V.A. Ivanov

The article considers the existing points of view on the essence of the concept of "innovation", based on the generalization of the definition of this term, the author's approach to the economic content of the term "innovation" is developed. The author revealed the specifics and classification of innovations in agro-industrial production, proposed priority areas for the development of innovative processes in the regional agro-industrial complex.

The essence of the concept of "innovation"

Interest in the problems of innovation theory has recently increased dramatically, as evidenced by the ever-increasing volume of publications. At the same time, the conceptual apparatus of innovation has not been fully developed in the literature. At the same time, the same term is interpreted in different ways, or is identified. This indicates the relevance of clarifying the essence of innovation.

The concept of "innovation" first appeared in the scientific research of culturologists back in the 19th century. And it meant the introduction of some elements of one culture into another. Usually, it was about the infiltration of European customs and ways of organizing into traditional Asian and African societies. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that the regularities of technical innovations began to be studied.

J. Schumpeter is considered the founder of the theory of innovation. He, in his work "The Theory of Economic Development", published in 1912, considered innovation (new combinations) as a means of entrepreneurship for profit. The author called entrepreneurs "economic entities whose function is precisely the implementation of new combinations and who act as its active element" .

Later, in the 30s, J. Schumpeter identified five typical changes in economic development:

Use of new equipment, new technological processes or new market support for production (purchase and sale);

Introduction of products with new properties;

Use of new raw materials;

Changes in the organization of production and its logistics;

Emergence of new markets.

A significant contribution to the study of innovation was made by N.D. Kondratiev, who substantiated the theory of large cycles lasting 50-60 years, developed models of conjuncture cycles. He proved that the transition to a new cycle is associated with an expansion of the stock of capital goods that create conditions for the mass introduction of accumulated inventions. N.D. Kondratiev linked the transition to a new cycle with technical progress: “Before the beginning of the upward wave of each large cycle, and sometimes at its very beginning,” he wrote, there are significant changes in the conditions of the economic life of society. These changes are usually expressed in one or another combination, in significant technical inventions and discoveries, in profound changes in the technique of production and exchange. The main role in the changes in the economic life of society N.D. Kondratiev assigned to scientific and technical innovations.

In the world economic literature, "innovation" is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into real, embodied in new products and technologies.

In the studies of domestic economists, the term "innovation" began to be widely used with the transition of the economy to market relations. Prior to this, in the domestic economic literature, the issues of innovation were widely covered in the framework of research on scientific and technological progress (STP), the development of science and technology.

In order to effectively manage innovation, it is necessary to clearly understand the meaning and meaning of the term "innovation". In the dictionaries of S.I. Ozhegov and V.I. Dahl does not have the concept of "innovation". At S.I. Ozhegov is the term "innovation" - something new, innovation, "innovation" - a new order, a new custom, a new method of invention, a new phenomenon. In the dictionary of V.I. Dahl - "innovation", used as an introduction of novelty, new customs, orders. In the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" the concept of "innovation" is also absent.

In English terminological dictionaries, the term "innovation" is synonymous with innovation or innovation. In a number of encyclopedic dictionaries published in Russia in recent years, innovation is also identified with innovation, innovation.

Based on the study of the concept of "innovation" in the economic literature of recent years, it can be argued that there are many definitions of it. The systematization of interpretations of the concept of "innovation" is given in Table.

Analysis of the above definitions of the term "innovation" allows us to state that three points of view are widespread. First, innovation is identified with innovation, novelty. The second point of view, innovation is seen as the process of creating new products, technologies, innovation in the field of organization, economics and production management. The third one is innovation as a process of introduction into production of new products, elements, approaches that are qualitatively different from the previous analogue.

Table 1

Definition of "innovation"


ANDInnovation is such a social - technical - economic process that, through the practical use of ideas and inventions, leads to the creation of products and technologies that are better in their properties.

Santo B. Innovation as a means ..., 1990, p. 24.

PAn innovation (innovation) usually means an object introduced into production as a result of a research or discovery made, qualitatively different from the previous analogue.

Utkin E.A.,

Morozova N.I.,

Morozova G.I.

Innovation Management…, 1996, p. 10.

ANDInnovation is the process of implementing a new idea in any sphere of human life, contributing to the satisfaction of an existing need in the market and bringing an economic effect.

Bezdudny F.F.,

Smirnova G.A.,

Nechaeva O.D.

The essence of the concept ..., 1998, p. 8.

ANDinnovation - the use of the results of scientific research and development aimed at improving the process of production, economic, legal and social relations in the field of science, culture, education and other areas of activity.

