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1 Federal Agency for Education Far Eastern State Technical University (FEPI named after V.V.Kuibyshev)

2 Approved by the methodological council of the University UDC M 12 Magnetic prospecting: method. instructions / comp. V.A. Kortunov and V.I. Platunov Vladivostok: Publishing house of the Far Eastern State Technical University, p. The methodological instructions contain recommendations for drawing up a training project on Magnetic Exploration and include basic information about the subject matter, content and form of the project. The rules for the design of the text part and graphic materials are outlined. Attention is paid to the structure of the course project, auxiliary information is given, orienting students to independent work in solving specific problems of analyzing geological and geophysical materials and substantiating design research. Methodical instructions are intended for students of the specialty Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits. Reprinted from the original layout prepared by the authors. Technical editor N.M. Belokhova Signed for printing Format Conv. Pecs l. Circulation 100 copies. Academic and Publishing House Order Publishing house FESTU, Vladivostok, Pushkinskaya, 10 Printing house of the publishing house FESTU, Vladivostok, Pushkinskaya, 10 V.A. Kortunov and V.I. Platunov DVGTU, publishing house DVGTU

3 MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE PROJECT In accordance with the curriculum for the preparation of students of the specialty, each student is obliged to draw up and defend a course project for the course Magnetic Exploration. The task of the project is to analyze and substantiate the possibility of staging magnetic exploration works to solve certain geological problems. It is carried out in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of the main course in Magnetic Prospecting, and to acquire skills: a) work with the materials of magnetic surveys performed to solve geological problems; b) analysis of the description and geological interpretation of the magnetic field; c) analysis and substantiation of the technique and methodology of magnetic exploration work based on the study of the physical and geological situation in the research area; d) elementary techniques for processing measurement results, analyzing the conditions for the production of field work and calculating the time spent in detachment-shifts; e) establishing the geological nature of magnetically disturbing objects. The project consists of an explanatory note with text pictures and demo graphics. The explanatory note includes the following sections: assignment for course design, introduction, a short geological outline of the area, assessment of the physical and geological prerequisites for setting up magnetic prospecting, substantiation of the methodology and technique of field research and office work, calculation of time, labor and staffing units. The assignment for course design is issued by the head, its changes without the knowledge of the head are not allowed. 1. CONTENT OF THE COURSE PROJECT Introduction Based on the study of printed and stock literature, the experience of using magnetic prospecting for solving specific geological problems similar to those posed. The main attention is paid to those elements of the geological structure that determine the structure and morphology of the observed and expected magnetic field. 4

4 Indicates the general geotectonic position of the study area, its position in the largest structures. In the age sequence, the petrographic and lithological characteristics of rocks of all stratigraphic divisions of the region are given. Intrusive and vein rocks, the nature of secondary changes in rocks are described. Special attention is paid to the description of ore-controlling elements and ore-bearing rock complexes. Briefly characterized: the genetic type of the deposit (ore occurrence), its structural position in the geological section, morphology and elements of occurrence of ore-bearing structures and ore bodies, the material composition of the mineral. This section is illustrated with geological maps, sections. The main task of describing the magnetic field of the analyzed area is to create an idea of ​​the main features of this field, which are associated with the geological structure of the site. When describing a field, the largest in terms of area inhomogeneities (anomalous objects) fields are first distinguished, which differ from each other in the intensity and sign of the field, in its irregularity and contrast, in the gradient, in the direction of the anomaly and in their shape. Within these areas, the most characteristic anomalous zones or individual anomalies are identified and described according to the above signs. At the same time, indicate the area occupied by them, shape, extent, length and width; the predominant sign of the field, its experimental and average values. When describing anomalies, it is advisable to use their alphabetic or numeric indexing. As a result of the description of the magnetic field of the site, a zoning scheme is drawn up, where, using the appropriate symbols, the field is divided into a number of regions and zones characterized by a certain set of the above-described features. To determine the geological nature of the identified anomalies, a comparison of the magnetic field map and its zoning scheme with a geological map and geological reference sections is carried out, in the process of which the confinement of the anomaly to certain rock complexes is determined. In the absence of a correlation between the magnetic field and the elements of the geological structure, anomalies are caused by objects located at a considerable depth under a layer of weakly magnetic rocks. In this case, the conclusion about the geological nature of these objects is made on the basis of general ideas about the geological structure of the site and the physical properties of rocks. In the process of a qualitative study of anomalies, it is possible to obtain information about the size, shape and position in space of the geological bodies that cause these anomalies. They are guided by the following: 1. The shape of geological objects is assessed by the shape of anomalies. Isometric anomalies correspond to objects such as a sphere or 5

5 of a vertical circular cylinder, and linear anomalies to objects such as a layer or a horizontal circular cylinder. 2. If the field is sharply variable and is represented by a number of narrow peaks, this indicates a shallow depth of the body (bodies). Individual peaks can be associated with specific parts of the body: either with more magnetic areas, or protrusions on the upper body edge. If the anomaly has a smooth character and significant areal dimensions, then it is most likely associated with a deeply located object. 3. Discontinuous faults are distinguished by a sharp change in the average level of the field, by violation of the correlation of anomalous axes, by areas of constrictions of anomalous zones, by the presence of linear anomalous zones of a positive or negative sign. As a result of this zoning, a qualitative interpretation scheme is drawn up, on which all geological information obtained from the results of magnetic survey is shown by symbols.Evaluation of the physical and geological prerequisites for setting up magnetic prospecting.According to stock or printed literary sources, a characteristic of the magnetic properties of rocks and ores of the region is given. Primary data, if necessary, are systematized by age, petrography, mineralogical composition, degree of alteration and metamorphism, and other essential features that affect the magnitude and nature of the magnetic field. Numerical values ​​and limits of changes in magnetic properties are tabulated or represented by variation curves and histograms. On the basis of geological data and available information on the magnetic properties of rocks and ores, the designer compiles (or is given in the assignment) a physical and geological model of the search objects, i.e. optimally typed representation of the shape, size, spatial position in the section of the object and the magnetic properties of the object and the surrounding environment. The model of an ore-bearing structure, ore field, deposit or ore body differs from the actual dimensions of the object in a simplified form and certain parameters. Using the obtained physical and geological model, the expected anomalous effect is calculated by analytical or palette methods, i.e. solve the direct problem of magnetic prospecting. Substantiation of the methodology and technique of field research and office work. Specific tasks of the projected work are formed, the research area is determined, the observation network and survey accuracy are substantiated. 6

6 Based on the data obtained, the stages of the projected work are determined. Having resolved these issues, they justify and describe all types of basic and auxiliary work: the choice of equipment, the preparation of equipment for field work, the choice of control points and the density of the backbone network, the methodology for creating the backbone network, the accuracy of measurements at control points, the method of field observations on the control and rank-and-file points, taking into account the variations of the geomagnetic field, the method of control measurements. The composition and procedure for the primary and final processing of field observations are listed and described, i.e. the procedure for introducing corrections to the measurement results is described, the type of reporting graphic materials is determined. Possible ways of qualitative and quantitative interpretation of expected magnetic anomalies are given. , labor and staff units The volume of magnetic prospecting works and the time it takes to complete them are calculated. Based on the need for an optimal field season and the physical volume of research, on the basis of the current standards, the number and qualifications of the magnetic prospecting team and its technical equipment (the number of required equipment) are calculated. These calculations are made using reference books. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF THE COURSE PROJECT The project should consist of an explanatory note and information graphics. The text of the note is illustrated with figures and tables. It is necessary to give drawings borrowed from the worked out literature and showing the effectiveness of the use of magnetic prospecting for solving a geological problem similar to that set before the designer. The results of calculating the expected anomaly of the magnetic field from a given object should be presented in tabular form. In the section Justification of the methodology and technique of field research and office work, it is necessary to provide a schematic diagram of the selected equipment, schemes for working out the reference and ordinary network, figures explaining the process of introducing amendments for variations 7

