dream of becoming Nobel laureate, fly into space or buy a house on the island? The expression “thought is material” has a weighty basis - according to esotericists, it is enough just to want something strongly. Rationalists emphasize the need for action to achieve a dream. If you combine both of them, you can derive an algorithm consisting of 10 steps.

Define clearly your dream

You need to look inside yourself and figure out what you really want. Perhaps behind the dream of a sports car lies simply the desire to please women. It is important to understand that the dream is not imposed by advertising or people, but comes from within and belongs to you. To do this, imagine what you will do if you suddenly win a large amount of money in the lottery or it turns out that you have only a year left to live. Think about what you would ask a fabulous "goldfish" that grants only 1 wish. Try not to think for a long time and answer quickly, then the subconscious will give out the most important thing.

Write on paper

Write in detail what characteristics your dream should have. This stage helps to give the fantasies a concrete form and turn them into a visual goal.

Write down everything that gets in the way

Having decided to achieve something, a person inevitably faces fears, doubts, internal prohibitions on the way to achieving his desire. For example, someone dreams of becoming rich, but is afraid that wealth will make him unhappy. Write down all limiting factors.

Tune in to the positive, destroy doubts

Turn negative beliefs that prevent you from reaching your goal into positive ones. Focus on affirmative constructions without the “not” particle: “I am talented and I can do it”, “I have the potential, and everything will work out.” Throw away the doubts that take strength, and tune in to success. Believe that you can achieve everything you dream of. Man can really do anything. Repeat to yourself: "I can, I deserve"

Soberly assess your potential

Be realistic and don't lie to yourself. Evaluate your position relative to what you are striving for. If you dream of love, determine the attractiveness of your appearance and inner peace. If it's about business, think about education, start-up capital, study the state of the market.

What separates you from your dreams?

Think about all the obstacles that stand between you and what you want, and honestly ask yourself: “What should I improve in myself, how can I change?”

Surround yourself with helpers

Find people who support you on the path to your dream, inspire confidence, and do not bring negativity. It is even better to surround yourself with those who are somehow connected with your dream, have achieved it or strive for it in the same way as you, and are ready to help.

Write a plan

Break your long-term dream into several short-term goals. Write everything down and set an adequate due date for each.

Follow the plan

Take action! Try not to get out of the plan. If something went wrong, increase the term, rewrite it.

There are only 5 steps that will allow you to achieve a dream come true.

Friends, this is an article that will help you avoid crying over the fragments of a broken dream.

Let your dream come true!

How to make dreams come true?

Very simple.

1) Decide on a dream.

2) Allow yourself to have what you want.

3) Decrease the importance.

4) Apply visualization.

5) Take action.

And now in more detail on each item.

1⃣ Decide on a dream. Yes, you always need to be clear about what exactly you want. When there is a direction of movement, then there is no place and time for chaotic vacillation and doing nothing. You will no longer go with the flow. Now you are moving straight to .

Make sure your dreams are worth the effort.

How to find your dream? , but the main thing to know is that your dream should make you a happy person.

You don't have to force yourself to do anything. On the contrary, the dream itself should motivate you to achieve it. Then you won't have to force yourself to do anything. You realize that. And this is the best thing that can happen.

When you are happy with the process itself, then this is a sign that you will definitely make your dream a reality.

2⃣ Allow yourself to have what you want. We can have a wonderful dream. But we will not come one step closer to realizing it if we cannot afford to have it. Yes, yes, this is not a joke. If our dream is something global that has a big gap with our current life, then the brain will simply block its implementation. Because for us it will seem something unrealistic. Subconsciously, we will think that all efforts will be wasted, and we will not achieve anything. It shouldn't be like that!

What to do?

First, you can simplify the dream, make it not so big.

Secondly, you can convince yourself that the dream is quite feasible, and you can’t get away from it. What to do, you have such a destiny - to achieve the fulfillment of your dream. One way or another, first of all you need. The realization of a dream without this is almost impossible.

3⃣ Lower the importance. - an enemy on the way to your dream. When you think that your dream is big, it will be much more difficult to achieve it. If you treat your dream with reverence, then such a reverent attitude moves you away from what you want. To overestimate the importance is unprofitable.