Suvorova A.L.

Innovation management, 1999, p. 15.

ANDInnovation is the result of updating, transforming previous activities, leading to the replacement of some elements with others, or the addition of new ones to existing ones.

Kokurin D.I.

Innovative activity, 2001, p. 10.

ANDinnovation (innovation) is the result of practical or scientific and technical development of innovation.

Avsyannikov N.M.

Innovation management, 2002, p. 12.

PAn innovation is an object introduced into production as a result of a scientific research or discovery made, which is qualitatively different from the previous analogue.

Medynsky V.G.

Innovation management, 2002, p. five.

ANDInnovation is understood as the end result of scientific research or discovery, qualitatively different from the previous analogue and introduced into production. The concept of innovation applies to all innovations in organizational, production and other areas of activity, to any improvements that reduce costs.

Minnikhanov R.N.,

Alekseev V.V.,

Fayzrakhmanov D.I.,

Sagdiev M.A.

Innovation management…, 2003, p. 13.

ANDInnovation is the process of development, development, exploitation and exhaustion of the production, economic and social potential underlying innovation.

Morozov Yu.P.,

Gavrilov A.I.,

Gorodkov A.G.

Innovation Management, 2003, p. 17.

ANDinnovation as a result of the creative process in the form of created (or implemented) new use values, the use of which requires the individuals or organizations using them to change the usual stereotypes of activities and skills. The concept of innovation extends to a new product or service, a method of their production, an innovation in organizational, financial, research and other areas, any improvement that provides cost savings or creates conditions for such savings.

Zavlin P.N.

Fundamentals of innovation management ..., 2004,

from. 6.

ANDinnovation - a new or improved product (good, work, service), method (technology) of its production or application, innovation or improvement in the organization and (or) economics of production, and (or) product sales, providing economic benefits, creating conditions for such benefits or improving the consumer properties of products (goods, works, services).

Kulagin A.S.

A little about the term…, 2004, p. 58.

ANDinnovation is new or improved technologies, types of products or services being created, as well as decisions of an industrial, administrative, financial, legal, commercial or other nature, which have a positive effect on the economic entities involved as a result of their implementation and subsequent practical application.

Stepanenko D.M.

Classification of innovations…, 2004, p. 77.

FROMthe word "innovation" is synonymous with innovation or novelty, and can be used along with them.

Avrashkov L.Ya.

Innovation Management, 2005, p. five.

ANDinnovation is the end result of introducing innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect.

Fatkhutdinov R.A.

Innovation Management, 2005, p. 15.

ANDinnovations in relation to the agro-industrial complex are new technologies, new equipment, new varieties of plants, new breeds of animals, new fertilizers and means of protecting plants and animals, new methods for the prevention and treatment of animals, new forms of organization, financing and crediting of production, new approaches to training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, etc.

Shaitan B.I.

Innovations in the agro-industrial complex…, 2005, p. 207.

ANDinnovation is the involvement in the economic circulation of the results of intellectual activity containing new, including scientific, knowledge in order to meet social needs and (or) make a profit.

Volynkina N.V.

Legal entity…, 2006, p. 13.

INin accordance with international standards (Frascati Guide - a new version of the document adopted by the OECD in 1993 in the Italian city of Frascati), innovation is defined as the end result of innovation, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process, used in practice, or in a new approach to social services.

Science statistics…, 1996, p. 30-31.

ANDinnovation (innovation) - the end result of innovative activity, realized in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice.

The concept of innovative ..., 1998.

ANDinnovation - an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization and management, based on the use of scientific achievements and best practices, as well as the use of these innovations in various fields and fields of activity.

Raizberg B.A.

Lozovsky L.Sh.

Starodubtseva E.B.

Modern economic ..., 1999, p. 136.

ANDInnovation: 1. Innovation, innovation. 2. A set of measures aimed at introducing new equipment, technologies, inventions, etc. into the economy; modernization.

Big sensible ..., 2003, p. 393.

ANDinnovation is an innovation in the production and non-production spheres, in the field of economic, social, legal relations, science, culture, education, healthcare, in the field of public finance, in business finance, in the budget process, in banking, in the financial market, in insurance etc.

Financial and credit ..., 2004, p. 367.

ANDinnovation - obtaining great economic results through the introduction of innovations; the essence of a progressive development strategy for the organization of the state as opposed to the bureaucratic type of development.

Rumyantseva E.E.

New Economic..., 2005, p. 162.

