Most parents seek to identify a child in a kindergarten or school that are closest to the place of residence, or work. Due to the workload, first of all, children who have temporary or permanent registration in the location of the educational organization are taking.

How to do: Step-by-step instructions

If you are registered with the municipal apartment, it is necessary to further obtain the consent of local governments.

All the originals provided documents are returned to parents. Together with a temporary registration certificate.

Do register check in the place of stay during admission and how do it?

In accordance with the procedure for the admission of citizens to training in educational programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2014 No. 32, and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2014 №293 "On approval of the procedure for admission to educational programs for preschool education", school and pre-school institutions have the right to request in the list of necessary documents to enroll the certificate of temporary registration of the child.

Registration should be in the location of the educational institution. In connection with frequent cases of falsification, the guidance of a kindergarten or school can check the authenticity of the document. It is possible to implement this by requesting a reference form No. 9, which will confirm registration.

Also clarify the fact of temporary registration is allowed by telephone, or by writing a letter to the management of the migration service. There is an opportunity to use the organ online service.

Temporary registration at school or kindergarten can be checked not only upon admission, but also in the learning process.

Can they refuse to receive, on what grounds?

The question of refusing to accept or formulate a queue to the educational institution of a child who has no temporary registration, is quite ambiguous and contradictory. In the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" there is no direct norm that would prohibit the child's documents to school or a pre-school institution without temporary registration.

According to this law, as well as part 2 of Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the availability of education is guaranteed by the state. This implies the right of citizens to choose a general educational institution, regardless of the place of residence. The only reason for refusing to accept training is the lack of free seats. In the institution.

Also, the lack of a temporary registration certificate can make the priority of the child who come to teaching secondary. In this case, the refusal should not. In case of refusal, the parent has the right to demand a written substantiation and apply to the Department of Education or to the Prosecutor's Office.

At the same time, by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2017, the absolute legality of temporary registration requirements was recognized as a decision of a temporary registration in a general educational institution. Therefore, without this reference, it will not be possible to do without it.

No children are required, whose parents are in service in the armed forces, law enforcement agencies, or work in court. Children indicated persons have the right to enter a kindergarten or school out of turn.

Thus, the design of the child's temporary registration for admission to kindergarten or school is a fairly simple process that does not require much time. Its absence is not a direct basis for refusing to accept the institution. However, timely decorated temporary registration makes it possible to do without any problems in the chosen general educational institution in the order of priority.

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One of the new stages of the life of each child is the beginning of school pore.

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For many guys, the first September is a holiday: white bows, a beautiful school uniform, a fashionable backpack and a kip educational material. For parents, this is a particularly responsible moment. At the same time, the troubles on the child's device at school begins long before the first autumn day.

To begin with, parents need to decide on the choice of educational institution. It is from this stage that everything begins.

Right to education

The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the provision that education in schools (basic general education) is obligatory for citizens of our country. This means that every parent must provide his child learning. At the same time, parents do not in any case should prevent their children to study. This rule also has a legislative consolidation in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In the general sense of the word, education in the schools of the Russian Federation is expected to be free. However, there are so-called private schools, where training takes place on a paid basis. This is rather an exception to the rule. Choosing such educational institutions is the right of parents, not a duty.

In addition, official representatives of children are given the right to choose schools, gymnasiums, lyceums in terms of the level of preparedness and development of the child.

This means that the parent may choose an educational institution with the training program that would be fully able to prepare and develop a child's personal qualities at the proper level. But in some cases, such schools may refuse parents in the reception of children, if all vacant places will be occupied, and the school is not at the place of residence of the child.

Territorial factor

If you pay attention, then in each area (microdistrict) there are several schools. It may also be so that they will be located in close proximity to each other. A legitarious question may arise about which school is binding to the place of residence of the child and is there any such.

Indeed, the Russian Law "On Education" enshrines in its norms that there is a binding of residential facilities to educational institutions. This is done, first of all, in order to provide educational services to the maximum number of students living in close proximity to schools, as the convenience of visiting an educational institution on a territorial basis is very important points for qualitative education of children.

