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Partisan operation "Concert"

1943 entered the history of the partisan struggle as a year of massive blows on railway communications of the German fascist troops. The partisans actively participated in major operations on enemy communications - "Rail war" and "Concert". "Concert" is the conditional name of the operation conducted during the Great Patriotic War by Soviet partisans from September 19 to the end of October 1943.

The positive results of the "Rail War" operation gave the basis for the development of subsequent operations of a similar type. In early September 1943, the head (CSTP) at the expense of the Supreme Commander Approved the plan for the destruction of the enemy railway tracks (the operation "Concert"). Each partisan formation received a specific combat task, including the undermining of rails, the organization of brushes of military echelons of the enemy, the destruction of road structures, the conclusion of means of communication, water supply systems, etc. Detailed combat plans have been developed and mass training guerrilla has been established by the production of subversive work.

Head of the Central Staff of the Partisan Movement
at the bid of the Supreme Command
PC. Ponomarenko
The purpose of the operation is a massive conclusion of large areas of railways in the rear of the Eastern Front of the German-Fascist troops from Karelia to Crimea make it difficult for the operational transportation of troops, military equipment and other material means of the enemy. Being a continuation of the operation "Rail War", the "Concert" operation was conducted under the leadership of CCTP and was closely connected with the upcoming onset of Soviet troops at Smolensk and Gomel directions and during the battle for the Dnieper.

193 partisan formations of Belarus, Baltic States, Karelia, Crimea, Leningrad, Kalininskaya, Smolensk and Oryol regions with a total number of 120,615 people who had to undermine more than 272 thousand rails were attracted to participation in the operation.

About 92 thousand partisans participated in Belarus; They had to undermine 140 thousand rails. The central headquarters of the partisan movement intended to abandon the Belarusian partisans of 120 tons of explosives and other goods, Kalininsky and Leningrad partisans - 20 tons.

Due to the sharp deterioration of meteorological conditions, only about half of the planned amount of goods were transferred to the beginning of the operation, therefore mass sabotage was decided on September 25. However, part of the detachments that have already published on the original frontiers could not take into account changes in the periods of operation and on the night of September 19, when the Red Army, the liberty of the Oryol, Smolensk region and the Left-Bank Ukraine, approached the Dnieper, began to implement it. Only the partisans of Belarus on the night of September 19 undermined 19,903 rails.

The partisans of the detachment "Folk Avenger" Temkinsky district mining the railway canvas. Smolensk region. September 1943

Already at 6 o'clock in the morning, the Directorate of German State Railways in Minsk was alarming: "The situation is very tense! Actions Partisans are unbearably increasing. All nodal stations are overflow due to the impossibility of using lines ... ".

The bulk of partisan connections began fighting on the night of September 25. Defeating the protection of the enemy and traveled by railway distilts, they began massive destruction and mining of the railway canvas. Simultaneous actions on the plan of operation "Concert" were produced at the front of about 900 km (excluding Karelia and Crimea) and in a depth of over 400 km. Only on the territory of Belarus, another 15,809 rails were undermined on this night.

The German fascist command made desperate efforts to restore traffic on railways. The fascists in a hurried manner were moved from Germany and even from the front line new railway rehabilitation battalions, and the local population was drilled on repair work.

Partisans are preparing to minimize the railway canvas

Diversions on railways continued in October. Over 148,500 rails were undermined. At this, the operation "Concert" was actually discontinued due to the lack of supplies of explosives. Despite the fact that the tasks of the operation were not fully fulfilled, its results were significant. The roads that were not only in the East of the occupied territory were massive, which was in the "rail war", but also in the West of Belarus, in the Baltic States and Karelia.

The results of guerrilla operations on the mass undermining rails were very effective. Only during the first two operations ("Rail War" and "Concert") from July 22 to October 1943, 363,262 rails were undermined on railways in the enemy rear, which corresponded to 2270 km of a single railway track. Especially a lot was destroyed by rails in such sites, like Luninets - Kalinkovichi (41,781), Pskov - bottom (23 887), Polotsk - Molodechno (21 243), Leningrad - Pskov (17 659), Mogilev - Zhlobin (15 074), Krichev - Unecha (12 204), Orsha - Minsk (7982), Bryansk - Unecha (7031). The armed deficit in the rails of the Nazis was trying to fill in the fact that they changed the two-way areas of the path to uninterrupted, welded the interrupted rails and even imported them from Poland, Czechoslovakia and Germany. However, the partisans were dismissed repaired areas. It even more increased tensions in the work of the enemy railway transport. According to Colonel A.I. Brujanova, Head of the Operational Department of the Belarusian Staff of the Partisan Movement, only in August for this purpose, 5 thousand bio-axis platforms and hundreds of locomotives were used.

According to military specialists, the actions of partisans in the Operations "Rail War" and "Concert" were more than 11 times more than 11 times of all the raids of German-fascist aviation, which dropped about the same period on railways in the Soviet rear of more than 10 thousand aviation bombs .

