For admission to gymnasiums and lyceums, it is not necessary to have a residence permit next to them, they are simply enrolled there at will and subject to availability.

Mostly children are assigned to schools attached to the child's registration address.

How do you know which educational institution you are assigned to?

Parents are interested: which school do we belong to according to registration? There are several ways to find out.

You can try to send a child to receive secondary education not by registration, but only if there are free places there.

The territorial distribution of schools is needed to regulate the flow of children to each of the nearby institutions.

Every year, the education department sets the date for the start of accepting documents for training, usually January or February.

Parents of children registered at the addresses assigned to the school have the right to apply until July 31, according to current legislation.

All educational institutions are obliged to provide education for children living in the area assigned to them.

On what grounds can you get a refusal when enrolling a child

  • On September 1, a first grader is less than 6.5 years old or more than 8 years old, but if the child is well developed, then they can be accepted from 6 years old;
  • With full complement of classes (25 pupils were accepted);
  • In the absence of a boy's registration in the area where the school is located.

IMPORTANT: If a refusal was received precisely because of the lack of places, you need to demand to write it in writing and notify your intentions to complain to the Ministry of Education. Sometimes children are accepted by pull or acquaintance, so there are not enough places for preschoolers registered at the location of the school.

Most often, it is the parents who are trying to attach their child to a prestigious school that are refused admission.

Under what conditions they have no right to refuse

They can refuse to enroll in school a child registered near an educational institution only in the absence of real places.

What to do if the child is still refused

  1. In the absence of places in the school at the place of registration, there will be a place in another, located not far from the house, so it is worth going to other educational institutions.
  2. You can advise the management of the institution to divide the classes into 2 parallels, make several shifts, or seat the children in large rooms.
  3. Require the school administration to show you the Charter, there you can get all the information about the rights and responsibilities of students, as well as management and teachers. Perhaps there will be grounds for rejecting the refusal during admission and then the problem will be solved on the spot.
  4. Contact the Department of Education and ask for information about all schools close to home and available places. Information must be provided in accordance with.

ATTENTION! If the problem with the child's enrollment is not resolved in any way, you can contact the Ministry of Education directly.

Which children are eligible for priority enrollment

From the total number of children living in the adjacent territory, children have the right to priority admission to education:

If the child does not have a residence permit in the area where the school is located, then of course it will be more difficult to get there. For such cases, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On the rules for admission to schools" was issued, it clearly states that the admission of those who do not live in the territory assigned to the educational institution is carried out only from August 1 to September 5.

Enrollment is also possible on condition that there are free places. In this situation, the child must be accepted without any obstacles.

REFERENCE. If the school is prestigious, then the probability of getting there is very small, vacancies are unlikely to remain.

In case of problems with the placement of a child for training, you need to contact the employees of the state educational body. Until September 5, the first grader will definitely be assigned to some school, but if the places in the nearest institutions are occupied, then you may have to travel to the other end of the city.

It is not safe for a child to travel far to school and this option does not appeal to parents.

The best option is to make a temporary registration in the required area with relatives or by renting a room, and then the problem with enrollment will certainly be solved (up to 14 years old, a child must be registered with one of the parents).

In order to be on the safe side and not to miss the chance to get your child to receive secondary education not far from home, it makes sense to apply to several institutions at once.

This can be done on the government services website.

But there is one nuance - in a week you need to think over all the pros and cons and take the originals of documents to one of the selected schools, otherwise the entry will be canceled altogether.

Do not panic too much, the child will definitely be enrolled in some educational institution if by September 1 he is 6.5 years old.

IMPORTANT. There is no need to pay admission fees to a public school.

Everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to do everything on time, wisely, not to delay the submission of documents and your child will definitely become a first grader. Now you know how to recognize a school by registration.

