Shapovalova Elina Yurievna
Psychological and pedagogical support of the social and communicative development of preschoolers with mental retardation

In the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education(2013) one of the priority areas of personal development of a child of preschool age is social and communicative development... In modern pedagogy social and communicative development is considered as a complex, multifaceted process, during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he will live. it development a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, development of communicative and social competence of children. IN preschool pedagogy, the point of view of M.I. Lisina, T.A.Repina, A.G. Ruzskaya prevails, based on which "Communication" and "Communication activity" are considered synonymous. It is noted that development of communication between preschoolers and peers, for adults, appears as a process of qualitative transformations of the structure of communicative activity. In the structure of communication as a communicative activity, M.I. Lisina distinguishes components: subject of communication (communication partner); the need for communication consists (the desire for knowledge and assessment of other people, for self-knowledge and self-esteem); communicative motives.

The problem acquires particular importance in the upbringing of children with mental retardation... In the works of a number of researchers - N. V. Babkina, N. Yu. Boryakova, O. V. Zashchirinskaya, E. A. Zavalko, E. V. Lokteva, E. S. Slepovich, U. V. Ulyenkova and others, noted that preschoolers in this category, the need for communication is reduced, there are difficulties in development speech means of communication; from delay there is a change in age-related forms of communication with an adult. General characteristic social and communicative development these children are immaturity of the motivational-need sphere. In the future, this has a negative impact on the formation of the system. social relations of the child... Besides, social and communicative development of children with mental retardation, proceeds in conditions of reduced cognitive activity and a limited understanding of the world around them, which further hinders their favorable socialization, the formation of personality.

To improve efficiency social and communicative development children with mental retardation need a specially organized, targeted correctional developing influence - psychological and pedagogical support(hereinafter PPP).

Based on the most productive theoretical and methodological approaches - systemic, personality-activity, ontogenetic, we have developed a model psychological and pedagogical support for the social and communicative development of senior preschool children age with CRD in conditions preschool educational institution of combined kind: The model includes interrelated components - diagnostic, corrective developing, advisory and methodological, differing in specially selected content and sequence of implementation on three stages: preparatory, performing, control and generalizing.

For each component of the model, the corresponding content, forms and methods of teaching staff are defined, which are aimed at achieving the necessary results.

The diagnostic component contains the initial, intermediate and final psychological- pedagogical diagnostics aimed at assessing the current level social and communicative development of preschoolers with ZPR and determining the zone of the nearest development... This allows you to explore typical behaviors and relationships. preschoolers with adults and peers, relationships with oneself. Identify the behavioral problems of each child and explore the peculiarities of understanding by elders preschoolers manifestations of some feelings and experiences of other people, the ability to focus on these feelings in everyday communication and activities.

The forms and methods are psychological- pedagogical diagnostics and questioning of parents preschoolers with CRA.

Correctional developing the component includes the joint and interrelated activities of a teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist, psychologist and educator... Based on the psychological- pedagogical diagnostics, the development of directions and content of correctional work on social and communicative development children by all participants. Forms and methods are determined in accordance with the laws of age development.

The advisory and methodological component includes activities for psychological- pedagogical support of parents and methodological support of the teaching staff members. Work is carried out with parents to clarify individual characteristics social and communicative development of children; tasks and focus of correctional developing process to overcome deficiencies and development opportunities for children with mental retardation.

At the first - preparatory stage psychological and pedagogical support psychologist... This stage includes diagnostic and advisory-methodological components. Its task is to establish contact with all participants escorts, the scope of work and the sequence of the process are determined escorts... At the council, all participants study the diagnostic results and draw up the relevant sections of the individual program accompanying a child; methodological support of teachers is provided and psychological- pedagogical counseling for parents of children with mental retardation.

At the second - performing stage psychological and pedagogical support educators, teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist take part, psychologist... This stage includes correctional developing and advisory and methodological components. Specialists of teaching staff - speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, psychologist organize the selection of the necessary social and communicative development a child with a mental retardation of correctional methods and techniques in accordance with the results of diagnostics, conducts individual correctional developing classes in their areas. Provide informational and methodological support for all members of the teaching staff and for parents.

The teacher conducts individual work with a small group of children on the instructions of a teacher-defectologist and speech therapist; organizes joint activities of children; uses project activities in working with children, involving the active participation of the parents of the pupils.

At the third - generalizing stage, educators, a teacher-defectologist, a speech therapist, psychologist... This stage includes consultative, methodological and diagnostic components. This is where the results and dynamics are diagnosed social and communicative development of children with mental retardation, development of recommendations, consulting by specialists of teachers on the choice of individually-oriented methods and techniques for working with children; family counseling. The result of the generalizing stage is the introduction of the necessary changes in the educational process and the process of psychological and pedagogical support of the social and communicative development of senior preschool children with developmental disorders, adjustment of the conditions and forms of education, methods and techniques of work, as well as methodological support for the teaching staff members.

Thus, the model presented by us psychological and pedagogical support aims to effectively improve social and communicative development of older preschool children with mental retardation, which was confirmed in experimental work.

Bibliographic list

1. Babkina N.V. Psychological support children with mental retardation in the context of educational integration // Education and training of children with disabilities development... 2012. - No. 1. - P. 23 - 31.

2. Wenger, A. L. Ontogenetic approach to correction mental development of the child [Text] / A... L. Venger., Yu. S. Shevchenko // Defectology. 2004. – №1.– P. 8-16.

3. Mamaichuk I. I., Ilyina M. N. Help psychologist for a child with mental retardation... Scientific and practical guidance. SPb .: Rech, 2004. S. 25-240.

4. Development of communication in preschoolers / ed.... A. V. Zaporozhets and M. I. Lisina. - M .: Pedagogy, 2004 .-- S. 174-289.

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Collection output:


Kazannikova Anna Vyacheslavovna

cand. ped. Sciences, Assoc. Department of Continuing Professional Education of the Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin ",

RF, St. Petersburg

E- mail: kazannikova@ yandex. ru

Petrova Tatiana Olegovna

head of the State budgetary preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 21 of the Kirovsky district

RF, St. Petersburg

E- mail: dou[email protected] kirov. spb. ru

Silina Svetlana Yurievna

deputy Head for Teaching and Educational Work of the State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of Kindergarten No. 21 of the Kirovsky District

RF, r. Saint- Petersburg


Anna Kazannikova

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Supplementary Vocational Education Chair, Independent Educational Institution Pushkin Leningrad State University,

Russia, St. Petersburg

Tatyana Petrova

head of State Budget Pre-school Educational Institution
of Kindergarten No. 21 of Kirovskiy Region,

Russia, St. Petersburg

Svetlana Silina

deputy Manager of Educational Work, State Budget Pre-school Educational Institution of Kindergarten No. 21 of Kirovskiy Region,

Russia, St. Petersburg


The article presents a project of a model of psychological and pedagogical support for a preschooler in the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. The principles, construction tasks and structural components of the model project are determined. Within the framework of the formation of a criteria-based assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed project, the indicators of the level of development of the child's communicative actions are identified.


A model project of psychological and pedagogical support of preschool child within the requirements of Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education is presented in the article. Principles, objectives of formation and structural components of the model project are determined. Performance indicators of development level of the child "s communicative actions are singled out as a part of the criteria estimation formation of the proposed project effectiveness.

Keywords: FSES of preschool education, psychological and pedagogical support, structural model of the project of psychological and pedagogical support, criteria and indicators of the level of development of the child's communicative actions.

Keywords: Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education; psychological and pedagogical support; structural project model of psychological and pedagogical support; criteria and indicators of development level of the child "s communicative actions.

The requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation" and the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education are the development in educational organization preschool education kindergarten educational program. The preschool education program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children, ensuring the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various activities. The relevance of this problem for our educational organization is associated with the implementation of the project of experimental work on the topic "Designing psychological and pedagogical support for the socialization and individualization of child development in the conditions of educational activities of preschool educational institutions" (order of the Education Committee dated 05.08.2014 No. 3364-r) ...

The relevance of work on the creation of an innovative project in the framework of the experimental work of educational institutions is also associated with the fact that as a result of the design of psychological and pedagogical support for a child at the stage of preschool education, it is desirable to have such a model that could be in demand by most preschool institutions at the stage of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. ...

The concept of "pedagogical support" in modern pedagogy is used widely and in many ways. It is associated, firstly, with the activities of various services of society that are interested in the protection and protection of the social rights of children. Second, pedagogical support is understood as a system of diverse activities carried out in order to differentiate according to interests, inclinations, life aspirations and aimed at identifying and supporting them. The main means of pedagogical support are “unconditional positive acceptance” (formulated by K. Rogers) of the child by the teacher, empathy, communicative, creative intensity of interaction. The teacher, armed with such a goal, realizes himself as a subject of a personality-developing situation, reflects himself in the role of a specific carrier of the personal experience of self-regulation, offers this experience to the child as a means of supporting and solving his personal problems.

In foreign studies from different countries, pedagogical support is considered as school counseling, psychological and pedagogical consulting service in the education system - in the United States; as coaching - helping and assisting individuals in positive change - in Australia; as help in a situation of choice, as guardianship, pastoral care, as a course of personal and social education - in England; as a system of psychological and pedagogical assistance and support for a child in the educational process and in choosing a professional path - in the Netherlands.

The analysis of pedagogical literature on the problem of modeling the system of pedagogical support for a child allowed the authors to present a variant of designing a model of psychological and pedagogical support for children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

The proposed project of the model of psychological and pedagogical support is based on a systematic approach. Based on a systematic approach, the authors identified the following alleged blocks of the projected model of psychological and pedagogical support of children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education: target, meaningful, organizational, (Table 1).

Table 1.

Draft model of psychological and pedagogical support of preschool children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education

target block

Social order: the development of the child's personality in accordance with the target guidelines for the directions of the child's development, as well as self-actualization of preschoolers


the child's awareness of his difference from others

social and communicative:

(help in communication, interaction with other children, teachers)

individual psychological (the content of the component is associated with the formation of motivation for various types of activity

organizational block: stages of model development

Organizational and preparatory:

includes the development of a conceptual vision of psychological and pedagogical support for children


determining the level of development of the child,

designing the teacher's activities to create conditions for psychological and pedagogical support of children

Procedural: implementation of methodological support for psychological and pedagogical support of children: search, assessment, choice


discussion of the results of previous stages of activity, determination of the potential readiness of the child

organizational block: support organization forms

mass (various types of children's activities)

group / work in small groups


organizational block: forms of assessment - criteria


socially communicative

individual psychological

organizational block: assessment forms - child achievement levels


The draft model of psychological and pedagogical support for preschoolers is built in accordance with the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education (clause 1.4):

  • the construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education;
  • supporting the initiative of children in various activities;
  • age adequacy of preschool education.

The principles of constructing a project of a model of psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children made it possible to identify the main tasks, the implementation of which will allow us to correlate the goals and focus of psychological and pedagogical support for the successful socialization and individualization of a child within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, namely:

  • to create conditions for the implementation of the preschool education program, in which it is possible to solve the problems associated with the individualization and subjectivization of the educational process of teaching preschool children;
  • to correlate the conditions, requirements and methods in the implementation of the preschool education program to the age and developmental characteristics of preschool children.

Correlation of the goal, objectives and focus of the model project on successful socialization and the possibility of individual development of the child in the conditions of the presented model project was determined by:

  • content content of the model project being implemented;
  • stages of building a model project: organizational-preparatory, diagnostic-projective, procedural and reflexive;
  • possible forms of organizational support for a preschooler;
  • criteria and indicators of the child's achievement level.

The target block, the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education and the content orientation of the presented project model determined the possible pedagogical result:

  • value-semantic;
  • social and communicative;
  • individual psychological.

