In order to feel a full-fledged person and live a full life, you must be able to see the beauty of the surrounding world. In addition, it will be worthwhile to make a list of life values \u200b\u200bthat will be an integral part of your life, and somewhere even - its meaning. If there is, for what to live and what to strive for, life will not seem boring, dull existence.
From M. S. Norbekov helps to streamline their strengths and weaknesses, learn to independently determine the system of values, identify their goals and unrealized dreams. The course of the "Life Values" course will also help in reassessing values, rethinking and changing their existence.

Basic priorities of human self-consciousness

Each person has its own basic vital values \u200b\u200bthat are firmly included in his daily life. Often they are determined for a rather long period of time and depend on the lifestyle of a person, its upbringing and environment.
Very often, the vital values \u200b\u200bof the person, the list of which is formed absolutely unconsciously, change with age, due to changes in priorities or circumstances. Many may not even strive for any particular purpose or preference, acquiring inclinations and habits, according to their life perception.

In addition, part of life values \u200b\u200bcan be determined by the type of desire for the opposite: for example, when a very rich man has a desire to feel the charms of simple life, and one of the values \u200b\u200bin the life of the poor will be an eternal desire to up.

Standard List of Life Values \u200b\u200bin Psychological Plan

Psychologists have long been studied all aspects of human character, aspirations and goals. The main list includes such concepts:

  • Family life (love, mutual understanding, homemade comfort, children);
  • Professional activities (work, business, status);
  • Education;
  • Spiritual life (inner calm, faith, spiritual growth);
  • Political or social activities (communication, power, career);
  • Material welfare;
  • Hobbies (friendship, self-development, personal growth);
  • Beauty and health.

Many professional psychologists use various materials and exercises in their work that help identify life values \u200b\u200band understand themselves. Many countries in many countries enjoy courses on the system M. S. Norbekov. Everyone can Norbekova. The material in classes is applied efficiently and efficiently, but at the same time very simple for perception.

This is the real opportunity to know ourselves, open your inner potential and identify basic vital values. In a short period, you can find self-confidence by identifying life priorities and putting concrete goals.

Reading time: 3 min

Life values \u200b\u200bare categories of moral and material aspects, which are leading in the selection of life strategy, ways to achieve and orientate in the semantic space. In many respects, it is values \u200b\u200bthat determine the possibility of a person to make decisions, and also inclined its activities in a certain direction.

The presence of stress factors, problem situations and other troubles are able to force the person to change their position or begin to make efforts to defend their point of view. It can be said that all difficulties encountered on the way, test a person for strength in their own beliefs, make it possible to prove that the selected categories represent exactly the vital values \u200b\u200bof a person, and not a momentous needs.

What it is

The life values \u200b\u200bof the person are fateful and fateful factors and directly affect the adoption of all life decisions. They affect all the spheres of life, including the highest purpose of personality and soul, relationship with close and superficially familiar people, attitude to material benefits.

A variety of space of life values \u200b\u200bis unique to the same way that every person is unique. It is the plexus of the importance of attitudes to one category or that category allows you to see an individual drawing of the semantic and value space. Most people use momentary motivations to build a life concept, without a deep awareness of their priorities that work on the subconscious level.

Frequent painful thinking, the inability to make a choice, to do it properly or then the subsequent designer of himself for admitted to the ability - the usual consequences of the absence of an explicit position. If you increase the level of awareness, understand your gradation of values \u200b\u200bthoroughly, you can avoid a significant share of doubt and choices.

The road is facilitated by the fact that the path has already been chosen, even if for a long prospects will have to be taken temporary comfort. So, a person who put the family in the first place will not doubt how to respond to the proposal of the authorities about a semi-annual business trip in another country, and a misunderstanding, which is priority for him in the context of all life, may not be decided on fundamental changes or commit Error.

The definition of the most significant values \u200b\u200bis influenced by many factors as the internal device of the human psyche and external events of the surrounding space. At first, the foundation is laid by the features of the individual and the education system - many values \u200b\u200bhave a biological basis (the need for an active or passive lifestyle, the number of contacts, medical support), as well as is also interior from the nearest environment at the earlier age.