And the outcome of the partisan operations of the type "Rail War" and "concert" was not only a huge number of converted rails. They included a large range of sabotage shares on all communications of the opponent - rail, motor vehicles, aquatic and air, supported by blows on garrisons and other important objects in the enemy rear.

Simultaneously with the subsection of rails, the partisans were allowed to sleep under the slopes, destroyed bridges, railway stations, were outdated by other elements of the travel economy. In the same period, as a result of the actions of the Ukrainian and Moldovan partisans, hundreds of collections of military echelons of the enemy occurred. The capacity of the opponent's railways in the occupied territory of the USSR in September-October 1943 as a result of the action partisans decreased significantly. According to some estimates, it decreased by 35-40%, which greatly made it difficult to regroup the fascist troops and had great help to the upcoming Red Army.

Ultimately, the transfer along the railway of parts and connections of the Wehrmacht, as well as the exercise of the enjoyment and evacuation was significantly difficult. The operation "Concert" has intensified the struggle of the Soviet people against the German-fascist invaders in the occupied territory. In the course of it intensified the influx of the local population in partisan formations.

Partisan movement - "Dubube People's War"

"... Dubube of the People's War rose with all his formidable and majestic strength and, without asking against the draws of the tastes and rules, with a stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without disassembling nothing, rose, went down and nailing the French until all the invasion was died."
. L.N. Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

The Patriotic War of 1812 remained in the memory of all Russian people as a war of people.

Do not wise! Give me! Hood V.V. Vereshdygin, 1887-1895

This definition does not accidentally fixed it. Not only the regular army participated in it - for the first time in the history of the Russian state, the whole Russian people rose to protect their homeland. Various voluntary detachments were formed, who took part in many major battles. Commander-in-Chief M.I. Kutuzov called on Russian militia to assist the existing army. A guerrilla movement was obtained great development, which unfolded throughout Russia, where the French were located.

Passive resistance
The population of Russia began to resist the invasion of the French from the very first days of the war. It turned out the huge distribution of so-called. Passive resistance. The Russian people left their homes, villages, whole cities. At the same time, people often devastated all the warehouses, all the reserves of food, destroyed their farms - they were firmly convinced: nothing had to get into his hands to the enemy.

A.P. Buhenev recalled how Russian peasants fought with the French: "The further the army was in the depths of the country, the more unlikely to have occurring villages, and especially after Smolensk. The peasants were sent to the neighboring forests of their women and children, belongings and cattle; Itselves, with the exception of only the stray old people, armed with braids and axes, and then began to burn their horses, arranged ambushes and attacked backward and stray enemy soldiers. In small cities that we passed, almost no one was found on the streets: only the local authorities remained, which, for the most part, left with us, pre-betrayed fires and shops, where the opportunity was preparing and allowed ... "

"Caraise villains without mercy"
Gradually, peasant resistance acquired other forms. Some organized groups of several people, they caught the soldiers of the Great Army and killed them. Naturally, they could not act against a large number of French simultaneously. But this was quite enough to impose horror in the ranks of the enemy army. As a result, the soldiers tried not to walk apart, so as not to get into the hands of Russian partisans.

With weapons in your hands - shoot! Hood V.V. Vereshdygin, 1887-1895

In some provinces left by the Russian army, the first organized partisan detachments were formed. One of these detachments acted in the Sychev province. He headed his Major Emelyanov, who first began to initiate people to accept weapons: "Many began to pester to him, from day to day the number of accomplices was multiplied, and then armed what was possible, they chose the brave Emelyanov over his head, giving an oath to the belly for faith, the king and the land of Russian and to obey him ... then Emelyanov introduced There is an amazing order between the warriors-posts. For one sign, when the enemy went in excellent forces, the villages became empty, they were going to house again. Sometimes an excellent lighthouse and bells were announced when ITTi equestrian or hiking. He himself, as a boss, encouraging his example, was always with them in all dangers and harass me everywhere, he broke, and finally he captured, and finally, in one hot shootout in the brilliance of military actions of the peasants, his life captured his love To the Fatherland ... "

Such examples were quite a few, and they could not slip away from the attention of the leaders of the Russian army. MB Barclay de Tolly in August 1812 appealed to residents of Pskov, Smolensk and Kaluga province: "... But many of the residents of the Smolensk region awakened already from fear of their own. They, equip them in their homes, with courage worthy of the name of the Russian, punish the villains without mercy. Imitate all those who love themselves, Fatherland and the Sovereign. Your military will not come out of your limits, the current does not drive or not destroy the strength of the enemy. It was decided to fight them to the very extremes, and you will remain supporting his one to the defective of your own houses of your more daring, rather than terrible. "

Wide scope of "Malaya War"
Leaving Moscow, the commander-in-chief of Kutuzov assumed to lead a "low war" to create an enemy constant threat to the environment in Moscow. This task was to solve the detachments of military officers and folk militia.

