Hello readers! Let's talk about how to learn to forgive people and let go of resentment. Everyone can experience this feeling, accompanied by a desire to take revenge on the offender, internal pain, and the ability to "poison" existence. The world seems gray, the joy of life is lost, the future is seen in black colors ... The state is dangerous for the psyche and health. The offended person wastes energy, constantly remembering the troubles. Sincere forgiveness can fix the situation. .

What does forgiveness of grievances give?

It is important to completely get rid of destructive emotions and not experience them. The prolonged burning anger makes everyone a victim. To forgive out of nobility is not enough. The unpleasant sensations will not disappear and will continue to eat away at the soul. Letting go should come from the heart, completely destroying aggression and pain. Sincere forgiveness of offenses is the lot of strong people. Reaching it is not easy. Before you forget the hurt and pain, do deep work on yourself.

To learn how to forgive, you need to understand that resentment is a manifestation of self-dislike. If a person is wounded, it means that he lacks self-esteem and inner freedom. People are different. Some may be very offended by accident and not pay attention to it.

Not everyone remembers what they upset and feels guilty. And the offended person continues to suffer and get angry, cannot live normally and be happy. This is self-loathing!

Learn to appreciate your own personality and realize that it cannot be destroyed. Forgiving an insult is necessary for oneself. If you do it sincerely, the ability to rejoice, dream, build a happy future will return. You should drive away thoughts of options for revenge and accept the fact that the one who hurt is a kind of teacher who indicates the presence of an inner problem.

What can grudges mean?

If a person is offended, it means that he does not want to accept something important for his spiritual development. The soul cannot get pleasure from the fact that it is hurt, its suffering is explained by the presence of complexes, from which it is necessary to get rid of. And the first step in a difficult process is an apology, which will help to understand what the individual needs to work on. This approach to resentment will allow you to accept the vulnerable as a teacher, and not as an enemy.

If criticism is about a problem, you need to solve it. If it is not justified, and the person just wants to offend, hurt, do not pay attention to him. Otherwise, he will reach the goal.

Any annoyance is an impetus to spiritual growth. Psychologists believe that it is applied so that a person understands in which direction he needs to develop. Anger and anger at the offender will not allow you to do anything. We need to get rid of them quickly with the help of an apology. The main thing is to learn to forgive truly. And grief will no longer eat away at the soul. There are ways you can learn to forgive quickly.

Forgiveness techniques

To work on yourself, you can start with a list of annoyances. It will take a little time to compile it. It is better to write with a pen or pencil on sheets of paper. This will help to delve deeper into the problem and understand which insults should be ignored, and which should be treated as a push for personal transformation.

First, on the sheet it is worth writing the name of the person who offended more than others. Then a list of the troubles inflicted on him is noted. You need to write in more detail. In the process of work, new, unconscious griefs will be revealed. This is a confirmation that a person is often offended at will. He accepts unpleasant words and actions, without trying to understand their reason, and takes offense in order to arouse sympathy from friends and relatives (in childhood, a person manipulated his parents in this way). The method of receiving attention was imprinted in the subconscious and still leads. Try to get rid of it. Good attitude, attention, care can be earned by other methods.

Are there long-standing memories of them on the list of griefs? If a woman in her school years was in love with a classmate who offended her. Having matured, she cannot forget the boy and believes that this is due to grief. In reality, feelings are evoked by the memory of falling in love. You need to accept this, and let go of the offense.

Once the list is ready, try writing an appeal to the abuser on another piece of paper. It should mention grievances, tell in detail about feelings and their reasons. It is important to describe the emotions that were felt. Play in memory the smallest details of intonations, words, actions of the offender. Read the letter after analyzing your own behavior that provoked the application of negativity and think about whether it would appear if another person did this. He was more important than other people. It is recommended that you understand why and let go of the anger forever.

On the third sheet, write an appeal to the offender. It should contain an acknowledgment that the author is responsible for the annoyance and negative feelings that have arisen. A person subconsciously chooses whether to be offended or not. This happens in the moments between the insult and the reaction. Control the moments.

The type of reaction is automatically assimilated by the psyche in childhood - if the child was called names, undeservedly punished, and he was offended, the adult will also be vulnerable.

This needs to be worked out carefully in order to change everything. It won't work right away. You will have to try to make mental pauses when someone says, does something offensive, and choose the type of reaction to them. The best option is to take a detached look at the situation, present it as funny, and see the offender in a comical light. They don't take offense at clowns.

Responsibility for the internal state of the person bears himself - choosing whether to feel offended or not. Other people can offend without hesitation, and often do not understand this. Commitment should not be confused with a sense of guilt, which allows repentance, relieves of the burden of unpleasant emotions. Responsibility allows you to relate to the world around you in a different way and love the person more. A person stops accumulating anger, gains self-confidence and does not pay attention to them.

To quickly learn to forgive people and let go of insults, on the fourth paper you need to write to the offender that he is forgiven. In a letter, it is better to tell about warm feelings for this person, to express gratitude for the lesson presented, for the chance of personal growth, presented by an attempt to insult. In order for the appeal to be sincere, heartfelt, it is necessary to clearly imagine the offender and mentally talk with him. You can write everything.

The main meaning of the letter is forgiveness. Convey its depth to free yourself from the burden of hatred and desire for revenge. It will become easier, a surge of energy will be felt, a feeling of boundless joy will appear.

Getting rid of grievances will help you breathe a sigh of relief.

The stages must be passed in relation to other offenders. It is not necessary to do everything at once, you can use the techniques once a day, alternately addressing those who insulted. It is important to do this thoughtfully and consider the situation from all sides.

There are ways to learn to forgive and let go of grievances. The main thing is to recognize any separately. It's not as easy as it sounds. People see this awareness as a sign of weakness and defeat. In fact, it is a manifestation of inner strength. Not everyone is able to honestly say to himself: “I was not ready for the situation, because I was weak and defenseless. I am offended for this. "

If he took such a step, the path to forgiveness is open. To achieve it, you can burn off the insults. They must be written out on a piece of paper, then torn and burned. When it burns, imagine that the fire burns annoyance, thoughts, clears the mind and fills the body with light, joyful energy.

How can you learn to forgive and let go of grievances?

The option is to send the negativity resulting from the insult on the flight. You should take 10 small sheets on which to write a separate annoyance. If a person has offended three times, all cases are recorded on them. Airplanes are folded from paper, go out onto a hill and send them flying. Following the "structure" with a glance, you need to imagine how bitterness flies away with it.