We shared the position of those researchers who consider it inappropriate to equate the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation". Innovation, according to Prof. R.A. Fatkhutdinov is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development or experimental work in any area of ​​activity to improve efficiency. Innovations can take the form of: discoveries; inventions; patents; trademarks; rationalization proposals; documentation for a new or improved product, technology, management or production process; organizational, production or other structure; know-how; concepts; scientific approaches or principles; document (standard, recommendations, methodology, instructions, etc.); marketing research results, etc. Investing in the development of innovation is half the battle. The main thing is to introduce innovation, to turn innovation into a form of innovation, i.e. complete the innovation activity and get a positive result, then continue the diffusion of innovation. These stages refer to innovation as a process.

Thus, innovation acts as a specific result of scientific research and development in the form of new products, equipment, technology, information, methods, etc. In turn, innovation is the process of introducing innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain a scientific, technical, economic and social effect.

The analysis of currently existing definitions contains a number of shortcomings. For example, the current international standards on innovation established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, developed in relation to new products, technical changes and social services, do not cover innovations in the field of organization and management. A similar shortcoming in the definition of innovation is contained in the Concept of the Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation for 1998-2000.

In our opinion, innovation should have the following properties: be novel, applicable in any field of human activity, implemented on the market, bring economic and other types of effect.

Summarizing the above definitions of this term, we can give the following formulation of the concept of innovation. Innovation is the commercialization of scientific knowledge that has been embodied in the form of new or improved products (services), equipment, technology, organization of production, management and brings various types of effect.

With regard to the agro-industrial complex (agro-industrial complex), innovations are the implementation in economic practice of the results of research and development in the form of new varieties of plants, breeds and species of animals and poultry crosses, new or improved food products, materials, new technologies in crop production, animal husbandry and processing industry, new fertilizers and means of protecting plants and animals, new methods of prevention and treatment of animals and poultry, new forms of organization and management of various sectors of the economy, new approaches to social services that improve production efficiency.

Classification of innovations

In the scientific literature, innovations are usually classified according to a number of criteria - according to the degree of radicalness, significance in economic development, subdividing them into basic, improving and pseudo-innovations (rationalizing).

According to the direction of results, innovations are divided into product and process ones. Product innovation covers the introduction of new or improved products. They include the use of new materials, new semi-finished products and components, obtaining new products. Process innovations are divided into technological - new technologies for the production of products; organizational and managerial - new methods of organizing production, transport, marketing and supply, new organizational structures of management and social - improving working conditions, recreation, meeting human needs in health care, education, culture ..

A fairly complete classification of innovations was proposed by A.I. Prigogine.

1. By prevalence:



2. By place in the production cycle:


Providing (binding);


3. By succession:





Retro introductions.

4. By coverage of the expected market share:




5. By innovative potential and degree of novelty:




The fourth and fifth directions of the classification, taking into account the scale and novelty of innovations, the intensity of innovative change, express the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of innovations to the greatest extent and are important for the economic assessment of their consequences and the justification of managerial decisions.

P.N. Zavlin proposes to classify innovations according to 12 criteria: by significance; by direction; by sectoral structure of the life cycle; by the depth of change; in relation to development; on the scale of distribution; by role in the production process; by the nature of the needs met; according to the degree of novelty; time to market; for reasons of occurrence; by subject and scope of application (Fig. 1) .

The decrease in allocations for science during the years of reforms has led to an outflow of young scientists.

One of the features of agriculture is that here, along with industrial means of production, living organisms - animals and plants - take an active part in the reproduction process. Their development is subject to the action of natural laws and depends on such natural factors as climate, weather, heat, moisture, light and food. V.R. Williams wrote: “Plants require for their prosperity an uninterrupted presence or an uninterrupted influx of four groups of factors - light, heat, water and nutrients, under the continuous condition of the simultaneous and joint presence of all four factors in optimal quantities with unconditional equivalence and independence of them. .

Expanded reproduction in agriculture takes place in the interaction of economic and natural biological processes. Therefore, when managing innovations, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of not only economic laws, but also the laws of nature: equivalence, irreplaceability and the totality of life factors, the laws of minimum, optimum and maximum. The operation of the law of indispensability of factors of production is manifested in the fact that, for example, selection cannot compensate for fertilizers, varieties cannot compensate for the gaps in agricultural technology, and breeding cannot replace feed. According to the law of the minimum, the growth of production is constrained by the factor that is at a minimum. For example, the level of livestock productivity is determined by the substance, the largest amount of which is in the feed ration; in accordance with the law of maximum, the excess of any one nutrient in excess of the animal's need will not lead to an increase in its productivity. The complex nature of innovation in the agro-industrial complex imposes specific requirements on the innovation mechanism (legal and regulatory framework for innovation development, organization and management, innovation marketing, development of the innovation structure).

