FEFU is international educational programs, scientific research, the most advanced equipment for teaching and developing science. Visiting faculty and scholars deliver training programs with the most advanced knowledge and teaching methods.

A modern smart campus on the sharp Russian, is considered the best in Russia and one of the best in the world. It is located on the Pacific coast and has a modern infrastructure. Safe, light, comfortable as possible. FEFU is a university of a new, modern format. This is not just a university, it is an educational, research and innovation center. Within the walls of the university, talented students, the best scientists and teachers, innovative business from Russia and abroad are brought together.


The educational structure of FEFU consists of nine Schools

Engineering school.

Educational programs at the FEFU School of Engineering prepare specialists for all industries. Oil production and refining, mining and geological profile, architecture, construction and energy, design and production of sea and land transport, devices for various purposes, innovation and life safety. In these areas, the school implements 24 undergraduate programs and 4 specialist programs.

The number of students in the engineering school is about 6,500. The teaching staff includes more than 100 doctors of sciences and professors. More than 260 candidates of sciences and associate professors.

A feature of the School of Engineering is rightfully considered a high level of equipping educational laboratories with modern equipment and technologies, computer facilities and software. This allows future young specialists to comprehend science in practice. And this, in turn, will be a serious advantage when starting work at promising enterprises and in projects of national importance.

Upon graduation from the university, young specialists have the opportunity to realize themselves at such large enterprises as: “Shipbuilding complex based on the Far East plant“ Zvezda ”. This new shipyard will have unique shipbuilding capabilities. It is planned to produce special ships and drilling platforms for the development of the Arctic shelf of the World Ocean. An oil refinery is being built in the city of Nakhodka. University graduates are especially in demand at the enterprises of JSC AAK Progress, JSC Dalpribor, Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Amur Region.

Students of the School of Engineering are provided with places in student dormitories and an increased scholarship.

The training of specialists in the field of engineering and technology is the main task of the FEFU School of Engineering.

School of Natural Sciences.

Natural sciences have always been the fundamental foundation of higher education. This can be said to be a classic of teaching. Today, natural sciences are necessary in human life, first of all, to achieve high results in an innovative economy, the development of social infrastructure. To achieve results, highly qualified specialists are required, ready to work with the most advanced achievements and discoveries of recent times. Life does not stand still and therefore only those who are seriously ready to devote their lives not just to Science, but to the achievement of a specific result, based on this science, can be at the forefront of scientific and industrial achievements. Specialist-researcher, specialist-practitioner is the result that should be achieved by a student after graduation.

The peculiarity of the school is integration with the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The teachers of the school and the academy jointly participate in the educational process and scientific research. Students undergo practical training and internships at specialized enterprises. There they work together with their potential employers and subsequently can continue their activities as young specialists, university graduates.

The School of Natural Sciences trains unique specialists who, upon completion of their studies, are ready to work as researchers, in production, enter high-tech business, and prove themselves in public service.

Oriental Institute - School of Regional and International Studies.

Oriental Institute - The School of Regional and International Studies at FEFU was founded in 2011 on the basis of three universities: FENU, FESTU, TSUE.

The Oriental Institute is rightfully considered a prestigious educational institution among school graduates. This is due not only to modern teaching methods, but also to the general organization of the educational process and training of specialists. In addition, graduates receive prestigious professions.

The school prepares specialists in the field Political Science : study of all spheres of society related to politics; Regional Studies : study of countries and regions of the West (Europe and America); Oriental studies : study of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, the Near and Middle East; Learning foreign languages.

The school attracts the best scientists and teachers from universities in the USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, China, Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and other countries.

At the Oriental Institute - the School of Regional and International Studies, all conditions have been created for the modern education of students, practical training and the realization of their creative abilities. All graduates are widely in demand in the public and private sector, both in our country and abroad.

School of Biomedicine.

Biomedicine is also called theoretical medicine. This is a science that studies the human body from a theoretical standpoint. The set of basic and applied sciences, which includes biomedicine, is quite extensive. These are chemistry, biological chemistry, genetics, microbilology and many others.

Laboratories for the ecology of microorganisms, biomedical cell technologies, molecular oncolony and senetic biology, genomic medicine and immunopharmacology have been opened on the basis of the university. A modern laboratory for extreme medicine.

The scientific directions of the School of Biomedicine are truly the directions of the XXI century. Development of technologies for the isolation, purification and standardization of biologically active compounds from marine and terrestrial animals and plants as a basis for the creation of new drugs, biologically active food additives and functional food products. Biocompatible materials and bio-artificial analogs of human tissues for regenerative medicine and much more. But all these directions will not be worth anything without young, inquisitive, modern young people.

The main task of the school is to prepare graduates as medical researchers, regardless of which direction they choose. To this end, the School of Biomedicine initiated major projects aimed at creating research centers for nuclear medicine, developing new drugs, genomic medicine and cell technologies at FEFU. Other scientific areas such as comparative and evolutionary immunology, medical virology, experimental surgery, sports medicine, preventive and predictive medicine, bioinformatics, biotechnology, and functional food technology will also be developed.

School of Art, Culture and Sports.