So, after receiving an answer to the question, it is possible to get to school near the house, it is worth voicing another part of the question: how to find out what school we treat in registration.

How to find out what school does the registration refer to

Modern realities make it possible to use several methods for obtaining information about educational services. Many of them are most accessible to every citizen.

These methods can be attributed to:

  • studying Internet resources on education: School sites, Department of Education, etc.;
  • visit authorized state bodies, such as education departments in the city, district, etc.;
  • personal visit to school.

You can use one of these options, and you can use several methods to ensure that the answer is as much reliable, complete and deployed. Also, it is supposed to be done if there are doubts about the accuracy of the information received, its correctness and legality.

We study the expanses of the global network

Currently, every school, as well as a different educational institution, is obliged to have their own Internet resource. The amount of information, of course, on each of them can beat various. Some educational institutions highlight every important stage in the lives of their students and teachers, tells detail about various events, achievements, etc. Some schools are limited to general information.

However, in obligatory, each such site must disclose information about:

  • what homes are enshrined at the educational institution;
  • rules for admission of students;
  • the number of available places for the future academic year;
  • what directions are carried out at school and others.

In a special section on the site you can get information about the territorial affiliation of the school, what streets and homes are fixed precisely behind it. This option is the most prompt of all, so there is no need to leave your home, sign up for reception, stand in queues, etc.

Departments and Departments of Education

Each Russian city has authorized educational institutions. A visit to their citizens on personal matters may most often, at certain hours and days of the week. This information is better to know in advance so as not to waste time in vain.

Typically, the reception is carried out by appointment by phone. However, in some cases, the live queue.

Competent staff in the field of education must definitely give you an answer to the question of which school is enshrined at your place of residence. But it is not the most convenient way to go for the sake of this issue. It suits more than those who have other additional questions, if their decision is possible only with a personal visiting.

Personal visit

Each parent has the full right to go to the nearby or asked school and find out everything that is important to him.

With ease, you can get information about:

  • is the school attached to the place of residence of the child;
  • how many training seats are available;
  • what are the rules for admission to schools;
  • how likely to get into this school, if it does not apply to registration and much more.

Refusal to provide information or ban on visiting the school by parents of potential future students is impossible.

It is recommended to use this method for obtaining information, as it can not only get acquainted with the school administration, but also see the conditions in which the process of learning children, the state of the building, etc.

Refusal of reception

Such cases are not frequent, but possible. The most common and frequent cause of refusal to receive a student becomes lack of training seats, that is, if all classes are fully equipped. These responses of school administration must be documented.

Each parent may require evidence that there are no free places at school, especially if the refusal entered the address for whom the school is fixed on registration.

There are age restrictions for admission to school. As a general rule, the child should be marked by September 1 of the current school year 6 and a half years. But this rule is not tough. Sometimes, the level of preparing children is so high that such an age limit is removed to 2-3 months in a smaller side.

It is not recommended to give children earlier than the established age, since at an earlier age in children there are certain differences not only in intellectual development, but also in emotional and mental. Each child should be comfortable trained in the team.

All parents should be remembered that the state of health is not a categorical reason for refusing to adopt a child to school, if he is able to fully perceive information and contact with adults and peers on medical conclusion. This also applies to a number of mental illness.

If the child is not registered at the place of residence

Currently, the lack of registration is not the cause of refusal to receive an educational institution. It should be remembered that our state is obliged to take all possible measures to ensure that each Russian child has received education at school.

If parents denied the admission of a child because he lives not at the address attached to school, then this is the basis for filing a complaint to the Ministry of Education and to other instances.

Refuse can only with a complete set of classes. However, parents should be provided with information on which schools there are still free training places. Of course, there are various life situations, but parents need to take care in advance that the child goes exactly to the school that has a convenient territorial location or meets all the requirements of the parents so that there is no panic when the kid's device is not in an educational institution.

You can submit documents in two schools at the same time. But there is a rule that before all, before July 31, students are credited for registration. But from August 1, until September 5, there is a subsequent equipment of classes of those students who do not have a prescription school.