It's better to keep the dream simple. Do not consider it too important and difficult to achieve. Perhaps that is how it really is. But you shouldn't dwell on it.

Break the dream into simple steps that will no longer seem complicated to you.

Stop thinking about imperfection, stop striving to make everything perfect. This is impossible. You just need to do your thing. Try not to get stuck on the pursuit of perfection at the very beginning. And you can improve your creation all your life!

4⃣ Apply visualization. very helpful in making dreams come true. Therefore, clearly, in great detail, visualize how you fulfill your dream.

Moreover, you should visualize both the result and the process of turning your dream into reality.

You will be surprised, but you will come across a wealth of information and opportunities to fulfill your dreams.

If you do not believe in the power of thought, then consider that it is the brain that focuses on your dream and therefore draws your attention to what would previously have gone unnoticed. In any case, think, feel, live your dream. It will bring you closer to her!

5⃣ Take action. This is the most important point. Without it, your dream will remain something imaginary. But when you add an action to a dream, you are transforming the dream into a goal.

A goal is a dream multiplied by action.

- and then it will definitely come true. take it and do what needs to be done. Try to act. Draw strength from your dream - it really works.

Even if things go really badly, always remember why you started doing it. This will give you a boost of motivation and help you overcome any adversity.

Yes, you'll have to work hard. But this is your goal, which means you enjoy it. In the end, you will definitely achieve what you so passionately dreamed of. A dream successfully translated into reality is the best proof that a person has chosen the right path.

P.S. Thank you for being with us. Be healthy and happy, friends!

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Greetings, dear readers of our blog! Do you like to dream? Let's face it, we love it. Do you like to make your dreams come true? Say it's impossible? We don't think so. Today we want to talk about how to make your dream a reality.

Each of us has some kind of dream. It can be the desire to lose weight by the summer, the desire to have a new car or apartment, the desire to travel, explore this vast world, or many others.

We love to dream since childhood, but which of us has achieved success on the path of their implementation? The main thing here is to approach this matter from the “right end”, and then everything will definitely work out.

Definition of desire

The answer to the question “how to realize your dreams” will not be easy. You need to start with the most important thing - to decide on a dream. Other people's dreams often “hover” over us: to buy a more expensive car, a country house, to go to the sea several times a year, or something else “generally accepted”.

We do not always realize that in fact these are not our desires, not our dreams, and sometimes it happens that we are afraid to admit to ourselves that we really do not want this at all.

Such feelings most often arise because we are afraid of being misunderstood in society, we are afraid that our dreams and desires will turn out to be too non-standard or too bold for most of our acquaintances.

Here lies the very first problem of making dreams come true, because in order to realize a dream, it would be necessary that this is exactly what you want. Then your motivation will be the strongest, then the whole process of implementation will be easier for you, because you will understand why you are doing it.

Write down all your desires in a notebook, write, write without stopping, and then close it and forget about it for a few hours. After a break, read everything you wrote and cross out everything that you think is no longer so important.

Do this action several times, after which, you will be left with a small list of desires. And here you should ask yourself only one question: “Do I really want this?” and answer it honestly. We think that you will be able to decide on your main desire at this point in time.

Representation of the desired or visualization

The next step is to visualize your desire.

If you really want, you can fly into space

It is this saying that should be your guide to action.

You should not just distantly dream about something, but want it with every cell of your body! Achieving a dream will require a clear visualization of what you dream about. You must be clear about your dream in detail, think about it as if you already have it.

For example, if this is a car, think about what brand this car should be, what color, how many horses it has, what equipment it has, imagine what interior it has inside, imagine yourself driving this car. You can't even imagine how strong the power of intention is in this case.

Very often, for the convenience of visualization, a wish map is used, which can be created both in paper form and in electronic form. Use pictures that most clearly reflect your desire. The wish map can also be used to detail life goals.

Such a map of desires should inspire you, feed you with enthusiasm. In the moments when your hands drop, one glance at her should be enough for you to recharge your energy and strength to overcome new obstacles.

If you cannot imagine your dream in such detail, perhaps you simply made a mistake in choosing a dream. Then go back to the first point.

Thoughts of "good"

Another very important detail is positive thinking. Think of your desire in a positive light. No need to think: “I will never have this” or “if I have this, then the problems will only increase” and so on. Negative thinking will only keep you from your dreams.