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The question of which school to send a child to, sooner or later will arise before each parent. Your yesterday's baby has grown up and is about to go to school? Of course, all parents dream and do everything possible to ensure that their child is trained in the best school. However, few parents can clearly answer such a simple question as what is a good school in their understanding. This is what will be discussed in this article. Some parents believe that a good school is a school of the old Soviet "hardening", similar to the one in which they themselves once studied.

For other parents, the model of a good school will be a prestigious, expensive school in which children of parents belonging to the so-called "high society" study. Such a school should be on the first lines of any ratings; the school building must certainly have extremely expensive repairs, the most modern teaching aids, and the equipment of classrooms.

For third parents, a good school is associated with security, a swimming pool, several foreign languages, classes with a small number of children, an individual approach to each of the students, however, at the same time, with iron discipline. All teachers teaching in such a school must be the best and most highly qualified.

Based on simple logical considerations, some ideas about a good school almost completely exclude others. And what is perfect for one child will be completely unacceptable for another. So, for example, if your kid is shy and quiet enough, a school with a cozy home atmosphere will be perfect for him. And if, on the contrary, he needs strict discipline, such a school will relax the child, which will lead to a decrease in academic performance or even a loss of interest in the educational process.

So how can parents make a choice and really find good school for their future first grader? After all, the choice of school for a child is perhaps the most important choice. Of course, this requires a lot of effort. However, you should not neglect this process - after all, your child will have to study for a long eleven years at the school you have chosen. And it is the school that largely determines the future of the child and what kind of person he will become.

Indeed, despite all the efforts of the family, the school environment largely determines the formation of the child's character, his worldview and life values. School friends will also have a significant impact on your child and will play an important role in his life for a very long time. If you live in a socially disadvantaged area, try to learn at least a little about the families of your future classmates. Children are very suggestible and easily amenable to someone else's influence, so you need to do your best to protect him from negative influences.

However, in no case explain your decision to the child - due to his age, he will not yet be able to correctly interpret the reasons for your decision. And, as a result, he may have a false sense of his exclusiveness and mythical superiority over other peers. And such a line of behavior of a child will, sooner or later, lead to complications in relations with classmates, as a result of which he may lose the desire to attend classes.

Factors influencing school choice

There is a certain algorithm of actions that need to be performed by parents who choose a school for their child. Remember that only consistency and slowness will help you make the really right choice, which you will not have to regret later on. Remember that transferring to another school is always a severe emotional stress for a child.

The first thing you need to do is collect information about all schools within the radius of your home that you consider acceptable. Remember that very soon your baby will grow up and will begin to get to school and back on his own. After you know about the availability of all schools, start collecting more detailed information about each of them, taken separately. Your acquaintances, friends, neighbors, reviews from the Internet can serve as a source of information.

However, be sure to remember that all the information you collect is good only for making a first impression, since any information is subjective, even official. For example, many schools publicly declare their cooperation with any universities. You should not rely on this factor when choosing a school - after all, by the time your first grader graduates from school, everything can change more than once. And the information you receive from other parents is often based on their personal preferences or, on the contrary, antipathies. That is why very carefully evaluate all the information received, filtering out the information you do not need.

When choosing a school for their child, many parents use the data of various specialized print media, which regularly publish ratings of various schools on their pages. As a rule, such publications publish ratings of schools located in large metropolitan areas. At first glance, everything is extremely simple and clear. However, there are certain pitfalls here:

  1. Firstly, not all schools submit their data to such publications for a variety of reasons: some educational establishments save their money, others have no shortage of students even without this measure.
  2. Secondly, these ratings are often compiled according to the most formal criteria - living conditions, technical equipment of classes.
  3. The entire teaching staff is often also assessed only on general points, such as seniority, academic degree.

You should also not pay special attention to such indicators as the victories of pupils of any school at various Olympiads, or the special merits of any particular teachers. After all, this does not at all guarantee that all students of this school are exceptionally gifted and talented children, and the teachers are brilliant.

