Photo: Iakov Filimonov /

Have you met comfortable people in your life? Quiet, non-conflicting, always ready to help, listen, agree and support, today - you, tomorrow - your opponent. They never interrupt, they always smile and try to please everyone. They seem cute and good, but for some reason you don't want to be friends with them and generally try to stay away from them. Why?

It's not easy being a comfortable person

It seems like a man has found an ideal place in society. He does not quarrel with anyone, with everyone on good terms, does not offend anyone, does not swear with anyone, but for some reason people avoid him. They do not want to be accepted into their close circle, they are wary of his loyalty. And most often they are perceived as an opportunist. And the person suffers internally. Outwardly, maybe, he smiles and does not show it, but when left alone with himself, he feels his own and rejection. And sometimes you have to watch how others trample underfoot this person who is comfortable for everyone. They turn him into a whipping boy, a scapegoat, a plug for all holes. Take a closer look, it is these comfortable people who often work seven days a week, carry all the workload and family problems, stay alone for a holiday and are the last to receive prizes and awards. Do you think they like it?

A kind woman once came to a sage for advice. "What should I do? I try so hard to be kind to everyone, to listen to everyone, to help everyone. In everyone she is friendly and cheerful, but instead of reciprocal sympathy, I see contempt and ridicule. It hurts me. What do i do?"

"Get naked and walk around the city naked!" The sage advised her. "What are you, I can't do this!" The woman exclaimed. “You are afraid to bare your body, while every day you bare your soul in front of others, trying to please everyone. You open your heart to people! And everyone who is not too lazy to enter there. " "But how could it be otherwise, I really want to help people." “People see in your merits not only good, but also their own shortcomings. They look ugly against your beautiful background. Therefore, they offend you and try to humiliate you. It is easier for them to offend you than to change and become like you. " "What should I do?" - and the girl was ready to burst into tears. He took her hand and led her into his garden, full of wonderful flowers.

“Look, I am looking after these flowers, watering them and fertilizing the soil. And they give me their wonderful scent and beauty. But I have never seen them bloom. Try to be like these flowers. Open your heart to those people who are ready to water the flower of your soul, and not to pick the petals and trample underfoot. Don't let rude and ungrateful people into your garden. "

Comfortable person is mediocrity

There is another side to the image of a comfortable person. Not passive, but opportunistic. The point is that you cannot be equally good with everyone. We choose light or darkness every minute of our life. And the one who stands in the middle is often perceived by us as the opposite side. You can't sit on two chairs, serve two masters, cry and laugh at the same time. Comfortable people try to do it. In some situations, this suits us, but sometimes it really annoys us, because we need certainty. "Who are you with?" When it comes to rapprochement and, then we try to distance ourselves from comfortable individuals, subconsciously realizing that conformists are convenient not for us, but for ourselves. And all this play on one or the other side of the field is needed only in order to be left with nothing.

In essence, a comfortable person is a kind of average person who supposedly embodies the golden mean. In fact, he is more often than not just a mediocrity, the one who is called "neither ours nor yours", "neither fish nor meat." And we do not feel sympathy for someone who cannot decide which team he plays for.

Paradoxically, our entire reality seems to be aimed at making us mediocre. Grayness is easy to manage. She has neither her opinion, nor her own preferences. She is always ready to vote and confirm the majority opinion. A comfortable person is an ideal voter.

How are comfortable people brought up?

Do you think he himself became such, a person who is trying to please everyone? No, he was made like that by his parents and school. He was taught to be obedient, not to argue, not to break out of the general row, to help others, to forget about himself, to do everything for the sake of the team. So he became like that. “Sit up straight! Do not talk loud! Don't point your finger! Do not argue!"

There are a lot of such comfortable people around. We all want to have a number of people with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Work. To cuddle. Kiss. Having sex. We are looking. Is it bad? But by doing so we often provoke others and ourselves to become comfortable. Why do they go out with some, and marry others, sometimes less attractive, intelligent and even successful? Why? Because it's more convenient with them ...

Comfortable woman

If we asked men what woman would they like to live with and meet old age? Someone might have answered that they prefer to live with a permanently active volcano, but more often men want to be calm with a woman. So as not to scandal, cook well, so that it would be pleasant and interesting to communicate with her, so that she would not refuse sex and would be drawn to her purely physiologically.

