Ninnel's conversation club English, German, French and Spanish it is a convenient learning format for improving spoken language. Convenient class times, mini-groups of up to 4 people, current topics for discussion and the lack of homework make this learning format one of the best for improving spoken language with a certain knowledge base.
By joining our club, you will expand your horizons by talking on interesting topics, improve your language, and perhaps find friends and like-minded people!

Best teachers

The conversation club is taught by several tutors at once! You get a different style and presentation of the material, also discussing with classmates!

No homework

Homework is not assigned, so there is no need to worry before each lesson. Come to class, communicate and gain knowledge!

Minigroups up to 4 people

Only mini-groups, where each student is closely involved in the conversation and control over the answers of the interlocutor. The most effective learning format!

Cost of classes

The cost of classes in a conversation club in English, German, French and Spanish is the same.

The most profitable and popular option is a package for 6 months of classes.

As part of a paid subscription, you can visit the conversation club once a week on any day of the week, when it is convenient for you, for example, this week - on Tuesday, and next - on Thursday! The main thing is to visit the club on any of the available days of the week! If you can’t attend the next class at all during the week, visit the next one! At the same time, if you pass, the validity period of the subscription is not extended. Therefore, it is better to systematically once a week find the strength in yourself and communicate with interlocutors on interesting topics that our teachers specially prepare for you!

Refunds are made only to Yandex money, WebMoney, QIWI electronic wallets, regardless of your replenishment method.
The commission for withdrawal of funds is 5%, but not less than 300 rubles.
At the same time, the amount of the refund is proportional to the time remaining until the expiration date of the speaking club subscription and does not depend on the actual number of classes attended! After the expiration of the subscription, no refund will be made!

How are the club sessions?

Classes in the conversation club are held in mini-groups from 2 to 4 people. The duration of the lesson is 60 minutes. The teacher leads the lesson, in which, as a rule, there is a discussion on a certain topic. It is not necessary to coordinate with the teacher in advance visiting the next lesson in the conversation club!
Interlocutors (students) answer questions, discuss the topic of the question and ask questions both to the teacher and to each other. In the process of such an activity, communication skills are developed, the fear of speaking a foreign language is erased, and the vocabulary is also expanding.

Classes in a conversation club are not a holistic flow of material, because:
- a conversation club on different days of the week can be led by different teachers.
- within one week, topics can be repeated or different.
- Native speakers may be involved.
- you can skip 1 or 2 weeks and return to the club, while you will not need to "catch up" or learn anything on your own.
- you can change the group at any time (subject to availability), which is engaged in a more convenient time or day of the week for you.

What level of language should be

If you have an intermediate level or higher, then welcome to the Ninnel conversation club! If the level is slightly lower, you can try a conversation club and at the same time study individually via Skype. If the language level is not high, then it is better to focus on individual learning, because if you have problems with grammar, you will have serious difficulties in correct speech, and a conversation club is a conversation club, and not a field for in-depth study of basic language skills.
If you are not sure what exactly you need, a conversation club or individual training, do not hesitate - write to our managers and they will help you make the right choice based on your individual situation.

English Discussions

English Discussions is a network of international English speaking clubs online via skype where you can practice and improve your spoken English every day with native speakers.

What can you find with us?

  • 3 conversation clubs with division into levels for the convenience of participants,
  • many conversation groups to choose from,
  • flexible schedule,
  • conversational discussions for people from elementary to advanced levels in groups led by native speakers and experienced teachers with a high level of English,
  • a wide range of real English speakers: English speakers from Britain, USA, Canada and Australia,
  • chat rooms for communication with native speakers,
  • opportunity free participation in the club for people who are ready to help in the development of the club.

Our English speaking clubs:

We have both English conversation clubs for beginners and advanced students.


By clicking on the links of the clubs, you can see the schedule of speaking clubs for this week:
Improve your English __ required conversational level: Beginner – Low Intermediate
Everyday Speaking ___ required conversational level: Intermediate - Upper-intermediate
Fast discussions ___ Required conversational level: Low Advanced and above
Club For children and teenagers ___ Club For children and teenagers from 8 to 16 years old

Terms and conditions of participation in speaking clubs:

In the first 2 weeks you can for free see how everything in the club works.