In agriculture, even the slightest omission is fraught with undesirable consequences. K.A. Timiryazev pointed out: “Nowhere, perhaps in no other activity, is it necessary to weigh so many various conditions for success, nowhere is such multilateral information required, nowhere can a fascination with a one-sided point of view lead to such a failure as in agriculture.”

The complexity of agricultural production and its features predetermine the originality of approaches and methods of managing the innovation process, the combination of various types of innovation, and the strengthening of the role of the state in stimulating innovation.

It should be noted that the complexity and features of agricultural production are characterized by a high level of risks of innovative processes in the agricultural sector. The risk of financing research and production results, the risk of a temporary gap between costs and results, the uncertainty of demand for innovative products do not interest private investors to invest in the development of agriculture.

Rice. 3. Conditions and factors influencing the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex

To activate innovation processes, it is necessary to provide conditions for expanded reproduction in the agricultural sector, first of all, to improve the financial condition of organizations. Most agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Komi have long lost their own working capital, their accounts payable exceeded the annual proceeds from the sale of products, they cannot take new loans, which counters the normal production process. Even taking into account subsidies and compensations from the budget in 2005, 56% of agricultural enterprises of the republic were unprofitable. With a lack of financial resources, they are primarily directed to current purposes.

The conditions and factors hindering the development of innovations in the agro-industrial complex also include a contraction in domestic demand for food, a reduction in state support for the agricultural sector and state financing of scientific and technical programs, an underdeveloped lending system, high interest rates on loans, a lack of innovation infrastructure and a state innovation policy and strategy, insufficient level of training of personnel of agricultural organizations in the field of innovation management.

One of the main obstacles to the transition of the agrarian economy to the path of innovative development is the acute shortage of qualified managers and specialists. Currently, over 300 positions remain vacant in agricultural organizations of the Komi Republic, including 32 positions of chief agronomist, 52 of chief engineer, 41 of chief veterinarian, 49 of chief economist. Only 56% of heads of organizations have higher education, and 12% do not even have a secondary vocational education. The number of managers and specialists who left agriculture exceeds the number of those accepted.

The innovative type of development of the agrarian economy is largely determined by the scientific and technical policy of the region, the formation of a regional innovation mechanism. The subjects play an important role in the implementation of the anti-crisis program, using innovations of the selection-genetic, technological, organizational, managerial and social types.

The priorities for the development of innovative processes in the regional agro-industrial complex include:

Technological re-equipment of the organizations of the complex;

Energy and resource-saving technologies for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;

Reproduction of soil fertility, prevention of all types of their degradation, development of adaptive technologies for agroecosystems and agrolandscapes;

Development of production of organic agricultural products. In the zone of the North there is a unique opportunity to focus on the production of environmentally friendly products on their vast land resources, to work out the technologies of organic farming;

Creation of a modern system of information and infrastructure support for innovation in the agro-industrial complex;

Development of state innovation policy and strategy at the federal and regional levels, aimed at the formation of progressive technological structures;

Formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for the functioning of the agro-industrial complex on an innovative basis;

Strengthening the role of state organizations in enhancing innovation activities;

Development of regional and municipal innovative programs for the development of the agro-industrial complex;

Improving the system of training personnel in the field of innovation, providing an increase in the innovative activity of organizations and the commercialization of scientific research results.


Avsyannikov N.M. Innovation Management: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. – 295 p.

Bezdudny F.F., Smirnova G.A., Nechaeva O.D. The essence of the concept of innovation and its classification // Innovations. - 1998. - No. 2.-3. - P. 3-13.

Big explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Ch. ed. S.A. Kuznetsov. - St. Petersburg: "Norint", 2003. - 1536 p.

Williams W.R. Grass-field system of agriculture // Collection of articles. op. - M .: Selkhozgiz, 1951. T. VII. – 244 p.

Volynkina M.V. Legal essence of the term "innovation" // Innovations. - 2006. - No. 1. - P. 5-18.

Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Modern version. - M.: Publishing house "EKSMO-Press", 2001. - 736 p.

Innovation Management: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Shvandar, prof. V.Ya. Gorfinkel. - M .: Vuzovsky textbook, 2005. - 382 p.

Innovation management: Textbook for universities / S.D. Ilyenkova, L.M. Gokhberg, S.Yu. Yagudin and others; Under. ed. prof. S.D. Ilyenkova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2003. - 343 p.