As you grow, the main values \u200b\u200bform the life experience gained, personal emotional experiences from some situations folding a common attitude to life. As a result, a peculiar design appears, separating important things and events from the secondary.

When a person builds his life, relying on the deep true values, he feels like a filled energy and happy. The inverse law is also valid - the more life moves away from internal needs, the less happiness in it, dissatisfaction is beginning to prevail in the emotional personality background. It is necessary to decide on its primary priorities, not forgetting that the very harmonious life in which all spheres are developed. Even if a person determines the importance of two or three values \u200b\u200bfor itself, it is necessary to maintain all the others at the proper level to avoid the imbalance and disharmony of personality.

Basic human life values

Under basic values, the categories of universal values \u200b\u200brepresenting an indisputable importance for all people, on a planetary scale and an individual level. Important value of their own life, love for any of its manifestations. Hence the concern for physical and spiritual health, the ability to arrange priorities and primarily ensure their survival. In many ways, this most important point is regulated, but only at the physical level, psychological sacrifice is increasingly manifested among people and adversely affects the life and state of the psyche.

Being a social being, a person is characterized to highly appreciate the relationship, as well as their quality. The need to be accepted and estimated for advantage of the survival and better implementation in the living space. The next time after the importance of social relations or instead, we can consider the value of family relations, including the parent family and the construction of their own.

Intimate relations, romantic manifestations can also be attributed to this item. Developing this category, the value of love for children and the need for their presence appears. Here, several additional points can be realized here, for example, the implementation of its social function, destinations, the ability to transfer knowledge and so on.

The importance of native places, where a person was born, grew, spent most of his life, can border patriotism. In a global understanding, the place of our birth and education will directly forms a personality - it is there that you can feel accepted and understood. In the homeland and among people with the same mentality it is easier to adapt and it is easier to breathe, there is an opportunity brighter and multifaceted to express all its capabilities. In many cultures, the traditions of maintaining communication with their native land are preserved, from an intuitive understanding of the importance of the amount of energy obtained by a person from the usual space.

Professional and social activities, the implementation of themselves as a specialist or achieving new results in their hobbies becomes a practically necessary factor in the modern world. It is affected, which will come without material support and the desire for development and recognition, as the main driving mechanisms of human activity. Such strong factors eventually make many putting work in priority, as a result, it turns out a serious overcast in one direction.

Not much from the value of work is the value of rest, allowing you to restore resources, switch. During the rest, a person can open a new vision of past situation, feel the taste of life, implement impractical, but mentally significant desires. All this in the end allows you to harmonize the rest of your life.

Examples of life

To understand clearly, as values \u200b\u200bappear, it makes sense to consider several examples of each of them. So the value of the family and relationship is manifested by care, the ability to help and provide it even when they are not asked directly. A person who distinguishes the time to all important people in his fate clearly appreciates this category. This is also possible to attribute the ability to always respect people, be responsive, tolerant and tolerant. The lack of data of manifestations will soon be able to destroy any relationship and man remains one. Of course, he can sacrifice this, directing the energy not attentive to others, but on the development of his own career or skills, but then in priorities, a person spelled completely different ideals.

When a person has a major value of material well-being, this is manifested in constant self-development in its professional field, finding new opportunities and posts.

A vivid example is to skip a family dinner or a joint dinner due to an important meeting or need to finish overtime. In pursuit of financial wealth, people can take additional work, arranged freelancers in addition to the main activity, sacrifice working relationships, substituting employees to take a privileged place.

When health was shaken, the first plan among the whole list of values \u200b\u200bis exactly this category, since otherwise a person cannot function normally, and perhaps and in general, he says goodbye to life. In many situations, the need for care for physical condition arises precisely against the background of problems, but there are people who have delivered this value to one of the highest, trying to maintain constant well-being. This is manifested in regular surveys, compliance with a suitable diet and physical activity, passing periodic rehabilitation and restoring procedures.

The value of self-development and spirituality may look like a choice instead of the beach pilgrimage or esoteric festival, instead of new shoes preferred psychological training. Everything that is important for humans requires time and attention, so only awareness will help plan the time so that the rest of the vital spheres will not be affected.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "Plyomed"

Values \u200b\u200bin human life play a huge role.

