By the beginning of the new academic year, the university and, along with it, the publishing sphere of activity were faced with a problem, the essence of which is conveyed by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (No. 588 of June 7, 2010). We are talking about changes in the form of a certificate of the availability of educational, educational and methodological literature and other library and information resources and means of ensuring the educational process, the fourth section of which is set out in the following edition: educational programs "1. The following are specific requirements for electronic library systems (ELS). It was the latter that caused excitement among universities and university libraries, on whose shoulders the creation of EBS is entrusted, and among specialists involved in the creation of electronic libraries (DL), electronic resources (ER), and now also electronic library systems.

Disputes by disputes, but the letter of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 16, 2009 clearly states: "During 2010, universities must ensure that all requirements established by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education are met, including the specified requirement to provide students with access to EBS" 2. Leaving aside the emotional and terminological side of the heated discussion that has arisen, let us focus on the real state of affairs in the modern market of electronic technologies, publications and resources.

The modern market of electronic resources offers various options for solving the problem of providing university libraries with access to electronic library systems, but, one way or another, all of them can be reduced to three main ones:

  1. creation of your own EBS;
  2. subscribing to a ready-made electronic banking system from third-party organizations (aggregators);
  3. creation of interuniversity electronic libraries.

Let's try to consider each of the proposed options in more detail.

The first option involves the formation of its own EBS at the university, which meets the requirements of state bodies and the immediate needs of the university, hosted on its own server and used at its own discretion. At first glance, this option implies undoubted advantages: all educational and methodological material has been put in order, digitized, posted on the Internet, and there is access. But this is an apparent advantage, since the creation and maintenance of your own EBS entails serious costs, sometimes significantly exceeding, for example, the cost of subscribing to external electronic resources.

But this is not the only problem. Let's list a few more questions that the university will have to face:

  • according to the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4, license agreements with copyright holders must be concluded in writing;
  • the list of scientific and educational materials published by the university and protected by copyright is, in most cases, quite voluminous;
  • the essence of the license agreement is rather complicated, and in some cases it is not always definite (for example, service works);
  • even created and signed license agreements require maintenance, maintenance of a full life cycle (accounting, mutual settlements with authors, etc.).

We deliberately do not touch upon the issue of the content itself in this section, since the university's own collection of electronic full-text documents may simply not include educational and methodological literature on some of the disciplines taught at the university. And this already means that the specified EBS does not meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The second option seems to be the simplest. There are many content aggregators on the market today that offer their services in the form of subscriptions to thematic collections of books and archives of periodicals in electronic form. However, in practice it turns out that it is not so easy to find an offer in which the price / quality ratio of filling the resource would be optimal. Currently, the cost of access to electronic full-text databases is quite high. It consists of the cost of scanning text, describing and indexing documents, etc. But the most laborious, and, accordingly, the most costly, are the processes associated with the legalization of content (contractual work with authors) and technological (systems for collecting, storing content and systems for organizing access). In carrying out this work, the costs are ultimately passed on by the aggregator to the university. Moreover, the subscription to these resources is issued, as a rule, for a year, and when it is terminated, access to documents is also terminated.

The third option involves the unification of electronic collections of several universities into a single EBS. Each of the participants, putting their collection into a corporate product, gets access to the collections of partner universities, thereby closing the missing positions of their own. At the same time, the costs of maintaining the system are also shared between the participants. But, unfortunately, this option does not solve all the problems. In particular, the question of working with copyright holders remains open, since each of the collections should be formed on the basis of direct contracts with the latter.

Also, the question of parity of participation of universities in this project is not excluded: one university can give 10 rare documents, and the other - say, 5 thousand official documents. In addition, this type of cooperation also implies financial relations between the participants, which can complicate partnerships.

Of course, all three models have a number of undeniable advantages. But none of them in isolation is optimal.

Until recently, none of the EBS developers could respond to the market needs with an adequate offer that could combine the positive aspects of all three models. To solve this problem, the Contextum consortium was organized in 2008, the founders of which are the BIBCOM Central Collector of Libraries, the Kniga-Service agency and the Agency for the Distribution of Foreign Publications (ARZI). Within the framework of the consortium, the Information System (IS) "Contextum" was developed and implemented, the operation of which began in May 2010.