When choosing a school, you must focus primarily on the capabilities and needs of your child. The specialization of the school must necessarily correspond to the inclinations and abilities of the kid. So, for example, a baby who has been deftly manipulating numbers from the age of three will feel much more comfortable at school with a mathematical bias. And a child who is fond of sports will be in his environment at a school with a sports bias.

Many parents, in pursuit of fashion, try to send their child to schools with a language bias and learning several languages. However, these schools are not ideal for all children. Nowadays, a huge number of children have a whole range of speech therapy problems. Violation of the pronunciation of a certain group of sounds, a small vocabulary and other difficulties with speech. If your child is one of them, a linguistic school can significantly worsen the situation.

Also a very important factor is how many people children will be taught in one class. So, for example, if your child belongs to the so-called "home" children who have not attended kindergarten and do not know how to communicate with the children's team, a small class with a small number of children will become much more acceptable for him. If there are no problems with social adaptation, he will surely like it in a large and noisy company of classmates.

Remember that if your priority when choosing a school is an individual approach to your child, you should give preference to small classes. After all, the most ideal teacher will not be able to devote enough time individually for each student if there are more than 10 children in the class. However, such small classes often frighten parents, who at one time studied in an environment of 20 - 3 classmates, with their unusualness and unaccustomedness.

The next thing that parents need to pay close attention to is the academic load that is given to children in the chosen school. Do you remember the well-known song "For some reason, they began to load more and more of us ... Today, the first grade at school is like an institute"? So, this is not an exaggeration at all, and in fact, the load at school often exceeds the maximum permissible, established by WHO standards, by five or even six times. For example, children 7 years old should not spend more than one hour a day doing their homework. And first-graders studying in elite prestigious schools often spend at least 4 - 5 hours in a row every day at lessons.

That is why education in such schools, which give a colossal load on the child's body, is strictly contraindicated for children who are in poor health and often get sick for a long time. Even an absolutely healthy child's body often finds it difficult to cope with such loads, not to mention weakened children. If your baby has any chronic diseases, consider choosing a school with the least stress for him.

Do not be upset and believe that after graduation it will be difficult for a child to enter a prestigious university. First, graduates of completely ordinary schools often become happy freshmen. And, in addition, your baby may well become so strong that he can study at a prestigious school with an enhanced school curriculum.

If your family belongs to an average family with an average material income, payment for school fees will become an important issue for you. So, if public schools are considered free, tuition in a private school often costs a very large sum. At the same time, do not forget that paid education does not always guarantee its high quality. Often, an ordinary public secondary general education school provides a much higher quality of instruction.

However, in a public school, parents will still have to part with various amounts of money on a fairly regular basis. Money is collected for school needs, food or security fees. This amount can vary from 300 rubles to a certain amount per month. As a rule, this amount is determined at parent meetings by a parent committee consisting of several parents who are ready to devote a significant amount of time to public school life.

As mentioned a little earlier, parents should pay special attention to the location of the school. The best option, of course, would be a school that is as close to home as possible. After all, the longer the child spends on the road to school and back, the less time he will have to have a good rest. In addition, carefully think over and track the route to the school - the presence of major highways, ground transportation, the location of ground and underpasses. Remember that the safety of the child should be at the forefront of your choice and, even more so, prevail over your personal ambitions.

First acquaintance with the school

After, based on the information you received, you have identified several schools for yourself that, as you think, most closely meet your requirements, you need to visit each of them. A personal visit to school often provides much more complete information about a given educational institution than all other sources of information combined. Be sure to talk to the principal, the head teacher, and the prospective teacher of your school. There you can also talk with the parents of students who have been studying at this school for several years and know everything about it thoroughly.

It is worth talking about the future teacher of your child separately. As a rule, parents with some experience advise with particular care to choose not the school itself, but the teacher. After all, it is from the teacher who will introduce the child to a new world for him - the world of school life, spends a huge amount of time with him. And it is the first teacher that largely determines whether the child will learn with pleasure, or will try to avoid classes in every possible way.