Kokurin D.I. Innovative activity. - M.: Exam, 2001. - 576 p.

Kondratiev N.D. Selected writings. - M.: Economics, 1993. - 526 p.

The concept of innovation policy of the Russian Federation for 1998-2000: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 832 of July 24, 1998 // Ros. gas. - 1998. - 19 Aug.

Kulagin A.S. A little about the term "innovation" // Innovations, 2004. - No. 7. - S. 56-59.

Minnikhanov R.N., Alekseev V.V., Fayzrakhmanov D.I. Sagdiev M.A. Innovation management in the agro-industrial complex. - M.: Publishing House of the Moscow Agricultural Academy, 2003. - 432 p.

Morozov Yu.P., Gavrilov A.I., Gorodnov A.G. Innovation management: Proc. allowance for universities. - 2nd ed. revised and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2003. - 471 p.

Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. - M.: Azbukovnik, 2001. - 944 p.

Fundamentals of innovation management. Theory and Practice: Textbook / L.S. Baryutin et al.; ed. A.K. Kazantseva, L.E. Mindeli. 2nd ed. revised and additional - M .: CJSC "Publishing House" Economics ", 2004. - 518 p.

Prigogine A.I. Innovations: incentives and obstacles (social problems of innovation). - M.: Politizdat, 1989. - 346 p.

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. - 2nd ed., Rev. – M.: INFRA-M, 1999. – 479 p.

Rumyantseva E.E. New economic encyclopedia. – M.: INFRA-M, 2005. – 724 p.

Santo B. Innovation as a means of economic development / Per. with Hungarian. – M.: Progress, 1990. – 376 p.

Statistics of Science and Innovation: A Brief Dictionary of Terminology / Ed. L.M. Gokhberg. – M.: TsISN. - 1996. - 483 p.

Stepanenko D.M. Classification of innovations and its standardization // Innovations, 2004. - №7. - S. 77-79.

Timiryazev K.A. Agriculture and plant physiology // Izbr. lectures and speeches. – M.: Selkhozgiz, 1957. – 368 p.

Utkin E.A., Morozova N.I., Morozova G.I. Innovation management. - M.: AKALIS, 1996. - 208 p.

Ushachev I.G. Problems of formation of management systems for innovation activity in the agro-industrial complex // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex: experience and problems" (January 13-14, 2005). - M., 2005. - S. 3-8.

Fatkhutdinov R.A. Innovation management: Textbook for universities. 5th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 448 p.

Financial and Credit Encyclopedic Dictionary / Col. ed. ed. A.G. Gryaznova. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. - 1168 p.

Shaitan B.I. Innovative Agroindustrial Complex and the role of agricultural consulting service // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative activity in the agroindustrial complex: experience and problems" (January 13-14, 2005). - M., 2005. - S. 206-213.

Schumpeter J. Theory of economic development. – M.: Progress, 1982. – 454 p.

Bezdudny F.F., Smirnova G.A., Nechaeva O.D. The essence of the concept of innovation and its classification // Innovations. - 1998. - No. 2.-3. – P. 4.

Williams W.R. Grass-field system of agriculture // Collection of articles. op. - M .: Selkhozgiz, 1951. T. VII. - nine

Timiryazev K.A. Agriculture and plant physiology // Izbr. lectures and speeches. – M.: Selkhozgiz, 1957. – P. 40.

Innovation management: textbook Mukhamedyarov A. M.

11.1. Risks in innovation activity

Innovation activity is associated with various types of risk. In general terms, the risk in innovation is defined as the probability of losses arising from investing in the development and production of innovations. The types of risks that arise in the innovative activities of enterprises and organizations include: the risk of erroneous selection of projects, marketing risks, the risk of increased competition, the risk of failure to provide projects with sufficient financial resources, the risk of unforeseen costs, the risk of non-execution of contracts, etc. influence such risks as credit, investment, foreign economic, incompleteness and inaccuracy of information.

Such a gradation of risks will make it possible to clearly define the place of each risk in their overall system and create conditions for the effective application of appropriate methods and techniques for managing these risks. For effective risk management, it is important to clearly understand the causes of their occurrence. The reasons for the erroneous selection of projects are the unreasonable determination of the priorities of the financial and economic development of the organization, the vagueness of the choice of the type of innovation strategy (offensive or defensive); inadequate choice of different types of innovations (technological or product, fundamentally new or modernized).