Being at the Tarutin position, Kutuzov took the activities of partisans under its control: "... I put ten partisans on that leg to be able to take all the ways at the enemy thinking in Moscow to find in the abundance of all kinds of contentment. During a six-week rest of the main army under Tarutin, the partisans were prevailing fear and horror by the enemy, taking all the ways of food ... ".

Davydov Denis Vasilyevich. Engraving A.Afanasyev
From the original V. Langer. 1820s.

For such actions, we needed bold and decisive commanders and troops capable of acting in any conditions. The first detachment that was created by Kutuzov for making a small war was a detachment of lieutenant colonel D.V. DavydovFormed at the end of August as part of 130 people. With this detachment of Davydov spoke through Egoryevskoye, begging to the village of Squarevo, which was turned into one of the bases of the partisan struggle. He acted together with various armed peasant detachments.

Denis Davydov did not just fulfill his combat debt. He tried to understand the Russian peasant, because he represented his interests and acted from his face: "Then I learned on experience that in the People's War I should not only speak the language of mobiles, but to escalate to her, to her customs and her clothes. I put on a guy caftan, began to ignore the beard, instead of the Order of St. Anne hung the image of St. Nicholas and spoke to the tongue quite folk ... ".

The Mozhaisk Road was concentrated by another partisan detachment headed by Major General I.S. Dorokhov. Kutuzov wrote Dorokhov about the methods of the partisan struggle. And when information was received at the army headquarters that Dorokhov's squad came to the environment, Kutuzov reported: "The guerrilla is never in this position of the truth, for it is the duty of it so much time in one place to stay, how much he needs to feed people and horses. Marsha must fly a flying partisan detachment, for small roads ... During the day to hide in forests and lowlands. In short, the partisans should be decisive, fast and tireless. "

Figner Alexander Samoilovich. Engraving G.I. Grachev with lithography from the collection PA Erofeeva, 1889.

At the end of August 1812, a detachment was also formed Vitrengerene, consisting of 3200 people. Initially, his task was to observe the hull of the vice-king Evgeny Bogarne.

Having rearing the army to the Tarutin position, Kutuzov has formed a few more partisan detachments: A. S. detachments Figrine, I.M. Vadbolsky, N.D. Kudasheva and A.N. Seslavin.

In total, in September, 36 Cossack regiments and one team, 7 cavalry regiments, 5 squadrons and one team of lightweight artillery, 5 infantry regiments, 3 battalions of hurkers, and 22 shehenty battalions and 22 shepherd guns were acted. Kutuzov managed to give the partisan war wide. He pecked them the tasks of observing the enemy and apply continuous strikes on his troops.

Cartoon of 1912.

It is thanks to the actions of the guerrilla Kutuzov had full information about the movements of French troops, on the basis of which conclusions could be drawn about the intentions of Napoleon.

Due to continuous blows of batting partisan detachments, the French had to always keep part of the troops at the ready. According to the journal of hostilities, from September 14 to October 13, 1812, the enemy lost only about 2.5 thousand people killed, about 6.5 thousand French was captured.

Peasant partisan detachments
The activities of military partisan detachments would not be so successful without the participation of peasant partisan detachments, which operated everywhere since July 1812.

The names of their "leaders" will remain in the memory of the Russian people: Kurin, Sami, Quarters and many others.

Kurin Gerasim Matveyevich
Hood A. Sirnov

Portrait of a guerrilla of Egor Stoolov. Hood TEREBENEV I.I., 1813

The detachment itself acted near Moscow. He managed to destroy more than three thousand Frenchmen: "I myself introduced an amazing tree to him in all subordinates to him. Everything was performed on the signs that were served by the bell tower and other conditional will accept. "

The feats of Vasilisa Keltini received great fame, which headed the detachment in the Sychevsky district and fought with French marauders.

Vasilisa Skin. Hood A. Sirnov, 1813

On the patriotism of the Russian peasants wrote M.I. Kutuzov reporting Alexander I of October 24, 1812 on the patriotism of Russian peasants: "They suffered with a martyr's hardness, they were transferred all the strikes with the invasion of the enemy, hid their families and young children in the forest, and the armed armed were looking for defeats in peaceful dwellings their emerging predators. Often, the most women secretly caught the villains and punished the death of their attempts, and often armed selyan, joining our partisans, they contributed very much in the extermination of the enemy, and without exaggeration to say that many thousands of enemies were exterminated by peasants. Feats are so numerous and delicious to the Spirit of the Russian ... ".