(All beginners, without exception, we receive 1 trial free week, and the 2nd can be received by subscribers of our groups in Social networks)

After that, participation in talk groups will be paid, but the club also has an option free participation if you help in the club (you can help in the club, even if you have a low level of English, the main thing is to be responsible. You can get all the details on how you can help in the club on Skype from the Club Administrators).


Price for participation in groups 12 0-180r. If you just want to listen 10 rub.

You can also take a subscription for a month and take part in an unlimited number of discussions:
The subscription price is 700-1800 rub. per month, depending on the club
The price for a subscription of listeners is 20 0r. per month

The club also has a variety of discounts and a bonus system for members who invite their friends to us.

How can I join the conversation club?

If you want to join one of our conversation clubs, then you need to:

1. Contact us on skype, our skype: english-discussions
Or write your Skype ID (login) and a few words about yourself to our email:
[email protected] or on the page in Vkontakte: and we will contact you on skype.
2. Talk to one of the club administrators via Skype, who will determine your level of spoken English for free and send you to the appropriate club. He will also tell you in detail about the club and how everything works for us.

Individual conversational discussions

Conversation club for children and teenagers

For children and teenagers, we have separate conversation clubs, where classes are held in a fun way, with lots of games and creative tasks to make the learning process easy and interesting!

English lessons

And if you are just starting to learn English, or you want to quickly improve your level, or maybe you are preparing for international exams, you can always start studying with our teachers individually or in groups, in detail about our lessons and prices you can read in the section Lessons

If you are under 18, you can only participate in clubs with the consent of your parents.

For children and teenagers from 10 to 16 years old, we have lessons with a special approach. You can read more

Good to know: Most of the members of our clubs are people over 20, and the club follows the rules of polite and respectful attitude towards other members.

If you do not have Skype installed, you can always use the web version of Skype in your browser, you can open it here:

Would you like to communicate in English, but have no one to talk to? To do this, they came up with conversation clubs that help overcome embarrassment, work on the skill of speaking and make new acquaintances. Discuss your hobbies, work responsibilities or humanity's problems - speak English fluently!

In this article, we will explain what conversation clubs are, how much they cost, who leads them, and what language skills they develop. Then we will tell you how the English conversation clubs are held at Inglex.

Why do we need English conversation clubs

1. Speaking practice

Let's say you are actively studying English - replenish your vocabulary, learn grammar rules and even memorize transcription signs, but you still can't speak. It is the result of not putting the knowledge into practice.

Some students study on their own and interact with an imaginary friend, a reflection in a mirror, a cat, or even a soft toy. This method can help at first, but in the end it will turn out the same as playing football with yourself - you will not be able to predict the interlocutor's reaction, his answers and arguments. You need real people to communicate.

Even if you study with a teacher, it is worth diversifying your lessons - in English conversation clubs you will meet people with different accents, speech rates and other features.

If you need to practice your speaking skills, sign up for the course "".

2. Basic skills training

At such meetings, you primarily work on the skill of speaking (speaking) - the host will not let you keep silent :-) You are also engaged in listening (listening), trying to understand the speech of different people. From the less obvious - you replenish vocabulary (vocabulary) by studying thematic vocabulary in live communication. If the leading native speaker is from the UK or the US, you get a great bonus - a chance to work on your pronunciation. If you find it difficult to pronounce some sounds and words, one of our teachers will help you.

3. Overcoming the language barrier

Many students in their first meetings only want to listen to others. Over time, the understanding comes that the rest of the participants are the same people who learn the language, go to work and raise children, and not the gods of English. So, club after club, the participants gradually loosen up, overcome the constraint and begin to speak English. Look for more tips in our article "".