Benefits when enrolling in schools

In each subject of the Russian Federation there are benefits when taking children to educational institutions. The list is better to specify in the relevant Department of Education.

As a general rule, child benefits include children:

  • servicemen;
  • judges;
  • prosecutors;
  • police officers;
  • parents of victims and those killed in the performance of military debt;
  • parents who were injured who have received injuries or those who died when performing official duties.

Some regions of our country may attribute to beneficiaries:

  • children of single mothers;
  • guys who are under guardianship;
  • children whose parents are deprived or limited in parental rights;
  • large families;
  • low-income families and others.

If preschool courses exist at schools, then the children who are their graduates can be paramount to enrolled in this educational institution.

Permanent and temporary registration

As you know, citizens have the right to issue a temporary registration at the place of their stay. But this is the responsibility, if in a different settlement, different from the place of permanent registration, the citizen is more than 3 months in a row ( 90 days). Registration of temporary registration on a minor child is recommended to do, if it is in this locality, he will go to school. This will facilitate parents enrollment.

It is worth noting that the parent, who already has temporary registration at the place of residence, can freely register his minor child to the territory of the living space without the consent of the owner of the housing. This state of affairs guarantees the full realization of the rights of the child, including to receive secondary education in schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and other similar educational institutions.

Lyceums, gymnasiums, schools ... Now their choice is so huge and diverse, that many parents of future first-graders are in confusion: where to give a child how to make the right decision? And it is necessary to make a decision now, because it is in the spring that the recording or admission to the first class begins.

The modern children and their parents have the choice of the first educational institution much more than their peers of the Soviet period. Then they chose between the usual district school and special school with an in-depth study of individual disciplines, and the words "gymnasium" and "lyceum" were associated with a pre-revolutionary era.

After the fall of the USSR, many schools became known as lyceums and gymnasiums. Parents often do not understand what the principal difference between them.

Progimnasia - Primary school with humanitarian orientation, 1-4th grades.

Gymnasium - The average and older school, from the 5th to the 11th grade, as a rule, a curriculum with a humanitarian orientation, over the school program, the abundance of the disciplines of the historical and philological direction, often - two foreign languages.

Lyceum - Senior School, 8-11th grades, professionally oriented training. The lyceums often work in collaboration with universities, in most cases technical, and students are credited to universities on the results of graduation in the lyceum.

Simply put, lyceum or gymnasium is a larger number of additional disciplines, the study of several languages, profile orientation. If the school becomes a gymnasium or lyceum, it means that it has passed state certification. Initiative, energetic director seeks to receive the status of lyceum or gymnasium, because talented children who want to learn, and work easier and more interesting to work with such disciples.

When choosing a school for a child, be sure to note:
  • on frame frames. If the teachers are changing frequently, this is reflected on the quality of learning and indicates an unfavorable situation at school;
  • whether in school behind the rest and leisure of children. Ask what circles are, how often are excursions, trips to other cities, abroad;
  • are there any additional educational services that the school has the right to provide for money. Note that the school should have a license for these services. By the way, the only legal "winpie" from parents (except for money for additional classes that voluntarily) is a security. Fees "on the curtains", "for a class present", etc. illegal;
  • look at how much at school cozy and comfortable. Your child has to spend a significant part of life in its walls. Pay attention to the state of the windowsills and walls - many inscriptions; Their content can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cultural level of schoolchildren, as well as the fact of availability itself. Look, there is a lot of stegazette, reports about campaigns, how long ago they were created that they were written in them;
  • is there a psychologist at school - undoubtedly, it is very important, because it helps children solve their problems;
  • whether students of the school participate in urban and district competitions, which they show results.

State Secondary School

This is a school that is usually located in your or neighboring yard. The curriculum in such schools is the same, the list of items is the same. There is worth going if the child has not yet shown any special talents and interests. Usually, such a school is chosen on the basis of its location - proximity to the house, the absence of the road that must be processed.

