Tatiana Shevchenko
Teacher portfolio (sample)

Shevchenko Tatyana Viktorovna

Total work experience - 27 years

Pedagogical experience - 24 years

Pedagogical credo

"Whether we like it or not, the child, with

the hardest to manage,

It was the one we later became most proud of.” (Mignon McLaughlin)

Personal characteristics








Ability to get along with people



Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in professional activities copies of the Internet pages used by the sites: website /., nsportal.ru, pedsovet.su, pedsovet.org/; Official website of the Beryozka kindergarten

Glossary Educational Technology- this is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is the organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process. Pedagogical competence is a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical activity. The development of professional competence is the development of a creative individuality, susceptibility to pedagogical innovations, and the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment. Student-centered learning is a kind of learning where the personality of the child, its originality, self-worth are put at the forefront, the subjective experience of each is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education.

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If you work in a kindergarten and decide to make a portfolio for yourself, then you need to look at many options before making a choice. Here, for example, we made a completely new portfolio for the educator, which we simply called - a bright mood. And looking at the portfolio templates, you will understand why we called it that. And all because the portfolio is bright and will help you express yourself as soon as they see it. Watch the video presentation below to get a better look at all the sheets.

Are you still hesitant to start your own portfolio? And look at this new portfolio of a kindergarten teacher, which we called simply and concisely - the values ​​​​of nature. We tried to make an unusual design that would meet all your requirements. And we did it. See a sample of all pages below and consider what your educator portfolio will look like when it is completed and completed by you. All templates are further in a convenient version for you.
Format: JPEG
Pages: 17

For everyone who loves spring and the sun, we have prepared a surprise. And this is a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher with unusually beautiful flowers. The portfolio has two different title page designs. Sections and subsections are also differently designed. But at the same time they are sustained in the same style. In total, there are 23 pages for you, which will certainly be enough for you.
Format: JPEG
A4 size
Quality 300 dpi
Pages 23

If what matters to you is what your kindergarten teacher portfolio looks like, then take a look at these templates. We made a new portfolio, which turned out to be delicate, with flowers and unusual patterns. This portfolio option will suit many and will appeal not only to you, but also to children, parents and the manager. Having filled everything to the end, you can refer to it over and over again, and it will help you in your work. You can see the full list of pages included in this portfolio below.
Pages 24
A4 format
Print quality 300 dpi

Each kindergarten teacher should have their own personal portfolio. But not everyone can do it, and sometimes there is simply not enough time. Therefore, we offer you a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher, which we made just in time for the start of a new academic and educational year. The portfolio is made in unusual colors and will appeal to everyone without exception.
Format: jpeg, A4
Number of sheets: 24
Size: 79.4 mb

Kindergarten teacher is an interesting, necessary and very time-consuming profession. And the portfolio of the educator is also filled with interesting materials, best practices and much more. If you don't have your own portfolio yet, but you want to start one, then take a look at our example. This is quite a worthy example of a portfolio for a preschool teacher. In it, in addition to title pages, there are sheets to fill out. This portfolio will help you improve your skills, build your work with children correctly, so that they, the children, can get all the necessary information and be ready for school at the end of kindergarten.
Format: JPEG+PNG
Size: 55.97 Mb

To improve your skills, achieve success in the profession and always learn and move forward, you need to have a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher. For example, this is what you see in the screenshots. This is a brand new portfolio designed by our designers. It has a strict appearance, a clear division into pages. And thanks to this portfolio, you will not only be able to collect documents and valuable information in one folder, you will also be able to draw up your reports, build the graphs you need and keep something like your personal daily diary. So download the portfolio and improve yourself.
Format: JPEG
Size: 87.9 MB

Every self-respecting educator keeps all the documents on his work, all his awards and merits. The teacher also stores information about his pupils, who either still go to kindergarten, or already go to school and other educational institutions. And such a folder for storing documents is called a teacher's portfolio for certification. It can be any, any color and style. But we offer you such an option for a ready-made portfolio for a teacher. It is made in a simple style with elements of patterns. The portfolio is not striking, but attracts attention. It is perfect for your documents, developments and other information. And sheets of international format will allow you to print it on your home printer.
Format: PNG+JPEg
Size: 66 Mb