4. Feedback

You get the opportunity to ask the host questions on the topic under discussion or unfamiliar phrases. And from a native speaker you will learn about actual expressions and modern grammatical constructions. For example, he will explain which adjectives can be used instead of awesome and amazing, and tell you how often the British say In my view.

5. Different opinions

By communicating with new people, you will learn different views on certain topics, thereby expanding your horizons. You can also use this opportunity to prepare for the oral part of the exam: practice leading a discussion and choosing persuasive arguments.

6. Current topics

Topics in English, which we are used to learning at school, are sometimes far from real life or frankly outdated. Leading conversation clubs choose only relevant and interesting topics.

7. New acquaintances

When students start learning English, they try to involve their mothers, husbands and friends in learning - it's more fun and psychologically more comfortable together. But close people do not always share each other's interests. English conversation clubs give you a chance to find like-minded people with whom you can practice the language not only at meetings, but even while standing on treadmills in a fitness center or walking around the city.

8. Have fun

For many, English conversation clubs become a kind of hobby, a pleasant pastime. Offline meetings often take place in cozy cafes over a cup of coffee, and online clubs give the impression that several guests have come to your apartment at once.

9. Addition to the main classes

You should not equate conversational clubs with a full-fledged study of the language. Just by talking about different topics, you will not master the language. You need to work separately on, etc. The host will not correct mistakes in your speech, except perhaps the most common ones. Such meetings can only be an addition to the educational process. Here you do not study, but demonstrate previously acquired knowledge and consolidate them in practice.

Tips for members of English speaking clubs:

  1. Sign up for clubs only at your level. So you don't have to be bored if everyone is around and you are. And vice versa - at higher levels you will not understand much and waste your time.
  2. Take part only in those clubs that are visited by no more than 7 people. Otherwise, you may not have time to speak out, and the meeting itself risks turning into a television talk show.
  3. You should not carefully prepare for an English conversation club. Reflect on the topic, learn a few useful words - that will be enough. This is an impromptu meeting, like any other in real life - we do not prescribe lines for ourselves when we go to a friend's birthday.
  4. Participate in discussions on a variety of topics, not just those that are close to you. By exchanging opinions with other people, you will hear many interesting thoughts that you would not even have thought of.

What English conversation clubs are

1. Offline meetings of conversational clubs

Such clubs are most often run by organizers of group English courses: you can be their student and get additional communication practice, or you can attend meetings for a one-time or package fee.

Leading English conversation clubs are usually Russian-speaking teachers, but there are also native speakers (usually in Moscow and St. Petersburg). Such meetings last from 1 to 3 hours. Most schools hold clubs on a fixed schedule, but there is another format: they gather a group of 6-8 people and set a date for the event.

One visit to a conversational club in Moscow costs from 400 to 1,200 rubles (the most expensive ones are with native speakers), packages of 4-5 clubs - from 1,500 to 4,500 rubles, and an unlimited month of visits - about 5,000 rubles.

One visit to a conversation club in St. Petersburg costs from 250 to 700 rubles. A package for 5 visits will cost 1300-1800 rubles. Sometimes such meetings are held in an anti-cafe, where you pay only for the time spent at an average rate of 2 rubles per minute. Free conversational clubs are held at the Center for British Books and the Mayakovsky Library.

For visiting one English speaking club in Yekaterinburg you will pay from 300 to 600 rubles, for a package of 5 clubs - 1500 rubles. Conversational clubs are also held in the anti-cafe (2 rubles per 1 minute).

2. Online meetings of conversational clubs

Online meetings of English speaking clubs are usually held by online schools. They last an average of 1-1.5 hours, cost from 130 to 500 rubles, a subscription for one month will cost 1150-4400 rubles. Six months of visits cost 5600-7000 rubles, and a year - 6500-12000 rubles.

English speaking clubs are held via Skype or Hangouts.