The value-semantic criterion of the pedagogical result should be correlated with the actions of teachers within the framework of the proposed project of the model of psychological and pedagogical support. At the same time, the actualization of the value orientations of teachers within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education can be correlated with the principles and tasks of building a model project. The interaction of a teacher and a child on the principles of subject-subject interaction implies a reorientation to support the initiative of children in various activities, allowing the child to become active in choosing the content of his education in order to fulfill his requests, interests and needs.

The socio-communicative criterion, in our opinion, can be correlated with the target guidelines for the development of a preschooler in the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education. This is the receipt by the child of the necessary information about the world and about himself. Formation of an image “I and the World” that is adequate in accordance with age and individual capabilities.

Table 2 presents approaches to the design of the content block of the model of psychological and pedagogical support for an older preschooler, within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in accordance with the target guidelines of the child's social and communicative development at the stage of completion of the preschool education level.

The selection of positions from the target points of reference at the stage of completing preschool education as criteria for the social and communicative development of a child allows the authors to concretize the content block of the project of a model of psychological and pedagogical support for a preschooler. At the same time, the proposed indicators make it possible to select methods for determining the level of a child's achievements in the evaluation block of the proposed project model that correspond to the age and individual characteristics of the preschooler's development (Table 1).

Table 2.

Approaches to the design of the content block of the project of the model of psychological and pedagogical support of the child

criterion of social and communicative development of a child

development indicator

determination method

value-semantic: the child's awareness of his own difference from others

attitude towards yourself and other children

  • treating yourself as a group member
  • attitude towards other members of the group
  • self-esteem


"Two houses"


social and communicative: (help in communication, interaction with other children, teachers)

level of partnership dialogue development

  • ability to listen to partner
  • ability to negotiate
  • empathy ability

diagnostics ability

children to partner

dialogue according to A.M. Shchetinina)

technique "Pencils"

individual psychological: (the content of the component is associated with the formation of motivation for various types of activity)

level of cooperation development

  • ability to see partner actions
  • coordination of actions of partners
  • mutual control
  • mutual aid
  • attitude to the result


method "Labyrinth"

(according to L.A. Wenger)

The individual psychological criterion for a teacher should be based on the teacher's knowledge of the child's difficulties. For a child, it is possible to master the skills and means of overcoming the critical zones of self-development in accordance with age characteristics.

Thus, the presented project of a model of psychological and pedagogical support for a preschooler is sustained in the logic of designing programs within the framework of the requirements of the Federal Law on Education when designing educational programs for different levels of education, namely: target, content and organizational.

The target block is based on the social order of the state to ensure a certain readiness of the preschooler at the stage of completion of the preschool education program for the next stage of continuing education - primary general education.

The organizational block includes the stages of building a model necessary for the successful implementation of the declared project into the practice of an educational institution: organizational and preparatory, diagnostic and projective, procedural, reflexive.

The organizational unit is also necessary to determine the result of the work, both for the teacher (self-audit of pedagogical activities to accompany the child) and for the child.

The presented approach to the formation of the model makes it possible to determine the algorithm of actions of the creative group in the conditions of the experiment in the framework of the experimental work.

List of references:

  1. Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Psychology of giftedness: concept, types, problems / D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, M.E. Epiphany. - M .: Education, 2005 .-- S. 59.
  2. A.A. Kogut On the issue of diagnosing the development of the communicative activity of senior preschoolers // Man and education. 2012. No. 4 (33). - S. 161-164.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1155 of October 17, 2013 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education."
  4. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / Ed. N.S. Leites. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1996. - 416 p.
  5. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".
  6. Shavrinova E.N. Formation of the system of pedagogical support of a child in an educational institution / Abstract for competition academic degree candidate of pedagogical sciences. - St. Petersburg. 2008.23 p. - (Date of treatment 05/13/2015).
  7. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http: //xn--e1aogju.xn--p1ai/ (Date of treatment 05/11/2015).
  8. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (Date of treatment 05.13.2015).

Pedagogical Council


1. Implementation of decisions of the previous teachers' council

Art. educator, preschool teachers

2. Social and communicative development of a preschooler

Art. educator

3. Determination of the main directions of social and communicative development of a preschool child

Preschool teacher

4. Psychological comfort of the group

Preschool teachers

5. Techniques for enhancing children's activities

Art. educator, teachers

6. Miscellaneous.

Warm-up for participants

Communication game "You don't know what I love yet"

Game rules: an object is passed in a circle. Each participant continues the phrase: "You still don't know what I love in my free time ..." (an option is to do in my free time ... (some fact about myself is called, which is unknown to most) "

Assignment: set a goal for this game, name the possible options for this game with children.

1. Introduction (senior educator)

Modern society requires proactive young people who are able to find “themselves” and their place in life, to restore Russian spiritual culture, morally stable, socially adapted, capable of self-development and continuous self-improvement.

The basic structures of the personality are laid in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility to foster such qualities in the younger generation.

In this regard, the problem of social and communicative development - the development of a child in interaction with the world around him - becomes especially relevant at this modern stage.

This fact is reflected in the main federal documents that determine the activities of governing bodies and educational institutions.

Thus, Articles 12 and 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" establish general requirements for the programs and content of education, which, first of all, should focus on the adaptation of the individual to life in society, on ensuring self-determination of the individual and creating conditions for his self-realization.

The concept of modernization of Russian education emphasizes: "The most important tasks of education are the formation of spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society."

The standard of preschool education, one of the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education, puts forward requirements for the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age: to the social and communicative development of his pupils.

Thus, being a priority, the socio-communicative development of children is now ranked among the strategic directions of renewing Russian education, including preschool education, and is directly related not only to pedagogy, but also psychology, which studies the influence of the social environment on the development of a child's personality.

2. Determination of the main directions of social and communicative development of a preschool child

Speech by a preschool teacher

3. Psychological comfort of the group

Speeches of preschool educational institutions from work experience

4. The practical part of the teacher's council

1. Analysis of situations

1 part of the situation. “During a tour of the zoo, the kindergarten teacher introduced the children to various animals - their habits, lifestyle, appearance, etc. Upon returning to the group, she brought toys of animals into the room that the children got to know, expecting them to start play "zoo". But, the children, neither in that nor in the following days, did not play "at the zoo". Why?

2 part of the situation. “The teacher repeated the excursion and introduced the children not only to animals, but also to the work of people in the zoo: the cashier sells tickets, the controller checks them and lets visitors through, the cleaners remove the cages with the animals, the cooks prepare food and feed the animals, the doctor treats sick animals, the guide tells visitors about animals, etc. Some time after this repeated excursion, the children independently began a game "to the zoo", in which the cashier, the controller, mothers and fathers with children, a guide, "animal cuisine" with a cook, "animal hospital "with a doctor, etc. All these characters were introduced into the game gradually, the game lasted for several days, all the while getting rich and complicated. "

Part 1 of the situation: “During the trip to the dacha, the children received many vivid impressions of the railway: they saw the train for the first time, got into the carriages themselves, heard the announcements on the radio about the departure of the train, etc. The impression from the trip was quite strong: children enthusiastically talked about the trip, drew trains, but the game did not arise. Why? "

The second part of the situation: “Then another, additional excursion to the railway station was conducted with the children. During this excursion, the children were introduced to how the head of the station greets each arriving train, how the train is unloaded from luggage, how the driver and assistant inspect the serviceability of the train, how the conductors clean the cars and serve passengers, etc. After this tour, the children immediately the game "railroad" arose, in which the characters familiar to them took part. "

CONCLUSION: DB Elkonin: The reality in which the child lives can be conditionally divided into two interrelated, but at the same time different spheres. The first is the sphere of objects (things, both natural and created by human hands; the second is the sphere of human activity and their relationships.

These results indicate that role play is especially sensitive to the sphere of human activity and relations between them, and that this reality is its content.

2. Techniques for enhancing children's activities

Analysis and synthesis method

Imagine that a teacher and children are looking at a picture that shows a builder with a construction tool in front of a house under construction. What techniques can a teacher use to increase cognitive activity?

Comparison method (by contrast and by similarity, similarity.)

A question for a child: “What is the difference between an elephant and a wolf? "Or" What are the similarities between a wolf and an elephant? "

Which question is more appropriate to ask the child: comparison by similarity or by contrast?

Reception classification

For example - "Divide the pictures into two groups - in one take everything that is needed for the work of the cook, and in the other - for the doctor." (4-5 years old)

The complication of tasks goes along the line of increasing the number of objects for grouping and along the line of increasing the complexity of the basis for classification. For example, older preschoolers are offered different objects or their images in pictures: a winter hat, panama hat, a toothbrush, a ball, soap, skis, pencils.

Assignment: select the items that the girl will need in the summer, the boy - in the winter. Explain the solution. Now, from the same items, choose those that are needed for the game, in order to be healthy; what will help to tell about you?

Modeling and design method

The combination in this method of verbal explanation, practical implementation and play motivation contributes to an increase in cognitive activity. For example, children and their parents are busy arranging a children's room: you need to determine a place for a play corner, for books, for plants and animals. You can offer the child first to make a model for placing objects out of a small builder and justify their proposals.

Using game situations in communicative development

In preschool age, it is very important to develop a child's communication skills. This is necessary so that the baby is adapted to life in society, has an active and responsible social position, can realize himself, can always find a common language with any person and make friends. The communicative development of children contributes to the change and development of his emotional sphere, the child begins to be aware of and better control his emotions.

A variety of play pedagogical technologies contribute to the development of the child's emotional sphere. In particular, the organization of a variety of game situations that ensure the development of positive experience and value orientations.

“Guess” - one child reproduces the gesture, while others guess its meaning.

"Gait" - one child depicts the gait of someone (man, animal, bird, etc.), and the rest of the children guess who it belongs to.

“Foreigner” - one child, depicting foreigners with the help of gestures and facial expressions, asks how to get to the zoo, to the pool, to the square, and the rest of the children, also using gestures and facial expressions, answer his questions.

To improve the ability to pronounce words clearly and clearly, children are offered:

depict how the sea is raging, with what voice Baba Yaga, Cinderella and other fairy-tale characters speak; to pronounce a familiar quatrain - in a whisper, as loudly as possible, like a robot, at the speed of a machine-gun burst, sadly, joyfully, surprised, indifferent.

Teach children to negotiate. Such a game will help to avoid conflicts in the children's collective - the peace track "Path of friendship"

Children go to different sides of the carpet and slowly walk towards each other, saying the words:

I walk along the path and release my anger.

I don't want to be sad

And angry too.

Friendship path can reconcile us with friends.

Children meet in the "Circle of Use" (large hoop).

Pedagogical council decision

"Social and communicative development of a child - preschooler"

1. To improve the work on the social and communicative development of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO

DOE teachers, constantly

2. Summarize the experience of "Psychological comfort of the group"

Teachers of the preschool educational institution, the deadline is determined by the teachers' council

3. To activate the cognitive activity of children for the social development of personality through the organization of excursions, the use of ICT

All teachers, constantly

4. Conduct an analysis of the developmental environment of the group and make an estimate of the necessary equipment

All teachers, until 05/01/2014

Consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Organization of a developing environment in the educational field" Social and communicative development "

The problem of the social and personal development of a preschool child in the process of his interaction with the outside world becomes especially relevant at the present stage, since the main personality structures are laid down in the preschool period of childhood, which, in turn, imposes on the family and the preschool institution a special responsibility for the upbringing of the necessary personal qualities in children.

One of the 5 priority areas of activity of a preschool institution (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO) is the social and communicative development of preschool children, the organization and methodological support of socially oriented educational activities, as conditions for the implementation of the social order of society and the family.

The main goal of this direction is the positive socialization of preschool children, familiarizing them with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

The tasks of social and communicative development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO are as follows:

1. Create conditions for preschool children to assimilate the norms and values \u200b\u200baccepted in society, including moral and ethical values.