The goal set by the developers is to provide universities with technology designed to create an electronic library system that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, this system should combine all the positive properties of the three previously described models for creating an EBS and minimize the negative factors that arise in this case. So what is the proposed technology?

The technological solution to access the system is organized through a Web interface. This means that each member of the system gets access to it from any place where there is an Internet. This means that one of the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science for EBS is met.

The new technology allows you to create direct written licensing agreements with authors and, on their basis, form a legitimate electronic library of the university, including uploading the electronic documents themselves. The entire information array is located on remote servers, which eliminates the costs of the university for technical support related to storing content, ensuring access and protecting content and communications.

How is the possibility of combining three models for creating electronic systems implemented in the system? Becoming a partner of IS Contextum, the university gets the opportunity to create its own electronic library, can place in it works, the rights to which belong to the university, as well as works, the copyright holders of which are employees of the university, and works of “external” authors, if they have appropriate licensing agreements ...

As a result, an array of data is formed, consisting of electronic libraries of different universities. This implies both thematic breadth of coverage and the possibility of sharing these materials. That is, each participant has free access to his electronic library and, if desired, can subscribe to the electronic library of other universities. Convenience lies in the fact that the university library gets access to its own library and to the one it subscribed to on one resource. In addition to universities, large copyright holders (publishers and editorial offices of periodical media), content aggregators (traditional and electronic libraries), as well as individual authors participate in the project. An electronic full-text database created on a similar basis makes it possible to form thematic collections, which can be searched according to various parameters: topics, headings, publishers, authors, year of creation of the work. A significant part of the content included in the information array of IS "Contextum" is in free (free) access and is provided to universities' libraries as an additional service.

What additional benefits does the university receive by working in the Contextum information system?

  • Participation in the project is free for universities.
  • All EPDs enter the system only on the basis of direct licensing agreements with copyright holders.
  • All forms of contracts concluded with copyright holders comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of copyright and related rights.
  • The generated legitimate content can be used for both educational and commercial purposes.
  • The system is equipped with its own billing system, providing all financial settlements with copyright holders and mutual settlements between project participants.

Below is a diagram of the interaction of the structures of the university with the information system "Contextum" when creating an EBS. Blue arrows show contractual relations of copyright holders of all levels, red - financial relations (mutual settlements). Thus, by forming the legitimate content of its own electronic library in the "Kontextum" system, the university or its employees retain all copyrights and are able to legally dispose of this content, including receiving remuneration for its commercial use.

It should be added that IS "Contextum" fully complies with the requirements of the federal state educational standards of the third generation in relation to electronic library systems3. At the same time, IS Contextum also meets additional requirements for EBS4, ​​namely: registration of electronic media; registration of the software used to create the EBS; registration of the used EBS materials database.

  2. See also:
  3. See: Instruction of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2920 of October 31, 2009, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 133 of April 23, 2008, Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 885 of September 30, 2005, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1623 of April 11, 2001, p. 7.18 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the approval and implementation of the FSES FPO.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 7, 2010 No. 588.

This is a library that is always near, all knowledge at one touch!

Research and Publishing Center INFRA-M presents the Electronic Library System (EBS) - a single electronic space for education and science in universities and libraries, for teachers and students throughout Russia and abroad.

EBS is a comfortable 24-hour on-line access to a wide range of scientific and educational literature.

Znanium fully complies with all EBS regulatory requirements.

More than 15,000 works are in the main collection, as well as over 2,000 works in additional collections from leading Russian publishers with daily replenishment.

Only the most necessary services and functions for everyday educational and scientific activities, which do not require a lot of time to master:

  • electronic bookmarks;
  • reader's virtual bookshelf;
  • comfortable navigation in the book and search by various parameters;
  • copy service;
  • compilation of recommendatory lists of literature by teachers for students of their university;
  • simple administration and a wide range of statistics for libraries of any level.