It is no secret that when parents come to a kindergarten to send their child to it, they have a special attitude towards the choice of a teacher. And, as a rule, they ask for his portfolio, in which you can see the history of work, methodological developments, success in raising children, and so on. And therefore, each educator should have his own, unlike anyone else's portfolio. For example, like this. For you, we have prepared a portfolio for the teacher of any kindergarten with golden roses. As always, in addition to the title pages, we included our new developments in it. This, for example: a professional map of the educator and a list of ongoing programs, and much more. And after looking at such a portfolio, parents will certainly want their child to stay in this kindergarten and with this teacher.
Format: PNG+JPEG
Size: 50 Mb

What is the portfolio of a kindergarten teacher for certification, most preschool teachers know. As soon as the manager invites colleagues to draw up such a document, many are afraid, because it seems impossible for them to tell about themselves in this form, attaching some documents. In order for people raising small children to conquer new heights, we suggest downloading samples of ready-made portfolios for certification of educators on this page and, based on the proposed templates and examples, create exclusive own works.

What is the portfolio of a kindergarten teacher for certification, which is sure to be in everyone's life? This is a personal portfolio (folder) of a teacher, which contains documents confirming the effectiveness of his activities, participation in ongoing competitions and events, regular professional development. In order not to be unfounded, we will immediately turn to ready-made samples that can be downloaded from the links.

How to make a portfolio of a preschool teacher?

In preparation for certification, each teacher must clearly understand how to make a portfolio of an educator so that it meets all the requirements and serves to represent their own experience. To compose it correctly, you need to make a lot of effort, everyone who has such an urgent goal knows about it. However, you should know that it is this portfolio filled with documents that will replace the self-education folder that existed for years, which did not have a clear structure, therefore, has now lost its relevance. The Regulations, which will be described in detail below, as well as those ready-made samples of work that we offer to download for free for review, will help to make a portfolio correctly.

Seeing this sample, which you do not need to print out for yourself, since other people's information is embedded here, any educator will have to determine the structure of their folder and collect the appropriate material. Since the document is usually presented in a folder on A4 sheets, it is better to make a portfolio in the Word program. And again, help for those who are going to do the design of the "portfolio". Below are links for downloading ready-made samples that will help someone who was looking for an answer to the question of how to make a portfolio for a preschool teacher.

Regulations on the portfolio of the preschool teacher

Each author of the work must compile a portfolio of the educator in accordance with the requirements that apply to the design of this document. On June 26, 2000, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation developed a regulation on the portfolio of a preschool teacher, which is a guiding document that determines the structure and content of this folder. On its basis, as well as within the framework of the previously adopted Law "On Education" in the Russian Federation, the existing Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Education in each institution, the teaching staff develops its own position on the portfolio of the preschool teacher, which will serve as further guidance for the work of everyone who works in a particular children's garden. The drafted Regulations must be adopted by the teachers' council.

Download Regulations on the portfolio of the preschool educational institution "Teremok" p. Chistoozerye Kurgan region

Examples, free preschool teacher portfolio templates

Since any portfolio of a preschool teacher must be impeccable, it is necessary to try to complete it with high quality. The folder provides a generalization of one's experience, so there cannot be two completely identical contents, as well as two equally working teachers. However, you always need to focus on something, so it’s easier to collect and arrange personal work if you first look at examples of ready-made, beautifully and well-designed portfolios of educators, and then create your own folder based on a clean template using material prepared in advance. Someone prefers to draw up one sheet a day, for someone it will be more convenient to work all day, in order to eventually get a finished masterpiece, with which it is not a shame to go to get a new job, pass certification or submit a work for a competition.

After looking at the examples, choose a template for your educator portfolio and painstakingly fill the folder letter by letter until it becomes as weighty as those of those authors who have already passed the test and are proud of their work. A ready-made template is not enough to make the work worthy. It is necessary to stock up on photographs, scans of documents and patience, which will be the key to success.

Making a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher

When starting to draw up your own portfolio of a preschool teacher, you need to clearly understand what the goal is for the author of this work: why it will be needed. In accordance with this, the requirements for registration are drawn up. If the portfolio will be submitted for certification, then it must reflect the results of work, all your achievements for a specific period. Sometimes the educator wants to draw up a cumulative portfolio that he may need in the future. Working for the future, you can collect in your folder material about achievements throughout the work. A problematic or thematic portfolio is drawn up a little differently, when all the educators of the institution study a certain topic, and then the results are drawn up in the form of a folder. A person's own mood and temperament also influence the design of a teacher's portfolio, which is why we have such a large selection of backgrounds, pictures and frames for design in download materials.