2. To develop the social and emotional intelligence of children, their emotional responsiveness, empathy, the skills of friendly communication and interaction with adults and peers.

3. To contribute to the development of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of children's own actions.

4. To form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in a team, positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity.

5. To form in children the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature; readiness for joint activities with peers.

To solve the set tasks, a number of conditions must be observed ^

Use of health-saving educational technologies in the practice of the preschool educational institution;

Implementation of a general education program;

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment.

When creating a developmental space in the group premises of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to be guided by the principles, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, which presuppose the unity of social and substantive means of ensuring the various activities of the child:

Saturation of the environment (compliance with the age capabilities of children and the content of the Program);

Transformability (the possibility of changes in the teaching staff depending on the educational situation);

Multifunctionality (the possibility of various uses);

Variation (variety, periodic change of game material);

Accessibility (free access to playbooks);

Security (compliance with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use).

When organizing the subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in various age groups of preschool educational institutions, it must be remembered that its content in the direction of "Social and communicative development" of preschool children should be determined by the content of educational activities in this direction and the age category of children.

So, for example, in our group in this direction of development of preschool children, the following Activity Centers are represented:

Security Center.

Center for role-playing games.

Center for social and communicative development (labor education of boys and girls).

The requirements for their content and occupancy in accordance with the age group are reflected in the passports of the centers in the group developed by us. Let's consider each of them.

1. The analysis of the goals and objectives of the formation of the foundations of life safety in children in the senior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (they are in front of you on the screen, the main directions of work and principles made it possible to draw up a passport of the Security Center, in accordance with which it was filled with didactic games and manuals in according to the age of the children.

So, for example, according to traffic rules in the senior group, in accordance with the requirements, there are:

The owner is a traffic light.

An intersection layout, with the help of which children can solve complex logic problems on road safety.

Road signs set.

Didactic games.

The traffic controller's gesture schemes, the didactic game “What does the rod say? ", Attributes of a traffic police inspector: wand, cap.

The formation in children of the skills of life safety and the prerequisites of environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) occurs not only in the course of spontaneous interaction with social reality and the surrounding world, but also in the process of purposeful introduction of the child to social reality in the preschool educational institution, therefore, the Safety Center has didactic games , thematic albums in three directions:

Prevention of road traffic accidents and the study of traffic rules;

Formation of the ability to take care of your health;

Fire safety prevention.

The Center has didactic manuals "Zdorovyachka and Khlyupik Islands", "In the Country of Zdravolandii", "Pros and cons of natural phenomena", "Zdorovei-ka", the purpose of which is to increase children's cognitive competence about the possibilities of a healthy lifestyle, healing with medicinal herbs, the use of additional means of preventing colds; the formation in children of the ability to take care of their health In the future, the creation in the group of didactic manuals for the formation of children's knowledge about safety on the water, in nature and at home.

2. Taking into account the types of work and forms of organization of labor activity in senior preschool age (they are in front of you on the screen, the Center for Social and Communicative Development has created conditions for the labor education of children (boys and girls):

Collective labor organizations for cleaning a group room or site.

Labor organizations with small groups of children.

Organization of labor orders and work with duty officers.

Manual labor organizations.

Didactic manuals ("Cube of choice", "Islands of duty") have been created for organizing the work of children (determining the number of participants, type of work activity, grouping, assigning types of work, determining the type of duty and assignments, which predetermines the nature of children's relationships in the process of joint labor Thanks to the use of these manuals, the basic foundation of the labor skills of children is laid, formed precisely in the older group (in the future, these formed skills and abilities are only improved, the main thing in which are the skills:

Accept the purpose of labor;

Highlight the subject of labor;

Anticipate the result of labor;

Plan the work process;

Select the necessary equipment;

Bring the work started to the end.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of adults, the diversity of professions, modern technology, machines and mechanisms involved in human labor and their role, thematic albums, a selection of presentations for children, and didactic games have been developed.

In the future, the creation of conditions in the group for boys to work with wood: hammering, sawing, painting in the manufacture of toys, etc.

3. Social development of the individual is carried out in activity. Children's activities are carried out in various age-appropriate forms of work with children, a special place among which is played by play as an activity of value in itself.

After analyzing the classification of games, the characteristics and prerequisites of role-playing games, we organized the Center for role-playing games, in which sets of objects and accessories for role-playing games, recommended precisely in older preschool age, are concentrated. At the Center, senior preschool children have the opportunity to organize role-playing games in the following areas:

Family ("Home, Family");

Education ("Kindergarten");

Health ("Ambulance", "Clinic", "Hospital");

Trade ("Shop");

Manufacturing ("Sewing Atelier");

Construction ("Construction", "Building a house");

Entertainment, public places ("In a cafe");

Travelers ("Travel around the World");

Transport ("On the roads of the city");

Military themes ("Border guards", "We are military intelligence officers");

Sports ("We are athletes")

In the Center for Role-Playing Games, a didactic manual "Play Daisies" has been created, which helps children decide on the choice of a role-playing game, an individual role in a joint game, the necessary items and accessories for the game. Before the game, children and partners choose their roles, place pictures with objects that they need on a daisy, prepare the selected accessories and jointly unfold the plot of the game. T. about. children develop the ability to independently plan and design joint role-playing games.

Positive socialization of preschool children, their introduction to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state is carried out not only through the organization of purposeful development and upbringing, but also the socialization of the child in the process of life.

In childhood, socialization agents have a huge impact on the socialization process, that is, the persons with whom the child has direct interaction (family, kindergarten, society).

An important factor in the upbringing and development of the child, in the acquisition of social experience by him, the family is (as one of the institutions of socialization).

A child in a family learns to communicate, gains the first social experience, learns social orientation. That is why one of the main tasks of our activity is the creation of full-fledged social cooperation in the triad "teacher-children-parents". The recognition of the priority of family education requires a new attitude towards the family and new forms of work with families on the part of the preschool institution. The novelty of such relations is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

Cooperation - communication "on an equal footing", where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate. Parents become active participants in the educational process, in the management of a preschool institution.

Thus, an important condition for organizing socially-oriented educational activities is not only the competent construction of the subject-spatial environment, but also the partnership between the preschool educational institution and the family, which makes it possible to include children in the implementation of real affairs, participation in pedagogical child-parent projects, and the transformation of real life. Therefore, another important condition is the organization of an integral pedagogical system, competent and pedagogically expedient construction of the educational process in a preschool educational institution together with parents.

Generalization of experience on the topic ""

Life puts forward before the theory and practice of education and upbringing, in addition to traditional questions - what and how to teach in modern conditions, a priority problem: how to form a person who would meet the requirements of society at the current stage of historical development. That is why today we turn to the personality of a child, the analysis of the processes that influence its formation.

Parents and educators are more concerned than ever about what needs to be done so that a child entering this world becomes confident, happy, intelligent, kind and successful, able to communicate with the people around him. Teaching a child to communicate requires a lot of patience, love and desire to help him understand the complex world of relationships with peers and adults. In preschool age, a holistic life experience of the child is formed. Social development is a process during which a child learns the values, traditions, culture of a society where he will live with other people, taking into account their interests, rules and norms of behavior. He accepts age-specific norms of behavior in a peer group, learns effective ways to get out of difficult situations, explores the boundaries of what is permitted, solves his emotional problems, learns to influence others, has fun, learns the world, himself and others.

In this regard, the problem of social and personal development - the development of a child in interaction with the world around him - has always been and still remains particularly relevant at this modern stage.

Modernization concept Russian education emphasizes: "The most important tasks of education are the formation of spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society."

In this regard, I set a goal:

Creation of conditions for the full-fledged social development of preschoolers.

1. To form in children the skills of tolerant behavior in society.

2. To develop the interest of preschoolers in the history of their family and country;

3. To raise the level of awareness of parents about the activities of the Institution on this topic;

Expected results:

Formation of tolerant behavior skills in children;

Increase in the percentage of parents' involvement in the life of the kindergarten and the group in particular;

Expanding the creative abilities of teachers;

It should be noted that social and communicative development occurs successfully if it is included in various moments of the educational process (GCD, joint activities of the educator and the child, independent activities of children and when working with parents).

To optimize work on this issue, I have developed a cyclogram of the educational process, which allows you to take into account all planned activities during the day.

I attach great importance to the development of the child's speech in the development of personality. The better a child's speech is, the easier it is for him to establish contacts with peers, to be active in games, discussions, to understand the meaning of what was said by peers and adults.

When working with children, I use fairy tales of a social nature, in the process of telling which children learn that they need to find friends for themselves, that one is bored and sad (the tale “How a Truck I Was Looking for a Friend”); that you need to be polite (the fairy tale "About an uneducated mouse"); stories (L. Tolstoy "Two comrades", K. Ushinsky "Close together, apart boring", A. Barto "Vovka is a kind soul", N. Kalinin "Is that how they play?").

I try to teach children to comprehend the world through familiarity with the main aesthetic categories that are in opposition: truth-lie, courage-cowardice, generosity-greed, and so on. All this material is taken from fairy tales, folklore and literary works and everyday, everyday life events. I noticed that the more often children participate in the discussion of various problem situations, listen to stories, fairy tales, and perform game exercises, the better they understand the surrounding reality, learn to evaluate their own and other people's actions, choose their own line of behavior and interaction with others. The main activity of a child is play. And through children's play activities we satisfy the most important social needs of the child: independence, initiative, the ability to play side by side, negotiate, and so on. While playing, the child is always at the junction of the real game world - this is the main achievement of the game, such games as "My family", "Away", "Toy store", "Supermarket", "House of Models" and so on.

I attach great importance to didactic games as a means of versatile education of a child's personality. I teach children to find characteristic signs in the phenomena of the world around them, draw conclusions, conclusions, such as “Think, guess”, “Who knows more,” “Answer questions,” “How Buratino became polite” and so on.

With the knowledge acquired as a result of the activities carried out, the child develops those personality traits with which he successfully and confidently walks through life.

Social and communicative development is multifaceted and labor-intensive. The main goal is to help children enter the modern world calmly, painlessly.

I carry out pedagogical technologies for the social and communicative development of children in stages:

I start my work by collecting information about the individual personality traits of pupils;

I make long-term planning of work with children and parents;

I carry out the correction of existing social and emotional problems, which I solve together with specialists;

I summarize through monitoring.

The group has created a developing subject-spatial environment in which children can and love to communicate, show initiative, and are independent in choosing activities and partners.

In older preschool children, the greatest emotional response is found in situations such as:

1. Practical situations of humanistic choice.

Preschoolers are faced with a choice: to respond to the problems of other children or to prefer personal interests and to show indifference? Respond to a request for help or ignore it?

The behavior of children in situations of choice helps to better understand the features of their social and personal development.

2. Practical situations of a problematic nature such as “How to be, what to do? "

These are various situations of difficulty that I create in order to awaken initiative, independence, intelligence, responsiveness in children, and a willingness to look for the right solutions.

3. Practical situations "We are the oldest in kindergarten."

Children learn to take care of babies, they develop a sense of self-esteem, a kind attitude towards little ones, an understanding of their problems.

Were organized situations "Let's please the kids with gifts made by our own hands", "We will prepare a concert for the kids", "We will show a fairy tale", "We will help to make a snow slide."

4. Situations like "We are friends with schoolchildren"

Older preschoolers gain experience of cooperation with schoolchildren: “We have a sports holiday”, “Joint literary quiz in the library”, “We are waiting for our teachers”.

5. Children are very carried away by situations like "Teach your friend what you can do yourself."

I encourage children to show attention to each other, mutual assistance and cooperation. Children share their experience, we help them to enter the role of “teacher”, that is, to be patient, attentive and condescending to the mistakes and difficulties of their peers.