They determine his thinking, lead actions.

Each person has its own hierarchy of basic values.

Determination of concepts and signs

What it is?

Life values - These are the views and beliefs that a person holds in the commission of his actions.

Relying on its own life values, a person decides that it is acceptable for him, and what not.

Despite the fact that people themselves Define life guides for themselvesIn the process of continuous existence in society, they gradually begin to automatically obey their own settings and act in accordance with them.

This is explained by the fact that existing norms and rules whom a person adheres to is laid in it.

If he betray his own views and beliefs, it will invariably lead to, and a decrease.

List of basic signs:

Life position, asserting the value of a person, as a person, is called humanism.


Composing personality

Values \u200b\u200bare an integral part of the person man.

If a person tends to love his family, strive for career successes, to engage in spiritual development, then other people, when characterizing his personality, can use knowledge about its values.

Love for the family characterizes a person as a responsible, loving and caring. Career successes Speak on discipline, purposefulness. The desire for spiritual development Specifies to high morality, intelligence.

Behavior prerequisites

At the same time, values \u200b\u200bare and motivation of human behavior.

If for a person among life values \u200b\u200ba priority is their own health, then all his behavior will be aimed at compliance with this value - keeping the right lifestyle, constant monitoring of his health, avoiding the situation dangerous to the body, etc.

If there is an integral elements of spiritual values \u200b\u200bfor a person of kindness, decency and sincerity, it is impossible to expect meanness, betrayal, lies.

The exceptions are cases when a person moves away from its life facilities under the influence of external factors: thirst for profit, care from responsibility, etc.

In this case, it is possible to perform actions, contrary to existing principles.

Often the result obtained does not bring a person of expected satisfaction due to the contradiction between the internal principles and perfect deeds.

How are you formed?

The value system begins to develop in childhood in the process of upbringing and vital activity. Change your own views and beliefs, being a mature identity formed, almost impossible. The main factors affecting the formation of internal installations:


What are the values \u200b\u200bof a person? Pyramid of human values:

Examples of life values:

  1. Relationship with your loved one. For a person plays a major role in the presence of a permanent relationship with close to the spirit of the man. Such people prevail the need for affection, care, tenderness, mutual understanding. Finding a suitable partner, they seek to keep relations with him and make marriage.

    In marriage, such people turn out to be loyal and caring spouses, for which personal life always stands in the first place.

  2. Money. Material benefit, financial well-being and prosperity - the main goals in the life of a person for whom the highest value is money. His actions are primarily aimed at receiving income, achieving material goods.
  3. Power. People who value all the power are striving for their social status all their life. They wish to take a certain position in society, allowing them to influence others.

Classification in the table

The variety of values \u200b\u200bcan be classified by combining them into the main parts that make up human life:

Basic, true values


Intellect, education, upbringing, decency, self-control, work on yourself, health.

Relationships, family

Trust and mutual understanding with a partner, raising children, comfort in the house, relationship with relatives.

Communication, mutual assistance.

Material values

Success, professionalism, perspectives, respect in professional environment, income.

Position in society

Social status, influence, power, money, popularity.

Spiritual values

Spiritual development

Education, self-education, self-knowledge.

Secondary values


Cheerful pastime, travel, new impressions, gambling.

System of values \u200b\u200bin men and women

Historically, the main value of men is implementation in society, and the basic value of women - implementation in the family as a mother, wife.

Creating comfortable conditions at home by his wife guarantees her husband success in his endeavors thanks to the support and understanding that is provided by a man at home.

Currently, women often choose an important viability of also implementation in society. Creating a family and the birth of children at the same time remain no less significant tasks.

The general value system of men and women mainly includes the following factors: health, material well-being, family well-being (the presence of a spouse and children), personal development, career success.

Value of human relationships

Human relations are of great value, since any individual - social being. No person can live in society without communicating with other people, without entry into public relations - friendly, love, partnerships.

Significant value for a person represent friendly and love relationshipsSince they can find support, understanding, support.

In relations causing confidence in a person, he can reveal himself and develop.