English conversation clubs at Inglex

English speaking clubs at Inglex are free for all students of the school. And if you are not our student, but want to get speaking practice, you can attend ours: one lesson costs 300 rubles, a subscription for a month - 1,400 rubles, and for three months - 3,780 rubles. They are led by seven Russian-speaking teachers and three native speakers from Great Britain and Ireland. All clubs are divided into levels: elementary (Elementary, Pre-Intermediate), intermediate (Intermediate) and high (Upper-Intermediate, Advanced). The presenters themselves choose topics according to their interests and relevance, and sometimes they are suggested by students.

The English conversation club at our school lasts 55 minutes.

Meeting plan:

  1. Warm-up (Warm-up) - simple questions on the topic that do not require complex detailed answers.
  2. Vocabulary practice (Vocabular practice) - students describe thematic vocabulary in their own words and make up examples.
  3. Discussion (Discussion) - all participants speak on the topic.
  4. Are you for or against? (Are you for or against?) - active debate: students present their arguments and counterarguments.

Let's watch videos of two English conversation clubs - with a teacher from the UK, Dave, and a Russian-speaking teacher, Maria:

Disclaimer: we warned the participants that we will record these meetings :-)

Reviews of conversational clubs in "Inglex"

Comments of the leading English conversation clubs "Inglex"

Experience as a teacher: 11 years

Experience with Englex: 4 years

The “Travel & Tourism” topic gave an insight into interesting places students have visited, and the “Books & Movies” topic allowed students to make some recommendations to each other. I "d love to be able to talk about some deeper issues or maybe some particular news stories and global issues in a future club.

From the topic "Traveling" I learned about the different places that students visited, and in the "Books and Films" club, the participants gave each other a lot of recommendations on their favorite works. In the future, I would like to talk about deeper topics, for example, world problems or some current news.

Many students have come from all over Russia, and some are living abroad. One student, on 2 occasions, showed us his surroundings. The first time we could see a beautiful lake and the second time he kept his camera on the streets of Moscow during the world cup to show us all the crowds and atmosphere before one of the games. I also have Anton, 12 year student that comes to the clubs regularly. Even though he is always the only young learner in the club, he is well able to join in conversations and make really interesting points. I think it "s great for him to have the confidence to do so at such a young age.

Many club members live in different parts of Russia and abroad. At one of the meetings, the student once showed us a beautiful lake, and another time - the crowds on the streets of Moscow and the prevailing atmosphere before one of the World Cup games. Another 12-year-old boy Anton regularly visits my clubs. Despite the fact that he is the youngest participant, Anton is always active in the conversation and voices interesting thoughts. I think it's great to be confident at such a young age :-)

We had many funny comments and little jokes throughout the club. Unfortunately, I don't remember a specific one. But I like that students feel comfortable to ask questions or get me to explain some things they are unsure of. I will always take a moment to explain it to them. I think this is useful not only for that student, but for the others too.

There were many funny jokes at our meetings, but, unfortunately, I cannot remember them now. However, I like that students are not afraid to ask questions and ask me to talk about something they do not understand or are not sure about. I will always take a minute to explain it to them. Such moments are useful not only for the author of the question, but also for the other participants in the conversation.

Experience as a teacher: 8 years

Experience with Englex: 4 years 7 months

Which topics of past speaking clubs do you remember most? Are there any topics that you would love to talk about?

The most memorable topics have been anything when people "s moral or philosophical views have been discussed - things like parenting or the supernatural for example.

Most of all I remember topics related to ethical and philosophical issues, such as parenting or the supernatural.

Who was your most memorable student?

One student was memorable for expressing controversial views - sometimes I don't know if he believes it or if he's just trying to get a reaction. Overall, people are always polite, even if they disagree.

One student is remembered for often expressing conflicting views - sometimes it's hard to know if he really believes in them or just trying to get a reaction. In general, people always behave politely, even if they disagree with each other.

Do you remember any funny situations during club meetings or some surprising thoughts, opinions and questions from students?

Once I showed some pictures of two famous people at school age and one school photo of me. Everyone guessed the first two were Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama, but about six people thought the picture of me was Donald Trump:-)

Once I showed photos of two famous people in their school years and one of my school pictures. Everyone guessed that the first two were Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama, but in my picture, about six people saw Donald Trump :-)

Experience as a teacher: 11 years

Experience with Englex: 2 years 4 months

Tell us about the clubs you have run.

