Currently, there are about several thousand languages ​​​​in the world, but only a few dozen are used officially in countries and are of global importance.

  • by the most common language in the world due to the large number of inhabitants is Chinese. This system of human communication is considered official for more than a billion inhabitants of the planet.
  • The second largest is Spanish, which, apart from Spain, is spoken by many countries in Latin America. Historically, this is associated with the seizure of land in the 16-17 centuries by the Spaniards and their resettlement in the lands of Central and South America.
  • 3rd by number of speakers and 1st by number of countries where it is used and official is English.

Reasons for the spread of English in the world

The spread of English in the world can be explained through the British colony, which is the largest colonial empire of the 16th-20th centuries. As Britain's role as a global power declined in the 20th century, US hegemony rose. On the territory of the present United States, only in the 17th and 18th centuries, English colonies were formed, which spread along the entire eastern coast of North America.

The reason for the spread of the English language is the rise in status through conquest and colonization.

Thus, the level of spread depends on what forces were and are standing behind it at the present time. has become international for the reason that the people who communicate on it have a certain dominance.

The spread of the English language was helped by political, military, and in a more modern society, scientific and technical, economic, cultural leadership.

All this led to the fact that this system of human communication won the world championship in functional application. The importance of knowledge of the means of communication in modern society extends to many areas of life, for example, it makes it possible to study at prestigious foreign educational institutions, who wish to enter the international market, they simply need to speak English at a high level. In sports communication, all international competitions and conferences are held on this means of communication. In our age of informatization, English has taken root as the main system for writing computer programs and applications. A modern high-level computer system has its own slang similar to expressions due to the fact that when writing programs and algorithms, computer slang is closer to human, and not to machine codes.

The process of globalization in the language sphere is natural and integral in modern society. English is studied in schools, universities, English courses in Moscow. Migration across the planet of human and productive resources is increasing at an increasing pace, and for this you need to know the means of communication.

The balance of power changes over time, and what will be the spread of the English language in the world in the near future is unknown. Possibly Chinese as the most widely spoken language. It all depends on what achievements and inventions will be discovered by countries whose main system of communication between people is he, what forces will be behind him.

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been several international languages, but none has yet reached such popularity as English. Today, English is the main intermediary language and global means of communication that unites people around the world. In terms of the number of speakers, English is second only to Chinese and Hindi. It is not surprising, given the size of the population of India and China. English differs from them in its universality. It has received a wide geographical distribution, which allowed it to become the main one in such areas of international relations as business, politics, science, medicine, education, trade and tourism. Even an elementary level of English allows a person to understand and be understood by people in most countries of the world. As the most taught, it is studied in schools in China, France, Japan, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and others. In terms of the number of people who know English, Holland is in first place. In Japan, students are required to study it on a mandatory basis for six years, until graduation from high school. 85% of pupils in France, having the choice between the compulsory study of French and English, choose the latter. In Hong Kong, 90% of secondary schools teach English. It is spoken in more than 90 countries around the world, and every day the influence and popularity of the English language is becoming stronger.

Prerequisites for the formation of English as an international language

What is the reason for such an active spread of the English language? There are a lot of such prerequisites, we propose to focus on the most important ones.

  • historical

The colonial policy of Great Britain contributed to the establishment of the English language in many lands, in particular Australia, Asia, Africa, and the New World. After the emergence of the United States, which picked up the baton of the spread of English, its influence was strengthened. For American citizens, it has become a second language. In this, the United States is only ahead of China, where about 1 billion 349 million people speak English.

  • Linguistic

The uniqueness of English largely lies in the rich history of its development. Over the centuries, being originally Celtic, it interacted with French and Scandinavian, Germanic dialects and Latin. According to many scientists, it is its flexibility and ability to change under the influence of external influences that contributes to its popularity and wide distribution.

  • Information Technology

Almost all of the most advanced and innovative technologies come from the United States, which directly affected the spread of English around the world. Thanks to the books of the Canadian philologist Marshall McLuhan, the expression "Global Village" came into use. Initially, it meant the Internet, but later it began to mean the entire globe. The author suggested that thanks to electronic technology, our world will shrink to the size of a village - and he turned out to be right. A huge amount of easily accessible information, the speed of its exchange, the openness of the information space unites people and contributes to the formation of a new structure of society.