7 of the magnetic field, for the displacement of the zero-point of the magnetometer, the introduction of an instrumental correction, etc. ... The text of the explanatory note is printed on one side of a standard sheet of white paper. The left margin is 30 mm, the right margin is 10 mm, the top and bottom margins are 20 mm. The page numbering is continuous, the page number is at the bottom center. Text figures and tables are placed immediately after the first mention of them in the text. Tables are numbered sequentially within the section in Arabic numerals. Recommended text editors Microsoft Word 6.0, 7.0 for Windows. Font Times New Roman, 12. Distance between lines 1.5 spacing (app. 1). Figures in the text should be in the format of a text sheet, numbered sequentially within the section in Arabic numerals similar to tables. The figure number and its name are placed under the figure (Fig. 1. Theoretical anomaly of the force of gravity above the ball). Before the text of the project, after the content, a list of figures is given, where it is indicated: the number in order, the number of the figure, its name, the number of the page on which the figure is placed. The individual parts of the project should be clearly interconnected, which is ensured by dividing the text into sections, subsections and paragraphs. Each of these subsections is assigned a number and subtitle. Sections are numbered with Arabic numerals. Subsections are numbered with Arabic numerals within each section. A subsection number consists of a section number and a subsection number, separated by a dot (the third subsection of the second section). The content lists all sections and subsections with a listing of the pages that they occupy in the text. The literature used in the work on the project must be referred to immediately after the presentation of the borrowed information. For a reference, it is enough to indicate in parentheses the name of the author of the literature used and the year of its publication or, in square brackets, the number of the literature used, under which it appears in the list. The list of used literature is located at the end of the explanatory note. After the formulas, a list of all used symbols is placed with a decoding of their meaning and dimension. If the text requires references to formulas, then they are numbered in the order of their writing, by section. The formula number is enclosed in parentheses and placed on the right at the formula level. The demo sheet should contain a graph of the magnetic anomaly, calculated according to the specified conditions, and a model geological section, drawn up on the basis of the initial data. The plot of the magnetic anomaly should show the constructions associated with determining the design accuracy of the survey and the step of observations. In addition, a diagram of the location of profiles and highways with a control point or with reference points is placed on the demo sheet. Demonstration graphics should be done on a standard sheet of Whatman paper in ink or on a computer. eight

8 The completed course project is stitched in the following order: a) title page (Appendix 2); b) table of contents; c) a list of text pictures; d) assignment for course design (Appendix 3); e) the main text with an indication of the sequence; f) bibliographic list. The bound text is placed in the cover of the Whatman paper, signed by the author and submitted to the design manager for review. 3. AUXILIARY REFERENCE DATA The aim of the project is to determine the methodology, technique and organization of magnetic exploration and related auxiliary work that must be carried out in a given area to solve the geological task assigned to the designer. These works should be justified on the following issues: - the possibilities and effectiveness of the applied method; - type and detail of field observations; - methods and techniques of field observations; - methods of processing and interpretation of survey results; - conditions for the performance of ground work Possibility and efficiency of magnetic prospecting The possibility and efficiency of magnetic prospecting is ultimately determined by the intensity and size of the three magnetic anomalies that create the objects under study. This, in turn, is determined by: 1) differentiation of the magnetic properties of the object and the host rocks; 2) the size, shape and elements of the occurrence of the object; 3) the level of interference. Therefore, to determine the effectiveness of projected magnetic exploration, it is necessary to have information about the petromagnetic characteristics of the area of ​​work and about the structural parameters of prospecting objects. Type of magnetic survey The type of survey is determined by the geological task and the conditions of the work. There are the following modifications of magnetic survey: ground (pedestrian and automobile), air (aeromagnetic), surface (hydromagnetic) and borehole. The choice of one of the indicated types of survey should be justified. Detail of magnetic survey The detail of magnetic survey is determined by the accuracy and density of the field observation network. These questions are interrelated, since improving accuracy with a relatively sparse network is often meaningless. 9

9 The accuracy of the survey is determined by the value of the root-mean-square error (σ) of measurements at ordinary points. The accuracy is considered optimal if the threefold root-mean-square error of measurements does not exceed 10% of the minimum intensity of the anomalies A to be detected. The minimum intensity of anomalies can be obtained by solving the direct magnetic prospecting problem for the selected physical and geological model of the target under the most unfavorable expected conditions for its detection (maximum depth, minimum dimensions, minimum contrast of magnetic properties). Based on the above, the following procedure for determining the accuracy of the projected survey is recommended: 1) the expected anomaly is calculated and its graph is plotted using the known (specified) structural parameters and magnetic properties of the prospecting object and host rocks; 2) according to the amplitude of the calculated anomaly A, the survey accuracy is determined: σ = a min / 30. (3.1) In most cases, with anomalies less than 100 nT, the error should be 2-3 nT. With an anomaly of several hundred nT, the survey error should not exceed 10 nT. With anomalies of several thousand nT, the error can reach 30 nT. After substantiating the optimal survey accuracy, the question of the shape and size of the observation network is resolved. A geophysical observation network is considered rational if it provides a solution to the problem with the maximum probability with a relatively small investment of time and money. The density and shape of the network are determined by the distance between the profiles and the observation step along the profile. The distance between the profiles should be selected based on the extent of the anomalies (or the size of the object along the strike) so that they can be traced on at least three profiles. The selected distance will determine the scale of the survey. The survey step depends on the width of the anomaly and the design accuracy of the survey. For surveys of medium and low accuracy, it is considered sufficient if the anomaly is measured at 3-5 points. The figure shows a way to roughly determine the distance between observation points. The graph represents the minimum intensity anomaly to be detected. At the level of three times the root mean square error, a horizontal line is drawn and the width of the anomaly X AB is determined in meters, taking into account the scale of the graph. The shooting step X is chosen equal to 0.25 X AB, rounded in one direction or another. 10

10 When conducting a high-precision survey (σ 5), in order to reliably detect a weak anomaly against the background of interference, it must be recorded at least at 10 points. Possible ratios of the distances between the profiles and observation points along the profile are given in Table. 1. The profiles are oriented across the expected strike of the studied geological objects. The scale of exploration magnetic surveys is mainly 1: 5000-1: 2000. When studying the internal structure of ore zones, ore-controlling and ore-bearing structures (faults, zones of collapse, crushing, manifestations of metamorphism and metasomatism, intrusions, etc.) and productive horizons, one should widely use micromagnetic survey at a scale of 1: 200-1: 500 with constant refinement of the position of the profiles depending on the strike of the studied object. Table 1. - Recommended distances between profiles and observation points Scale Distance between profiles, m Survey step for medium and low accuracy, m Survey step for high-precision observations, m 1::::: Т 3σ А Х АВ Fig. The choice of the distance between observation points along the profile, depending on the magnitude of the anomaly В Х 11

11 3.4. Methodology and technique of field observations Ensuring the reasonable chosen accuracy of the survey is achieved: 1) selection of appropriate measuring equipment; 2) methodological techniques during field measurements and 3) taking into account various factors affecting the accuracy of measurements during office processing of the survey results. Surveys with reduced accuracy (σ = 10-20 nT and higher) can be performed with instruments of all accuracy classes. Surveys of medium accuracy (σ = 5-10 nT) are performed mainly with proton and quantum magnetometers. High-precision surveys (σ<5 нтл) выполняются квантовыми магнитометрами. Перед началом полевых работ производится подготовка аппаратуры к работе. При подготовке квантовых и протонных магнитометров необходимо: - проверить состояние всех узлов прибора в стационарном режиме согласно инструкции по эксплуатации; - оценить ориентационную погрешность прибора; - определить на эталонном профиле величину инструментальной поправки, проявляющуюся в виде систематической погрешности. Методика полевых наблюдений должна обеспечивать выбранную точность съемки путем учета различных влияющих на нее факторов. К таким факторам относятся: вариации геомагнитного поля, измерение температуры в процессе съемки и смещение ноль-пункта прибора. Для повышения качества измерений и для приведения всех измерений к единому уровню создаются контрольные пункты или система увязанных между собой точек наблюдений - опорная сеть. Контрольные пункты (КП) создаются при площадных съемках невысокой точности. К уровню магнитного поля на КП приводят все измерения, полученные на участке работ. Если площадь съемки очень большая, то создаются несколько КП, равномерно распределенных по площади и увязанных между собой по методике цикловых наблюдений. Такая сеть контрольных пунктов называется каркасной. Отсчеты на КП берутся перед началом и после наблюдений в течение каждого рабочего дня. Разница между отсчетами, исправленная за изменение температуры прибора и за вариации геомагнитного поля, является смещением ноль-пункта прибора. Суточные вариации геомагнитного поля учитываются полевыми магнитовариационными станциями различного типа или магнитометрами. При этом должно соблюдаться соответствие классов аппаратуры, используемой для регистрации вариаций поля и для рядовых съемок. Точность одних и других измерений магнитного поля должна быть одинаковой. Для оценки качества проведения съемки выполняются контрольные наблюдения другим оператором в объеме 5% от общего количества рядовых наблюдений. Точность съемки определяется по формуле σ =± σ 2 /2n, (3.2) 12

