National names are divided into two large groups: animated and inanimate. In the names of these communities, the names of the nouns and the main difference between the words belonging to them. Get acquainted S. the main momentsassociated with this topic (categories, rules, examples).

In contact with

Independent and inanimate objects

An animated objects are part of the wildlife, what lives, breathes, moves, grows, multiply and develops, etc. And inanimate - these are objects of inanimate nature, that is, antonym for the previous concept.

What is animated nouns and inanimate names? In order to denote objects endowed with lifeThe names of the first type are used.

They answer the question "Who?" And denote those objects that possess it with signs (breathe, feed on, multiply, moving, etc.). For example: Pupil, Petya, Mom, Kitten, etc.

To designate items that belong to the second category, that is, those who do not have signs of life, inanimate nouns names are used. For example: table, sofa, road, stone, sweater, etc.

Note!The names of the nouns are aimed at the question "Who?", And belonging to the category of inantence - to the question "What?".

Category of animation or inase of nouns

But, for example, in the process of the game, the properties and quality of a child or an adult are attributed to the doll. In this case, you can consider a doll as an animated creature (Nutcracker, resistant tin soldier, etc.). Therefore, in order to determine the category of animation, should be relying on the context.

And "tree"? From the point of view of biology, the tree is part of the wildlife. But the tree can mean material for construction (wood), and this is non-fat nature. Sometimes in fairy tales, the tree is a character, it can think, speak, even move, that is, it is animated. To correctly determine the category, you need to carefully read the text.

And what category is the word "flock"? Relying on the data specified above, we will analyze this task.

Herd - this community, cluster of living organisms, is part of wildlife. Consequently, this word belongs to an ondoors. Names of land.

Another word causing difficulties in determining the category is young people. Based on the previous paragraph, it can be concluded that this word refers to animate.

Indeed, under the word "youth" means a group of young people, the younger generation, etc.

Let's summarize. Elevation. Names of land. - Part of the wildlife, and inexishev. - On the contrary. The words belonging to the first group are answering the question "Who?", And those that the second is for a supporting question "What?".

  • animate (groups of living beings and inadequate. approved the quality of living organisms);
  • inanimate.

In order to correctly define a group, it is necessary to rely on the context. It is necessary to remember the rule that will help prevent errors in the declining of words by cases.

Types of nouns, learn Russian

Animate and inanimate names nouns in Russian

Animate objects

Animate objects

Animate objects . Objects with the ability of an arbitrary movement, so. People and animals, in contrast to the subjects of inanimate and abstract or abstract concepts, that is. Signs of items considered in distraction from the items themselves. In Russian Yaz. Category O. P. On the one hand and inadushev. The objects and abstract concepts on the other hand vary grammatically by the fact that the nouns of the male genus and the adjectives agreed with them in the only number and adjectives in the plural, which are the names of O. P., have one common shape for vinitive and genitive cases other than Forms of the nominative case, and nouns and adjective male genus in the singular and the nouns and adjectives in the plural, which are the names of inanimate objects and abstract concepts, have a common form for nominative and vinitive cases, other than the form of a genitive case. The grammatical difference between noun, denoting animated objects, and nouns, denoting inanimate objects and abstract concepts, exists in other Slavic languages, and also known to some not Slavic languages, for example., Scandinavian.

N. D. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: in 2 tons / edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunina, V. Lviv-Rogachevsky, M. Rosanova, V. Cheshikhina-Windrinsky. - m.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925

Watch what is "animated items" in other dictionaries:

    Animate objects - Animate items. Items with the ability of an arbitrary movement, that is, people and animals, unlike the objects of inanimate and abstract or abstract concepts, i.e., signs of objects considered in distraction from ... ...

    animate objects - Items with the ability of an arbitrary movement, i.e., people and animals, unlike the objects of inanimate and abstract or abstract concepts "that is, the signs of objects considered in distraction from the items themselves. In Russian …