6. Also, children participate in imitation games: changes in emotional and physical states, imitations of states of nature, etc.

I would like to emphasize that our constant assistant in the social and communicative development of children is the family. As a rule, socialization is carried out in the family, which is the main conductor of knowledge, values, attitudes and customs from generation to generation.

Thus, the implementation of the tasks of the section "Social and communicative development" plays a significant role in the development of the personality of preschoolers and prepares him for the transition to school.

We do everything so that our children go through life with an open heart and a lively mind, with kindness and respect, and become patriots of our planet Earth.

Used Books:

1. Kolomiychenko L. Program of social development // Preschool education, №1, 5, 8/2005.

2. About socialization of preschoolers // Preschool education, №4 / 2006.

3. Strelchenko G. Social development of a preschooler // Preschool education (application). - 2006

Social and communicative development of preschoolers

Social and communicative development of preschoolers

Preschool age is the time of active socialization of the child, development of communication with adults and peers, awakening of moral and aesthetic feelings. The child looks at the world around him with wide eyes. He wants to know him to feel, to make his own.

The specificity of preschool age lies in the fact that all mental processes are very mobile and flexible, and the development of a child's potential capabilities largely depends on what conditions for this development will be created by teachers and parents. Psychological and pedagogical science unconditionally recognizes the fact that the real abilities of a child can appear quite late, and the education that he receives greatly contributes to their manifestation. In particular, the concept of "Zone of proximal development" introduced by LS Vygotsky in a special way fixed this well-known fact. Therefore, when defining the individual characteristics of a preschool child, it is preferable, first of all, to keep in mind his "inclinations", which are the basis for the further development of abilities.

Therefore, when analyzing the achievements of a preschool child at each stage of his development, it is necessary to understand the results are intermediate and can only serve as a basis for the teacher's choice of methods and techniques for individual work. An objective, adequate assessment of the development of children is important, and an incorrect interpretation of the results of diagnostics can have a negative impact on both the development of the personality and the further educational trajectory of the child. Thus, we assessed the level of formation of social competence in the course of analyzing the results of observation of children in the process of direct educational activity, as well as in regime moments. The analysis of the monitoring results was not an end in itself. It was necessary to establish the initial level of formation of moral competence, the analysis of which allows us to plan further work on the social development of children. The analysis of observations was aimed at the child's real position in the peer group, the nature of relationships with peers, and the child's role in joint activities.

Thus, solving the problems of moral education, we structured our work in accordance with the local conditions and characteristics of children, taking into account the following principles:

- "positive centrism";

Continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process;

a differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of his psychological characteristics, capabilities and interests;

a rational combination of different types of activity, a balance of intellectual, emotional and motor loads adequate for age;

Activity approach;

Of course, a preschooler is not yet able to purposefully educate himself, but attention to himself, understanding of his essence, understanding that he is a human being, gradual awareness of his capabilities contributed to the fact that children learned to be attentive to their physical and mental health, through themselves they learned to see other people, to understand their feelings, experiences, actions, thoughts.

Our main task was to gradually introduce the child to the understanding of the essence of the social world. Naturally, the speed of assimilation of the material and the depth of its knowledge are very individual. Much depended on the sex of the child, on the nature of the social experience accumulated by him, on the characteristics of the development of his emotional and cognitive spheres, etc. We focused not only on the age of the preschooler, but also on his actual mastery of the material. Using games, classes, exercises with varying degrees of difficulty, in order to select what is most consistent with the level of development of a particular child so that he masters the material individually. For example, in the game "What is he" we teach children to listen attentively to the speaker's intonation and to determine his state of mind by intonation. And in the “Interesting minute” exercise, we invite the children to remember and tell what remarkable things they noticed during the day (a good deed by a friend, helping an adult, etc.) and comment on this event.

In accordance with the content of the material, its characteristics were determined by the main activity of the child, the most adequate, the realizable task. In one case it could be a game, in another - work, in the third - occupations, cognitive activity. Forms of work - collective, subgroup, individual.

Paying special attention to the organization and style of educational work, since it is this process that is the basis and indicator of the success of solving problems for the social development of preschoolers. The focus of educational work: the child should feel confident, protected, happy, convinced that he is loved, and that his reasonable needs are met at the preschool educational institution. Together with the children, we equip our group, they help, say, make manuals, toys, meet and see off guests, etc. If the child is mistaken about something, we prompt, but so as to once again arouse interest.

In our group, places are allocated not only for solitude - one to draw, see a book, think, dream, but also for collective games, classes, experiments, work. In general, the group was dominated by an atmosphere of employment, meaningful communication, research, creativity, joy. Children know not only their responsibilities, but also their rights. Relationships with adults are trusting, benevolent, but not equal. The child understands: he still does not know much, does not know how. An adult is educated, experienced, so you need to listen to his advice and words. However, at the same time, the child knows that not all adults are educated, that the behavior of many does not at all correspond to moral foundations (and they do not hide this from him). The child learns to distinguish between positive and negative actions.

Work on social development began with the younger group, gradually complicating its content. Younger preschoolers are interested in including themselves in the surrounding reality through play actions. Accordingly, the consideration of one's “I” as a part of “adult” reality made it possible to form an idea of \u200b\u200boneself, one's capabilities, fostered initiative and independence, developed activity and self-confidence. Already in the younger group, children are actively involved in games - imitations. Babies imitate the actions of different animals, and also convey the images of animals and their babies. In my show, and independently in movements and facial expressions, they reproduce different moods of animals (good - evil, cheerful - sad) and their images. For example: a small fast mouse and a big clumsy bear.

The family is our constant helper in the social development of children. Only in cooperation with close adults can you achieve high educational results. We try to interest the parents of our pupils, for example, with the desire to instill in children a love for their ancestors. We are trying to revive a valuable tradition - to be proud of our ancestry, to continue its best traditions. In this regard, individual conversations were used, the purpose of which was to draw the child's attention to his own family, teach her to love, be proud of her.

Interaction with the family is effective only when we and parents trust each other, understand and accept the common goals, methods and means of social development. Showing parents their sincere interest, kind attitude towards the child, the desire to contribute to his successful development, which made it possible to become the basis of our joint efforts with the family and help the child in establishing contacts with the social world.

The emotionally comfortable climate in the group and the meaningful, personality-oriented interaction of the educator with the children, the living example of the educator, his sincere participation in the affairs and problems of children, the ability to support their initiative and encourage the manifestation of good feelings - led to the successful social development of preschoolers.

Synopsis of the lesson on the communicative development of preschool children.

Theme: "Birthday with friends"

The goal is to promote the personal, communicative and emotional development of children.

  • Development of the dynamic side of communication: ease of making contact, initiative, readiness to communicate;
  • Development of empathy, compassion for a partner, emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication;
  • The development of a positive self-awareness, which is associated with a state of emancipation, self-confidence, a feeling of one's own emotional well-being, one's own significance in the children's team, and a formed positive self-esteem.
  • Development of elementary spatial concepts, a sense of rhythm, motor coordination.

Equipment: piano, tape recorder, audio recordings, ball, gift cards for children, salutes.


Educator: All my friends now

We called to our kindergarten. HELLO!

If you came here - do not sit still.

We will all sing, play and dance together!

Let's greet each other now.

Reb: We are funny guys! Together we live together

And we dance and sing. We love music and laughter - our group is the best!

Educator: Do you guys like happy holidays?

So do I. Today we will have an unusual lesson - we will visit the holiday. I propose to start with a fun, kind song, stand in a circle.

The song "Strong friendship"

Educator: Imagine that you are invited to a birthday party, where there are many children, but not everyone knows each other. Let's sit on the carpet now, but so that each of us can see all the other guys.

And now, to make sure that no one is hiding and I can see everyone, and everyone can see me, let everyone greet everyone with their eyes. I will start first, when I say hello to everyone, my neighbor will begin to say hello (the teacher, looking into the eyes of each child, slightly nods to him when he greeted everyone, touches the shoulder of the neighbor, etc.)

Educator: Okay, but we also need to find out the names of new friends, for this we will play the game "Affectionate Name".

Remember your affectionate name at home. We will throw a ball to each other, and the one to whom the ball was thrown calls his affectionate name. It is also important to remember who threw the ball to you.

When everyone calls their names, the ball will go in the opposite direction. You need to try not to confuse and throw the ball to the one who threw you for the first time, and besides, pronounce his affectionate name.

Song "Lyublyuka"

Educator: And now ... We will go for a walk - choose a friend for ourselves!

Communicative game - dance "Invitation".

On the 1st part of the music, one child - the driver walks with a sock. With the end of the sound of the 1st movement, it stops near the child with whom he wants to dance. Children go out in a circle, hold hands with a boat.

On the second part of the music, the children are circling as a couple. For the repetition of the 1st part, the children who danced in the circle go and choose their friends. For the second part of the music, 2 couples are already dancing in a circle. Game - the dance is repeated until all the children are in pairs in a circle.

Educator: So we have found friends for ourselves and now we will go to our birthday. And if we have a birthday, then we should give it? ...

Children: Gifts!

Educator: How many of you like to receive gifts? And who is to give? Now we are going to play a game that will allow you to both receive and give gifts.

Let's imagine we can give a present to our neighbor. Look at him carefully and think about what gift he would like to receive, and choose it for yourself.

Now let's take turns “Give each other gifts. And the one who receives the gift does not forget to thank.

In the end, you can ask what gift they liked and what was more pleasant - giving or receiving?

Educator: Did you like being birthday people and receiving congratulations? Okay, now I invite everyone to play a fun game "Velcro".

All children move, run or dance around the room to fast music. After the music stops playing, the child - "Velcro" says the words:

"I am sticky - sticky, I want to catch you!"

After that, the Velcro begins to stain children, who freeze in place and stand until the end of the game. To repeat the game, another child is selected - "Velcro". The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Educator: Had a lot of fun, and now sit down on the carpet. The rug you are sitting on is not simple, but magic - "flying carpet." Sit comfortably, hold hands and close your eyes (music plays). Imagine that we go up into the clouds, even higher, above the clouds, we fly, the carpet sways.

Hold your hands tighter. We breathe everything easily, evenly, deeply. Take a deep breath, take a long breath.

It is good for us to fly holding hands, but now the carpet sinks lower, lower. We're going to land!

Our mothers, fathers and friends are already waiting for us! Hooray!

We landed safely. Open your eyes. Wonderful! And now I invite you to guess the riddle:

Who are they? Where from? Whose? Black streams flow:

Amicably small dots are building a house for themselves on a hummock.

Children: Ants.

Educator: Right, Well done !!! And now we will perform a wonderful song about an ant.

Song "About me and the ant" (f / m).

Educator: Gifts were presented, had fun, and now I propose to arrange a festive disco and dance.

Dance "Quarreled - made up" (f / m)

Educator: And now we will arrange a festive fireworks with you. Disassemble the salutes - and on command we toss them up. One, two, three - fireworks - fire!

Children throw up fireworks to the music "Barbariki-Friends" (f / m).

Educator: Tell me, what is your mood now?

What did you like most about the lesson?

(children's answers)

Educator: And now, guys, let's give each other our wonderful, wonderful and kind smiles, so that our friends once again feel the warmth of their friend.

Farewell - each child "blows" goodbye from the palm of his hand to the one who wants to be in the circle, he catches and "blows" the other.

List of references:

  1. Chernetskaya L.V. Development of communication skills among preschoolers Rostov - on - Don: Phoenix, 2005.
  2. Shirokova G. A., Zhadko E. G. Workshop of a child psychologist / Series "Psychological workshop." - Rostov - on - Don: Phoenix, 2005.
  3. Dobina N.I. Development of the child's personality in the kindergarten - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2009.