One of the features of the functioning of the English language is its use as a national, state and official literary language not by one, but by many nations.

Along with some other languages ​​of the world, such as French in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, a number of developing countries; Spanish in Spain and some Latin American countries; German in Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Portuguese in Portugal and Brazil; Italian in Italy and Switzerland; Swedish in Sweden and Finland; English in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, a number of developing countries in Asia and Africa, former colonies of Great Britain, belongs to multinational and multiethnic languages, belongs to not one, but several nations, not one, but several ethnic groups.

In the history of the spread of the English language, it is customary to distinguish three periods during which it has undergone significant changes.

The first period is the early Middle Ages, when the influence of French and some other languages ​​on English was so significant that in a relatively short period of time it became more Romance than Germanic.

The second period - the Renaissance and the years that followed it, when English borrowed a large amount of vocabulary from classical languages ​​and the work of a number of playwrights, primarily Shakespeare, significantly enriched it.

The third period - the end of the second millennium - the beginning of the new millennium.

According to estimates by O. Jespersen, the number of people who spoke English in 1500 was about 4 million people. By 1900, it had risen sharply to 123 million, and by the end of the 20th century. this figure has increased by almost 10 times compared to 1900. Today, researchers suggest that the number of English speakers ranges between 1.2 and 1.5 billion people. These figures include those for whom English is their native language (native language), second language (ESL) and foreign language (EFL). For comparison: about 1.1 billion people speak Chinese in its eight colloquial variants, united by a common writing system.

Since the 60s of the XX century. the spread of the English language has become very widespread.

Some countries initially used it as a means of interethnic communication, then the language gradually changed and became native to the population. Thus, the British version of the English language laid the foundation for the American version, and then the Australian and South African. In the XX century. developed Nigerian, Indian, Singaporean varieties and numerous new varieties of English (New Englishes). Some linguists suggest that this situation may indicate the development of a new language family.

English is widely spoken in the world, wider than French, German, Spanish, Russian and Arabic, used as a means of international communication. English is the most widely used language on earth. It is used as a native, second and foreign language.

English has a special place in seventy-five countries of the world. In nineteen countries it is the official language.

English is taught as a foreign language in more than 100 countries, including China, Russia, Germany, Spain, Egypt and Brazil. In most countries, it is taught at school as the main foreign language, replacing other foreign languages.

This or that language becomes the language of international communication, not only because it is spoken by many people. So, Chinese, which is spoken by over a billion people, has not yet become the language of international communication (although linguists have repeatedly expressed the assumption that it will play such a role). In the past, the language of international communication was Latin. It became the language of international communication throughout the Roman Empire, not because the Romans were more numerous than the peoples under their yoke, but because they were stronger militarily and economically. After the decline of the Roman Empire, Latin remained the international language of education and culture for a millennium, but

already thanks to another force - the spiritual authority of the Roman Catholic Church.

It would be erroneous to assume that a certain “international” language is a model of perfection due to its undeniable functional properties, clarity of presentation, and rich literary heritage. Similar judgments are sometimes made in relation to the English language.

Undoubtedly, the simplicity of the language contributes greatly to its promotion, but in no way is the basis of this process. Thus, the Latin language, despite the complexity of the grammatical structure, for a very long time remained the language of international communication. We can say the same about Greek, Arabic, French, Spanish and Russian, which at certain stages of world history played a similar role.

The structure of the English language is somewhat simpler than that of some other world languages. Throughout the history of its development, it borrowed extensively from other languages ​​with which it was in contact.

In the 19th century Great Britain became the leading industrial and commercial power. Throughout the 19th century The British political system contributed to the spread of the English language throughout the globe. And in the XX century. this process has accelerated, primarily due to the economic strength of the United States of America.