Be sure to pay attention to the teacher's temperament. An observant person will definitely note the manner of communication, intonation, gestures of the teacher. Keep in mind that the more similar the temperaments of your child and the teacher, the more productive the learning process will be. If your baby has an active temperament, he will successfully perceive information in the form in which it is presented by the teacher. But in the event that the baby is slow enough, then his perception of the teacher's stormy speech with active gestures can be significantly hampered.

It is also advisable to pay attention to the school itself - the state of classrooms, the presence of a gym, computer classes, extended day groups, swimming pools and other things. Remember that many schools prefer not to spend money on equipping their own gyms, but rather rent premises in sports complexes. Such activities are in no way inferior in their productivity to activities conducted in their own gym.

It is equally necessary to inspect the very territory of the school. Pay attention to the condition of the playgrounds, if any, the presence of benches, fences. Examine the area very carefully, paying attention to whether used syringes are lying on it. Their presence, unfortunately, almost always indicates that drug addiction is flourishing in this school.

For first-graders, an important aspect should be the issue of the school cafeteria. Unfortunately, many schools do not have their own canteens, and the organization of meals at the school is limited only by the presence of a buffet in it. You yourself understand that a bun or chocolate eaten dry cannot replace a full meal. A constant violation of the normal diet will sooner or later inevitably lead to the development of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the child. The most ideal option would be to have the opportunity to taste the food that is prepared in the school cafeteria to see for yourself how well your child will eat.

Be sure to find out how many school days per week at the school you want to send your baby to. Experienced child psychologists and pediatricians unanimously argue that five days of training is the most optimal for a child. With the "five days" period, your child will have enough time for a proper rest from the educational process.

If the issue of organizing the child's time after the end of lessons is relevant for you, you need to pay attention to the following several points. First, be sure to find out if the school has an after-school group. If there is such a group, find out how the daily routine is organized in it - is there hot meals, are the children sleeping during the day. Be sure to find out until what time the after-school group is open.

It will also be useful to ask if there are any additional classes and circles in the school itself. If the child has the opportunity to attend the chosen circle on the school grounds, this will help him save some time, which would otherwise be spent on the road to the section. And this, in turn, again means that your little one will have more time for rest.

A very important point characterizing the prestige of the school is security. However, one cannot calm down just seeing a person in the uniform of a security guard. Unfortunately, often, despite the presence of guards, alarms and security cameras, the security at the school is only nominal. Nobody monitors who picks up the kids after school or if they take them at all. And in other schools, the simple grandmother of the watchman watches over the safety of children more strongly than a hen - a hen for her chickens. Be sure to watch how the children go home after the end of class - this can tell you a lot and clarify your questions.

And the last thing you need to pay attention to is what kind of curriculum are classes in your school. Many parents believe that classes in all schools are taught according to the same curriculum, but in reality this is completely different. Today, there are several government training programs officially approved by the Ministry of Education. For more information about each of them, contact the school principal.

School enrollment documents

After you finally choose the school that works best for your child, your next step should be to apply to the school. Be sure to check with the director or head teacher of the school, which documents are required for admission to the school. After all, if you miss anything, your child will not be enrolled in the chosen school until all the necessary documents for admission to the school are provided.

Each school has its own school enrollment documents, but there are a number of documents that must be attached to the application for a child's enrollment in a secondary educational institution. Below is a sample list:

  • A statement from one of the parents or other legal representatives of the child's interests, for example, guardians.
  • A photocopy of the child's birth certificate.
  • Medical report on the child's health. The medical commission will be written a little later.
  • A photocopy of the passport of the parent or guardian applying to enroll the child in school.
  • A photocopy of the child's medical policy.
  • In the event that the child has a nonresident residence permit, the documents for enrolling in the school also include a photocopy of the registration of temporary residence in the city in which the chosen school is located.
  • For foreign citizens and stateless persons, it is also necessary to make a photocopy of a document confirming the legal presence of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Remember that when submitting documents for registration to the school, in addition to photocopies, you will need to take the originals with you. In the same case, if for some reason you are unable to submit any of the above documents, the issue of enrolling the child will be decided on an individual basis.