For employees and students of the Russian University of Cooperation, access to EBS "Aybuks" is open
To get a personal account for remote access to "Ibuks": register yourself from the territory of the university, or get a login and password in the library of the university.
EBS "Aybuks" provides ample opportunities for the selection of books both by the thematic navigator, and through the search tools and filters.

The electronic library system "Aybuks" is the best textbooks and teaching aids for higher education.

The electronic library system "Yurayt" is a virtual reading room of textbooks and teaching aids from authors from leading Russian universities in the following areas: business and economics; humanities, social and natural sciences; healthcare and medicine; computers and informatics; jurisprudence; pedagogy; Agriculture; applied sciences and technology. Today the portfolio of the publishing house includes more than 8000 titles and is regularly updated.

Domestic newspapers and magazines

  • Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU

Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian information portal containing abstracts and full texts of more than 13 million scientific articles and publications. On the eLIBRARY.RU platform, electronic versions of more than 2,000 Russian scientific and technical journals are available, including more than 1,000 open access journals.

User registration in the Scientific Electronic Library is a prerequisite for gaining access to the full texts of publications posted on the eLIBRARY.RU platform, regardless of whether they are in the public domain or distributed by subscription. Registered users also get the opportunity to create personal collections of magazines, articles, save the history of search queries, customize the navigator panel, etc.

  • Generic databases

Catalog of individual editions "EastView"

Magazines of Grebennikov Publishing House LLC:
Logistics today
Management today (No. 1-6 2015, No. 1-6 2016)
Corporate finance management (No. 1-5 2016, No. 1-2 2016)

Access is provided from all computers of the Russian University of Cooperation.

  • National digital resource "RUKONT"

In the department of access to electronic resources, users can get acquainted with books and periodicals of the multidisciplinary resource "RUKONT".
Access to materials from periodicals is possible both within the walls of the library and outside it. Available periodicals.

Reference legal system ConsultantPlus

The ConsultantPlus system is a reliable assistant for many specialists: lawyers, accountants, heads of organizations, as well as for specialists from government agencies, scientists and students. It contains a huge array of legal and reference information. Access to the legal system is carried out from the local network of the university, the legal system contains all the information banks necessary for the educational process. The system's information banks are replenished and updated on a weekly basis.

Foreign databases

The World Bank's complete electronic collection The World Bank eLibrary consists of e-books, reports, journal articles, and research reviews published since the early 1990s.

World Development Indicators - contains statistical information on economic, social, financial indicators, as well as data on natural resources and the environment. There is a convenient graphical presentation of the information received.

World Development Indicators - 50+ key indicators.

BOOKS: 2 800+ books and 7 300+ chapters.

JOURNALS: 970+ non-embargo articles from popular magazines such as World Bank Eco-nomic Review, World Bank Research Observer, and Development Outreach.

WORKERSARTICLES: 7 730+ of Policy Research Working Papers, World Bank Discussion Papers, World Bank Technical Papers, and World Bank Working Papers.

OTHER TYPE OF CONTENT : 3,500+ from Economic Reviews, Annual Reports MIGA, ICSID, IFC.

Global Development Finance - contains information about government debt and its payments, foreign investments and financial flows of 135 countries. Time coverage - from 1970 to 2012 (including commitments made by countries). There is a convenient graphical presentation of the information received.

The administration of the library and information center reminds of the need to comply with the rules for working with licensed electronic resources: the user is not allowed to fully or partially copy the information contained in the submitted electronic resources for the purpose of subsequent distribution without the written consent of the Owner of the electronic resource.

With the emergence of more stringent requirements for electronic library resources in universities, namely the requirement to provide access to the electronic library system, a number of technological and organizational issues have arisen, how can these requirements be met. Last time, on the basis of a report from the conference "Management of University Libraries", we touched on the topic of external electronic library systems. Today I would like to dwell on the creation of our own electronic library system at the university. Note that this will be an internal EBS, usually based on the electronic library of the university, on the already accumulated electronic publications, but at the same time belonging to the library and as an external EBS that meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. In addition, I am going to highlight this problem at the next conference in Yekaterinburg "University Library: Responding to the Challenges of the Times". Therefore, this post is of some general nature, providing general information and main features. In turn, I would like to hear from readers as many questions as possible related to this topic. So the study of the issue will be deeper, and we will be able to combine online with offline, bringing communication into both communication formats.

