The list of the largest cities in the world depends on the criterion by which this rating is formed. For example, the CITYMAYORS think tank only takes into account the urban population.

But the DEMOGRAPHIA WORLD URBAN AREAS rating is formed annually taking into account people living both in the city and in the suburbs. Recently, the cities of the world have long been intertwined with the surrounding territories, forming an agglomeration. So, the largest agglomerations in the world as of 2019 are:

1. Tokyo - 37.5 million people

The largest metropolitan area in the world, which includes not only the densely populated area of ​​Tokyo, but also 87 adjacent cities associated with it. Many industrial, financial and cultural centers of the whole country are concentrated here. It is located in the southeastern part of the island of Honshu.

2. Jakarta, 34 million people

Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, the second largest city in the world in terms of population, home to about 32 million people. It is located on the northwestern coast of Java. The population of Jakarta is growing rapidly - since 1930 it has increased almost 17 times.

3. Delhi, 27 million people

A city located in northern India on the banks of the Jamna River with a population of over 27 million. Delhi is a cosmopolitan city with a wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures, as well as a huge number of monuments, ancient architectural structures and cultural heritage sites.

4. Manila, 25 million people

The capital Philippines is one of the largest cities in the world and ranks 4th in the ranking. It is home to 25 million people. Manila is the most populous city with the highest population density in the world.

5. Seoul, 24 million people

In fifth place in terms of the number of people living is the capital of South Korea - Seoul. Seoul-Incheon metropolitan area is home to about 23.5 million people. The city is located on the Han River and is the main political, economic and cultural center of the Republic of Korea, as well as one of the leading financial centers in East Asia.

6. Mumbai 23 million people

Mumbai is a major link in international transport links. The city has a deep natural harbor and is the largest port in western India. Mumbai is one of the most important economic and cultural centers in India. It is a city of great contrasts, with a population of about 23 million.

7. Shanghai, 22 million people

The largest city and financial center of China and the largest seaport on the planet. Shanghai is a vibrant, dynamic city with many events, conferences and festivals constantly taking place here. The population of Shanghai by 2019 is 22 million.

8. New York, 21.5 million people

A city known all over the world for its financial, economic, political, architectural and cultural centers. Its territory is home to 21.5 million people. The population density is 10 654 people / km²

9. Sao Paulo, 21 million people

The capital of Brazil, Sao Paulo is the main economic, corporate, transport and financial center of Brazil and the richest city in the country. The city is home to numerous offices of the world's leading corporations.
A modern large city with a large number of business centers and skyscrapers. The population of São Paulo is ethnically very diverse at 21 million.

10. Mexico City, 20.3 million people

Mexico City is the densely populated mountain capital of Mexico and one of the largest cities in the world. The metropolitan area of ​​Mexico City, in addition to the Federal District, which consists of 16 districts, includes about 40 municipalities of the state.
The city is home to 20.3 million people. Mexico City is the main cultural, economic and political center for the country.

What is the largest city in the world is not as easy to determine as it seems at first glance. How to count - by area or by population? If you make two lists, they will not match. And what can be considered a city? De jure and de facto, there will be no identity. Many cities have grown to include smaller settlements. They have become agglomerations (sometimes monocentric - with one center and polycentric - with several), that is, in fact, one large city, but formally considered a cluster of relatively small cities. The difference is sometimes so great - at least grab your head. For example, New York City has fewer than 8.5 million people in its current urban boundaries, and almost 24 in its metropolitan area.

By population

The largest cities in the world in terms of population have both a centuries-old history and a relatively young age. The same New York emerged only in the 17th century, and its rapid growth during the 19th and 20th centuries is due to the fact that it was the most convenient geographical point for accepting immigrants from Europe. And, for example, London, which will celebrate its 2,000th anniversary in 2043, owes its numerical growth to the status of the capital of the British Empire. In terms of population, the top ten cities look like this:

Manila (Philippines) is a prime example of a polycentric urban agglomeration; the population of the city is about 1.7 million people, and in the agglomeration - 22.7. Moreover, the capital is not the largest city. Another large city within the agglomeration, Caisson City, has 2.7 million inhabitants. The agglomeration is legally registered as the National Capital Region and, in fact, is one big city, although in terms of area - 638.55 km 2 - it is even inferior to Moscow before some districts of the Moscow Region were included in it. As for our capital, the Moscow metropolitan area shares 17-18 positions with the Japanese Osaka metropolitan area, numbering 17.4 million people.

By area

If it is difficult to figure out the list of the largest cities in terms of population, since different sources give different numbers, then with the area everything is much easier. The geographical size of the cities is fixed precisely and, unlike the number, does not change every year. True, huge areas do not always correspond to our ideas about what a city should be like. Often, purely rural areas are included in the composition of a metropolis. A good example is New Moscow, mainly a rural area, included in the capital to "unload" the metropolis. Here is a list of the largest cities in the world by area:

Not surprisingly, the world's largest city by area, Sydney, is located in Australia. This mainland country with an area of ​​7.7 million km 2 has only 23.2 million people. And the population of Sydney is only 4.8 million. There is a lot of free land in the country, there is where to turn. By comparison, Australia has a population density of 3.1 per square kilometer, and in Russia, where there is also a lot of free land, it is almost three times higher - 8.39 people per square kilometer.