As if feeling male needs, a woman is sometimes simply forced to turn into a comfortable one, because she needs stability and guarantees of a strong relationship. For this, she is ready to forgive and endure, forget about her own needs, convenience and opinion. She turns into a sacrifice in order to be comfortable for her husband, children, mother-in-law, relatives, cat, dog, neighbors, bosses, etc. A comfortable mistress who does not require anything, cannot stand the brain and is always ready to listen and feed, donate her body and her time. Sometimes such relationships can last forever, while the woman knows that the man has a family and he will never leave it. On the same principle of convenience, civil marriages are sometimes built, in which no one owes anything to anyone, does not bear any responsibility and at any time can dump with impunity.

A comfortable woman, perhaps, is sometimes even appreciated. But they often do not notice, taking it for granted. This happens even in the seemingly most prosperous families.

What to do?

To confront? State your needs? Disregard the wants and needs of others? Think first of all about yourself and your own convenience?

Let's not go to extremes. I do not urge you to be in the middle all the time, as if on the border of good and evil, light and darkness, altruism and egoism.

I suggest just remembering that:
1. It is impossible to be convenient for everyone and always.
2. There are no ideal conditions and partners.
3. Each of us has our own life, mission, purpose, needs, desires, etc. And you too.
4. In a relationship, you need to look not for convenience, but for mutual happiness.

And, probably, you need to remember that you exist on this earth not in order to be a convenient partner for someone, but in order to go through your lessons, become happy, find yourself, your place in the world and your love.

Everything is on the shelves, joint to joint, minute by minute - what is the name of the person who does everything perfectly? How to describe a person who loves maximum order in everything and does not tolerate any flaws? What is the complexity of this phenomenon and why such behavior can interfere with life.

A person who does everything to the maximum is called a perfectionist. Moreover, people with this trait try to do everything perfectly, regardless of their real capabilities. Sometimes, causing negativity in life.

Perfectionism is a character trait

It is rather a lifestyle that sometimes "goes sideways" for the perfectionist himself. The thing is that the main and most important description of this phenomenon is to do the job as clearly and efficiently as possible. Whether it's simple cleaning and cluttering of the closet with things or wallpapering in your apartment. So what's the problem? Good, high quality?

Sometimes, perfectionists take on a task that they cannot afford. Trying to fulfill it 100% - they spend hours "hovering" over the problem, having no psychological ability to delegate it to another person. Spending time, they try to understand the niche and complete the task as efficiently as possible. Although, a person who does not have such a "disease" would simply do the job as best he can.

Another characteristic minus of perfectionism is the frequent disappointment in oneself. As with everything around them, this type of people also treat themselves with exaggerated demands. In addition to the external components, perfectionist people very scrupulously "rummage" in their inner world, trying to bring it to perfection.

Perfectionist in relationships

Of course, both in a relationship and in a funny life, a person who is used to doing everything to the maximum will try to build everything as “beautifully” as possible. Of course, about your perception of beauty.

A perfectionist partner is usually not a person with this trait. On the contrary, subconsciously, perfectionists are looking for a pair that they will “finish to perfection”.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, the lifestyle of doing everything to the maximum is more an advantage than a disadvantage. In a world where everyone is chasing only money, spitting on quality, the perfectionist is a real godsend.

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Simple and amazing stories of real heroes. Everyone should know their names.

History knows a huge number of people who made outstanding deeds and discoveries, but at the same time remained unnoticed.

website believes that many of them deserve fame and widespread recognition. This article contains the stories of seven such heroes - they are all different, but each of them made life on planet Earth a little - or even much - better and happier.

History from Konstantin Paustovsky

“It was the spring of 1912, before the exams a meeting was held in the kindergarten. All the students in our class were called to it, except for the Jews. The Jews were not supposed to know anything about this meeting.

At the meeting, it was decided that the best students from the Russians and Poles must grab a four at the exams in at least one subject in order not to receive a gold medal. We decided to give all the gold medals to the Jews. Without these medals, they were not admitted to the university.