In order to facilitate the process of communication, translation is required. When heads of state or ambassadors conducted international negotiations, interpreters were present next to them. However, their possibilities are not unlimited, and

the more languages ​​in a country, the less one can rely on such specialists to communicate between different national groups. In countries whose population speaks two or three languages, one of the ways out is the study and knowledge of these languages, which is quite possible and natural, since most children in such conditions can easily and imperceptibly master them. But in countries with a large number of languages, as, for example, in a number of countries in Africa and Southeast Asia, this is practically impossible.

Communication problems are sometimes solved by using one of the languages ​​as a lingua franca, i.e. common language of communication. When trade relations were established between communities, they exchanged messages in a simplified language known as pidgin, consisting of elements of interacting languages. Numerous pidgins continue to function in our time in the territories that once belonged to the European metropolises, while performing the role of a lingua franca. For example, West African pidgin ing leash is widely used by ethnic groups on the west coast of Africa.

Sometimes one of the local languages ​​acts as a lingua franca. It is usually the language of the strongest ethnic group in the area. In such a case, other groups gradually learn to speak it and become more or less bilingual.

More often, however, an "outside" language is used for this purpose, such as English or French, depending

from the political, economic or religious influence of a particular country in a given region.

Usually the territory of distribution of the lingua franca depends entirely on political factors. Many languages ​​are spoken by only a few ethnic groups in a small region of any one country.

To understand that in the future the language or languages ​​of the lingua franca may be necessary on a global scale, humanity came only in the middle of the 20th century. This was facilitated by the creation of a number of influential international organizations - the United Nations (UN, 1945), IBR (1945), UNESCO and UNICEF (1946), WHO (1948) and the IAEA (1957). They use several working languages. Thus, the UN has adopted five working languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese.

English is one of the official languages ​​of the United Nations, UNESCO, the World Health Organization (WHO), the official and working language of many international meetings of organizations such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the European Council, NATO. English is the only official language of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, the only working language of the European Free Trade Association EFTA (European Free Trade Association).

Today there is a radical change in the language situation in the world. Never in the past have so many countries and peoples experienced such a need to communicate with each other. Never before have so many people been able to

ability to travel around the world. Never before has such a volume of interpretation and translation been required, nor has there been such a need for a wider development of bilingualism.

In the modern world, English performs the functions of an international, international language (International English, EIL). Over the past decades, English has become an international means of communication, has acquired the status of "global language" ("global language").

The function of a means of communication is emphasized by the definition adopted in Russian linguistics: English is the language of international communication. In reality, the term "international English" most often refers only to British (BrE) and American (AmE) varieties of English, to a lesser extent to Canadian (CanE) and Australian (AuE) varieties, and usually does not apply to other regional varieties.

The definition of English adopted in Russian linguistics as a polyethnic, or multinational, reflects not so much its functional role as ethnographic distribution, assignment to different ethnic groups, which is the result of its function as the language of international communication.

One of the criteria for the international status of a language is considered to be a large number of functions it performs: its recognition as a state or official language in a country where it functions in such areas as administration, courts, mass media.

howling information, educational system. A language that performs some or all of the above functions, if it is not originally native to the population, is called second language. English as a second language plays this role in more than 70 countries (including Ghana, Nigeria, India, and Singapore).

Sociolinguistics uses another definition of the role of the English language in the modern world: English has become an “additional” (additional) language for a number of peoples, and this status is manifested in the expansion of functioning, the increase in intercultural areas of use, in the deepening of social use.

The main functions of the English language as an international language, or the scope of its use, can be summarized as follows: 1) official diplomatic, 2) official state regulation, 3) official business (in business, trade, transport, communications), 4 ) educational, 5) informational (in science, the media, the Internet, sports, medicine, etc.), 6) entertainment (film and video products, pop music), 7) advertising (labels, trademarks, etc.) .) (Z.G. Proshina).

As an international language, English is no longer tied to one particular culture or nation. This is a language that has many varieties, the language of intercultural communication. The development of the English language in the modern world is less and less determined by the people for whom it is their native language. This is precisely the pluricentricity of the English language, recognized by modern sociolinguistics. Duocentric

ity (BrE and AmE as two centers of linguistic hegemony) was replaced by pluricentricity, which led to the creation of the concepts of many varieties of English (World Englishes).

