Hello, folks! As you know, English is now in demand almost everywhere: when entering a university, when looking for a prestigious job, for traveling around the world, even for looking for useful information on the Internet. We study it for a long time: at school, at the university, then in courses or with a tutor.

For many, this takes a long time and turns into a problem - you learn English for a long time and painfully.

But, in fact, everything is not so sad. Of course, there is a solution, and in this article we have collected practical tips for you to learn English.

1. Set yourself a goal

In order to be successful, it is very important to set yourself a clear goal. It is important not only to determine why you want to learn the language, and in what way, but also to establish a short time frame for the implementation of the plan for self-study English in order to move forward towards your goal.

3. Mix different types of tasks

We all know that people assimilate and remember information in different ways: for some you only need to listen and remember the fact that interests them, and someone will want to write down and read the necessary information a little later.

You can, of course, use only one method, but do not forget about the variety. You won't be able to learn a foreign language by memorizing the rules, or just reading the texts. Use your entire arsenal. Download and install the language learning application on your computer or mobile, listen to your favorite songs (while not forgetting to sing along), watch your favorite TV shows or movies in English, come up with sentences, communicate with a native speaker on Skype or Viber, make cards with words, read interesting blog articles.

4. Use online resources

The internet is full of resources to learn foreign languages, especially English. Watch online training videos, listen to radio broadcasts, watch international news on the BBC channel, play educational games, take part in various lectures and seminars from Coursera. Everyone can find something for themselves.

5. Chat with a native speaker

One of the best practical tips for learning English is communicating with a native speaker, especially now finding a native speaker of a foreign language and communicating with him is quite simple.

There are many communities on the web offering help with learning (for example, Conversation Clubs from EnglishDom). Sign up and chat with other people on Skype. Choose the most interesting topics for you and go for it! We guarantee it will be a rewarding experience.

6. Pursue your interests

Improve your English with what you really like. If you are a fan of art, then go to the museum and choose audio in English, read an art magazine, or watch a movie about a great artist or art direction. Ignore the subtitles and relax. You understand the text through the word, which is great! Enjoy what you are doing using English!

7. Repeat

Do not forget to repeat the material covered. This may not only apply to grammar rules and repetition of new words. After listening to the dialogue, come back to it again after a couple of weeks, and you will immediately understand that it is much easier to perceive speech and spoken in audio. After reviewing an excerpt from a movie you watched earlier and you know the plot well, you will get great pleasure from the fact that you understand everything.

8. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Mistakes are part of any learning process, and you shouldn't be afraid to make them. At the first stages of learning a new language, we do not understand a lot. We do not know the structure of the language, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.

It is perfectly natural to make mistakes when understanding something new. Don't judge yourself too harshly, be patient and you will definitely succeed.

9. Travel

If possible, plan a trip to a country where English is a native language. You will not only gain rewarding experiences, but you will also have a wonderful opportunity to put into practice what you have learned. Without a doubt, while in such an environment, aspects such as pronunciation, intonation and rhythm, as well as listening skills, improve.

10. Ask questions

When we learn a new language, it is not surprising that we have many questions. It is necessary to immediately clarify all incomprehensible or questionable points. In such situations, discuss the questions with your teacher.


So, we have shared with you 10 tips for learning English. Now you know how to improve your language skills on your own. But do not forget about classes with a teacher, a person who will help you understand various nuances and subtleties. of English language... You can choose from individual or group classes, visit the clubs closest to home or work, or opt for online classes. You decide.

Based on our experience, the best and most optimal way to “speak” English is to combine self-study and attend individual lessons with a teacher.

Whatever you choose, we hope it "ll work for you!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

I often come across people who would like to learn a language on their own and for free. But, for whatever reasons, the bulk simply scores on their own development. English should be studied with interest. And to take you into learning, I have prepared a small surprise at the end of the article!

Education is very important in the modern world!

On the Internet there are a huge number of tips, lessons, courses, methods of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200band each is unique in its own way. The simplest and most accessible language, it seems to me, is English. Hence it follows that there will be much more information on it. Some people prefer to study textbooks at home, while others attend language courses. And the third were generally lucky to study abroad 🙂

Having familiarized myself with various methods, I came to the conclusion, why not use only a smartphone or tablet in this matter? After all, these are convenient and affordable ways for everyone. You can do it anywhere: at home, on the way to school or work, on a visit, standing in line at the store. And most importantly, it's completely free.