ON THEOccupiedTerritory


The struggle of the population of Belarus against the invaders began immediately after the occupation. It poured not only in non-fulfillment of orders established by invaders, but also in armed resistance. Partisan detachments and groups were created both from the local population and from the servicemen-surripens. One of the first to be struggled by a pine squad under the command of V. Korzh, in which there were about 60 people. In total in 1941, 60 partisan detachments and groups originated independently. At the same time, in July-September, the party-Soviet bodies formed 430 partisan detachments and groups in which 8,300 people were part of. Many of these detachments have become an organizational nucleus for large combat-ready formations. In difficult conditions of winter, 1941/42, 200 partisan detachments and groups continued to operate.

The defeat of the Germans near Moscow not only instimed optimism in those patriots who have already been struggled, but also contributed to the growth of the rows of folk avengers. In the spring and summer of 1942, the partisan movement in Belarus was further developed. As a result of hostilities, partisans from the occupiers were released by significant territories on which free partisan zones were created. In the Oktyabrsky district, such a zone was controlled by the garrison of F. Pavlovsky as part of 13 detachments (more than 1,300 people). The center of the partisan movement in the Mogilev region became Klichevsky district. March 20, 1942. The district center of Klichev took partisans after a tense battle. From April 1942, a detachment of V. Nichiporovich, the former commander of the 208th Rifle Division acted in the Klichevsk zone. On his initiative, a meeting of detachment commanders was held, an operational center was established under the leadership of the combined forces. In September 1942, in submission of the operational center there were 17 detachments that united three thousand people.

In January 1943, the number of Belarusian partisans exceeded 56 thousand people. 220 detachments were combined in 56 brigades, 292 detachments acted independently. Partisan reserve at this time was more than 150 thousand people.

Since September 1942, the Belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement began to operate. This has played a positive role in improving the leadership, providing its necessary weapons, equipment, etc. Only created by the Central Committee of the CP (b) B North-Western Group on the Operational Guidelines, the partisan movement sent 4250 rifles to Belarus, 630 automata, over 400 machine guns, 138 Anti-tank guns, 280 mortars, 18 thousand grenades and others. Due to the front line to Belarus, specially trained groups were sent to Belarus, which were completed mainly from Belarusians. During 1943 . 13 partisan detachments and 111 organizational and sabotage groups with a total number of almost 2 thousand people arrived from the Soviet rear. Among them were prevailed demolitions and instructors of a subversive case. In 1943, 20.5 thousand rifles, more than 11 thousand automata, 973 PTRs, 1235 machine guns and mortars, about 100 thousand sabotuses and mortars, were delivered to the partisans of Belarus from a large land.

The concentration of partisan forces continued, the creation of zones controlled by major partisan compounds. The Lyuban-October compound, which emerged in April 1942, controlled the interfold of birds and earns. The most significant was Baranovichi, Belostokskoye, Brest, Wieli, Gomel, Mogilev, Polessky, Pin Regional Connections.

The interaction of partisans with the Red Army was established. In the summer of 1942, when heavy defensive battles were walking in the Stalingrad area, the central headquarters of the partisan movement (CSWP) turned to the partisans of Belarus with a call to tear the transfer of the reserve of the enemy, to destroy military echelons. Partisans responded to this call for large combat and sabotage operations. Bridges were undermined, railway canvas and communication lines were destroyed. Brigade S. Korukkina, for example, August 29, 1942 per night with the help of 250 locals dismantled several kilometers of the way. As a result, Polotsk-Vitebsk railway line did not operate 6 days.

The German command was forced to allocate significant forces on fighting partisans. In May - November 1942, the fascists held 40, and in 1943 more than 60 large punitive operations against partisans and the population using aircraft and tanks. In total, during the years of occupation, the Germans and their accomplices conducted 140 such operations. They differed exceptional cruelty: thousands of people, Belarusian cities, villages and villages burned. The tragic destiny of Khatyn, all the inhabitants of which were burned alive by punishers, divided 627 settlements of Belarus. If not a wide nationwide resistance of partisans and underground workers, the consequences of the atrocities of the fascist invaders would be even more terrible. The partisans constrained the detachments of punishers, giving the opportunity to go to the forest, and then did not allow the enemy to certain regions. In 1943, 60% of Belarus were under the control of partisans.

After the successful completion of the Stalingrad battle, the victory on the Kursk arc, the number of partisans began to increase rapidly. In total, during 1943, the number of folk Avengers increased from 56 to 153 thousand people, i.e., 2.7 times. In order to spread the partisan movement and the Western areas of Belarus here, 12 brigades and 14 separate detachments with a total number of about 7 thousand people were held in combat raids in 1943/44. As a result, the number of guerrilla in Western regions increased to 37 thousand.