As an intermediary language in the modern world, English plays the role of a language of intercultural interaction and enrichment. This is largely due to the fact that since ancient times, the English language has shown a tendency to borrow vocabulary. It has the ability to easily and easily accept borrowings coming from other languages ​​as well as through the English of the Caribbean, India and Spanish-speaking America. In connection with the emergence of a large number of so-called new variants of the English language (New Englishes) in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Caribbean, within the UK itself (in Ireland, Scotland, Wales), as well as in India, Sri Lanka and other countries are intensifying the process of nativization. Nativization refers to the process of language change under the influence of local languages. At the same time, new types of English are being formed and the forms and structures of the so-called "standard" version of the English language are changing. New varieties of English are something like dialects. However, unlike dialects that exist regionally and have thousands of users, new language variants exist internationally and have millions of users.

In modern linguistics, there are two contrasting points of view on the role of the English language in the world:

1. The "triumphalist" point of view, according to which the spread of the English language in the world is regarded as natural, neutral and beneficial (D. Kristal, B. Kachru, A. Pannikok, etc.).

2. A skeptical point of view that the spread of the English language is an invention of Western imperialism (R. Phillipson, Y. Tsuda, D. Knowles).

Let's look at each of these points of view.

The first originated in the 19th century, during the heyday of British colonialism, and was supported by scientists who believed in the “genius of the people”, expressed through its language. They believed that the spread of the English language is a "neutral" phenomenon, since this language for the peoples of many countries is not associated with social class associations.

Sometimes, speaking of the neutrality of the English language, it is suggested that the language can, in a sense, move away from its original culture and become a transparent means of communication. Based on the concept of ethnic neutrality, the English language is considered "denationalized", devoid of national and cultural coloring. This position seems unconvincing, since along with the language, the culture that stands behind it is inevitably transposed. Nevertheless, along with the English language, not only the culture of those countries in which it is considered primary, native, but also those peoples for whom English is not native, is transposed. It is in this sense that we can talk about "foreign English", i.e., the language of intercultural communication, which

are used by non-English speaking individuals and societies to reveal the features of their native culture through the English language as an intermediary (Z.G. Proshita).

Some linguists consider the process of spreading the English language "beneficial", they argue that the English language has ceased to be a conductor of Western culture and spreads the British and American way of life only peripherally (B. Kachru). The English language is less and less regarded as a purely "Western" language, i.e. the language of European civilization, its development is less and less influenced by its speakers, i.e. those for whom it is the native language.

Supporters of the second, skeptical point of view put forward the thesis as the main argument that the widespread use of the English language threatens the development of other languages ​​and cultures.

English has become the language of power in many countries. Not owning it prevents you from getting a prestigious and well-paid job. Access to learning in English is becoming a powerful distributive vehicle for social benefits and wealth. The English language has become a kind of porter that opens the door and regulates the flow of immigration to the United States and other English-speaking countries. The spread of the English language by the mass media is accompanied by the ideologization of society along the lines of the North American model. A number of researchers compare the English language with a "Trojan horse" and consider the spread of the English language (its British or American

riant) "linguistic imperialism", or linguisticism, in which preference is given to one language at the expense of artificially restricting the functions of other languages.

Communicative inequality is expressed in the fact that interlocutors who do not speak English turn out to be “deaf-mute”, that is, excluded from communication if their level of language proficiency is insufficient or they do not have translators (3. G. Proshina).

With the increasing migration of the population in the world, English often becomes an intermediary language at the household, family level. Thus, in some multi-ethnic married couples, marriage partners who do not speak enough of each other's native languages ​​are forced to use English as the language of family communication, which is a foreign language for them.

Any language can be used as an intermediary, but in practice it is English language that most often fills this role.

The spread of the English language in the modern world is reflected in the sociolinguistic theory of "three concentric rings" developed by the American linguist Braj Kachru (1984). He presented the results of this process as three circles, one inside the other:

a) the inner circle (inner circle) corresponds to English
skim as a native language (for countries such as the United States, Ve
UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) - all
about 320-380 million people;

b) outer, middle circle (outer or extended circle) under-

means knowledge of English as a second language in countries where it has received the status of an official language (including India, Singapore, and many others) - a total of about 150-300 million people;

c) an expanding, outer circle (expanding circle) includes countries where English plays the role of the main foreign language studied in educational institutions (Germany, Greece, China, Poland, Russia, Japan, etc.) - about 1 billion people in total. The number of these countries is steadily increasing.

