Barto Agnia - Toys. Poems and songs for children
(read. Klara Rumyanova, Irina Muravyova, Alexander Lenkov, etc.)

The book includes the most famous poems of a cheerful and kind childhood friend Agnia Lvovna Barto. Several generations of children have grown up with the poems of this wonderful poetess. Ironic and playful, fervent and sad works of the writer will please the kids!

More than one generation of children in our country has grown up on the verses of the Soviet poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto. Over the years, the popularity of her books has not weakened, Barto's texts never lose their relevance, and young parents, themselves brought up on the lines of Agnia Lvovna, invariably choose these particular verses for their kids.

Dropped the bear on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.

A bull is walking, swinging,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lie down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head
He sends a bow to the elephant.

The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.

I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.


No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.

Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:
The ball will not sink in the river.


I have a goat
I'll feed him myself.
I am a goat in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I will find it in the grass.


Rope in hand
I am pulling a boat
On the fast river.
And the frogs jump
Behind me,
And they ask me:
- Ride it, captain!

Dropped the bear on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.
Agniya Barto

I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.
Agniya Barto

A bull is walking, swinging,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!
Agniya Barto
The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny remained in the rain;
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.
Agniya Barto

I have a goat
I'll feed him myself.
I am a goat in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I will find it in the grass.
Agniya Barto

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lie down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He sends a bow to the elephant.
Agniya Barto

Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests
And then back to mom.
Agniya Barto

Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:
The ball will not sink in the river.
Agniya Barto

Burning in the sun
As if I
Fire lit.
Agniya Barto

Rope in hand
I am pulling a boat
On the fast river.
And the frogs jump
Behind me,
And they ask me:
- Ride it, captain!
Agniya Barto

No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.
Agniya Barto

I need things like this:
And ticks
And a hacksaw
And all you need is
Boris Zakhoder
Master, master
Help -
leaked out
Hit it hard
Nails -
We'll go today
On a visit.
Boris Zakhoder

I'm flying
At full speed.
I myself am a driver
And he is a motor.
I press
On the pedal
And the car
Rushing into the distance.
Boris Zakhoder

How easy it is to make dinner!
There is nothing difficult in this.
It's as simple as that:
This time - and you're done!
(If mom cooks dinner.)
But it happens that there is no time for mom,
And we cook our own dinner,
And then
(I don't know what the secret is!)
Boris Zakhoder

got sick
This book:
tore it up
I'm sick
I will take her
And I glue.
Boris Zakhoder

All day today
I put on
Whole family.
Wait a bit, cat
There will be clothes for you too!
Boris Zakhoder
How cunning
This little fixer:
He is
Conducts light
Only there,
where there is no current.

Boris Zakhoder

Don't let your parents get angry
What will get smeared
Because the one who builds
That one is worth something!

And no matter what for now
This sand house!
Boris Zakhoder

- Bunny-bunny, where are you?
- I'm going to the kids in the city!
- What for? Will you live there?
- I'll be friends with the kids!
Kirill Avdeenko

Bread and crumbs
On the window -
Come, birds, to us!
Peck, birds, little by little,
And fly to the clouds!
Kirill Avdeenko

I'm learning to count in my mind!
How much is two plus five?
Me-me-me, I forgot again!
Mom will be very upset!
Me-me-me - I'm running to study.
Kirill Avdeenko

Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks,
Dimples, lumps;
All day until night
Smile cheeks!
Kirill Avdeenko

The mouse paws knocks:
- Where is the bread? - screams.
- Leave me a crust for the night!
I'll take it to the kids in a mink.
Kirill Avdeenko

parrot parrot
dancing merrily,
parrot parrot
Dancing and pampering;
parrot parrot
knocked over the cup
parrot parrot
He ate porridge from a saucer!
Kirill Avdeenko

Pigs-pigs are unhappy:
- Oink-oink-oink! - shout-shout,
We don't want noses like that!
Only two holes stick out.
Kirill Avdeenko

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter
Pour-poured zucchini,
Pour-poured zucchini
Grandma, grandfather, granddaughter,
May he mature soon!
May he sleep soon!
What's sooner
His mouth ate ours!
Kirill Avdeenko

ate soup,
ate soup,
Hurry up and eat the soup!
Eat a lot?
Well then,
Hey soup! Hey good!
Kirill Avdeenko