To truly forgive offenders, you need to turn negative into positive. It's easier to do this with a Whatman paper. It is divided into two columns. A plus sign is placed in one column, and a minus sign in the other. In the column with a minus, situations that led to sadness are noted. They soberly assess what happened next, find positive changes and enter them into the column with a plus. Spot changes if they are small.

Awareness will get used to the fact that there is good in the bad, and will begin to focus on it. The annoyance will become unusual for the psyche.

The way to forget about the insults is to break the dishes. Suitable for people experiencing emptiness, indomitable anger. It is necessary to choose dishes that you do not mind, mark with a marker on it big grievances, and interrupt in a deserted place. When a cup or plate crashes, it is necessary to shout the annoyance written on them. The process will help release your inner burden.

Dancing helps to remove the heavy burden of anger. Music with a clear beat of drums and percussion instruments is suitable for them. You need to dance all alone. The music is turned on at full volume. If this is not possible, wear headphones. Dance until the knocking fatigue sets in, imagining resentments go away forever. You can move as you like and in the process of dancing you can cry, shout, throw things around.

Punching a punching bag, accompanied by shouting, sobbing, helps to forget grievances. They must be repeated until you lose strength. The effect is provided by general cleaning, which is doubly useful - it will provide an outlet for emotions and, on a wave of anger, will allow you to clean up the house. Helping people and animals relieves anger. Find a way that makes you give your best.

You can constantly visit nursing homes, take care of bedridden patients, frail old people, clean enclosures in dog shelters, find an orphanage, and become a volunteer. It is enough to look into the eyes of abandoned elderly people, orphans to understand how hard it is for them.

Your own grievances will seem like a trifle and a whim from understanding what hopelessness is. If you have no time to do charity work, you should try to throw out old unnecessary things from the house, objects that cause unpleasant memories. Throw it out, not take it out to the balcony or fold it in the pantry. It is better to take them to the church, to distribute them to the needy. The fire will go out, it will become easier to breathe.

What if the resentment doesn't let you go?

If the techniques are not effective enough, you can use the anchor method. As soon as everything pops up in memory, it is necessary to imagine how the person who applied it, looks into the eyes, asks for forgiveness. Draw this picture in your imagination when unpleasant memories appear. Then the consciousness will automatically attach it to the negative and force it to forgive the one who offended.

How to let go of resentment if all else fails? See a psychologist. Rather, the problem is not anger, but deep depression, fears. The specialist will understand the causes of a difficult internal state, find a way to correct the situation.

Long-term grievances for people are sources of powerful negative energy, deplete vital resources, deprive them of the opportunity to rejoice and cause many diseases. Therefore, in this case, the question of whether it is necessary to pardon a person is not worth it. This is necessary so that the ability to feel joy and faith in oneself remains. The weak are not able to forgive those with complexes.

Consideration should be given to physical and mental health. Does the person feel no remorse, no guilt, and no plans to ask for forgiveness? He might feel great. So why voluntarily take on the role of victim?

How to forgive resentment and let go of the past?

There are troubles that cannot be quickly forgotten. They shape the present, but must not be allowed to influence the future! People who know how to forgive each other are able to find positive in the most difficult situations. Angry people allow themselves to be happy, unlike those who fixate on anger.

You need to learn to forgive others and yourself. You need motivation based on the benefit to the person. Everyone is used to the fact that the abuser must apologize and apologize. These are the rules of society. He may not even think about the apology. And the one who was done badly will suffer in expectations and destroy the psyche.

Therefore, it is necessary to forgive people regardless of whether they apologized or not. Do it deep down. Otherwise, the senses will suffocate.

The main thing is to let go of an unpleasant situation in the past and forget about it forever. Internal tension will disappear, the ease of complete freedom will appear, negative emotions will disappear. Is it worth giving up the state, if it is available, how to let go of resentment? Everyone must be happy, not cultivate inner pain because of anger. This is unnatural.

People often offend involuntarily, not suspecting that they have upset someone. In such cases, there is no point in getting angry. We need to drive away bad thoughts, switch to pleasant ones. It may not work out right away, but over time everything will happen instantly. Otherwise, those who are often offended will gradually lose trust in others, and their self-esteem will drop. He subconsciously begins to provoke the emergence of unpleasant situations in order to convince himself that there are many bad people around. And the unwitting offender will feel great.

Relaxation, music and communication

How to let go of resentments yet? It is important to calm down in time. Use meditation, music, remember the pleasant moments of life, chat with friends. The main thing is to allow yourself and other people to be imperfect, stop judging and blaming everyone, and forgiveness will become a character trait. It will help you come to terms with the circumstances that have already happened, give you a feeling of flight, open the way to new opportunities.

Greetings. With you Oksana Manoilo and the topic of how to let go of insult and forgive. “Forgive the insult” - just a couple of words, but what a monolithic wall sometimes stands behind them. Making it almost impossible to hear the answer to the question "How?" And implement the application of certain tips. Resentment burns the Soul with a hot iron, plunges into the abyss of painful emotions. It makes you live over and over again what you absolutely do not want to feel again.

But if the resentment does not disappear anywhere on its own, if it whines with a driven splinter, then you cannot do without surgical intervention. Do you think it will hurt a lot? You are wrong. With the right approach, not a drop. It is only important to know the reasons and see the real situation - the one it really is. What will we do.

How to forgive past grievances?

First, let's define what resentment itself is. According to generally accepted (still) sources, resentment is the emotional reaction of a person to an insult, grief, perceived by him as unfair. At first glance, everything is so. But it is precisely this very first glance with the overwhelming majority of people that becomes the final one regarding the question of how to let go of insult and forgive. And just the confidence in this state of affairs does not give either relief or rectification of the situation. Unjust resentment - and that's it.

However, everything changes when awareness comes and the desire to comprehend this issue already from other heights - from the point of view of spirituality and taking responsibility for your life upon yourself. Personal responsibility in this matter, and in all life in general, is the cornerstone, without which it is impossible to change anything in life, it is impossible to become its owner and manage it at your own discretion.

You can let go of resentment if you include responsibility

Responsibility is the knowledge that each person is one hundred percent creating and changing his reality in all its smallest details. Every second by means of his own goodwill, given from birth. And from this position, resentment is nothing more than shifting one's own responsibility, allowing other people to control thoughts, feelings and, as a result, the created life experience. Let's see how this happens.