All work on creating your own electronic library system comes down to three complementary areas: organizational, content and technological.

Organizational part includes primarily the provision of registration requirements. This includes registration of electronic media and registration of materials database... With the first, there is a minimum of problems. Registration is carried out with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media. A package of documents is being prepared. Together with the application, about 5 documents are typed, which are sent to RosKomNadzor. In this case, the site is registered as a media. The main difficulties can arise only when filling out an application. The database is registered by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks. You also need to collect about 4 different documents. However, an interesting nuance arises here, which one of the readers of our community has already managed to draw attention to. Read more about it in the comments to the post. Obviously, the database is created on the basis of the works of teachers: books, teaching aids and other educational and methodological literature. This is already the content side of the issue, we will touch on it separately. Also, in the registration requirements, one must not forget about software ensuring the operation of the EBS. In fact, this is the software of an electronic library. If this is the university's own development, then such a program should be registered in the same way as the database (in RosPatent, registration of databases and computer programs is considered jointly). Moreover, it is worth noting that any open source programs cannot be registered. And now many electronic libraries of universities often use just free software, such as DSpace. If proprietary software is used, then there must be an appropriate license to use it.

Content part- the most important component, because we are going to support the educational process with the electronic library system, and educational materials are its main link. Unfortunately, the formal requirements have made their way here as well. In its own EBS, the content is primarily the works of university teachers. Moreover, according to the requirements, they must cover all the main disciplines studied. This is an important point that should not be forgotten. It is curious that the requirements do not indicate a specific number of publications for each discipline, the main thing is that there should be at least something. However, there are restrictions on the "freshness" of literature - 5 or 10 years, depending on its profile. Another important point is the correct registration of rights to educational literature. Not all universities have established this process. Here you need to pay attention either to the conclusion of contracts with authors, or to building the correct policies regarding the work of the employee. It is also possible to use external content in the electronic library system. However, here you need to be careful when buying it. One of the requirements for EBS is to ensure access to each publication for 25% of students. Accordingly, this should be taken into account at the time of purchase.

Technological part consists of providing your EBS with a software and hardware complex. In the registration part, we touched on the point regarding the software for the EBS. So, this software should also cover some of the requirements, namely, so that the call to your EBS is carried out via the Internet and the EBS can withstand the load of simultaneous individual access of 25% of students. This all relates directly to requirements. From a practical point of view, the system being developed should be understandable and accessible to users. All basic functions - adding a new book, editing metadata, searching, etc. - should not be difficult. The system must necessarily interact with the ABIS, somewhere to borrow / transfer something; the user, looking through the catalog, should know whether the given book is in electronic form or not. Of course, the chosen software must have the potential for development, i.e. a scalable solution must be chosen in which the library can be nested and continually improved. Plus, there should be some free server capacity for the deployed system.

The creation of your own EBS undoubtedly has a number of objective advantages for the library and the end user. Something of its own is being created, the university's electronic educational and methodological material is being put in order, the existing developments in the field of electronic libraries are being used. But all these advantages require careful work and a set process, which must be taken into account when deciding on an EBS.

The electronic library system is a mandatory element of library and information support for students of higher education institutions provided for by the federal state educational standards of higher education [FSES HE] of Russia, which is a database containing publications of educational literature in electronic form.

The purpose of creating an EBS: improving the quality of information services, expanding the range of information services, the availability of information of all types and topics, and increasing the number of users when switching to electronic resources.

The object of my research is the Scientific Library. A.A. Abilov, Dagestan State University. Today this library is recognized as one of the largest libraries in Russia and in the North Caucasus. It is functionally focused on the provision of educational activities, is an information structural unit of the university.

Library fund 2 542 486 items. xr., contains domestic and foreign scientific, educational and reference literature on core disciplines for the university:

· Scientific literature - 1,069,854 units. xp.

