Nurban Sultan

The full founder of the female Sultanate can be considered Nurban Sultan (a representative of a notable Venetian family), his wife Sultan Selim II (1566-1574) and mother (that is, Valida Sultan) Sultan Murad III.

It is characteristic that it is impossible to attribute the beginning of the period of particular female influence to the reign of Selim II - with it, Nurban was just his wife Sultan, albeit the main one. Her influence increased after the top of her son Muradi III, which even climbed the throne at the age of 28, but the country did not show interest in the country, spending time in entertainment and enjoyment in the harem. Nurban Sultan can generally be called the Shadow Manager of the Empire until her death in 1583.

Safiya Sultan

After Nurban, Sultan, the role of "guardianship" at Murad III assumed his main concubine, and did not receive the status of the official wife of Safiye Sultan. She was also Venetian, moreover, who came from the same family as mother-in-law. She did not interfere with Sultan spending time in entertainment, in many respects deciding for him state affairs. Its influence increased even more after the death of the spouse in 1595 and climbing the throne of the Son, Mehmed III.

The new Sultan immediately executed the 19 of his brothers and even all the pregnant concubines of his father and continued himself as a bloody and incompetent ruler. However, Sultan Sultan with him was very close to being a real government. She died in 1604, Mehmed III survived her for a couple of months.

Ködesem Sultan

Then, for a while in the Women's Sultanate, there was a break and women lost their influence - but only for replacing the real "sultan", Ködesem Sultan, the wife of Sultan Ahmed I (1603-1617). With her husband, however, Ködem did not have any influence. She received him already in the status of Valida Sultan, when in 1523, at the age of 11, the ruler was her son Murad IV. In 1540, he died and a brother came to a shift, another son Ködesem, Ibrahim I, who became insane in the nickname.

With his sons, Ködem Sultan was almost a full government portion. After the murder of Ibrahim I in 1648 he was inherited by his son Mehmed IV. Initially, Ködem retained a good relationship with her grandson, but quickly collapsed with him and in 1651 was killed.

Turkhan Sultan

The death of Ködesend Sultan is often referred to at the expense of the last representative of the female Sultanate, Ibrahim I and Mother Mehmed IV, known as Turkhan Sultan. By origin, she was Ukrainian, her name was hope and in childhood was abducted by the Crimean Tatars. At the age of 12, she became a concubine of Ibrahim, His Ködem Sultan was presented to him. In 15 years, Turkhan already gave birth to the heir, the future Mehmed IV. After the arrival of his son, Turkhan was now received by the title of Valida Sultan and did not want to put up with ambitious mother-in-law, which, by assumptions, eliminated.

Mehmed IV was not very attentive to state duties, preferring the main time to carry out in hunting and sports contests in the fresh air. In the period from 1648 to 1656, the Turkhan Sultan was regent with a small son. However, when he was 14 years old, Valid-Sultan appointed a great Vizier Mehmed Kepelul, who became the founder of the Dynasty of the Great Visers, who focused real power in their hands on almost 60 years. Thus, the era of the female Sultanate is over, and Turkhan Sultan died in the summer of 1683, two months before the fatal defeat of the Ottoman Empire In the battle near Vienna.

Alexander Babitsky

Ottoman Empirewho once existed was the birthplace of 36 Turkish sultans. In fact, everywhere Turkish sultans are called Ottoman, but since Ottomans were anyone else, as the Turks, from the Turkic tribes, will allow the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire to call the Turkish rulers until 1922.

Ottoman Turks are immigrants from the Central Asian Tribal tribe called Kaiy (Kayı) who flee from the conquests of Tamerlane's ancestors, first ran to the West from their habitat (the city of Balkh - now the Afghan province), and then settled in Anatolia under the borders of the Byzantine Empire.

Shah Suleiman, the son named Ertogul, was considered the ancestors of Turkish sultans, the first ruler of the whole Ottoman Empire - Osman first.

Sultans Turkey: List

In this table you can see all 36 Sultans of Ottoman Turkey and the years of their board.

Interband - The period of branches in the Ottoman Empire, when the three sons of the lightning bayazid could not divide the throne, continued for about 11 years (1402-1413). These were the first difficulties in the ruling dynasty of this type, after this problem they decided by killing their brothers ascending to the throne of Sultan.

Name Sultan Year of government State rank Parents
1299-1324 ULUBEY Ertogrul and concubine Khalima
, Urkhan. Victorious 1324-1362 ULUBEY Osman I and Malhun Hatun
1362-1389 Sultan Orhan I and Nillyufer Hatun
Bayazid I Yyldym, lightning 1389-1402 Sultan Murad I and Gulchikek Hatun
- Suleiman Clalebi, noble