The most popular clubs are tourism, psychology and business. But even on topics related to family and profession, it is always crowded and interesting. Sometimes participants themselves ask to organize a club on a certain topic. Once, for example, a request was received to hold a club on the topic "How to travel economically." Of course, we did not bypass such topics, and the club was held with great success.

Interesting ideas on the topics of future clubs visit me in a variety of situations - during classes with students, when checking homework, searching for interesting material for students, etc. For example, I was recently on vacation and thought, what is better - independent travel or tour? Why not discuss this with our students?

Have there been any memorable students or situations at your clubs?

Probably the most interesting question I can remember is from the topic Success and Failure: Tell us about something that you learned to do after a lot of efforts (Tell us about what you learned to do after many attempts).

Almost all participants answered that they were finally successfully mastering English at our school, although many had previously had a sad experience of learning the language. Many proudly announced their level and were very motivated to continue their studies. I think this is the most important thing in our work. After all, speaking clubs were created for this purpose, so that our students can put into practice the acquired knowledge, hone their speaking and listening skills, and most importantly, enjoy the learning process and continue to master the language.

Experience as a teacher: 4 years

Experience with Englex: 1 year 10 months

What clubs do you remember the most?

Perhaps one of the recent topics I especially remember is Expressing Creativity, where I invited students to answer Apple's question - What's the most creative way you can break a clock? (What is the most creative way you can break the clock?) The answers were very interesting, like feeding the crocodile and playing soccer with the cat for hours.

Participants who are not afraid to sincerely express their thoughts and ask questions to other participants are also remembered. There was one student who introduced himself as a fortune teller. His answers were perhaps the most unconventional. He once said that all the problems are due to the fact that there is not enough love in the world.

Experience as a teacher: 9 years

Experience with Englex: 2 years 2 months

Which of the themes of clubs do you remember more than others? Are there any topics you would like to talk about?

I especially liked the topics Making Music (Creation of music) and Artificial Intelligence (Artificial intelligence). They also went with a bang to the students: the participants actively discussed questions from the presentations and asked their own, trained vocabulary, exchanged relevant information with each other. In general, there were very lively discussions with opposing opinions.

I would like to talk about the actual and topical now feminist movement, conscious consumption, minimalism in things and lifestyle, different types of nutrition (for example, vegetarianism and veganism), as well as subcultures.

English conversation club V Skype School English Channel is a unique opportunity to maintain and develop your speaking skills. The mission of our club is communication. In our conversation club You will communicate in English with teachers and other meeting participants in an informal atmosphere of fun and entertainment.

Themes for Speaking Clubs, as a rule, are selected by the teachers themselves and announced in advance on Skype and in our group at. Participants can also suggest their own topic for discussion. All necessary materials are sent to all club members in advance.

Who benefits from participating in clubs:

  • For those who speak the language well and do not want to lose their skills
  • Who is just starting to practice their speaking skills
  • For those who know English, but do not have constant language practice

    For those who want to put into practice everything that they studied on their own

  • Who just wants to talk about interesting topics and be heard

Participation in Speaking Clubs will allow you to:

  • Get rid of the fear of communicating in English and break the language barrier;
  • not be afraid to enter into a discussion in English;
  • actively use new words and phrases in your speech;
  • improve English pronunciation and increase inner confidence;
  • gain debate skills, use examples of argumentation;
  • learn to use informal vocabulary correctly, including modern slang;
  • spend time fun and usefully;
  • meet new interesting people;
  • enjoy learning English.

  • What we do in the club:

    In the classroom in conversation clubs, we discussing interesting videoswe remember grammar in an easy accessible form,we train words and expressions on topics in a relaxed atmosphere,ask interesting questions andjust having fun.

    When and where are Speaking Clubs held:

  • Classes in the discussion club are held once a week for 1.5 hours (90 minutes);
  • the days and times of the classes are determined by the group together with the teacher before the start of the language club.