As a rule, here is not the best teaching staff - talented teachers work or with capable children in specialized schools, or with rich in private. However, exceptions are also found. Almost every school there is at least one teacher-associate, who in his free time leads mugs and studios, engaged in talented children. How productive his work depends on the director: whether it is ready to change whether it encourages the initiative. Therefore, before you give your treasure to the first school, talk to the director, make your opinion about him, about its attitude to students, teachers and an educational process.

"In-depth" schools

Now Specials No, there are schools with in-depth study of certain objects. As a rule, in the profiled schools, the set is carried out in the first and in senior classes. Many of them became gymnasiums and lyceums, as a rule, these are old Soviet special schools who enjoyed a good reputation for long years.

If your child goes to such an educational institution, it is necessary to make aware that he chooses a specialization for many years ahead and will enter the university with a corresponding profile. In the "former" special schools, quite a high competition, even among future first-graders, and receipt (which in the 1st, that in the 8th grade) is sometimes no less difficult than the entrance exam in the university, and training requires considerable strength. Another similarity with the university: in many schools there are preparatory courses. Education at school is usually free. In a number of similar schools, individual profile items are led by teachers from universities with which the school cooperates, and good studies in such schools is practically guaranteed income.

If your primary priority is a knowledge of a foreign language, choose a good old special school, having a "special" image from Soviet times, - the choice is now huge, only in the capital of their more than a hundred.

The fact that in school from the first grade is taught English, it is not at all a guarantee that it is a good language school. Ask how the percentage of graduates goes to the university without (of course you will not affect you soon, but such information will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe quality of learning), in which universities most often do, there are exchange programs with foreign schools, the possibility of internships leads whether Language. In some schools, part of the subjects is taught in a foreign language, so the child is in the "full immersion" mode, which, of course, contributes to the rapid absorption of the language. As a rule, the first foreign language is beginning to teach in the 1st or 2nd grade, and then add one more. Often, at the end of the school, students are handed over to an international exam, which makes it possible to enter the highest educational institutions in other countries.

The undoubted plus "in-depth" schools are that the child rotates in the environment of the same as he gifted children with similar interests.

A huge minus of "in-depth" schools, gymnasiums and lyceums: the load reflecting primarily on health. Overwork, headaches, myopia, gastritis are diseases of talented children who are sitting at the wrong desk in the morning. In addition, forced most of the time to carry out in the room, to manage to fulfill quite bulk homework, these children are less than their peers and move. The result is lower immunity, poor physical training.

Full day school

In the past two years, state and non-governmental schools of full day have been widespread. In such schools, the child remains on the second half of the day, which is very convenient for working parents. This is not a standard Soviet extellion, where the child just walked and did lessons, there are additional circles in a full day school, sports sections, children, naturally feed, make lessons with them and bring up for a walk. To give or not to give a schoolchildren for a whole day, primarily depends on the individual characteristics of the child - someone feels comfortable, being constantly in the team of peers, and someone needs silence and domestic peace. This service in public schools is free. As for private schools, the price directly depends on the package of services provided.

Private schools

The principal difference in the quality of knowledge between the state and non-state school is not: and those and others are weak and strong. But in non-state schools will provide you with the desire to deliver a child from home to school, high-quality lunches, a swimming pool, a horse ride - what you choose and be able to pay. The child will learn in a small, possibly exclusive female or male team. In such a school, the child is under close control, and you can not worry that it will run away from the lessons, swears to the school of cigarettes or beer. In addition, there is usually such a security that the mouse will not crawl. An important fact is a careful and respectful attitude of teachers absolutely to all students, a warm friendly atmosphere. Both plus, and minus: your child will surround children from non-heedled families. Sometimes it is very original, spoiled, capricious and lazy children. For some parents, whose children learn in non-state schools, often such an approach: I pay, and what he does there - I do not concern me, this is a school problem, let them understand! And they mark their "leader of redheads" on the care of unfortunate teachers, in classmates to your child.