- Musa Chelby

- Mehmed I, Clalebi

1402-1413 Sultany
Mehmed I Cherestubi 1413-1421 Sultan Bayazid I and Devlet Hatun
Murad II. 1421-1444 Sultan Mehmed I and Emine Hatun
Mehmed Fatih. The Conqueror 1444-1446 Sultan / Padishah Murad II and Hyum Hatun
Bayazid II Dervish. Monk 1481-1512 Padyshah Mehmed II and Sitty Mücrim Hatun
Selim I Javos. Grozny 1512-1520 Padisha / Caliph Bayazid II and Gulbahar Sultan
Suleiman I Canow. The legislator, gorgeous 1520-1566 Padisha / Caliph Selim I and Aishe Hafs Sultan
Selim II. Drinker, blonde 1566-1574 Padisha / Caliph Suleiman I and Hurrem Sultan
Murad III. 1574-1595 Padisha / Caliph Murad III and Nurban Sultan
Mehmed III. Bloodthirsty, depraved 1595-1603 Padisha / Caliph Murad III and Safiya Sultan
Ahmed I. 1603-1617 Padisha / Caliph Mehmed III and Handan Sultan
Mustafa I. 1617-1618 Padisha / Caliph Mehmed III and Khalima Sultan
Osman II. 1618-1622 Padisha / Caliph Ahmed I and Makhfire Hadic Sultan
Murad IV. 1623-1640 Padisha / Caliph Ahmed I and Ködem Sultan
Ibrahim I Delhi. Thoughtless 1640-1648 Padisha / Caliph Ahmed I and Ködem Sultan
Mehmed IV Hunter 1648-1687 Padisha / Caliph Ibrahim I and Turkhan Hatice Sultan
Suleiman II. Religious 1687-1691 Padisha / Caliph Ibrahim I and Salikha Dilashub Sultan
Ahmed II. 1691-1695 Padisha / Caliph Ibrahim I and Hatice Muazzez Sultan
Mustafa II. 1695-1703 Padisha / Caliph
Ahmed III 1703-1730 Padisha / Caliph Mehmed IV and Ememetulls Raby Gulnush Sultan
Mahmoud I. 1730-1754 Padisha / Caliph Mustafa II and Salika Sebati Sultan
Osman III. Musicophobes 1754-1757 Padisha / Caliph Mustafa II and Shekhumwar Sultan
Mustafa III. 1757-1774 Padisha / Caliph Ahmed III and Eminem Michrish Sultan
Abdul Hamid I. God-fearing 1774-1789 Padisha / Caliph Ahmed III and Raby Shermi Sultan
Selim III. Musician 1789-1807 Padisha / Caliph Mustafa III and Michrisha Sultan
Mustafa IV. 1807-1808 Padisha / Caliph Abdul-Hamid I and Aisha Singing Sultan
Mahmoud II. 1808-1839 Padisha / Caliph Abdul-Hamid I and Schidil Sultan
Abdul-Medzhid I 1839-1861 Padisha / Caliph Mahmoud II and mantle sultan
Abdul-Aziz 1861-1876 Padisha / Caliph Mahmoud II and Perchernia Sultan
Murad V. Crazyman 1876 Padisha / Caliph Abdul-Medzhid I and Shevkefza Sultan
Abdul Hamid II 1876-1909 Padisha / Caliph Abdul-Medzhid I and Tirimyuzhgan Kadyn Efendi
Mehmed V Rechad 1909-1918 Padisha / Caliph Abdul-Medzhid I and Guljemal Kadyn Efendi
Mehmed VI Vakhideddin 1918-1922 Padisha / Caliph Abdul-Medzhid I and Gulust Kadlan Efendi

Definition of Titles of Turkish Sultans

ULUBEY Or Ulubey - this is the title of the Ottoman ruler, the leader of the border Turkic tribe with other foreign tribes.

Sultan - Title ruler of the Islamic Power. If the country is ruled by Sultan, then the country is called the Sultanat.

Padyshah - Monarchical title from Iran, who began to be used in other Asian countries. Europeans Titul Padishah perceived as the title of Emperor.

Khalif - The highest Muslim title, which at different times was interpreted in different ways. In general, both are a combination of such concepts as: the spiritual chapter of all Muslims, the state and political leader of all Muslims, the Supreme Judge and the Supreme Commander.

Now let's see what each Turkish Sultan distinguished himself for his years of the Board of the Ottoman Empire.

Sultans of Turkey: the structure of personalities on the line of 717 years

Osman Gazi. The son of the leader of a small Turkic tribe, located on the strategic boundaries with Byzantium and the Balkans. I wore the title of Ulubay, the Board began in 24 years. Osman 1 in history is characterized as a brave warrior with a noble nomadic spirit, but at the same time a full barbarian, which organized military campaigns on the way to the creation of the Great Ottoman Empire. Announces your possessions free from Seljukov, Osman 1 was able to win a new part of Malaya Asia, Byzantine Ephesi, the Black Sea cities of Anatoly and to compile a plan for conquest, in which Osman was buried. The Turkish Sultan died from old age in 1324.

OrhanI Gazi.. This Sultan of ancient Turkey is the youngest son of Osman 1, the dates of death and the end of the board of which different sources are described in different ways. To be honest, I do not know what date is true (1359 or 1362), but, nevertheless, it was at the first territory of the first territory of the Ottoman Empire that expanded quite noticeably. Turkish Sultan made every effort to create the right conditions for the growth of the Great Power.

At its board, the first Ottoman coins began to be minted, it was Orhahan 1 who established the famous squads of Janacar, and first, after the end of the seizure of all Malaya Asia, went to conquer Europe. In Orhans, the population of the state increased to 500,000 people, and in 1354 this Ottoman Sultan seized the current capital of Turkey -.

Murad I. This ruler was able to elevate his state to the level of the empire, after which the title of the Great Sultan was gained. At the Greeks, he took Adrianopol, where he suffered the capital of the power, won part of Bulgaria, and in the last hiking went to the Serbs, and in the "epically-memorable" battle on the Kosovo field the enemy broke the battle. However, Sultan Murad 1 killed there, in 1389. I killed him Serb, who gave himself for the defector.

This Sultan Turkey was negotiable, he fastened the fingerprint contracts, not the signature. But it is worth paying tribute to him - Murad 1 was very reluctating, providing citizenship to foreigners and the same privileges with Muslims, while remained a true defender of the Islamic faith.

Bayazid i lightningry. The first step as the ruler of the Empire, Bayazid 1 made in the direction of the murder of his own brother. It was this Turkish Sultan that the state tradition of fratricide was introduced while entering the throne. I must say, this tradition is quite firmly asslaved in the empire as eliminating competitors. Bayazid Lightning loved luxury, he saw and having fun, drinking wine that the Muslim religion was not successful. Nevertheless, this Sultan Turkey was able to win a small Asia to the end, take big lands in the Balkans and give a crushing back to the Crusaders.

I was going to take Constantinople, which deposited as many as 6 years, but from the east on Ottomans, Tamerlan was shown, who was captivated by Turkish Sultan. Bayazid 1 died in 1402 in captivity, according to some reports she committed suicide.