All people who are in one way or another interaction with each other. Whether they are close people or casual fleetingly met. Or even those mentioned by the third source - often this is enough - are for each other "". Guided by the Universal Law of Reflection, a person shows another person a vision of the situation. But not his own, but the vision of just this “other”. That is, when we receive any reaction, we see ourselves in it and our attitude towards ourselves.

If you remember about the Law of Reflection, any insult can be forgiven and released

People seem to be multifaceted diamonds turning to us with exactly that facet at a certain moment, which has the same spectrum of colors that is present in us now regarding a certain issue. These can be iridescent, bright edges, or dull and unsightly colors. But the point is that we are the ones who set the base color. But often not being able to see ourselves without the participation of others, we see our imbalance only when others "highlight" it to us. The root cause is always within.

How can you let go of the insult and forgive? In order to understand what is the root cause of resentment as such, you need to rise even higher in vibrations. To the position of our eternal beautiful and wise Soul. The soul is a particle of the Creator Source. In fact, she is the Creator, scattered in joyful streams for many experiences. Some of which are lived in Souls incarnated on Earth. That is, every person on Earth is the Creator, Source, Deity. And how does the Deity, being the highest hypostasis, perceive Himself and everything created by Himself? Certainly, as infinitely loved, perfect, ideal, wonderful, beautiful, and so on. Only this way and nothing else.

Forgiving is not being led by your own ego.

Dissonance begins where another part of the person enters into action, designed to be pragmatic - let's call it the Ego. She begins to impose on a person a different opinion about him, guided not by the Truth, but by the experience gained in the course of earthly life, having previously believed in some attitudes and superficial beliefs. And this opinion is by no means so pleasant, moreover, it is guaranteed to be wrong, because it differs from the opinion of the Source. Having believed in the Ego, a person henceforth begins to experience mental pain and discomfort.

However, there is no need to think of the ego as an unnecessary detail that has been inherent in us by mistake. It is necessary to regulate the experience while striving for safety in the Game that we all play in this lifetime. It doesn't want to harm. Its purpose is to help and protect. But the point is that it looks at the huge boundless World created by the Source as if through a small peephole of an armored door. More precisely, we often look into this tiny peephole through our Ego.

And what can you see there? A piece of an unclear event, phenomenon, picture, something else ... But here the Ego turns on its "no matter how something happens" and draws negative conclusions even from this piece of what it saw. And everything would be fine when the searchlight of the Soul is turned on, which illuminates the Truth and makes you feel reality more broadly. And if not? Then the Ego is guaranteed to cross the boundaries, replacing the whole vision of Life as a whole. And forming a person's distorted ideas about everything, and about his own essence as well.

And then a splitting of Himself and Himself happens inside a person. One part echoes: "You are worthless, unlucky and dull." Of course, pursuing the goal of denoting the "real state of affairs", so that, they say, he was used to and was not afraid, he accepted it as a fact and did not worry. Cares so. And the other part screams inside: "You are a wise, mighty and mighty Creator, who is subject to absolutely everything, who is joy and Love!" One part itches: "You're a nasty fat woman." The second part persistently repeats: "You are beautiful perfection, woven from beauty and love."

We must forgive insults, because we are all parts of the Divine

And it’s this splitting, dissonance, inconsistency of one with the other and gives rise to suffering and Mental pain. Plus, do not forget that in life a person strengthens and embodies into reality only what he specifically pays attention to. What he concentrates on and what he believes in. And very often the choice of what to believe falls on the persuasive ego. Well, not far off is the moment when reality obligingly according to the Law of Free Will and according to the Law of Attraction will reflect and embody the "fat woman" and "worthlessness and dullness." But this is so, by the way, first of all, everything can be changed by changing beliefs. And secondly, not about that today.

Today about resentment and about that as her let go and forgive... So, at the point of splitting, in any issue in which a discrepancy is formed between the "True Self" and the "erroneous Self", a sore spot arises. The reason, like a splinter, sticks in at this moment with only one purpose - to pull out and eliminate the discrepancy. Feel perfect again, loved, wonderful, good, powerful and so on. But what happens to most people? The person begins to jealously protect the sore spot. Groom him, cherish, do not let anyone a kilometer. And react sharply at even the slightest breeze in this direction.

Resentment, and how to forgive a person?

How to let go of resentment and forgive a person? Understand that it was you yourself who "appointed" him! But a splinter is sitting. She's torturing. And then the offender comes. It is you yourself, from the position of your “Super I”, created in your experience the offender in order to clarify the place where it hurts and where it is necessary to “cure”. This is not some specially trained person to offend, it can be any person in general, moreover, often he solves some of his tasks in parallel, but even more often he has no idea that he has inflicted an offense. It happens like this.

A person "with a thorn in his soul" resentment for something appears literally "out of the blue." But this place is level only at first glance. And the look of another person. Appointed to be the offender, perhaps even completely without any intent, utters some words or performs some actions that are familiar and usual for him, but for the one who is just ready to designate an “uneven place” these words and actions cause a flash of pain pride!

Everything happens with only one purpose - to show that this is it, this "uneven" place! " Like, look, here it is a thorn of inconsistency, we found it, hurray! Pull it out quickly, remember the truth about yourself and start feeling differently - good, wonderful, wonderful, wise, strong, and so on.

It is curious that in another situation, in a question in which there is no "inflammation", the other person may even deliberately try to offend verbally or by actions. But the opponent absolutely will not see and understand this, will ignore it, will not notice, will leave his perception overboard. Why? Because there is no "splinter" clue. This is how it works.

But when there is a clue and a person decides not to take out the splinter, but to start taking offense, he chooses to shift his responsibility to another person. Transfer your rights to control sensations and reality to the offender. Taking offense, a person chooses to feel like a powerless, weak, unprotected, vulnerable and decisive nothing here in this world at all. Moreover, he fully realizes his primordial Right of Free Choice!

How can you forgive the insult and let go?

Realize the essence of things! The stronger the offense, the more the truth is forgotten. Meanwhile, the already manifested resentment, like any destructive one, is still a friend. Resentment is, and he, in turn, is a signal of ignorance or lack of Divine memory that everything is always good and blissful. Resentment is an ally, it is foolish to nurture it, revel in it, suppress it, not notice, avoid, turn away. It just needs to be used for its intended purpose and that's it!