Participants lie down on the mats. Lying on their backs, form a circle so that their hands are in the center. All together sing a song and each participant rolls on his side (or they help him to do it) and reaches out to his neighbor, who also turns in his direction, and they greet each other with a touch. After that, everyone rolls over to the other side to “say hello” to another neighbor. After finishing the song, the participants change places, and the game continues with new partners.

Important: In some groups it is necessary to agree on the direction of the turn for each participant before the game starts. The host may have to slow down or speed up the tempo of the song depending on how soon the members were able to greet each other.


Children, holding hands, become pairs one after another. Ahead, at a distance of 3-4 meters, the driver becomes. As soon as the guys finish the sentence, the first pair separates their hands and runs forward to reconnect beyond the line where the driver can no longer catch.

He has to catch one of the guys, otherwise he will have to drive again. The driver becomes a couple behind everyone along with the child he caught.

Another of this pair becomes the driver.

Oblique, oblique, don't go barefoot!

And go shod, wrap your paws.

If you are shod, the wolves will not find a hare,

The bear will not find you! Come out, you burn!

"Empty place"

Children of all ages (independently), from 6 to 15 people, play in "Empty Place".

Description: The players, in addition to the driver, stand in a circle, the driver behind the circle. Everyone puts their hands behind their backs or simply puts them down. The driver walks around the circle and touches someone, touching the back or hands.

This means that he challenges this player to a competition. Having touched, the driver runs in any direction around the circle, and the summoned - in the opposite direction around the circle.

Having met, they either just walk around a friend or greet (squatting, bowing, etc.) and continue to run faster in a circle to take the vacant seat. Whoever takes it remains there, and the one left without a place becomes the leader.

1. The driver has no right to hit the callee. He can only touch him.

2. The driver can immediately rush to run in one direction or the other. The summoned follows him and, as soon as he sees in which direction he is running, he rushes in the opposite direction in a circle.

3. When they meet, they perform different tasks (by agreement).

Dance game "The sea worries once"

Play equipment: a disc on which pleasant melodic music is recorded.

Game rules: choose one leader. All other participants in the game spin and perform fluid dance movements. After the teacher said the words “The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three.

Sea figure freeze! " the music stops abruptly and the children must freeze in place. The presenter is instructed to find and loom those who move.


The players stand in a circle. A rope lies on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding on to it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, the carousels spun,

And then round and round, round and round, all running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after the words "run" they run. At the command of the presenter "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't write it off! Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two, The game is over!

The carousel movement gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run across the court.

On a visit to the sun.

Get ready to warm up, let's go find our friends on a visit to the sun.

The sun came out and called for a walk.

How nice it is for us to walk with the sun ... (walking)

We will turn into horses, we will rush along the road.

Gop - gop, more fun, hit with your hoof, do not regret. (Running at a gallop)

The sun is shining in the sky, our kids are walking (walking)

A cloud walks across the sky, the cloud covers the sun.

We will run away from the rain, we will hasten to hide. (Running like a snake)

We all run after me like a snake, we are not afraid of the evil rain.

The cloud covered the sun, the sun can no longer be seen,

Let's go, children, along the path, we will look for the sun. (Walking one after another)

Here the chickens are bored, they are on the way - they have gathered the path. (Walking on toes)

We must go to the sun, we must find the sun (walking on heels)

Before the road, you need to refresh yourself, eat the grain and hit the road.

Bent over, nibbled, (forward bend)

Pecked, stood up together. One - two - bend over, (bend over)

Three - four - straightened up. The chickens went to the bunny, they found him in the garden. (Walking)

Hare harrowed a bed of carrots planted.

I squatted and got up, put the seeds in the groove.

One - two - squatted, put the seeds in the groove. (Sit down, touch the floor with your hands)

We must all turn to the hedgehog in order to ask the way to the sun.

The Hedgehog showed them the way, the Hare was the first to jump. (Jumping)

Jump - jump high, far to the top.

We will have a little rest, we will start jumping again. (Walking in place)

The month accepted all friends, showed the house of the sun.

Friends woke up the sun, cleanly - cleanly washed.

The sun began to shine and warm with rays.

Ray up, ray down - don't be lazy to breathe. (Breathing exercises)

The sun is shining again, our kids are walking. (Quiet walking)

They walk amicably, cheerfully and do not get tired at all.

The tale is over, and we all have to go home.

And now the kids were walking together for breakfast.


She has legs in her boots.

(fingers of one hand, then the other go across the table)

Mouth, nose, and eyes - two

(draw on the table or in the air a mouth, nose, eyes)

And a big head

(draw a large circle with your fingers on the table or in the air)

Yellow, green, red, blue,

You are always beautiful with a smile!


Material from the site

Development of social and communication skills in older preschool children.

Prepared by: Malgina Elena Viktorovna, teacher at Kindergarten No. 23 of the Moskovsky District of St. Petersburg.

“A child by nature is an inquisitive explorer, a discoverer of the world

So let a wonderful world open up in front of him in living colors, bright and vibrant sounds, in a fairy tale, in a game, in his own creativity, in beauty. Through a fairy tale, a game, through a unique children's creativity - the right way to a child's heart. " V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

So, the preschool period of the child's development is coming to an end. Parents are concerned about such problems as:

Is their child ready for school, whether they have bought everything.

Will he cope with the training program.

Will the team accept it?

But we forget that one of the main aspects of readiness for systematic learning is social and communication skills.

Sociability, the ability to communicate with people around them is a necessary component of a person's self-realization, his success in various activities, disposition and love of the people around him. The formation of this ability is an important condition for the normal psychological development of a child, as well as one of the main tasks of preparing him for later life.

Many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communicating with others, especially with peers. Some children do not know how to turn to another person on their own initiative, sometimes they are even embarrassed to respond appropriately if someone turns to them. They cannot maintain and develop established contact, adequately express their sympathy, empathy, therefore they often conflict or become isolated in loneliness.

Sociability is one of the components of social and communicative development. Which is aimed at assimilating the norms and values \u200b\u200baccepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

In addition, it is aimed at the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions. Also on the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to their family and to the community of children and adults.

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity. And, of course, on the formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

It is also necessary to remember about another component - socialization.

It is an important condition for the harmonious development of a child.

A child's assimilation of culture, universal human experience is impossible without interaction and communication with other people. After all, it is through communication that the very development of consciousness and higher mental functions occurs.

And the child's ability to communicate positively allows him to live comfortably among people. Thanks to communication, he not only gets to know another person, be it an adult or a peer, but also more and more knows himself.

Communication skills play a leading role in the social development of older preschoolers. It is they that make it possible to distinguish between certain situations of communication, to understand the state of other people in these situations and on the basis of this, to adequately and correctly build their behavior.

And so what is included in the development of communication skills.

Of course, communication and communication.

- a complex multidimensional process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of another person


(English communikate - to communicate, transmit) implies:

Transfer of the content of the socio-historical experience of mankind.

Exchange of thoughts, feelings about the inner and outer world.

Encouraging and persuading interlocutors to act in a certain way.

To achieve the result.

Transfer of experience in various activities and ensuring their development.

Communication is communication with the aim of conveying certain information in such a way that the interlocutor understands its meaning.

According to S.V. Borisnev, communication should be understood as a socially conditioned process of transmission and perception of information in the conditions of interpersonal and mass communication through various channels using different communication means.

Communication is the exchange of messages, feelings, and light, shallow interaction between people.

Unlike communication, communication involves the presence of a goal for at least one of the participants.

The main components of communication:

The communicative side of communication (exchange of information between people);

Interactive side (organization of interaction between individuals);

Perceptual side (the process of perceiving each other by communication partners and establishing mutual understanding).

In the communication process, usually distinguish

Verbal communication of communication, which is carried out through speech.

Non-verbal communication:

This process acquires the necessary skills and abilities. Ease of establishing contact, maintaining a conversation, listening skills and expressing one's point of view, arguing and defending one's position, the ability to come to a compromise solution.

In addition, active listening is the ability to listen carefully to a partner and understand his point of view.

Empathy is an adequate understanding of what is happening in the inner world of another person.

Confrontation is the actions of one person aimed at prompting another person to realize, analyze or change their decision or behavior.

Agree, this is precisely what helps the preschooler in his future adaptation in the classroom.

In a child at this age, communication skills are represented by words denoting relationships between people, rules of behavior in society, and his figurative speech is formed.

The communication skills of preschool children are improving by the time they enter school, the child has already mastered speech etiquette and can maintain a conversation on any topic, within the limits of his understanding, logically and consistently in dialogue and monologue. He knows how to conjecture events, owns contextual speech. It should be remembered that the results of the communication skills of preschoolers depend on the professionalism and desire of adults and make it possible to easily assimilate the school curriculum and become successful people in adult activities.

The social and communicative development of preschoolers occurs through play as a leading child's activity. Communication is an essential element of any game. At this moment, the social, emotional and mental formation of the child takes place.

Play gives children the opportunity to reproduce the adult world and participate in imaginary social life. Children learn to resolve conflicts, express emotions and adequately interact with others.

The older the child, the more complete his observation of the world around him, the richer his game. The well-known psychologist L. S. Rubinstein said that in the process of playing a child not only reincarnates into someone else's personality, but, entering a role, expands, enriches, deepens his own. By controlling the play of children, you can influence their relationships and worldview.

In it, the child learns the meaning of human activity, begins to understand and navigate the causes of certain actions of people.

Knowing the system of human relations, he begins to realize his place in it.

Play stimulates the development of the child's cognitive sphere.

Acting out fragments of real adult life, the child opens up new facets of the reality around him. Promotes the development of the child's voluntary behavior, forms the creative imagination, contributes to the formation of voluntary memory, attention and thinking of the child.

The game creates real conditions for the development of many skills and abilities necessary for a successful transition to educational activities.

One of the indicators of the full and correct development of a preschooler is the ability to interact with peers and elders.

Communication games are the simplest and most effective way to develop communication skills in children of this age category.

It is important that older preschoolers are fluent in speech, can easily get in touch with people, be able to communicate in various situations, be tuned in to constructive dialogue, be able to successfully interact with communication partners, etc. It is equally important that they are ready to supplement their knowledge, building on what they have previously acquired. This will help the preschooler to more easily adapt to the conditions of school life, and, therefore, to be a socially active person who knows how to self-actualize.


Games for the development of social and communication skills

Acquaintance. Equipment: pictures depicting fairy-tale characters. Description of the game: With the help of the counting, a driver is selected who examines the picture without showing it to the children.

After that, the driver must describe the image, starting with the words "I want to introduce you to my best friend ..." The child who first guessed which fairy-tale character is depicted in the picture becomes the driver, the game resumes.

A story about a school.

Purpose: to develop the skills to enter into the communication process and navigate in partners and communication situations.

This game is easy to organize as it does not require any special preparation. However, it is very effective for the development of children's speech skills, their imagination, fantasies, the ability to quickly navigate in partners and unknown communication situations.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher begins the story: “What do you know about school ...” he is picked up by the next child. The story continues in a circle.

Polite words

Goal: development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, calling polite words. Name only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, we are glad to see you); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); goodbye (goodbye, goodbye, good night).

Call a friend

Objective: To develop the ability to enter into the communication process and navigate in partners and communication situations.

Game rule: the message must be good, the caller must follow all the rules of the "telephone conversation".

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. The driver stands with his eyes closed with an outstretched hand. Children move in a circle with the words:

Call me, call

And tell me what you want.

Maybe a reality, or maybe a fairy tale

You can have a word, you can have two -

Just so that without a clue

I understood all your words.

Whoever the driver's hand points to should “call” him and send a message. The driver can ask clarifying questions.

Let's play school. Role-playing game.