The presence of people loved ones Next adds, gives positive emotions.

Hierarchy of values

Every person has a hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bhas its own characteristics. Each life value in such a hierarchy takes its place depending on the degree of its significance for the individual.

If we generalize the results of numerous studies, then you can define the following common hierarchical sequence of life values:

  • a family;
  • children;
  • health;
  • career;
  • money;
  • self-realization;
  • friends;
  • entertainment;
  • public acceptance.

Thus, basic personal and family values \u200b\u200bare on top of the hierarchy, and material and other values \u200b\u200bare located at the very bottom.


There are certain signs for which a person understands that his system of values \u200b\u200bneeds to be rethought:

Thus, life values \u200b\u200bnot only determine our behavior, but also lead our lives. A clear understanding of the system of own life values \u200b\u200bis a guarantee of satisfaction with your life and a full-fledged, successful existence in society.

Values \u200b\u200bin human life: definition, features and their classification


Snezhana Ivanova

The most important role in the life of a separate person and the whole society as a whole is played by values \u200b\u200band value orientations ...

An important role is not only in the life of each individual person, but also the whole society as a whole play values \u200b\u200band value orientations, which performed primarily an integrative function. It is based on the values \u200b\u200b(at the same time focusing on their approval in society), each person does its own choice in life. Values, taking a central position in the personality structure, have a significant impact on the direction of a person and the content of its social activity, behavior and actions, its social position and on the general attitude of him to the world, to themselves and other people. Therefore, the loss of a man's meaning of life is always the result of destruction and rethinking the old value system and to gain this meaning again, it needs to create a new system based on universal experience and using the form of behavior and activity adopted in society.

Values \u200b\u200bare a kind of internal integrator of a person, concentrating around them all its needs, interests, ideals, installations and beliefs. Thus, the system of values \u200b\u200bin a person's life takes the appearance of the inner rod of all his personality, and the same system in society is the rod of its culture. Systems of values, functioning both at the level of personality and at the level of society, create a kind of unity. This is due to the fact that the personal value system is always formed, based on values \u200b\u200bthat are dominant in a particular society, and they, in turn, affect the choice of the individual purpose of each individual and to determine how to achieve it.

Values \u200b\u200bin human life are the basis for choosing goals, methods and conditions of activity, and also help him answer the question for which he makes one or another? In addition, the values \u200b\u200bare a system-forming core of the idea (or programs), human activity and its inner spiritual life, because brass principles, intentions and humanity include no more activities, but to values \u200b\u200band value orientations.

The role of values \u200b\u200bin human life: theoretical approaches to the problem

Modern human values - the most relevant problem and theoretical, and applied psychology, as they influence the formation and are an integrative basis of activity not only separately taken individual, but also a social group (large or small), a team, ethnos, nation and all mankind. It is difficult to overestimate the role of values \u200b\u200bin a person's life, because they illuminate his lives by filling it with harmony and simplicity, which causes the desire of a person to freedom of will, to the will of creative possibilities.

The problem of human values \u200b\u200bin life is studied by science axiology ( in per. With Greek. Axia / Axio - Value, Logos / Logos - Reasonable Word, Teaching, Study), More precisely, a separate branch of scientific knowledge of philosophy, sociology, psychology and pedagogy. In psychology, under values, it is customary to understand something significant for the person himself, what gives the answer to its actual, personal meanings. The values \u200b\u200balso see the concept that denotes objects, phenomena, their properties and abstract ideas that reflect public ideals and therefore are the standard due.

It should be noted that the special importance and importance of values \u200b\u200bin a person's life arises only in comparison with the opposite (so people strive for good, because there is evil on earth). Values \u200b\u200bcover all his life as a person, so humanity, while they affect absolutely all spheres (cognitive, behavioral and emotional-sensual).

The problem of values \u200b\u200bwas interested in many famous philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and teachers, but the beginning of the study of this issue was laid back in distant antiquity. So, for example, Socrates was one of the first who tried to understand what benefit, virtue and beauty, and these concepts separated from things or actions. He believed that the knowledge achieved due to the understanding of these concepts and is the basis of human moral behavior. It is also worth referring to the ideas of the protagodore, which believed that each person is already value as a measure of the existing and non-existent.