Method number 1

Let's start with a more traditional method. There is a unique Duolingo app. It was presented back in 2014 at the annual Google I / O show. It was then that the application gained its popularity on Google Play. Duolingo is now the leader in its class.

Thanks to a fairly simple, and at the same time, effective method of selecting workouts, the application automatically determines the user's level of knowledge of a foreign language. There is no theory in the application, only practice. When I first got to know Duolingo, it was difficult for me. In case you come across an unfamiliar word, you can see its meaning right in the exercise. And if you are mistaken, then there is an opportunity to refer to user comments. Usually, the more experienced will be happy to help newbies.

A daily workout reminder will be a pleasant stimulation. There are 4 stages of training: easy, normal, serious and insane. The higher the load, the more effective the training will be. In the easy mode, it is enough to complete two tasks a day, while in the insane one you should complete as many as 10 exercises at least! If your friends use Duolingo, then add them to your profile. This will give you the opportunity to compete with them.

Price: Free

In addition to English, there is an opportunity to learn German. I hope that the list of lessons will be updated.

From personal experience, I can advise you to practice in the morning. Have you noticed that fresh information is always absorbed better? It will always be easier to remember new phrases in the morning. Of course, this is just my advice, you can practice at any convenient time.

Second way

Let's go further. The next way is podcasts. This word will seem familiar to many, but not everyone understands its meaning. Podcasts are audio or video broadcasts with a specific theme. Usually, podcasts exist in the form of radio or TV broadcasts, coming out at regular intervals.

Did you know that there are thousands of different podcasts on the Internet that help you learn a foreign language on your own? Yes, millions of people around the world are actively using this method! Whether it's a child or an adult!

Inspired by the thirst for knowledge, install the application from . What is TuneIn you ask? Answer is an application that allows you to listen to over 100,000 radio stations from around the world. Perhaps this is the largest and most serious project of its kind, which is now on the market. Some well-known manufacturers, such as HTC, install TuneIn in their smartphones from the factory. The impressive rate of downloads of the application, more than 100 million times, indicates that the project is very popular.

Price: Free

In addition to the main genres of radio stations (blues, jazz, rock, indie, disco country and more), TuneIn Radio allows you to listen to talk stations, sports and news channels, and podcasts. Interestingly, there is an audiobook section that has a large number of genres.

I spent several hours getting to know the podcasts. As a result, I discovered a very interesting channel “Learn English with Don’t Speak”. Anyone looking to improve their spoken English will benefit from this channel. In a boring conversation, the presenters put everything on sticks based on the simple rules of the English language.

Having considered my thoughts, I came to the conclusion: it is simply necessary for every person to develop! Learning languages \u200b\u200bwill be no exception. I hope that my 2 alternative ways to learn English on your own will help readers in this interesting business. Friends, if you liked this article, then I will be very grateful to you for the repost! Thank!


Hello to all readers of my blog!

As you already understood, this article will talk about how to learn English without the help of a teacher... And, although, in my opinion, such a feat can be accomplished only when certain conditions are met, it is impossible to argue that this is impossible or accessible to a very small number of people.

And if you nevertheless decided to take this step, the ones outlined below will help you save energy, time and nerve cells on the way to your cherished goal.

Well, let's start debriefing!

Before reading my advice, let me remind you that now there are many resources on the online spaces that help you learn the language on your own. I myself use and recommend to everyone the well-known Lingvaleo... There free registration and a lot of valuable materials, besides this, you can buy an online course that is right for you (I advise you to start with this ), and learn the language according to a clear scheme developed by professional teachers.

Where to begin? Where to look and how to learn the material? Am I doing the right thing? ..

From all these questions, at first, my head is spinning. But no panic, friends! In fact, you are capable of much more than you might imagine!

So let's go!

  • Desire and motivation

Even the most distinguished and experienced teacher will not be able to teach you English if you do not want to. After all, while studying with teachers, most of the training is also devoted to independent work. As the famous teacher N.A. Bonk: " A foreign language cannot be taught - it can only be learned».