Situation games

Purpose: to develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts, using facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are encouraged to act out a number of situations

1. Two boys quarreled - make them peace.

2. You really want to play the same toy as one of the guys in your group - ask him.

3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - have pity on him.

4. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

5. You have come to a new group - meet the children and tell about yourself.

6. You lost your car - go to the children and ask if they have seen it.

7. You came to the library - ask the librarian for a book you are interested in.

8. The guys are playing an interesting game - ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you?

9. Children play, one child does not have a toy - share with him.

10. The child is crying - calm him down.

11. You can't tie a lace on your boot - ask a friend to help you.

12. Guests have come to you - introduce them to their parents, show them your room and your toys.

13. You came from a walk hungry - what will you say to your mother or grandmother?

14. Children have breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled a ball out of it. Looking around so that no one noticed, he threw and hit Fedya in the eye. Fedya grabbed an eye and screamed. - What can you say about Viti's behavior? How should bread be handled?

Can we say that Vitya was joking?

Methodical developments

"Social and communicative development of preschoolers in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"

Kalininsky district

The problem of the social and personal development of a preschool child in the process of his interaction with the outside world becomes especially relevant at the present stage, since the main personality structures are laid down in the preschool period of childhood, which, in turn, imposes on the family and the preschool institution a special responsibility for the upbringing of the necessary personal qualities in children.

Modern preschoolers are interested not only in the world of objects and toys, children want to learn a lot about a person, the world around them, nature, they live in a world in which many aspects of human life are computerized, the use of a computer expands the possibilities of the child's intellectual development, creates conditions for enriching his horizons. Modern preschoolers have become more relaxed, liberated, open, independent, proactive, they have a sense of freedom and independence.

The FSES provides for the development of preschoolers in assimilating the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, including moral and ethical values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy; formation of readiness for joint activities with peers; fostering a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to their family and the community of children and adults.

The teachers of preschool educational institutions are concerned about changes in the moral, social and communicative development of preschoolers, their behavior. Modern children find it difficult to learn certain moral norms; they have become more selfish, capricious, spoiled, and often uncontrollable. As a result, the manipulation of parents, difficulties in communication and interaction with adults and peers, this is due to a complex of social and psychological problems (aggressiveness, shyness, hyperactivity, passivity of the child).

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Didactics and theories of education

Pedagogical conditions that ensure the successful social and communicative development of children in a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of social and communicative development of preschool children

2.2 Diagnostics of the survey on the formation of social skills in preschool children





Social and economic changes, instability in our society make serious new demands on the organization of preschool education. In this situation, there is an acute lack of a culture of communication, kindness, attention, and tolerance for each other. Unfortunately, the practice of preschool education shows that there is an imbalance in the educational load towards intellectual development to the detriment of the social and communicative development of preschool children.

In accordance with the "Concept of the content of continuing education (preschool and primary level)", the social and personal direction of development of preschool children is recognized as important. The goal of social and communicative development is to support the child's self-confidence, develop an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around him, and develop communication skills. Such areas of social and communicative development as:

Development in preschoolers of an emotionally positive attitude towards themselves and those around them;

The development of the child's ability to navigate the emotional manifestations of others and his own;

Formation of social behavioral skills in children and rules for safe interaction with unfamiliar adults;

Formation of socially approved models of behavior in the society of peers and adults. social communicative emotional

In view of this, it is necessary to form social skills in preschoolers, which are expressed in the child's acquisition of structured ideas about social reality, mastering adequate models of behavior in the society of adults and peers, fostering moral manifestations in him, and respectful attitude towards people around him. The formation of social skills presupposes the readiness of children, in accordance with their age characteristics, to enter into relationships with their peers and adults: to negotiate, coordinate, coordinate their actions and opinions with the actions and opinions of other people.

In the scientific literature (research by N.F. Vinogradova, S.A. Kozlova), it is noted that the social development of children is carried out more successfully if the types of children's activities that are available to the age of preschoolers (play, design, drawing, modeling), content, effective methods are used. and forms of work.

It should be noted that recently the number of works devoted to the problems of social and communicative development of preschool children has increased. However, despite the positive shifts in solving the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem under consideration, the effectiveness of the formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in the conditions of a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement does not meet modern requirements in the field of preschool education.

Research problem. The needs of practice for scientifically based approaches to the directions and pedagogical conditions of the social and communicative development of preschool children and the low degree of elaboration of this topic in the theory of preschool education determined the choice of the problem of our study: what are the pedagogical conditions for the formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in conditions Preschool educational institution of urban settlement.

Purpose of the study. To develop pedagogical conditions that ensure the successful social and communicative development of children in a preschool educational institution in an urban settlement.

Object of study. The process of social and communicative development of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement.

Subject of study. Formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in a preschool educational institution in an urban settlement.

The selected subject of the study determined the topic of the study - the formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in the conditions of a preschool educational institution in an urban settlement.

Research objectives.

1. To study the state of the problem of the formation of social skills of preschool children in the scientific literature and practice of preschool education and the role of the process of formation of social skills in the social and communicative development of preschool children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement.

2. To develop a model of the formation of social skills of preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development of preschool children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution in an urban settlement.

3. To develop, experimentally test and implement a partial program for the formation of social skills of preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement.

4. To develop a package of diagnostic materials for the formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in a preschool educational institution in an urban settlement.

5. Develop guidelines for educators on the organization of pedagogical activities aimed at developing social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement.


The formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement will be more effective if:

The development program of the kindergarten "Romashka" was developed;

A model for the formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development of children has been developed

preschool age in the conditions of a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement; -developed a partial program for the formation of preschoolers' social skills in the process of social and communicative development in the conditions of a preschool educational institution of an urban settlement; - a package of diagnostic materials for the formation of social skills in preschoolers has been developed;

Methodological recommendations have been developed for educators on the organization of pedagogical activities aimed at developing social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in a preschool educational institution in an urban settlement.

The novelty of the research lies in the definition and development of the complex pedagogical conditionsensuring the successful formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in the conditions of a preschool educational institution in an urban settlement.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the Program will be developed, experimentally tested and implemented development of preschool educational institutions, partial programs for children of younger and older preschool age, a package of diagnostic materials, methodological recommendations for the formation of social skills in preschoolers in the process of social and communicative development in the conditions of a preschool educational institution in an urban settlement have been introduced. The presented package of educational materials can be widely used by preschool teachers in various regions of the region.

Research methods

A wide range of methods will be used at different stages of our research:

* Study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and advanced pedagogical experience of preschool educational institutions and teachers on the topic of research.

* Pedagogical and Psychological Diagnostics.

* Indirect and direct observation of the pedagogical process.

* Questionnaires and interviews.

* Ascertaining and formative experiment.

* Mathematical processing of the obtained research results.

* Analysis of the effectiveness of the developed software and methodological materials.

Chapter 1... Theoretical aspects of the social and communicative development of preschool children

1.1 Concepts of the formation of social skills in preschool children in the process of social and communicative development

To study the problem of the formation of social skills in preschool children in the process of social and communicative development based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, we clarified the interpretation of some concepts related to the problem of social development, such as "sociality", "social norms", "social maturity "," Skills "," social role "and made an attempt to correlate them with the age characteristics of preschool children.

“Sociality” is a personal quality that characterizes the degree of development of a person as a social being and is expressed in the level of mastering knowledge, skills and other elements of social experience accumulated in society, manifested through the ability of an individual to realize his spiritual and cultural potential in the process of joint activities with people around him (“Pedagogical encyclopedia ").

Within the framework of the interpretation of this definition, it should be noted that at the stage of preschool childhood there is an active process of formation of a social picture of the world in children, which is based on the preschoolers' mastering of ideas about themselves, social reality, country, society, the world, and relationships of others.

“Social norms” are the basic rules that govern human behavior in society. The point is that social norms serve as moral imperatives based on the ideas accepted in society: about good and evil; about the proper or the impermissible (V.I. Chervonyuk, I.V. Kalinsky, G.I. Ivanets) In relation to children of preschool age, social norms are considered as elementary rules of etiquette and behavior that regulate the interaction of a preschooler with surrounding adults and peers. The mastery of elementary social norms (including the norms of etiquette) by preschoolers is carried out in specific types of children's activities (play, construction, communication, elementary labor activity) using a variety of means and techniques.

"Socialization" is the process of assimilation and further development by an individual of socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system of social relations.

"Socio-cultural experience" - labor skills, norms, values, traditions, rules, social qualities of a person that allow a person to live comfortably and effectively in the society of other people.

"Social role" is a system of norms and rules of behavior expected from a person who occupies a certain position in society or social group (RS Nemov). Mastering a social role is one of the main components of the process of the formation of social experience. At first glance, it seems untimely to talk about the acquisition of social roles by children at the stage of preschool childhood. At the same time, it is generally known that play is the leading activity of a preschool child. It is in the process of play activity that preschoolers acquire the initial experience of performing elementary play actions and accepting the play role of a social orientation.

"Pedagogical technology" - a description (algorithm) of the process, a set of goals, content, methods and means of achieving the planned learning outcomes.

“Game” is a kind of unproductive activity, where the motive lies not in the result, but in the process itself. The natural and irresistible desire of children to play is used with great success in pedagogical practice.

"Tolerance" - the absence or weakening of the response to any unfavorable factor as a result of a decrease in sensitivity to its effects; a person's ability to withstand all kinds of life difficulties without the loss of psychological adaptation.

Since 2013, there have been significant changes in the preschool education system. Federal regulatory legal documents, first of all, the Law on Education dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On the approval of the federal the state educational standard of preschool education ”made significant adjustments to the prevailing idea of \u200b\u200bteachers about the work of preschool institutions.

Preschool age is the most important period of personality formation, when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid, the child's responsibility and ability to freely choose, respect and understand other people are formed. The purpose of preschool education at the present stage is not only in the formation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also in the development of the basic abilities of the individual, his social and cultural skills, and a healthy lifestyle.

The development of a Model of a Roadmap for the transition of MBDOU to FSES DO, focused on changing the professional position of the teacher and improving the experience of practical activity, determined the target direction of the activities of the administrative and pedagogical staff of the institution. As part of the creation and implementation of these documents, a step-by-step mechanism for organizing work was determined.

STEP 1 - holding a pedagogical council and creating a council and a working group for the development and management of the program of changes and additions to the educational activities of MBDOU. The head of the council of the working group on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, the order of work was determined, the current theoretical training was carried out.

STEP 2 - determination of changes and additions to the educational activities of MBDOU.

STEP 3 - development of a schedule of changes and additions to the educational activities of MBDOU.

The Council ensures coordination of the actions of the entire teaching staff, is responsible for informational, scientific and methodological, expert support of the process, approves projects, stimulates the activities of employees, and resolves possible conflicts. Members of the council and the working group cannot get down to work if they are not sufficiently informed about the concept, content and conditions for the implementation of the FSES DO. They must undergo professional retraining for its implementation, so the working group included teachers who had undergone course retraining at GAU DPO Murmansk Regional Institute for Educational Development on the topic “Improving pedagogical activities to implement state educational standards”.

The methodological service, together with the council of the working group, identified the corresponding tasks:

1. Analyze the readiness of teachers for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of DL and identify professional difficulties.

2. Develop a system of educational activities.

3. Determine and structure the prospects for the preparation of teachers for the transition to FSES DO in MBDOU. Fundamental ideas were put forward:

1. The transition to the Federal State educational standard of preschool education will require additional knowledge, training and a sufficient level of pedagogical qualifications of the entire teaching staff.

2. Changes in the regulatory framework of MBDOU will be required - adjusting the educational program, making changes to the local acts of the institution.

3. Renewal, transformation and certification of the subject developmental environment of groups, halls, offices in accordance with educational areas, contingent of pupils, group orientation.