Analyzing the category of "values", it is impossible to pass by Aristotle, because it is that the emergence of the term "Timy" (or appreciated). He believed that the values \u200b\u200bin human life are both the source of things and phenomena, and the cause of their diversity. Aristotle allocated the following benefits:

  • valued (or divine, to which the philosopher attributed the soul and mind);
  • praise (bold praise);
  • opportunities (here the philosopher attributed strength, wealth, beauty, power, etc.).

A significant contribution to the development of issues on the nature of values \u200b\u200bwas made by philosophers of the new time. Among the most significant figures of that era are to highlight I. Kant, which is the central category that could help in solving the problems of human value sphere, called the will. And the most detailed explanation of the process of the formation of values \u200b\u200bbelongs to G. Hegel, who described changes in values, their connections and structures in three stages of activity (in more detail they are described below in the table).

Features of changes in value in the process of activity (in Gegel)

Steps of activity Features of the formation of values
first the emergence of subjective value (its definition occurs before the start of actions), a decision is made, that is, value-goal should be specified and correlated with external changing conditions
second The value is in the focus of the activity itself, there is active, but at the same time contradictory interaction between the value and possible ways to achieve it, here the value becomes a way to form new values.
third values \u200b\u200bare woven directly into operations where they are manifested as an objectivated process.

The problem of human values \u200b\u200bin life was deeply studied by foreign psychologists, among whom it is worth noting the work of V. Frankl. He said that the meaning of the life of a person as its basic education finds its manifestation in the value system. Under the very values, he understood the meaning (he called "universals of meanings"), which are characteristic of more representatives not only a particular society, but also humanity as a whole throughout the path of its development (historical). Victor Frankl focused on the subjective importance of values, which is accompanied primarily by accepting a person responsibility for its implementation.

In the second half of the last century, values \u200b\u200bwere often considered by scientists through the prism of the concepts of "value orientations" and "personal values". The greatest attention was paid to the study of the value orientations of the individual, under which it was also understood as an ideological, political, moral and ethical basis for an assessment by a person of the surrounding reality, and as a method of differentiation of objects in their significance for the individual. The main thing is that almost all scientists paid attention to, so this is that value orientations are formed only thanks to the assimilation of social experience, and they find their manifestation for purposes, ideals, and other manifestations of the individual. In turn, the system of values \u200b\u200bin human life is the basis of the substantive side of the identity of the personality and displays its inner relation in the surrounding reality.

Thus, the value orientations in psychology were considered as a complex socio-psychological phenomenon, which gave the identity characteristic of the identity and the meaningful side of its activity, which determined the general approach of the person to himself, other people and the world as a whole, and also attached meaning and focusing behavior and activity.

Forms of the existence of values, their signs and features

Throughout its history of development, humanity developed universal or universal values, which for many generations did not change their meaning and did not reduce their significance. These are such values \u200b\u200bas truth, beauty, good, freedom, justice and many others. These and many other values \u200b\u200bin human life are connected with the motivational and consumed sphere and are an important regulatory factor in its livelihoods.

Values \u200b\u200bin psychological understanding can be represented in two values:

  • in the form of objectively existing ideas, objects, phenomena, actions, properties of products (both material and spiritual);
  • as a significance of them for a person (valuables).

Among the forms of valuables are allocated: social, subject and personal (they are presented in more detail in the table).

Forms of the existence of values \u200b\u200bfor O.V. Sukhomlinsky

Of particular importance in the study of values \u200b\u200band value orientations, M. Rokich's research had. He understood the positive or negative ideas under values \u200b\u200b(and abstract), which are not in any way related to some particular object or the situation, but are the expression of human beliefs about behavior types and prevailing purposes. According to the researcher, all values \u200b\u200bhave the following signs:

  • the total number of values \u200b\u200b(significant and motivated) is small;
  • all values \u200b\u200bin people are similar (different all the steps of their significance);
  • all values \u200b\u200bare organized in the system;
  • sources of values \u200b\u200bare culture, society and social institutions;
  • values \u200b\u200baffect the large number of phenomena, which are studied by the various sciences.