For innovative activities, especially small innovative businesses, the risk is the risk of increased competition. The reasons for the emergence of such a risk may be: incomplete and unreliable information about competitors, lengthening the development and mastering of innovations, which led to lagging behind competitors; leakage of confidential information as a result of industrial espionage; dishonesty of competitors, their raider approach; expansion to the regional (local) market by foreign exporters and other regions of the country. In the functioning of innovative enterprises, an important role is played by the risk of non-execution of economic contracts (contracts). This risk is manifested in the refusal of partners to conclude an agreement after negotiations, the conclusion of agreements with insolvent partners, the failure of partners to fulfill their contractual obligations within the prescribed period, and the threat of environmental pollution.

Reasonable ways to minimize risks can be identified on the basis of their more detailed classification. Risks can be classified according to the following criteria:

According to the degree of risk - acceptable, critical or super-critical (catastrophic);

By type of activity - research, experimental or pilot production activities;

By type of risk - technical, industrial, informational, economic (commercial), environmental or political;

By risk level - high, medium or low;

By economic content - operational, credit, inflationary, currency or innovation-investment;

By objects (by place of origin) - country, regional or sectoral.

A special place is occupied by innovation and investment risk - this is the probability of not obtaining the final result, competitive products, profits and, ultimately, cash flows from specific innovative investments. The specificity of investment risk lies in the fact that investments, if they are accompanied by the introduction of fundamental innovations, practically have an impact on all aspects of the enterprise's activities and are reflected in its economic growth, capital growth and profitability.

Analysis and risk assessment involve the use of a set of methods. These methods include:

Statistical methods, in particular the method of risk factor analysis;

Method of analogies;

The method of complex analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise, diagnostics of its financial stability;

Risk modeling method;

Multiplicative method based on the calculation of individual coefficients (multipliers) that allow characterizing the probability of technical and commercial risk;

Normative method;

The method of computer simulation of the risk of an innovative enterprise;

According to these methods, quantitative levels of risks are assessed to one degree or another. The accuracy of assessing the level of risks is increased by using a number of methods, the results of calculations for which require a qualified analysis of specialists.

Forms of protection against increased risks in the activities of innovative enterprises include risk avoidance (i.e., simple avoidance of decisions that are clearly associated with a large risk), risk retention (leaving the risk to the investor), transferring the risk to another organization (for example, an insurance company), reducing the degree (minimization) of risk, reducing the probability and reducing the volume of losses. In innovation, it is important to clearly understand the ways to reduce risk, to minimize it. In managerial and analytical practice, various ways of reducing risk are used.

The most effective of them is a qualified and competent choice of a management decision, especially an innovative investment decision (project). Acquiring additional information is a relatively new way, because more complete information allows you to make an accurate forecast and reduce risk. Limiting as a way to reduce risk is the establishment of a limit on the maximum amount of expenses. The most important way to reduce risks is to diversify the portfolio of innovations. Effective diversification of the innovation portfolio often leads to a significant reduction in individual risks caused by industry specifics and the specifics of a particular enterprise (company, association, small innovative enterprise). As a result of diversification, the total risk (individual and market) can be determined only by the amount of market risk, independent of the activity of the enterprise.

One of the ways to minimize risk is to transfer part of the risk (in particular, financial) to other enterprises and organizations, such as venture (risk) ones, which, in case of failure, assume part of the losses. Ways to reduce risk include self-insurance, which provides for the creation of in-kind and cash insurance funds directly at enterprises, especially those whose activities are exposed to various risks. One of the most common ways to minimize risk is insurance, which is the protection of the property interests of enterprises (firms) in the event of insured events, the creation of funds formed from insurance premiums to compensate for possible damage. Sometimes reinsurance is applied. Distribution receives a relatively new way to reduce risk - hedging, which means the creation of counter production, scientific, technical, commercial, currency requirements and obligations.

Risk, being a complex and multifaceted category, underlies the adoption of all scientific, technical, production and financial management decisions. After all, even in favorable conditions of economic growth for each enterprise (regardless of the form of ownership and its financial condition) there is always the possibility of the onset of special undesirable events, crisis phenomena. Such an opportunity is always associated with risk.

To reduce the risks of innovation, it is necessary first of all to carefully select projects (topics) proposed for implementation. The importance of selecting innovative projects (topics) at an early, pre-project stage is determined by the following circumstances:

Large scale and high rates of costs for innovative developments;

Limited funds allocated to certain areas of innovative developments or topics;

The desire, based on the choice of more promising and relevant topics, to obtain the maximum effect (economic, social, etc.);

A large number of topics offered by customers and directly by scientific and technical workers;

The need to reduce scientific, technical and economic risk, to achieve (or maintain) a world-class level in promising areas of exploratory research and innovative development;

The need to match the results of innovative developments with the strategy of enterprises.