12 where σ is the difference in field values ​​between the main and control measurements, n is the number of control measurements. When designing an aeromagnetic survey, the designer must additionally highlight the following issues: the choice of the flight altitude and the flight system, the choice of the aircraft, the planned and altitude referencing of routes, the elimination of deviation and other features Processing and interpretation methods Processing of ground measurement results is divided into primary and final. Primary processing is carried out directly in the process of field work and includes the calculation of the values ​​of the magnetic field strength with the introduction of corrections for temperature, variation and zero offset of the magnetometer. Final processing is carried out upon completion of field work and includes correcting the survey results for the influence of the normal gradient of the geomagnetic field, excluding the remainder of the normal field retained in the calculations due to the difference in the baseline field on the control panel from the normal one, estimating measurement errors, constructing charts and charts from the magnetic field. Aeromagnetic data processing consists of the following operations: 1) plotting T graphs with the introduction of corrections for deviation and variations; 2) internal linking of the T plots by core networks or by repeated routes to bring ordinary routes to the same level of the magnetic field; 3) external linking of the results of an ordinary survey with the all-Union network to obtain the values ​​of Ta; 4) construction of maps of graphs and isolines of Ta; 5) determination of the shooting error. After processing the results of ground-based magnetic survey, a qualitative and quantitative express interpretation of the data is carried out. Qualitative interpretation solves the problem of identifying anomalies against the background of noise. In a quantitative interpretation, an approximate determination of the shape of an anomalous-forming object (sphere, cylinder, layer, etc.) and an estimate of the depth to the upper edge or center of the magnetized masses are made. After processing the aeromagnetic data, maps of the magnetic field transformants are drawn up and the geological interpretation of the survey results is carried out with the construction of refined geological maps and sections.

13 characteristics of the conditions for the production of field work. The area of ​​work of the party (detachment) belongs to one or another category of difficulty due to the combination of the following main factors: orohydrography of the terrain, conditions of movement and the type of transport used. 1 CATEGORY OF DIFFICULTY. The work is carried out on a flat, steppe or forest-steppe area, within which the steepness of the slopes does not exceed 10; in an area where no more than 20% of the area is swampy, forested, occupied by buildings; in an area where no more than 50% is occupied by arable land, crops, orchards. II CATEGORY OF DIFFICULTY. The work is carried out on a slightly hilly steppe or forest-steppe area with a developed network of shallow ravines, gutters in the presence of individual elevations with a steepness of slopes up to 20; in the territory where up to 40% of the area is swampy, ealesened, occupied by buildings; on plots up to 70% occupied by arable land, crops, vegetable gardens. III CATEGORY OF DIFFICULTY. The work is carried out on highly rugged terrain with a developed network of ravines, gutters in the presence of individual elevations with a steepness of slopes up to 25. In areas where more than 70% of the area is occupied by tracts of arable land, crops, vegetable gardens; in the slightly swampy tundra; on the territory, up to 60% occupied by swampy and forested areas or buildings, IV CATEGORY OF DIFFICULTY. The work is carried out in a mountainous area, within which individual hills have a steepness of slopes up to 30; in areas occupied by large tracts of thickets, completely covered with a forest with a windbreak; in areas with an area of ​​more than 60% waterlogged Time costs The time spent in a detachment-shifts to perform magnetic exploration works necessary to solve a geological task is determined based on the total volume of projected square (linear) kilometers of the main and detailed areas (profiles) of the survey by enlarged norms of time in accordance with the conditions of production of field work (Table 3.2). To the calculated number of detachment-shifts in the area, detachment shifts for preventive maintenance (2 days a month), experimental and experimental-methodical work and for moving the detachment base within the work area are added. The typical composition of the detachment (party) for field magnetic exploration includes: the head of the party, senior geophysicist, electrical engineer, geologist, geophysical technician, MVS technician, calculator technician, worker. The size of the magnetic prospecting team (party) depends on the equipment used, the amount of work, the method of movement along the profile, the category of difficulty and averages 4 people per 1 detachment shift. 14

14 Table 2. - Time norms for magnetic prospecting with the MMP-203 proton magnetometer using a previously prepared network of observation points (in detachment-shifts per 1 km of areal survey) Distance between profiles, m Distance between observation points, m Number of kilometers of route survey Number of coordinate points The number of physical and control points Category V, 8 36.3 39.0 52.7 18.2 19.5 26.7 13.2 14.4 21.85 9.08 9.74 13.36 6.59 7 , 21 10.14 3.63 3.90 5.14 2.63 2.88 4.52 1.93 2.06 3.07 1.32 1.44 2.76 0.97 1.03 1.71 0.92 0.98 1, The main technological types of high-precision magnetic prospecting Aeromagnetic survey is a more widespread type of high-precision magnetic prospecting. It is carried out independently and in conjunction with other airborne geophysical works, primarily with airborne electrical prospecting and airborne radiometric ones. To date, the territory of our country is completely covered by aeromagnetic survey at a scale of 1: 200000, over large areas of ore 15

Large-scale (1: 2500) aeromagnetic (or complex airborne geophysical) surveys have been carried out in 15 regions; the use of detailed (1: 10000) aerial surveys is expanding in the search for local objects. The main work is carried out using proton and quantum magnetometers; such surveys can be classified as medium and high accuracy. The main areas of application of high-precision aeromagnetic survey: large-scale geological mapping: 1:: 250,000, general (or specialized) searches for deposits of black, non-ferrous, noble and rare trace elements, agricultural ores, diamonds, oil-promising structures, and in favorable conditions - and oil deposits (scale 1: 100000), coal-bearing and water-bearing structures and rock complexes (scale 1: 50,000), searches (scale 1: 10000) for deposits of weakly magnetic ores of ferrous, non-ferrous, rare and noble metals, diamonds. Ground-based magnetic surveys are carried out over a more limited area. They are carried out everywhere in conjunction with other surface geophysical work. In flat conditions, these are mainly car surveys, in rough terrain and in mountainous areas - pedestrian surveys. They are performed using proton and quantum magnetometers at detailed scales (1: 2000 and larger). Ground surveys at a scale of 1: 25000 are used quite rarely and only in cases where aerial surveys cannot be used. Ground high-precision magnetic prospecting is used to solve a wide range of geological problems, and especially in detailed geological mapping (scale 1: 1000), prospecting (scale 1: 5000) and exploration (scale 1: 2000-1: 1000 and larger) of magnetic and weakly magnetic ferrous ores , non-ferrous and rare metals in the bedrock and weathering crust or placers, the majority of non-metal ores, as well as in the direct search for oil deposits, the study and forecast of landslide processes and in other directions. Hydromagnetic surveys are carried out by means of floating means in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. They are widely integrated with seismic, electrical and gravity surveys. The scale of hydro-magnetic surveys is determined by the requirements for the main types of work that they accompany. In a regional study of the deep oceanic structure, this is a network of rare routes, in geological mapping and prospecting for mineral deposits, areal surveys. Hydromagnetic surveys are carried out in the study (scale 1: 500000) of the features of the regional and deep geological structure of the oceans and seas, with medium-scale and large-scale geological mapping of shelf and coastal areas of water areas (1: and 1: 50,000, respectively) in the search for sea placers of gold, tin , tungsten, titanium (1: 50,000) and their 16

16 exploration (1: 5000), search for oil and gas promising structures (1: 50,000). Downhole and underground operations can be classified as low or medium precision measurements. Borehole magnetic prospecting is widely used in prospecting and especially in prospecting for magnetite and titanium-magnetite deposits. The development of its high-precision modifications makes it possible to extend the method to weakly magnetic objects - deposits of polymetals, copper, nickel, bauxite, and diamonds. At the stage of regional work, high-precision aeromagnetic exploration can be part of the complex of advanced geophysical work in medium-scale (1:: 100000) and large-scale (1: 25000) geological mapping. The scale of the magnetic survey should be one scale larger than the prepared geological map. At the stage of large-scale geo-mapping or, as it is also called, geological survey of scale 1:: Aeromagnetic surveys have established themselves as one of the main and mandatory types of work. To date, such surveys of low (30-5ONT) or medium (15-20nT) accuracy have covered almost all areas of the main ore provinces of the country, and here the question of reshooting at a new methodological and technical level is especially acute. At the stage of prospecting, aeromagnetic surveying is mainly used, which is effective in establishing the lithological control of a mineral, its connection with intrusive or effusive magmatism, the isolation of ore-controlling structural elements, zones of manifestation of ore metamorphism and metasomatism, as well as in the direct search for deposits of magnetic ores of ferrous, nonferrous and rare metals. Two directions of aeromagnetic are possible: 1) large-scale (1: 50,000) and high-precision surveys in the areas of development of weakly magnetic formations of ore-bearing formations and the host environment; 2) detailed surveys (1: 10000) on promising areas of ore-bearing zones and ore fields. It is advisable to combine surveys with airborne gamma spectrometry (in open areas) and airborne electrical prospecting using dipole inductive profiling (when mapping productive complexes or ore-controlling structural elements) or transient processes (when searching for well-conducting ores). 17