When do you need to apply to the school?

Another very common question that worries a huge number of parents is when to apply to school. In this situation, it is almost impossible to unequivocally answer this question. Much depends on the popularity and prestige of the school. The more people who want to attend a given educational institution, the earlier, as a rule, the acceptance of documents begins.

Until now, in order to apply on the first day of application acceptance, parents are forced to queue at the school early in the morning, or even at night. Of course, such phenomena are not so common, but parents need to take the trouble to find out when the acceptance of documents begins in the school of your choice.

Basically this time, starting from March and up to August. In any case, the sooner you submit documents to the school you are interested in, the more time you will have for direct preparation for school, and not for various paperwork.

Medical Commission

As already mentioned, a medical commission in front of a school is simply a prerequisite for admitting a child to a general educational institution. For each child, medical workers draw up a special card of the established sample, which fully reflects the state of the child's health, all the medical and preventive measures of the baby, such as vaccinations, physical therapy classes, the child's rest in a sanatorium and other events.

All data and anamnesis of a child who enters the first grade of school is filled out in the passport part of the medical record in accordance with form No. 112, of the established form. In addition to the passport part, this medical record contains pages on which there are data on the examination of the child by various narrow specialists. These pages must be completed before the child enters school.

The medical examination before school includes examination of the child by the following specialists:

  • Doctor - otolaryngologist. This specialist will determine whether or not the child has hearing or nasopharyngeal problems.
  • The ophthalmologist will determine the state of the organs of the visual system.
  • Physician - neuropathologist will assess the condition nervous system the child, will help determine the optimal level of stress that is acceptable for his nervous system.
  • The surgeon examines the child for the presence of pathology of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The pediatrician will give a final conclusion on the state of health of the child, and in addition, he will direct the child to the necessary laboratory tests.

Any child before entering school must undergo a certain number of laboratory tests, such as:

  • General blood analysis. Based on the results of this analysis, the doctor can assess the general condition of the child, the presence or absence of various complications, such as iron deficiency anemia or any inflammatory process in the body.
  • General urine analysis. Its results will assess the work of the child's genitourinary system, the state of his kidneys.
  • Examination of feces for the presence of worm eggs.
  • Worm egg smears. The smear is taken three days in a row. Why doctors insist on taking both smears and stool analysis remains a mystery, but it is still necessary to take them.
  • A swab from the throat of a child for pathogenic flora.
  • Vaccinations. Be sure to in advance, about six months before the planned medical commission, be sure to ask your attending physician - pediatrician about whether all vaccinations are appropriate for his age. If any vaccinations are not enough, they should be done in advance, in order to avoid the occurrence of various misunderstandings during the passage of the medical commission.

Remember that the commission may take more than one or two days. That is why you should not postpone its passage until the very last moment, and then frantically run through various offices, trying to keep up with the deadline. This will tire both you and the child, and in addition, you risk significantly fraying your nerves.

Sometimes parents prefer not to undergo a medical examination on their own, but to buy a ready-made medical report. Unfortunately, recently there are a huge number of dishonest companies offering this service. Of course, the offer to buy a medical report at an affordable price and get rid of the need to run around the doctor's offices. However, remember that such a medical report is often fake, and as a result, going to the doctors you still cannot avoid.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. We all want only the best for children. But sometimes we confuse our ambitions with what the child really needs.

"Which school will you go to?" - secularly asked me one of the mothers in the locker room of the kindergarten.

I hiccuped in surprise. At the time of this question, the son was barely five years old.

“I didn't even think about it,” I admitted.

The interlocutor was surprised by my answer. And she enthusiastically began to list the options already selected. I listened with half an ear and nodded politely, not intending to bother with anything like that for at least another year. But in vain.