The boundaries between these circles, especially between the outer, middle and expanding, outer, are very mobile and unstable. According to linguists, in the near future the largest number of users of the English language will be in the middle circle, although at present the number of people representing it is the smallest.

National variants of the English language are characterized as: original primary maximum inclusion BrE, derivative primary maximum inclusion AmE, CanE, AuE, NZE, derivative secondary limited inclusion (variants of polyethnic language in developing countries and its variants as a foreign language, such as Franglais, Wenglish (Welsh + English), Japlish, Swedlish, Anglicaans, Deutshlish, Russlish (O.E. Semenets).

As a result of mutual influence, reduction of distances between countries due to modern means of transportation and communication, general trends in the global unification of the varieties (variants) of the English language spoken in the UK, Australia and other countries,

become less distinguishable. Nevertheless, there remains a significant difference in the use of idioms and vocabulary in general, especially between British and American English.

There are complex relationships between language variants, reflecting the interweaving of many extra- and intra-linguistic factors. There is a connection between the discrepancies between the variants at the lexico-semantic level and some extralinguistic facts. The most important differences between the national variants of the English language from each other are not in the language itself, but in the differences between the societies using one or another version (V.G. Gak, A.I. Domashnev, V.M. Zhirmunsky, L.B. Nikolsky, L.G. Popova, G.A. Orlov, O.E. Semenets, G.V. Stepanov, G.D. Tomakhin, A.D. Schweitzer, D.A. Shakhbagova, G.S. Shchur, V.N. Yartseva).

The need for theoretical research and practical study of the language in connection with the development of society, the need for in-depth study of the culture of the native speaker people are generally recognized. Today it is no longer possible to study a certain “average language” without taking into account its variation. Of particular importance is the study of a complex system of hierarchically organized forms of the existence of a language - from a literary language to a dialect.

No less important is the study of national images of the world, which are formed from national verbal images.

Culturological and socio-philosophical studies of national images of the world resulted in a new scientific

new direction, called the theory of intercultural communication.

A person who learns and uses English, sooner or later begins to ask himself a series of questions. What English is spoken in the world? For example, in American or British English, is it closer to British English than American English, or vice versa? What are the variants, dialects, accents of the English language? Who is easier to understand and who is more difficult?

We are also interested in: what English do we speak, how is this language perceived by others? Is it possible to learn to speak a foreign language without an accent? When we speak English, depending on the degree of language proficiency, it is perceived with a very good knowledge of the language and pronunciation of the speaker as a European accent, with not very good pronunciation as the speech of a Slav and with poor pronunciation, our speech has a distinct Russian accent.

What is this emphasis? The most striking differences in our speech are: we greatly soften consonant sounds, do not distinguish the length of vowels (which leads to semantic errors and some innocent, ordinary words change their meaning so that they do not sound innocent at all), swallow, vaguely pronounce the endings of words, and us different sentence intonation pattern. In general, they say that our English speech is perceived as melodic and melodious. In addition, we usually speak louder and more emotionally.

Is it possible to be fluent in a foreign language and is it necessary? Alas, it is impossible and, fortunately, not necessary. It is impossible because our speech reflects the place of birth, level of education, gender, age, and much more. The speech of a person speaking a foreign language, even the most correct one, is sterile. In addition, as a rule, we mentally translate from our native language into a foreign language, and the influence of the native language is more or less noticeable.

As for the question of what English to study, it can obviously be answered with the question: for what purpose are you learning it?

As already mentioned, English is used as the national, state and official literary language by not one, but many nations.

English, which is a nationally non-homogeneous language, is considered as a set of national variants, generally divided into three groups: the first group is the variants of the English language that have developed in countries where English is the native language for the majority of the population: in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia , New Zealand.