    Inanimate objects. Things or objects that do not have the ability of an arbitrary movement, i.e. all objects besides people and animals. See animated items. Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary of Literary Terms: 2 x t. / Under ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Inanimate objects - Inanimate items. Things or objects that do not have the ability of an arbitrary movement, i.e. all objects besides people and animals. See animated items ... Dictionary of literary terms

    inanimate objects - Things or items that do not have the ability of a free movement, that is, all objects besides people and animals. See animated items ... Grammar Dictionary: Grammar and Linguistic terms

    End of nouns - 1. In nouns that have a vowel and, are written in the proposed case of a single number (in the words of the female, also in the duties) of the letter and, for example: about genius, in Gogol "Vius", on the Billiards Kii, sisters ... ... Spelling and Stylistics Directory

    Spelling and Stylistics Directory

    Rod of unclean nouns - 1. Words denoting inanimate objects. The unlock names of nouns of foreign language origin denoting inanimate objects, in most of them belong to the average genus, for example: healing aloe, Scotch whiskey, ... ... Spelling and Stylistics Directory

    1) vocabulary grammatical category name noun, inherent in all nouns (with the exception of words used only in a plural), syntactically independent, manifested in their ability to combine with defined for ... Dictionary of linguistic terms


  • , Vadbolskaya Anna. Some items we enjoy using do not need wisdom instructions for use. Pencil, for example, or ball. Or our game is a virtue for those who ...
  • Naughty Biosphere Child (Part 1), V. R. Dolnik. What did you think and what did Pracelovka feel, who have lived over a million years ago? How to figure out your own instincts and instincts of other animals? This and Multidrug tells this ...

It seems that it is easy to distinguish with an indecent and inanimate items that are simple: it's like a game of living-non-living. But those who are guided by such principle are very mistaken. An animation, as, consequently, and inanimateness - a separate category in the characteristic does not have anything in common with external signs of a certain object. Here's how to explain what, according to the rules, the word "corpse" is considered inanimate, and the "dead man" is animated? Act at random? In no case! We'll figure out.

For the smallest

Let's start with the very basic. Animate and inanimate objects are responsible for different questions - "Who" and "that", respectively. It can be said, setting the issue is the most primitive, albeit a very unreliable way to determine this category. Usually they introduce children in the first second grade. In order to practice this method, you can fill in the following text along with students:

« In sleepy forgetting the Great flow (what?). Around (what?) And (what?). (Who?) I slowly moved skis, sharpened (what?) With the ears of the caps. (Who?) Quickly made a hole, and began (what?). Soon he pulled a huge (whom?). His mirror (What?) Brightly glitter in the sun" Words that are invited to insert: ice, scales, fisherman, fries, river, carp, snow, fishing. One word is repeated twice.

Grammatical explanation

But it's worth going on, right? How to determine, an animated or inanimate object, based on the rules, and not to intuition? The difference between these two categories consists in various case of noun virgin forms. In inanimate nouns coincides with the form of nominative and in the plural, while animated - the pet and vinitive in the same number. Of course, it will be much easier to understand concrete examples.

Take a noun " cat" We put it in the multiple "cat" and begin to decline: the nominative - " cats.", PAGITIVE -" cats", Accusative -" cats"As you can see, the shapes of the genitive and vinitive cases are coincided. Whereas for the noun " table", Which to determine this category turns into" tables"When declining" table tables"The equal and accusative and

Thus, divided animate and inanimate subject the rule allows only when they are set in a plural and subsequent decline. And then, already on the coincidence of case forms, and this category is determined.


But, as you know, in Russian, very few rules that have no exceptions. So, split animate and inanimate objects sometimes can be logically. Yes, all living beings will be animated, but at the same time the mythical creatures include the same category ( lesy-Leshele-Leshe) and the names of the toys ( matryoshki-Matryoshek-Matryshki) - Here you can still find a logical explanation. As well as card and chess masts-figures ( peaks Peaks, Pawn Pawns), which even for the forms of their own to this category are not suitable.