Even more interesting is the situation when one person chooses to be offended, and the other chooses to be afraid of offending. One blamed the other on the fact that he drove himself a splinter and did not want to pull it out. And the other, filled to the brim with a sense of guilt, draws another one hundred percent to his own one hundred percent responsibility for his experience. It is hard, the legs from the overwhelming burden are dispersed, the feeling of guilt oppresses and strangles.

And after all, everything is in vain, tearing his navel in vain. Because the fact that a person can decide something, force, convince him to do something is an absolute illusion. Those charged additionally one hundred percent of the alleged "someone else's responsibility" have a huge weight. But they are essentially anything but opportunities to change something in another person. These two resemble two choking crucians in a string bag made of threads of each other's confused responsibilities. How can you let go of the insult and forgive? In this situation, you need to return what is yours. And simply give someone else's back, that's the whole way out.

If a person has chosen you in order to turn their attention to their own inflammation - let it be, let it be. But at the same time, stay on the wave of lightness and correctness yourself. This is the best thing you can do for the offended person. After all, then he will have a choice - to join your ease or remain in suffering.

How to forgive children's insults and set yourself free?

It is not at all more productive to be offended by your parents. Modern courses in personality psychology sometimes even condone the fact that a person becomes obsessed with this state. They appeared as a trend on the way to more than a couple of decades ago, then they really opened their eyes to many things and their methods were needed and necessary. But in this period of acceleration of time and Space, their archaic techniques can be harmful and here's why.

You can often hear such complaints, they say, “I sort out and sort out problems with my parents and look for children's“ gags ”and grievances. I forgive, cleanse, transform, but all this good does not end, life does not improve. " And they will not end and. Because in the current stage of strengthening our power to control our own reality, we reproduce and strengthen what we put our emphasis on longer and more persistently.

What to do? Switch the vector to the desired one, shifting it from the unwanted one. What if you can't move, because the resentment burns? How to let go of resentment and forgive? Understand what a childhood experience could have been. In order to work out the "unfinished" in the past life. You could have attracted false attitudes of your imperfection from past incarnations. And the Souls of parents with boundless love volunteered to be offenders so that you could work out everything productively and to help the growth of your Soul.

Much is softer in childhood than in adulthood. Therefore, there should be double gratitude to the parents and "coincidence of circumstances". Childhood has passed - experience gained, the door is closed. And only your business is to pull with you further an invented splinter the size of a log or to throw nafig and continue the journey light and whistling.

How to forgive resentment and let go of the past is the most effective way

What to do if you've read the last couple of paragraphs, seem to have penetrated, but it still burns? Make the practice of discharging, detaching from the abuser parent. Take what you can write out the thoughts that you are still thinking about him now. And what you can write it all on. It will not be superfluous to arm yourself with solitude. And grab also in sufficient volumes what you will pour out liquid manifestations of evidence of softening of your old grievances. Handkerchiefs that is. We begin the practice of “letting go and forgiving”.

Then get angry, write, swear, express yourself and pour out as you like, taking advantage of the fact that no one will ever see or read, but you need to relieve yourself. But in order not to "bury yourself", do it in the mainstream: "It hurt when you ...", "I was hurt when you ..." "I felt lousy when you ..." "I was afraid (was ), when you…".

When the pain, striving, zeal has dried up and the longed-for apathy comes, re-read the writings. With expression several times to "finish off" the pack of handkerchiefs. When you no longer want to reach for the handkerchiefs, nothing in the written will be pricked, and at the next attempt to read, it will roll not anger with resentment, but fatigue and indifference - the job is done. The floor is that is. Recycle what you have written irrevocably in any convenient way. Then go wash yourself with some water. You can take a shower and look at the flame of a burning candle. Cleans and soothes.

And now, with enthusiasm, on a newly prepared pack of paper, begin to write out what you are grateful to your ancestor for. By the type: "Thanks to you, I understood (a) ... realized (a) ..." and so on. Better point by point. After a thoughtful reading of this article, there should be more reasons for gratitude. As well as increased understanding of the true essence of things.

To be able to forgive an insult is not a gift, but a duty!

Then you can search the Internet for any meditation aimed at forgiveness - there are plenty of them. But it's better to choose in advance, having prepared. Or, to light music, mentally imagine the former offender, tell him: “I thank you for the experience. Now I choose lightness and awareness of myself as the Creator and source. I let you go with love, you and I are free. " If you feel like it, you can hug the image. If not, just let it melt. The inner work of transforming and synchronizing Oneself with Oneself can henceforth be considered completed.

Forgive each other's grievances and be happy!

Emotions never lie. If there is resentment, then there is pain. And if there is pain, then there is a dissonance between the Truth and the superficial. Realize, take away their responsibility from the one who was appointed to be the abuser. By doing this, you will regain control over your thoughts, feelings and your life, as a result. To do this, ask the question: “What does this affect me?”, See, discern, replace with the True, something that is guaranteed to be the opposite in essence. Thus, the issue “ How to let go of resentment and forgive“, Become free again. To be filled with joy and lightness - the basic states of the human Creator.

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“We must make the choice for ourselves to free ourselves
and forgive everyone without exception, especially ourselves.
Even if we don’t know how to forgive, we need to want it strongly. "

Louise Hay

Everybody ever in my life were offended... And many of you are familiar with the unwillingness to forgive the person who caused the evil.

You carry this load with you day after day, cherishing your hurt feelings, feeling sorry for yourself.

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But how does it benefit you? Remembering the insult, you again and again plunge into the events of the past, poisoning the present.

How do you let go of this pain? What is real forgiveness? What means be able to forgive and how to come to this?

If you have these questions, then you are on the path to true forgiveness.

Learn how to move from a state of self-pity to liberation, gaining strength and inner harmony.

What is forgiveness

How do you feel when you are offended?

Inside, everything shrinks, you seem to be constrained, consciousness shrinks. You look at the world through the prism of your feelings and do not see the whole picture.

When you are offended by someone, you devote all your energy to feeding this offense.

In this state, your heart closed, you are not able to give love. You cannot love yourself, your loved ones.

What is forgiveness?

It is believed that forgiveness is a manifestation of mercy. By forgiving out of nobility, you fall into a trap. The resentment remains, but on a deeper level.

Your ego, which has grown from showing generosity to the offender, seeks to hide true feelings.

You are still offended, but now you have to hide it from yourself and from everyone.

In society, it is also believed that giving in, forgiving is weakness and lack of will. But in reality it is display of strength.