17 All aeromagnetic surveys are necessarily accompanied by detailed ground work in order to study the identified anomalies. During the appraisal work, mainly ground-based magnetic survey of 1: 1000-1: 5000 scales is used, which is the main and obligatory method of the prospecting complex for ore minerals. Then, the detailing of the identified anomalous zones and manifestations of the mineral that is the object of study is performed. The scale of work can be different - from 1: 5000 to 1: 1000, depending on the size of the objects. For detailed purposes, micromagnetic survey of areas and bands within the contours of anomalies can also be used. Downhole magnetic prospecting should cover all prospecting and testing wells of deposits and occurrences of magnetic ores. Detailed ground magnetic survey can find wide application in the study of tectonic conditions of mine fields and the identification of low-amplitude (first meters) disturbances. Detailed magnetic surveys are widely used in hydrogeological and engineering-geological surveys (searching for fractured waters, karst cavities, identifying and studying landslide structures, investigating the solidity of dams, dam foundations, etc.) High-precision exploration magnetic surveys are used in the exploration of ore deposits. The vast majority of these surveys must be highly accurate. Ground magnetic surveys are involved in the complex of prospecting works mainly for the purpose of detailed geological mapping, studying ore-bearing formations and structures, identifying ore-bearing, ore-controlling and ore-bearing structural elements, zones of ore metamorphism and metasomatism, and direct detection of minerals. Starting from this substage, borehole three-component magnetic prospecting is involved, accompanied by magnetic susceptibility logging. When searching for deposits of magnetite, copper-pyrrite ores, a scale of 1: 10000 is sufficient, while searching for deposits of gold, tungsten and molybdenum, mercury and antimony, piezo-optical raw materials, a scale of 1: 5000 is required. The scale of magnetic surveys during searches should correspond to the scale of the searches or be one larger scale. When prospecting for magnetic ores of deposits, a three-component borehole magnetic prospecting or logging is an obligatory element of the complex. Surface, borehole and underground exploration surveys at ore deposits should be aimed at studying the geological and structural position of the deposit, and with the enlargement of exploration - at studying its individual parts, blocks, the structure of its ore zone and individual ore deposits, assessing ore-bearing inter-well spaces, determining the morphology, eighteen

18 spatial position, size of ore deposits, quantitative and qualitative assessment of ores in natural conditions and in various stages of the technological process. All these tasks should be differentiated according to the stages of exploration. nineteen

19 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Requirements for the execution of an explanatory note Margins: 1) right 10 mm; 2) top, bottom 20 mm 3) left 30 mm. Text: size 12; interval 1.5; pages in the center at the bottom. Formatting tables Table 3 Calculation of the elements of the magnetic field Continuation of Table 3 Formatting the figures Figure field with legend Below is the center-aligned name of the figure: Figure 1 Magnetic field T above the kimberlite pipe. twenty

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21 Far Eastern State Technical University (VV Kuibyshev Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute) Appendix 3 Department of Geophysics and Geoecology COURSE PROJECT on magnetic prospecting on the topic: _ (title of the topic) _ Head Student full name Vladivostok 200_ 22

22 Appendix 4 Assignment for course design in magnetic prospecting A student of the group to draw up a project of field and office magnetic prospecting works for the terrain category of difficulty. The work will be carried out on an area of ​​sq. Km. To substantiate the methodology and technique of the projected works, use the following initial data: 1. The size of the object along the strike 2. The horizontal thickness of the object 3. The vertical thickness of the object 4. The depth of the upper edge 5. The azimuth of the strike 6. The angle of incidence of the object 7. The magnetization of the object 8. Object magnetization angle 9. Host rock magnetization 10. Host rock magnetization angle Term of the course project Leader of the course project 23

23 Bibliography 1. Brodovoy V.V. Geophysical research in ore provinces. -M .: Nedra, Brodovoy V.V., Viktorov G.G. Fundamentals of high-precision magnetic prospecting. -M .: MGRI, Magnetic prospecting: Geophysics Handbook. -M .: Nedra, Reference Book of Estimated Norms (SSN 92). Issue 3. -M .: VIEMS, Handbook of basic costs (SNOR 93). Issue 3. -M .: VIEMS, Tarkhov A.G. and other Integration principles in exploration geophysics. -M .: Nedra,

24 CONTENTS The main objectives of the course project The content of the course project Introduction Geological and geophysical essay Assessment of the physical and geological prerequisites for setting up magnetic prospecting Justification of the methodology and technique of field research and office work Topographic and geodetic work Calculation of labor time and staff units Requirements for the design of the course project Auxiliary reference information Possibility and efficiency of magnetic prospecting Type of magnetic survey Detail of magnetic survey Technique and technique of field work Technique of processing and interpretation Conditions of production of ground work Time costs Main technological types of high-precision magnetic survey Stages of high-precision magnetic surveys Applications Bibliographic list Magnetic prospecting Methodical instructions Editor V.V. Sizova Tech. editor N.M. Belokhonova Signed for printing. Format 60x84 / 16 Conv. print l. 1.4. Uch.-ed. l. 1.1. Circulation 100 copies. Zakaz Publishing house DVGTU, Vladivostok, st. Pushkinskaya, 10 Printing house of the FESTU publishing house, Vladivostok, ul. Pushkinskaya, 10 25

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1 skills acquired by the student during the training period. At the same time, it should be primarily focused on the knowledge gained in the process of studying the disciplines of the general professional cycle and the cycle of special

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Registration of the final qualification work The final qualification work (WQW) can be admitted to defense with: - full and reasoned disclosure of the goals and objectives; - correct execution

Sazankova Oksana Valerievna - Candidate of Law, Deputy head of the department, associate professor of the department.

On education: in 2002 she graduated with honors from the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law with a degree in Jurisprudence.

Total work experience of the teacher: 15 years 6 months.

Work experience in the specialty: 15 years.

In 2012, she successfully defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic "Decisions of the ruling Senate in the legal support of the economic function of the Russian state: the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries." in the specialty 12.00.01.- theory and history of law and state, history of doctrines about law and state,

He reads lectures and conducts seminars in the following disciplines: "History of political and legal doctrines", "Actual problems of the organization of the judiciary", "World Justice", "Problems of interaction of courts with reference agencies, state institutions and other organizations" at a high pedagogical and methodological level ... Participates in the work of the examination committee for the final state exams.

Gamaley Artem Alexandrovich - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department.

Education: in 2001 graduated from the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in Jurisprudence.

In 2009 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic: "Legislative (representative) state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (on the example of the territories and regions of the Far Eastern Federal District", specialty 12.00.02 - constitutional law, municipal law.

Participant of international, all-Russian, interregional, regional and interuniversity scientific and practical conferences, where he regularly delivers scientific reports and messages on the designated problems.

Research interests: theory and practice of teaching state and legal disciplines; organization and activity of representative bodies of power, electoral law and electoral process.

Artem Aleksandrovich reads lectures and conducts seminars on the disciplines "Theory of State and Law", "The Judiciary and Bodies of the Judicial Community", "Actual Problems of the Organization of the Judiciary", "Problems of Interaction of Courts with Law Enforcement Agencies, State Institutions and Other Organizations" on high theoretical and methodological levels.

Participates in the work of the examination committee for admission tests on the theory of state and law and the examination committee for the final state exams.

Participates in the organization of educational, industrial practice and research and development of undergraduates. She is the developer of teaching materials and work programs for academic disciplines of magistracy and bachelor's degree in the department of theory and history of law and state. Develops educational and methodological material aimed at developing the cognitive and spiritual and moral abilities of students.

He is actively involved in research activities. In total, he published 14 scientific and methodological publications: 8 scientific and 6 educational and methodical works.

Takes an active part in interuniversity, all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences, round tables.

In November 2007. awarded the medal "For Distinction in Service" 3rd degree.

Awarded with the insignia “National Treasure” (2007), “For active research work with students” (2008).

Has a certificate of participation in the VII scientific-practical conference "Normative and individual in legal regulation: theory and practice" (April 16-20, 2012).

Three scientific works of students, carried out under his supervision, became laureates of all-Russian competitions, two - regional.

Total work experience 22 years, 2 months, work experience in the specialty - 13 years 2 months.

In 2014, at the Far Eastern Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education RSUE, he was trained at the methodological seminar "The system of electronic learning" Themis. " in the educational process ".

Gamaley Sophia Yurievna - PhD in History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department

Education: 2001 Graduated with honors from the Khabarovsk State Pedagogical University.

In 2015. Graduated with honors from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian State University of Justice.

