Coming from other planets

One of the strange phenomena of the last decade is the increasing frequency of people telling about their supposedly unearthly origins. This is especially true for Indigo children, whose research I have been doing for several years. According to my statistics, 20-25 percent of indigo children remember that other planets used to be their homeland, and some can quite clearly tell about the peculiarities of life there. I involuntarily became interested in this strange phenomenon, and I began to accumulate my own archive of "testimonies". I soon learned that John Mack, Richard Boylen and others were doing similar research abroad.

I tentatively called the new phenomenon "people from the stars." Of course, there were doubts. But what if a person fantasizes, and his imagination is highly developed? He could well imagine a different society, a different world, indicate some of its differences from ours, earthly ...

However, small children who, having barely learned to speak, excitedly tell their parents about other planets and about space life in general, are hardly cunning, their story is repeated and, as a rule, remains unchanged. They are sincere and spontaneous in their memories and are very offended, not feeling trust in themselves. Because of this, they sometimes become isolated. An adult also has no reason to declare himself an alien from another planet, because he immediately falls under suspicion - are you normal? I have never met such dreamers.

Most often, people spoke about their extraterrestrial origin, sincerely trying to find out what they are, why their memory stores such incredible information, what is the meaning of their memories, and where did they get such a craving for the sky? Some addressed their questions to researchers. But many, of course, do not turn to anyone, keeping their secrets all their lives.

For me it all started with Boriska Kipriyanovich from the city of Zhirnovsk. I met him when he was seven years old. Having barely learned to speak, the boy only knew that he was talking about his past life on Mars, giving such details about the "red" planet, which even a specialist does not have. When asked how he knew all this, the little boy answered: "I know from the inside!" It should be borne in mind that, like many indigo children, Boris does not at all accept lies in people and relationships.

There were, of course, other interesting meetings, confessions from adults who were not indigo children. Not often, but there were. It is curious how many have described the nature of other planets or social relations in society.

“By origin I am from the planet Sirena, this is the planet of peacekeepers,” Veronica M. from Minsk wrote to me. “On our planet we are considered almost heroes because we decided on this most difficult action - the birth in the bodies of the inhabitants of the Earth. its own mission, but the common goal is the spiritual revival of the planet. We need your understanding, but you also need our wisdom and our help, just be able to endure and wait. "

The planet Siren, according to the memoirs of Veronica, is located in the constellation Orion. The appearance of the planet: the terrain is slightly mountainous, the vegetation is undersized, there are large animals. The life expectancy of the inhabitants is from two to three thousand Sirenian years, then a change of body. The appearance of the inhabitants is humanoid: height is tall, skin is reddish, eyes are large, nose and mouth are small. The food is energetic, autotrophic, although small plant structures are sometimes consumed. Communication is telepathic. The inhabitants are friendly, strong, know the languages ​​of other alien races. Technique and technology on the planet is very advanced. There are no "flying saucers" type devices, they supposedly travel by bodies. As a resident of Belarus, Veronika is now studying in Latvia at an international college. Other Russians also remembered other constellations and planets.

Extraterrestrial civilizations exist!

In my opinion, a large and voluminous work on identifying the characteristics of extraterrestrial civilizations was done by an experienced ufologist, a resident of the city of Bezhetsk, Tver region, Pavel Ivanovich Khailov. He is a geologist by training, graduated from the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute, participated in geological expeditions in Primorye and the Urals, with the collapse of the Soviet Union he lost his job, since the new owners did not allocate money for the exploration of new deposits. Pavel Khailov is a participant in our first scientific and practical conferences through the International Ufological Association, held in the early 90s.

Carried away by the problem of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, Khailov acted outside the box: he collected most of the facts from scattered sources through comparative analysis and synthesis, as a mosaic is assembled. He had to analyze an extensive literature - more than three hundred units of only book editions, and there is no account at all for magazine and newspaper clippings. As a result, we got a rather capacious picture of the cosmic universe according to witness and contact information. It took him about 20 years. He has collected such a volume of basic information when quantity logically turns into quality.

The large population of space for Pavel Khailov is indisputable. Recently, he has been working on the creation of a "Brief Catalog of Extraterrestrial Civilizations", dividing them according to the levels of evolutionary development. Thus, three types of civilizations have been identified: low-developed civilizations (NC), medium-developed (SC) and highly developed (VVC). In turn, each of these types of VC is subdivided into three large groups according to the state of matter or its energeticity. There were also three of these groups: I - dense type (dense energy matter); II - subdense intermediate type (moderately discharged energy matter); III - plasma type (highly rarefied energy matter). And all this despite the fact that the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations is disputed by "big" science, and representatives of the academic community treat the researchers of the Computing Center as fools - they say, they are obsessed with UFOs and "little green men".

Yes, it is known that in the UFO environment, not all researchers find grounds for recognizing the version of extraterrestrial civilizations, therefore, they focus on parallel worlds, underwater or underground civilizations of the Earth, even on a secret base in Antarctica. These are the concepts of Jacques Vallee, V.G. Azhazhi and a number of other researchers. Some people avoid the word "extraterrestrial", trying to replace it with another. We will not argue: perhaps they are absolutely right and time will confirm their foresight. But, on the other hand, refusing altogether from a scientific search in the direction of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations - in the original meaning of this word, we run the risk of being in good ignorance for a long time about the realities of the universe. But what if extraterrestrial super-developed space communities do exist? And they are able to visit the Earth, moreover, they initially participated in the creation of mankind, whose share we still attribute to a hypothetical God? Will not the situation be fixed for an infinitely long time when we, having proclaimed ourselves the only intelligent beings in space, "the crown of nature", have driven ourselves into self-isolation from other worlds?

Worlds in outer space

Probably, many wondered: why we, the earthly community, are not growing up, what could be expected from a civilization that has mastered nuclear and computer technologies, conquering space, dreaming of finding fellow humans in the Universe ... Why are earthlings moving so slowly towards realizing their involvement to a living and intelligent Space, worse than that - stubbornly deny the existence of developed civilizations? Why are we dear to the unsubstantiated concepts of the "crown of nature" and the uniqueness of the earthly mind in the Universe? Why are we not only not improving spiritually from century to century, but noticeably degrading ourselves, and in international and interpersonal relationships? Why have we elevated consumer instincts and the pursuit of pleasure to the rank of humanity's top priorities? After all, in this way we become like creatures that live according to the law of the rectum! Bleeding the planet in pursuit of comfort, we do not think about the future of our own descendants, and we have no other planet in stock ...

Can we ourselves learn something from other civilizations? A large chapter is devoted to this issue in my not yet published book "People from the Stars", and here I can only briefly outline the basic principles of the life of a number of computer centers. The features of civilizations from the constellations of Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, Cygnus, Andromeda, Libra and others were considered. Achievements and differences of the EC from these constellations are described in sufficient detail in the "Catalog of the EC" by Pavel Khailov.