· Educational - 975 801 units. xp.

· Artistic - 115,039 units. xp.

· Foreign - 22 386 units. xp.

The total number of the library's readers is 20 587 people.

The service is carried out in a differentiated manner:

5 industry departments,

12 specialized departments,

9 subscriptions of educational literature, subscription of fiction, scientific subscription,

· 14 workstations for students.

From 1 to 6 September 2010, the 23rd Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) was held at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. As the largest book forum in Russia, this exhibition-fair is used by book workers to sum up the past year and outline development trends for the future. Along with the traditional representatives of the book industry - publishers, printers, etc., this year the exhibition was attended by organizations and figures of the electronic publications market as never before. And this is not surprising, because electronic book publishing is rapidly gaining momentum, and in some respects is beginning to really compete with the printed book. For the third year in a row, the exhibition-conference "KnigaByte" is being held within the framework of the MIBF. One of the main issues discussed at the exhibition-conference was the provision of university libraries with electronic library systems. In the modern period, these systems must meet the requirements for the organization of the educational process, which are formulated in the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2009, in the documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Rosobrnadzor, and are also reflected in the federal state educational standards of higher professional education. As you know, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sent to the rectors of universities, as well as to the federal executive bodies in charge of federal state educational institutions of higher education, information on the need during 2010 to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements established by federal state educational standards of higher professional education, including providing students with access to the electronic library system. These requirements carry a rational grain and are aimed at improving the quality of personnel training, as well as supporting the development of science in universities and increasing the role of libraries in the higher education system. At the same time, failure to comply with these requirements leads to a number of unpleasant consequences for the university, in particular, concerning its accreditation. Within the framework of conferences and round tables, various options were also proposed for solving the problem of providing university libraries with access to the electronic library system. One way or another, they all boiled down to three main ones: - creation of your own electronic library system; - subscribing to a ready-made electronic library system from third-party aggregator organizations; - creation of interuniversity electronic libraries. Let's try to consider each of these options in more detail. The first option involves the creation of a university's own electronic library system that meets both the requirements of government agencies and the university's own needs. This system is hosted on the educational institution's own server, which will allow the university to dispose of it at its own discretion. At first glance, this option implies undoubted advantages: all educational and methodological material has been put in order and digitized, it is displayed on the Internet, and there is access to it. But these are apparent advantages, since the creation and maintenance of our own electronic library system entails complex A.V. Lebedev, Agency "Kniga-Service" Electronic library system of the university: problems of creation, development trends 85 problems and high costs, sometimes significantly exceeding, for example, the cost of subscribing to third-party electronic resources. By costs, we mean both the financing of the technological process and human resources. For example, when creating its own electronic library system, the university library will need, at a minimum, to create a subdivision for working with copyright holders, provide legal support for drafting contracts, and develop a document management system. As of the beginning of 2010, in those universities that have their own electronic library systems, the cost of their creation is approaching an average of 3 million rubles. And the cost of one electronic full-text document, created on our own and posted on our server, is about 810 rubles. But this is not the only problem. Let's list a few more difficult points that the university will have to face: - according to the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 4), license agreements with copyright holders must be concluded in writing; - the list of scientific and educational materials published by the university and protected by copyright, in most cases, is very voluminous; - the essence of the license agreement is rather complicated, and in some cases it is not always definite (for example, service works); - even the already concluded license agreements require maintenance, maintenance of the full life cycle, including accounting, mutual settlements with authors, etc. In addition, the library will have to solve issues related to storing the content of the electronic library system, the system of access to it, ensuring the protection of information and communications. At the same time, we do not yet touch upon the issue of the content itself, since the university's own collection of electronic full-text documents may simply not include educational and methodological literature on some of the disciplines taught. This means that the specified electronic library system does not meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The second option - subscribing to a ready-made electronic library system from third-party organizations - seems to be the simplest. There are many content aggregators on the market that offer their services in the form of subscriptions to thematic book collections and to archives of periodicals in electronic form. At the same time, all the problems associated with the legitimacy of the content, namely with the registration of rights to it in accordance with Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, are taken over by the aggregators. Libraries of universities are faced with the problem of choosing the proposed electronic library systems, since in practice it turns out that it is not so easy to find an offer when the price / quality ratio of filling the resource would be optimal. The most time-consuming processes, and, accordingly, the most costly, are the processes associated with the legalization of content (contractual work with authors) and the implementation of adequate technologies for collecting, storing content and organizing access to it. Carrying out this work, the aggregator ultimately transfers the costs to the university. And the cost of an annual subscription to a resource can be hundreds of thousands of rubles. At the same time, it should be noted that after the termination of the contract with the owner of the electronic library system, the university library is again left with nothing: the majority of Russian aggregators with the termination of the subscription also no longer have access to documents. This situation turns the university library into a hostage of annual subscription to third-party resources. The third option - the creation of interuniversity electronic libraries - involves the unification of electronic collections of several universities into a single electronic library system. Each of the participants, laying out their collection, gets access to the collections of partner universities, thereby closing the missing positions of their own. At the same time, the costs associated with the development of technology, technical base and maintenance of the system are also shared between the partners. But, unfortunately, this option does not solve all the problems. In particular, the question of working with copyright holders remains open, since