We have vowed to keep this decision a secret. To the credit of our class, we did not let that out either then or after, when we were already university students. Now I break this oath, because almost none of my schoolmates are left alive. Most of them died during the great wars my generation went through. Only a few people survived. "

A world without nuclear war

September 26, 1983 Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov was on duty at Serpukhov-15, a secret bunker near Moscow, and was busy monitoring the satellite system Soviet Union... Shortly after midnight, one of the satellites sent a signal to Moscow that the US was launching 5 ballistic missiles at Russia. All responsibility at this moment fell on the forty-four-year-old lieutenant colonel: he had to make a decision on how to react to this signal.

The alarm sounded at a difficult time, relations between the USSR and America were strained, but Petrov decided that it was false and refused to take any retaliatory measures. Thus, he prevented a possible nuclear catastrophe - the signal really turned out to be false.

Vasily Arkhipov, an officer in the Russian Navy, also once made a decision that saved the world. During the Cuban missile crisis, he prevented the launch of a nuclear torpedo. The Soviet submarine B-59 was surrounded near Cuba by eleven American destroyers and the aircraft carrier Randolph. Despite the fact that the case took place in neutral waters, the Americans used depth charges against the boat to force it to rise to the surface.

The commander of the submarine, Valentin Savitsky, prepared to launch a response nuclear torpedo. However, the senior on board Arkhipov showed restraint, drew attention to the signals from the American ships and stopped Savitsky. A signal "Stop provocation" was sent from the boat, after which the American military forces were withdrawn and the situation was somewhat defused.

Man with golden hand

At thirteen years old Australian James harrison underwent major breast surgery and urgently needed about 13 liters of donated blood. After the operation, he was in the hospital for three months. Realizing that donated blood saved his life, he made a promise to start donating blood as soon as he turns 18.

As soon as Harrison reached the required age to donate blood, he immediately went to the Red Cross donation center. It was there that it turned out that his blood is unique in its own way, since its plasma contains special antibodies, thanks to which it is possible to prevent the Rh-conflict of a pregnant mother with her fetus. Without these antibodies, Rh-conflict leads to a minimum of anemia and jaundice of the child, a maximum of stillbirth.

When it was explained to James what exactly was found in his blood, he only asked one question. He asked how often blood can be donated.
Since then, every three weeks, James Harrison has come to a medical center near his home and donates exactly 400 milliliters of blood. To date, he has donated approximately 377 liters of blood.
In the 56 years since his first donation, he donated blood and its components almost 1000 times and saved about 2,000,000 children and their young mothers.

Polish Schindler

Eugene Lazowski was a Polish doctor who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Thanks to the discovery of his friend, Dr. Stanislav Matulevich, Lazovsky simulated an outbreak of typhus, a dangerous infectious disease. Matulevich discovered that a healthy person can be vaccinated with certain bacteria, and then the test results for typhus will be positive, and the person himself will not experience any manifestations of the disease.

The Germans feared typhus because it was highly contagious. At a time when typhus-infected Jews were routinely executed, Lazowski inoculated non-Jewish populations in the neighborhoods surrounding the ghetto near Rozvadov. He knew that the Germans would be forced to abandon their approach to Jewish settlements, and in the end they simply quarantined the area. This saved approximately 8,000 Polish Jews from certain death in concentration camps.

The scientist who saved millions of lives

American biologist Maurice Ralph Guilleman created 36 vaccines in his lifetime - more than any other scientist in the world. Of the fourteen vaccines that are now widely used, he invented 8, including measles, meningitis, chickenpox, hepatitis A and B.

In addition, Hilleman was the first person to determine how the flu virus mutates. Almost single-handedly, he worked to create a vaccine that prevented the Asian flu outbreak in 1957 from repeating the 1918 Spanish pandemic, which killed 20 million people worldwide.

Donor of immortal cells

African American Henrietta Lacks died of cancer in 1951 at the age of thirty-one. However, she donated the cell material that enabled Dr. George Otto Gay to create the first ever immortal human cell line known as the HeLa line. "Immortality" meant that these cells did not die after several divisions, which means that they could be used for many medical experiments and research.

In 1954, the HeLa cell strain was used by Jonas Sok to develop a vaccine against polio. In 1955, HeLa became the first successfully cloned human cells. The demand for these cells grew rapidly. They were put into mass production and sent to scientists around the world to research cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation and other diseases. Scientists are now growing about 20 tons of Henrietta's cells, and there are almost 11,000 patents associated with them.