If you have chosen a private school, you need to remember:

Private school must have a license for educational activities that you show when meeting. Pay attention to its validity - if it ends, say, in two weeks, it should alert you: there is no good school with licensing problems, and they care about extending the license in advance. Non-state school should have state accreditation. This confirms that the school meets all standards, provides high-quality education and gives a state-owned sample certificate. This is very important because otherwise the child will not receive a state certificate and, accordingly, will be able to continue their studies only in a non-state university. If the school without accreditation arranges the delivery of the final exams on the basis of another school, the child will receive the certificate of that school in which he learn the exam. Usually, if in school everything is in order with the documents, they do not hide it, hang on the stand license and accreditation.

Expert comment

Alexander Gavrilov, head of the press service Department of Education of Moscow

In the spring, when reception in the first classes begins, special commissions are being created in management, where you can seek help, if you refused to record to school.

Now schools are not attached to a specific area and a child if there is places can go to any school. And physicians, and psychologists recommend to give the baby to school, which is located next to the house, because otherwise the child will have to get up earlier, it will be more tired. Looking for a school for first grader, remember that a lot of young teachers depends very much, it is he who creates the basis for the future. Visit the open day, meet the school program, talk to teachers to compile an idea of \u200b\u200bwho will teach a child, talk with the moms of school students. Of course, it also matters in what state is the school building, is there computer classes, equipment. Schools by law may choose themselves, for which program to teach children - five- or six-day. The difference is that in five days in children there is another free day, but then they have more load at school, with a six-day daily load less, but children learn and on Saturday too.

Note that when receiving children in the first grades school has no right Arrange the exam, in the first class of children accepted. The only thing that the child can go before admission is an interview. Refusal in the reception can in two cases: if school has no places and if it is a specialized school with an in-depth study of any objects, and your child has not passed the interview.

Best State Schools of Moscow:

  • physical and mathematical:
    • Lyceum "Two School" (L2 W),
    • Boarding school №18 at Moscow State University,
    • Physics and Mathematical School №444,
    • Mathematical gymnasium №1514,
    • Energo-physical lyceum at MEI №1502,
    • Polytechnic Lyceum №1501,
    • school number 57.
  • humanities:
    • Oriental Lyceum №1535 under Isaa MSU - Former boarding school №14,
    • gymnasium №45, №1250, №1225, №1275, №1243, №1239 - former number 20.

The best private schools in Moscow:

  • Moscow Economic School,
  • school "Premier",
  • lyceum "Moskvich",
  • school "Samson".

Comment Article "Choosing School"

I will not scold the author, for he did not set himself the goal to write absolutely everything on this topic. The article on the site is not the dissertation.

2006-04-10 10.04.2006 15:35:43, MRS. John.

I will not scold the author. The article on the site is not the dissertation.
I agree with the reader that graduates could have a Blost to the university, and certainly no one reports to the school on tutoring.
But with the author in some reason: "If your child goes to such an educational institution (special school), it is necessary to make aware that he chooses a specialization for many years ahead and will enter the university with the appropriate profile." It is not true. I graduated from English specialschool, and not so long ago - in 2001. If you follow the logic of the author, it turns out, I and my classmates were to go to the philological, in the INAZ, in the language pedestrian, on journalism, finally. But I entered the legal, soon finishing. True, the translator's courses have finished, but this is not a basic education. Sydrodnikov received someone where - in Himfak MSU, in veterinary. So I would not make hasty conclusions.
I will tell you about my school. We had English at a very high level, at least we never heard about foreign internships, nor about the surrender of the exam for a foreign certificate. In high school, there was an object - English and American literature, in English. French from the sixth grade was introduced later, we did not hit him. Very strongly taught biology and Russian literature. The chemistry was poorly taught, which is true right. Unfortunately, our director suppressed any initiative. In school there was absolutely no circles. Of course, some teachers tried to invent something, but the director cut off everything for the root.
Now I continue to communicate with my "English". According to her, schooling has deteriorated. Many capable young teachers gone. Even English fell almost to the level of school "for a grove", which we have scared two people.
So the conclusion: if you want to give a child to school, which you yourself finished, think a hundred times and recheck. For a long time, much could change, and not for the better.