In 2005 she successfully defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences on the topic: "State policy in the field of theatrical affairs in the Far East in 1920-1930s", specialty 07.00.02 - Russian history.

In 2013, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

Works on the preparation of a dissertation research for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences (as an applicant).

He reads lectures and conducts seminars on the disciplines "Theory of State and Law" at a high pedagogical and methodological level. Participates in the work of the examination committee for the final state exams.

She is the developer of teaching materials and work programs for academic disciplines of bachelor's degree and law and organization of social security at the Department of Theory and History of Law and State. Develops educational and methodological material aimed at developing the cognitive and spiritual and moral abilities of students.

He is actively involved in research activities. In total, she published 41 scientific and methodological publications: 22 scientific and 19 educational and methodical works. Takes part in interuniversity, all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences, round tables:

1. Participation in the International scientific-practical conference "The end of the Second World War in the Far East: historical results, modern trends in the world order" (September 30, 2015).

Total work experience is 17 years, 4 months, work experience in the specialty - 12 years 4 months.

Data on professional development and professional retraining:

In 2014, at the Far Eastern Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republican State Unitary Enterprise, she was trained at the methodological seminar "Themis e-learning system."

Krysyaev Vasily Alekseevich - associate professor of the department.

Education: in 1978 graduated from the Far Eastern State University with a degree in jurisprudence.

Since May 2000 to April 2009 served as chairman of the Ussuriysk City Court of the Primorsky Territory. In April 2009, he retired from the post.

He reads lectures and conducts seminars on disciplines "Organization of judicial activity", "Documentation support of management", "World Justice", conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training and retraining of judges, state civil courts and the Judicial Department at a high pedagogical and methodological level. Participates in the work of the examination committee for taking state exams on the theory of state and law. Develops educational and methodological material aimed at developing the cognitive and spiritual and moral abilities of students. Takes an active part in educational work with students.

Total work experience 39 years 3 months, work experience in the specialty - 39 years.

Data on professional development and professional retraining:

In 2014, at the Far Eastern Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republican State Unitary Enterprise, he was trained at the methodological seminar "Themis e-learning system."

Kravchenko Yuri Borisovich - associate professor of the department.

Education: in 1974 graduated with honors from the Far Eastern State University with a degree in jurisprudence.

In 1979 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic: "Environmental protection as a function of the Soviet state", specialty 12.00.01 - theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal doctrines.

In 1990, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

He reads lectures and conducts seminars on the disciplines "Law enforcement agencies", "Law enforcement and judicial authorities" at a high pedagogical and methodological level.

He is actively involved in research activities. In total, he has published more than 150 scientific and methodological publications: 98 scientific and 52 educational and methodical works.

The total work experience is over 37 years, the work experience in the specialty is 32 years.

Data on professional development and professional retraining:

In 2013. at the Moscow State Law University. O.E. Kutafina was trained at the methodological seminar "Implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in teaching disciplines of the state-legal profile in a law university."

In 2015, at the Far Eastern Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republican State Unitary Enterprise, he was trained at the methodological seminar "Themis e-learning system."

In 2017, at the FSBEI HE RPGUP, he was trained at the methodological seminars "Organizational and pedagogical support of the educational process in the process in higher education" and "Electronic information and educational environment in the educational process".

Vyazov Andrey Leontievich - Associate Professor of the Department.

Education: in 1984 graduated with honors from the Khabarovsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR with a degree in jurisprudence.

In 2001 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic: "The principle of justice of modern Russian law and law enforcement (theoretical and legal research)", specialty 12.00.01 - theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal doctrines.

In 2004, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Law and State.

Reads lectures and conducts seminars with undergraduate students in the disciplines "History of political and legal doctrines", "Comparative jurisprudence", "Actual problems of the organization of the judiciary"; with undergraduate students in the disciplines "Legal psychology", "Workshop on general theoretical disciplines"; with students of the Faculty of Continuing Education in the discipline "Theory of State and Law" at a high pedagogical and methodological level.

She is the developer of educational and methodological complexes and work programs for academic disciplines of the direction of training bachelor and specialty law and organization of social security at the Department of Theory and History of Law and State.

He is actively involved in research activities. In total, he has published more than 65 scientific and methodological publications: 40 scientific and 25 educational and methodical works.

Total work experience 29 years, 3 months, work experience in the specialty - 29 years 3 months.

In 2017, at the FSBEI HE RPGUP, he was trained at the methodological seminars "Organizational and pedagogical support of the educational process in the process in higher education" and "Electronic information and educational environment in the educational process".

More than 54% of those present voted for the candidacy of the former Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Far Eastern State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Anvir Fatkulin.

Let us recall that this particular candidate was previously supported by the Academic Council of the Far Eastern State Technical University.

Date, year and place of birth:

Education information:

Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute named after V. V. Kuibyshev * (1977) with a degree in Technology and Integrated Mechanization of Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits

Postgraduate study (full-time) at the Moscow Mining Institute ** (1984) in the specialty "Underground mining of mineral deposits"

Doctorate (full-time) Far Eastern State Technical University (1997)

Information about the award of academic degrees:

Candidate of Technical Sciences (1985), thesis topic - "Development of the parameters of breaking during the continuous excavation of inclined deposits with explosive delivery of ore";

Doctor of Technical Sciences (1998), thesis topic - "Development of scientific, methodological and technological foundations for the development of inclined deposits with explosive delivery of ore."

Information on the assignment of academic titles:

Associate Professor at the Department of Development of Mineral Deposits (1992)

Professor at the Department of Development of Mineral Deposits (2000)

Details of awards:

Medal of KD Ushinsky, badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation", badge "Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Russian Federation", certificates of honor of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, badges "Labor Glory I, II, III st.", Medal Council for Public Awards of Russia "Professional of Russia", Medal "For Merit in Exploration of the Subsoil of the Primorsky Territory", certificates of honor of the Governor of the Primorsky Territory and the Administration of Vladivostok

Family status:

married, two sons (Vladlen is 29 years old and Alexander is 25 years old). Fatkulina's wife Elena Vladlenovna is a senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics at the Pacific Naval Institute named after V.I. S.O. Makarova.

Information about the work, including the length of service and the nature of management activities:

Association "Severovostokzoloto"

06/12/1976 - 09/06/1976 - Mining Gauge

10.10.1977 - 22.12.1978 - NIS engineer

12/22/1978 - 11/12/1981 - Assistant of the Department of Development of Mineral Deposits

Moscow Mining Institute

11.24.1981 - 11.24.1984 - graduate student

Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute named after V. V. Kuibysheva *

02/22/1985 - 10/10/1986 - Assistant of the Department of Development of Mineral Deposits

Putyatin Island is an island in the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan, 50 km southeast of Vladivostok and 35 km west of Nakhodka. Named after the Russian admiral and statesman E.V. Putyatin. The climate of the island is typical for the south of Primorye. Average temperature in December; 12.0 ° C, August + 21.0 ° C. The sea water temperature from mid-July to mid-September exceeds + 20 ° C. The total area of ​​the island is 27.9 km2. Coordinates: 42 ° 50`00`` s. w., 132 ° 25`00`` east etc.

Cottage and tavern

We got to the island first by train, then by bus. In the village of Danube, a pontoon was waiting for us at the pier. About half an hour - and we are already on the Putyatin island. Of course, this is not Kunashir, there are no volcanoes, no geysers, not even chests with pirate treasures ...
Geologists settled somewhere in the northern part of the island, and we, geophysicists, were brought by truck to the South Bay. Here, on the shore, there was a radar point, where naval sailors kept watch around the clock. It looked like an ordinary hut, but what was inside - we did not know. We were strictly forbidden to even approach this secret object. We were placed on a high terrace in a cottage, in a panel house. Immediately upon arrival at Putyatin, our geophysicists arranged a small sabantuy, but I remembered the dispute with Mueller, and did not take part in the common binge. Immediately my classmates began to look askance at me. In our society, it was not customary to "break away from the team", and anyone who shunned friendly parties automatically turned into a suspicious subject. Like, "since he does not drink, it means not our person ... He can lay him like that if something happens" ... But I firmly decided - I will not drink all summer, not a gram of alcohol!