In addition, M. Rokich established a direct dependence of the value orientations of a person from many factors, such as its income, gender, age, race, nationality, level of education and upbringing, religious, political convictions, etc.

Some signs of values \u200b\u200bwere also offered to Sh. Schwarz and W. Biliski, namely:

  • under values \u200b\u200bare understood either the concept or conviction;
  • they relate to the desired end states of the individual or to its behavior;
  • they have an overturated character;
  • guided by the choice, as well as the assessment of human and action behavior;
  • they are arranged in importance.

Classification of values

To date, in psychology there is a huge number of various classifications of values \u200b\u200band value orientations. Such a variety appeared due to the fact that the values \u200b\u200bare classified according to the most different criteria. So they can unite into certain groups and classes, depending on which types of needs, these values \u200b\u200bsatisfy, what role they play in a person's life and in which area they are applied. The table below presents the most generalized classification of values.

Classification of values

Criteria Values \u200b\u200bcan be
object assimilation material and moral and spiritual
object and content of the object socio-political, economic and moral
subject of assimilation public, class and values \u200b\u200bof social groups
the purpose of the assimilation egoistical and altruistic
level of generalization concrete and abstract
method of manifestation persistent and situational
the role of human activity terminal and instrumental
content of human activity cognitive and subject-transformative (creative, aesthetic, scientific, religious, etc.)
belonging individual (or personal), group, collective, public, national, universal
relationship group and society positive and negative

From the point of view of the psychological characteristics of human values, the classification proposed by K. Habibulin is interesting. The values \u200b\u200bof them were divided as follows:

  • depending on the subject of the activity of value, it can be individual or to act as the values \u200b\u200bof a group, class, society;
  • according to the object of activity, the scientist highlighted material values \u200b\u200bin human life (or vital) and sociogenic (or spiritual);
  • depending on the type of human activity, value can be informative, labor, educational and socio-political;
  • the last group is valuable by the method of performing activities.

There is also a classification based on the allocation of vital (person's ideas about good, evil, happiness and grief) and universal values. This classification was proposed at the end of the last century T.V. Butkovskaya. Universal values, according to scientist, are:

  • vitals (life, family, health);
  • social recognition (such values \u200b\u200bas social status and abilityability);
  • interpersonal recognition (manifestation and honesty);
  • democratic (freedom of statement or freedom of speech);
  • particular (family affiliation);
  • transcendental (manifestation of faith in God).

It is also worth a particularly discharged on the classification of values \u200b\u200bin M. Rokich - the author of the most famous methodology in the world, the main purpose of which is to determine the hierarchy of the value orientation of the individual. All values \u200b\u200bof man M. Rokich divided into two large categories:

  • terminal (or value values) - the conviction of a person is that the ultimate goal is all efforts to achieve it;
  • instrumental (or value methods) - the conviction of man is that a certain way of behavior and actions is the most successful to achieve the goal.

There is still a huge number of different classifications of values, a summary of which is shown below in the table.

Classification of values

Scientist Values
V.P. Tugarins spiritual education, Art and Science
socio-political justice, Will, Equality and Brotherhood
material various types of material goods, technique
V.F. Sergeants material tools of labor and methods of execution
spiritual political, moral, ethical, religious, legal and philosophical
A. Maslow genesis (B-values) higher, characteristic of personality, which is self-actualized (the values \u200b\u200bof beauty, good, truth, simplicity, uniqueness, justice, etc.)
deficit (d-values) the lowest, aimed at meeting the need, which was fruitated (such values \u200b\u200bas a dream, safety, addiction, calm, etc.)

Analyzing the classified classification, the question arises, and what are the main values \u200b\u200bin a person's life? In fact, such values \u200b\u200bare a huge set, but the most important (or universal) values \u200b\u200bare most important, which, according to V. Frankl, are based on three main human extensity - spirituality, freedom and responsibility. The psychologist was allocated the following groups of values \u200b\u200b("Eternal Values"):

  • creativity that allow people to understand that they can give this society;
  • experiences, thanks to which a person is aware of what he receives from society and society;
  • relationships that enable people to realize their place (position) regarding the factors that somehow limit their lives.