And again, first, a sample for registration:

And now the design templates:

Title page of the teacher's portfolio

It is not easy to design the title page of a teacher's portfolio. This is a kind of visiting card of the author. Glancing at the first page in passing, the majority has already formed an idea about the author of the work from that moment. The design of the title page should be colorful, but do not forget that a serious document filled with relevant information will open behind this page. The photo can become a decoration for the title page, but let the bunnies and bears remain for the children. One photo on this page is not enough. The following information is required:

  • personal information;
  • the name of the preschool educational institution;
  • year of work.

The content of the portfolio of the preschool teacher

Structure is important in any document. Only then does it look holistic, complete, makes it possible to sum up. Denying yourself something, the author loses the opportunity to be heard and understood, so it is important to pay attention to the content of the portfolio of a kindergarten teacher:

  1. title page;
  2. introduction;
  3. autobiography or portrait of a teacher;
  4. professional achievements for a specified period;
  5. achievements of pupils;
  6. social activity.

How to issue a portfolio of a senior kindergarten teacher for certification?

The design of the achievements folder for the senior educator is significantly different from the work that his colleagues will present. Emphasis should be placed on the methodological work that is carried out in the team under his leadership. Appendix Art. the educator is filled not only with materials confirming their own achievements, but also with scans of documents that will tell the reader of the document about the achievements of the staff and pupils of the institution.

How to make a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher?

The portfolio of the teacher of the junior or nursery group is compiled in accordance with the Regulation, which was developed in the preschool educational institution. Almost all sections are filled according to the usual scheme. Someone will have difficulty filling the practical part. What achievements can children of a nursery or 1st junior group have? So I think those who were not in the garden and did not work with these kids. A real educator knows that there are many of them and they are different, and in order to convince the reader or his head that the work of this teacher is effective and efficient, you can attach video materials on disks. It is they who will become a clear confirmation that the author of the work is an extraordinary person, although he works in the first junior group, and take the theme for design and templates yourself from those offered.

Portfolio of a boarding school teacher - a story about working in a correctional school or boarding school, in a hostel

Not every teacher works in a kindergarten. Someone happened, or maybe was lucky, to work as an educator in a boarding school, in a hostel where schoolchildren or students live. If another certification looms on the horizon or you have to change jobs, take the trouble to have a portfolio of a boarding school teacher in order to present your achievements with dignity. Not everyone in our society has enough knowledge about this work. Someone considers it unpromising. Try to dispel all these false doubts by proving that success can be achieved anywhere if you work creatively. And the evidence of the portfolio of the teacher of a boarding school of a general education or correctional school, in which material is collected about the work of this teacher.

Before you is a sample portfolio of the educator of the boarding school of the correctional school Sherstyuk M. Yu., which was compiled by a teacher working in a special school of the VIII type. It is not easy to work with such kids, but even here there are achievements that are not easy to get at a price, but they are not always noticed, so you need to be able to present them.

And now, clean ready-made templates are offered to the attention of educators, which can become the basis for designing a folder.

Or maybe buy a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher?

Does every educator have a perfect command of a computer in order to draw up a portfolio of personal achievements. Unfortunately, not everyone. Especially often such a problem is faced by people with great experience, experience, who are loved by children and respected by their parents. Do you really have to blush during certification, presenting material that does not meet the requirements of modern design? Why, if you can buy or order a ready-made portfolio from specialists. Who said you can't do this? And why don't we sew a holiday costume for ourselves after reading an amazing article on how to sew it easily with no skills? If you are proud of your work, then present it well. And it does not matter who in this case will act as a performer. The main thing is that you are the author of the idea, there are results and everyone knows about them, and it doesn’t matter who typed the letters on the computer. In addition, buying a portfolio of a kindergarten teacher is not so expensive, but it will last for more than one year, and, perhaps, help win some kind of competition or get a prestigious position. So why deny yourself something that can change your life? Don't add complexity to it, don't create it!