The presence of representatives of other stellar systems in our earthly society is no longer such an impenetrable mystery, and this is evident from the stories that I and other researchers have managed to collect and analyze. But, of course, there will be more confessions - I'm sure of that. Why are the so-called "people from the stars" introduced into our society? In the meantime ... While it is possible to draw some conclusions regarding the social arrangement of a number of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Lessons from other civilizations

The most important thing, in my opinion, is that highly developed civilizations are totally moving away from disunity, fragmentation, from division into specific principalities and states. On their planets there are no borders between the subjects of national entities, which means there are no territorial disputes and claims. And there is no struggle for raw materials and resources, which henceforth become common property for all.

These civilizations are united and are subject, as a rule, to a single common center. The names of the control centers are different, be it the Council of the Wise, the Supreme Council, the Central Government or the Central Council of civilization - this is how they designate the supreme power on their planets. In an extreme case, the supreme rulers can control not the entire planet, but individual continents, as is done, say, on the planet Picran. That is, the tendencies of some countries of the Earth towards unification, as it is gradually being done in Europe, are steps in the right direction.

Of particular interest is such an important aspect as the large population of a number of planets, when the populations reach tens or even hundreds of billions of inhabitants, but this does not cause any insoluble problems in society. All residents are equally provided with food (most often energy, autotrophic), and a territory for living, and creative work. "They" achieved peaceful coexistence on their planets, built something similar to super-communism - of course, without exploiting their own kind. The main occupation of the residents of the Exhibition Center is creative work for the benefit of each and every one.

A very important role in the society of extraterrestrial civilizations is played by the recognition of the Cosmic laws, which they know and which are always observed. Analyzing the behavior of earthlings, the representatives of the EC come to the conclusion that, first of all, we need to change our life priorities. And this is impossible without changing the way of thinking. Therefore, some computer centers see work on the development of the intellectual and moral potential of earthlings as the main measure to save humanity. And it looks like this work has begun. Probably, it is no accident that in all countries "new children" began to be born at the same time, or, as they were called, indigo children, who have a very developed intellect, have no self-interest and an extremely high internal level of morality. Perhaps the birth of indigo children is an element of helping us.

Aggressiveness is great in us, and this should also be eliminated by any means. Up to carrying out genetic correction to change this trait in us. According to the representatives of the Computing Center, most of the inhabitants of the Earth emit radiation of a predominantly negative nature.

A very important feature of the inhabitants of highly developed civilizations, in our opinion, is telepathic, not verbal communication. Thus, apparently, such a negative quality inherent in people as deceit, insincerity is eliminated, when one is said, but something completely different is thought. In an alien environment, thoughts and feelings tend to be fairly transparent.

The division into ideologies and different religions, which are the source of conflicts and wars on Earth, brings us great harm. To overcome this ideological discord within ourselves, to understand that humanity is one and must have a single spiritual and moral orientation - this step will become a significant act in our development as a civilization.

Life on our planet is in danger of self-destruction, because contrary to common sense, we do a lot to our own detriment. We act as if the destruction of our home planet is a matter of honor for each of us. Our negative energy - the energy of thoughts, feelings and deeds - grows in an alarming progression.

Some are even satisfied with such a development of events on Earth - for example, the aggressive part of the intelligent space. Such civilizations exist, and one of them is the well-known civilization of the "grays" from the constellation Reticuli Grid. Observing how much manpower and resources we spend on arming the armies, on the technocratization of society and our way of life, they push humanity towards self-destruction, although at the same time they fear us. Is this not the origin of their obvious desire to land people, to carry away the pursuit of material benefits - if only we would abandon space exploration, the fiefdom of developed civilizations.

Mission of Messengers from the Stars

The phenomenon of the birth of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations in the bodies of people is most likely not accidental, and this is not a hoax. Probably, over time, this will help earthlings to more effectively understand and accept the help of the Cosmos. People from the stars, who came from the depths of the Cosmos, seem to be guarded by their cosmic cousins, but it is around such people that there is a clear struggle between dark and light forces, since the dark ones also know about their mission among earthly humanity and try in every possible way to interfere with this.

It is not easy for such people to live on Earth, they have twice as hard as ordinary inhabitants. I can see this from their difficult lives. But it is they, "people from the stars", overcoming the obstacles that the world around them, suffering and purifying their souls, bring us hope. Let me remind you that one of these alien people was Helena Roerich, who made no secret that one of her places of residence was the planet Venus, and whose ascetic activity is well known to all of us.

It seems that we should study the phenomenon of people from the stars, investigate their goals, protect the messengers of space, although the first thing we willingly do is defamation of the phenomenon itself, and those who declare it aloud, and, of course, the carriers of the phenomenon themselves. It is necessary to understand the phenomenon with the involvement of the scientific research apparatus, if we really want the enlightenment and purification of all earthly humanity. And the last thing. Probably, the concept I presented looks rather pessimistic. We are disorganized, poorly trained creatures, aggressive, narcissistic, but ... not hopeless. And the interest in us from a number of extraterrestrial civilizations, their help to us at least in the form of the introduction of "people from the stars" or the same indigo children, as well as in other actions are also not accidental. The upbringing of God-manhood on planet Earth, about which Nietzsche spoke, Vl. Soloviev, the Roerichs, is slowly but still being realized.

Historical precedents for improving society have been and will continue to occur. Remember: the United States of America was created at one time as an example of a united and indivisible nation. And before that, Alexander the Great had the goal of uniting all the countries of Asia, Napoleon strove to create the United States of Europe, there is information that the United Nations was also created on a tip from outside. Of course, we were taught a lot and evolutionarily pushed forward by the world wars ... Through suffering and trials, humanity will quickly come to morality.

The historical example of Russia in this sense is also important and indicative, and, as you know, special hopes are pinned on us. To realize, to accept the help of highly developed civilizations - this will be a significant step of earthly mankind in its movement forward and this will be our evolutionarily justified choice. Self-isolation from other civilizations leads earthlings only to a dead end, to self-destruction, as was the case with previous earthly civilizations. ... Will we heed the clues? Do we realize that all this is vital to us? There is hope for this ...

Gennady BELIMOV.

# rainbow # belimov # ufo # aliens


Reflections "Man and Extraterrestrial Civilization"

For thousands of years, people have looked at the night sky, dotted with a huge number of stars. Some were brighter, others paler. Each of them differed in its outlines, shapes, sizes. This breathtaking view prompted a person to think about his small corner in this vast, seemingly limitless Universe, evoking a dreamy feeling of loneliness. At the same time, he was repeatedly visited by the thought: is he really so lonely? But what if on the other side, on one of these countless lights, there is someone who is intently observing and dreaming of meeting people like him? After that, everyone had different kinds of feelings: some had fear, some had joy, and some had hope. Hope for meeting and establishing relations ... Hope for the beginning of a new era ... And for everyone it was something promising, new, unknown. Today we will talk about the likelihood of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, about what they can be, about their possible relationship to people and whether people themselves are ready to come into contact with them.
Have you ever wondered how big our universe is? According to the data,the diameter of the Milky Way is one hundred thousand light years. It contains from two hundred to four hundred billion stars. But in addition to our Galaxy, there are also three hundred and fifty large ones known to scientists. I will not load you with numbers, but try to imagine, by virtue of these huge numbers, the size of the Universe itself? It immediately becomes clear that apart from us, extraterrestrial civilizations cannot but exist. But what kind of creatures live on other planets?