It should also be noted that the most important place is made up of moral values \u200b\u200bin a person's life, because they play a leading role in making people solutions related to morality and moral norms, and this in turn indicates the level of development of their personality and humanistic orientation.

System of values \u200b\u200bin human life

The problem of human values \u200b\u200bin life occupies a leading position in psychological studies, because they are a stem and determine its focus. In solving this problem, a significant role belongs to the study of the value system and the study of S. Bubnova, which, based on the works of M. Rokich, has created a serious influence on the works of M. Rokich, created its own model of the value orientation system (it is hierarchical and consists of three levels). The system of values \u200b\u200bin a person's life in her opinion consists of:

  • values \u200b\u200bideals who are the most common and abstract (here include spiritual and social values);
  • property values \u200b\u200bthat are fixed in the process of human livelihoods;
  • values \u200b\u200b- ways of activity and behavior.

Any valuables will always combine two categories of values: value values \u200b\u200b(or terminal) and methods-methods (or instrumental). Terminal include the ideals and goals of a person, group and society, and instrumental - ways to achieve the goals that are accepted and approved in this society. Values \u200b\u200bare more stable than value-methods, therefore they act as a system-forming factor in various social and cultural systems.

To existing in society, each person shows his own attitude. In psychology, five types of human relationships are distinguished in the value system (by Ya Gudchek):

  • active, which is expressed in the high degree of internalization of this system;
  • comformed, that is, externally accepted, but the person does not identify himself with this system of values;
  • indifferent, which is the manifestation of indifference and the complete lack of interest in this system;
  • disagreement or non-acceptance, manifested in a critical attitude and condemnation of the value system, with the intention to change it;
  • the opposition that is also manifested in the internal and external contradiction with this system.

It should be noted that the system of values \u200b\u200bin human life is the most important component in the personality structure, while it occupies a cross-border position - on the one hand, this is a system of personality of man, on the other - its motivational-needs sphere. Values \u200b\u200band value orientations of a person act as a leading personality quality, emphasizing its uniqueness and individuality.

Values \u200b\u200bare the most powerful human life regulator. They guide a person on the path of its development and determine his behavior and activity. In addition, the direction of a person for certain values \u200b\u200band value orientations will necessarily affect the process of forming society as a whole.

What is the sense of life? What is truly valuable in life? What is my purpose?

These are the main questions we are trying to find an answer.

Probably the answers to these questions know people who in their lives faced face to face with their death.

Reading about people who learned that they will die very soon, or those who survived clinical death, learn that they changed their life priorities.

I found interesting "research" on the Internet. Here are the data on the topic "What regret before the death of" Yu is the thoughts of the great wise men about it. And it turned out this list of five truth values \u200b\u200bin the life of every person.

"If not my disease, I would never think about how beautiful life is" (Randy Paush "Last Lecture") .

1. Attention

Everything in life has its own purpose. Each living creature on the planet has its own mission. And each of us has its own role. Realizing its unique talents and abilities, we gain happiness and wealth. The path to its uniqueness and mission lies through our desires and dreams from the very childhood.

"Individuality - the highest value in the world" (Osho).

One woman (Bronni Vehi) worked for many years in the hospice, where her task was to facilitate the mental state of dying patients. From his observations, she revealed that the most frequent regret of people before death is regrettable that they didn't have the courage to live life correctly for them, and not the lives that others expected. Her patients regretted that they did not bring their dreams to life. And only at the end of the way they realized that it was only the consequence of their choice they did.

Make a list of your talents and abilities, as well as a list of favorite cases in which they are expressed. So you will find your unique talents. Use them to serve others. To do this, ask yourself as often as possible: "What can I be useful (peace, people with whom in contact)?How can I serve

Boldly throw the unloved job! Do not be afraid of poverty, failures and mistakes! Trust yourself and do not worry about the opinions of others. Believe always God will take care of you. It is better to take a chance once than then regret that you lived in a gray and talent life, "killing" at the unloved work to the detriment of yourself and your loved ones.

Always remember that you are unique, and your mission is to give a maximum of our uniqueness to the world. Only then will you gain true happiness. So God has conceived.