A few decades ago, British English was considered a role model. This option was taught all over the world. Now you can sometimes hear: "Why should I learn British English when the whole world speaks American English?" Indeed, American English is spoken by about twice as many people in the world as

than any other variety of English, and four times as many people as British English. Americanisms spread through advertising, tourism, telecommunications, and movies.

However, the widely held opinion about the need to study the American version is actually far from the truth. Although the assertion that it is necessary to study only the British version is not indisputable. What kind of English is taught to foreigners in English-speaking and other countries, what kind of English is spoken by “the whole world” and what language should be taught? What variety of English should be preferred when preparing a teacher of a foreign language? In the future, he may have to prepare pupils and students for British or American international examinations or teach those who intend to continue their education in Australia, Canada or New Zealand. Or maybe he will need to teach students to communicate in English not so much with native speakers, but with people of different nationalities, prepare them for real communication with people who do not always speak perfect, literary English, devoid of regional and social accent.

In language schools for foreigners in many countries of the world, a variety of English is taught, the so-called "English language of textbooks" - Course Book English. “English of textbooks” is standard English, devoid of dialectal and national features inherent in the language of the British, Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders. It does not reflect

national, regional, social, gender, age characteristics of people speaking it. It is a kind of average universal English, which has absorbed the features of different variants of the English language and some of the features of various languages ​​of the world. This variety or variant of the English language, and not American, British or any other, is the "language of international communication." It is easier to understand, neutral or sterile in color, spoken more slowly, sounds isolated, and words clear. It is more convenient because you do not have to spend a lot of effort and effort trying to get closer to a “purely British” or “purely American” pronunciation. The “international language of business” has the same features, that is, a professional language that has a rather limited set of terms, clichés used by representatives of this kind of activity.

Be that as it may, it is obvious that "proper" English should be studied: this variant of English is usually considered to be the British variant, or that variety of it, which is called the "accepted standard". Indeed, in Britain there are many different dialects (Welsh, Yorkshire dialect, etc.). Even in London, different areas speak differently. The British themselves joke that only the Queen speaks correct English. In fact - from 3 to 5% of the British. But no matter what variant or dialect of the English language a person is going to study in the Further, one must start with the correct basic English, which will help to understand and master others more easily.

variants, dialects and varieties of the language. At the initial stage of learning a language, there is only one version of English, and it takes a lot of strength and patience to learn it. Our national language school traditionally focuses on British English.

However, the status of the English language at the beginning of the millennium suggests that a person studying this language, using one version of the language, understands its other regional variants, perceives different manifestations of the English-speaking culture.


1. After studying the material in the section, prepare a report on
functions of the English language in the modern world.

2. Compose a message about existing linguistic
ke conflicting views on the role of English
language in the modern world and argue your
position on this issue.

3. Prepare a report on the three groups of national
other variants of the English language.

4. Having studied the material of the section, as well as using the data
nye linguistic encyclopedia, prepare
message about lingua franca, pidgins and their
roles in the communication process.

5. Prepare a report about that variety of ang
which language do you think is the most

There are a lot of different languages ​​on our planet today. Many modern people even speak several, and someone even knows such dead languages ​​\u200b\u200blike Latin or Hebrew. One popular legend says that a very large number of languages ​​appeared in those ancient times when people were trying to build the Tower of Babel. God, for some reason, was angry with the fact of the construction of this tower and made it so that people simply ceased to understand each other, because they all communicated with each other in just one language. As a result, people could not understand each other due to the fact that they began to speak different languages, and this made the process of communication almost impossible.

Of course, this is only a religious point of view, but we should not forget about the scientific one, which explains the emergence of so many languages ​​in a completely different way. Modern realities are such that in order to communicate with a person from another country, it is necessary to use at least a simple dictionary, but this, as practice shows, is not enough for comfortable communication. That is why today the profession of a translator is so in demand, although each person has the opportunity to learn a language on their own and completely free of charge. As they say, there would be a desire.

Reasons for the popularity of the English language?

Just a couple of centuries ago, French was considered the international language. But, after a short period of time, people began to use less and less. In the 20th century, the French language lost its international status and its importance decreased to a minimum. As you probably guess, the place of the French language was taken by English, which to this day has the status of an international one.