The format of classes in the language club:

  • Classes are held online via Skype;
  • Communication is fun, easy;
  • You are among your like-minded people;
  • Groups are completed depending on the level of language proficiency (beginner and intermediate)
  • Groups from 2-8 people.
  • What level of English should be to participate:

    As a rule, in order for you to feel free to communicate, it is enough to have a level of language proficiency Pre-Intermediate and above.

    The cost of classes in the speaking club "Speaking Club"

    Number of participants

    Cost per lesson (90 min)

    Cost of 5 lessons

    2 - 4

    180 UAH

    560 rub

    873 UAH

    2716 rub

    5 - 8

    We are often asked: what do meetings of the English Conversation Club look like? We tell :) We meet and speak English for 3 hours every day. We have fun, cozy and cultural - everything you need to practice your English. Want to join? Easy - we work every day, and the first meeting is free. Just sign up - through the schedule or the registration form below.

    The most common question that potential guests ask us over the phone is something like this: “What is your English Conversation Club anyway?” Here, for example, is one of our meetings at the Coffeshop Company. We sit, chat, drink coffee, discuss pressing problems in English. Like? Join our meetings!

    Are you visiting us for the first time and do not know how to find a table of the English Language Club in the cafe? Very simple: look for a table where they speak English! Here, for example, is one of our meetings at the Coffeshop Company. We are always interesting, fun and we only speak English. Like? Come!!!

    Do you think that starting to speak English is very scary? 90% of the guests of our English Conversation Club think so, but… 15 minutes after the start of the meeting, they forget about the language barrier forever!!! After all, we always have the most friendly atmosphere and the best moderators who will help and prompt!!!

    Friends, there is always a moderator and administrator at the Club meeting. The moderator organizes the discussion, and the administrator registers guests, orders drinks and solves all other technical issues. Everything for you to talk for 3 hours without being distracted!

    Each meeting of the English Conversation Club lasts 3 hours, and all this time we talk about a certain topic. Meeting topics are published in advance on the main page of the site so that you can prepare if you wish. For example, at this meeting the topic of Hypothetical Situations was discussed.

    At each meeting of the English Conversation Club, we talk on a specific topic for 2 hours. We have interesting questions, everyone has different opinions - it's never boring!!!

    You don't know what the English Spoken Club is yet? We tell :) At each meeting of the Club, we communicate in English for 3 hours. Do you want to practice your English? Join now!

    Those who are going to our English Language Club for the first time always ask who comes to us and whether it is easy to fit into our company. Friends, all our guests are not only smart and interesting, but also very friendly people!!! Look at the photo, you will understand everything :)

    Most of our guests come to the English Speaking Club to overcome the language barrier. And when it is overcome - they stay with us to practice their English and ... just chat :)

    Friends, at the meeting of the English Language Club, in addition to the host, there is always a person who is ready to take care of you, our administrator. The administrator meets you at the beginning of the meeting, registers guests, and resolves all issues. Here, for example, Anastasia is the administrator of our meetings on Wednesdays.

    If you think the cafe is too noisy for an English Conversation Club, don't worry. You will always hear other participants, and the drink is already included in the price of the visit - you don't have to worry about it.

    Friends, have you ever been to the English Conversation Club? This is how it looks like: everyone is sitting, discussing questions on the topic, the host corrects the participants, if necessary. We always have a lot of fun, cozy and cultural - in general, the atmosphere you need to practice English!

    Every meeting of the English Conversation Club has a moderator who will involve everyone in the conversation, correct small mistakes and stop those who talk too much (it's very easy to get carried away!). Do you want to practice your English? Join now!

    Those who want to come to us for the first time often ask who visits us. We answer: our guests are very different people by age, profession, etc. But they are all very positive personalities, because people do not learn boring foreign languages!

    3 hours of speaking English can be hard, but that's just how it seems. Because at each meeting there is a topic for discussion and a moderator who not only helps and corrects, but also creates an atmosphere in which 3 hours fly by unnoticed!!!