If you are truly obsessed with learning English, then classes should bring you satisfaction, but to force yourself and try to study and cram at all costs is not worth it. Don't waste your time! Better to postpone training until better times.

Learning English requires tremendous patience, strong will, self-discipline and hard work. " Too many things!"- you say, and you will be partly right. Sometimes the most diligent and patient give up and give up what they started halfway through. The reason for this is lack of a serious motive... Therefore, even if you do not have one - come up with it! Ready!? Do you want to get a job in a Western company? Apply to an English-speaking university? Or ? And that will do.

  • From simple to complex

Take your time to grasp the immensity and learn English as quickly as possible. Believe me, teaching any foreign language should have a clear structure, a developed system, otherwise “ everything will mix in the Oblonskys' house ... ".

At first, you should not conduct too long classes, learn a lot at once rules or read the original English literature. Start with

  1. learning elementary rules and their practice (in my heading you will find them!)
  2. reading the simplest with a dictionary
  3. viewing with subtitles in English
  4. listening
  5. translation of simple sentences of two or three words both from English into Russian, and vice versa
  6. performing simple practical tasks
  7. writing short summaries of the passed
  8. passing on the Internet.

A very effective, in my opinion, method of learning a language for those who want everything themselves, is given in the book Ovadenko "English without a tutor" ... This manual, coupled with audio accompaniment, will definitely help you at the initial stage.

  • Regularity is the key to success

Of course, the hardest part is to force yourself to practice regularly. It may be difficult, but this stability is probably one of the most important keys to success. Try to practice every day for at least 15-20 minutes. If the lesson is not going to be long, then try to do it as intensely as possible. Even if you are not feeling well or too tired, or, repeat the newly learned words. If the language is constantly present in your life, it will become familiar and familiar to you.

  • Repetition is the mother of learning

Try to repeat the topics covered, refresh the words you have learned, watch a video you already know, listen to an audio recording, or reread a story you already know. Not only does this undoubtedly help to consolidate the material passed through, but it is also sometimes useful to feel that you know something well and enjoy the fact that you understand everything.

  • Variety is good for everyone

Undoubtedly, you have one or two of your favorite ways to learn a language. Someone loves, while others watch videos or prefer to perceive. Use all the methods available to you: install a training program on your computer, learn the lyrics of your favorite artists and sing along with them, come up with sentences, watch training videos (which are also on my blog), communicate with native speakers on Skype, make flashcards with English subtitles, try teaching a topic you have learned well to a friend, wife, or children yourself. In short, any activity that makes you work with English will be useful.

  • Choosing the time and place

It is not always effective to study at home, where there are a lot of temptations (drinking tea, lying on the couch, or not missing your favorite show), so it is useful to visit the library from time to time, where the atmosphere itself is conducive to work, or try to study right on the way to or from work.

  • Communicate in English whenever you wante

If you are learning the language on your own and you don't have polyglot friends, then use every chance to put your English into practice. Communication in, special meetings and seminars for English language learners, tourists you meet by chance, like-minded people you find on the social network - all this is from this area.

  • How to memorize words
  1. Firstly, it is necessary to memorize not only the meaning of the word, but also how it is pronounced correctly. Nowadays, this is much easier to do - you don't have to painfully deal with the transcription - just type in the word of interest into the Google translator, and he will pronounce it and give out several basic meanings.
  2. Secondly, the word must be written. Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down words with translation.
  3. Thirdly, do not try to memorize a large number of words at once. It is better to choose from 5 to 10 words, but remember them for sure - how to do it.
  4. Fourthly, use the learned words as often as possible. Beginners, especially children, memorize words very well using flashcards or during a variety of contests.
  5. And finally fifthly, just develop your memory! Believe me, this is very important when learning a foreign language. Here, I can offer you what I use myself - to improve memorization skills with the help Brainapps Is a cool online platform specializing in this business. Guys, I myself did not know how this can be exciting and effective!
  • Work on your pronunciation

Phonetics is also the most important part of the English language, because English speech contains sounds that are simply not in Russian. Moreover, if you are doing it yourself, it brings additional difficulties. In some way, you must hear the correct pronunciation of this or that word and try to repeat it correctly. and video courses, English songs and films, conversations with native speakers, as well as my materials - will help you on the path to excellence.