Mehmed I Cherestubi. He came out the winner from the civil war and officially joined the throne in 1413. He enjoyed strong support to Janchar, he was loved for education, prudence and strict temper. He managed to keep the empire allocated after the captivity and start hosting military campaigns again. He was the youngest son of Bayazid the First, who supported the world with Byzantium and Europe, strengthening the returned lands that Tamerlan once took.

Murad II.. He married his grandfather Bayazid I, on the Slavic woman - the daughter of the Serbian ruler, giving his wife complete freedom of religion. After the battle at Varna (in 1444), Murad 2 came out the winner, suppressing all the energy of Europe. From that time and until the end of the XVI century, the entire history of Turkish sultans is full of alone victories and conquests.

Mehmed II Conqueror. Rules Ottomans 2 times, for 6 years giving Father Murada 2 his throne due to youth judgments in terms of conquesting Constantinople. After the death of Father Mehmed Fatih, the conqueror finally began to exercise his plans. It was this Turkish Sultan that took and allowed brutally to rob him three days. It was Mehmed 2 who moved to this city with the capital of the Ottoman Empire to this city, and the Holy Temple of Saint Sophia reddown to the main mosque of the Old Turkey. The name of the city also gave this Turkish Sultan, as well as Mehmed Fatih insisted at the presence with representatives of the Islamic clergy of the residence of the Patriarchate of the Greek Orthodox Church, the Armenian and Main Juda Rabbi. He also deprived Serbia autonomy, conquered Bosnia, captured the Crimean Khanate, and almost reached Rome, to seize this city to Turkish Sultan prevented his death.

Bayazid II Dervish. He fought a little, considered to be the first Sultan, who refused to personally command his army, and in the history of Bayazid 2 entered as a patron of culture and literature. Run from the throne, having passed his younger son to Selim.

Selim I Grozny. It is nusted with merciless, for ordered to kill his brothers and nephews, as well as for cruel straightening with shiites, having interrupted about 45,000 people. Pershed Kurdistan, won Western Armenia, took away Syria with Palestine, Jerusalem, Arabia with Mecca and Medina, plus Egypt. Selim 1 Terrible For almost 10 years, the territory of the Ottoman Empire increased 2 times. This Turkish Sultan in Istanbul translated the banner and the cloak of the Prophet Mohammed, approving that it has the right to manage the entire Islamic world.

Suleiman I Gorgeous. Known, like Turkish Sultan, the legislator, the magnificent, the Great and Canona on the Turkish Lad. Sultan Suleiman 1 also strongly expanded the boundaries of the Ottoman Turkey, which, with its rule, occupied the Earth from Budapest to Assuana and Nile Rogging, from Euphrate and Tiger and to the Gibraltar Strait. During his reign, the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman gorgeous dreamed of connecting the Earth and the peoples of the West and the East. The last 20 years, the most famous Turkish Sultan was influenced by his concubine, and then the wife of Hurrem (Roksolan). Having headed a new trip to Hungary, Sultan Suleiman did not live to victory, in 1566 he died. The death of Padishah hid - the empire was already managed without Sultan, but on his behalf, while he did not come to the throne and Hurrem Son - Selim the second, from which the decline of the Ottoman Empire began.

Selim II drunka. The son of the magnificent Turkish Sultan was a kind and educated person, he wrote exquisite poems, was a talented poet, but, apparently, like all creative people, had something special addiction. Selima 2 was called the drunkard, very much he loved the wine that prevented him to follow the empire. It was during the reign of this Turkish sultan that Turkey and Muscovy's interests were faced at the border of Azov and Astrakhan.

Sultan Selim drunk was able to win Cyprus, it was his only acquisition on the throne. Although, drinking another glass of local wine with a volley, everything on the same Cyprus, in the bath, Turkish Sultan slipped and fell. Having hit his head about the marble slab, died in 1574.

Murad III.. Selim's son, Selima Pooven, began his climbing throne with the order to suffer his five brothers, as his great-grandfather Selim 1. Murad Third was distinguished by a strong greedy to numerous concubines, which led to the results of extensive offspring - this Turkish Sultan was over hundreds of children.

With Murada 3, Tiflis, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Shirvan, Tabriz was captured. But the Empire's decline that began never stopped.

Mehmed III. Portrait - depraved and bloodthirsty. This Ottoman ruler has not fallen behind his father Murad Third in terms of killing his brothers. If you remember, his father had more than a hundred children. Turkish Sultan Mehmed Third ordered to kill his 19 brothers - this event became the largest brotherhood in the history of Ottomans. Moreover, the new ruler gave a decree to drown in the Bosphorus of their pregnant concubines, and after some time, sent to death and his own son. The Ottoman Empire was led by his mother, but he managed to do one successful trip to Hungary.

Ahmed I.. Sultan Ahmed first lived only 27 years and 14 of them the rules of the Ottoman Empire. He was a capricious but very clever boy. When the board showed a character and changed his viziers and advisers when he wakes up, or, as he demands a harem. At the same time, the Turkish Sultan was lost by the Transcaucasia and Baghdad, the raids of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks began on the empire. With it, corruption strengthened, it was in honor of this Sultan that the famous blue mosque was built in Istanbul, originally wearing the name Ahmedia, now simply - Sultanahmet's mosque.

In 1612, in the diploma of the Polish King Turkish signed as follows:

Sultan Ahmed-Khan, unreverable, son of the Great God, the king of all the Turks, Greeks, Babylonian, Macedonian, Sarmatov, Lord of Big and Small Egypt, Alexandria, India, as well as all the peoples on Earth Sovereign and Monarch, Mr. and the Lower Son Magomet, defender And the guardian of the holy grotto of Heavenly God, the king of all the kings and the sovereign of all sovereigns, the sovereign and the heir of all heirs.