Let every kindergarten teacher have the best portfolio that will make others pay attention to his difficult work and appreciate it.

A portfolio for kindergarten teachers is at the same time a technology for using educational and methodological materials, an organization process and a form of analysis of professional activity (certification), which ensures the successful development of reflection skills and an objective assessment of the results of pedagogical work, the progression of mastery.

Therefore, the portfolio combines:

  • the results of educational activities and other professional achievements, including personal contribution to the development of Russian education;
  • materials on the basis of which it is possible to assess the level of professional skills of a teacher, his ability to solve pedagogical problems, build an educational strategy;
  • documents and works that combine all aspects of the employee's pedagogical activity.

Portfolio for a kindergarten teacher

Teachers are faced with the need to accumulate a kind of portfolio of achievements that confirm the level of qualification and the degree of mastery of competence, taking into account the principles of consistency, reliability, objectivity, completeness and relevance of data. Unfortunately, not all teachers know why a kindergarten teacher needs a portfolio, which:

  • serves as a tool for objective diagnostics of professional activity;
  • stimulates teachers for continuous self-improvement and systematic reflection to assess personal growth;
  • ensures professional rapprochement with other representatives of the pedagogical community;
  • allows you to generalize the experience gained, to practice the assessment of achievements and difficulties in ongoing activities;
  • used for certification of a teacher, accreditation and licensing of an educational institution.

Moreover, many teachers note the financial and labor-intensive process of forming a folder of achievements, the systematic rather than episodic work with it, the low interest of the administration in compiling the portfolio of an educational institution. Making a portfolio for a kindergarten teacher is a technology that allows you to evaluate the educational, educational and creative results of the teacher's work in dynamics and with illustrative examples, to accumulate useful methodological information used to design professional technology and pass certification procedures.

The introduction of portfolio technology in the preschool educational institution is carried out as part of work to improve skills, confirm professionalism and personal growth. The development of a presentation portfolio takes place within the framework of:

  • competent approach - core competencies and functions are assessed;
  • activity - the degree of implementation of the main activities is subject to analysis;
  • systemic - the totality of professional achievements is studied, a structural and functional analysis is carried out, characterizing the meaning and functions of the collection of materials.

Portfolio technology ensures the continuity of the process of training, professional growth and career building in the field of education. The portfolio serves as the basis for effective interaction between educators, the kindergarten administration, the parent community, methodologists, representatives of attestation commissions and inspection bodies. It is designed to stimulate the teacher to connect internal resources for the development of professional skills, effective planning of activities and analysis of achievements. That is why the collection of achievements is used by kindergarten teachers, as well as inspectors of competitive and attestation commissions. Studying the portfolios of achievements of teachers, methodologists of information and methodological centers, inspectors of education committees can add them to the personnel reserve or evaluate professional skills to build an individual development trajectory.

A portfolio for a kindergarten teacher is an effective certification tool through which the teacher demonstrates to the certification commission the availability of the necessary competencies, their own practice of using pedagogical technologies and the collected program and methodological materials necessary for the implementation of labor functions.

Types of portfolio for a kindergarten teacher

Portfolio technology is a modern technology for evaluating the results of professional practice-oriented activities and the competence of an educator. The key advantage of using this technology is the complexity of the assessment. A portfolio product in a preschool educational institution according to the subject of information provision can be:

  1. Individual - a folder of professional achievements of the educator, musical director, head of the kindergarten.
  2. Group - a collective portfolio of educators working in the same age group of a preschool educational institution or in one area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity.

In methodological science, there is no single sample of such a folder with a list of materials that should be included in it. In the absence of a sample portfolio for a kindergarten teacher, each teacher, guided by the typology of folders and its purpose, forms the content of presentation materials. By type of professional activity, the following types of folders of achievements are classified:

  • Practice-oriented - aimed at assessing practical activities;
  • Problem-oriented - focused on optimizing the solution of frequently occurring problems;
  • Problem-research - are formed to systematize the materials and developments of the teacher;
  • Thematic - are a set of documents and materials that reveal various aspects of one topic.