As you forgive, you become vulnerable, but at the same time, you gain strength and stop depending on the feelings that destroy you.

To hold evil on a person, no matter how painful he may cause you, means to be in a state of sacrifice.

To forgive sincerely, accepting the situation means get free.

By letting go of the past, you remove the dam of pretension, aggression, anger, and resentment.

Energy begins to pour out of the heart, washing away painful emotions. At this moment, a transformation takes place with you, you step on a new round of your spiritual evolution.

Look at the state of resentment from different angles to understand how this feeling can be used to develop.

What grievances are the hardest to let go of

The deepest grievances are grievances against loved ones: parents, spouses.

It all starts with the parents. You feel complaints for disliking, abandoning, not supporting, reproaching, criticizing, not believing in you, etc.

The child places a lot of expectations on the parents. And often they cannot cope with such a volume.

Growing up, we understand that our parents loved as best they could, but the resentment still remains in our hearts. She goes into the unconscious.

And then it is projected onto life partners.

Everything that we did not receive from our parents, we transfer to the spouses, who, in turn, give us a reason to be offended, to experience claims, etc.

But do not forget that we choose our own parents long before birth. And they fulfill all the conditions and requirements of the contract concluded on the subtle plane.

Parents are the most powerful catalysts for our changes in ourselves. The most bitter grievances contain important lessons and realizations.

If for some reason we have not learned them with our parents, we transfer them to our partners: husbands, wives.

Take a closer look at your life, analyze the chain of key events starting from childhood, and you will definitely find this truth, for which you actually came here on earth, in this incarnation.

Ask yourself, what lesson did you choose to learn from your parents?

Find out what your parents have taught you in this article.

Why forgive

“As soon as a person gets sick,
he needs to look in his heart for someone to forgive. "

Louise Hay

Who needs more forgiveness, the offender or you?

Not everyone who has hurt you knows this. And not everyone feels guilty.

And you walk around with your resentment or feeling of betrayal all the time.

You replay this traumatic situation over and over again destroying myself from the inside.

This pain is with you all the time. You cling to it with a stranglehold. The longer you hold the grudge, the harder it is to let go.

Exhausted energetically, you do not live in full strength, do not feel happiness, are not able to love, because your heart is closed.

It is no longer a secret for anyone that thoughts, supported by emotions, are material. What we send to the Universe returns to us in a multiplied form.

Resisting forgiveness puts yourself in great danger.

On the etheric plane, clots of energy are formed, which subsequently turn into real physical diseases.

See below which diseases cause unforgiven grudges:

“Don't think about what your forgiveness means to your opponents, those who have wronged you in the past. Enjoy what forgiveness gives you. Learn to forgive, and it will become easier for you to go to your dreams, not burdened with the baggage of the past. "

Nick Vuychich

Moving from resentment to forgiveness means moving from the state of a victim to the state of the creator.

First of all, you need want to forgive.

If resentment gnaws at you, it won't even occur to you that forgiveness is the best way to resolve the situation.

Instead, you digest the options, what you would say or what you would do in that situation, how you should behave further with this person and how to punish him.

All offenders are our teachers.

We are subconsciously we want to be offended and therefore we attract such people into our life. Why are we doing this? Everyone has their own answer.

There is not a single offense inflicted on us just for the sake of suffering. All of them contain a jewel, discovering which, we become wiser.

Allow yourself to look at the situation from this angle, and you will see what really lies behind the resentment.

The more painful the injury is, the more valuable the experience it contains.

When you realize the hidden value of betrayal, you will understand that you have nothing to forgive... And you will experience a sense of gratitude and unconditional love for the offender.

If situations constantly occur in your life when you are betrayed, humiliated, this indicates that you stubbornly do not want to see something important, necessary for your spiritual development.

Understand that the soul does not take pleasure in inflicting pain.

On a subconscious level, a person suffers when he is forced to behave in this way. Some part of him does not understand why he does this.

By forgiving, you free both yourself and him from fulfilling this contract. You enable the person to show their true feelings for you.

10 steps from resentment to forgiveness

Especially for you, we created an infographic in which we described the main steps to help you come to forgiveness:

Getting on the path of forgiveness isn't easy.

It takes courage to view betrayal as a problem you have created. But it’s hard to take just the first step.

By realizing the abuser's true role in your life, you are able to truly forgive him by accepting your feelings.

So you make room for love, compassion in your heart, change your life and become wiser.

Good luck on this path. And may it be easy!

“To forgive does not mean to forget; To forgive this means with compassion, with pain in my soul, to say: when the Last Judgment comes, I will rise and say: do not condemn it, Lord ”(Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh).

Someone shouts in despair: "I will never forgive this!" because today is forgiveness Sunday, and he walks and radiates resentment, torments others with this and piously believes in his forgiveness. It is impossible to find a person who would never be offended or offended in his life. We carry a lot of wounds and pains, and their number usually does not decrease over the years.

You're a Christian!

At confession, a person hears: “First forgive, and then come”, “You are a Christian, how can you go to God if you have not forgiven your brother,” and finds himself in an extremely unenviable position. Because it is impossible to forgive by an act of will... It can be very difficult to forgive - and this is an important truth. For years and decades, sometimes it does not work, and this is provided that a person really wants to forgive, he himself suffers from his resentment, does not want it in himself, but it still does not go away.

If you are honest with yourself and realize what is happening to you, then you know for sure - when it hurts, no matter how much you say "I forgive" to yourself, it doesn't get any easier. And maybe it gets even harder! The internal conflict between the requirement to forgive and the real impossibility of doing this is intensifying - I must, and since I cannot, then who am I after that!

The feeling of guilt is added to the offense, which in the worst cases brings a person to despair, the experience of the impossibility to turn to God - “first forgive, and then come”.

Forgiveness is not an act but a process, and often the process is lengthy. And it is important whether we are in this process or are we stagnant? Are we cooking in our experiences, in the desire to take revenge, punish, restore justice, or are we still on the path to forgiveness, do we want to free ourselves?

I can't forgive - what should I do?

Consider five important conditions for forgiveness, a kind of hints along the way, sometimes they can be seen as stages. There are other aspects of forgiveness, but this article discusses just a few of them.