  • Monitor your achievements

After a certain period of classes, arrange for yourself a mini-exam:

  1. complete tasks on the topics covered
  2. learn and retell a text containing words and rules you already know
  3. go through.

In addition, it would be nice to demonstrate the acquired knowledge to a good friend, or even better to a teacher whose level of knowledge of the language is much higher than yours. Such periodic monitoring will be an additional motive and, in addition, will allow you to understand how far you have come in learning English.


In no case think that you are not capable of something or that you cannot cope with something. Have patience, do not give up, believe in yourself, and you will succeed!

Don't be afraid to make mistakes or say something wrong when speaking English. The roots of the notorious language barrier grow from there. These tips will most likely not help you overnight, but you will definitely improve your understanding and comprehension of English speech and texts. An understanding will come that you can achieve a lot, which means there will be strength for further improvement!

Thank you for reading my article to the end - I think it was not in vain :)

In contact with

How to learn English on your own at home from scratch? So that the phrase “Landan from the Capital of Great Britain” is not your only crown, we have collected the best tips for you! Choose what you like best.


If you want to quickly learn English yourself at home from scratch, then you should stick to some system. It is similar to the system used in physical training, and covers all areas of learning a foreign language.

There are only five points that you must master:

  • grammar;
  • reading;
  • vocabulary;
  • listening;
  • speaking.

The meaning of the system is that every day you have to devote 15-20 minutes of your time to a specific item.

Day 1: Grammar

Grammar is the foundation of everything. First you need to remember all the pronouns, tenses, irregular Verbs and exceptions.

§English course from Dmitry Petrov and from the channel "Culture"... In just 16 lessons, the teacher will introduce you to the basics of the English language, using his own individual system.

§Channel English Galaxy will show you how to learn English yourself at home from scratch and for free. The channel contains a huge number of lessons that will help you master a foreign language.

Native native speakers use only 4 tenses in everyday speech: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple and Present Continuous. Well, they also love the Passive voice. That's enough for elementary level.

Useful software

The Duolingo app will explain the basics of English grammar. You will need to devote only 10-15 minutes of free time a day to the language. The application will teach you simple grammar and translation of elementary things.

You shouldn't sit for 4-5 hours studying English. Enough 15-20 minutes a day. There can be 3 or 4 such days a week.

Day 2: Reading

Start with the simplest texts. Let it be children's books about bunnies, cats and foxes. But you will understand everything that is happening there. Books can be found in major book houses or ordered online.

Yes, e-books are cool, but it's better to print the text or buy a book in English. So you can write the translation of a word right above the English word. As they did before at school.

In addition to books, you can find sites, entertainment portals or blogs in English that talk about things that interest you. Most importantly, you should like it. If you are more interested in reading technical texts, then why do you know about how God sent a piece of cheese to a crow? Read what you want.

§Books in English for beginners (level elementary):

  • Peppa Pig (books about Peppa pig);
  • Danny and the Dinosaur (Denny and the dinosaur);
  • Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh);
  • Moomin and the Moonlight Adventure (adventures of Mummy Troll);
  • When Lulu Went to the Zoo (When Lulu went to the Zoo).


  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • Alice in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
  • Mary Poppins (The Adventures of Merry Poppins)
  • The Black Cat (Edgar Poe) / (Black cat)
  • The Gift of the Magi.

§Books in English for the level advanced:

You are the God of English! Read at least "Harry Potter" in the original, at least "The Lord of the Rings".

  • The Time Machine (Time Machine);
  • The Invisible Man (Invisible Man);
  • Pride and Prejudice (Pride and prejudice);
  • Four Weddings and a Funeral (Four weddings and one funeral);
  • The Grass is Singing.

Day 3: Vocabulary

How to learn English on your own at home quickly? You need to replenish your vocabulary. You can combine this day with the second day if you wish. As you read, write down any unfamiliar words that come across your eyes.

Get a dictionary

Create your own personal dictionary so as not to lose all the words, because not everything may fit in your head. It can be a notebook or notebook.

