activities - abilities, skills, habits.
Skills are ways of successfully completing an action,
corresponding to the goals and conditions of activity. Skills
always rely on knowledge.
Skill is a fully automated component
actions formed during exercise.

10. The methods of execution, control and regulation of actions that a person uses in the process of activity are called techniques

Skills and skills as modes of action are always
included in specific activities.
For example:
- motor skills are developed in the process
physical labor, sports, in educational
- mental skills are developed in the process
observation, planning, production of oral and
writing calculations, working with a book, etc.

11. Skills formation

Skills are developed through exercise, i.e.
targeted and systematic repetitions
action. With exercise, change as
quantitative and qualitative indicators
In the formation of a skill, there are three main
stage: analytical, synthetic and stage

12. Stages of skill formation

isolation and mastery of individual
action elements
combining elements into a holistic action
exercise to give action
smoothness, desired speed, stress relief

13. Habits are a component of action based on need and repetition. They can to a certain extent

consciously controlled, but not always
are reasonable and useful (bad habits).
Habit Formation Ways:
- imitation;
- as a result of repeated repetition of the action;
- conscious purposeful efforts, for example
by positive reinforcement of the desired
behavior through a material object, verbal
assessment or emotional image.

14. 4. Types of activities. Leading activity concept. There are three types of activity: play, study, work. They differ in

end results, organization and
peculiarities of motivation.
All the diversity of human
activities can be reduced to
three main types: labor, learning,
a game.


The main types of human activity and their prehistory

16. Game is a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience fixed in

socially entrenched
ways of implementing subject
actions in the subjects of science and culture.

17. Teaching It follows the game and precedes labor, drawing closer to labor according to a common attitude: in learning, as in labor, one must perform

assignments, maintain discipline,
educational work is built on responsibilities.
The main purpose of the exercise is to prepare for the future
independent work, and the main
means - mastering the generalized results of
what is created by the previous labor of man.
In animals, learning is impossible. A person has it
possible only at the stage of conscious regulation
their behavior, i.e. by 6-7 years.

18. Labor This is historically the first type of human activity. Karl Marx: work is a conscious, purposeful activity that

is directed to the implementation
result and is regulated by the will in accordance with its
a conscious goal.
Labor is also the main way of forming a personality. IN
work develops human abilities,
his character is formed.
The purpose of the activity lies not in itself, but in its
product. Labor is an activity directed
to create a socially useful product.

19. Each type of activity is the most characteristic for certain age stages of the child's development. Current view

activities like
prepares the next one.
In this regard, in psychology there is a concept
leading activity.
Leading is the type of activity
which at this age stage
determines the main, most important changes in
the child's psyche, in his mental processes and
mental properties of the person, and not the one that
the child is more often engaged.


For a preschooler, VVDe is a game
although they are in accessible forms
are engaged in both educational and labor
for schoolchildren VVDe - teaching;
in adolescents - intimate and personal
in youth and adulthood - work.

1) cognition 2) labor 3) communication 4) forecasting

A18. A conscious image of the intended result is:

1) motive 2) purpose 3) necessity 4) need

A19. Are the judgments about the activity correct:

A) The unit of human activity is action.

B) The unit of human behavior is an act.

A20. Are the judgments about the activity correct:

A) Practical activity is aimed at transforming nature and society.

B) Spiritual activity is aimed at changing the consciousness of people.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

Part 2.

IN 1. Fill in the gaps in the diagram.

IN 2. Fill in the blank in the scheme.

IN 3. Match the activities and their characteristics.

Signs Activities

1) the result is the assimilation of values \u200b\u200bA) labor

and norms of national culture B) teaching

2) satisfaction is the result

material needs

3) the result is the creation

material and spiritual benefits

4) the essence is the transformation of objects

material world

5) learning is essential

previous generations

Part 3.

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C6

Consciousness and activity.

Like the activity of animals, activity is an information-oriented process that presupposes the ability to navigate in the environment - to perceive meaningful messages, to process them into command codes of behavior that cause, direct and control the physical reaction of the system ...

Human information behavior is determined by consciousness, which is the highest form of development of the psyche of animals that have nervous systemcapable of sensing, perceiving and presenting the surrounding reality. Human consciousness is based on the ability for verbal-logical, "verbal" thinking, which is built on top of the system of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes of behavior and completes the simplest forms of "prelogical" - visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. Any person, unlike an animal, has a certain minimum abstract thinkingallowing him to display the environment by means of logical models, ideal modes of action, relatively independent, independent of momentary behavioral situations.

The result of such a work of consciousness is the presence in human activity of a special kind of goals, different from the objective goals of the adaptive activity of animals. We are talking about the conscious goals of activity associated with a person's ability to analyze a situation, i.e. to reveal the implicit, not amenable to "live observation" cause-and-effect relationships of significant components ... This ability allows people to predict the results of their activities in advance, to plan them, i.e. think over the most

appropriate in the given conditions ways to achieve them.

K. X. Momozhyan.

С 1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Title each of them (make a plan for the text).

С 4. Which of the two concepts - purposefulness and expediency should be attributed to human activity? Reason your answer based on this text, as well as knowledge from the course of social studies.

expedient human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values

Alternative descriptions

Great cure for all diseases and sorrows of humanity

The newspaper that awarded Blokhin for performance

The key to all keyholes

He and patience will grind everything

Apostate of stormy pleasures, Onegin locked himself at home, Yawning, took up his pen, I wanted to write - but ... stubborn He was sick. (A. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin")

Work, business, occupation

Work, activity related to the creation of something

Roman E. Zola

With patience - they will grind everything

Synonym for work, occupation

A word to which the epithets "vain" and "monkey" are equally suitable

Pushkin's verse

Reasonable human activity aimed at creating material, artistic and spiritual values \u200b\u200band an important moral and ethical category in the popular worldview

Central newspaper

Human activity disliked by fish in a pond (folklore)

Pushkin's poem

... "Respect ... the cleaning ladies!"

The novel by American writer Reynolds Price "Love and ..."

This word in Old Russian meant sadness, suffering

Mental or overwhelming

The best cure for laziness

Martyshka's aimlessness

Human creator from the point of view of an atheist

Monkey transformer

He made a man out of a monkey, and a horse out of a man

Both Sisyphus and Monkey

Patience Grinding Partner

Work, occupation

Result of activity, work

Together with patience, he will grind everything

He made a man out of a monkey

You can't catch a fish without it

Comes before May, but after the world

A novel by the French writer E. Zola

Evolution engine

An ally of patience in grinding everything

Sisyphean or monkey

Useful business


Craft lesson

Needlework lesson at school

Useful activity

... "Peace, ..., may!"

Companion of patience

Patience and ... grind everything

Patience and ... grind everything

Grinder from the proverb

That which ennobles a person


Patience's ally

Martyshkin ...

... "Patience and ... will grind everything" (ambassador)

Sisyphus and monkey

Soviet newspaper

Comes after the world

... "T" in the TRP

Lesson on which to make a stool

What lesson is a stool given?

Popular newspaper

Brother of patience for grinding

Russian newspaper

Monastic obedience

The work that made man out of ape

Newspaper of the proletariat

Workers newspaper

The meaning of the second letter in the TRP

... "... relieves anxiety much better than alcohol"

Sports Society

Human production activity

Work being done on something

Work, activity related to the creation of something

Work, business, occupation, human activity