It is possible that the list of the largest cities in the world in terms of population will change, and in the very near future. The rapid population growth in South and Southeast Asia, coupled with the incessant urbanization process, is causing a rapid increase in the number of megacities located in these countries. Countries where, most likely, may appear new cities in the list of the largest - India and Pakistan. But China, most likely, will not bring surprises, since the state's policy to reduce the rate of population growth has borne fruit, and the birth rate in the Celestial Empire barely makes up for the natural decline.

The very first cities in the history of mankind arose during the period of transition from a primitive communal system to a slave-owning one, precisely when there was an in-depth part of the population that was previously occupied only in agriculture, switched to handicraft work. Craftsmen and craftsmen, together with representatives of the master class (priests, representatives of state authorities, large landowners, etc.), for whom, basically, conditions for a more comfortable existence were created (palaces, primitive water supply, road construction, meeting areas, amphitheaters, etc.) concentrated in areas convenient for life, for example, near reservoirs, in valleys, etc. Of course, these were not big cities, but only small settlements. The other part of the population remained to live outside their borders and was engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

Later, due to the wars between different nations fortress walls began to be built around the cities. This was done in order to protect the population from enemy hordes. This is how big cities began to appear. They were damaged from time to time, but were rebuilt in the same place. There is a belief that the territory on which the city was erected was predetermined by the Almighty. This means that these settlements will stand forever, regardless of anything.

Top 10: largest cities in the world by population

This list is ranked by population, excluding suburbanites.

1. The first on this list is Shanghai (PRC). It is the city in which the headquarters of almost all of the world's largest corporations are located. According to demographic studies, it is he who is the largest city on the planet in terms of population. It is located in the Yangtze Delta and is the world's largest seaport. According to the results of 2012, its population is 23 800 000 people.

2. The second major metropolis is the Chinese capital Beijing. It is the largest cultural and scientific center in the country. Its population is 20,693,000.

3. At this place on the list Bangkok is the capital of Thailand - the Kingdom of Siam. The population of this metropolis is 15,012,197 people.

4. Tokyo is the capital of the land of the rising sun. It is the main administrative, financial, industrial and cultural center of Japan. It is located on the island of Honshu. Despite the fact that, together with the urban agglomeration, this is the largest in the world, in this list it takes only 4th place, since its population is 13,230,000 people.

5. Another big city - Karachi, economic, but not official. It is only slightly inferior to Tokyo in terms of population. There are 13,205,339 people living in Karachi.

6. Until recently, this city was known to the world as Bombay, but today it is - Mumbai - the financial capital of India. Population - 12 478 447 people.

7. Another Indian metropolis, the capital of India - Delhi, is also one of the ten largest cities in the world. Its population is 12,565,901 people.

8. Our beauty white-stone at the end of last year - 11,979,529 people. It is the largest scientific and cultural center for the entire Russian-speaking world, as well as one of the most expensive cities in the world.

9 and 10. The top ten also includes two American metropolises: Sao Paulo (11,316,149), the largest city in Brazil, and Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. The population of the latter is 10,763,453 people.

Large cities of the world by area

  1. Sydney.
  2. Kinshasa.
  3. Buenos Aires.
  4. Karachi.
  5. Alexandria.


The large cities of the world included in these two lists may constantly change places over time, and other fast-growing megacities may also be added to them, since the dynamics of population growth, as well as expansion of borders, is unpredictable.

What does a big city mean to you? A million inhabitants, two, maybe ten or even thirty? See the photo gallery of the 20 largest cities in the world by population.

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is in 20th place in terms of population.

The 19th place is occupied by Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina is home to 14.3 million people.

18th place: Kolkata is the largest city in India, home to 15.7 million people.

17th place: Cairo - the capital of Egypt - the number of inhabitants is 17.3 million.

Beijing is home to 16.4 million inhabitants, placing the capital of China in 15th place in the ranking.

Los Angeles is the 13th most populous city with 17 million inhabitants.

The capital of the Philippines, Manila, is the 12th largest city in the world with 20.7 million inhabitants.

The Indian city of Bombay, with a population of 20.8 million, is ranked 11th in the ranking.

9th place: Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, home to 21.1 million people.

7th place: Indian Delhi - 23 million inhabitants.

6th in terms of population is occupied by the Mexican capital - Mexico City - 23.2 million inhabitants.

The 5th most populous city in the world is Shanghai. This largest Chinese city has 25.3 million inhabitants.

In 2nd place: Guangzhou is the largest Chinese city with 25.8 million people.

The largest city in the world in terms of population is Tokyo. The Japanese capital is home to 34.5 million people. Tokyo is the undisputed leader in our ranking and will remain so for a long time to come.

Finding out which city is the largest in the world is not difficult. True, there will be several such megacities. After all, some are leading in terms of size, others in terms of population.