What attracts prospective students to get an education at a school of art, culture and sports? First of all, it is a modern Sports Training Center for those who would like to connect their future profession with sports. Already within the walls of the university there is an opportunity to participate in prestigious sports tournaments as part of sports teams. Students study the basics of physical culture and sports and recreation recreation. Comprehend methods of combat sports and athleticism, methods of teaching cyclic sports and sports games. A special place in the learning process is occupied by the theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture. On the basis of the Sports Training Center, a training ground for our Paralympic athletes has been organized.

Creative youth comprehend the secrets of cultural studies and art history, fine arts and graphic design. A truly free atmosphere reigns in the school, in which the secrets of the beautiful world are comprehended. Along with the history of art, modern trends that are relevant to the present day are also being studied. Students have the opportunity to participate in creative laboratories, creative teams. This helps, already within the walls of the university, to see their future profession not as a baggage of university knowledge, but as a living, useful activity that helps to enrich the life of a modern person.

The University, being located in the area of ​​the Asia-Pacific Region, connects cultural and sports ties into vivid and memorable events. Sports and cultural events taking place at the university's sites allow us to consolidate strong ties with students of foreign universities. And this, in turn, becomes the basis for the development of friendship and international cooperation. The students themselves make history, they write their bright pages into our culture.

School of Economics and Management.

Modern trends and trends in the world economy are most clearly manifested in countries that are actively developing. The APR countries are rightfully considered the locomotive of the economic sphere. They are dynamically moving forward and breaking many stereotypes of economics.

The advantage of FEFU students is that the educational process takes place on the site of the university, which is not only an educational institution, but also a living place for international communication. The university hosts various international programs, exhibitions, discussion meetings. The APEC Summit in 2012 provided the university with a modern infrastructure that allowed for effective study and scientific activities. Many events taking place within the walls of the university bring large, large-scale investment projects to the Far East. And one of the main tasks that the School of Economics and Management sets for itself is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and management for the implementation of these projects.

Today, in the era of global economic upheavals and crises, in the conditions of unfair competition from the Western countries, young and energetic, modern and highly educated specialists will be able to resolve issues on the economic development of our country. But knowledge in the field of Economics alone is not enough. Business contacts are required, knowledge of the peculiarities of those partners with whom cooperation is potentially expected. Various international events held within the walls of the university help to solve these issues

School of Humanities.

The School of Humanities is a modern school. It may seem that humanitarian knowledge has lagged far behind the energetic pace of our life. But this is not the case. The main task of the School is to apply that knowledge and practical experience for our effective integration into the APR. Know the features, history, philosophy of the countries that surround us. Ability to tell about your cultural identity in such a way as to have the opportunity for the most fruitful cooperation. A scientific approach to organizing and strengthening internal ties between our peoples allows us to achieve mutual trust and respect.

The school conducts fundamental research in the humanities and social sciences, develops new, innovative approaches to social research. A special place in the School is occupied by the development of mass communication technologies.

The school prepares specialists in the field of the humanities. A modern graduate must have not only basic knowledge, but the ability to critically and scientifically develop the chosen direction of his activity. This is facilitated by active cooperation with international educational institutions. Cognition of the world and its improvement, reflection of the intercultural heritage of peoples, a modern approach to solving world-class problems, all this is a field of activity for graduates of the School of Humanities.

School of Pedagogy.

Teacher, teacher, teacher ... How hard it is to grasp the difference in such familiar concepts. They say that you can become a good teacher only if you have a vocation for this work. But vocation alone is not enough. In order to realize oneself in the field of teaching academic disciplines, it is necessary to have a whole set of pedagogical knowledge.

How do leading universities differ from those of the second echelon today? Yes, precisely by the scientific and teaching staff. After all, a teacher is not just an education specialist whose task is to provide a pupil or student with a certain amount of knowledge. A modern teacher teaches his ward, first of all, to think, analyze, make the right decisions and perform worthy deeds. He teaches how to get knowledge, get information. He builds the pedagogical process based on the most advanced methods and technologies. It uses the latest advances in science and technology to make the learning process modern and efficient.

For a modern teacher, conducting a lesson or seminar is the tip of the iceberg of his work. And everything else is hard and painstaking work on the development of advanced teaching methods, analysis of world teaching experience, improvement of methods of using technical, communicative means in the learning process. If a future teacher comprehends the essence of his profession relying on this approach, then his success is guaranteed. An example of this is the pool of foreign scientists and educators, which attracts the university to train its students. The modern view of the teaching profession is the key to success in the future profession.

Students of the School are trained on the basis of the classical experience of pedagogical science and modern approaches to teaching methods. A teacher is a specialist who is valued for specific qualities: the depth of knowledge of the subject, the ability to teach at a modern level, the ability to teach and develop their students. At school, the learning process is built precisely on these basic principles.

Law school.

A lawyer is not just a profession, it is a way of life. In order to become a professional lawyer, you need a special way of thinking, the presence of moral values, and communication. It is no secret that we have many lawyers with diplomas, but few specialists and practitioners. The task of the Law School is to educate and teach a real professional in their field. And the School has all the possibilities for this.