FIRST: honesty and awareness. The truth is I take offense

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh wrote that

“To forgive is not to forget,” to forgive is to look at a person as he is, in his sin, in his intolerance, and say: “I will carry you like a cross, I will carry you to the Kingdom of God, if you want that or not, good or bad, I will take you on my shoulders and bring you to the Lord and say: Lord, I have carried this man all my life, because I was sorry if he died. Now you forgive him, for the sake of my forgiveness. "

What is important for us here is the thought: to forgive is not to forget.

“Forgetting” can be a kind of deception, because sometimes the truth is that the other has actually done wrong.

Sometimes it is important not to try to forget about it, but on the contrary, to remember what a person's weakness, sin, in whom something is wrong, and not to tempt him with this, but to protect him, not subject him to temptation, giving reasons to do something bad, knowing his weak a place.

Maybe this is a high bar, but these words contain a message that is very weighty for the topic of forgiveness: we do not need to force ourselves to think that the offender is a wonderful person. Our forgiveness does not depend at all on his goodness or badness. Whether we forgive or not is up to us.

In the prayer "Our Father" we say: "And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors." The key word for our topic now - "debtors" - means that I admit that I have been wronged, that I am in great pain, that I may have a lot of anger at the offender and self-pity. I do not close my eyes, I do not say that everything is fine, and you have not done anything, you are generally a saint. It will not be true.

So, it is important to see the truth about the other, but even more important is an honest and conscious look at yourself... First you need to realize that I am offended, to be able to admit it to myself. If we don't see our offense, this blocks the movement on the path of forgiveness.

I remember one woman who once said an amazing thing: "I was recently told that it turns out that it is a sin to be offended - well, and now I am not offended." This is said by a person with whom it is insanely difficult for loved ones, because she literally radiates resentment with her skin, but does not admit it at all. He does not sincerely admit.

Unawareness of one's feelings, especially resentment, leads to a wide fan of psychosomatic illnesses, because when the soul does not experience it, the body begins to experience it instead. There is no problem in the consciousness - for the soul there comes a stagnation, a dead end, because nothing can be done. The repressed feelings go into the body and into the unconscious, and from there they continue to make themselves felt.

How do you learn to be aware of your hurt? If the insult is fresh, then you can stop, take a “freeze-frame”: “So, what is happening to me now? I am offended. I am angry. On whom? For what reason? What exactly annoys me? What exactly hurts me? " This does not mean that you need to immediately run to the offender for proceedings, but it is important to honestly talk about everything with yourself.

A believer can speak his feelings or his lack of understanding of feelings in front of God. Just do not hypocritically read the noble prayers from the prayer book for forgiveness and non-condemnation, if the heart is full at this moment with anger and condemnation.

It is better to try to be as honest as possible before God as you are now: “Lord, you see how now I am filled with anger and anger, resentment and indignation. You see that sometimes I would even be ready to kill this person. But I don't want that in myself. And I can’t do anything. You yourself come and do something, because I just can’t do anything ”.

The more honest the better. Lord loves sincere (in Russian translation) heart (Psalm 50: 6), do not think that it is shameful and indecent to go to God with such things. What else to go with? Always only with gratitude and peace of mind? But without Him we can do nothing - it is very important to admit it. It is in weakness that we especially need the One who can transform us.

In the life of Vladyka Anthony: as a child he took offense at someone, came to the priest and said: “I cannot forgive him - how can I pray? what to do?". The priest replied: "Do not read these words yet:" And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors. " A good example of the honesty in prayer we are talking about now.

A separate difficult question is whether it is necessary to talk about your feelings to the offender. There are different circumstances. The offender himself may be touchy, he may not hear anything, may not understand. “Do not expose the blasphemer, lest he hate you; convict the wise, and he will love you ”(Proverbs, 9, 8). If you have made up your mind, speak only when you come to your senses, that is, in a calm, peaceful state, without blaming yourself or your feelings. If you are in passion, in hatred, fists clench, etc., then it is better to keep silent for now.

SECOND: the desire to forgive. I am NOT a trash heap. I have a garbage dump, and I don't want it in me

In the above version of the address to God, there were the words “ i of this in itself I don’t want ”, and this is a very important aspect of any repentance, incl. on the road to forgiveness.

First, a certain evil is revealed in oneself (I take offense, I want to take revenge, etc.). Then it is important to separate him from oneself, to de-identify a person and an act, a person and his feelings ( i not equal to sin, my essence is not reduced to this resentment, there is resentment i have). And then the desire to get rid of this (I do not want this in myself). Without these three components, it is difficult to move on.

If you find that you DO NOT want to forgive, you should not be afraid, it is better to calmly separate yourself from your experience, to realize that I am not equal to my resentment, not equal to my sin. My unforgiveness is not my essence. If a i have there is unforgiveness, it is not means that I am an unforgiving person, I am such a walking resentment. I don’t have so many garbage cans, but I am not a garbage can, I am the most precious child of God (identity is essential for resentment and forgiveness).

This is a very important distinction. Because only then can we honestly say to God: “Here is my trash heap, here I am dragging it to You now. Look. But this is not me. Because my truth is that I don't want to. My whole being resists. I do not want to be offended, but this garbage dump torments me, and I carry it around and cannot leave it. Do something with her already! "

This important attitude, when we understand that resentment is not my essence, helps to take a step towards liberation. Both psychologically and spiritually - also, because it is not my offense that goes to meet with God, but I, as a person, carry this basket of my own, urn - to prayer, to confession.

It saves you from despair when a person gives up: “I am a trash heap, I have no forgiveness! I am so and so! " But this is not true. The garbage dump does not go to pray. You, as a person, will go and carry your trash heap praying for deliverance.

We all know: "do not judge, that you will not be judged." But no one thinks that do not judge yourself as well! After all, as I judge myself, I will also judge my neighbor. If I am a trash heap, and he is even worse than mine ... Vicious circle. Therefore, a respectful, value-based attitude towards oneself is especially important. And how I relate to myself, so to others and to God - but this is a topic for another conversation.

THIRD: trying to understand the other. See beyond your nose

The third step: trying to understand the other, decentration. To get out of the circle of resentment to forgiveness, you need to break away from your experiences at least for a short time and think about why the other did this. In resentment, we are very fixated on ourselves: I am poor and unhappy, everyone is against me, what kind of sufferer I am, how unjust the world is, etc.

The feeling of resentment strongly concentrates a person on himself. And it is very difficult to go beyond the limits of your offended state and look at another, especially at the one who does such nasty things to me.

An important provision, developed by one of the psychotherapeutic schools, which quite successfully works with the experience of resentment, is as follows: behind every offense is the belief that the other can and should behave differently.