Depending on the type of materials that form the basis of the portfolio for kindergarten employees, there are:

  1. Portfolio of documents - a folder with certified personal achievements of a specialist (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, awards and titles), which provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the collection. The disadvantages of this form include the static nature of the results presented, since documented achievements do not allow demonstrating the creative search of the educator, the diversity of his interests and the dynamics of development.
  2. Portfolio of works - a collection of design and creative works, reflecting the entire range of his activities, including creative and artistic achievements, participation in competitions, master classes, scientific and practical conferences, elective courses. With its help, the educator can demonstrate the qualitative completeness and diversity of the collected materials in order to confirm the high level of skill, increased creative activity and the dynamics of professional training. Despite the diversity of content, the limited form of photographs, text files, and video recordings causes difficulties for teachers who have not mastered the ICT tools enough.
  3. Portfolio of reviews - combines the characteristics of the attitude of the educator to professional activities, compiled by colleagues, representatives of the parent community, the senior educator and head of the preschool educational institution, methodologists and other specialists. It ensures the development of mechanisms for self-assessment and an objective assessment of the achievements of the teacher, which contributes to the conscious choice of a priority direction for self-education. The difficulty is due to the fact that the portfolio of reviews is a portfolio of letters of recommendation, characteristics, reviews, conclusions, summaries and reviews presented in text form, which makes formalization difficult.

Rather than limiting themselves to one form of achievement portfolio, educators can combine several to enhance the benefits and compensate for the limitations of each.

Electronic portfolio of a kindergarten teacher

The massive use of information technology leads to the modernization of the form of the folder of achievements of the teacher: an alternative to paper text collections of materials are web portfolios - web resources used to present professional achievements and the results of pedagogical work. The online portfolio accumulates the process of self-education of the teacher and reflects the dynamics of his achievements, is a means of meeting the requirements of the professional standard of the teacher. In the last document, teachers were assigned the need to possess ICT competence - skills in working with spreadsheets, text and photo editors, browsers and e-mail.

Through an e-portfolio:

  • web resources are created for the formation of a socially competent and creative personality;
  • information and methodological support for young specialists is carried out, a successful exchange of experience between colleagues, methodological and software support for the educational process is being expanded;
  • individual educational trajectories of educators are being introduced;
  • continuous professional development and improvement of educational and educational skills are carried out.

Regardless of the topic for a portfolio for a kindergarten teacher, the use of web resources ensures effective communication with colleagues, and the hypertext site architecture guarantees a simplified site search. However, to develop, fill and maintain a web portfolio, the educator needs not only ICT skills, but also the skills to design and design their activities. Work with materials is carried out in compliance with the principles of consistency, interactivity, accessibility, scientific character and visibility. It is important that the teacher can objectively evaluate his achievements, analyze the work, overcome difficulties, achieving high results. The resource should reflect all aspects of educational activities, and therefore the obligatory structural elements of the electronic portfolio are the achievements of the teacher, the portrait of the teacher, pedagogical experience, work with pupils and their parents. To design a resource, it is advisable to use modern visualization tools: diagrams, pivot tables, presentations, photographs, graphs and diagrams. The cross-reference system ensures the relationship between the components of the portfolio, and the electronic format of information presentation simplifies the editing process. With their help, a data bank is formed on the effectiveness of the work of the preschool educational institution, the competence of the teaching staff, the quality of methodological support and the features of the educational process.

A completed portfolio for a novice kindergarten teacher in the format of a web resource should be different:

  • information richness and relevance of data (materials must have methodological or educational value);
  • scientific correctness and methodological literacy - terms, concepts, definitions, as well as any other information posted on the pages of an electronic portfolio, must have links to regulations, encyclopedic resources and other sources;
  • safe and comfortable usability - a structure with horizontal navigation, the presence of a header, a sidebar and a footer is considered optimal; data should be submitted not only in text, but also in the format of diagrams, tables, photographs that make the content diverse and exciting;
  • the originality of the design, sustained in a single style and color palette, corresponding to the activity of the teacher, the creation of which should be entrusted to a professional if the teacher does not feel confident in his abilities;
  • obligatory means of feedback in the form of a forum or a guest book without additional registration and other obstacles.


Are you a kindergarten teacher? We invite you to complete distance learning at the School of Education Manager under the program “ICT in the work of an educator”. On the course you will learn:

  • how to build your work taking into account modern technologies;
  • how to make friends with a computer and electronic systems, the knowledge of which is required by the professional standard;
  • how to quickly and easily create an electronic portfolio;

…and much more.