If you are a fan of Hollywood movies, then most likely you imagine them to be tall, skinny humanoids, and maybe even giant insects, which are by no means friendly towards earthlings. But the creators of such films rely solely on their imagination, so this is at odds with the opinion of scientists. Those, in turn, believe that aliens cannot be human-like. People have this appearance due to specific environmental conditions. For example, a person has thumbs on their hands, which contributes to their period of life in the trees. Of course, it is impossible to definitely describe their appearance, but it is safe to say that they are aggressive. After all, one cannot survive without aggression. The most developed form of life on the planet must subjugate the entire environment around it, therefore our brothers in mind must be strong, dexterous and intelligent. It will not be very wonderful for us if they come to our "guests" with unfavorable intentions, will it?
In general, any aliens who arrive on our planet owe their visit to one of two purposes: exploration or capture. If we compare them with our own civilization, then we can understand that we have always strived to learn something new, unknown, especially to the discovery of new territories. But just as an option, you can consider the colonization of the planet in order to extract resources. Simple destruction will not be beneficial for them, because they can use what is here for their own purposes.

After the above, we are faced with the following question: do they need to come to Earth at all? What if they identify us with cavemen, or maybe even insects that are incapable of contact with them? In terms of progress, we can lag behind by hundreds, and maybe even millions of centuries. If this is really so, then imagine how insignificant humanity is at this stage of its development.
For thousands of years, people have been at war with each other, shedding blood out of envy, vanity, and anger. Unfortunately, this continues to this day. If the aliens had honored us with their visit, it would have become immediately clear: these individuals were able to overcome all their vices and unite in order to achieve progress, allowing themselves to fly to us through entire systems of the Universe. Then is the person worthy of meeting them? I think, my friends, that the answer to this question is obvious. Continuing to kill their own kind, a human being rapidly dooms itself to fatal death. As long as people continue to divide the Earth, truly great achievements move away from them, leaving behind only traces in the form of sweet dreams. But if peace prevails on the planet, then progress will accelerate, desires will come true, and observers of the night sky will be able to visit the places they have dreamed of for so long. It is enough to give free rein to virtue, and we will conquer entire constellations, on which we will meet such mysterious extraterrestrial civilizations.John Galsworthy was right: "If peace is not established between the great, so-called civilizations, nations, then it can be assumed without exaggeration that everyone will suffer the same fate and each country participating in the war will sink into eternity."

Mankind has always wondered whether there is still a life similar to ours somewhere in the Universe, whether there are intelligent Extraterrestrial Civilizations... Every second powerful receivers of various types of radiation, tuned to receive information from space, are waiting for signals. But space is silent and does not want to betray its secrets. Are we really alone in this endless world?

But, in fact, we don’t want to believe in our loneliness. Could the Lord have created such a huge world and populated just one planet? Is this reasonable? Why then do we need other planets, stars, galaxies and universes?

Search question Extraterrestrial Civilizations has occupied and continues to occupy the minds of thousands of scientists and self-taught researchers. There are a huge number of hypotheses, guesses, assumptions. We will also try to figure out if they really exist Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and also is it possible to contact them? Moreover, interest in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, in fact, it also turns out to be of interest in elucidating the role of earthly humanity in the processes of our Universe.

Now we can say with confidence - in addition to the planet Earth in our Universe, there are other inhabited planets that are part of Extraterrestrial Civilizations... Representatives of these Extraterrestrial Civilizations have the opportunity to communicate with earthlings and convey to them important information about how other worlds are arranged, what problems their inhabitants face and how they can help earthlings.

We are the inhabitants of the Earth and there are representatives Extraterrestrial Civilizations... On Earth, we are on a kind of business trip.

QUESTION: Why don't we find signs of the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Assuming that the level of technical progress Extraterrestrial Civilizations is very high, and they have the ability to hide their presence using various means, then everything falls into place. For some reason, it’s just too early for us to know about this ...

All inhabited planets Extraterrestrial Civilizations carefully protected from the curiosity of earthlings. Because earthlings do not need to search for an alien mind, but to purify their energy and go through karmic lessons.

Protection works in such a way that, passing by a spaceship, or the same UFO, you simply will not see it. And what about terrestrial telescopes, which strive to see life on other planets ...

QUESTION: Why don't Extraterrestrial Civilizations seek to inform us about their existence?

ANSWER: Moreover, Extraterrestrial Civilizations not interested in this. Why? Fear is to some extent the engine on Earth. If we know for certain about the continuation of life after life, that all real troubles, problems are tests, exams, then will we be acutely worried, suffer, think, work on ourselves? No. And when, in our view, this life is the only one, then all sensations, all events, all questions acquire an unprecedented acuteness. This is what is required for complete and high-quality cleaning. It is no accident that it is said that the soul is purified by suffering.

Because of Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is no interest in discovering oneself. Earth as a training base for these Extraterrestrial Civilizations, will immediately lose its meaning.

QUESTION: What Extraterrestrial Civilizations are currently known?

ANSWER: They are Extraterrestrial Civilizations like Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya, Alpha Centauri. Splitting into Extraterrestrial Civilizations, firstly, territorial, and secondly, with all the similarity of the ultimate goal of development for each Extraterrestrial Civilization your accents, methods, your Way.

These Extraterrestrial Civilizations are located in the Milky Way galaxy. Life also exists in other Galaxies, there are also civilizations, but they are far behind in their progress along the Spiritual Path.

Oleg Dal talks about Extraterrestrial Civilizations

“The law of evolution is the law of gradual growth. Extraterrestrial Civilizations have traveled from a mineral to Homo sapiens, built a world where there is a place true concept- the idea of ​​equality and brotherhood, where there is no dictatorship, there is no autocracy and at the same time there is no anarchy, where everyone determines their standard of living according to work, where main value- this is culture, spirituality, and everything else obeys it and serves as an auxiliary in the arrangement of everyday life, since a dense body is still our clothing. We don't make a cult out of her.

However, some sins have not yet been eliminated, and mistakes inherent in the material world are still being committed. Any unrighteous deed, mistake, evil emotion is a source of negative energy - imperila, which does not disappear without a trace, but tends to penetrate into any existing matter and infect it, increasing in volume and subjugating more and more new spaces. Imperil can jeopardize all conquests in any industry, can serve as a brake on evolution itself and nullify any developed civilization.

The actions of Extraterrestrial Civilizations were bright enough, progress is obvious when the question arose, why, with the presence of highly developed technology, with the constant improvement of the spirit, our civilization still stands still, and it would be fine if it would only be in a frozen state, but there is a place to be already another, rather frightening and alarming, namely: technical thought began to outstrip the thought of the heart.

Not without the help of the Hierarchy of our Light Brothers, we have found the source of troubles. Imperil existed, acted and already began to penetrate into Space. And our civilization became the birthplace of the imperil. It is not enough to declare battle against the dark in the Cosmos; the primary manifestation must be de-energized.

At the Council of Civilizations, which constitute the Hierarchy, a proposal was put forward to create base schools acting as a purgatory. Each inhabitant of our civilization is obligatorily sent to such a base three times, where he drops imperil, which is then destroyed as it accumulates. One of these bases is Land.