Mustafa I Lunatic. Rules in two times in 1617-1618 and in 1622-1623, - Ahmedi's weak brother, was seen in Lunaticism. This newly minted Sultan spent 14 years in the dungeon, but some considered him a "holy" man, because in its mass Muslims treated with sacred reverence to the crazy. In his prison, Turkish Sultan Mustafa 1 Fishes in Bosphorus threw no crumbs, but the most real gold coins.

It remained alive at the classroom of his brother Ahmed, who did not want to kill the only brother. When everyone understood that he could not rule the Mustafa, he again went to the dungeon. He was replaced by the son of Brother Osman 2, whom they overthrew, and Mustafa was again put on the throne.

Osman II cruel. This Sultan Turkey dominated almost 4 years, thanks to Janacram, who led him to the throne at the age of 14. Portrait - militant character and pathological cruelty (a bright proof - for targets used living people: prisoners and their farms). I lost the battle with the Cossacks at the siege. The Sultan Osman was killed the same Yanychars who suspected him in dishonesty. At the time of death, Osman was only 18 years old.

Murad IV bloody. Another son of Ahmed First, who accepted the throne at 11 years old. This is the very bloody Turkish Sultan in the history of Ottomans, however, it was he who ruled the Knot of Vizir's Iga and the Army Anarchy. Murad 4 could be killed just for the sake of murder, a completely innocent person, however, he returned justice to the court, and in the barracks discipline. With it were again challenging Erivan and Baghdad. The bloodthirsty sultan in the fever died, and before his death, he ordered to kill his own brother Ibrahim, in order to hear the last Padishah of the Ottoman dynasty ... It's strange that he did not kill him at all with all his cruelty.

Ibrahim.. I saved my mother from the death of Sultan Turkey. Ibrahim rules 8 years old, distinguished by weakness, inappropriateness, recklessness, but cruelty ... for him by the state of the mother's rule. Sultan strangled Yanychars.

Mehmed IV Hunter. He began to rule the Ottoman Empire from 6 years for 40 years. This Turkish Sultana managed to restore the military appearance of the Empire, to then subjected to the country to unprecedented military humiliation, which ended with the beginning of the section of Turkey. It was Sultan Mehmanda that the Cossacks wrote a letter at the famous painting of Repin.

Suleiman II.. Portrait - a religious, spent 40 years in the Ottoman "cage" under the vulture of the spare heir. At the same time, Sultan was given to Belgrade (which was later returned) and Bosnia, but taught Orshov. Suliman died in 1691 died.

Ahmed II.. Just like it to be taken, Ahmedy was held in isolation for about 40 years, he stayed on the throne for 4 years.

Mustafa II.. Rules for about 8 years, losing Russian Azov, and Poland Podolia. Run from the throne under the onslaught of Yanychar, died in 1703.

Ahmed III. This Sultan Turkey Rules is 27 years old. On history, he suggested a shelter to the Ukrainian hetman Mazepene and the king of Sweden Carlo XII, who lost the battle under Poltava. He concluded peace with Peter I, lost many lands in Eastern Europe and in North Africa.

Mahmoud I.. Managed State Ottoman for 24 years. He continued the war and Iran, began the war with Russia.

Osman III.. The portrait - suffered by the musicophobia and hated everyone in the world of women. In imprisonment, he spent over 50 years as a spare heir. Rules are only three years old, but 7 times dreamed of the visits, confiscated their personal property in their treasury. Hated Jews and Christians, ordering them to wear special stripes.

Mustafa III.. Portrait - a long-scale and sensible Sultan of Turkey, who tried in vain to stop the decline of the empire, but did not come out.

Abdul Hamid I. This Turkish Sultan rules about 14 years old, losing Catherine the Great Crimea, he led all the financial position of the empire to such an extent that sometimes the employees and soldiers had nothing to pay.

Selim III. For its 8 years, the Board of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan tried to modernize it in vain. However, the war with the Russian Empire made itself felt, he lost to the Russian Black Sea from the Caucasus to Bessarabia. He loved music and patronized musicians, even composed many compositions himself. And, like many Turkish sultans, was overthrown by Janchars, was subsequently killed by order of the ruling cousin.

Mustafa IV. By ordering to kill the overthrown cousin and native younger brothers, the Turkish Sultan Mustafa 4 was able to keep the throne just over a year. And he himself was killed by the new Sultan, his younger brother, who could not kill.

Mahmoud II. Ottoman Sultan with French blood in the veins during his throne eliminated the Yanychar's corps and generally changed the military system in the country. He spent a number of executions, killing, including her older brother - former Padishah. It was at the same time that Sultan strengthened the influence of France and England to Turkey. At times suffered from long-suffering, died in 54 years.

Abdul-Medzhid Mertsky. The first and only Sultan Turkey with the same name. The throne climbed at the age of 16, rules 22 years. Portrait - a meek ruler with a position of equality and fraternity. Bethlehem lost to France and the feat of Nicholas I declare Turkey a new war "for the keys to the coffin of the Lord." Sultan Abdul Medzhide from Tuberculosis in 1861 passed away.

Abdul-Aziz Nevezh. Portrait - despot, Nevezhi, Grubian, who has been abolished by reform predecessors. The author of the wild massacre in Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgaria. Turkish Sultan Abdul-Aziz committed suicide in 1876, having spent about 15 years in Ottoman Padishah.

Abdul Hamid II bloody. The years of the reign of this Ottoman Sultan - from 1876 to 1909, distinguished himself by establishing a despotic regime called "Zulyum", which meant, simply violence and arbitrariness. The Bloody Sultan of Turkey Abdul-Hamid is called for the massacre of the Greeks in Crete and other cruel shares. I passed the Russian Adrianopol, captured by Murad first, lost power in the Balkans and in North Africa. Only the organization "Young Turks" was able to pacify the bloody Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Abdulha Hamid 2, after which he later left the throne and was arrested. In fact, this Sultan Turkey was the last ruler of Ottomans with standard attributes of Vsevladia.