The most important tasks of selecting topics for innovative developments are: the right choice of the most promising, relevant and effective topics; rejection of absurd, fantastic and technically unfeasible topics in the foreseeable future; clarification of the reasons (factors) that reduce the scientific, technical and economic level of the proposed innovations; determining the number of topics that can be accepted and approved based on the possibilities of financing innovations; accumulation of actual (statistical) materials in order to clarify and refine the methodological recommendations for selection.

The experience of long-term and thematic planning of scientific and technical organizations (research institutes, design bureaus, PCTI), NGOs and associations (enterprises) shows the impossibility of developing and applying a general universal method for selecting topics and building a unified system of indicators that would equally successfully allow evaluation in all cases. A set of methods and a differentiated system of indicators are needed that take into account the multi-purpose nature of projects, the diversity of the results of their implementation (economic, social, etc.), the reliability of the initial data and the sources of the formation of topics, as well as industry and regional characteristics. Nevertheless, the basic principles for the selection of topics, factors and groups of indicators, the selection procedure and organizational forms for its implementation can and should be general, intersectoral. In practice, when selecting topics, they can be supplemented with specific indicators and methods for calculating them, as well as more specific selection methods that reflect industry (sub-sectoral) and regional characteristics, purpose (new products, advanced technological process, technical and organizational level of production, improvement environmental situation), sources of formation of topics.

The definition of the composition, groups of indicators and their weight for the selection of promising projects (topics) is carried out on the basis of a number of principles. The most important principle that should be the basis for the selection of topics is the focus on the final results of the implementation of innovative developments. When determining the system of indicators for the selection of topics, it is necessary to take into account the principle of compliance of the nature and content of developments with the production, technical, financial and economic capabilities of enterprises in the industry. An important principle for selecting promising topics is the complexity of the approach. When choosing indicators, the principle of a rational correlation of individual indicators belonging to different groups (cost, natural, labor, temporary) and the principle of distinguishing indicators into result and performance indicators are taken into account. The principle of adjustability of the system of indicators suggests that, depending on the main goal, the range of indicators that are different in their significance either expands or narrows. Moreover, one should bear in mind the possibility of an increase or decrease in the relative value (weight) of individual indicators.

The following requirements are imposed on the indicators: logical linkage with the ultimate goals of the selected topics, objectivity, simplicity and accessibility of measurement (calculation), specificity and unambiguity of the results obtained, consistency, adaptability to existing forms of reporting and accounting. Taking into account the above principles for constructing a system of indicators and the requirements for them, the following groups of indicators (factors) can be used to select promising and relevant projects (topics):

Scientific and technical;

Production and technological;

Financial and economic;


Industry (regional);



Market (marketing).

Each group of indicators is characterized by a set of private indicators, the composition, structure, number and significance of which depend on the specifics of the industry and the profile of individual innovative organizations, the objectives of the selection of topics, the stages of implementation and the sources of their formation. These groups of factors and the composition of private indicators are reflected in the methods of project selection. A set of requirements is imposed on the methods for selecting topics: a strict selection of the most promising and effective topics, the coincidence of the results of the selected topics with the goals of the production and economic and scientific and production systems, the focus of the selected topics; a high degree of reliability of the assessment - primarily in relation to the achievement of the expected results, taking into account the source and nature of the formation of topics (contractual, initiative, etc.); taking into account industry and regional characteristics, etc.

Accounting for the totality of these requirements is carried out through the integrated use of various methods. The methods used in the selection of topics (projects) can be divided into qualitative and quantitative. At the early stages of scientific and technical developments, the following are used in the selection: 1) a qualitative method based on intuition, personal experience and qualifications and which has found application in the practice of innovation planning. Improving its objectivity is ensured by well-organized expert assessments and the use of mathematical apparatus (mathematical and statistical processing, probability theory); 2) graphic-analytical method; 3) a quantitative method based on the use of a set of calculated indicators using a multi-level system for their evaluation.

When applying the graphic-analytical method of selecting topics, first of all, factors (groups of indicators) are specifically formulated and fixed, the results of which are taken into account when choosing topics. From the point of view of the uniformity of the methodology of the approach, a single set of factors is used for all methods of selecting topics. To characterize the influence of each factor (group of indicators) on the chosen topic, various ratings are used (excellent, satisfactory, etc.). In each specific case, only one estimate is selected. In table. 11.1 presents an approximate list of indicators related to scientific and technical factors, and their assessment is given.