The Earth is a planet not of artificial, but of natural origin, found by us 15 billion years ago (according to earthly calculations). At that time, life on it was just beginning, but then, in infancy, she was threatened with death: a comet was approaching at a terrible speed and a meeting with it would be catastrophic for the Earth. We softened the blow to the maximum possible, and the planet withstood, but changed somewhat the speed of movement and the degree of the axis. During the impact, a piece broke off from the Earth and remained in orbit as a satellite - By the moon... Other debris also went into space.

The consequences of the impact are the acceleration of the evolution of life from the simplest to the animal class of primates. However, having reached the level of the monkeys, growth slowed down and stagnation formed. A new threat to the life of the planet has arisen in the approach of a new comet. We rejected the trajectory of its movement, and the Earth did not die. It was the sign of the Absolute, and we decided to use the planet as a base.

Several hundred pairs of the most highly developed monkeys ( neanderthals) and the first souls of the volunteers are infused. Civilization ( Cro-Magnons) was launched and successfully developed. The evolutionary path was overcome with minimal losses.

The geography of the Earth then was strikingly different from today. At that time, the land consisted of three huge continents, connected by isthmuses. You can guess what this is about. Yes, we are talking about Atlantis. Atlantis was inhabited by the Aryans. This is what the inhabitants of the Dessa civilization (Cygnus delta) from the planet Aria called themselves.

At the peak of their heyday, when the Atlanteans were spiritually developed and technical progress was evident, the third Force intervened in their life. This Force was Mars. We will not describe the conflict that took place, there is no possibility, let's say one thing: Atlantis and Mars did not have a war as such, but a peaceful, calm life ended. Doubts, fear of a possible war did their dirty deed and Atlantis blew itself up.

The epicenter of the explosion was in the place where the Indian Ocean is now. The explosion was funnel-shaped, of enormous force, which led to a displacement of the degree of the earth's axis and caused the dispersal of the continents. Cataclysms and floods are reflected in the history of the Earth as a biblical flood.

No more than a hundred Atlantean communities survived, the rest died for the Earth and returned to Dessa. Then there was the Council of Civilizations with the participation of the Hierarchy of Light Forces. And the Earth, roughly speaking, was leased to three civilizations.

So, the Earth has three main tenants: Extraterrestrial Civilizations Dessa, Sirius, Orion.

I, Oleg Dal, as you yourself already understood - the representative of the civilization of Dessa - Aryan. "

QUESTION: What do the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations look like?

ANSWER: The word "civilization" implies a sane society. In science fiction films, the image of some kind of green men, creatures with tentacles, etc. is usually used.

In fact, residents Extraterrestrial Civilizations Are ordinary people. At the level Extraterrestrial Civilizations the same laws of biology, physics and chemistry apply as on Earth. The difference is only in the intelligence and the level of Consciousness. That is, they are biologically and physically similar to us, but they have an expanded consciousness.

QUESTION: What is expanded consciousness?

ANSWER: This is the ability to synthesize information, to navigate not by superficial data, but by deep data, to realize abilities, to operate with energies, to cover many incoming elements at once.

For example, on Earth we have certain ethical standards. Everyone knows that stealing is bad. And the representatives Extraterrestrial Civilizations such norms are not needed. After all, numerous norms on Earth are political and social regulation that is not designed for high Consciousness. High Consciousness does not need many norms. It is on Earth that it is necessary to introduce a law that theft is bad, and to determine some kind of punishment for this theft. And for Extraterrestrial Civilizations such a law is not needed. It is absurd. The sin of theft is so obvious there that it does not need a reminder or threats of punishment.

QUESTION: That is, there are no criminal codes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: No. They don't need such codes. However, the residents Extraterrestrial Civilizations have their own principles:

    Do not offend the weak.

    Not to be angry, but to be patient.

    Communicate only with those who are pleasant and sincere.

    Do not lie unnecessarily, and there is only one need for a lie - to save fate.

    Do not harm.

    Ask the Teacher's consent.

    To love everything that surrounds you.

QUESTION: These principles are similar to the earthly ...

ANSWER: Yes it is. But unlike the Earth, these principles are fulfilled by the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations consciously and everywhere. Ideally, the basic principle is the same. For residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations God- Truth and Headship, and Love- ubiquitous and unconditional.

QUESTION: Is there a description of Extraterrestrial Civilizations in religious sources?

ANSWER: Many religious and esoteric sources have a description Extraterrestrial Civilizations... For example, the Bible begins with these words: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

"Sky"- these are Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces, and "land"- these are Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Dark Forces. The Bible also contains information about the arrival of the representatives of the CC on Earth. Book Genesis 6.4: "At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong, long-time glorious people."

QUESTION: In the Vedas it is said that above the level of the earth are the planets of the demigods or the heavenly planets. Who are the demigods?

ANSWER: The demigods are the inhabitants Extraterrestrial Civilizations... Since they have expanded consciousness and, accordingly, wider possibilities, they are described as demigods.

QUESTION: The Vedic scriptures contain information that time goes slower in the higher planets. There is approximately the following ratio: 360 years pass on Earth, and only one year in Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Is it really so?

ANSWER: The thing is that the flow of time on Earth is set artificially. This is done so that all processes are not so deep, but rather acute. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is practically no time.

Three levels of the Universe

QUESTION: What levels is our Universe divided into?

ANSWER: Very conditionally, our Universe can be divided into three levels. There is light forces- the forces of Good. This is the Hierarchy of Light Forces (ISS), and there are dark forces, the forces of Evil. This is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces (ITS). Accordingly, Extraterrestrial Civilizations are divided according to the same principle. Civilizations Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya- all these are Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces.

There are also ground level... This is the level of the incarnation planets, purgatories, where a person undergoes purification.

But in general, Hierarchy of Light Forces- this is the Spiritual world, which is in direct contact with God.

We can find one of the first descriptions of the levels of the Universe in the Vedas. For example, Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS are mode of ignorance.

Purgatory (Earth-type incarnation planets) - mode of passion... Extraterrestrial Civilizations ISS - mode of goodness.

You can strive from purgatory into the mode of ignorance (Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS) or into the mode of goodness (Extraterrestrial Civilizations ISS). It is in purgatory that the direction of this striving is determined. In the Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ASC, passion is manifested, but there is no ignorance. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS, passion is manifested, but no goodness.

QUESTION: How are the ITS worlds fundamentally different from the ISS worlds?

ANSWER: Differences can be found in everything. First of all, the difference in energies, including the energy of Time. A completely different organization of the psyche, mind, Consciousness. Hence another ideology. Alien and disgusting. Just imagine: in one picture - a blooming garden filled with sunlight. This is ISS. Another picture shows the gloomy damp mustiness of a gray-brown basement and a rotting environment. This is ITS.

Life is in full swing both in ISS and ITS. There is a constant struggle between the worlds of ISS and ITS for Souls, for Time, for Space, for additional energy capacities.

QUESTION: Is it possible for residents to migrate from ISS Extraterrestrial Civilizations to ITS Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Yes, such a transition is possible. Unfortunately, according to the latest data, the number of people leaving the ITS has increased. This served as a signal that it is necessary to take certain measures.

QUESTION: Is there an impact of the subtle worlds on the Earth?