Mehmed V Rechad. He is the brother of Blood Abdulha Hamid, came to the throne for the kingdom, but not control. Portrait - Already an elderly sultan, without much energy, caught under the complete influence of young curves. Ottomans continued to lose lands in annual wars, and then participation in the First World War in collaboration with Germany. Mehmed fifth in 1918 passed away.

Mehmed VI Vakhideddin. The last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who reigned for about 4 years. Provided a truce with the Entente, I lose the warships, straits, railroad and telegraph and radar. It meant one thing! End of the Ottoman Empire. When, under the leadership of Mustafa, Kemal Atatürka began the war with the invaders of Turkey, the victory came, Mehmed 6 ran away abroad. After that, the Parliament adopted the law on the abolition of the Sultanate, and a year later, the world came out.

What were the Turkish sultans

As you can see, dear readers, the Board of Ottoman Sultanov was the most different, it depended on their personal qualities and moods. Someone was bold and energetic, someone was distinguished by brilliant mind and incredible leading characteristics, and someone was angry, despotic, rude and cowardly. In general, the Ottoman Empire rushed into unprecedented heights rapidly, but also rapidly lost them, only a small Turkish Republic remained rapidly, an area of \u200b\u200b784,000 square kilometers, and this is at the maximum territorial peak at 5.200.000 km2 in 1683.

With you there was an online magazine "" with the list of Sultanov Turkey, we wish you a pleasant pastime, to new baudes in Turkish shores!

The Sultanshi of the Ottoman Empire among the undisputed actors of the period of the female Sultanate can be attributed to the four representatives of the Sultan Garem.

Afife Nurban-Sultan (tour. Afife Nûr-Banû Sultan, Osman. نور بانو سلطان; OK. 1525 - December 7, 1583) - concubine, then the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Selim II (wore Haseka Title), Murad III's mother; The first Valida Sultan period of the Sultanate of women. Received by the Founder of the Women's Sultanate, you can consider Nurban Sultan (representative of a significant Venetian family), Sultan Selim II (1566-1574) and mother (i.e. Valida Sultan) Sultan Murad III. Characternically, The period of particular female influence to the reign of Selim II can not - with it, Nurban was just his wife Sultan, albeit the main one. Her influence increased after the top of her son Muradi III, which even climbed the throne at the age of 28, but the country did not show interest in the country, spending time in entertainment and enjoyment in the harem. Nurban Sultan can generally be called the Shadow Manager of the Empire until her death in 1583.

Safiye Sultan (tour. Safiye Sultan; approx. 1550-1618 / 1619) - concubine of the Ottoman Sultan Murad III and Mother Mehmed III. During the Board, Mehmed was the title of Valida Sultan (Mother Sultan) and was one of the most important figures in the Ottoman Empire. After Nurban, Sultan, the role of "guardianship" at Murad III took over his main concubinate, and did not receive the status of official wife Safiy Sultan. She was also Venetian, moreover, who came from the same family as mother-in-law. She did not interfere with Sultan spending time in entertainment, in many respects deciding for him state affairs. Its influence increased even more after the death of the spouse in 1595 and climbing the throne of the Son, Mehmed III. The new Sultan immediately executed the 19 of his brothers and even all the pregnant concubines of his father and continued himself as a bloody and incompetent ruler. However, Sultan Sultan with him was very close to being a real government. She died in 1604, Mehmed III survived her for a couple of months.

Kösesem-Sultan, also known as Makhpeker-Sultan (Tour. Mâch-Peyker Kösem; Ok. 1590 - September 2, 1651) - the second or third wife of the Ottoman Sultan Ahmeda (wore Title Haseki) and the mother of Sultan Murad IV and Ibrahim I. in The time of the reign of sons was the title of Valida Sultan (the mother of Sultan) and was one of the most influential women in the Ottoman Empire. For some time, a break and women have lost their influence in the women's Sultanate - but only to change the real " Sultansh, Ködem Sultan, Sultan Ahmed I (1603-1617). With her husband, however, Ködem did not have any influence. She received him already in the status of Valida Sultan, when in 1523, at the age of 11, the ruler was her son Murad IV. In 1540, he died and a brother came to a shift, another son Ködesem, Ibrahim I, who became the story under the nickname insane. In his sons, Ködesem Sultan was almost a full-fledged government ports. After the murder of Ibrahim I in 1648 he was inherited by his son Mehmed IV. Initially, Ködem retained a good relationship with her grandson, but quickly collapsed with him and in 1651 was killed.

Turkhan Hatice-Sultan (Tourhan Hatice Sultan; Ok. 1628 - July 5, 1683) - the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Ibrahim I with Hseki title, mother of Sultan Mehmed IV, Valida Sultan and Regent of the Ottoman Empire in the first years of his rule; The last representative of the period of the Sultanate of women. The death of Ködesend Sultan is often referred to at the expense of the last representative of the female Sultanate, Ibrahim I and Mother Mehmed IV, known as Turkhan Sultan. By origin, she was Ukrainian, her name was hope and in childhood was abducted by the Crimean Tatars. At the age of 12, she became a concubine of Ibrahim, His Ködem Sultan was presented to him. In 15 years, Turkhan already gave birth to the heir, the future Mehmed IV. After the arrival of his son, Turkhan was now received by the title of Valid-Sultan and did not want to put up with ambitious mother-in-law, which, by assumptions, and eliminated. Mechmed IV was not very attentive to state duties, preferring the main time to spend his time in hunting and sports fresh air. In the period from 1648 to 1656, the Turkhan Sultan was regent with a small son. However, when he was 14 years old, Valid-Sultan appointed a great Vizier Mehmed Kepelul, who became the founder of the Dynasty of the Great Visers, who focused real power in their hands on almost 60 years. Thus, the era of the female Sultanate ended, and Turkhan Sultan died in the summer of 1683, two months before the fateful defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the battle under Vienna.