But if we try to seriously think about why a person did this and not otherwise, think about what happened to him at that particular moment, and be honest, we will most likely come to doubt whether the person is really could to act differently? To act as we expected from him, proceeding from our own ideas about him, and not from his real capabilities?

How did he feel at that particular moment when he offended us? Maybe something preceded this? Maybe he was seized by passion, anger seized him, and therefore he began to scream? What drove him? What was the motivation? A deliberate desire to harm me or ...

If, for example, he spoke in anger, then everyone who himself at least once spoke in anger knows how difficult it can be to stop. No wonder there is such an expression: man carries... Even linguistically, it turns out that there is no subject left (passive voice). We ourselves in this state do things for which we then feel ashamed. And it is important to turn to our experience, because if we remember similar moments about ourselves, we will be able to better understand our offenders.

If you manage to realize that in fact another could not behave differently (although usually it seems to us that, of course, he could), then almost 90 percent of the offense go away. But it is very difficult to take into account the motives and circumstances of another person when we ourselves feel bad, and even through his fault.

It seems obvious that if a person cannot, then he should not. But we often don’t even wonder if he can or not. We immediately demand: you must, you don't - I take offense at you. Or, on the contrary, you are doing something bad, but you should have done something good - I take offense at you. It is helpful to remember that we, too, often cannot do what others expect of us.

It is possible to carry out serious psychological work with yourself, not necessarily with a psychologist, when you can take some of your resentment and try to peer into the other, at whom you are offended, to figure out how really he really is could differently or must was to act differently. At first, it can be very difficult to move away from the belief that the other could do otherwise.

It is important to be painstakingly honest and to refer to your experience when it seems to us that we could have otherwise. More often than not, we greatly exaggerate our capabilities, which causes us to fall into a false sense of guilt, but neurotic guilt is not the subject of this article.

FOURTH: forgiveness in the context of eternity. "Don't judge him, Lord!"

At one of the parish retreat conferences, one of the catechists said in her lecture: "Forgiveness is natural if you think about death." Of course, there is the truth of our pain, there is some kind of intolerance at times, the inability to withstand another person, he has caused so much evil.

But if you manage to think more deeply, place your view in the context of eternity - not in the context of our relationship with him now, but in the context of eternity, when he and I will come to God, then ... what then? Will I, on the threshold of eternity, say to God: "You know, he did all this to me - you take it into account, please"? What will happen to my heart when we get to this turn?

These are such matters, which, of course, are not easy to talk about, but at the same time it is seriously important in our topic. Here a special existential truth is revealed if we can look at those people who offend us in this way.

A recollection can also help here: did I have something good connected with this person? After all, we most often take offense at the people closest to us, at those who are especially dear to us, and there are reasons why this happens. We take offense at those whom we love very much, and sometimes it is useful to simply switch our attention from dwelling on nasty things to remembering something good that is associated with this person.

This logic of expanding the field of view is very important. Because in a state of resentment, a strong narrowing of the gaze occurs. In offense there is such a blinkeredness, a person sees, in fact, only himself and his pain, and the other as evil. And it is important to open your eyes, broaden your gaze and remember that yes, there is bad, but in general there is good.

From this extended logic, it is easier to understand why a person behaved this way, that he is not an unambiguous walking evil, just like I am not a walking trash heap. And maybe such a view, still here, in this world, will help us someday, following Vl. Antony, say: "Do not judge him, Lord!"

FIFTH: an attempt to look at a person through the eyes of God. Meeting with Love

Continuing the logic of reflections on the spiritual plane, one can suggest trying to look at both the offender and at yourself - through the eyes of God. In practice, it is not easy to do this, because the image of God in our country is often seriously distorted, often parental traits are attributed to him: authority, severity, detachment, indifference. Often during therapy, for example, you can hear from a client: if my mother did not care about me, and she was never interested in me, then God, all the more, does not care about me.

Here we touch on an important and difficult topic: the distortion of the image of God in ourselves. It often happens like this: how my parents treated me, so, I think, God treats me. Therefore, it is still a big question, with whose eyes I will look. Therefore, in a sense, we can say that this "method" is not suitable for everyone. After all, if I have a strong distortion of ideas about God, then I will not look with anyone's eyes.

Obviously, none of us can say that we have true knowledge of God, His true image. But we are called to draw near to Him, to recognize Him. You can try: in the practice of prayer meditation, in particular, before the cross, remembering Christ Who spoke from the cross about forgiveness, you can try to look at those who have offended us ...

Good Friday. They crucify him. It hangs on the cross. Living Man. Nails in the arms and legs, but the breath in the chest is still vivid. They mock him, mock him, share His clothes. They say: if you are God, descend from the cross. If I am standing next to you, then what is with me? What's wrong with my grudge? Having entered the prayer stand before Him, one can think: how does the Lord look at me now, when I am tormented with my resentment, with my impossibility to forgive and come to His cross? How does He look at my abuser? How does He look at us together? What does He want for us, for me, for him?

These are very intimate reflections that can occur deep in the heart, in the place of a mysterious meeting with the gaze of Love. This view helps to transfer our grievances to a completely different dimension.


Summing up this little thought, we can say that forgiveness is a process. The main thing is to start with the smallest steps, without expecting great results from yourself right away. Don't think that if we have a five-condition scheme, we have found a recipe for forgiveness. If our grievances last for years and decades, it will not be possible to get rid of them in a month or two.

It is worthwhile to tune in to serious and long-term work, honesty with yourself and with God. And who knows, maybe this process itself will bear fruit that we do not expect, as is often the case when God gives us even more than we sometimes dared to want.

Do you know that can resentment destroy your physical health?

It flares up spontaneously in response to criticism, insult, misunderstanding ...

Every day you have there are dozens of reasons to be offended on relatives, friends, colleagues at work.

You expect support, praise from them, and as a result you get something completely different.

A keen sense of injustice hurts you and at this very moment, the insult is right there. The words seem to get stuck in my throat, my heart squeezes.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Resentment can eat away at you from the inside and take away the joy of life.

Is it worth giving the offense such power over oneself?

If you still continue to be held captive by your own grievances - this article is for you.

9 steps to embrace and release a grudge

Let's figure out why you are offended and how to get rid of the offense. And most importantly, let's start acting together right now!

Set aside half an hour for yourself to be alone and reflect, pencil in hand, on the answers to simple questions.