ANSWER: Naturally. But, as a rule, the Earth is very tightly sealed in its energy-informational field and subtle energies can manifest themselves only through the EIS.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius

It is located in the constellation Canis Major. This is the leading, spontaneous and the oldest in age. Extraterrestrial Civilization... An amazing coincidence, because Sirius is the brightest of the stars visible from Earth.

QUESTION: What is a "spontaneous civilization"? How can something arise by itself?

ANSWER: In fact, everything is the Creation of the Lord. It means that Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius is a derivative of the Creativity of the Lord, and not of others Extraterrestrial Civilizations... That is, it is a civilization that was formed in the process of spiritual evolution. From a stone to a highly organized intelligent creature - a person. Is there Extraterrestrial Civilizations that "spun off" from an older civilization. For example, Daya is an Extraterrestrial Civilization that branched off from Dessa.

In technical terms, Sirius was ahead of all other Extraterrestrial Civilizations in our Universe for many centuries. This is a very pragmatic, tough and disciplined Extraterrestrial Civilization.

QUESTION: How is the toughness of the Sirians manifested?

ANSWER: Rigidity manifests itself only in relation to their incarnants-earthlings for their own benefit, as well as in relation to the organization of the civilization itself. This refers to the social plan. But at the same time, they strictly distinguish between external and internal. There must be order on the outside. And this order: planning, discipline and control - provides dynamics, movement, growth due, first of all, to ordering energies, balancing energies, realization. And the inner world is soulfulness and spirituality, which must be treated with care and discernment.

For the Sirians, planning and calculation take 80 percent, and they leave 20 percent of feelings for their personal affairs, for a narrow circle of interests.

QUESTION: Many beliefs and traditions of the ancient world were brought to Earth by Extraterrestrial Civilizations as a foundation for the development of culture. Was Sirius involved in this?

ANSWER: Oh sure. An example is the cult of Osiris in Ancient Egypt.

QUESTION: Are there representatives of Sirius on earth?

ANSWER: Representatives of Sirius on Earth are the yellow race (Mongoloids) and the red race. But such a division existed at the very beginning of the settlement of the Earth. Now the peoples have mixed, and there is no longer a strict division by race.

The Baltics, India, Japan, France, Spain, Brazil are the sphere of interests and influence Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius. Although this influence is no longer as clear as it was before. In connection with the development of transport, communications, the erasure of borders between countries, this division into spheres of influence is gradually being erased. Extraterrestrial Civilizations on the ground.

Religious teaching on Earth - oriental religions.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion

This is a very famous Extraterrestrial Civilization... She, like Sirius, is mentioned in many esoteric sources. Located in the constellation of the same name.

Orion is also spontaneous Extraterrestrial Civilization... For Orion, strength is of great importance: the strength of the body, the possibility of physical influence and impact.

"A hand full of power can do more than a sack full of laws."- this is the credo of this Extraterrestrial Civilization... For them, "strength techniques" are very important.

Helping to create something for the Orions is tantamount to helping to destroy. The Orions are not tormented by ethical and philosophical issues. Orion is an order executor in exchange for the services he needs. The methods of execution are dictated by the situation, not by norms imposed by the public of the Universe. Orion does not accept politics and diplomacy well. He prefers forceful methods: ultimatum, stubbornness, insisting on his own.

At the same time, the Orions are intelligent and spiritually developed people. Orion is just better than any other Extraterrestrial Civilization adapts to unexpected conditions. By the way, Orion has the most powerful medicine. The Orions solved the problem of disease and body change.

QUESTION: How does the spirituality of the Orions fit in with their aggressiveness?

ANSWER: When it comes to aggression in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, it is not necessary to attribute this aggression to the one that is known on Earth under this concept. Rigid obedience to the rules is also aggression.

Orion is a strong and dynamic civilization. This means that the Orion incarnants acquire not only dynamism, but also aggressiveness in the conditions of rough vibrations of the Earth. That is why many terrorist organizations often pretend to be Islamic, although they are not.

Orion prefers not soft methods of persuasion and "recruiting", but tough forceful ones. In this way, Orion supports the strategy of strength and saves time. And Orion has become more active just recently.

There is also such a moment. All extraterrestrial civilizations are going through stages of formation and growth. Orion is currently experiencing a growth crisis. After the crisis has passed, it will be possible to talk about Orion as a full-fledged Extraterrestrial Civilization Hierarchy of Light Forces. So far, Orion is only a "candidate".

QUESTION: Which countries are under Orion's supervision?

ANSWER: These are the countries where Islam- the main religion. This also includes China. Representatives of this Extraterrestrial Civilization on Earth are the Negroid race and the Arabs.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Dess

Dessa- Extraterrestrial Civilization, born by Sirius. Located in the constellation Swan.

Dessa is characterized by community, unity, brotherhood, but not equality. Everything is based on Love for yourself and for your neighbor. This is a civilization of cheerful, loving and rather problematic people.

Dessites (inhabitants of Dessa) are distinguished by their emotionality and sensitivity. This is an impulsive, violent civilization going through everything. In her resentment, she is quite vindictive, but in her sympathies she is sacrificial. Therefore, there are some difficulties in interpersonal relationships. They also have certain contradictions between heart and mind. At the same time, they have a very careful attitude towards nature and a complete lack of pragmatism. This is the most sincere Extraterrestrial Civilization.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Daya

Extraterrestrial Civilization Daya located in the constellation Ursa Major. Daya is a civilization born by Dessa a very long time ago. So long ago that the connection with the "parents" was lost, but there is a good disposition and a friendly attitude. This is a powerful and beautiful civilization.

The people of Daiya are a strong and intelligent people, but they are distinguished by their stubbornness. Dayans are endowed with sufficient pragmatism, inclined towards politics. The representatives of this civilization on Earth are the Jews.

Religious teaching on Earth - Judaism... The main idea is suppression Ego through a narrowly limited community, exclusivity. In a narrowly limited community, that is, in a relatively small team, a person more clearly demonstrates the features of his individuality, which in turn means that it is easier to work with those manifestations that negatively affect the evolution of the genus. The manifested is already the material for the work. Until the flaw is discovered, there is nothing to work with. And in a large team, these shortcomings are hidden. Therefore, we are talking about a narrowly limited community, for example, a family clan.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Alpha Centauri

More precisely, it is not Extraterrestrial Civilization, and the inhabited planetary administrative system, uniting governments and scientific institutions of all Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Ideas and meaning of life of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: What ideas are there in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Any thinking space, and our Universe is such, cannot exist without an idea. As soon as the idea disappears, spiritual evolution stops, and after a while the reverse process begins - spiritual degradation... You can see a similar stop on Earth. The technical revolution is replacing the Spirit.

Material world is a crossroads of ideas. Each Extraterrestrial Civilization their priorities, their own method of translating ideas into reality.

More specifically, the setting of priorities can be shown by the example of an approach to medicine. Sirius: improvement of medical technologies. Growing new cells, new organs, cloning. Renewal of the body by replacing the old with a new, sick with a healthy one. Dessa: search and elimination of the causes of painful changes in the work of the body, due to the harmonious development of the Spirit and the body. Orion: from the very birth of a person, prevention of disease and change. Regime, diet, activities aimed at improving the body.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is Orion... "Healthy Spirit - Healthy Body" is Dessa... "High technologies - health" is Sirius.