There was a strain on firewood in this part of the island. There were no dry trees for a fire, and there was not enough driftwood, so the sailors assigned us a field kitchen with large boilers. The kitchen was heated with diesel fuel. Water was dragged from a small stream in buckets and cans. A long table with benches was set up next to the field kitchen - this was our dining room. A canvas awning was pulled over the table, which was always flapped by the sea wind, like a sail. From a piece of plywood, John carved a bizarre amoeba on which he wrote the word "Tavern". Burnt at the stake, this sign gave a touch of cozy antiquity to our catering point. We lit the fire anyway, but more often in the evening, for romance. Because of this bonfire, Vitya Moskvichyov scalded his leg. He walked around, trying to choose a comfortable place for himself, but stepped on the spout of the kettle and poured boiling water over his heel. He had to walk barefoot, because an ugly blister was hanging from his leg ...
On Putyatin there were a lot of snakes, shitomordniki. I haven't caught a snake for a long time ... I caught a snake and cooked it in a small saucepan ... I invited everyone to try it, but there were no such ones, only Lilka tried it ...
Not only snakes were found on the island, but it was also full of ticks. So climbing the bushes and picking them up was not much fun ... But the fact of the matter is that I had to climb the bushes every day.

The sailors looked with curiosity at the students who had arrived on the island. As soon as their lieutenant left, they immediately came to get acquainted. The first of them who dared to visit us was Kazbich. Tall and handsome, he immediately got to know everyone. Judging by his appearance, Kazbich was a seasoned sailor, accidentally thrown ashore, like Robinson Crusoe ... Other sailors followed Kazbich. The girls from our group, of course, immediately turned into beauties, around whom passions began to flare up. Lyudka Devyatayeva, Bella and Lilka sat around the fire until late, and the sailors talked about their difficult sea service and sang heartfelt songs. Shura Telegin sang the song "Bullfinches":

Prepare the sleigh from the summer, prepare it so as not to be late in the winter, to be late.
After all, from mountain to mountain love wants to sweep all the snowdrifts.

You and I are all in the snow, well, let it be, a sea of ​​snow for two, for two,
But I don’t know the taste of your sweet lips.

And the cheeks are like bullfinches, bullfinches, in the frost everything burns, everything burns.
Someone again talks about love, too, which year in a row.

And the sailors sang a song about a cigarette:

If a woman changes,
I will not be sad about her.
I will light a cigarette
And I'll forget about her.

Cigarette, cigarette,
You alone do not change.
I love you for this,
Yes, and you know about it.

In general, communication with the natives was established. The girls even went to the "point" under cover of the night, where the "sea wolves" showed them the secret equipment glowing in the dark and let them hear the noise of the ether, woven from the overflow of Morse code, snatches of conversations in different languages ​​and musical hits ...

Smolin in the morning shared with our brothers the techniques of ancient Indian Ayurveda.
“You can brush your teeth by chewing on an oak twig,” Smolin said, chewing a green twig in front of our eyes.
- I’m a yogi too! - Valerika Erokhov said contemptuously, - It's not an oak tree, it's a linden!
Smolin washed his nose with seawater and swam at night. Our brothers only made fun of him, but once we went with him to swim at night. And the sea here was open to all winds, and the water was cold at night. Smolin is familiar, he went ahead and dived into the water. And behind him are several people, mostly girls. Lilka dived, so her breath caught in the cold water that she could not breathe. Smolin shouts:
- Swim to me!
He is waiting for them, and the girls are shivering from the cold and are already getting out on the shore. In general, the girls constantly mocked Smolin, taking advantage of his naivety. In their eyes, he looked like a fool in short pants. And they themselves were young, pretty, energetic ...

Sightseeing tour

With Smolin at the head, we went on a geological excursion. We went down to the sea on the eastern coast and there we met with a whole horde of our geologists, accompanied by Vyacheslav Ivanovich Platunov. Each geology student had his own hammer, and they all fiercely pounded with these hammers every stone that fell under their feet. We geophysicists did not have hammers, so we just walked along the coast ... Platunov began to tell us about the geological features of Putyatin Island, about the epidote rocks in the southwestern part of the island ... By the way, he remembered the neighboring island of Putyatin, Askold, where a gold mine was found.
- Among the tasks of your course, and especially in the tasks of geophysicists, there is an item on testing the hypothesis that gold mineralization at Askold has the likelihood of extending to Putyatin. Smolin and I have already discussed this ... Perhaps the electrical prospecting profile will be able to strike this gold mine ...
- And what's that? - asked Seryoga Kovalenko, - holding out a pebble to Platunov. In the pebble, something sparkled with a golden sheen. Platunov took out a magnifying glass from the planchette and began to examine the find.
- This is a rounded pebble, probably quartz ... And inside a small grain of gold! You are in luck, comrade student! - said Platunov, returning the pebble to Seryoga, - perhaps this pebble is proof of the presence of gold on Putyatin ...
We walked along the coast to the cliff, there was no further road. Everyone began to turn around in order to return in the same way ... It was a terrible heat and did not want to go round and round. I lifted my head up and thought in my mind: "What if you climb this rock?"

Climbing the rock

After waiting for everyone to leave this small bay, I mapped out the approximate trajectory of the ascent along the steep descent. In appearance, this rock with cracks and ledges looked quite convenient for such a novice climber, whom I immediately imagined myself to be. Without thinking twice, I began to climb up. The wall was not exactly sheer, but it was rather steep. At first it was pretty easy to climb up. With my hands I grabbed the ledges and cracks, pulled myself up, put my feet more comfortably in the notches. The first fifteen meters I overcame in one fell swoop. Out of breath and decided to take a breath. I looked down and something felt uncomfortable for me: those stones that looked like shapeless lumps below looked like sharp needles from above. If I suddenly fall, then I have a khan! I looked up, and to the very top it was still far away. Climbed even higher. It turned out that there are fewer and fewer comfortable protrusions and cracks. I had to look for a crack to catch on. There was nowhere to put my foot either. In an uncomfortable position, I climbed higher and higher. And above me another surprise awaited me: the stones at hand turned out to be loose and crumbled into the sand. The slope was now more gentle, and I was no longer standing against the wall, but almost lying on this loose ground. I looked down and saw only a gaping abyss. Above the rock was crushed and I decided to crawl to the right, into this hollow between the rocks, assuming that there I would find something like a path along which I would climb out to the plateau. Under the arms and under the feet the soil was falling, rolling down with a deafening roar. I finally crawled out into the hollow and an abyss opened up in front of me. There was no path here. I had to crawl to the left to get back to my primary route. I climbed up again, and under me everything crawled, fell. By some miracle, I didn’t roll down, clinging with all my might to the blades of grass, the bushes growing here, digging my fingers into the soft ground ... For the last few meters I probably crawled for at least an hour, hardly breathing, going up millimeter by millimeter. It seemed that I was now sneezing from dry dust, and at the same moment I would fly down, where I would be smashed to smithereens on strong stones ...
But I crawled, grabbed the roots of a bush, and crawled exhausted onto the green grass. The sound of the surf did not reach here. Here some birds chirped peacefully. Just like in paradise! From there, on top, I cautiously stuck my head out and looked at the rock on which I had just climbed from the sea. A terrible abyss appeared before my eyes, so I even closed my eyes in horror. I myself could not believe that I could get up here ...

Space Race

Compared to the fearless conquest of space by our astronauts, my ascent to the steep cliff was a completely insignificant event. Here's what happened then over our heads:

07/06/1976 At 12:09 UTC from the Baikonur cosmodrome, the Soyuz 11A511U launch vehicle was launched, which put the Soyuz-21 spacecraft into near-earth orbit. The crew includes the ship's commander Boris Volynov and the flight engineer Vitaly Zholobov.
07/07/1976 At 13:40 UTC, the Soyuz-21 spacecraft and the Salyut-5 orbital station docked. The cosmonauts boarded the station and began to carry out the flight program, which included reconnaissance operations.
07/13/1976 In Moscow, an agreement was signed between the governments of Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Cuba, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. The agreement, in particular, provides for the implementation of flights of cosmonauts from socialist countries aboard Soviet spacecraft.
07/20/1976 At 11:53 UTC, the landing block of the American automatic interplanetary station "Viking-1" made a soft landing on the surface of Mars in the Chryse Planitia region, at a point with coordinates 22.27 degrees north latitude and 48 degrees west longitude. Immediately after landing, surveying of the planet's surface and meteorological measurements began. The lander is officially named "Thomas Mutch Memorial Station".
07/28/1976 With the help of the landing block of the American automatic interplanetary station "Viking-1", soil studies have begun to identify inorganic and organic substances, as well as to search for signs of life.
08/07/1976 The American automatic interplanetary station "Viking-2" was launched into orbit around Mars. The initial parameters of the orbit are: orbital inclination - 50 degrees; circulation period - 1644 minutes; pericenter height - about 1500 km; the height of the apocenter is about 35,000 km.
08/09/1976 At 15:04 UTC from the Baikonur cosmodrome, the Proton 8K82K launch vehicle with the D-1 upper stage was launched, which brought the automatic interplanetary station Luna-24 into the flight path to the Moon
08/13/1976 The Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Luna-24" was launched into orbit around the Moon with the following parameters: orbital inclination - 120 degrees; circulation period - 119 minutes; height above the lunar surface - 115 kilometers.
08/18/1976 At 06:36 UTC, the Soviet automatic interplanetary station Luna-24 made a soft landing on the moon in the southeastern region of the Sea of ​​Crises at the point with coordinates 12 ° 45 "N and 62 ° 12" E. 15 minutes after landing, on command from the ground, the soil intake device was turned on. In the process of sampling the soil to a depth of 120 centimeters, the rotary drilling mode was used, and then the drilling methods were changed from rotary to percussion-rotary. The total drilling depth was 225 centimeters. Due to the fact that it was carried out with a slope, the total depth was about 2 meters.
08/19/1976 At 05:25 UTC, the take-off stage of the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Luna-24" with samples of lunar soil started from the lunar surface.
08/22/1976 At 17:55 UTC, 200 kilometers southeast of Surgut (Tyumen region), the descent vehicle of the Soviet automatic interplanetary station Luna-24 landed. A column of lunar soil with a length of about 160 centimeters and a weight of 170 grams was delivered to Earth.
08/24/1976 At 15:21 UTC undocking of the Soyuz-21 spacecraft and the Salyut-5 orbital station was carried out.
08/24/1976 At 18:33 UTC, 200 kilometers south-west of the city of Kokchetav, the descent vehicle of the Soviet spacecraft Soyuz-21 landed. The cosmonauts Boris Volynov and Vitaly Zholobov have returned to Earth. The flight was terminated ahead of schedule due to malfunctions of the onboard systems on board the Salyut-5 orbital station.
The duration of the stay of astronauts in space was 49 days 6 hours 23 minutes 32 seconds.