Since the creation of the Ottoman Empire, the state was continuously ruled by the descendants of Osman on the male line. But despite the fertility of the dynasty, there were those who graduated from their life with childless.

The founder of the Osman Gazi dynasty (rules 1299-1326) was a father of 7 sons and 1 daughter.

The second ruler was the son of Osman Orhahan Gazi (AF.1326-59) had 5 sons and 1 daughter.

God did not adopt the offspring and Murad 1 Huudavendigur (Son Orhan, PR.1359-89.) - 4 Sons and 2 daughters.

The famous bayazid lightning (son Murada 1, PR.1389-1402) was the father of 7 sons and 1 daughter.

The son of Bayazid Mehmet 1 (1413-21) left after himself 5 sons and 2 daughters.

Murad 2 Big (son Mehmeta1, PR.1421-51GG.) - 6 sons and 2 daughters.

The conqueror of Constantinople Fatih Mehmet 2 (right.1451-1481) was the father of 4 sons and 1 daughter.

Bayazid 2 (Son Mehmet2, PR.1481-1512) - 8 sons and 5 daughters.

The first caliph from the Ottoman dynasty Yavuz Sultan Selim-Selim Grozny (AF.1512-20) had only one son and 4 daughters.


The famous Suleiman magnificent (legislator), a husband of at least famous Rocksola (Hurrem Sultan, 4 Sons, 1 Dead), was the father of 8 sons and 2 daughters from 4 wives. He ruled for so long (1520-1566), which survived almost all of his children. The eldest son of Mustafa (Makhiderwan) and the 4th son of Bayazid (Roksolana) were suffocated by order of Suleiman 1 on charges of conspiracy against the Father.

The third son of Suleiman and the second son of Roksolana Selim 2 (Red Selim or Selim Pooven, PR.156-1574) from 2 wives had 8 sons and 2 daughters. Despite his love of guilt, was able to expand his possessions from 14.892.000 km2 to 15.162.000 km2.

And now we will greet the record holder - Murada 3 (PR.1574-1595). He had one official wife Safiya Sultan (Sofia Buffo, the daughter of the ruler Corfu, was abducted by pirates) and many concubines, from which there were 22 sons and 4 daughters (they write that at the time of his death, heir Mehmet 3 ordered to strangle all his pregnant women). But despite the love of the weak floor, was able to expand its possessions to 24.534.242 km2.

Mehmet 3 (PR.1595-1603) was a record holder for another part-in the death of the father of his father ordered to suffer all his brothers and sisters. In fertility, a much gave way to his father, only 3 sons from 2 wives

The eldest son of Mehmet 3 Ahmet 1 (PR.1603-1617, died of typhoid at 27) entered the throne introduced a new dynasta law, according to which the ruler became the eldest son of the deceased ruler.

Mustafa1, Sevsima on the throne due to the youngsters of the son of Ahmet 1 (PR 1617-1623, mind. 1639), apparently I had to pay for the sins of my father - it was not only childless, but in 6 years after he who began on the throne To fall in madness, and in Festiva Sheikh-Ul-Islam was shifted from the throne.

Little-known facts from the life of Sultanov ...

When they begin to talk about the Ottoman rulers, then people automatically appear the image of the formidable, cruel conquerors who spent their free time in a harem among semi-naughty concubines. But everyone forget that they were simple mortals with their shortcomings and hobbies ...

Osman 1.

Describe that when he stood, his lowered hands reached his knees, based on it, it was believed that he had or very long hands, or short legs. His distinctive feature character was that he never dressed upper clothes again. And not because What was a pigeon, he just loved to give his clothes by shit over coat. If someone looked at his caftan for a long time, he removed him and gave this man. Osman loved her music before the meal before the meal, was a good fighter and skillfully owned weapons. Turks had a very interesting old custom - once a year, ordinary members of the tribe worn from the house of the leader all that they would like in this house. Osman and his wife came out of the house with empty hands and opened the doors for his relatives.


Orhan's board lasted 36 years. He owned the 100th fortresses, and he spent around them all his time. None of them remained more than one month. He was a big fan of Mevlana-Jelleleddin Rumi.

Murad 1.

In European sources, a brilliant ruler, a tireless hunter, a very gallant knight and showed him a symbol of honesty. He was the first Ottoman ruler who created a private library. The hotel was killed in the battle on the Kosovo field.

Bestis 1.

For the ability to quickly overcome long distances along with your army, and to appear in front of the enemy at the most unexpected moment received a nickname lightning room. I loved the hunt and was an avid hunter, often participated in combat competitions. Historians also celebrate his master's master's possession and horse riding. He was one of the first rulers writing poetry. He was the first to be asked by Constantinople, and more than once. He died in captivity of Timur.

Mehmet Chelaby.

It is considered the revolution of the Ottoman state as a result of victory over thimurila. When he was with him, he was called a wrestler Mkhemet. During his reign, we entered the custom every year to send to Mecca and Medina the gifts, which was not canceled even in the most difficult times until the First World War. Every Friday evening prepared food for his personal money and distributed to the poor. As the father loved the hunt. During the hunt for the idar, fell from the horse and broke the hip bone, which is why he died soon.

And tell us how much it happened that there are portraits, because Islam prohibits images of a person.
Found Italian incorrect to perpetuate themselves, great?

    • Mother Padishakhov
      Murat 1,3rd ruler of the Ottoman Empire, was the son of Orhans and Byzantines, hioffers, (Niluofer Hatun).

Bases 1 lightning, the 4th ruler of the rules from the 1389th year to 1403. He was Murat 1, and Bulgarian Mother Mary, for the adoption of Islam Gulchichek Hatun.

    • Mehmet 1 Clalebi, 5th Sultan. His mother was Bulgarian, Olga Khatun.


      Murat 2 (1404-1451) was born from the marriage of Mehmet Chelaby and the daughter of the Prover Beilik Dulcadiroglu Emine Hatun. For some unconfirmed sources, his mother was Veronica.