The popularity of the English language is explained by the following reasons:

1. Electronic devices. English is used almost everywhere today. Many technical texts are written exclusively in English. The same applies to certificates, descriptions of various products, etc. Moreover, the 21st century is the era of information. Every modern person uses various tablets, players, laptops, netbooks and other devices. If you have used a computer at least once, then you know that it is adapted in English. Even Chinese electronics are specially made in this language. They sell their products all over the world, which communicates exactly in English. Various browsers, programs, applications, games - all this was originally created in English. Therefore, if you want to keep up with the times, then you have no other choice but to learn it.

2. Historical and geographical reasons. As mentioned above, English received the status of an international language in the 20th century, although before that it was French. How is this explained? In fact, everything is quite simple. England in its rich history has captured a lot of land and created a considerable number of colonies. Do not forget about the emigrants who settled in North America. Such activity of Britain led to the fact that in the occupied countries people began to learn English, and now it is their native language. Of course, different dialects appeared, but the basis remained the same. For example, Canadians, Australians, Americans, Jamaicans, Nigerians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, Indians, Cameroonians, Ghanaians, Singaporeans, Liberians, New Zealanders, etc. speak English. In general, English is considered the official language in many countries in Africa, Asia, as well as in Australia, New Zealand and North America.

3. Economic and political reasons. Such a power as the United States of America appeared on the world political and economic arena. This, of course, could not but affect the spread of the English language. It has become in demand in technical, industrial, scientific, banking and other areas of modern life. The English language has gradually become the driving force behind progress throughout the world and practically the only way to exchange information.

4. Cultural and social reasons. There is no denying the fact that American cinema and music have become popular all over the world. Almost every modern person visits cinemas and watches Hollywood movies. Many people specifically download movies to their computers at home without translation into Russian, but with subtitles. This is a great way to learn English at home. Don't forget about the music too. Almost all world performers compose their songs in English. Fans naturally strive to understand their lyrics, which means they begin to learn words, increasing their knowledge of the English language. Moreover, literature contributed to the spread of the English language. Many modern American writers are popular all over the world, their books are bought in millions of copies. Many people prefer to purchase the works of a writer like Stephen King. Of course, books are brought to our country already translated, but we should not forget about technological progress. Today, many people are buying e-books that can be downloaded with thousands of different titles. Someone prefers

English is the language of world communication. A language that unites millions of people around the world. Why is English considered an international language? Today we invite you to look into history and find the answer to this question.

How English Became International: Historical Background

Triumph of England. International trade - international language

English has not become an international language as quickly as it seems. It all started back in the 17th century, when England ceased to be a conquering country and became a conquering country, having been very successful in this matter. The English fleet was one of the most powerful in the world. All sea routes were subject to the British. Most of the land - half of the territory of North America, many countries in Africa and Asia, Australia, India - was under the rule of the British crown.

The English language has penetrated all corners of the globe. At that time, the most important task for England was to establish trade relations. Naturally, the language of the dominant and more developed country overshadowed the local languages. The golden rule worked here - whoever has gold, he rules, he chooses what language to speak. England gave impetus to the birth of the world economy and the development of international relations in the XVIII century, it was English that was used for trade.

Even when the colonized countries gained independence, trade relations with Great Britain continued to develop, and the English language remained. Firstly, because the languages ​​of the conquered countries lacked the necessary words: there were no terms for trading. Secondly, because English has already taken root in this area and the locals knew it well. Those who wanted to earn their own bread had to communicate in English.

Did the English-speaking races make it their rule to speak anything else than English, the marvelous progress of the English tongue throughout the world would stop.

If the English people recognized a language other than their own, then the triumphal procession of the latter would cease.

But why didn't English become the native language in the countries of Asia and Africa? Because the British did not move to these countries as massively as, for example, to America, and did not spread their language, their culture and their way of life. Great Britain introduced a system of government and education into the conquered countries. English was used in certain areas, but it was not the language of communication, the language of the people.

In India, the English language has taken root much more strongly than in many other countries. For 30% of Indians, English is their mother tongue. Although more than 400 languages ​​are spoken in India besides Hindi, only English is the second official language. You can read more about the features of the English language in India in the article "Indian English or Hinglish".