Thoughts about the good, I can fulfill - the words from the well-known song "Pink Flamingo". People who love to complain about their bad luck and problems rarely come close to doing what they want.

Because, most often, with their pessimistic attitude, they put themselves unconscious obstacles on the way to their dream, since the fulfillment of a dream is associated with the emergence of new problems in their lives. To change your personal life, you need to achieve changes in your thinking and get rid of doubts.

Try to build your thinking in such a way, as if your dream has already come true, as if you already have a positive result, try to experience the emotions that you will have when you fulfill your dream.

Turning into a target

Once you can visualize your dream in detail, you can move it from a wish to a goal to be achieved. Thus, you will take another step towards the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

For correct setting goals use the tips from the free video course “Setting and achieving goals. How to achieve results in any business? .

Assessing Resources and Capabilities

The next step will be an assessment of your capabilities, the available resources that you have, as well as an analysis of the qualities or means that are missing to achieve the goal.

You can make an impromptu table in your notebook and indicate your strengths and those resources that will help you achieve your goal, and on the other hand reflect the cons and what you, in your opinion, lack for implementation.

Once you do this, you will understand in which direction you need to work and move in order to reach your cherished dream.

Making a plan and prioritizing

The next step will be planning, with the help of which you should determine the steps on the way to your goal, and also break down large tasks into smaller ones.

Time management principles will help make your planning more effective, so don't miss the opportunity to learn them with the help of video courses:

- "The master of time - highly productive time management according to the system of Evgeny Popov"
- "Time management, or how to increase your efficiency"

Action and Gratitude

When the main tasks are defined, it remains only to begin to act. Praise yourself for every step that brings you closer to your dream goal, and also be grateful for life for all the opportunities it gives you.

Develop a habit of being grateful for everything that happens. You will see, life will begin to change immediately!

Gratitude will help you complain less about adversity and seek in each case positive moments for which you can thank fate.

You need to thank sincerely, you must really believe in what you say “thank you”, and not do it “for show”. Gratitude is a powerful source of energy for your fulfillment of your desires.

Imagining what you want, thinking about the “good”, gratitude are powerful spiritual engines that will help you achieve your dreams.


In order for the dream to become closer, you need to approach it yourself. Remember, as in the saying:

If the mountain does not go to Magomed, Magomed goes to the mountain

Your dream will not fall on you, you yourself need to take steps towards it!

But how do you get started right? You ask. You need to follow the next steps. You need a clear plan.

Decide on your dream, separate what you really want from what is imposed by the stereotypes of society. Plan to achieve your dream in stages, determine what steps you need to take towards your dream.

Set clear deadlines for yourself. It is at this stage that your dream will turn from something “airy” into a real goal. You will need the ability to control the time allotted for the implementation of certain tasks, as well as the ability to prioritize.

Do not forget praise yourself for the work done. This is an important stage in motivating ourselves to move forward.

Learn analyze and summarize work done. Your further growth directly depends on this stage. Further development impossible without an analysis of failures or successes. This will help you reach your goal faster.

These steps are both simple and difficult to follow because they require spiritual strength rather than physical strength from you. But such changes can make you stronger and more successful. We hope our advice will help you get closer to your dream and realize it.

Now you know exactly how to make your dreams come true. Tell us what is your dream, what steps have you taken to achieve your dream, what is still to be done?

Perhaps you can give a couple of valuable tips for those who are just starting their journey. Thank you for staying with us! And those who have just joined us, do not forget to visit our blog more often. So you will not miss new and very interesting topics!

If this information is not enough for you, then additionally read our articles:

- How to get started right healthy lifestyle life? Understanding the Basics
— Daily routine as an important component of human health
- Development of motor activity: where to start

See you soon!

Dreaming of getting Nobel Prize, fly into space or buy a house on the islands? Thought is material, you just need to really want it, esotericists believe. According to rationalists, in order for dreams to come true, it is necessary to act. By combining various techniques to achieve the desired, we offer a 12-step algorithm for realizing a dream.