§1 option: unfamiliar English word | Russian translation

§Option 2: unfamiliar English word | explanation of the translation of a word in English

§3 option: unfamiliar English word | explanation of word translation in English | Russian translation

Useful software

A cool app to help you memorize foreign words is called Easy Ten.

  • you can independently choose the words you want to learn;
  • you can choose the level of difficulty of words;
  • there is a pronunciation of words;
  • there are examples of phrases using a specific word;
  • russian translation;
  • the application sends notifications every half hour, the studied word with translation is displayed on the screen, which contributes to better memorization.
  • the application is paid, only 3 free days are given.

Translate the menu of your phone or work computer into English. The most basic words in English will always be in front of your eyes.

Day 4: Listening

Forget those stupid, horrible quality cassettes they played at school. Because of the noises, you were just beginning to listen attentively to a boring text about some newspapers, business, and the capital office, and the dialogue was already ending. And you had no time to catch anything. How easy is it to learn English on your own at home?

Watch and listen to what you are interested in:

  • foreign YouTube channels;
  • interesting and informative videos;
  • tracks and clips in English.

Both TV shows and videos on YouTube go immediately with subtitles. Just hit the Play button and enjoy. Try to protect yourself in English as much as possible so that you can get used to it, and then you will automatically understand everything that is being said, and already without subtitles.

Day 5: Speaking

If you have a friend or acquaintance who is fluent in English, talk to him often. But, if you do not have such people around, this is not a reason to be upset.

§How to learn spoken English on your own at home? You need to communicate with the indigenous people who ideally own it. The Hello Talk app will help you with this. You simply register, indicate your level of English, your interests, tell about yourself and look for friends from different countries. It's like a small global social network.

Pros of the app:

  • you can improve your level of knowledge of any language;
  • communicate with people from different countries;
  • help them learn your native language;
  • if you misspelled or said something, your interlocutor will correct you;
  • you can correct other people too;
  • the ability to record audio messages;
  • the ability to share your moments and photos;
  • likes, comments are present.

§ A similar application with similar functionality is Tandem.

§You can also recommend the resource fiverr. There you can find someone who speaks English as a native language and talk to him on Skype. The service is paid.

Useful channels, sites and applications

How to learn English yourself at home from scratch and for free? We have collected several methods and tips for you! Take what you like best.


Here are some useful channels:

Learn English with Papa Teach Me

Guy channel Learn English with Papa Teach mewho teaches English in English! Everything is super simple and clear!

Skyeng: Online English School

A cute girl teaches English through songs, TV shows, videos, TV shows and more. An interesting and informative channel for everyone who does not know how to learn English on their own at home from scratch.


Many have seen videos of foreigners listening to Russian music? Venya is full of such videos in which you can see the reaction of various people to the CIS content. Venya also travels a lot around the world, teaches English and shares a lot of life hacks.

Marina Mogilko

A Russian girl who founded her business and left to live in the USA, talks about her life, work, the pros and cons of America. And she's just a beauty!

English Maria

A cool English teacher who teaches the way she wants. And she does it, by the way, very well!

Apps and sites

In addition to the above applications, a few more can be noted:


An interactive study of the English language, where everything is collected: grammar, speaking, reading, listening. Completing tasks is easy and simple. And the main thing is not boring. Also have LinguLeo has its own website that helps you learn the language.

§English with Puzzle English

Have Puzzle English there is both a website and an application. This is a great project for those looking to learn English. The point is that you need to collect a complete picture of audio, video or text using puzzles. And also you can find a huge number of interesting articles and memes. Well, where without games!

§ fluent.express

If you urgently need to check the text in English, then entrust this matter to native speakers. On the site, you can ask for help to edit your article or essay.

§Sites with double subtitles

Films with double subtitles will help you learn English on your own at home from scratch. You can find them on the following sites:

  • 2sub.tv;
  • puzzle-english.com;
  • vasabi.tv.

As you can see, it is quite possible to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free. Do, read and watch only what you like. Feel the tongue, catch its rhythm. And soon you will feel free to speak English and be able to express your thoughts clearly.

Let mi talk from may hart,

Thanks for your time!

Want to learn English quickly and easily? If you did not have time to do this at school or you did not have such an opportunity, do not despair! You will be able to speak English very quickly with very little effort if you approach learning English correctly.

Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end ... because in the end, it shows you a whole new world !!! Make an attempt.

Leaving the comfort zone is so difficult at first, chaotic in the middle, but how wonderful at the end ... Because at the end the whole world will open up in front of you in a new way !!! Just try it.

In the modern world, there are many ways to learn foreign languages, and sometimes it is not easy for a person to understand this variety of methods, textbooks, schools and approaches. A few simple tips will help you take the first step and choose what is right for you and stay on track.

You can find out more about the Intensive English learning method in the article

English for dummies from scratch. How to start?

The initial stage in learning English is the most difficult, but you have the most important thing - strength and desire

How to start learning English?

Learning English from scratch simply won't work, because you already have a certain amount of knowledge in your head. And this is thanks to the many borrowed words ( information, conflict, comfort), brand names ( Tide - clean, Safeguard - protection, Dove - dove), speaking surnames famous people (Tina turner (turner), Nicolas cage (cell), names of musical groups ( No doubt (without a doubt), Destiny's Child (child of fate) Spice girls (Pepper girls). Not to mention the common phrases thank you, hello, yes, ok, wow , which we have been using in Russian colloquial speech for a long time.

Without even knowing it, you already know English words and expressions. And this is the first thing that should inspire you! It remains only to direct the already existing knowledge in the right direction.

How to choose a school and an English teacher?

The best option at the initial stage of language acquisition is to find a teacher. According to the well-known saying, the disciple is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit. This torch can be lit for you by a teacher, with his sparkle in his eyes and a great desire and ability to teach. The most important thing is that it should be professional in his field .

“Before you is a layman, if instead of building lively conversational situations, he forces you to perform tasks at the level of meaning, ie just "drives" you through the textbook. Instead of constantly giving you compliments, encouraging communication, he makes comments, rejoices at your every mistake, if he goes to class without original materials (newspapers, magazines, books, radio programs, etc.), is limited to teaching aids ”. Ilya Frank

Russian teacher or native speaker?

And one more wish - to begin with, it should be a Russian-speaking teacher. Only he will be able to understand why you made this or that mistake, in simple words he will explain complex grammatical phenomena, the difference between words, comparing with the Russian language.

However one teacher is not enough to master the language. In your free time, do additional tasks, repeat the past. Whoever has a desire and interest will definitely do it.

Or it is possible that you have motivation, but for some reason you decided to learn English on your own. Be prepared for the fact that this will take much more time and effort, since you will need not only to complete tasks, but also to select and check them yourself! Here are YouTube channels for learning English.

Group English classes in an offline school are a great way to learn the language and meet new people

To clearly understand what needs to be learned, you need to know its structure. Imagine that words (vocabulary) are musicians, each of them can play separately, their instruments emit sounds (phonetics), and in order to organize them into a single orchestra, to coordinate them, they need a conductor (grammar).

If the musician does not appear (you do not know the word), or he comes, but takes false notes (you pronounce it incorrectly), or the conductor gives the wrong command (violate the grammar rule), you will not get a perfect symphony!


Vocabulary, grammar, phonetics - three pillars on which the language rests. Only by studying them in a complex, you can master and understand the language, sound beautiful and correct.

Learning English words

Suppose a lost tourist does not know grammar, but he knows individual words - me, search, station, or just one word station. Even if he pronounces it with an accent and is not entirely correct and addresses this word to the passers-by, they will most likely understand him. But if he does not know how the station speaks English, they will hardly help him. Words are your base, constantly expand your vocabulary.

The vocabulary of most native English speakers is 12,000-20,000 words, and in order to communicate in English, it is enough to learn 1,500-2,000 words. And this is not so much, especially if you set yourself the goal of learning 5 words every day.

There are many ways to memorize words, long lists of words in textbooks give way to colorful visual dictionaries, video materials on the Internet, where words on a specific topic are presented with their image and pronunciation. Or they can be paper cards that you can buy or make yourself.

Flashcards with pictures and translations on the back will help you quickly learn English words.

Let English words surround you! The method of hanging notes with words around the house has proven itself well. Hang a note on the door, window, table with a word denoting this object, and believe me, very soon you will call these objects in English.