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This issue had to be dealt with closely last autumn. To be honest, at first I didn't bother at all. The system of “registering” addresses to certain schools - this was introduced in St. Petersburg several years ago - suited me absolutely. No fires at night under the windows of schools, no many kilometers of queues and roll calls. They won't leave without a place at the desk, and thank God. Fortunately, the entrance to the nearest temple of science is three steps from my front door. Ideally!

My steadfastness was shaken after I spoke with a neighbor. Her eldest son became a first grader of this particular school in September. And in two years, if they don't move, she will have to give two more twin boys here.

“Already fourteen times in two months I went to the rono,” the mother of many children confessed to me. - I ask you to transfer the child somewhere. They refuse, they say, there are no places. And I have never seen such lawlessness. Both theft and extortion. Knowledge is given by the weak. And the contingent is not the most pleasant - two ordinary first classes and two correctional ones, for the mentally retarded. Of course, I am not against inclusion, but ... "

At that moment I got nervous. I definitely do not need such happiness.

Get into the best

I decided to discuss the issue with friends whose children are our peers. And I realized that, firstly, I was hopelessly behind the situation. Secondly, mothers seem to be, advocating for a quality education, first of all satisfy their own ambitions. And, thirdly, no system can resist parental pressure. Need a registration? So it will be!

“I chose a physics and mathematics school. The best in the area. The headmistress at the meeting immediately said that she would not be able to take everyone. Well, I had to buy registration and use the connections. "

This is my friend Katka. So far, her son Sasha does not have any obvious inclination towards exact sciences, and, in principle, to study. He would have to drive the ball and watch cartoons. But my mother had already decided everything for him. She left the question of whether he could handle complicated physics in high school unanswered.

“We go either to Spanish or to Italian. Without languages, nowhere. For the next year, they made a residence permit with friends to go to school, that's enough. We go there for preparatory courses. It is, of course, difficult to study there. "

This is my other neighbor Julia. She sends her twins to first grade. True, she honestly admits, I'm not sure that the girls will pull the load. Moreover, there are many who want to get there and the classes are too large: 30-35 people. Yes, now this is possible, in 2016 the norm was excluded from SanPiN, according to which there should be no more than 25 students in a class.

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“Well, a tutor, if anything, let's take it,” Julia sighs.

Tutor, Karl! First graders who just need to master the school curriculum.

“We are sending the kid to the cadet class. Let him grow up as a man. " This is Kirill's dad. His son is the most tender dandelion boy, from whom his father decided to raise a real man. Unless, of course, his psyche is first broken. Mom grabs her head, but does not go against her husband's word.

“And we go to a private school. Expensive, of course, 25 thousand a month. But there personality is at the forefront, not assessments. They are not even given them, they work according to the credit system. European education. And the classes are small. "

So I really wanted to go to this school myself. I began to ask the mother of our classmate for details. It turned out that "personality" is great, but they do not always have time to pass the obligatory program there. And education there is exclusively primary. And the classes are small - sometimes there are 10 people, and sometimes there are only 2. I imagined how this “personality” would come after such a careful attitude to the massive fifth grade of an ordinary school, and I felt sick. No thanks, that doesn't suit us.

Children don't care

Maybe I don't understand something? With this question I had to go to a kindergarten psychologist. Like, am I not a bad mother, if I do not strive right now to shove the child into a specialized school? Maybe you already need to go overboard to get into some humanitarian lyceum?

Of course, it's too early for me to think about this question, but it already scares me. For me, the school is primarily characterized not by the level of education that it can give, but by the category of students who will surround my child for 11 years.

Lyceum №143

Dad sent me to study at the lyceum school, which was the farthest from our home. She was probably the best, but walking 3 km every day did not give me much pleasure.

The school curriculum was almost the same as in other schools. Only in our country chemistry and some other subjects started from grade 5, and in other schools - from grade 8. I don't know if it is worse or better, I have never liked chemistry.