Go ahead. The inanimate nouns, in turn, include large groups of people ( crowd-crowd) and some living organisms ( embryos-embryo germs; Microbic microbes-microbes) - It is impossible to explain this phenomenon, you will have to just accept and remember.

More difficulties

I would like to add that animated and inanimate objects in the grammatical sense have their own characteristics. For example, for animate noun male genus, the forms of genitive and vugged cases are coincided and in the singular: Anton Anton-Anton, Accountant Accountant AccountantTrue, this phenomenon is observed only at the nouns of the second decline (compare: Dima-Dima DimaAlthough this is also an animated noun male genus). So, in principle, this pattern can be used as another simple, albeit not very well-known, the method of determining the category of animation in nouns names.

I want to confuse

It is worth noting that in Russian there is an image of an inanimate object as an animated one. This is usually associated with the use of the word as analogies to a living thing: In the barn lies the mattress - yes the mattress he is missing! or Great and mighty Russian! - This language (\u003d tweeted) will tell us everything.

Exactly the same phenomenon meets with the use of animated nouns as inanimate: In the blue sky, air snakes steer; The fighter went to reduce. Here, the category of animation and inanimacy is determined on the basis of the semantic filling of the noun.

It is worth noting that, despite all the requirements of teachers, use the rules, most of the students continue to rely on intuition. As the above examples show, the inner flair is not always a reliable assistant in philology. Unambiguously, it can be said that the names of professions will always be animated, the names of family affiliation, nationality and other groups, the names of animals can be attributed here. By the way, among the animated names of the nouns, as some researchers believe, there are words of only male and female genus, whereas the middle race is already inanimate, as well as all the names of nature objects and other items.

Practice for the smallest

Now, when we figured out how to distinguish one category of nouns from another, it is worth summarizing all of the above. Forcorative and inanimate objects for preschoolers who still do not have any idea what cases are, they differ on the issues of "who" and "that" respectively. For practice, you can play with the kids in the "live-inelastic", where the word is called, and the child must determine what this subject is.

Or another interesting task for younger students - to offer a number of animated nouns that can be replaced by one letter to be turned into inanimate: fox (Lipa), Goat (Spit), Heron (Drop).

Finish the article on how to distinguish animated and inanimate objects, I would like that, whatever this topic seemed to be, it is better not to tempt the fate and not to act a Naobum, trusting intuition. A minute spent on checking the name of the noun, sometimes can change your idea about it. So do not spare forces and practice in great and mighty Russian.

The non-substitution categories of nouns names.

All names nouns are divided into animated and inanimate. TO animatethese names of people, animals, insects, etc., i.e. Living creatures. TO inanimate - Names of objects, reality phenomena, not counted for living beings.

However, the distinction of the arms and inaccuracies in the grammar system does not fully coincide with scientific ideas about living and dead nature. So, all the names of the plants belong to the names of the noun inanimate, and the words dead, dead man; Valts, Queenand some others - to the names of noun animation.

In the class attitude of animation / inaccuracies, the morphological categories are not consistent with the principles of allocating categories themselves.

1) First of all, the content of animation / inantence does not correspond to what is called a grammatical (morphological) meaning. An animation / inanimateness is a conceptual category in which the linguistic idea of \u200b\u200bliving and non-living subjects is reflected. The nominative value, called animateness / inantence, is formed on the basis of generalizing the lexical semantics of words. In this regard, there is an opinion that the concept of animation (respectively and inanimateness) is uncomfortable to the signs in general, as well as to the nouns that do not indicate specific subjects. So, I. P. Runopov wrote: " In some teaching guides, it is argued that the division into animate and inanimate concerns all nouns. This, of course, is incorrect. In relation to the noun specifically and abstract, the formulation of the issue of their belonging to animated or inanimate (if they keep in mind the realities indicated by them) is logically absurd».

2) Animate and inanimate words do not form contrasts based on the general substantive component.

3) There is no morpheme in the language, which could be attributed to the function of an expression of animation / inantence.