A lot depends on the university. Traditions, faculty, material base, the use of modern educational technologies, the availability of information, including electronic resources, all this allows us to prepare a comprehensively developed specialist in his field. At the moment, the FEFU Law School is the only higher educational institution in the Far East that carries out educational programs at all levels of legal education.

The law school as part of FEFU has a serious advantage, being the leader in education in the APR. As you know, in any economic activity, the legal component is of great importance. And legal support of an enterprise or a company that has foreign contracts is also a huge responsibility. This requires real professionals. All these aspects are directly taken into account in the preparation of future specialists at the Law School.

International projects:

The University, acting as a farpost of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific region in the Far East of Russia, builds the entire educational process on deep ties with all modernly developed countries, not only in the region, but also in the world as a whole. Modern international relations with foreign educational institutions, organizations and large enterprises are the basic condition for organizing the entire educational process at FEFU.

Dean Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A. T. Becker Location RF , Primorsky Krai , Vladivostok , Russky island, FEFU campus Official
site Official site

Engineering School of the Far Eastern Federal University(ISH) - scientifically -educational a later subdivision of the Far Eastern Federal University providing educational training engineers and research activities in the area of technical sciences... The School of Engineering is included in the list of priority areas of FEFU. Head teacher - Doctor of Technical Sciences , Professor Becker Alexander Tevievich.


  • The engineering school traces its history from the Oriental Institute, on the basis of which the Vladivostok Higher Polytechnic was established on November 1, 1918. In total, the higher polytechnic had 4 departments: mining, mechanical, construction and economics.
  • In 1919, the higher polytechnic was renamed into the Vladivostok Polytechnic Institute.
  • In 1935, the VPI was renamed the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute (DVPI), and also named after V.V. Kuibyshev.
  • In 1992, DVPI received the status of a university and was renamed into the Far Eastern State Technical University.
  • In 2010, FESTU became part of the Far Eastern Federal University and was transformed into the FEFU Engineering School.
  • In 2012, the FEFU Engineering School moved from the main building at 10 Pushkinskaya Street, which is a historical and architectural monument of Vladivostok; Chinese lions at the main entrance to the building are of particular value. Also, the School of Engineering handed over to FEFU more than 40 buildings, 10 of which are also monuments of history and architecture.


The teaching staff of the IS includes more than 500 people:

  • about 80 professors and doctors of science
  • more than 50 academicians, full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and other Russian and international academies of sciences
  • 250 candidates of sciences and associate professors
  • more than 30 laureates of state awards, honored workers and honored workers of the Russian Federation.


Directorate of the School of Engineering

Administrative divisions

  • Department for the implementation of educational programs
  • Educational-methodical management
  • School of Engineering Development Department
  • Department of Youth Policy
  • Department of training scientific and pedagogical personnel
  • Scientific and organizational management
  • Department of Continuing Professional Education
  • Administration


  • Automation of technological processes and production
  • Architecture
  • Military Department of Ship Specialties
  • Military Department of Repair and Maintenance of Automotive Equipment
  • Mining engineering
  • Design of Architectural Environment
  • Land management and cadastres
  • Innovation
  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems
  • Department of military training
  • Electronic design and technology
  • Design and technological support of machine-building industries
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling
  • Mechatronics and Robotics
  • Ground transport and technological means
  • Oil and gas business
  • Fire safety
  • Instrumentation
  • Applied Geodesy
  • Aircraft and helicopter construction
  • Standardization and metrology
  • Construction and property management
  • Construction of unique buildings and structures
  • Heat power engineering and heat engineering
  • Technology of logging and wood processing industries
  • Transport process technology
  • Artistic processing technology
  • Technosphere safety
  • Electricity and electrical engineering

Far Eastern Federal University is a federal university located in Vladivostok. As a legal entity, it has the organizational and legal form of "federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education" (FGAOU VPO).

As of 2009, the university conducts training in more than 600 educational programs, of which the number of undergraduate programs is 49, the number of specialty programs is 90, the number of master's programs is 14, the number of postgraduate and doctoral specialties is 64, the number of pre-university education and advancement programs qualifications - 171.

More than 24 thousand students study at the university on higher education programs, and about 500 graduate students are trained. The total number of students, graduate students, doctoral students and students of all forms of education is more than 41 thousand. The number of teachers at FEFU is 1598, of which doctors and candidates of sciences are 1058. The total number of employees is about 5 thousand.

The share of graduates in the total number of Orientalists in the Far East is more than 90%, in the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - more than 40%, in the Primorsky Regional Court and the Primorsky Bar Association - about 90%. FEFU is the only Russian university with a branch in Japan accredited by the Japanese Government. FEFU traces its history from the Oriental Institute - the first higher educational institution in the Far East.

The university has 15 branches: in Arsenyev, Artem, Bolshoy Kamen, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, pos. Kirovsky, Lesozavodsk, pos. Mikhailovka, Nakhodka, Partizansk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Spassk-Dalniy, Ussuriysk, as well as in the Japanese city of Hakodate.


  • License for the right to conduct educational activities No. 2255 dated 01.12.2011, Series AAA No. 002361, Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.