Chickens-hens: “Ko-ko-ko!
We laid testicles;
Ku-ku-eat, ko-ko,
Little kids!”
Kirill Avdeenko

Peas in the supermarket
He shouted: “Oh, oh, oh!
How many kids are here guys!
Everyone is looking at candy!
Here I am, kids, look!
Well, buy me now!
Candy is no good...
I need more than a hundred candies!”
Kirill Avdeenko

Hey, young cucumber!
Hey, we washed with water!
Ay, you fly to us in your mouth!
Hey, crunch on your teeth!
Kirill Avdeenko

Hamster, hamster,
Behind the cheek is a chest!
There are nuts, there are grains,
It will be for the winter!
Kirill Avdeenko

We are fun clubs!
We are buddies!
Eat us with honey, butter,
Ready for an hour!
Kirill Avdeenko

- Orange, orange,
Why are you yellow?
- Because because
I lay in the sun.
Kirill Avdeenko

Poems about toys brought Agnia Barto fame and popularity. They are loved by children because they are understandable, written in a simple language, an easy form of perception, a “childish” size - trochee - this is a change of stressed and unstressed syllables.

All poems by Agnia Barto from the cycle "Toys" (1936) for kids are collected on one page. If you want to learn something new about Agnia Barto's favorite poems or see illustrations, then click on the links-titles of the poems. The page contains illustrations by a talented artist - Sonya Karamelkina.

The whole series is dedicated to children and their favorite toys. The poetess takes us to her fairy-tale world, in which everyone's favorite toys live. She endows them with human qualities, each hero is individual, he is a friend and an active participant in children's life.

Poems about Agnes Barto bring up positive personality traits in children. Look at the poems, they mostly narrate in the first person (I, we): “I love my horse…”, “I am pulling a boat along a fast river…”, etc., endowing the actions of children with love, respect, friendship, care . And there are third-person actions: “They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear’s paw ..”, “The hostess threw the bunny ...”, which describes bad, negative qualities. But Barto does not endow the child with them, emphasizing that others do it. These are small verses that imperceptibly bring up positive qualities in a child.

Happy reading to you, and your kids have fun learning, educating and developing vocabulary!

Toys (Collection of poems)


Dropped the bear on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.


A bull is walking, swinging,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lie down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head
He sends a bow to the elephant.


The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.


I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.


No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.


Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:
The ball will not sink in the river.


I have a goat
I'll feed him myself.
I am a goat in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I will find it in the grass.


Rope in hand
I am pulling a boat
On the fast river.
And the frogs jump
Behind me,
And they ask me:
- Ride it, captain!


Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests
And then back to mom.


Burning in the sun
As if I
Fire lit.


The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.


I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.


There is a goby, swinging,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!


No, in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
Overturned a truck.


Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests
Let's fly over the forests
And then back to mom.


Rope in hand
I am pulling a boat
On the fast river

And the frogs jump
Behind me
And they ask me:
- Ride it, captain!


Our Tanya is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:
The ball will not sink in the river.


Dropped the bear on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't leave him anyway
Because he's good.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed.
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He sends a bow to the elephant.


I have a goat
I'll feed him myself.
I am a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.

He gets lost in the garden -
I will find it in the grass.


Burning in the sun
As if I
I lit the fire.


Left, right!
Left, right!
To the parade
The squad is coming.
To the parade
The squad is coming.
I am glad:

An hour and a half

Left, right!
Left, right!
Already full of holes!

Teddy bear is ignorant.

Mom had a son -
The teddy bear is small.
In my mother was a figure -
In a brown bear.

The she-bear will settle down
Under the tree, in the shade
The son will sit next to
And so they lie.

He will fall. - Oh, poor thing! -
His mother takes pity on him. -
Smarter in the reserve
Can't find the baby!

Son of discipline
Doesn't recognize at all!
He found honey bees -
And with a dirty paw in honey!

Mother says:
- Bear in mind -
So you can not miss the food!
And how he began to slurp,
Soaked in honey.

Mother take care of him
Suffer with your son:
Mine it, smooth it
Wool tongue.

Parents are talking
He interferes with the conversation.
Should not be interrupted
Adult bear!

Here he rushed to the house
And the first climbed into the den -
An elderly bear
Didn't give way.