4) The classifying feature of animation differs from what is called the classifying morphological category. Animate degree separates the words of a male genus, which are animated and inanimate in the only and multiple number, from the words of the middle and female births that are animated only in the plural. On average and women's birth, the border between animal and inaccuitiousness passes inside the word (there are no words of male sort with ending-and beings. General).

5) The adjective flexion (communion, partly numeral) may indicate that the sign belongs to animate or inanimate (i.e., a living, non-living in language interpretation) subject to be an additional means of expressing animation / inantence: Wed. i see a beautiful coat and i see a beautiful kangaroo. However, outside the combination with noun adjectives (communion, numeral) on the basis of animation cannot be characterized (cf. with shapes, numbers and case). At the dislikes in the adjective category of animation, it is impossible to allocate. Coordination in the case, in the same way as in kind and number, is a caper syntax feature of adjectives.

The difference in nouns of animation and inanimate is grammatically expressed in the fact that with the declining of the nouns of the multiple number, the formative case, the names of nouns of animated animation coincides with the form of a genitive case ( no boys, girls - I see boys, girls),and in the names of nouns inanimate - with the form of a nominative case ( no streets, houses - I see the street, at home).At the names of nouns male (except nouns on -and I)the distinction of animation and inanimateness is also consistently carried out in the singular ( took a kitten,but bought a chair).

The belonging of nouns to animate or inanimate is also indicated by the forms of consistent with them the names of adjectives: adjectives, coordinated with noun animational animated, form a vinitive case, similar to the genitive case, and agreed with noun inaniments - similar to the form of a nominal case: saw a young friend; Bought a big crucian- saw a young month; Bought a big table.

Basically, the animated nouns include the names of the nouns of the male and female. Animate nouns of the middle kind in Russian Language: This includes several nouns with suffixes. - Like (monster, sorrow).separate nouns formed from adjectives or communities ( mammal, insect, animal),and nouns child, creature, face(in the meaning of "man").

Nouns animational animations when verb do, produce, joinand some other, denoting the transition to another state or position, in the design with a pretext inhave the accusative case of a plural, which coincides with the form with the very famous: perform into officers, go to the actors, go to the pilots.

Words with a collective meaning denoting a set of animated objects, grammatically change as nouns inanimate: teaching, Student, Humanityand etc.

In relation to some words, fluctuations are observed when they are classified as animate / inanimate. So, the names of microorganisms: bacillus, microb, bacterium,and also words larvae, embryo, embryothey are used (especially in special literature) with the endings of the names of nouns of animation, but according to the norm of the modern Russian language, it is more correct to attribute them to inanimate: describe microbes, nourish the embryo,but: ... nerves can not nude(Boborakin). The use of these nouns with the endings of animated names is the form of archaic.

Word face(in meaning human)in the literature of the XIX century. Could eat and as a noun inanimate: It was enough to look at these faces to see that they all run to dress(Uspensky); For a modern literary language, the use of this word is more common as animate: Include in the list of the following persons.

The names of fish and amphibians in their own meanings are noun animational animation (catch lobsters, kalems),but the same words as the names of the dishes most often have the form of a vinitive case, which coincides with the very famous (more characteristic of colloquial speech): eat all the sigi, serve boiled crayfish, soppy springs, spratetc.

The name of the heavenly shining - nouns inanimate; The same words as the names of the gods - the names of nouns are animated. Wed: Fly in Mars - Ancient hoped for Mars; Study Jupiter - Jupiter.

As an animated change the names of some fantastic creatures, for example: afraid of the debate and houses; depict mermaids; Stone women stood on the rounded mounds, and Mitya Mitya looked at the gray, carved by the pagan cutters of idols(S. Borodin).

In the professional use of biliard lovers as an animated linen ball: It[Mishuries] pretended to be distraught from joy and rushed on the third ball that was not scored - such a sharapomazali, - said a student with a mockery(L. Slavin).