      Mehmet 2 Conqueror (1432-1481)

      Son Murat 2 and Hyum Hatun, daughter Beei from the genus Giandaroglu. Calculated that his mother was a singer Despina.

      Basesid 2, too, was no exception - his mother was also a Christian Cornelia (Albank, Serbka or Frenchwoman). After the adoption of Islam, her name Gulbahar Hatun. Father was Fatih Sultan Mehmet 2.

      Selim 1. (1470-1520)

      Selim 1 or Yavuz Sultan Selim, the conqueror of Egypt, Baghdad, Damascus and Mecca, the 9th Padishas of the Ottoman state and the 74th Caliph was born from the Bestis of the 2nd and the daughter of influential Bee in Western Anatolia from the genus Dulcadiroglu Gulbahar Hatun.

      Suleman 1 (1495-1566).

      Suleiman Kanuni was born on April 27, 1495. He became Sultan when he was 25 years old. Uncompromising wrestler with bribery, Suleiman won the location of the people with good deeds, built schools. Suleiman Kanuni patronized poets, artists, architects, he himself wrote poems, was considered a skillful blacksmith.

      Suleiman was not so blooddered as his father - Selim I, but he was not less than his father's conquest. In addition, neither kinship nor merit saved from his suspicion and cruelty.

      Suleiman personally led 13 campaigns. A significant part of the wealth received from military extraction, Dani and taxes was spent by Suleiman I on the construction of palaces, mosques, caravan Sarai, tomb.

      Also, it was also drawn up laws (eve) on the administrative device and the position of individual provinces, about finance and forms of land tenure, the contestedness of the population and attaching peasants to the Earth, the regulation of the military system.

      Suleiman Kanuni died on September 6, 1566 during the next trip to Hungary - with the siege of the fortress of the Sigtwar. He was buried in a mausoleum on the cemetery of the Sleymani mosque along with his beloved wife Rocksolan.

      The 10th Ottoman Ruler and the 75th Khalif Muslims Suleman's magnificent, known yet by the fact that the husband of Roxolants was born from Selima 1 and the Polish Jewish Helga, afterwards Havza Sultan.

      Havza Sultan.

      Selim 2. (1524-1574)

      The son of the famous Roksolana (Hurrem Sultan) Selim 2 climbed the throne after her death. The real name of it was Alexander Anastasia Lisovsk, was his beloved wife Suleyman.

      Murat 3 (1546-1595).

      Born from Selima of the 2nd and Jewish Rashel (Nurban Sultan) Murat 3, was their eldest son and a prone to the throne.

      Mehmet 3 (1566-1603).

      Ascended to the throne in 1595 and the rules until his death. His mother was also no exception, was also abducted and sold in a harem. She was a daughter from the rich family Buffo (Venice). It was captured while traveling on a ship when she was 12 years old. In the harem in Cecilia, Buffo fell in love with the Father of Mehmet 3rd and married her, her name was Safia Sultan.

        So I am for the friendship of peoples and denominations. Now 21 century and people should not differ in a racial or confessional principle. We see how many sultans had christians? By the way, the last Sultan, if I'm not mistaken, the grandmother was Armenian. Russian kings parents are also Germans, Danes and the British.

        Son Murat 2 and Hyum Hatun, daughter Beei from the genus Giandaroglu. Calculated that his mother was Serbka Despina -
        And I read that the Mother of Mehmet was the second Armenian concubine.

      Palace intrigues of Padishakh wives

      Hyrem-Sultan (Roksolana 1500-1558): Due to its beauty and the mind, she not only managed to attract the attention of Suleiman's great, but also to become his beloved woman. Her struggle with the first wife of Suleiman, Makhidervan, was the most famous intrigue of that time, such a struggle was not on life, but to death. Roksolana walked around her in all articles and finally became his official wife. As its influence on the ruler, its influence and in state affairs increased. Soon she managed to shift and Vesiri and Azam (Prime Minister) Ibrahim Pasha, who was married to the sister of Suleiman. For married betray, he was executed. She married the next Vesir and Azama Rushem-Pasha, she married her daughter and with the help of which she managed to defame, by replacing letters, accuse in hostile relations with the main enemies by the Iranians of the Elder Son Suleiman Shahzad Mustafa. For the mind and great abilities, Mustafa was able to follow the next Padishah, but by order of his father strangled him during the campaign to Iran.

      Over time, during meetings while in the secret department, Hyrem Sultan listened and shared after the Council his opinion with her husband. From the poems dedicated to the Suleiman Rocksolane, it becomes obvious that the love of him to her was more expensive for him in the world.

      Nurban Sultan (1525-1587):

      At the age of 10 years, the corsars were abducted and sold on the famous feather market in Istambul by traders with slaves. The traders marked her beauty and the mind sent it to Harem, where she managed to attract the attention of Hyrem Sultan, who sent to the upbringing in the city of Manis. A real beauty was able to conquer the heart of the son of Hurrem Sultan Selima 2, who soon married her. Poems written by Selim in her honor entered as excellent patterns of lyrics. Selim was a younger son, but as a result of the death of all his brothers, becomes the only heir to the throne, which he climbed. Nurban became the only mistress of his heart and, respectively, Harem. There were other women in the life of Selim, but none of them was able to conquer his heart as Nurban. After the death of Selima (1574), her son Murat 3 became Padishah, she becomes Sultan's Valida (Korleva-Mother) and for a long time held the reign threads in their hands, despite the fact that this time her rival was Murat 3 Safiy Sultan's wife.

      Safia Sultan

      Life full intrigue has become the topic for many novels after her death. Just like Nurban Sultan, she was kidnapped with corsairs and sold in a harem, where Nurban Sultan was bought for the big money for his son Murat 3.