Inventor of the seat belt

July 10, 1962 Volvo Corporation employee Nils Bohlin patented his invention - a three-point seat belt. It was exactly the system that is still used in cars today: it took Bolin a little less than a year to create it, and it was first introduced on Volvo cars in 1959.

The corporation made the seat belt design free to other automakers, and it soon became a worldwide standard. According to recent studies, Bolin's invention has saved about a million lives during its existence.

Ambivalence, frustration, rigidity - if you want to express your thoughts not at the level of a fifth grader, you will have to understand the meaning of these words. Katya Shpachuk explains everything in an accessible and understandable way, and visual gifs help her with this.
1. Frustration

Almost everyone experienced a sense of unfulfillment, encountered obstacles in the way of achieving goals, which became an unbearable burden and the cause of nothing unwillingness. So this is frustration. When everything is tired and nothing works.

But you should not take such a state with hostility. The main way to overcome frustration is to recognize the moment, accept it, and be tolerant. The state of dissatisfaction, mental tension mobilize a person's strength to deal with a new challenge.

2. Procrastination

- So, from tomorrow I go on a diet! No, it's better from Monday.

I'll finish it later, when I'm in the mood. There is still time.

Ah ... I'll write tomorrow. Will not go anywhere.

Sound familiar? This is procrastination, that is, putting things off for later.

An agonizing state when you need to and don't want to.

Accompanied by tormenting yourself for not completing the assigned task. This is the main difference from laziness. Laziness is a dumb state, procrastination is an emotional state. At the same time, a person finds pretexts, activities are much more interesting than doing specific work.

In fact, the process is normal and inherent in most people. But don't abuse it. The main way to avoid is motivation and the right prioritization. This is where time management comes in.

3. Introspection

In other words, self-observation. The method by which a person explores their own psychological inclinations or processes. Descartes was the first to use introspection, studying his own mental nature.

Despite the popularity of the method in the 19th century, introspection is considered a subjective, idealistic, even unscientific form of psychology.

4. Behaviorism

Behaviorism is a direction in psychology, which is based not on consciousness, but on behavior. Human response to external stimulus. Movements, facial expressions, gestures - in short, all external signs have become the subject of study of behaviorists.

The founder of the method, American John Watson, assumed that with the help of careful observation, one can predict, change or shape the proper behavior.

There have been many experiments that have investigated human behavior. But the next one became the most famous.

In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted an unprecedented psychological experiment, which was named the Stanford Prison Experiment. Absolutely healthy, mentally stable young people were placed in a conditional prison. The students were divided into two groups and assigned tasks: some were supposed to play the role of warders, others were prisoners. The student guards began to show sadistic tendencies, while the prisoners were morally depressed and resigned to their fate. After 6 days, the experiment was terminated (instead of two weeks). During the course it was brought that the situation affects the behavior of a person more than his internal characteristics.

5. Ambivalence

This concept is familiar to many psychological thriller writers. So, "ambivalence" is an ambivalence towards something. Moreover, this attitude is absolutely polar. For example, love and hate, sympathy and antipathy, pleasure and displeasure that a person experiences at the same time in relation to something (someone) alone. The term was introduced by E. Bleuler, who considered ambivalence as one of the hallmarks of schizophrenia.

According to Freud, "ambivalence" takes on a slightly different meaning. This is the presence of opposing deep motives, which are based on the drive for life and death.

6. Insight

Translated from English "insight" is discernment, insight, insight, sudden finding a solution, and so on.

There is a problem, a problem requires a solution, sometimes it is simple, sometimes it is difficult, sometimes it is solved quickly, sometimes it takes time. Usually in complex, time-consuming, seemingly overwhelming tasks, insight comes - insight. Something non-standard, sudden, new. Together with insight, the previously laid down character of action or thinking changes.

7. Rigidity

In psychology, “rigidity” is understood as the unwillingness of a person to act not according to plan, the fear of unforeseen circumstances. Also referred to as "rigidity" is the unwillingness to give up habits and attitudes, from the old, in favor of the new, etc.

A rigid person is a hostage of stereotypes, ideas, not created independently, but taken from reliable sources.
They are specific, pedantic, they are annoyed by uncertainty and carelessness. Rigid thinking is corny, clichéd, uninteresting.

8. Conformism and non-conformism

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to stop and think,” wrote Mark Twain. Conformity is the key concept social psychology... Expressed in behavior change under the real or imagined influence of others.