"Open your divinity, find your unique talent, and you can create any wealth that you want" (Dipac Chopra).

2. Self-discharge and spiritual growth

Stop being animal! ..

Of course, we need to satisfy physiological needs, but only in order to develop spiritually. People are mainly chased by material well-being and are concerned primarily things, and not a soul. Then, as the primary meaning and the goal of human life is to realize that he is a spiritual being and nothing material to him, in fact, do not need.

"We are not human creatures that receive spiritual experience from time to time. We are spiritual creatures that receive from time to time human experience "(Dipac Chopra).

Realize God inside yourself. Man is a transitional creature from the animal to the spiritual. And each of us has resources to make this transition. More often, practice the state "be" when you do not have thoughts and you do not need anything when you just feel life and enjoy her fullness. The state "here and now" is already spiritual experience.

"There are people among us, - a little, but there are, - who understand that it is necessary to start to postpone the money for old age, while it is far to have time to accumulate a certain amount ... So why at the same time not to take care of what is more important money, - about the soul? "(Eugene O'kelli, "In pursuit of an echoing light »).

And you do not need to be expensive, you are already perfect, because you are spiritual creatures. Do self-dislocation ...

« To know yourself as best as possible to be as much as possible for the world - this is the most important task of a person.» (Robin Sharma).

Even when you achieve goals, a true success is not associated with achievement, but with those changes in the consciousness that occurred as the inevitable consequence of your promotion to these goals. It's not about the implementation of goals, but what happens to you in the process of achieving it.

3. Openness

As often in the face of death, people regret that they did not have the courage to express love to their relatives and loved ones! They regret that they often suppressed their emotions and feelings, because they were afraid of the reactions of others. They regret that they did not allow themselves to be happier. Only at the end of the way they realized that being happy or not - this is a matter of choice. Every moment, we choose the reaction to one or another situation, and each time it interprets events in its own way. Be carefull! Watch your choice every moment ...

« What goes around comes around» (folk wisdom).

What needs to be done to become more open?

1) Give the will to your emotions and feelings.

Ride on the coolest attraction and shove into your pleasure; Share your feelings with other people; Become an optimist - rejoice, laugh, having fun, no matter what.

2) Take yourself and the life is what it is.

Allow yourself to be the way you are, and the events happen to themselves. Your task is to dream, move and watch what miracles give you life. And if something is not as much as you wanted, then it will be even better. Just relax and enjoy.

« I'm dying and cheerful. And I'm going to have fun every day let me» (Randy Paush "Last Lecture").

4. Love

Sadly, but many people only in the face of death are aware of how little love was in their lives, as they had little rejoiced and enjoyed simple joys of life. The world gave us so many wonders! But we are too busy. We cannot tear out of our plans and urgent problems to look at these gifts and enjoy them.

"Love is food for the soul. Love for the soul is the same thing that food for the body. No food body weakly, without love Large Soul " (Osho).

The best way to raise the wave of love in your body is gratitude. Start to thank God for everything he presents to you every moment: for this food and roof over your head; for this communication; for this clear sky; For all you see and get. And when you catch yourself in irritation, immediately ask yourself: " Why should I be grateful now? " The answer will come from the heart itself, and, believe me, he will inspire you.

Love is the energy from which the world isted. Become a missionary of love! Give people compliments; Charge with love everything is touched; Let's get more than getting ... and move life from the heart, and not from the head. It is it that will tell you the surest way.

"The way without a heart is never joyful. Already in order for it to come out hard to work. On the contrary, the path that has a heart is always light; To love it, do not need special efforts. "(Carlos Castaneda).

5. Relationship

When life passes and in everyday worries, we often lose sight of our relatives and friends, at the end of the way we will feel devastating, deep sadness and longing ...

As you often spend time with those who love and appreciate. They are the most expensive that you have. Always be open to communication and new acquaintances, it enriches. As much as possible, give people your attention and admire them, - all this will return to you. With joy and disinterestedly help, give and also with joy. Take gifts from others.

"Bliss is also infectious as any disease. If you help others be happy, by and large you helping to be happy yourself "(Osho).

So what will you regret at the end of your way?