The grammatical category of animation is manifested in the decline of the names of chess pieces, cards, for example: take queen;- Oh, this pawn! - Sergey Filippovich cried ...- You can not withdraw a horse, Rye stands without a case(Zagoskin); Musya played the card reluctantly, indifferent, confused by kings with vattles(Dobrovolsky).

In addition, all the designations of the dead are animated, excluding the word dead body.

Animate nouns are common and private titles of dolls ( doll, Parsley, Matryoshka, Puppet).

When using words in a figurative value, the grammatical category of animation is more sustainable than the category of inasses. So, for the designation of items, animational nouns are sometimes used, and in this case they retain their grammatical indices of animation (when declining the accusative case is coincided with the genitive): I read him a few more time "Riot Stenka", "Tarasa Bulby" and "Poor People"(MG); Nadia Zelenina, returned with her mother from the theater, where they gave "Eugene Onegin," and coming to themselves ... Quickly sat down at the table to write such a letter as Tatiana (Ch.); A new gymnastic horse made a new gymnastic horse.

At the same time, the names of the beings. Inanimate when using them in a figurative value, the indisputability category is not preserved and when declining changes as creatures. Animate: Call for the order of this type; Persuade to go with us for the city of this old cap; In other stumps and ten years not in the way that another catches on flight(Fonvizin).

Nouns names type, image, characterin applied to acting persons, artistic works are inclined as nouns inanimate: remove negative types, give memorable images, disclose characters.

Category of animation ~ E. V. Klobukov

In an inanimateness - this is a lexico-grammatical category, a reference subject to the discharge of animated (i.e. living beings) or to the discharge of inanimately (i.e., objects of inanimate nature and plants, as well as events, phenomena, qualities, actions, states, etc.).

Formal means of expressions of the animation category ~ inanomies are both paradigmatic and syntagmatic (and for the unclear names of nouns - only syntagmatic). For animate nouns, the formative case of a plural as the very noun, and the adjective or communion consistent with him coincides with the form of a genitive case, and in inanimate - with the form of a nominative case:

Animate (V. \u003d R.)

I. Beautiful horses, ducks, animals, kangaroo

R. Beautiful horses, ducks, animals, kangaroo

B. Beautiful horses, ducks, animals, kangaroo

Inanimate (V. \u003d I.)

I. Beautiful tables, roses, windows, coat

R. Beautiful tables, roses, windows, coat

B. Beautiful tables, roses, windows, coat

In the form of a single number of animateness ~ Inanimateness paradigmatically expressed only at the names of nouns, a student type, a house (with a zero end) and a clock, output (substantive adjective names): We know the student, watch (V. \u003d r.), But we know the house, Output (V. \u003d and.). At the nouns of the male type of Uncle, the young man (I declination), as well as in the unclear type of dandy, the animation is expressed in the form of the only number only syntagmatically: there is no one uncle, dandy; I see this uncle, dandy (V \u003d r.). The nouns of the middle and female kind of animation ~ inaccuracies in the form of the singular is not expressed.

Some nouns names that do not indicate living beings are included in the grammatical properties in the category of animated: 1) the words of the dead man, the dead man (but not the corpse); 2) the names of the mythical, never had places in the real validity of the creatures of the Leshy, mermaid; 3) the names of the figures in some games: queen, ace, currency, trump card, ball; 4) Doll designation: Matryoshka, doll.

Nouns names denoting the unintended (collective) set of living beings are grammatically inanimate: lead the people, detachment, troops, army, etc. in type structures to sign up in volunteers, go to soldiers, choose to deputies, to accept members A special form of a vinitive case of a plural for the sample of inanimate nouns (Wed. The usual form of a vinitive case of the same nouns: see volunteers, teach soldiers, believe in deputies).

Words virus, microbe, bacterium can be animated, in inanimate: study viruses, microbes, bacteria and viruses, microbes, bacteria; Language consciousness as it should be fluctuating whether these microorganisms should be attached to living beings.


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