Ready? Then let's get started! First of all, we will find a starting point.

What is happening in your life now?

Answer yourself as honestly as possible:

  1. How often do you get offended?
  2. Who are you most offended by?
  3. Remember the situation in which you were offended.
  4. What hooked you?
  5. How did you feel towards the abuser?
  6. What have you experienced in relation to yourself?
  7. How often do you return to this episode in your mind?
  8. What emotions arise when you replay this event in your memory over and over again?
  9. What further actions did the feeling of resentment lead you to?

Let's summarize some things:

In a situation that came to mind, you, for sure, didn’t get what we expected!

From your point of view with you acted unfairly and at this moment you experienced mental and even physical pain.

Perhaps you wanted to prove the wrongdoer to the offender and even punish him.

Returning mentally to that situation, you are more and more feel unhappy. Joy has vanished from your life. The physical condition is poor.

The conclusion suggests itself: everyone's situations are different, and the result looks about the same.

Why do you get offended from time to time?

Remember how young children behave when they don't get what they want?


They purse their lips, begin to cry loudly, stomp their feet.

Sometimes they turn away and demonstrate their unwillingness to talk to the “offender” or throw words at the “offender”: You are bad!

It seems like it is not appropriate for an adult to “stomp his feet,” but the essence of behavior at the moment of resentment is obvious. We all come from childhood!

And this mechanism works in each of us to one degree or another.

It is built into our subconscious and often gives an automatic reaction in the form of resentment. Almost everyone is familiar with this feeling.

What is important for an adult to know about the harm of resentment?

Resentment do not disappear by themselves... They have the ability to accumulate.

If we draw an analogy with a computer, then it looks something like this:

The site you are viewing, after closing, disappears from the computer screen, BUT ... remains in the browsing history. And the computer sometimes refuses to work normally while the user won't clean up history.

When the vessel with grievances overflows, your body also refuses to work normally and starts to malfunction in the form of scandals, poor health, pain in the physical body, mental emptiness.

Then your subconscious mind is able to bring out into the light of God the complete collection of your works called “Offense”. And you feel even more miserable.

The circle is closed ...

How to break the vicious circle of resentment?

Step 1. Admit that you are overplaying

Admit to yourself right now that you have played a child's game “they offended me, they didn’t understand me, they didn’t appreciate me” (you can continue the list) and your behavior resembles young child behavior, although childhood is long over.

Step 2. Admit that you are the author of your grievance

Admit to yourself right now that you and only you are the author of his grievance.

And if something hurt you in the behavior of another person, then try to figure out what exactly. Look at this from the perspective of an adult.

Accept that your abuser may have had good reasons behave towards you exactly as it happened.

To do this, scroll through the moments in your memory that preceded your offense.

Look at yourself as if from the outside. Was everything there like that how did you imagine it.

An example from the life of a student at the Institute of Reincarnation:

“The long-standing grudge against my parents was worked through, when, when deciding to have an operation to remove the tonsils, they assured me that it did not hurt and I could easily bear it. But I was in great pain, and I was offended by my parents, because I believed that they should have told me the truth.

Looking at the situation from above, through the eyes of the soul, I saw why I needed this situation, in order to understand how vulnerable our body, I am, that it needs to be cherished and loved.

I saw how my parents loved me, how difficult it was for them, knowing the truth, to tell me that it didn’t hurt, but it’s for my own good, because otherwise I simply would not agree to the operation, but I needed it. "

Step 4. Realize what happened

Remember the golden rule: never don't make decisions in a state of acute resentment.

Give yourself time to calm down a little, to realize what happened.

Step 5. Understand your expectations

Try to explain to yourself what did you expect from your interlocutor at that moment and why, in your opinion, should he have done this?

For example, our student Anastasia Y. found the following answer for herself:

“I found my childhood trauma, it is so small from the point of view of an adult, I painted the walls in the house, after repairs, there was paint, such a beautiful blue, green and burgundy, I painted flowers, trees, a dog, and the adults, when they returned home of the guests, they began to scold me and put me in a corner.

And I found the answer in this lesson that they love me even when they scold me, and you can do such bold deeds, it's not so scary! I still remember these beautiful, painted walls. "

Step 6. In any case, DO NOT be offended

Think if what you heard in your address is NOT true then is it worth taking offense?

And if you have heard the truth about yourself, it’s even more ridiculous to be offended!

Step 7. Let go of grudges

Don't build up grudges. Let them go!

Otherwise, they can destroy your body. Mental aggression turns on. The thoughts in which you punish the abuser drain your immune and bone systems.

Therefore, entrust your feelings, emotions, thoughts to paper.

Imagine that you write a letter to your abuser and then burn it. The main thing, as they say, is to let off steam!

Step 8. Talk about yourself

Learn to dialogue and inform the interlocutor about how you feel at the moment. ”I feel annoyed when you talk about it” instead of the phrase “You annoy me”, etc.

Step 9. Forgive the abuser

Learn to forgive!

Shocking facts about forgiveness

Fact # 1

Forgiveness the forgiver needs, that is, you, and NOT the offender.

The offender considers himself right and does not experience any unpleasant feelings from the fact that you do not forgive him.

It turns out that only you are suffering. So you need forgiveness too!

Fact # 2

If there is no desire to forgive, then you should think what benefit do you get for myself, continuing to be offended.

For example, increased attention to my person, they sympathize with me, feel sorry for me, etc.

Fact # 3

Forgiveness does NOT mean justification of an act abuser.

The act of forgiveness in this case is NOT an attempt to return the situation or relationship to its previous state.

This is the act of your release.

Fact # 4

Forgiveness Is NOT reconciliation.

Forgiveness does not depend on the other person, it is only your decision.

That is why you can free yourself from resentment and forgive a person who is not around or even a deceased person.

Fact # 5

Forgiveness is NOT a feeling.

it internal work process, as a result of which there is a feeling of liberation and lightness.

Forgiveness Meditation

Right now I suggest you go through short meditation "Forgiveness".

Make sure that no one distracts you.

Share your results in the comments!

Congratulations! You correctly decided that resentment should not have power over you and started the process of inner work.

Nine easy steps showed you the direction in which to keep going.

In meditation, you are filled with a feeling of freedom and lightness, in which a person is not burdened with a load of resentment.

If you are ready to continue the path of knowing yourself, we will be glad to see you among the 1st year students of the Institute of Reincarnation.