At the end of your studies, we will issue a certificate of professional development of the established sample. Sign up for training.

Stages of building a portfolio for a kindergarten teacher

When compiling the document, it is recommended to avoid punctuation, lexical, morphological and other errors that can destroy the perception of the competence of the teacher and the quality of the education he received. In the course of working on a kind of visiting card, which is the portfolio of a kindergarten teacher, he consistently masters:

  • first, general educational skills, using methods of classification, systematization, analysis and comparison of materials;
  • nirovaniye of work, a choice of ways of formation of the dossier and data processing;
  • organizational, practicing different ways of obtaining and processing information, including through business correspondence.

A separate paragraph can be attached to the portfolio as a cover letter, an appeal to the reader, in which the teacher expresses his thoughts on professional and creative activities.

The process of creating a portfolio involves the implementation of seven successive stages:

Stage 1. Goal setting and motivation The structure, type and form of the collection of achievements largely depends on the goal set for the teacher. Therefore, before starting work, the kindergarten teacher determines what he will use the portfolio of materials for, what information he plans to present in it.
Stage 2. Structure planning Since there is no established sample portfolio for a kindergarten teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard, each teacher independently thinks out the optimal structure for his dossier or electronic resource that will meet the goals set.
Stage 3. Planning work with the material

The kindergarten teacher develops a set of criteria by which he will select materials for the folder. In parallel, a work plan is drawn up for the collection, systematization and design of materials. It is preferable if the plan contains the deadlines for the work and responsible persons (if collective work is expected).

Stage 4. Collection and processing of data Teachers collect documents and materials according to a previously drawn up plan. In the design of data, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of clarity and reliability, presenting the essence in an understandable language. It is advisable to attend trainings, master classes or consultations in order to gain the knowledge necessary to work with a portfolio of achievements. For this, a mandatory element of the stage of working with materials is reflection, which allows you to fix the difficulties and achievements in data processing. At this stage, the intermediate results of achieving the set goals are summed up.
Stage 5. Sample presentation To assess the quality of the product and the readiness of its author to undergo certification procedures, it is advisable to test the presentation by simulating similar situations with colleagues, analyzing the errors found, and resubmitting them to eliminate them. In the process of working on bugs, the missing information is entered into the portfolio, while simultaneously assessing the degree of achievement of the intended goals.
Stage 6. Presentation Portfolio presentation to interested parties, presentation of plans for self-development, assessment of the degree of achievement of results.
Stage 7. Evaluation of results The kindergarten teacher needs to remember that the work on the certification portfolio is continuous and cyclical, and therefore, after the seventh stage, the first one follows again. As soon as the certification procedure is completed, the preparation of the educator for the next one immediately begins. Periodically replenishing his folder with new documents for three to five years, the teacher greatly simplifies the work on a new attestation collection of materials. The final reflection of the activity, which shows that the teacher analyzes, classifies information, questions the facts, successfully interacts with other specialists.

In the course of filling the portfolio with materials, the principle of voluntariness must be observed: the administration or methodologists have no right to forcibly and against the will of the educator include data in the achievement folder. The teacher independently decides which materials will best demonstrate his achievements. In no case can a portfolio of materials be a random collection of developments of classes, educational activities and courses, since it should systematically reflect the author's pedagogical ideas and convincing evidence of their effectiveness.

Kindergarten teacher portfolio assessment system

Today, despite the prevalence of portfolio technology among preschool teachers, there is a lack of methodological developments for creating and assessing the quality of a collection of achievements. Using existing portfolio examples for a kindergarten teacher, members of attestation or other commissions evaluate:

  • the quality of the portfolio of materials, based on the principles of the correctness of their design, the consistency of the presentation and construction of the structure, the completeness of the presentation of information;
  • innovativeness in terms of the presence of author's developments and findings, the value of the content for other teachers, the broadcastability of data;
  • the formation of skills to solve applied problems, work with ICT tools, express one's thoughts, arguing pedagogical techniques, skills to work on mistakes and self-assessment.

Each kindergarten develops an up-to-date list of portfolio evaluation criteria that meets the requirements of the institution and the goals of creating the folder.