Why it happens? Because people are afraid when they are not like everyone else. This is a way out of your comfort zone. This fear will not please, look stupid, be out of the masses.

A conformist is a person who changes his opinion, beliefs, attitudes, in favor of the society in which he is.

Nonconformist is a concept opposite to the previous one, that is, a person who defends an opinion that differs from the majority.

9. Catharsis

From the ancient Greek word "katharsis" means "cleansing", most often from feelings of guilt. The process of long experience, excitement, which at the peak of development turns into liberation, something maximum positive. It is natural for a person to worry for various reasons, from the thought of the iron not turned off, etc. Here we can talk about everyday catharsis. There is a problem that reaches its peak, a person suffers, but he does not suffer forever. The problem begins to recede, anger goes away (who has what), a moment of forgiveness or awareness comes.

10. Empathy

Are you experiencing with the person who is telling you their story? Do you live with him? Are you emotionally supporting the person you are listening to? Then, you are an empath.

Empathy - understanding people's feelings, willingness to provide support.

This is when a person puts himself in the place of another, understands and lives his story, but, nevertheless, remains in his own mind. Empathy is a feeling and responsive process, somewhere emotional.

Unique classification of psychotypes: 10 difficult people to avoid communication with

“Surround yourself with good people. People who will be honest with you and will never ignore your interests. ”- Derek Jeter, Major League Baseball (MLB) player and 5-time Gold Glove Baseball winner.

“Think carefully before you switch to the bad side: if you’re too weak to succumb to this temptation, you probably don’t have the strength to switch back.” - Victoria Addino, American writer and entrepreneur.

“Stop letting people who do so little for you control your thoughts, feelings and emotions.” - Will Smith, American actor.

Your life is an exclusive event. It depends only on you who will participate in it.

A study conducted in collaboration with scientists from Harvard and Cambridge Universities showed that talking to a positive person increases the likelihood of becoming an optimist by 11%, while talking to a sad person doubles the chances of being known as a bore.

You can make every effort to be surrounded good people, communication with whom will give strength and motivate for new beginnings. But you can also do nothing, condemning yourself to live with energy vampires who consider it their duty to convince a person that he is an empty place.

It may sound harsh, but it's true. After all, on the way each of us met a person who made us feel uncomfortable. Such people not only hurt others, they infect them with their negativity.

To avoid similar situations in the future, you must admit to yourself that not all your friends and acquaintances have a positive impact on your life and find the strength to say goodbye to them. Some people sincerely empathize with your problems, support and console, others seek to derive their own benefit. It's hard not to notice the difference, isn't it?

10 people to avoid contact with

So, to make your life easier and easier, Isaiah Hankel, the author of this classification, advises to stop communicating with the following types of people.

1. Chicken Chicken

Chicken Chicken is a person who can easily convince you that your venture is not worth a damn. When you tell Chick Chicken that you want to try something new, he gives a lot of reasons why you shouldn't.

When you share with him the results of your own creativity - give him several chapters of a new novel to read, show him the picture drawn the day before - Tsypa explains why what you have created is not worthy of the attention of a wide audience.

Chick people never come up with solutions to a problem or ask the right questions, but they are adept at predicting impending failure.

2. Heavy hand

A heavy hand is a person who uses force and blackmail in order to control the actions of others. Such a person does not care about you, he is interested in what you can do for him.

As a rule, the Heavy Hand holds a high position and is distinguished by an outstanding mind. Most often, these characters can be found among public figures, directors, mentors and politicians. Their main weapon is the feelings of guilt and fear experienced by the people around them.

3. Quack

You are very unlucky if your immediate supervisor is Zadavaka, since such people are simply impossible to please. They elevate themselves to the rank of the Most High and think that they have the right to decide the fate of other people.

Nevertheless, Zadavaka is no different from an ordinary person: he does not have unique mental abilities and does not know which appeared first - a chicken or an egg.

Use Zadavaka as a motivator, but don't waste time pleasing him.

4. Drama queen

Isaiah Hankel describes this type of person as follows:

“Several years ago I met with a drama Queen. She constantly pulled me into completely meaningless arguments, flaring up over some trifles. It all started with a small reproach she threw at me. Usually I managed to ignore him, but she never stopped there: she ached until I started arguing with her.