The gradual transition of teachers to the Federal State Educational Standard of DL has caused the need to develop a special program - a system of consistent measures for their training. The program was developed based on the real level of preparedness of teachers, their requests, needs. During the preparation of the program, theoretical and scientific recommendations, principles and ideas, previous effective experience were used practical work teachers MBDOU. The content of the Program is aimed at rethinking the essence, goals and objectives of preschool education, mastering new pedagogical technologies, expanding opportunities for personal self-development and self-realization pedagogical potential... The program covers 3 areas:

1. Information support for preschool educational institutions;

2. Support for the formation and development of human resources;

3. Support for regulatory support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The main forms of work with teachers used during the implementation of the program are master classes, methodological consultations, training seminars, and workshops.

The implementation of the program has become a priority in the activities of the MBDOU staff for the transition period in the 2013-2014 academic year. This program includes a number of components: resource support (material and technical, personnel, information), analysis of possible risks and ways to overcome them, distribution of responsibilities in the team. The analytical and synthetic activity of the process of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, aimed at taking into account the personal and professional characteristics of the members of the teaching staff, made it possible to predict the effectiveness of the work and to optimize it as much as possible.

The urgency of the problem of improving the quality of preschool education at the present stage is confirmed by the interest of the state in the issues of upbringing and development of preschool children. An example is the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO). FSES DO considers the formation of the cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities as the main principle of preschool education. In addition, the standard is aimed at developing the intellectual qualities of preschoolers. According to him, the program should ensure the development of the personality of preschool children in various activities. This document interprets cognitive development as an educational area, the essence of which is revealed as follows: the development of curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, reasons and consequences, etc.), about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the features of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world. This understanding of the cognitive development of preschoolers suggests considering it as a process of gradual transition from one stage of development of cognitive activity to another. The stages of cognitive development include: curiosity, curiosity, the development of cognitive interest, the development of cognitive activity. Let's consider each of the stages in more detail.

1. The first stage is curiosity. She is characterized by a selective attitude to any subject, conditioned by purely external, often suddenly revealed to the child sides and circumstances. At this stage, the preschooler is content with only the initial orientation associated with the amusement of the object itself. This characteristic is characteristic of young children.

2. The second stage of the cognitive development of preschool children can be defined as curiosity, which is a valuable state of personality, an active vision of the world, characterized by the child's desire to penetrate beyond the initially perceived. As an example of a manifestation of curiosity, we can cite the fact that a child often asks cognitive questions, for example: "What are the clouds made of?", "Why do trees sway?", "How to reach the sky?" For the development of children's curiosity, the ability of an adult to answer such questions is of particular importance.

3. A new quality, or stage, of the cognitive development of preschoolers is cognitive interest, characterized by increased stability, clear selective focus on the cognized object, valuable motivation, in which the main place is occupied by cognitive motives. A manifestation of cognitive interest should be considered the child's desire to independently answer the questions posed.

4. The high level of cognitive development of preschool children includes cognitive activity, the basis of which is a holistic act of cognitive activity - an educational and cognitive task. Cognitive activity acts as a natural manifestation of a child's interest in the world around him and is characterized by clear parameters. The interests of the child and the intensity of his desire to get acquainted with certain objects or phenomena are evidenced by: attention and increased interest; emotional attitude (surprise, excitement, laughter, etc.); actions aimed at clarifying the structure and purpose of the object (here it is important to take into account the quality and variety of actions for the survey, as well as pauses for reflection); constant attraction to this object.

It should be noted that FGOS DO orients the specific content of educational areas for implementation in certain types of activities, paying special attention to cognitive research (study of objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them). Typical activities for the implementation of this area of \u200b\u200bwork are:

Organization of solving cognitive tasks;

The use of experimentation in working with children; - the use of design.

Experimentation is an actual method of cognitive development of preschool children, which is considered as a practical search activity aimed at understanding the properties, qualities of objects and materials, connections and dependencies of phenomena. In experimentation, the preschooler acts as a researcher who independently and actively learns the worldusing various forms of influence on him. The following experiments can be carried out as examples: “Does water have a taste?”; "Does the water evaporate?"; "Where did the ink go?"

Cognitive tasks are used in working with preschoolers. The system of cognitive tasks accompanies the entire learning process, which consists of sequential types of activity that are gradually becoming more complex in terms of content and methods. Examples of cognitive tasks can be the following: "Inanimate nature": why are there puddles on the ground? Why did the water freeze on the street? Why does snow melt indoors? etc.; “Living nature: can plants grow without light (moisture, heat)? Why do plants wither, turn yellow, lose leaves in autumn? Why does the hare's coat change color in autumn? Why does a turtle need a shell? Why does the life of animals change in winter? etc. After the children accept a cognitive task under the guidance of the teacher, its analysis is carried out: the identification of the known and the unknown. As a result of the analysis, children put forward assumptions about the possible course of a natural phenomenon and its causes. The teacher must listen to and take into account all assumptions, pay attention to their inconsistency.

The effective methods of the cognitive development of preschoolers include project activities that ensure the development of the cognitive interests of children, the ability to independently design their knowledge and navigate the information space. In the practice of the kindergarten, it is advisable to organize project activities with the involvement of the parents of the pupils and on those topics that are not always possible to work out in the preschool educational institution. The following activities can be used as examples of project activities for the purpose of cognitive development: individual and group projects "Underwater World", "Fun Astronomy", "Pets", "Seasons", "Sights of the Hometown".

Concluding the above, we can conclude that at the present stage of development of preschool education, the problem of cognitive development of preschoolers is paid great attention, which in turn requires a special attitude on the part of the teacher to this problem. Thus, using experimentation, cognitive tasks and project activities when solving the problem of the cognitive development of preschool children, the teacher provides a stage transition, qualitative changes in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers.

1.2 The role of play in the formation of social skills in preschool children

In the process of social and communicative development, a preschool child develops an emotionally positive attitude towards himself and the world around him, adults and peers, a system of internal and external motives, needs, elementary social skills is formed (N.F. Vinogradova, S.A. Kozlova, L.V. Kolomiychenko). The process of forming social skills in preschoolers requires the creation of special psychological and pedagogical conditions in preschoolers and, first of all, the organization of educational activities for preschool children, aimed at achieving a joint result of children's activities. Such an educational activity of a teacher with children, ensuring the achievement of a joint result, is the leading activity of a preschool child - play.

Paradoxically, in the practice of preschool education, at present, a serious problem is the neglect of play activity when organizing the educational process for preschool children, its role in the formation of the most important mental functions, neoplasms, the formation of positive behavioral models, and the mastery of elementary social skills of interacting with peers.

Play, according to F. Frebel, gives a child a sense of freedom, joy, contentment, "peace in himself and around himself." The game allows the child to show their own activity, more fully realize themselves in everyday life. According to M. Montessori, it is play that takes into account the natural needs of children, it is play that helps children acquire the skills of independence from adults, forms the child's ability to take care of his environment, teaches him to social behavior in relation to other children and adults. According to S.L. Rubinstein, in a child's life, play is the kind of activity in which his personality is formed. Play is the first activity that has a particularly significant role in the development of the personality, in the formation of its properties and the enrichment of its internal content. preparation for further activities. The child “plays because he develops, and develops because he plays. Play is the practice of development. " Outstanding psychologist L.S. Vygotsky focuses on the fact that in play the child is not only free, i.e. he independently determines his own actions, proceeding from his "I", but also subordinates his actions to a certain meaning, he acts proceeding from the meaning of a thing. It was during the game, according to L.S. Vygotsky, the child learns to be aware of his own actions, deeds, to correlate his own behavior with the behavior of others. D.B. Elkonin argues that the play of a preschool child is a peculiar form of children's activity, the subject of which is an adult - his activity and the system of his relationships with other people.

In the Concept of Preschool Education (1989), play is considered as the main institution for the upbringing and development of the preschooler's culture, the "academy of life", providing conditions for the harmonious full development of the preschooler. Especially valuable, the authors of the Concept note, that in the process of playing a child forms ways of interacting with adults and peers, develops moral and volitional qualities - restraint, endurance, responsibility, communication skills, develops the ability to moral and ethical assessments of his own actions and the actions of other children, readiness for collective action is formed. The sociocultural situation, reflected in the game, creates favorable conditions for the formation of elementary social skills in preschool children of determining a common goal, planning a sequence of actions, selecting the necessary means and choosing ways to achieve a result. Thanks to the game situation that arises in the game, the child gradually, in favorable conditions, develops the skills of obeying the game attitudes and rules, he learns to understand and accept the opinions and actions of other participants in the game, to show them the skills of friendly and tolerant behavior. Children gradually begin to demonstrate elements and models of social behavior in play, jointly experience various emotional states, learn to achieve a common result, to evaluate.

In the process of playing activity, preschoolers develop skills and abilities to enter into play interaction with their peers. Children practice the ability to choose and agree on the theme of the game with their peers, listen to the opinions of the participants about the game plot, express and correct their own opinion, distribute game roles taking into account the individual needs and interests of partners, plan the development of the game plot, select the necessary attributes and prepare the missing ones. Children develop the ability to independently follow the game rules, make changes to existing rules, establish new ones, allow conflict situations independently or with a little help from a teacher, it is fair to assess the results of their own activities and the activities of their peers and the attitude of children to the assigned work.

Conditions for the development of cooperation between children are created in different types of children's activities, but the priority of play activities is unconditional, because the diverse content of games, the integration of different types of activities in the game, the bright manifestation of emotions by children allow them to successfully accumulate experience of cooperation. The nature of the play situation puts the child in a position that requires a high level of formation of his social skills in the choice of methods and forms of interaction, coordination of goals, joint planning, distribution of roles, achievement of a common result. Thus, in the scientific research of F. Frebel, M. Montessori , S.L. Rubinstein, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin et al., Devoted to the role of play activity in the formation of the personality of a preschool child, it is noted that the process of forming social skills in preschool children is more successful if the resources of play activity are used.

An important condition for the successful formation of social skills in preschool children is the organization of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and cultural institutions. An important object of cooperation is the Undorovsky paleontological museum. The goal of cooperation is to create favorable conditions for the successful social and communicative development of preschoolers, enrich children's ideas about the richness and diversity of flora and fauna of the surrounding world, the role of man in its preservation.

Meetings in the village of Undory, excursions to the paleontological museum, acquaintance with its exhibits develop children's interest in their surroundings, encourage them to establish and maintain meaningful contacts with adults and peers. Vivid impressions about what he saw in the village of Undory, the paleontological museum are reflected in various types of children's activities - play, communication, artistic and creative, cognitive research and contribute to the organization of joint games and conversations with peers about the inhabitants of the ancient world, the creation of joint art compositions about the museum exhibits, participation in research activities of paleontological orientation. A variety of children's activities, reflecting the impressions of cooperation with the paleontological museum, contributes to the formation of important skills in preschoolers, such as the ability to enter and maintain contact with the children of the group, negotiate with peers about their actions, if necessary, make adjustments to their own activities, and the development of personal value qualities - curiosity, awareness, benevolence, friendliness, good breeding.

The organization of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the labor collective of the textile factory significantly enriches the ideas of children about the spheres of human professional activity, acquaints them with the achievements of technical progress, fosters respect for adults, pride in their work. Isheevskaya textile factory for the production of cloth for the manufacture of blankets, rugs, bedspreads, etc. is known since the 18th century and has a long professional tradition. It is worth mentioning only the fact that the Russian army won the Patriotic War of 1812 in uniforms sewn from the fabric of Isheev's weavers. Family dynasties of weavers are known in the village. And the life of many residents of the village today is associated with the factory.