When studying a modern geographical map, it is difficult to determine in which settlements the most people live and which city is the largest in the world. Indeed, over time, numerous suburbs joined large metropolitan areas: small towns, villages, large and small villages. Neighboring settlements formed vast areas of continuous construction - agglomeration. Such areas are clearly visible on satellite images in clear weather thanks to artificial lighting, which is used in cities and suburbs. The largest agglomerations are located in different parts of the world, millions of people live in each of them.

The tenth place in the world is occupied by Sao Paulo - a large city in Brazil and the most populated metropolis on the American continent. It is a multinational port with developed tourism and a rich cultural life with a population of about 20 million people. It harmoniously combines old buildings and modern architectural ensembles made of glass and metal.

The largest city in the United States, New York, is in 9th place. It is home to more than 8 million people, and the metropolitan area of ​​New York has about 21 million inhabitants. This metropolis is an influential economic and financial center not only of the country, but also of the world. Broadway theaters and the Statue of Liberty are the city's most famous landmarks. New York has experienced the bulk of the saddest events in US history in recent decades - the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Foreign tourists consider this city the most attractive place to visit in the United States.

Mumbai (formerly Bombay) is in eighth place. Together with the suburbs, the most populous city in India has more than 22 million inhabitants. This is a place where the cultures of Asia and Europe are combined, national traditions are preserved, and local residents are happy to participate in festivals and holidays of numerous ethnic groups.

Chinese Shanghai ranks seventh with a population of over 23 million. The city has low crime rates and unique modern architecture. In it, buildings of the new construction are adjacent to historical structures, the second largest skyscraper in the world is located. Among the agglomerates, it is in seventh place, and among the cities of Shanghai it takes the lead.

Previously, Karachi was the capital of Pakistan. Now it has remained simply the largest city in the country, the center of its business, commercial and industrial life. At the beginning of the 18th century, Karachi was a small fishing village, now occupies the sixth place in the top of the largest megacities in the world. The population of Karachi is over 23 million people, the city is actively developing and is considered one of the fastest growing.

Seoul is the capital of the Republic of Korea and the center of the fifth largest metropolitan area in the world with a population of over 24 million people. Royal palaces of the ruling dynasties in the past, museums, national parks with Buddhist temples and centers of modern art - there is something to see for the curious tourist. Seoul is considered one of the best cities for shopping, and you can always try something tasty in the establishments.

The fourth line belongs to the capital of the Philippines. More than 24 million people live in the city of Manila and the surrounding areas. It is one of the busiest industrial ports in the world. Ancient buildings attract tourists, there are many religious and historical sights.

On the 3rd place is the oldest city among megacities - Delhi. The capital of India is over 5 thousand years old. The city has nine distinct administrative districts with a total population of over 26 million people. New Delhi is a central part with rich skyscrapers, a government quarter and excellent infrastructure. It is very different from a Delhi slum with pitiful shacks lacking basic sanitation for life. There is no running water here, and more than twenty families use one toilet. Numerous mosques, temples, historical monuments, regular religious festivals, markets with a wide variety of goods and exotic Indian cuisine - all this is also a visiting card of Delhi.

Jakarta is home to almost 32 million people and is the second most populous city in the world. This capital province has many mosques, temple complexes, parks and entertainment venues for all tastes.

The population of Tokyo together with the city of Yokohama is almost 38 million people. This record is unlikely to be beaten by any metropolis in the near future. People have inhabited these places since the Stone Age, but only in the last 100 years, Tokyo has gradually turned into one of the most modern and developed cities in the world and has become the largest city in the world in terms of population. It consists of many islands and mainland. It is one of the three world financial leaders along with London and New York. The population of the Tokyo metropolitan area is larger than that of the entire Asian part of Russia.

Top 10 largest settlements by area

Some cities distinguished themselves not by the number of people living in them, but by their size.

Order numberCity nameCountryArea, sq. km
1 ChongqingChina82403
2 HangzhouChina16847
3 BeijingChina16801
4 BrisbaneAustralia15826
5 ChengduChina14312
6 AsmaraEritrea12158
7 SydneyAustralia12144
8 TianjinChina11943
9 MelbourneAustralia9990
10 KinshasaCongo9965

The leader of the rating is Chongqing, which occupies about the same territory as Austria. It became the largest city in the world in terms of area due to the peculiarities of the division of the territory adopted in China. In Chongqing, the densely populated part is very small, and more than 90% are suburban areas, which are also administratively considered an urban area.

N / aCapital, nameArea, square kilometers
1 Beijing, China)16801
2 Asmara (Eritrea)12158
3 Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo)9965
4 Naypyidaw (Myanmar)7054
5 Brasilia (Brazil)5801
6 Ulan Bator (Mongolia)4704
7 Vientiane (Laos)3920
8 Muscat (Oman)3500
9 Hanoi (Vietnam)3344
10 Ottawa (Canada)2790

The recognized favorite on this list is the Chinese city of Beijing. It is not only the largest capital city in the world, but also a fairly populated city - more than 20 million inhabitants live in it. Beijing is developing at a fast pace, has an amazing atmosphere and attracts millions of tourists every year.

It will not be possible to answer unequivocally the question of the largest city in the world. You can compile many different ratings and get acquainted with new ones each time interesting cities the world.