She always had a reason for sadness: she complained that she had nothing to wear, that there was only news on TV, that I did not pay enough attention to her, that the weather was bad outside. I tried not to react to her scenes, but I constantly gave up.

To be honest, deep down I liked these skirmishes a little. Her representations provided me with an additional opportunity to solve problems. Of course, they were pointless, and the time allotted to solve them wasted. "

The queen of the drama can be either a girl or a guy - it doesn't matter. Don't let them drag you into performances. Instead, erase them from your life and finally stop wasting time solving non-existent problems. :)

5. Drainage

As soon as the drainer man opens his mouth, you have the feeling that you just ran a marathon. Everything in this person - the sound of his voice, manners, gestures, facial expressions - has a negative impact on the energy balance of the interlocutor.

In the morning, you can be sure that today will be extraordinarily successful, but after meeting with the drainage man, you will want to jump out of the window.

Most people put up with Gutters because they feel sorry for such people and sincerely hope to recharge them with their positive energy. But the whole point is that Gutters will never give up their role as they like to be spared and given a lot of attention.

6. Elmer

Elmers are boring, ruthless, annoying people who make others suffer. They can be compared to thick sticky glue that is almost impossible to get rid of.

Imagine a person who, day after day, insists that he cannot live without you. He claims that he is ready to do anything, as long as you are there, but despite this, he hurts you again and again.

Elmers are narcissistic martyrs who don't care about what happens in other people's lives. Don't expect them to ever ask how you are doing, because they don't care about your problems.

Perhaps none of the types of this classification can compete with Elmer in the skill of poisoning the lives of others. So if you have Elmer acquaintances, try to avoid communicating with them. :)

7. Landslide

Isaiah Hankel speaks of this type of person like this:

“Just imagine: in high school we had a professor who, in his 50s, was not ashamed to drink with his students and organized parties for them. The funny thing is, he constantly tried to talk the other teachers into relaxing and having some fun. It was a pitiful sight. "

It is very difficult for landslides to adapt to the conditions dictated by life. These are cool high school students who hang around their parents' necks all their lives and spend free evenings in a bar near their home. Such people take a long time to come to terms with the inevitable changes. Sometimes it takes a lifetime.

8. Princess

If the Drama Queen had a child, he would be a Princess. :)

Princesses act as if there is no one better and more beautiful around them. When Princesses make mistakes, they rant about injustice and look for someone to blame. They are constantly surprised at something and feel ashamed for the inappropriate behavior of other people.

The thing is that thoughts, actions and their whole existence are green melancholy. If you think that there are not enough colors in your life, think if there are Princesses among your acquaintances.

9. Fraudster

Fraudsters are carriers of various ideas and projects, which supposedly should save humanity. All you need is the time and money needed to carry out these stupid ventures. In return, you get a 100% guarantee of the profitability of the aforementioned projects and the promise that they will take care of everything themselves.

When you ask questions, the Scammers smile, convince you that everything will be fine, and advise you to trust the laws of the universe. These people manipulate their feelings of guilt and duty to get what they need. They will call you narcissistic if you are fighting for your own happiness, and noble if you agree to sacrifice it for the "welfare of others."

10. Manipulator

Isaiah Hankel tells the following about this type of person:

“I had a friend in college who could easily persuade me to jump with a parachute. He spoke very quickly, was full of ideas, and knew how to make me feel important. But in the end I realized that this only happened when it was beneficial to him.

He always kept me from doing things that could improve my life, and pushed me to take risks that could destroy it. This was until I stopped communicating with him. "

Getting rid of manipulators is not easy, since such people have many positive qualities: they are charismatic, energetic, creative and, most importantly, sociable. However, Manipulators only use them to prevent you from moving on.

To figure out the Manipulator, try to focus on his words, not on his actions. Once you understand who is using you to achieve their own goals, say goodbye to that person.

7 types of people to befriend

The second step towards a successful full life is communication with positive people. However, figuring out who can make your life better is not easy. Sometimes people who downright annoy you are best suited for this role. To establish contact with them, you need to change your attitude towards these individuals and, as they say, accept them as they are.

1. Stoic

The first type of person to communicate with is called the "stoic". Talking about this psychotype, Isaiah Hankel recalls his close friend, whom he met in wrestling classes:

“One of my college friends was a real nerd. One got the feeling that he was never surprised at anything and was not happy. In general, he could not be called an enthusiast. But he also never worried or panicked. All my attempts to piss him off - so that he showed at least some emotion - ended in vain: he remained restrained, calm and collected.