2006-04-10 10.04.2006 15:37:07, MRS. John.

Very superficial. Much does not correspond to reality. Some tips are just stupid, somehow: "Ask, what percentage of graduates goes to a university without a tutor." Who do you ask? What will it give? Maybe he has a blobe in that university or did he go for a paid department? Who will report at all before school, did he deal with tutoring? etc.
The following paragraph is generally complete nonsense:
"Please note that when taking children in the first grades, the school has no right to arrange the exam, in the first class of children are taken by record. The only thing that the child can pass before admission is an interview. Refuse to receive admission in two cases: if there is no school places and if it is a specialized school with an in-depth study of any objects, and your child has not passed the interview. "
In the latter case, the interview \u003d exam, and then the first sentence loses its meaning. "
There is not a word about such common options as the gymnasic classes at a secondary school: what are their status that they represent, etc.
In general, the next article is about anything.
It seems that the author has no children and the question of choosing a school before him was not standing.

2006-04-10 10.04.2006 14:48:11, Reader

Some phrases are even lazy to comment, such as this "fees" on the curtains "," for a class gift ", etc. illegal" ...
But with what the situation is, so it is with the fact that in the secondary school "it is worth going if the child has not yet shown any special talents and interests." I know a lot of reverse examples when the child is seriously engaged in music, sports, creativity, foreign languages, etc., and parents deliberately give it to the most simple school so that it does not load any nonsense (in the form of rhetoric and beading) and there was time On consciously selected classes.
In addition, it is completely close to among schools that are formally ordinary district, there are one or two, in which everyone is broken, including from other areas. Simply, it is not always a director who need to hammer the thresholds of higher organizations and change the status of the school, hang another sign on it ... about such institutions and so in the district they say - "strong school". And parents and children, as they say, "vote with legs." .

The training period in the school has a huge impact on the formation of the child's personality, so parents should be approached with full responsibility. You should not consider the possibility of transferring a child to another educational institution if the chosen school does not suit the parents: the change of school, especially at the very beginning of training, can very negatively affect the small schoolboy. Therefore, to choose which school to send the child, it is recommended a few months before the start of study in order to have time to consider all suitable options and finally stop at some one.

Choosing, in which school a child will go, parents will have to collect a lot of information about educational institutions of their city. What criteria should be focused when choosing a school?

Proximity to home. If the school is located near the house, with time the child will be able to go there on his own. However, based on the choice only on this condition, you significantly narrow the range of educational institutions, as there can be only one or two schools near the house. On the other hand, if you give a child to school at the place of registration, it is high like that he will learn there along with those children with whom the kindergarten attended or friendly, and this will help him adapt faster in the new conditions.

Food. Many schools have tablets where the child can eat fully, but some have only buffets. It is important to pay attention to whether harmful products are not sold in the power supply (carbonated water, chocolate bars, chips). Of course, it does not have a decisive value for parents who carefully choose where to give a child to school, because in the absence of high-quality organized nutrition, the child can take a dinner from home to school.

Pedagogical composition. Qualified teachers should work at school, and it is desirable that most teachers will have experience in the educational institution under consideration. It is also important to pay attention to the pedagogical experience and qualifications of the primary class teacher, which can be the first teacher of your child.

The level of education. Most schools have approved a standard school training program, but in some educational institutions there is a strengthened or accelerated program. In this issue, in no case cannot be focused on your own ambitions: it is important to objectively evaluate the possibilities of the child and to realize whether it is ready for an increased learning load. One of the indicators of the quality of education, which is provided by the school is permanent participation in various Olympiads. Also indirectly indicate a good level of education can communicate with any higher educational institution: it suggests that the school educational program complies with the requirements that universities are imposed on applicants.

Stability of schoolchildren. Choosing, in which school to send a child, be sure to pay attention to whether there is no noticeable "teaching" of students in the educational institution. It can be observed if many parents translate children to other schools, or from school too often exclude difficult or disturbing disciplines.