Rise of America

Another good reason that predetermined the use of English as an international language is the conquest of the New World, America. The British were not the only settlers. In addition to English, French, Spanish, German, and Dutch were spoken in America. At the beginning of the 20th century, the question of national unity arose sharply: something had to unite the country and the people who live in it. And the English language in this case acted as a link.

The United States had a strict policy of ousting languages, despite the fact that America does not have a single official language. Official documents were drawn up only in English. Many states banned education in all languages ​​other than English. This policy has borne fruit. If the American government did not force out other languages, then Dutch, Spanish or any other language could become the national language. Then and now we would not talk about English as an international language.

In the second half of the 20th century, England faded into the background, the era of America began. After the Second World War, most of the powers were preoccupied with the reconstruction of their countries. In turn, the United States suffered less than the rest and continued to develop in all directions: economic, diplomatic, political and military. The country was especially active in developing economic relations. America made the right choice by continuing the English tradition. American goods flooded all countries. Naturally, a common language is needed to carry out an economic transaction, and again this language has become English. Why? Probably for the same reason as in the 17th century - whoever is stronger is right.

US influence has increased over time. But it is not enough just to win the championship, it is important to keep it. If in the 18th century trade played a key role for England, then America occupied its niche in history for other reasons:

  1. The advent of the computer and the Internet

    It is beneficial for any country if its language is international. Being one of the most powerful countries in the world, America led the language policy in the direction of the globalization of its language. And the key role was played precisely by the fact that two inventions appeared in the United States, without which our life is unthinkable - the computer and the Internet. These means of instantaneous dissemination of information have greatly contributed to the globalization of the English language.

  2. American lifestyle fashion

    In the second half of the 20th century, against the backdrop of post-war and dilapidated countries, the United States looked very attractive. The "American Dream" seemed to be an ideal, and people from different countries tried to somehow get closer to this ideal, and language is one of the ways to get closer. Films, music, youth movements came to us from across the ocean and brought with them the English-speaking culture.

Why is English the international language today?

1. English is the world language

Today, English has become the international language, it is the most widely spoken in the world. More than 400 million people speak English as their first language, 300 million use it as a second language, and another 500 million speak English to some extent.

2. English - the language of trade and business

In many countries, English occupies a very important place as the language of diplomacy, trade and business. 90% of global transactions are in English. World financial funds and exchanges operate in English. Financial giants and large corporations use English no matter what country they are in.

3. English is the language of education

English is the most popular foreign language in schools. The most prestigious universities in the world are English-speaking. In countries where English is the second state language, students prefer to study in English. Knowledge of English makes it possible to get a good education and build a successful career.

4. English is the language of travel

Large-scale travel of the British over the course of two centuries has borne fruit. In the 21st century, English is the language of travel. No matter what country you are in, you will be understood in English everywhere. , in a restaurant, at a bus stop, you can talk to the locals.

5. English is the language of science and technology

English has become the language of the 21st century - the century of technological progress and information technology. Today, all instructions and programs for new gadgets are written in English. Scientific reports, articles, reports are published in English. 90% of Internet resources are in English. The vast majority of information in all areas - science, sports, news, entertainment - is published in English.

English has become the language of youth culture. American actors, actresses, musicians have been and remain the idols of more than one generation of people. Hollywood today is the undisputed leader of the film industry. Cult American action films and blockbusters are watched in English all over the world. From America came jazz, blues, rock and roll and many more styles of music that are still popular today.

7. English is the universal language

In addition to all of the above, English is beautiful, melodic and easy to learn. English has one of the richest vocabularies in the world, but at the same time it has an uncomplicated grammar. Words themselves are attracted to each other, forming concise and understandable sentences. The international language should be simple and understandable to everyone. Perhaps we are very lucky that such a simple language has united the world. Read why English is easy to learn compared to other languages ​​in our article.

What a thorny path a language can go through in a few centuries! Today, we can confidently say that in the 21st century, English is the No. 1 international language. How long it will remain international is hard to say. But, of course, this status will remain for more than a decade.