On Earth, Sirius' idea of ​​health was sublimated into a proverb: "If we had money, we would buy health".

QUESTION: Are the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations also engaged in self-improvement, their spiritual growth, like earthlings?

ANSWER: Oh sure. They also believe that true growth is possible only with a full and deep awareness of their "I", which is achieved only through the accumulation of experience in each individual individual.

However, as on Earth, representatives Extraterrestrial Civilizations both materialism and pragmatism are not alien.

Daiya, however, has a different approach. Daya is a supporter of the collective mind. Daya does not accept the infinity of "I", immortality, and, accordingly, she cares little about medical and physiological improvements.

It is necessary to distinguish between Soul and individuality. The soul is immortal, but individuality can be mortal. Upon contact with the monad, individuality is destroyed, only the Soul remains.

Daya is focused specifically on the Soul, and not on the individual. Whereas other Extraterrestrial Civilizations are more inclined to combine both the immortality of the individual in constant development and the development of the Soul.

QUESTION: Is there a priority idea in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The purpose of life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is to come to an understanding the essence of things and determine for yourself, perhaps once and for all (meaning a certain evolutionary stage and circle), what is still more important in the life of a human rational: the possession of such a tool as body, or incorporeal existence in pure consciousness and in pure Spirit. This takes a fairly large amount of time, during which a person has time to repeatedly visit Earth. As practice shows, sooner or later everyone comes to the conclusion that mastering the energy of the Soul is more important than mastering body tool... But it is one thing to imagine all this speculatively, and even to agree, and it is completely another thing when you feel it with every cell - not a cell of the body, but of the Soul.

The general idea or, so to speak, the meaning of life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations- improvement of the material world and the evolution of consciousness. Such evolution as selection acts in the Lord's Thought as a mechanism for the perfection of the Spiritual World. Thanks to this evolution, it becomes possible to build new worlds.

Extraterrestrial Civilizations are already at the level of the evolution of consciousness and Spirit, and on such planets as the Earth, while the evolution of matter is going on.

The physical world is given as an arena of experience, thanks to which the latent Divine powers of man develop so that he, through suffering, joy and all kinds of trials, reaches the goal: to become a self-conscious spiritual center, acting in accordance with the world law, otherwise - with the will of God.

In this golden rule of ethics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - the history of the world and the answer to the question why the Human Spirit is placed in a physical shell.

The relationship of Extraterrestrial Civilizations with each other

QUESTION: How do Extraterrestrial Civilizations interact with each other?

ANSWER: Extraterrestrial Civilizations are in intensive contact with each other, exchange various scientific and technical achievements. For example, Dessa borrows all technical developments from Sirius.

Although this was not always the case.

QUESTION: Cinematic Star Wars - are they echoes of past events, ideological confrontation of various Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The time has passed when controversial issues were resolved in this way. Only on Earth, due to a weak consciousness, the violent resolution of issues continues, and in Extraterrestrial Civilizations already gets enough of the level of culture and level of consciousness in order to get by with negotiations.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations help each other in critical situations?

ANSWER: In historical development Extraterrestrial Civilizations anything happened, including the coming to the aid of dying civilizations. But, sadly, such help did not play a positive role. For who the time has come to die, you yourself understand ...

But there is never death just like that. And there is no death as such. There is a termination of a certain program of action. For example, at one time the planet Earth had the potential for its own path of development, its life. But this development has come to a standstill.

ANSWER: In the material world for everyone Extraterrestrial Civilizations not only are the same physical and biological laws at work, but also the laws of social structure. There is a Law of Hierarchy for the entire manifested world. It is this law that determines the subordination of some strata of the population to others. This determines the presence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations governments, the Council of Governments and the rulers themselves, on the one hand, and various services and organizations on the other. And all together they are the people.

QUESTION: What forms of government do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have?

ANSWER: Form of government in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, if we speak in our earthly terms, it is communism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Communism is the form of society that is implemented in Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

On Earth, communism is still utopian. The idea is good in itself, but it requires a developed consciousness.

QUESTION: Are there such services in Extraterrestrial Civilizations as police, justice, prisons?

ANSWER: The need for them in Extraterrestrial Civilizations no. There are legal research bodies that resolve controversial issues. But disputes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations never reach such a level that violence is used, both by the arguing among themselves and from outside, by the judges.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have governments?

ANSWER: Government Extraterrestrial Civilization- these are two rulers and the Government Council. The two rulers act as balancing forces. One ruler oversees technical, scientific, administrative and material activities. Another ruler is culture, creativity, humanitarian and spiritual activities. These are all different energies.


ANSWER: Social division of people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations as such, no. Inhabitants Extraterrestrial Civilizations differ from each other only in the level of consciousness. And a certain level of consciousness attracts people with the same level of consciousness. Therefore, in Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is a division according to the levels of consciousness. This division determines the type of activity of each. The entire population can be conventionally divided into three levels.

First level- these are, let's say, engineers doing a certain job, for example, introducing some technologies, improving living standards, developing new planets, etc.

Second level- these are the scientists who develop these technologies.

AND third level are the clergy. The clergy are engaged in the Preaching of life in the Lord. It is from the third level Extraterrestrial Civilization a person can go to the Spiritual World.

QUESTION: In theory, representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, having such an expanded consciousness, should all or almost all strive for God. Does this need to be preached additionally?

ANSWER: Everyone goes to God. But before you fully devote oneself to Him, it is necessary to complete all worldly affairs, to complete everything that was planned. Otherwise, the rebellion of the Spirit will not give concentration.

QUESTION: To some extent, both materialism and pragmatism are not alien to the representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. How does this fit in with Spiritual aspirations?

ANSWER: We are talking about the first two levels. Their representatives must follow the path of materialism and pragmatism. You cannot refuse what has not been passed. Material experience is still necessary for immature Souls.

Education in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there educational institutions in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Oh sure. People, despite the expanded consciousness, in Extraterrestrial Civilizations are constantly learning. If a person knew everything, the meaning of life and the Path would be lost.

QUESTION: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, do children go to school?

ANSWER: Of course. Children are taught only by those people who get pleasure and satisfaction from it.

There are no schools in the understanding that exists on Earth. For children, certain conditions are created where they are watched and helped to most fully and quickly realize their capabilities inherent in nature. The task of educators is to help the child choose the right direction.

Conventionally, training consists of three stages. On them, all children are given the basics, the basics. Then there is individual training. Training at each level lasts depending on the condition and abilities of the student. On the third foot, the child can be up to the age of majority, which comes at the age of 21.

The training is completely individualized. It lies in the fact that the beginning of training does not depend on age. There are children who should go to the 1st grade at 10 years old, and there are those who are 5 years old. This approach is based on human energy. For the Reason to work actively, certain energy indicators are needed, otherwise disorders develop. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations this is very significant, but on Earth everyone is, in general, one size fits all. The result is many suffering children.

The basic principle of teaching - life itself - is both a subject and a visual aid. This makes the learning process easy and interesting. The child goes through what he sees. And what adult uncles and aunts wrote to him, as a rule, is boring.

QUESTION: What are the required subjects?