Developed out-of-school work. Please note whether there are mugs in school, sports sections, whether cultural events are held (thematic excursions, hiking and theater, etc.).

School specialization. In front of many parents there is a choice, which school will go to the usual school: in the usual, which, as a rule, is located near the house, or to a specialized, where you have to ride every day, but in which the child is expected to get a higher level of education. Although a plus of such educational institutions is the best contingent (because there are not all in a row, but only well-trained children from prosperous families), here you need to focus only on the ability of the child and his tendency to certain subjects.

The most important condition for successful learning is a good first teacher. It depends on it in many ways and performance, and the psychological comfort of the child, so choosing where to give the child to school, try to learn as much information as possible precisely about the potential first teacher of your future first grader. In some cases, for the sake of a good teacher, you can close your eyes to the discrepancy between the school in some other criteria.

Should I give a child to a specialized school?

In schools with in-depth study, children provide a high level of learning to those subjects on which the educational institution specializes. These are physical and mathematical schools, schools with in-depth study of one or several foreign languages, legal, economic, artistic and aesthetic schools, as well as a wide humanitarian school.

Deciding on how to send a child to what school, remember that he did not even start studying did not try himself in different spheres. Ask yourself a question: Would you not work that in a few years an in-depth study of the language, the child will begin to demonstrate the abilities in the exact sciences? In addition, it is important to take into account that in addition to high loads, high attention to one subject can lead to one-sided developmental development. As a rule, in such schools, as much time is spent on the study of specialized items as all other items combined.

At the same time, training in a specialized school can make a child more disciplined and targeted. But do not forget that choosing a certain specialization from the first year of study is optional - this can be done in 4-6 years. Therefore, before choosing a school for a child with an in-depth study of any object, carefully glue all "for" and "against", and only then take the final decision.

What kindergarten go? After 1.5 years, this question will rise to the edge, and now I just begin to gradually face the soil.

So, we live in North Tushino in Moscow.

I have BSIK on teaching a child in Chinese. With the rehearses it does not work in any way - there is an overload (we drive a child in the skull of English).

In accordance with this Bzik, a kindergarten was found with an in-depth study of Chinese. More precisely - boarding school №11 At the same time, it refers to the SZAO, i.e. Children from the districts of North / South Tushino, Mitino, Schukino, Strogino and Some others go to her. Yes, is far away, but it is solved by moving to another area - after all, there are 1.5 years ahead. However, reading reviews about the school, I made conclusions: the school is ideal in primary grades, and in secondary and high school grades are very weak. There is also a confirmation - if in the first grade school has more than 50 students, then no more than 10 class remains to the 11th class ...

Class Items in-depth study Classroom profile Training Mode Change Number of students Class teacher name
1-A. First 29 Maznichka Nadezhda Viktorovna
1-B. First 26 Kutlyaeva Elena Pavlovna
11-A. Philological profile First 6 Savelzon Irina Samuelovna

Not an option. Therefore, other schools had to look (not with in-depth study of Chinese - there are only 2 schools in Moscow, and the second is very far away, so it did not even consider it).

In my District Republic (North Tushino) I found School No. 1399 with an in-depth study of foreign languages \u200b\u200blocated on Latzis Street. However, reading about the teaching staff and the new directoris of the school, I understood, this school is far from the ideal - teacher Hamyat, and do not give knowledge, even English. Moreover, we go to English additionally, and the meaning is to study the second foreign one even at the base level (and not Chinese at the same time) is not what I wanted from school. Well, with the arrival of the new directoris, strong teachers left school. Not an option.

Right next to my house there are two comprehensive schools: №827 and №1057.

In principle, the plus for them is that the child will be able to go to school independently even in the first classes. Therefore, I just give links to schools.

Judging by the information on the official website of the school number 827, they even have lyceum and gymnasium classes. However, the teaching staff .... alarming. In the reviews of the teacher, they are even engaged in manual application. And since they forget that such a method is not a pedagogical method, the fact that they happen at a professional level - it remains only to guess.