Space exploration was gaining such a pace that the prophetic words of our mathematician Tarasova could well come true, that is, we had to be prepared for the fact that soon geophysicists and geologists would be sent into space in whole batches. And of course, students are required to practice ... Some will go to Aldebaran, some will go to Alpha Centauri, and some will get Tau - Kita ...

Gravica, Vasily Kortunov

Senior teacher Vasily Alekseevich Kortunov came to Smolin for inspection or to help him. Such a harsh one, will not say an extra word. The gentle and intelligent Smolin, of course, could not force students to take practical classes with devices seriously. It was hot and it was too lazy to move the flippers ... But with the arrival of Kortunov, everything changed dramatically. Vasily Alekseevich rigidly distributed all the brethren into brigades. Despite the heat, some went with magnetometers, others went to the electrical exploration profile. Lilka Tereshchenko and I had to go with Kortunov, and he showed us how to take readings from a gravimeter. The gravimeter is such a sensitive device that you can neither walk nor breathe next to it ...
With the magnetometer it was still easier, at least jump there. One magnetometer was located not far from our cottage, it was a control one. And with other devices we ran through the points. Then it was necessary to link the readings of the device with the readings of the control device. Moroka! Like discrepancies in geodesy ... Well, Vitya Moskvichyov was involved in the control magnetometer, because you can't send him anywhere with a blister.


Many trepangs were found in the nearest water area. Gray pimply "cucumbers" lay here on the sandy bottom and we decided to enjoy this delicacy. Without any effort, we collected a bucket of trepangs. However, no one knew how to cook them. And Kazbich is right there:
- Trepangi must be able to properly cook. It is necessary to cook them for two hours in sea water, and then serve, just put in more tomato paste!
Well, we hung our ears, hung a bucket on the fire and cooked our trepangs strictly according to the clock in salty sea water. After cooking, a couple of kilograms of tomato paste was poured into a bucket and mixed. The delicacy was garnished with pasta. Everyone rubbed their hands and licked their lips, anticipating the divine pleasure of the dish. John generously served everyone with large portions of steaming food. The most impatient ones picked up pieces of trepangs with forks and spoons and blew on them, and then pounced on them greedily, while burning themselves. But then bitter disappointment came ... The bitter and salty dish did not at all correspond to the ideas that we had at the mention of the word trepang. Trepang is a delicacy, which means something so tender, tasty, unusual! And here, ugh, some kind of disgusting! Surely the sailors played us with this cooking in salt water ... I still tried to eat at least one sea cucumber, while others just threw out the contents of the plates with disgust ...

Storm bathing

There was a storm in the Sea of ​​Japan, the waves of which reached our island. Here near the rocks there was usually a little excitement, it was convenient to dive here. And now three-meter waves were going ashore one after another. At first the girls swam here too, but they didn't like the waves and they left. And I suddenly felt the pleasure of floundering in the waves. We had to wait for the wave to weaken and run farther to the next wave. When the wave approached, it was necessary to jump higher and go even further. The next wave had to dive. The wave picked up my body, twisted it, turned it over and dragged it after it into the sea. On the crest of the next wave, I could already somersault, balance ... And then I began to get out of the water, but the wave grabbed me and pulled me back into the sea. Tumbling in the waves was surprisingly pleasant, only I weakened with each wave. I already wanted to get out on a solid shore, but the sea continued to play, it dragged me back, it twisted me as it wanted. When I crawled ashore, I had no strength at all. But what a thrill it was!

Arrival cap-three Popov

Guests came to us. Or rather, not to us, but to Seryoga Popov, a father and mother, a bunch of children and Alidada Limbovna came. Seryoga's father, a captain of the third rank, dressed in uniform, strict ... Seryoga's mother squeezes, and here Kazbich wanders, whistling something. Seryogin's father barks out:
- Comrade sailor! What kind is this? Where does such laxity come from !?
Kazbich only now noticed a naval officer in front of him, his eyes were five kopecks ...
Not only he burned. Captain Popov twisted the tails of all the sailors. They generally wore vests here, barefoot, without a peakless cap. And Seryogin daddy ordered them to appear before him in all uniforms. After that, he drove them with a marching step and scolded ...
In the evening, looking around to the fire, Kazbich crept quietly and asked:
- Where did this cap-three come from here?
- Yes, this is Seryogin's dad, - they explained to him.
- Into the beast! - Kazbich scolded, - no one drove like that during the whole service, only in training ...

Rubber dinghy

I got up earlier that morning. Yesterday we sat by the fire for a long time, everyone was talking about something, so now they were still asleep. On the shore lay a rubber boat with oars. I have never swam in a boat, neither wooden nor rubber, so I wanted to swim at least a little on the boat.
The waves after the storm were no longer too steep, but I could hardly overcome the frothy surf, pushing the boat in front of me. Then I climbed into it and took the oars in my hands. The first strokes were unsuccessful, but I quickly got used to rowing and began to move away from the shore. On the shore it was still deserted, not a soul. Further from the coast, the waves were gentle, the boat rocked easily on them. Looking around, I decided to head for the nearest bay to the left. It was impossible to get there along the coast because of the steep rocks that descended directly into the sea, so only by boat you can get there ... It was easy to row with oars, the boat glided on the surface of the water, and waves surged around me. I'm like Jim from Treasure Island, rowing to this little cove. What if the pirates buried their treasure there? I’ll dock right now, and after a recent storm, an oak chest with jewels between large boulders will be exposed ...
The boat reached the coastal surf, and again had to jump into the water. The bay here was wonderful! But of course I did not find any chest with treasure here. And there were no gold nuggets here either. I sunbathed and buried back. On the shore, they began to reprimand me for taking the boat without asking and sailing away in an unknown direction, without telling anyone. Nonsense, the main thing is that for the first time in my life I swam on that same filibuster, blue sea in a small boat!


Magnitka is a hassle. Another matter is the future of our science - biogeophysics. Smolin told us that the wire frame can be used to find water, iron and gold ores. Most of our students were skeptical about this, but Lilka and I courageously harnessed ourselves to testing this technique. What if we will be able to strike a gold mine with the help of these frames? The frames were made of aluminum wire. Smolin showed us how this frame should rotate. Smolin said that under the influence of some unknown fields, such as an electromagnetic or gravitational frame, the frame itself should rotate at the border of different rocks, at the intersection of ore bodies and gold veins. However, this frame stubbornly did not want to spin with me. Even Lilka did better ... Maybe I do not have the necessary qualities for this?
Whatever it was, but Lilka and I, under the leadership of Smolin, walked with frames, trying to hook something like that. The rest of our students were skeptical about this framework, they laughed at us and at "biogeophysics" ...