      Hot love of her son to her embarrassed the influence of the mother on the son. Then Nurban Sultan begins to enter into the lives of the son of other women, but the love of Safie Sultan was unshakable. Shortly after the death of the mother-in-law actually the rules of the state.

      Sledge Sultan.

      Murada 4 (1612-1640) Soul Sultan became a widow when he was still small. In 1623, at the age of 11 years, it is erected on the throne and Sultan's sledge becomes revenge on it. In fact, the rules of the state.

      As the son growled, she moved into the shadows, but continued to influence her son to his very death. Another son - Ibrahim (1615-1648) was erected on the throne. The beginning of his rule was the beginning of the struggle by Sultan's sulter with his wife Turkhan Sultan. Both of these women sought to establish their influence in state affairs, but over time this struggle has become so apparent that it served the formation of opposing groups.

      As a result of this long struggle, Sultan sultan was found in their room, and her supporters were executed.

      Turkhan Sultan (Hope)

      It was abducted in the steppes of Ukraine and was presented in the harem. Soon she became the wife of Ibrahim, after the death of which her juvenal son Menmet was planted on the throne, even though she became the reserve, her mother-in-law Sultan Sultan was not going to release the reign of the board from their hands. But soon she was found chosen in her room, and her supporters were executed the next day. Regency Turkhan Sultan lasts 34 years and it was a record in the history of the Ottoman Empire.

        • roksolana, with his son-in-law slandered him before his father, were drawn up letters, allegedly written by Mustafa Iranian Shah, where he asks for the latter to help capture the throne. All this is happening against the background of the acute struggle between Rumelia Turks (Osmans) and Iran's Turks for the extension East. Anatoly, Iraq and Syria. Suleiman ordered to strangle Mustafa.

          Could the maral save Krnstantinopol? The 15th century was marked by the unreaved Natius of Ottomans on Byzantium. By this time, only Constantinople remained from Byzantium. How once Sultan Mehmet 2, "Or I will take Constantinople, or he."

Anastasia Gavrilovna Lisovskaya, or Roksolana, or Hurrend (1506-1558) - first was a concubine, and then became the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman magnificent. Why, no one ordered it by this name, no one knows, but in Arabic may mean "cheerful, bright", but about Roksolana - disputes serious, the name to Rusinam, Russians - the name of all the inhabitants of Eastern Europe.

And where she was born, no one knows exact location. Perhaps the city of Rogatin Ivano-Frankivsk region or the city of Checomers Khmelnitsky region. When she was a little she kidnapped the Crimean Tatars and sold to Turkish harem.

In the harem life was not easy. She could die or fight. She chose the struggle and is now known to the whole world. Everything in the harem was ready for everything, just to get a sultan tenderness. Everyone wanted to survive and put off the feet. The life of Roksolana-Nastya is well known to everyone, but about other slaves, which could also break out of the slavery of information.

Kezate Sultan

The most famous Valida Sultan Kezeme-Sultan (1589-1651), she was a favorite concubine of Sultan Ahmet's first. In the years of short virginity, she was a girl Anastasia, a priest's daughter from the Greek Island Tinos.

She officially and was alone at the head of the Muslim Empire during debts of years. She would be a tough woman, but also with mercy in it also attended - she looked at all his slaves in 3 years.

She died with a violent death, was strangled by order of the future Sultan Valid the main eunuch of the harem.

Handan Sultan

Valida Sultan was Handan (Handan) Sultan, the wife of Sultan Mehmed III and the mother of Sultan Ahmed I (1576-1605). Previously, she was Elena, a daughter of a priest, also Greek.

She was abducted in a harem, and tried to get to power with all ways.

Nurban Sultan

Nurban Sultan (translated - "Princess of Light", 1525-1583) was his beloved wife Sultan Selima second (drunkard) and mother Sultan Murad Third. She was noble origin. But it did not stop the slave workers to kidnap her and deliver to the palace.

When her husband died, she sledged him to wait for her son to wait, when her son arrives and goes to the throne.

The corpse was so lay down 12 days.

Nurbanu was a relative of the most influential and rich people in Europe, for example, Senator and Poet Georgio Buffo (1694-1768). In addition, she was a relative of the Government of the Ottoman Empire - Safia Sultan, who was Venetian in origin.

At that time, many Greek islands belonged to Venice. They were relatives and "in the Turkish line", and "on Italian".

Nurbanu led correspondence with many ruling dynasties, led a pro-Venetian policy, for which it was raised by the Genoese. (There is also a legend that the Genoese agent pointed it). Lined the mosque Attik Valid in honor of Nurban near the capital.

Safia Sultan

Safiy Sultan was born in 1550. She was the wife of Murad Third and Mother Mehmed Third. In freedom and the virology, Sofia Buffo was named, was the daughter of the ruler of the Greek Island Corfu and the relative of the Venice Senator and the poet Giorgio Buffo.

She was also kidnapped and delivered to the harem. She led correspondence with European monarchs - even the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth first, who even gave her a real European crew.

Excursions around the city of Safiye Sultan made in a presented crew, the subjects were shocked by such behavior.

She was the hence of the Turkish Sultans after her after her.

In her honor there is a mosque in Cairo. And Turkhan Hatis's mosque, which she herself began to build, finished another Valida Sultan Nadia from the small Ukrainian city. She was kidnapped when she was 12 years old.

Sultanshi due to circumstances

The stories of such girls can not be called happy. But they did not died, they did not sit in imprisonment in the most distant rooms of the palace, they were not expelled. They themselves began to rule, it seemed impossible to everyone.

They achieved power with cruel ways, including the orders for killing. Turkey for them is the second homeland.

They did not try to end the life of suicide, but someone contacted a knife from many thousands sold to the Seryla girls of many nationalities. And someone just died. And some decided to edit those who deprived them of home, parents and their homeland. We will not blame them in anything.

What the girls had the power of character and will, which were in such situations. They fought for their lives, sprill intrigues, killed. But is there a sweet life in a harem?