1. Be clear about what you want
You need to understand what you really want. Maybe when you dream of a sports car, deep down you just want to please women. Desires should come from you, and not be imposed by parents or advertising. Think about what you will do if you win a million dollars in the lottery tomorrow or find out that you have six months to live? What would you wish a genie if you had one wish? Answer quickly, in 1-2 minutes, and then your subconscious mind will single out the main thing.

2. Write down
Write down in detail all the characteristics and qualities that your dream should have. In this way, fantasies take on concrete forms and become more real to your own subconscious, that is, a dream turns into a goal. A written statement of purpose deepens belief in one's own abilities and includes a mechanism for achieving success.

3. Find and neutralize the enemy inside
If you want to become a millionaire, but are afraid that wealth will not bring you happiness in your personal life, then your dream is unlikely to come true, because you yourself are blocking it. Write down all the doubts that visit you: "Why can't I have a house in the Canary Islands (can't be a TV presenter, etc.)?", "I'm afraid that if I start my own business (get married, etc.), That…". Pull out hidden fears, find inner prohibitions. Analyze what is standing in your way - guilt, fear of disappointment, self-pity, the desire to avoid responsibility.

4. Think positive. Cast aside your doubts
Once you find the negative beliefs that are blocking your dreams, transform them into positive ones. Use affirmative sentences to describe your future accomplishments. Repeat out loud or write down on paper: "I am talented and will write a book", "My wife will support all my undertakings." Think in a positive way: drop the "NOT" particle.

You must firmly believe that your dream will come true. Wait, don't hope. Doubt and anxiety take away the strength that will be needed to overcome their own inertia and external obstacles. Absolute faith in the achievability of the goal, on the contrary, activates hidden abilities and inner potential. Through positive thinking - I deserve it, I can, I'll get it - you set yourself up for success.

5. What's at the start?
Determine your starting position. If you dream of a prince on a white horse, take a sober look at yourself in the mirror. If you are thinking about your own business, evaluate your education, start-up capital, explore the market. Assess how your current situation corresponds to what you are striving for. This will be the starting point.

6. What separates you from the dream?
If you are waiting for a prince on a white horse, it's time to understand what you are missing in order to become a princess that a blue-blooded person can fall in love with. Make a list of all the obstacles standing between you and your dream. They can be both external and internal. Honestly ask yourself: “What should I change in myself, what should I learn in order to achieve my dream? What conditions are necessary for the materialization of desire?

7. Find Helpers
Announce your plans publicly. Determine the circle of people who can help you or will be useful. Connect with those who have already achieved what you dream of, or know how to do it.

8. Set deadlines
Set a deadline for achieving the goal. Thus, you program its achievement in your mind and turn on the mechanism of efforts intensification. If your dream does not keep up with the deadline, set a new one - it means that you just made an overly optimistic forecast. It is more realistic to earn a million dollars in 10 years than in 1 month. It is useful to break a long-term goal into several short-term subgoals.

9. Make a plan
Now that you have completed all the previous points, you have a clear idea of ​​​​what you want, what obstacles you have to overcome and who can help you. Now you need to make a detailed plan to achieve the goal. Write down, in order of priority and chronology, a list of all your activities.

10. "Back to the Future"
Many new wave psychologists and esotericists talk about the creative power of visualization. Now that you know what characteristics the thing you desire should have (money, relationships, qualities, position, etc.), imagine that this is already in your life. Imagine in great detail the furnishings of your dream home, down to the upholstery of the sofa and the rug in the bathroom, walk around the rooms. Imagine communicating with your loved one, how you cook a joint dinner or talk until the morning.

Play your imaginary "movie" over and over again. In this way, you increase the power of your thinking and begin to attract the people, ideas, and opportunities you need to achieve your goals. You seem to be attracting your dream.

11. Don't back down
Achieving big goals can take weeks, months, and years of hard work. Obstacles and difficulties will seem insurmountable. Don't even think about failure and don't give up. Do something every day that brings you closer to your dream. Your strong desire, firm belief in the achievability of the goal, as well as perseverance and perseverance will certainly lead to success.

12. Learn to enjoy what you have
And finally, the magical secret. Your dream will come true if you can perfectly manage without the desired object. Release your dream "to freedom", do not make it the only meaning of life, and be grateful for what fate has already awarded you. Enjoy the very process of turning dreams into reality, because this is life.
