The satirical story of Mikhail Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" is widely known in society. She seems funny, but at the same time it is very sad, if you think about the deep meaning of the work. The writer knows how to create a special atmosphere of mysticism, combining the book also drama and humor, fiction and reality.

The main character of the story of Professor Preobrazhensky lives in a difficult time for Russia 20-30s. 20th century. Then it was not so much meaning what you are doing how much your position in society. The power could be stupid, limited, not developed spiritually people, and honest and fair, reasonable and moving science could be at the very bottom.

Professor was able to preserve his property and more or less familiar lifestyle thanks to his relationship. He is engaged not only by medical practice, but also conducts various experiments. Philipp Philippovich picks on the street of a stray dog \u200b\u200bnamed the ball and decides to carry out an experiment on rejuvenation. As a result, there is an alignment of a dog that loses their wool and starts talking. But over time, Charicov's character changes greatly, becoming more and more like that of a person who had organs for the experiment.

In the book, all the characters reflect some part of the society of that time, the advantages and disadvantages of people of a certain status. The conflict of interest of the proletariat and intelligentsia, different levels of intellectual development, various values \u200b\u200bare well traced. They relate differently to art and entertainment, and even to surrounding people too. The writer conveys all this very thin and skillfully. Because of this depth, the story has not been leaving the minds and hearts of people for many years and enjoys fame.

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dog's heart Michael Bulgakov. A few words about the proletariat

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Title: Dog Heart
Posted by: Mikhail Bulgakov
Year: 1925.
Genre: Russian Classic, Science Fiction, Social Fiction, Literature 20th Century

About the book "Dog's Heart" Mikhail Bulgakov

It always seemed to me that for writing a work that was contrary to steel ideology, extraordinary courage is required. Therefore, for me, Mikhail Bulgakov, first of all, is not just a writer, but a unique person who was not afraid to challenge power. Therefore, the "dog heart" is just an amazing anti-Bolshevik panel hidden by the Soviet government from society for more than 60 years. At least for such a kind of "excerpt" this book is worth reading, not forgetting that it belongs to really high quality.

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In this small story shows an incredible contrast between the intelligentsia and "new people", or, if you want, "comrades" - proletariat. Professor Preobrazhensky - a bright representative of the highest class of society, to which, of course, the envy of these newest "new" is experiencing envy. He lives in a truly huge apartment (especially by the standards of comrades), where the carpet is set on the stairs on the stairs, and around - a clean marble, ah, so I want to blur him!

And this, this professor is solved for the first experiment in history: he makes an attempt to turn an animal into a person. And he succeeds. At the same time, a nice little man of the balls is obtained from a loving dog - a representative of the real cattle.

But if the balls are shortcoming, the deplorable result of a medical experiment, then the swordder is a real man, as well as a true representative of the proletariat. How it is important to select and divide so that everyone has to be equal to equally, but so that no one touches me. Slip to the authorities, sacrifice the sake of bright ideals of communism of whom and anything, if only this does not concern the Swedder itself. He is fighting me. Evilized, incredibly cunning and ruthless "comrade" causes contempt. Insignificant and mediatory, but new - Burning.

Yes, a new person may well work for considerable state money, and this does not prevent him from being a frequenter of dirty restaurants. All that interests it is a momentary benefit in cash equivalent to get drunk immediately. The balls with the joy and the physiognomy of the connoisseur criticize any serious book; After all, they will go to the circus better than in the theater.

It is good that Preobrazhensky was able to return the result of the experiment in its original appearance. It is a pity that thousands of balls still occupy high posts, manage people, and at the same time steal, shy, in general, they make that they are pleased ...

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Quotes from the book "Dog's Heart" Mikhail Bulgakov

Mr. If you have seen what this sausage is doing, you wouldn't close to the store.

Explain to me, please, why do you need to artificially add spinosis when any babe can give birth to him?

Take everything, and sharing.

The second popularity of Roman Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, the Donkey and Margarita, "Dog's Heart".

The cruel scourge of modern Bulgakov is the post-revolutionary morals, when not only simple and honest working people came to power in the early and honest workers, as the propaganda of that time spoke, but first of all, limited, greedy, not understanding science and philosophy people.
Every hero of the "dog heart" is not only an independent character, but also the bright type of the era of the NEP and the beginning of the five-year plan. Intelligent shining sciences, Tychoe Communists, stupid manons, trusting the stenographer Vasnetsova - All these individuals are written off by Mikhail Bulgakov with a friend noticeing to him.
It is these people who surrounded his contradictory personality in the twenties-thirtieth years; Bulgakov mystified reality next to him, brought fantastic notes into the picture of reality. It can be traced already in his leads "Deviliad" and "Fat Eggs", but brighter than all it was in the "Canine Heart and Master and Margarita".

Thanks to these works, it can be called a master of Russian magical realism, which puts it for one step with Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jorge Borges, Gustav Mairin and Gansa Evers. Allegoric descriptions of mystical events in his "dog heart" occupy the same place as the gloomy descriptions of the post-revolutionary Moscow.

Professor Preobrazhensky, thanks to his medical talents and connections in the top of the communist government, retained his apartment, supports the usual standard of living and is not going to change his beliefs and image of thoughts. In addition to medical practice, it is looking for numerous experiments, it is looking for a means of rejuvenation. Finding on the Street PSA Ball on the street, Professor is going to use the dog as a guy.
For a long time there is an agreement with the morgue, and as soon as the "appropriate death" occurs - the assistant of the professor of Preobrazhensky, Dr. Bormental, immediately leaves for the necessary material - pituitary gland and ovaries.

The pituitary gland, the appendage of the brain, as a professor assumes, should when replacing bring rejuvenation, but Filipp Philippovich is mistaken; The pituitary gland and the crimex Klima Chu Grückkin, transplanted by the dog, as a result, not at all rejuvenation, but complete humanity. The dog after surgery rapidly loses their wool, rises on the rear paws, starts talking, and after and smoking. Over time, under the supervision of the professor, Dr. Bormental, the housekeeper and nurses of Zina and Daria Petrovna's nurses, the ball is completely turning into a person.

It would seem that everything should now go well: the professor committed an amazing discovery, made a person from an animal, but just a ball, to get a personal person, begins to demand a lot of privileges from Professor, he behaves disgusting himself, drinks himself, drinks and scares the Professor's service. This is, as well as the Batalia Preobrazhensky with the Schwondder manager, and makes the backbone of Roman Mikhail Bulgakov "Dog's Heart".

The pituitary gland, as it turned out, carries full information about his owner, and the ball, or a polygraph of Polygraphovich balls, now more and more resembles the deceased Klima Chugulkin. Yesterday's naked is becoming yesterday, more and more problems and misfortunes gives his creator and his team.
On the example of Sharicikov and Preobrazhensky, you can see a visual collision of two different elements of human society - proletariat and intelligentsia. Miscellaneous perception of the same events, needs, difference of attitudes towards entertainment and literature - all this is clearly seen from the interactions of the professor and the former PSA. "Dog's Heart" Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov does not leave anyone indifferent for many years.