An essential part of the nationwide resistance to the invaders was an anti-fascist underground. More than 70 thousand Belarusian patriots participated in the underground activity. The formation and development of the underground contributed to the fact that on the eve of the occupation, the party-Soviet bodies prepared and left the state-speaking groups of underground work organizers, identified appearance, their types of communication, etc. In 89 areas, underground party bodies in the form of district schools, groups, triples were left , as a rule, led by parbulls. In total, 8,500 communists left for illegal work in the rear of the enemy, 73 leading Komsomol workers. Almost all of them immediately began political and sabotage and combat activities. This was expressed in the sabotage of events of the occupying authorities, the anti-fascist propaganda, the spread of leaflets, in the explosions of warehouses, communication and production facilities.

In recent days of June 1941, the first underground organizations were created in Minsk, which then united the Minsk Underground City Committee of the CP (b) b. The anti-fascist underground combined over 9 thousand inhabitants of the capital of thirty nationalities, as well as representatives of nine European countries. Over the years of occupation, the underground workers brought more than 10 thousand families of Minsk citizens from the city to partisan troops, including about a thousand families of suicide bits from Minsk Ghetto.

Diversion at the Minsk railway station in December 1941, during the battles near Moscow, lowered its bandwidth almost 20 times. In Gomel, the undergrounders blew up a restaurant with German officers there. In the Orsha railway depot, the group K. Zaklovova was actively operated. It was disabled with different ways several dozen steam locomotives and the station was repeatedly paralyzed.

Much attention was paid to moral and political work among the population. In January 1942, the publication of a periodic leaflet "Motherland", the newspapers "Patriot Motherland", leaflets were established in Minsk. By the end of the year, about 20 underground newspapers were published in Belarus. In May 1942, the publication of the "Strong newspaper" was established. A mass circulation in Belarus was delivered to the newspapers "Savetskaya Belarus", Agitplakat "DladAv1m Fa-Spanish Ghazshu!", Front newspaper "For Savetskaya Belarus". On January 1, 1942, the radio station "Soviet Belarus" began working. On January 18, 1942, an anti-fascist rally of the Belarusian people was held in Moscow, which was broadcast on the radio. On the rally, writers of M. Tank, K. Chorny, secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol S. Prittysky and others.

In March-April 1942 in Minsk, the Germans arrested more than 400 underground workers, including several members of the underground party of the party. On May 7, 1942, a new strike was inflicted on the underground, as a result of which hundreds of patriots were killed, including the secretaries of the underground city committee and the Ryakov KP (b) b. In the fight against the invaders, the whole families of underground workers. For example, the family of Shcherbatsevichi, Gerasimenkov, Sucks, Flower, Yanushkevich, Klumov, Kor-Geneva, and others died.

But resistance continued. On October 21, 1942, more than 300 places of Minsk were opened by leaflets with a call to beat the occupants. Soon the new Cosp (b) b and its branches were formed. In total, over 9 thousand people fought in the ranks of Minsk underground, including more than a thousand communists and two thousand Komsomol members. During the occupation, more than 1,500 diversions were conducted.

In Vitebsk in 1941-1942 56 underground groups operated. More than 400 people have underground Gomel's underground organizations. Their activities were led by the Operational Center. In Mogilev, more than 40 underground groups were united in the "Committee to Promotion of the Red Army". From spring 1942 at the railway station, Obol Vitebsk region operated underground Komsomol organization "Young Avengers" in 40 people. Young patriots committed 21 sabotage. Actively was an underground movement in Borisov, Orshe, Zhlobin, Mozyr, Kalin-Kovichi and other settlements. On July 30, 1943, Osipovich's underground workers committed one of the largest sabotage of World War II - destroyed 4 echelon with military equipment, ammunition, flammable. One of these echelons was downloaded by Tiger tanks.

Anti-fascist organizations acted in the Western regions of Belarus. In May 1942, on the basis of the Anti-Fascist Groups of Vasilishkovsky, Schuchinsky, Radunsky, Skidelsky districts, "District Belarusian Anti-Fascist Committee of the Baranovic Oblast" was created. He combined 260 underground workers. In the Brest region at this time, a "Committee of Committee of Combating German Covers" was created.

The invader policy in the occupied territory has changed

Having met with resistance and popular rejection of the occupying regime, the fascist invaders tried to incline the population to their side, to create an anti-Bolshevik movement, convince people that the war is being conducted in political, ideological purposes. From February 1943, in the fascist media, they began to talk less about the need for colonization, and more about the prospects for the heyday of the eastern territories under German leadership, about the well-secured future of the entire population.

The economic policy of the occupiers changed. First, for the purposes of more efficient robbery and exploitation of the population, the occupying authorities preserved a collective farm-compass system, then a private ownership of Earth was resumed. But the fascists were in no hurry with the transfer of land to the peasants, stating that it would be carried out as encouraging "after determining the merit to the authorities." In February 1943, an order was issued on the return of the former owners nationalized by the Soviet government. Private possession of workshops, shops, etc.