Lost somewhere yesterday
Mommy is off her feet!

Tousled, shaggy
Son came home
And he tells his mother:
- And I was lying in a hole.

He's brought up horribly.
He roars all night, he does not sleep!
He simply exhausts his mother.
Is there enough power here?

The son went to visit -
Bitten neighbor
And the neighbors bear cubs
Pushed off a high branch.

She-bear brown
Three days went gloomy,
Three days grieved:
- Oh, what a fool I am -
Spoiled my son!

Advise your husband
The bear went
- Our son is getting worse,
Things are not going well!

He does not know decency -
He destroyed the bird's house,
He fights in the bushes
In public places!

The bear responded:
- What am I doing here, woman?
This mother should be able to
Influence the teddy bear!
Son, your concern
That's why you're a mother.

But it's come to this,
What about the bear itself,
To your own dad
The bear raised its paw!

Father howling angrily
Spanked the tomboy.
(Hit for the living,
Apparently, and father.)

And the bear is whining
He does not order to touch his son:
- Beating children is unacceptable!
My soul hurts...

Troubles in the family
Bears -
And son
Growing ignorant!

I know firsthand
And people say
What are bears
There are among the guys.

herd game

We played flock yesterday
And we had to roar.
We growled and groaned
They barked like dogs
Heard no comments
Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said sternly:
- What kind of noise do you have?
I saw a lot of children -
I see these for the first time.

We said to her:
- There are no children here!
We are not Petya and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows!

And the dogs are always barking
Your words are not understood.
And the cows are always mooing
Keeping flies away.

And she answered: - What are you?
Okay, if you are cows,
Then I am a shepherd.
And please keep in mind:
I bring cows home!

grimy girl

- Oh, you dirty girl,
Where did you get your hands dirty?
Black palms;
On the elbows

I'm in the sun
hands up
Here they are on fire.

Oh you dirty girl
Where did you get your nose so dirty?
The tip of the nose is black
Like smoked.

I'm in the sun
nose up
Here he is on fire.

Oh you dirty girl
I smeared my legs in stripes,
Not a girl
And the zebra
Legs - like a black man.

I'm in the sun
heels up
Here they are on fire.

Oh, is it?
Was it so?
Let's wash it all down.
Come on, give me some soap.
We'll wipe her out.

The girl screamed loudly
As I saw the washcloth,
Like a cat:
- Do not touch
They won't be white
They are tanned. -
And the palms were washed.

Wiped the nose with a sponge -
Broken to tears:
- Oh, my poor nose!
He can't stand soap!
It won't be white
He's also tanned. -
And the nose was washed too.

Laundered stripes -
Screaming out loud
- Oh, I'm ticklish!
Remove the brushes!
There will be no white heels,
They are tanned. -
And the heels were washed too.

Now you are white
Not tanned at all.
It was dirt.

I am growing

I didn't know that I was growing
All the time, every hour.
I sat down on a chair -
But I'm growing
I grow up walking into the classroom.

grow up,
When I look out the window
grow up,
When I'm at the cinema
When it's light
When it's dark
grow up,
I grow up anyway.

There's a fight going on
For purity
I'm sweeping
And I'm growing.

I sit down with a book
On the ottoman
I read a book
And I'm growing.

We stand with dad
On Bridge,
He doesn't grow
And I'm growing.

They mark me
I almost cry
But I'm growing.

I grow in the rain
And in the cold
Already I am a mother

I grew up

Now I'm not up to toys -
I'm learning alphabet
I'll pick up my toys
And I will give Serezha.

wooden utensils
I won't donate yet.
I need a hare myself -
It's okay that he's lame

And the bear is smeared too...
It's a pity to give away the doll:
He will give it to the boys
Or throw it under the bed.

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?
He's bad, without a wheel...
And then I need too
Play at least half an hour!

Now I'm not up to toys -
I'm learning alphabet...
But I think Serezha
I don't donate anything.

Bunny in the window

The bunny is sitting in the window.
He's wearing a gray plush shirt.
Made a gray bunny
Ears too big.

In a plush gray coat
He sits, clinging to the frame.
Well, how can you be brave?
With such big ears?

funny flower

A funny flower is placed in a vase!
It was never watered
He doesn't need moisture
It's made from paper.

Why is he so important?
Because it's paper!