As he later explained to me, this was his main advantage. When he fought, he won. No matter how strong his opponent was, he always won. My friend was a Stoic. "

Stoics are in perfect control of their emotions. They control them so well that sometimes they give the impression of rude robotic people, somewhat similar to the Zaznaeks from the previous classification.

Stoics focus their attention on events that are amenable to their control: attention, attitude, and the next action they intend to take. Feel free to invite Stoics into your life, because communication with them will allow you to understand what an active life position is.

2. Mastermind

An inspirer is a person who knows everyone, and everyone knows him. :)

Inspirators are best suited to be organizers, whose job it is to bring people together and channel their energies in the right direction.

It is very easy to confuse the Mastermind with the Manipulator, since he is also charismatic and, as it might seem at first glance, overly sociable. However, the goals set for the Manipulator and the Inspirer are radically different from each other: the Manipulator pursues selfish goals, and the Inspirer seeks to satisfy the interests of the majority.

Pay special attention to the actions of this person (not to words!): Inspirators create, and Manipulators talk.

3. Inquisitor

Inquisitors ask about everything. When you have an amazing idea, you want to take a huge risk or make Napoleonic plans, the Inquisitors have doubts, they put forward objections and ponder possible scenarios.

It is very easy to hate the Inquisitor, but it is simply impossible to do without such a character. Regardless of what you want to achieve, you need reliable disinterested Inquisitors to show you the right path. :)

A lot of people, lighting up with some grandiose idea, cease to accept constructive criticism. If someone tries to give advice that might help them, they bury their heads in the sand and hope for the best. Don't become one of these people. Instead, think about the benefits of communicating with the Inquisitor: unlike Chicken Chicken, he does not have an irrational fear of what you tell him, but gives advice that will contribute to your success.

4. Aristocrat

It is very easy to confuse an aristocrat with a princess. But despite the fact that each of them has exceptional manners, the Princesses behave arrogantly, and the Aristocrats are restrained and friendly. Princesses present themselves in a favorable light, taking advantage of the lower position of others, while Aristocrats ignore this factor in order to destroy possible barriers to communication.

5. "Loser"

Isaiah Hankel describes this type of person as follows:

“In college, physics was attended by what I then thought was a spineless guy. He was very withdrawn and constantly said something out of place. But he had very high scores, and our professor liked the ideas that he described very much.

Later I managed to find out that this guy was engaged in the development of computer programs, started his own business and is now thinking about how to make his first million. Yes, now I regret a little that I did not make friends with him then. " :)

Losers are people who don't seem to fit into your company. They are very awkward and often make others feel uncomfortable. But at the same time, it is those who were once considered "Losers" who dare to absolutely incredible things and achieve success.

This is because they don’t waste time learning how to stand out from the crowd and live up to imaginary standards.

6. Gladiator

Gladiators are proactive, competitive people who love to cope with various difficulties and constantly challenge themselves. What is the result? Communication with Gladiators is avoided.

The thing is that most people are afraid of falling into conflict situationspreferring the boring course of life to any change. Gladiators, on the other hand, love to compete with other people, because they are confident that competition is the main engine of progress.

Do not confuse the Gladiator with the Heavy Hand: The Heavy Hand oppresses others, killing their initiative, and the Gladiator leads forward, motivating them to work. Instead of being ashamed of Gladiators, invite them into your life: they will push you in the right direction and help you use your full potential.

7. Golden child

Surely there is a person in your life who enjoys universal love. Perhaps this is a colleague at work, to whom all employees and bosses flock to listen to his point of view on some issue or just to chat. Or maybe it's your friend (or each other's) whose appearance eliminates the need to light the room.

Such people attract others with their energy, simplicity and friendliness. From the outside it seems as if life throws them from one evil place to another. But this is only from the outside ...

In fact, behind the back of every Golden Child there are many troubles, having overcome which he ended up where he is now. Most likely, for many years the Golden Child made far-sighted decisions concerning not only his work, but also the people who surrounded him.

Don't try to compete with the Golden Child. Instead, try to become the Golden Child by eliminating people from your life that are holding you back from moving forward.

Remember: your life is an exclusive event!