At the same time, the fascists resorted to the formation of national administrative entities, relying on certain circles of emigration and the local population who, for various reasons, became on the path of cooperation with them. In Belarus, these forces were not homogeneous. Those who have always compiled the opposition of Soviet power and made a bet to Germany (including after the arrival of the fascists in it) in the case, as they considered the revival of Belarus were becoming a collaborationist path. On the right flank of these forces was the Belarusian National Socialist Party (Belarusian Fascists), headed by F. Akinchitsy, created in the early 30s. After the capture of Poland, I. Ermachenko, V. Zakharko, V. Godlevsky, Ya. Stankevich, and others were taken to cooperate with the fascists, and others. This group had periodicals, led to campaigning for the creation of independent Belarus under the auspices of Hitler's Germany. Consciously went to the service to the invaders, part of the Belarusian emigration led by R. Ostrovsky, as well as other persons who considered themselves offended by the Soviet authorities. Among them were those who, due to certain circumstances, turned out to be associated with these groups and was forced to serve the Germans, without seeing another exit.

In October 1941, the Belarusian National Self-help was established. The main goal of it was proclaimed by the help of "Belarusians who were victims from hostilities, Bolshevik and Polish persecution ... to rebuild the Belarusian edge destroyed by strangers ...". In districts, areas and mosses were created by its departments. The leadership of this organization sought to turn it into the body of the Belarusian state administration, to create armed groups to combat partisans and the Red Army, organize Belarusian departments for occupational bodies, etc. However, the Germans comprehensively controlled the activities of BNS, did not allow her practically no independent actions.

In June 1942, ReikhskyistSar of the General District of Belarus V. Cuba was allowed to create departmental departments at the main Rade BNS, including political, administrative, military, school, health, etc. In addition, trade unions were created, the Belarusian judicial apparatus. The body of the Belarusian self-protein was attached to the special importance as armed force at BNS. In each area, it was planned to create from the company to the battalion of these forces, which were supposed to be three divisions. Organized courses on retraining of Belarusian officers.

However, in the autumn of 1942, the Germans lost interest in this venture and decided to create Belarusian police battalions instead of self-well.

In June 1943, the occupying authorities were allowed to create an anti-Soviet youth organization "Union of Belarusian youth" by the collaborators. Belarusian from 10 to 20 years old could join it, which provided written evidence of "purity" of its origin and desire to serve as fascism. Several thousand young men and girls were enrolled in the Union, of which they prepared future functionaries of the nationalist movement.

However, all these efforts of the occupying authorities did not significantly affect the position of the Belarusian people, which negatively relate to all the events of the occupiers and their assistants. Belarusians saw and felt all the cruelty of the occupying regime, its anti-people, antibelorussian character. The eloquent beautiful promises was the system of mass destruction of people in prisons and concentration camps, which was created by invaders in Belarus.

In the "military encyclopedic dictionary" (1983) there are Articles "Partizan Movement" and "Partisan Movement during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", but there is no article "Partisan War".
The examples of the examples are enough to understand the importance of accurate determination of basic concepts. Therefore, without claiming the absolute accuracy of definitions, we clarify their content.
Partisan war. This is one of the forms of struggle against foreign invaders, an integral part of the war, which is conducted on the territory controlled by the enemy, and in ways other than the actions of regular troops. It involves special parts and units of regular troops, as well as irregular formations. The partisan war is usually built on the wide support of the masses.
Partisan traffic. As a social phenomenon, it includes an armed struggle of the partisans themselves, as well as those who provide diverse assistance and support to partisans, cover them from enemies, collect information for them, etc. Thus, we are talking about combating weapons in the hands and about the struggle with the unarmed way. Naturally, the one who helps the partisans only with the naked way cannot be considered a guerrilla. He is just a member of the partisan movement.
Partisan struggle. The main form of the partisan movement, his specific manifestation should be considered a partisan struggle. It suggests, first of all, the armed struggle of specially organized partisan formations. They subsequently adjoin the guerrilla formations that have developed spontaneously, but controlled by the center.
Partisan actions. Partisan struggle is carried out in the form of partisan actions. The main distinctive features are: the absence of a constant line of contact with the enemy (solid front); fighting fighting; the ability to solve the tasks without entry into the combat clashes with the enemy; Combination of focus, focusing and moving forces.