From the very beginning, create your own dictionary in which you will enter all new words and expressions. And in order to make the results more noticeable and have something to praise yourself for - number the written words, highlight them in different colors, depending on how easy or difficult they are for you. Get creative, turn your dictionary into a unique creative masterpiece! See the video below for a few ideas on how to design a dictionary.

And most importantly: do not learn everything, but only the essentials. Pick priority topics for yourself like family, food, shopping, travel. Don't try to grasp the immensity. The language is taught all life!

Having found the right word in the dictionary, do not be lazy to look through the entire dictionary entry. There are situations when it is better to learn not a single word, but a whole expression, especially if it sounds differently in Russian, for example, to get acquainted with, to be afraid of, to catch a cold ... Having memorized such phrases in the whole expression, you will remember them already ready, like one long word.

Do not forget to repeat the written words from time to time, and then they will be remembered quickly and involuntarily. You can also install mobile apps for learning english words, which are now quite a lot on the Internet.

Learn English grammar

Grammar cannot be ignored. No matter how supporters of alternative and communication techniques fight against "cramming" grammatical rules and boring exercises, grammar rules need to be taught and trained. At the initial stage of study, it will be easier for you to learn a ready-made rule and exceptions than to identify patterns on your own.

However, learning grammar should not be an end in itself. To consolidate the learned grammatical material, combine it with vocabulary. For example, after learning, write a story about your family or work day, having mastered the degree of comparison of adjectives - describe the weather forecast yesterday and today, having studied the adverbs of quantity - write a recipe for your favorite dish.

Practice leads to excellence

Consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice in all forms: reading, listening, writing, speaking. If you miss at least one link in this chain, you run the risk of not overcoming the language barrier.

It should be simple articles and news. Or adapted literature, where intricate constructions, unnecessary at first, are excluded, there are explanations and exercises for reading comprehension. It is convenient to read books in electronic form with an electronic dictionary, because it is enough to point to an unfamiliar word and the dictionary will provide you with a translation, which is much easier in comparison with a paper dictionary.

Learning English by listening

It can be news, podcasts for beginners, stories. Use passive listening from time to time, letting English spoken in the background. Believe me, the information will be remembered at a subconscious level.

Try to repeat what you hear from native speakers, imitating intonation and pronunciation. You can see an example of intuitive word memorization by watching the video.

Also listen to English songs, catch individual words, develop a language guess. It is especially helpful to start with simple songs where lines or structures are repeated. For example, thanks to the song "All at once" (auth. Lenka) you will learn how to compare:

It is quite possible to repeat these lines even for a beginner, and by humming them, you train your pronunciation and be able to transform your speech.

What to watch for a start?

Find your method to learn English comfortably

A good start - doesn't make you a fluent speaker yet. The tongue, like a plant, requires care, water it every day: read, listen, write, speak! And only then will it bear fruit.

Find your own path to the goal. Nobody knows you better than yourself. Try to think in English, describe everything that surrounds you. Let it be separate words at first, then phrases, and soon sentences.

French linguist Claude Azjej once said: “Of all the languages \u200b\u200bon the planet, English is the most flexible and most responsive to changing reality” And it's true! 4000 new words are added to the English language every year!

Try teaching English to someone who knows it worse. Yes, you will not learn anything new, but by explaining to someone else, you will better understand and consolidate your knowledge. You can study together with someone (relative, friend, colleague), make up short dialogues. It will be good if it is a person who is just as eager to master the English language as you are. Perhaps together it will be easier for you to understand.

The main thing is to do it regularly and as often as possible (ideally every day). Your results depend on how systematically you do it. It's like an athlete who needs to keep fit. Only in this way will you get used to the language. That's right, you need to get used to the language.


The initial stage in learning English is the most difficult, it is at this stage that the foundation is laid. You have to overcome the language barrier and believe in yourself or lose the desire to learn the language forever. Remember the simple rules for learning English successfully:

  1. Find not just a teacher, but a professional in your field, if there is no opportunity and desire, be your own teacher.
  2. Practice regularly, do not take on new things without repeating what you have learned.
  3. Train all types of speech activities: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Let English into your life, and it will reciprocate you.
  4. Love what you do, so that learning a language becomes a part of your life and brings pleasure. With the right methods and materials, it won't be difficult! Good luck!

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