ANSWER: A compulsory educational subject is the literacy of communication, perception and delivery of information. If a child from the cradle will not be able to convey his idea and perceive someone else's thought, conflicts will be sure. And conflicts are the accumulation of negative energies. Negative energies in the body are bad health.

Therefore, the basics of communication are the main topic of training. The child learns the rest by living life. He himself pays attention to something. And what he paid attention to, the teacher immediately gives an explanation. This is the basic principle.

On Earth, this approach has not yet taken root. A "tradition" has developed here that the main thing is not concern for someone, but power. Power dictates a completely different approach. The main thing is to organize, squeeze into the frames, and any protruding one - on top of the head.

According to the treaty of civilizations, on Earth from mixed marriages of Dessites and Sirians, children - desites, from extremely rare marriages of Sirians with Orions children: boys - orions, girls - Sirians... Children from the marriages of Dessites and Orions orions.

Now I would like to highlight a little the topic related to the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations (EC). The information I received from VI states that there are no non-humanoid communities in the universe ... Everything Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Human Roots ! Other intelligent beings simply do not exist in the Universe. Various "horror films" with snake and other heads of Hollywood blockbusters are a figment of the sick imagination of the authors. However, it should be noted that humanoid creatures, spread in Space for billions of light years, may indeed look peculiar, may not be quite like us, today's... The appearance of our fellow intelligence directly depends on from the Information density of the Space in which it exists ... However, the human form can always be seen in them. By the way, they have there is absolutely no aggressiveness so there can be no threat to us from them. We need to fear ourselves, not them. People of Higher Information densities receive plenty of ready-made Life energy and do not need additional search for it... We are in search of additional energy, so we have a strong instinct of a "hunter", a breadwinner, a killer! People of Higher Informatics do not need to fight for their survival, therefore they lack the instinct of a "hunter"... Star Wars is pure fantasy.

People of Higher Information densities (they are also people of the third level of development) prefer a solitary lifestyle. They have no cities, states, other human congestions and constraints. They come together only when there is a need to develop new living territories, when the problem can only be solved by collective efforts. Regardless of the distance people of Higher Information densities are united at the Universal level by Communication Channels which they are fluent in.

In my time our solar system was constructed, namely, by the people of the highest information density when more than 80% of the objects in the system were borrowed from the outside and towed to the solar space in order to protect the habitable planets, which they made more than 4 and a half billion years ago. For example, Jupiter is a trap for large asteroids. Saturn is a "vacuum cleaner", it cleans from meteor swarms. And on the borders of the solar system, our guardians created a gravitational belt to shield the system from space debris.

How can you understand the level of people of the Highest Information density is the level of access to all the Universal Information , and, consequently, to the Universal Reason. This is the level to which we all have to go, consistently gaining experience, from life to life. People of Higher Informatics solve global questions of search or creation of inhabited planets remotely. They have no secrecy.

People of the first and second levels of development live in High Information Densities ... They are an order of magnitude less developed than people of Higher Information densities. However, people of lower levels of development can always get an answer to any question asked, which the "upper" level will provide them. It is only necessary to master the Channels of Communication, and then come into contact with the Higher Information density.

Those currently living on Earth are also divided into three levels of development. ... I named them - " estates ».

The first estate is made up of the youngest souls ... These are those who have lived from one to several dozen lives. Each life is a certain segment of the assimilation of some Informal density. The first estate and other estates master the lower Informalities, when the Channel of Life supplies ready-made information energy below 35% from complete necessity. Each Information density, whatever percentage of collateral it has, can be mastered several times. After each life lived, a person of the first estate returns to the 1st level of the VI, to the “duty” biodome, where he was “assigned” instead of someone's erased Information. When the soul lives its life, that is, the development of the next Informance is in progress, the "duty" biodome can be occupied by another person. That is why the suicide cannot immediately return to the "duty" biodome. He did not master the necessary time for gaining experience through his own fault, and the house is occupied according to the old schedule. His soul will toil in anticipation of his "duty" biodome release. Those who died a violent death also cannot return to their "biodome" and are immediately born again in order to continue the development of the information density in which they lived and left it against their will. And, in general, the first level is the most risky, because the initial information of people of the first level is most often erased. Couldn't pass the exam of existence - be so kind as to dematerialize !

The second estate is made up of older souls ... They "worked" from several dozen to several hundred lived lives. After each visit to the next Information Density, they return to the second level. There are fewer of them than subjects of the first estate. There are significantly fewer mutant people to be erased in the second estate than in the first, because in this case there is already more assimilation experience.

The third estate has already more solid experience in the development of lived lives ... They began to master their life on Mars, having seized a branch of the Great Migration. Upon returning to the "biodome", the souls of the third estate are based on the second (upper) half of the Second level. When all the Informatities are qualitatively mastered, when sufficient experience has been gained, the representative of the third estate never returns to any Informalty of the Universe again. People who have reached the Highest level dissolve in the Universe, become the Universe, and their Information essence goes to the Information Bank of the Universal humanity. We can say that Man, polished by Infinity, becomes like God. He can do everything, because all the Information of the Universe is available to him, and only the Absolute can do it. The disguise of a "temporary" person is thrown off him forever .

→ Do alien civilizations exist?

Extraterrestrial civilizations can have such a high level of development that their logic and behavior are absolutely inaccessible to our understanding.

In order to determine what an extraterrestrial civilization is, you must first understand what humanity is. Many communities of organized beings exist and coexist in earthly nature. Bacterial colonies live their own lives and have no idea about ant communities. Ants also live their own lives, they can already use bacterial colonies for some of their own purposes. But they, too, are not even aware of the human world. The tribes of the natives of Africa or the Amazon have a good knowledge of their environment, but they know little about other communities of people, cities and countries. The boundaries of their world end in those places that the tribe's hunters reached. Outside of these places, there is a community of people who consider it to be very civilized, intelligent, perfect and highly organized.

People interfere in the life of all beings at the lower stages of development. But with all this, they themselves still know little about the universe around them. The people of this society, for obvious reasons, do not show a desire to show off their knowledge in front of the aboriginal tribes. Extraterrestrial civilizations that are at the next stage of development, for the same reasons, are unlikely to try to show off their knowledge and technologies to people. The mistake of humanity is that it endows extraterrestrial civilizations with logic that is understandable to him. It would be the same if, for example, the aborigines believed that a large silver bird flying over them has the same logic as they do. But the natives, not to mention bacteria, insects, plants or animals, do not have access to the logic of people from the outside world.

Likewise, people are unlikely to have access to the logic of extraterrestrial civilizations. Extraterrestrial civilizations are able to manipulate the human world, just as people do it with creatures and organisms at the lower stages of development. Obviously, extraterrestrial civilizations have the ability and means to instantly destroy our civilization. They do not do it just for humane reasons, just as people try to once again not touch the aboriginal dwellings, anthills and bird nests. It is very likely that the human community participates in the overall ecosystem of the Universe, being its necessary, or perhaps even a very important link. Our terrestrial ecosystem would also suffer a disaster if bacteria colonies suddenly disappeared from it. If humanity exists, then someone in the Universe really needs it. We do not know anything about this, the plan of the higher forces of nature, which created our world for some of their own purposes, is not yet available to us.

Extraterrestrial civilizations observe our life with the help of means, the structure and principle of operation of which is beyond the range of available technical knowledge.