One of the heads of the partisan movement, Kratygin so characterizes its actions: "The fighting of armed groups, detachments and whole compounds of volunteers from the local population or from the armed forces that are conducted in the enemy's rear by the method of sudden blows on separate garrisons or columns of the opponent moving troops According to the management centers (headquarters) and various enemy objects, individual sabotage in order to disorganize the rear, applying the enemy's loss in a living force and military equipment and violations of the normal operation of its communications. "
It is easy to see how specific the formulation of the Karatygin compared with the definition of the dictionary. There, for the transfer of tasks, the main thing was forgotten: that the guerrietaryness does not associate itself with a permanent armed contact with the enemy. It would seem that it is obvious. But this particularly obvious was not seen by very many organizers of the partisan struggle of the 1941-45 period. And as a result - there were huge sacrifices among the partisans.
The guerrianship Karatygin did not oppose the regular army and at the same time did not associate only with the army, as the source of its organization, nutrition and hostilities, which was done by Clembovsky. In Karautygina, it appears in the form of the organic unity of two beginnings - folk and army.
Considering the occurrence of the partition at such moments when the people ("nation" or "group of oppressed classes"), begins the struggle with its own forces (since there is no army, or it is not able to independently provide the interests of the country, or with the collapse of the "old order" army on the scene New forces came out), Karatygin deputy shows that the partisan forms of action are so diverse as a variety of the emerging situation of struggle.
The main time characterizing the tactics of the partisans and contains a sign of "partitions" as for the detachments isolated from the composition of the army and formed by another, is the absence of a permanent armed contact with the enemy.

The partition is the main opportunity and the main means of the weakest side to conduct an independent struggle. Partizanism is originally and is not determined by the presence of its army. Partisan detachments isolated from the composition of the army, only a private type. The main mass of the partisan always comes out of the nation of the people, at the time of the greatest country of country from certain hostile encroachments and is due to the lack of an army.
Exceptional importance, Kratygin considered, has the ability to introduce into partisan actions of the systematic principle, "the maximum of useful work partisans and the degree of their influence on the course of operations of their army is determined by the presence of operational communication with the latter and the plannedness of these actions." Under these conditions, partisan detachments, he wrote, can be compared with the shells of a supervaluation: defeats from them will be random, if the possibility of accurate direction in the target is excluded. The constant attributes of the success of the partition, according to Kratygin, is the presence of an organized leadership of partisan power and joint work of partisans with the army.
It is such factors as the lack of a clear operational plan, the inability to introduce actions in the framework of systematic operations, to reduce the fights to a simple "reduction" of the living enemy's living forces without consolidation and the development of the results achieved in the battle, became the causes of the failures of the feasian army of Makhno, whom Kratygin considered the typical partisan chief.
Partizania in itself rarely can give a finite positive result. This result is achieved by actions agreed with its regular army, or commissioning partisans of a systematic general guideline, i.e. Approaching the guerrietary to the concept of regular strength, but not for external forms, but on the internal signs of the latter.
Unfortunately, these and many other findings P.L. Kratygin, made back in 1924, the organizers and leaders of the partisans of the struggle during the Great Patriotic War did not take into account. They came to them again by repeated trials and mistakes, paying for the experience gained a very expensive price.
"The fight against the rear is a party partisan, regardless of their type," P. Karatygin emphasizes: "Do not be surprised if in the future goal of operations will be determined by the rear turns and it will be quite natural when the excessive development of the equipment gives war The nature of the contest of the rear through the armies of the fronts. " Perhaps, already for one thought, Kararatgin should put a monument.
"Parisans, like the destroyers of the rear, will take their proper place in future wars," P. Kratygin wrote. - This struggle should take an organized nature and have a complete connection with the operations of the army. Partisans, as independent strength, are an auxiliary means of struggle; The partitionisanism, systemally organized, especially in the presence of an army, is already a mighty force, is part of the same army acting on the highest directions. "
Paulumsizing with his opponents, P. Karatygin warmly defended the idea that more free and wide horizons were in front of the guerrier. The "old" guerrietary can be "new" reception. "We are talking here about the possibility of the transition of external forms and ideological moments of the partition in the normal tactics of regular troops. It perceives in his idea - the destruction of the harmonary fighting systems of the enemy, the introduction of new forms of struggle, the creation of the situation of surprises and accidents - the conditions, unusual and dangerous for the mechanized troops of the enemy. "
These and many other provisions of P. Karatygin have not lost their relevance so far.

Sourse of information:
Publisher: Minsk-M

Tactics of partisan struggle

1. Purpose of the partisan war

The goal of the partisan war is the provision of resistance to the enemy by the people of the country, occuping its territory or the struggle against the criminal anti-people regime illegally in power in the country.

Partisan groups with subversive actions make the enemy guard themselves with the help of a large amount of forces and spend them and means aimless. At the covered partisan war, the territory should be acting so that the enemy can not freely walk on it without weapons so that he always pursued a sense of fear. Main objects of action Partizan:

1. Destruction of the personnel of the army and the police in the places of their deployment.

2. Diversions on automotive and railways by difficulty using their enemy forces.

3. Capture or destruction of telephone lines (air and underground), central communication and radio stations.

4. Diversions against energy networks and power plants.

5. Attack and defeat (destruction) of the central headquarters of the enemy.

6. Destruction, capture of vehicles (military and ordinary).

7. Destruction of connected and enemy agents.

2. Features of action in partisan movement

If individuals provide their needs by purchasing all the necessary in stores, in warehouses, at the expense of their farm, the life of the partisan is associated with the struggle. They provide all their needs in the fight and at the expense of the enemy.