The electronic library system of the Lan Publishing House is a resource created with the aim of providing universities with the necessary educational and scientific literature in specialized fields. EBS includes both electronic versions of books published by "Lan" and collections of full-text files from other publishers and is constantly updated with new editions. Principles of the electronic library: unlimited number of users; access at any time and from any place via the Internet. Electronic textbooks are collected in sections - mathematics, physics, theoretical mechanics, engineering sciences, forestry and forest engineering, nanotechnology, informatics, economics and management, law, psychology and pedagogy.
The technical capabilities of the resource allow an unlimited number of users to visit the electronic library at the same time.

EBS provides the ability to search for a book by author or title. Content Search allows you to search within the text of books. It is possible to download an attachment to books (CDs and DVDs), as well as save or print fragments of books for further use. Any book or its individual page can be added to favorites by creating a note for it.

For the readers of our library, the Academy acquired the right to free access to the thematic package of electronic textbooks "Forestry and Forest Engineering" in the Electronic Library System "Lan".

This requires:

Register your Login and password to access EBS personal account "DOE" v Library electronic resources hall (aud. 166).

After successful registration on the site, you can work with the thematic package "Forestry and forestry engineering" EBS by its Login and Password from ANY computer, not only in VGLTU, but also outside of it.

Single window of access to educational resources

The information system "Single Window of Access to Educational Resources" (IS "Single Window") provides free and unlimited access to the integral catalog of educational Internet resources, to the electronic library of educational materials for general and vocational education and to the resources of the system of federal educational portals. The Library section contains more than 27,000 educational and methodological materials developed and accumulated in the system of federal educational portals, as well as published in universities, universities and schools in Russia. More than half of the teaching materials have been developed and transferred to the "Library" by the leading universities and universities of Russia, as well as by publishing houses, individual teachers and authors. Advanced search in the "Catalog" is carried out by name, author, annotation, key words with possible filtering by topic, subject, type of material, education level and audience.

Electronic educational publications are available in viewing mode. To download the publication to your home or work computer, you must obtain permission from the copyright holders of electronic textbooks and other educational materials presented in the Single Window library.

Information for the authors of VGLTU. Electronic versions of printed educational, methodological and methodological materials are accepted for placement in the electronic library of the IS "Single Window of Access to Educational Resources": textbook, study guide, text of lectures, encyclopedia, dictionary, problem book, test, laboratory practice, as well as scientific articles and works on pedagogy and educational problems. Authors are given a "Certificate of Publication" of the established sample, confirming that an electronic copy of the educational resource is accepted for publication in the electronic library. Regulations for the placement of electronic publications for educational purposes . Editorial office address [email protected].

The library specializes in teaching materials for universities and fully complies with the requirements of the developed federal state educational standards (FSES HPE) for libraries in terms of the formation of collections of basic and additional literature.