When they talk about extraterrestrial civilizations, for some reason they almost always mean a biological form of life. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is also conducted exclusively as a biological life form that uses radio waves. In fact, it is not known what form of life can be in the closest to our solar system intelligent and superior to us in the development of civilization. It is possible that extraterrestrial civilizations exist and there are many of them, but we do not see them for the simplest reason - they have a completely different form of life, practically unknown to us. Therefore, it will be practically impossible to detect them even with the most advanced earthly means and instruments. If these are very ancient civilizations, they could have visited our planet long before the appearance of intelligent humanity on it.

It is possible that it was one of them who could create the world in which we now live. She may have a means of observing our life, which are in plain sight of people, but nevertheless, they are completely invisible to them. At the dawn of its space age, mankind could send automatic research probes into deep space to study other worlds. We do not even suspect that elements of the environment can be such a means of observing ourselves. Imagine those very Aboriginal people whose lives are filmed by a remote-controlled video camera disguised as a stone or a tree. The natives do not even suspect that someone is watching them, being at this time at a great distance from them. Even if one of them accidentally discovers it, still no sorcerer or elder will be able to explain what it is. The only conclusion they will draw is something supernatural from another world. Doesn't this look like anything?

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations do not visit our planet, they have no special need for this.

The distance from the closest star to the solar system is just under 5 light years. Even if you accelerate to a speed exceeding the speed of light, it will take a very long time to fly from it to our planet. A highly developed civilization can hardly afford to spend it like that. There are many dangers in open space - hard radiation, radiation, meteorites, etc. For a biological life form, such a flight would be extremely dangerous and very risky. In addition, a long flight requires huge reserves of energy and life support. Unless, of course, this civilization is so developed that it is able to travel such distances in a very short time with minimal cost. But in any case, a visit to our planet by a highly developed civilization must have some important purpose.
There are various versions of what exactly might interest her on our planet.

First of all, these are people themselves, as experimental subjects for some biological experiments. It is impossible to verify the validity of such messages. Even so, it remains unclear why these experiments were not carried out before, long before the onset of the space age. Humanity as a biological species has been living on the planet for at least several hundred millennia. During such a time, any highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could already fully satisfy its anatomical curiosity. It also remains unclear why the capture of earthlings for experiments are so demonstrative. If an extraterrestrial civilization prefers to remain invisible and invisible to earthlings, it would try to do it without witnesses. Another version says that aliens want to take over our planet and enslave its inhabitants. It's not really worth taking seriously. This could have been done much earlier, when humanity did not have nuclear-powered rockets. This can be done now, humanity is unlikely to be able to oppose anything. If this does not happen, then it is simply only for the reason that there is no need for highly developed space civilizations.

The next version says that alien civilizations are interested in the unusually large reserves of minerals and resources of our planet. But it is absolutely inexpedient to extract and transport from here to another planetary system at least a few tons of even the most valuable minerals. It's like carrying several kilograms of coal from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk across the country, and all fuel, spare parts, food and breathing supplies for the crew must also be taken with you. There are so many of these minerals and other minerals in space that we cannot even imagine. Only one dark spot in the atmosphere of Jupiter contains more hydrogen than our entire planet. Of all observed UFOs, almost 97% in one way or another have a completely terrestrial and explainable origin. It is possible that the remaining 3% can also be explained by phenomena, the nature of which is simply unknown to science. They are credited with the appearance on wheat fields of mysterious signs in the form of circles and other geometric shapes.

It is argued that in this way extraterrestrial civilizations are trying to declare their presence on our planet and establish contact. True, at the same time, no one can answer the question of why this is done in such a puzzling and original way. Imagine that you need to meet a representative of an Aboriginal tribe somewhere in the depths of Africa. What way of establishing contact will be the easiest and most understandable for them - showing them intricate mysterious puzzles, or simply saying a friendly greeting in their language and presenting something interesting? Obviously, for a highly developed civilization to address the inhabitants of the planet in common languages ​​is not a big problem.

Crop circles and signs are actually made so that space satellites taking photographs of the planet's surface can correct and tune their optical systems according to them. It is much easier and cheaper than building and maintaining a lot of special polygons. In addition, the mysterious signs and circles have almost stopped appearing lately. The reason for this may be that newer generations of satellites have more sophisticated optical systems.

Extraterrestrial civilizations, far ahead of us in their development, have no need to come into contact with the inhabitants of our planet. They simply have nothing to communicate with us about, we will not understand them, but it will be boring and not interesting with us. The governments of different countries will ask them, first of all, for weapons and technologies that would allow them to gain superiority over other countries and peoples. How such superiority can turn out for humanity is well known to everyone. Probably, those who are watching us are well aware of this. Therefore, they do not give such superiority to any of the peoples. All the mysterious stories about the use of extraterrestrial technologies in samples of military or computer equipment produced in one of the states of the world are nothing more than disinformation.

There is a lot of evidence of various contacts of the inhabitants of our planet with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is not possible to verify the reliability of the overwhelming majority of them. Photos and videos with incomprehensible light phenomena should also not be taken seriously. They do not give a definite answer, but only give rise to more questions. Also, they do not give an unambiguous answer, do not give various traces left at the landing site of unknown aircraft. Usually, all reports about such places come from little-known contactees and ufologists. 15-20 years ago, the anomalous zone in the area of ​​Molebka in the Perm Territory became widely known. Information about UFOs came from there regularly, like from an official alien spaceport, and became almost daily news. But serious ufologists did not find anything there and did not observe any unusual phenomena.

Over time, everything by itself somehow calmed down and now no one remembers this place. As mentioned earlier, extraterrestrial civilizations do not have any special reasons for staying on our planet. And they are unlikely to waste time just for the sake of entertaining us. Probably, extraterrestrial civilizations still sometimes visited our planet at different times and left some evidence of this fact. Rock paintings and legends could not have emerged from just the imagination of our ancestors. But now it is not known exactly who these aliens were. Perhaps these were not aliens at all, but mechanisms or biorobots sent by them to study a planet unknown to them. Earthlings also sent and are sending such mechanisms to study other planets - lunar rovers, Mars rovers, research probes and stations.

There is an opinion that the facts of meetings with extraterrestrial civilizations, as well as all material evidence of such cases, are carefully hidden by the governments of different countries. But if such a civilization really wanted to meet with earthlings in order to declare its presence, its power and superiority, it would hardly begin to secretly meet only with governments. And even more so - to allow someone to control yourself. Do not forget that any extraterrestrial civilization that has reached our planet will, in any case, be ahead of the terrestrial one by several orders of magnitude in its development. Presumably, she will exclusively decide for herself when, with whom to meet, and whether she needs it at all. Therefore, one should not naively assume that the aliens only think how to meet with one of the home-grown ufologists.

Also, it is not worth the earthlings themselves to seek to meet with them. With such a difference in technical and technological development, this meeting will not give the seekers anything good. Even if we all know for sure that extraterrestrial intelligence exists and is present on our planet or near-earth space, it is not known what to do with this understanding. It is highly doubtful that even the governments of some countries will have the final say here. Most likely, this fact will simply have to be reconciled, especially since no one is touching the earthlings yet.