It is necessary to remember well that the inorganized mass in the struggle against the military units suffered and will tolerate the defeat, so the strict organization of the actions of the partisan groups is needed.

Partisan groups with all their actions should be consumed among themselves, coordinate their actions, listen to recommendations, senior advice, experienced leaders.

In the partisan wrestling, it is necessary to use military personnel who served in various types of troops and have appropriate specialty.

In a long-term partisan war, partisans should defend various speeches of the people, otherwise they (these performances) will be defeated, and the partisan groups will not find support from the people and will also be defeated.

The partisan struggle will be successful if you constantly or temporarily keep the captured territory in your hands or control certain areas of the country.

The territory liberated or under control does not need to hold until the enemy concentrated significant forces capable of acting serious losses to partisans. It should be remembered that it is never necessary to hold on to stubbornly for this territory, since this territory under the laws of the partisan war remains constant.

The temporary protection of the liberated territory is carried out by individual partisans groups, simultaneously in various districts of this territory. The number of these groups may be different and depends on the situation, the presence of their forces and means. Actions of numerous groups on the protection of the liberated territory make the enemy dispersed their strength, and this is very important in the partisan war. In such conditions, the enemy is forced to spray its forces, act as small divisions, create numerous garrisons.

Separate partisans groups that perform tasks for the temporary protection of the liberated territory, in the open battle with the enemy do not enter, are not carried out against the enemy. At the occurrence of the enemy, without entering the battle, depart, while maintaining their strength and means.

The local population, which supports and promotes the action of partisans, should refrain from independent speeches, because it can only lead to his defeat.

It is especially difficult to act partisans in the winter, therefore, it is necessary to prepare for winter in advance, create the necessary stocks of material and hardware, clothing, shoes, food based on the calculation of the entire personnel of partisan formations.

At the concentration of significant forces for actions against the partisan group, the enemy will use (shoot with permanent locations of dislocation) their small units and individual posts. These circumstances partisans should be used to meet and work with connections, intelligence, eliminate the enemy's intelligence and informative network in the area of \u200b\u200boperation, using ways that were previously covered with small units and posts of the enemy.

3. Use in partisan struggle of specialists

In the partisan war, the actions of individual partisan groups should effectively use military personnel of various specialties, as well as employees of communication and roads, power plants and power grids.

It is very important to use military personnel having sapper and mine-explosive training. They are needed to prepare and conduct sabotage actions against various objects.

Conventional military personnel can be used as connected between resistance groups and to participate in the implementation of subversive actions.

Correspondents of newspapers and magazines, chiefs of printing houses Main work lead to the preparation of leaflets, appeals, newspapers and other agitation and propaganda events.

4. Work in partisan garrisons

For each partisan group should be harvested (purchased) necessary for life and struggle. They are purchased during the battle or, if possible, bought. It is necessary that for each partisan it is the appropriate season, climatic conditions, terrain, clothing, shoes, sleeping facilities. It is especially necessary to create reserves of funds for heavy, the most severe seasons.

First of all, the partisans must be provided with weapons, equivalent to the enemy's arms. For this, it is mined from the enemy.

Partisans should have everything necessary for the fight, sudden actions in the most difficult conditions of the situation, especially when movement. Even explosives are preparing to immediately use in the most unexpected situations.

None of the personnel of the partisan group has the right to independently leave it or do not fulfill the orders of the group commander.

5. Material support

Each fighter of the partisan group should be provided with everything necessary: \u200b\u200buniform, shoes, weapons and equipment, food. This should always be remembered by commanders (leaders) of partisan groups.

Special attention should be paid to the provision of warm clothing, the blankets of partisans operating in the mountains. All this must be harvested in advance. Ways to obtain such material resources:

1. By seizure (capture) at the enemy and his supporters;

2. Due to the help of supporters of motion (activists) among the urban population (merchants, merchants, employees, etc.);

3. Purchase from merchants (as far as possible);

4. Weapons and ammunition to it in battle, attacking the warehouses of the enemy or the organization of the embezzlement from various places of its storage.

It is possible to armed at the expense of the weapon from the population, select it from those who do not participate in the partisan struggle.

The weapon should be light, automatic and semi-automatic, as well as heavy (machine guns, grenade launchers, etc.).

At the beginning of the creation of groups of struggle, you can use the hunting weapon, especially self-charged.

5. Explosives should be mined without a fight, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mining and construction work, where explodes are used.

Store explosives in a dry and warm place; Not to lay it on the ground, but to do it from dry trees. The air at the storage seat should circulate. Especially gently need to be addressed when storing the fuses.

Explosives can be taken from their production places. The most suitable will be mines weighing from 3 to 4 kg. It is necessary to use Fugas and even aviation bombs weighing up to 250 kg. Explosives splashed from them to iron or glass dishes. With the inserted fuse - it will be a good bomb.