The organization of sociocultural and art centers in preschool educational institutions serves as a significant condition for the formation of social skills in preschool children in the process of social and personal development. The centers are intended for the organization of social educational activities for children outside the group premises. For this purpose, a socio-cultural center "Our village: autumn, winter, spring, summer", an art center "Fairy Vernissage" were created at the preschool educational institution. For the centers, reproductions of paintings, works of children's fiction, periodicals, materials and equipment were selected to help solve problems of developing social skills in preschoolers.

An equally important condition for the formation of social skills in preschool children is the creation of mini-museums and museum spaces of a social orientation in group preschool educational institutions. The organization of museums "Archeology", "Paleontology", "Textile", "Autoworld" and others contributes to the immersion of children in the past, the way of life of people, their occupations, introduces ways of movement in ancient times and now, means of communication between people. Museum compositions recreate the history of the village, acquaint children with the work and life of our fellow countrymen, types of fabrics, clothes, products of the agricultural and automotive industries, etc. Museum spaces are organized in order to provide conditions for the active activity of children to establish and consolidate children's contacts, play on the plots of museum compositions, and enrich the plots of children's games. Activities based on the museum exposition contribute to the development of social skills in children, such as the ability to make contact with peers, agree on the topic and plot of the activity, and plan a sequence of actions and actions.

Museum spaces at the preschool educational institution are aimed at acquainting children with the achievements of modern science and technical progress (equipment of a textile factory, modes of transport and communication, etc.)

To select exhibits for a museum composition, teachers take into account a number of requirements:

Each object acquaints preschoolers with the history of our country, its citizens, the life of the village, its inhabitants;

Objects should be varied in purpose and use; - objects must be attractive and original.

A mandatory requirement for the inclusion of an object in a museum composition is to provide a child with the opportunity to act with an exhibit.

1.3 Forms and methods of work on the formation of social skills in preschool children in the process of social and communicative development

Based on the provisions of the Concept of Social Development of S.A. Kozlova about social reality as an important means of educating a preschool child; objects and events of the social and cultural environment should be considered as a significant means of developing social skills in preschool children. Social objects incorporate all the diversity of the social environment: architectural structures, their features, cultural institutions, residential buildings, objects created by the hands of residents, etc. In the process of getting acquainted with social objects, children observe a variety of human manifestations and spheres of his activity. They master important social information about their native village, its main streets, buildings, professional activities of residents. Vivid social events - the Day of the Village, the Day of the District, the International Day for the Protection of Children, September 1, etc., exhibitions of drawings, photographs about the native village, meetings with famous people develop the emotional sphere in children, form their value orientations and judgments about forms approved by society relationships between others and social patterns of behavior.

Cultural sites incorporate unique archaeological sites and paleontological exhibits located in our region. Children are introduced to the history of one of the largest cities in the Volga Bulgaria - the legendary Oshel, located on the territory of the ancient Staroaleykin settlement along the ancient route from Bolgars to Kiev.

Art, as a means of developing social skills in preschool children, occupies an important place in the educational process. Children's works of fiction, folklore works, primarily folk tales, works of art, music, theater have a special impulse that not only contributes to deep dive history, traditions of the people, but also form a culture of behavior, a style of relationships between others, offer social models of behavior in society. Contact with works of art helps children understand the motives of the characters 'actions, explain the reasons for the characters' behavior, comprehend life situations and encourages them to use the accumulated experience in their own behavior.

In the formation of social skills in preschool children, play activity and its various types are a particularly significant means. The acquisition of initial social skills by children and their “inclusion” into the system of social relations is provided primarily by the resources of play activity.

Pedagogical methods and techniques aimed at developing social skills in preschool children are grouped into the following groups:

Group 1, contributes to the formation and consolidation of ideas about social reality in preschool children. This group of methods includes:

* reading works of art, visiting performances and theatrical performances, talking about the village, its inhabitants, their occupations and hobbies. Telling children fascinating stories about the past of our region, about the ancient city of Oshel, its fortifications, the way of life of its inhabitants. Organization of conversations about the ancient inhabitants of our region, their habits, features of life, etc.

* examination of reproductions of paintings by famous artists, artist L.I. Kachalin, who depicted on their canvases the nature of our region, landscapes, buildings, streets familiar to preschoolers.

* examination of illustrations, posters, layouts, displaying the events of the social life of the village, the relationship between adults and children.

Group 2, contributes to the development in children of a positive sense of self and an emotionally positive attitude towards the environment, peers, the ability to navigate their own emotional states and experiences and emotional manifestations of others and includes:

* entertaining game situations. The organization of play situations creates favorable conditions for children to master social skills of joint actions with peers, the manifestation of feelings and emotions common with other children, and the ability to distinguish them. For example, a game situation for senior preschool children "On the shore". Children are shown a picture of sea waves and asked to play with the waves - imagining how they "run away" from the wave and again approach it.

* round dance games. In the educational process of the preschool educational institution, round dance games are used from early preschool age. Circle-based games provide the child with an opportunity to believe in their own strengths, to feel confident in their own strengths and to realize the play goal. Round dance games contribute to the development of the child's emotional sphere, vivid sensations and experiences and reinforce elementary social skills in them: to put forward a goal and achieve its realization, by joint actions, to adequately assess their actions and behavior, and to correct mistakes in a timely manner.

* ecstatic games (from the Greek "rapture"). Ecstatic games - children's fun, reflecting the highest degree of emotions, delight. Ecstatic games include dancing games, swimming in the surf, carousel rides, swinging, and more. The process of developing social skills is complex and requires a constant display of perseverance, patience, and dedication from children in various activities. The teacher needs to provide support to children and create the most favorable conditions for mastering social skills. The use of ecstatic play in the development of social skills helps to establish a joyful atmosphere in the group, evokes a cheerful and cheerful mood in children, and develops positive attitudes towards peers. Ecstatic games "Magic Waves", "Finding a Dinosaur", "Appearance of a Dinosaur", "Magic Water" and others encourage children to experience joy, delight together with children and teach them to act together.

* a variety of artistic activities encourages children to show an attentive and sensitive attitude towards their peers, forms the need to interact with peers. For example, the teacher organizes artistic and creative activities on the theme "Dinosaur decoration" for older preschool children. The teacher demonstrates a three-dimensional image of a dinosaur (the three-dimensional image is achieved through the use of various types of croup) and encourages children to come into contact about the performance of work, exchange opinions, agree on a sequence of actions, and find the best ways (materials) for implementation. Children agree on what kind of glue to smear silhouette images of dinosaurs, what materials and cereals: sawdust, millet, peas, buckwheat, etc. to sprinkle them. They look at the images created by their peers with interest, exchange impressions about what they saw.

* game exercises for the formation of social skills are aimed at helping and supporting the success of children. In the process of daily activities, children are helped to notice the manifestation of social skills in their peers - the child's ability to agree on the goal of the activity, resolve the conflict, the ability to yield, etc. - and are invited to follow their example.

* literary evenings and quizzes, conversations, contests and fairs, etc. carried out with the aim of creating conditions in the group for the development of emotional responsiveness in children to the actions and actions of others; manifestations of sympathy, empathy, the ability to understand and accept the actions of peers, the formation of rules of etiquette.

Group 3, ensures the implementation of social representations in activities and the formation of elementary social skills, social models of behavior, a culture of relationships with surrounding adults and peers in children. This group of methods includes a variety of play activities. By the process of playing activity, teachers create conditions for improving a complex of social skills in preschoolers, such as:

Make contact with peers,

Make contact with a peer about joint


Coordinate your own opinion with the opinion of others;

Agree with peers about the topic, purpose and actions;

Plan your own actions and activities;

Coordinate your own actions and deeds with the actions and deeds of surrounding peers;

To act jointly, consistently performing actions;

Resolve conflict situations;

It's elementary to manage your own behavior.

Organization of project activities in our preschool educational institution "Romashka" has become an effective way of developing social skills in children. The work is carried out in areas, one of which, "Toy", is focused on creating conditions for the formation of social skills in preschool children in the process of the leading type of activity - play.

The "Toy" block contains sections: "Paleontological expedition", "Archaeological expedition", "Expedition: autocenter", "Expedition: textiles", "Journey to the ancient city of Oshel".

* In the section "Paleontological expedition" through the resources of play activities, preschoolers form social skills based on content that reinforces children's ideas about the flora and fauna of the ancient world of our region.

* Section "Archaeological expedition" allows you to work on the formation of social skills on the material related to information about the way of life of a person in antiquity, his life, occupations.

* Section "Travel to the ancient city of Oshel"

* Section "Expedition: Autocentre" acquaints preschoolers with information about transport, its development, types, significance in human life. Information about transport and its development is of particular interest to boys. Preschoolers, engaging in communication about various brands of cars, modes of movement, engine parts, car repair, establish new contacts and maintain old ones, find solutions to problem situations. communication skill child urban

The section "Expedition: Textiles" contains information for children about the textile industry, ancient and modern methods of weaving fabric, use in modern life, the work of weavers. The game complex "Expedition Textile" allows you to use a variety of games in work with preschoolers - with natural material, games with objects, desktop-printed, verbal, plot-role, aimed at the formation of elementary social skills in children in play.

The implementation of the educational activities of a teacher with children on the formation of social skills in preschoolers is carried out through the organization of a set of observations, conversations, excursions, exhibitions specially created in the preschool educational spaces of the museum spaces "Archeology", "Paleontology", "Avtomir", "Textile", "On a visit to fairy tale "(using reproductions of paintings by local artists), layouts" My village: winter "," My village: spring "," My village: summer "," My village: autumn "social orientation and involves familiarizing preschoolers with elementary information about social the world, our region, its inhabitants, spheres of their professional activity, hobbies.

The introduction of complexes of various didactic exercises, entertaining games, plot-didactic games and plot-role games, walks of a social orientation into educational activities in the morning and evening periods of time creates the conditions for the successful consolidation and improvement of initial social skills in children in the process of social and communicative development. In addition, it is possible to organize in the morning and evening periods of time an elective to familiarize preschoolers with the flora and fauna of our region, the history of the native village, its cultural and professional traditions, modes of transport, etc.

The success of the formation of social skills in preschoolers is determined by the interaction of teachers with the parents of pupils. Forms of organizing interaction with families of pupils to develop social skills in preschool children are joint excursions, meetings, fairs, contests, concerts, social projects that allow exploring regional professional traditions, professional activities of parents, ways of spending family leisure time, etc.

Chapter 2. Methods of examination of social skills in preschool children in the process of social and communicative development

2.1 Procedure for examining social skills in the process of social and communicative development

The purpose of the survey: to identify the level of formation of social skills in preschool children in the process of social and communicative development

Survey form: individual.

Recommendations: a survey of the level of formation of social skills in preschool children is a pedagogical activity that includes a set of actions by the educator related to the collection and processing of information about the object under study. In this regard, the survey should have a criterion-oriented orientation, which provides for the teacher's possession of methods that ensure the identification not so much of statistical data as revealing the level of formation of the qualitative characteristics of the personality of a preschooler child and their characteristics and containing a general conclusion about the level of social and personal development. When conducting the survey, one should use the schemes for observing the child in daily activities, in the process of play activities, conversations.

Examination time: no more than 20 minutes.

Processing of survey results. For the processing of diagnostic data, a point grading system is used.

Daily and play activities:

To process the data of the examination of children in the process of daily and play activities, the following rating system is used:

0 points - does not possess elementary social skills in regulating one's own behavior and interacting with peers.

1 point - elementary social skills of regulating one's own behavior and interacting with peers are not fully formed, only partially.

2 points - demonstrates possession, in accordance with age characteristics, of social skills of regulating one's own behavior and interacting with peers in full.

To process data from the examination of children in the process didactic game the following rating system is used:

0-incomplete, fragmentary answer, refusal to answer. 1- sufficient answer; 2 is the complete answer.

To process the survey data of children during the conversation, the following rating system is used:


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