The basis of the "University Library Online" is made up of more than 37 thousand e-books in the following sections - natural sciences, information technology, history, cultural studies, linguistics, jurisprudence, sociology, philosophy, economics.
The University Library Online performs the functions of: full-text search, working with a catalog, unlimited page-by-page viewing of publications, copying or printing text (page by page), changing the parameters of a text page, creating bookmarks and comments.

EBS publishing house "INFRA-M"

The EBS contains more than 50 thousand titles of electronic publications in basic and variable disciplines - textbooks and teaching aids, dissertations and abstracts, monographs and articles, collections of scientific works, encyclopedias, scientific periodicals and specialized journals. Electronic textbooks are grouped into sections: physical and mathematical sciences, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, education and pedagogy, economics and management, information security, mechanical engineering and material processing, vehicles, automation and control, computer science and computer technology, architecture and construction, life safety, environmental protection.

Access is provided to students, postgraduates and the faculty of the university to the ELS "INFRA-M" via the Internet with expanded functionality for users - setting a "bookmark" for quickly returning to interrupted work (bookmark on a page; automatic generation of a list of used literature Sending notes by e-mail for further use Convenient navigation in the system will allow a quick search by author, title, publisher, as well as disciplines and areas of training.

EBS "KnigaFond"

An electronic resource where you can find literature that meets modern requirements and training standards, including the new generation federal state educational standards for higher professional education (FSES HPE). The EBS contains more than 107 thousand e-books in the following sections: economics, information technology, legal sciences, history, foreign languages, industry and transport, natural sciences, scientific periodicals.

Possibilities of working with text for EBS users - creating an unlimited number of your own abstracts, copying a quotation from a book into a synopsis with automatic creation of an accurate bibliographic reference to the publication and page; creating labels that allow you to quickly find the necessary pages of the book; the ability to compile a selection of regularly used books.


The electronic library system (ELS) is a unified system of access to a constantly updated collection of electronic versions of books of modern educational literature. The fund of the electronic library is completed on the basis of the new federal state educational standards for higher professional education (FSES HPE). The system fully complies with the requirements for providing universities with access to electronic library systems.

Educational literature is presented by sections - life safety, natural sciences, informatics and computer technology, history, social sciences, law, linguistics, economics, forestry, technical sciences.

EBS IPRbooks

The electronic library system IPRbooks is a licensed library for all branches of science (OKSO), fully complying with the Federal State Educational Standard, the library contains more than 5,000 editions.

In the EBS IPRbooks you will find textbooks and teaching aids, monographs, production-practical, reference publications, as well as business literature for practicing specialists. Currently, more than 100 leading federal publishing houses are represented in the EBS IPRbooks, the EBS includes publications over the past 10 years (in the humanities, social and economic sciences over the past 5 years), the list of them is constantly growing. The content of EBS IPRbooks is monthly updated with new electronic editions, periodicals (including the Higher Attestation Commission), articles by leading Russian scientists.
Access to the EBS IPRbooks funds is provided around the clock for an unlimited number of users.

EBS IQ library

EBS IQlib is an electronic library system that fully meets the criteria of a modern resource of information and educational orientation.

EBS IQlib is formed in accordance with the current legislation in the field of copyright and related rights, as well as on the basis of direct agreements with authors and copyright holders.

The IQlib catalog includes more than 80 thousand full-text digital versions of printed publications. Both topical popular editions (textbooks, study guides, monographs) and rare editions of previous years are presented. The catalog is completed in accordance with the generally accepted directions of modern higher and professional education.
EBS IQlib offers users the service capabilities of searching and processing information, allowing them to work on large arrays with high speed and efficiency.

EBS publishing house "URAYT"

Access to the Electronic Library System of the URAYT Publishing House is open.

In the arsenal of EBS "URITE" there are textbooks for bachelors and masters in various disciplines, dictionaries. Now you can find out about the news of the publishing house in real time, conduct a search in the disciplines of interest.

The site of EBS "URAYT" is an excellent virtual exhibition and an assistant in choosing the necessary books for the purchase of printed and electronic editions, because each book on the site can be scrolled through, added to favorites and, with the click of a single key, unloaded to Excel.