Electrical prospecting anomalies

Our framework raids were not crowned with success, but with the help of electrical prospecting it is quite possible to strike a gold-bearing quartz vein. For electrical exploration, we were divided into teams. In each brigade there was a person who carried the device suspended on a strap by the neck, another carried a battery suspended from the shoulder, two carried the supply electrodes, and two more carried electrodes used to measure the electric field. The profiles stretched in the latitudinal direction, that is, we crawled, hung with wires and devices from west to east.
- Anomaly! - shouted the one who was dragging the device. Everyone dropped their equipment and ran towards him.
- Where is the anomaly?
- Is it possible that the gold mine has been cut?
- Yes, there she is! - the man with the device around his neck smiled, - Look around, see how many strawberries are there ?!
It dawned on us that the "anomaly" was a strawberry meadow. We pounced on the berries with delight, crawled on all fours and ate sweet strawberries. Having gnawed all the nearby bushes, we grabbed the wires and electrodes and wandered on under the baking sun. Strawberry anomalies followed one after another, which made our task easier, but stretched the profile until the evening. The profile led us to the place where I climbed the rock. I walked bravely to the edge of the cliff and looked down. At the same moment I recalled all the horror that I experienced when I got out along this almost steep slope. My veins were already shaking ... Such jitters began at the edge of the cliff that I slowly sank down on all fours and crawled away from there ...
One team returned from the profile with torn wires. With sad faces, they showed us the scraps of wires. But the wires from the bell are not so easy to break.
- Yes, this is all deer, - the electrical prospectors told, - from somewhere their whole brood ran out and they flew right at us. We scattered, and they probably got tangled in the wires ... all the wires broke!
There were many sika deer on the island, I saw them too. But so that they rushed like this - I have not seen this. The guys were lucky ...

On a visit to geologists

Once we had a day off. The girls, of course, did the laundry, someone went fishing, someone just swam in the sea and sunbathed. Seryoga Kozhevnikov was going to go to the geologists, as he missed his girlfriend Tatyana. I, Baton and Mishka Koychev set off with him for the company. It was just boring for us to hang around in one place, the soul demanded some kind of variety. To get to the geologists, it was necessary to walk seven kilometers along the road along loose gravel of white color. The sun was scorching like crazy, and no passing transport was foreseen. Tired, covered in sweat and dust, we reached the geologists' camp in the cool forest.
Geologists fed us fresh cabbage borscht. With vegetables, it was easier for them here, after all, the village is not far away, the store is nearby. And we all have crackers, and cans ... But there was something missing in the borscht. On reflection, I guessed that black rounds from solarium do not float in their borscht. And for us everything without solarium now seemed tasteless ...
We sat around the fire for a long time with the geologists. They talked, sang geological songs. Mitsuk, with his characteristic artistry, sang about Vanka Morozov:

Why are you Vanka Morozov?
After all, he is not guilty of anything.
She fooled him herself,
And he is not guilty of anything.
He went to the new circus in the square,
and there he fell in love with the circus.
He'd use someone easier
and he fell in love with the circus.
She walked on a wire
waving her bare leg,
and Morozov's passion grabbed
with your calloused hand!
And he ate frogs,
to please her circus.
And he grovelled before her
to please her again.
I didn't think she would cheat:
because you don't expect trouble from love ...
Ah, Vanya, Vanya! What are you, Vanya!
You're walking on the wire yourself!

It was so great here! All that remained was to find a place to spend the night. Geologists took Seryoga to their tent, Mishka and Baton decided to spend the night by the fire. At first I wanted to ask someone in a tent for the night, but someone told me that Kim Semyonich had left for Vladivostok. I decided that since Kim was not there, why not spend the night for the poor student in his miniature tent? A light sleeping bag lay on an inflatable mattress. I climbed into the sleeping bag cover and fell into a deep sleep ...

How geologists go on a route

In the morning I was awakened by the cheerful shouts of geologists. They crawled out of their tents lazily and went to wash. After a small breakfast, they all began to pack up their routes.
-And Philona! - Platunov grinned, seeing how Vovka Mitsuk and his company, which included Valentin Buriy, Olga Kashpura and Galka Zarubina, were going on the route. Students drank tea from mugs while scalding, joked, leisurely collected backpacks. Mitsuk, of course, as always businesslike, with a tablet on his side, swinging a hammer and singing about Vanka Morozov, was the first to stomp and disappear behind the underbrush. Galka followed him. Then Olga and Buriy went ... Fifteen minutes later Olga reappeared and, out of breath, climbed into the tent. Probably forgot something ... Other students of geology also shuffled their boots lazily, stomping on the route. From time to time one of them returned. Someone forgot the compass, someone a flask of water, someone else something ...
After an hour and a half, some were already returning, and some did not seem to leave yet.
- Did you forget something again? - Mishka Koychev asked those who were returning.
- No, the route is over, - they happily answered him.
Probably the geologists had a task today: going into the route and returning from the route. They apparently reached some turning stone, where they turned around and walked back ...
I liked the life of geologists very much. And their exams are easy and the routes are like a walk ... And we have these electrodes, tripods, a gravimeter. Everything is heavy and uncomfortable, and you have to carry this burden on yourself ... Looking at the careless geological lads, a little thought crept into my head: And maybe to hell with this geophysics? What if we switch to geology?

Bonfire and reasoning about the meaning of life with John

The practice was drawing to a close. John and I sat by the fire and gazed at the stars. The stars here were bright and big. You will never see so many stars in the city, but here they are scattered across the sky, apparently invisibly. The flames in the fire lit up the sandy beach with bizarre reflections. We looked at the stars and fantasized about the future.
- You know, John, - I said, - there is nothing to say about the near future ... Of course, science and technology will achieve great success, all negative phenomena will disappear in society ... There will be no more wars on Earth, communism will come ... Well , this is understandable, after some one hundred or two hundred years we will inevitably come to this ... But what will happen next?
- Communism? It's like saying, ”John shook his head doubtfully.
- Well, let it not be communism, let it be called somehow differently. The main thing is that society will come to a more reasonable way of life ... The goals and objectives of mankind will change, scouts will go into space to look for planets suitable for life ... People will have to change not only internally, but also externally. The nutritional conditions will surely change ... Well, how long can you live for the sake of food? Instead of a huge amount of food, people will begin to use some kind of energy pills, and then they will completely recharge directly from the Sun with Prana, as yogis do ...
“Well, that's fantastic,” John grumbled.
- So I'm not talking about today, but about the distant future, - I explained, - Someday we ourselves - people will change so much that hands and feet will become unnecessary, and we will turn into thinking bundles of energy that will live forever! But before that, of course, it will take millions of years of evolution ...
John shook his head, grinning ...

We did not then imagine that in almost forty years we would again sit together and argue, only not on the island, but in a hotel room in Moscow. And the subject of our dispute will not be the distant future, but the recent past ...

On the southern tip of Putyatin Island, we usually had problems with firewood. But after a strong storm, a lot of fin washed ashore. The fin was good firewood, it only had to be pulled ashore and dried in the sun. We collected the dried fin and dragged it to the "Kharchevna", where they burned a fire in the evenings. Sometimes, among the pieces of wood rolled in by the sea waves, one came across a kind of natural masterpieces of bizarre shape. I fell into the hands of a squiggle in the shape of a leg. I just cut out the toes on this leg with a knife and removed the extra knots. The leg turned out to be just right!

At the railway station in Vladivostok, I first drank soda and syrup in vending machines from the bottom of my heart, and then I walked along a narrow passage along the railway to the main square of the city. After the island wilderness, it was great to be in the city center, to see these buildings, white ships at the pier, red trams running along Leninskaya. Seagulls flew, echoing over their heads ... A group of young people followed me out of the aisle into the square. All dressed in jeans, and the girls also in some kind of undershirts. Long-haired, and the hair is tied at the forehead with a narrow ribbon. The girls walk barefoot through the puddles. They are all smiling. One waved at me. I looked back, maybe it’s not for me, but for someone else? But there was no one around. I heard English speech. Who are they, where are they from? Hippie or what? Where did the hippies come from, what foreigners?
A group of denims crossed the square diagonally and disappeared behind the building.

On the square, past the monument to the Heroes of the Revolution, I walked and crossed Leninskaya. First, I went to Soki-Vody, where I drank tomato and apricot juice. And then I went to the grocery store to buy something for the trip. Entering the store, I noticed that some sailors in white caps were walking along Leninskaya street. No, these are not Yankee Americans in dumplings on their heads, but others. About five people entered the store. Short, dark-skinned, black-haired, Spanish speech can be heard. Probably some ship came to Vladivostok on a visit from South America. Peruvians? Or the Venezuelans? I was looking at what to buy, and these sailors surrounded me and began to gesticulate animatedly. Oh yes, my leg sticking out of the backpack got them interested!
- What is it? one of the sailors asked me in English.
“It is my foot,” I replied and winked.
The sailor nodded in understanding and showed his thumb. He said something in Spanish to his friend and they laughed in unison. Yes, my leg was a masterpiece!

Continued here:
"Collective farm before the third year" -