And in general, my opinion is that anyone school curriculum enough to bookmark basic knowledge in the child. And we can get additional ones at special courses.

The school is more designed for the social adaptation of the child, in my opinion. Since my school was far from home, at first I hardly knew anyone, because all of my yard friends studied in other schools. I didn't even have anyone to go home with.

Oddly enough, I quickly adapted and made friends. I have such a feature - I attract people, although I myself almost never go to get acquainted. Perhaps this saved me. From the first grade, we formed our own close circle of 5 people, with whom we went through all 11 classes. During this time, we helped and protected each other. Accordingly, we got along well with the others.

My school time can be called happy. I did not have any problems, fights and misunderstandings from my peers. I studied well, the teachers loved me. I would wish my child the same school time.

Which school will I choose for my daughter

Based on my experience and focusing on the current situation in the country, I will approach the choice of school for my daughter very carefully. Of course, my dream is for her to study somewhere in Europe, but that's how it will turn out.

The school should be the best, but not the most prestigious in the city, where the children of the richest people will study. I do not consider us to be the “cream” of society, so I don’t want my daughter to feel slighted in something and envy other children.

When I went to school, we lived pretty well. The school was average in this regard. More often, even I felt a sense of superiority over others, because they dressed me in expensive clothes and bought me the best office supplies. It helped me grow up to be non-envious. And also with all this I behaved quite modestly.

I want my daughter to feel like everyone else, or even a little better. If there is such an opportunity, I will send her to the same school where I studied.

By the way, it is located not far from the house where we now live. In general, the location of the school is an important criterion.

The exterior of the school and its surroundings should also be decent and well maintained. It was important to me, even as a child. It would be nice if there was a pool.

And the most important thing is that there are no children from disadvantaged families there. How to avoid this? - I do not know. Probably, it should be paid, but within reason.

There are terrible children. Such a boy studied in our school. I think now he is a drug addict or is in prison. I am very afraid that such a bandit can study next to my daughter.

School, of course, is not the most important thing. The main thing is to educate a good person with normal principles and morality. It will be easy for such a person to live in whatever environment he finds himself in. This means that you need to start taking care of the child long before he is in society.

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The best schools in Moscow have repeatedly been recognized such educational institutions as Lyceum No. 1535, SSC MSU, School No. 179 of the Moscow State University of Education, "Fifty-seventh School", Lyceum "Second School" and gymnasium No. 1543. Lyceum No. 1580 at the Moscow State Technical University has also proven itself well. Bauman, lyceum # 1502 at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, gymnasium # 1518 and gymnasium # 1514.

Secondary special schools that combine the teaching of general education and special subjects are popular today.

Gymnasiums and lyceums in Moscow differ from standard schools in educational programs, extended multidisciplinary additional training, academic degree teachers and second foreign language... In addition, these educational institutions have stricter discipline, their own symbols, modern equipment and a reserve teaching staff. About 75% of excellent students become high school students in Moscow lyceums and gymnasiums.

How to choose a good school in Moscow

When choosing a school, first of all, you should find out everything about the teaching staff and the curriculum - the amount of homework, the maximum number of optional classes, the richness of the program. You also need to focus on the child's abilities and, depending on them, choose a school with a linguistic, mathematical, sports or other appropriate bias. In addition, when choosing a school for a child, it is necessary to visit the chosen institution in order to become familiar with its atmosphere and discipline.

Today, there are many specialized schools for gifted children, where their abilities will develop to the fullest.

It will not be superfluous to communicate with teachers and the director, as well as receive data on the school's participation in olympiads and competitions, its awards and achievements. A very important factor is the location of the school - the child should easily get to it, and it should be convenient for the parents to take and pick up the student if necessary. When choosing between private and public schools, it should be remembered that in each of them there are differences between the amount of financial injections and methods of payment. When entering a private school, you need to find out in advance the amount of the monthly payment with additional payments inclusive. Public school is usually much cheaper, but it is still advisable to clarify the approximate costs.