For a general assessment of the impact of scientific and technical indicators on the topic in terms of its feasibility, the average score is calculated (for the indicators given in Table 11.1, it is about 4). Similarly, the theme is evaluated according to other factors (groups of indicators): economic, socio-environmental, etc. The estimates obtained are summarized in a general table (Table 11.2), on the basis of which the issue of selecting the proposed topics (projects) is finally decided.

Comparing various topics (projects) according to the obtained general indicators, one can obtain a qualitative and approximate quantitative assessment of the advantages of a particular innovative topic. Periodically, new charts-tables for topics adopted and in progress are compared with the original forecasts (sometimes new and initial estimates are presented on the same chart).

Table 11.1

Indicators related to scientific and technical factors and their evaluation

Table 11.2

Factors (groups of indicators) and their evaluation

Ultimately, the actual results are compared with the original estimates. Such comparisons give a picture of positive and undesirable changes in individual indicators. They can also be useful in terms of the credibility of the opinions of experts evaluating topics and the involvement of the most qualified of them in the selection of topics.

Qualitative and graph-analytical methods, which are widely used, are relatively simple and make it possible to use graphs to control the implementation of topics. However, they are not sufficient for an objective assessment, therefore, quantitative methods are used in addition to them. When applying the quantitative method for each specific topic, the primary, main indicators and their weight, comparative value are determined. An approximate list of some quantitative indicators is given in Table. 11.3. Note that given in Table. 11.1 and 11.2, the list of indicators is not universal and, depending on the goals of a particular innovative project, can be expanded. Each innovative organization or enterprise (company) can use those project selection indicators that it considers to be the most profitable and valuable.

Table 11.3

Quantitative indicators for evaluating innovative projects

According to the general (integral) indicator, the topics are distributed in descending order of the total assessment they received, and the place of each topic is determined. At the same time, the distribution of topics to increase the level of reliability of the assessment can be supplemented by their classification into categories (highest, first, second) depending on the amount of points received. On this basis, a preliminary selection of topics is carried out.

This text is an introductory piece. author

6.1. Goals and objectives of financing innovation activities

From the book Innovation Management author Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

6.2. Sources of financing of innovation activity Financing of innovation activity is the process of providing and using funds allocated for the design, development and organization of production of new types of products, for the creation and

From the book Innovation Management author Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

Chapter 7 STATE REGULATION OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES 7.1. State priorities in the field of science and technology 7.2. The main functions of state bodies in the innovation sphere 7.3. Interaction of public, private and public structures in

From the book Innovation Management author Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

7.6. Legal support of innovation activities

From the book Innovation Management author Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

7.7. Information support of innovation activity The basis of economic management, including innovation activity, is complete, reliable and timely information received. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and

From the book Innovation Management author Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

Chapter 11 EVALUATION OF INNOVATION ACTIVITIES 11.1. The system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of an innovative project 11.2. Static indicators for evaluating the economic efficiency of innovative projects 11.3. Dynamic indicators of economic efficiency assessment

From the book Innovation Management author Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

Chapter 12 SOCIAL ASPECTS OF INNOVATION ACTIVITY 12.1. Personnel management of an innovative organization 12.2. Stimulation of employees in an innovative organization 12.3. Corporate culture in an innovative company

author Mukhamedyarov A. M.

Chapter 3 Organizational forms of innovative activity 3.1. Characteristics of the main organizational forms of innovation 3.1.1. The essence of the organization of innovation activity The organization of the innovation process is an activity to unite efforts

From the book Innovation Management: A Study Guide author Mukhamedyarov A. M.

3.1.1. Essence of the organization of innovation activity

From the book Innovation Management: A Study Guide author Mukhamedyarov A. M.

Chapter 5 Financing of innovation activities

From the book Innovation Management: A Study Guide author Mukhamedyarov A. M.

7.4. Legal basis for the development of innovation activities The most important element of the government's influence on the innovation process is legal regulation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation defined scientific and technological progress, the innovation process as one of the main factors

From the book Innovation Management: A Study Guide author Mukhamedyarov A. M.

10.2. Financing of innovation activities abroad In industrialized countries, various forms, methods and ways have been developed by which fundamental research and innovation developments are financed, in particular, financial

From the book Enterprise Economics: Lecture Notes author Dushenkina Elena Alekseevna

7. Subjects of innovation activity Innovation activity is the practical use of innovative, scientific and intellectual potential in mass production in order to obtain a new product that meets consumer demand in

author Smirnov Pavel Yurievich

113. Financing of innovation activities (beginning) Innovation is a commercialized innovation with high efficiency; is the end result of human intellectual activity, his imagination, creative process, discoveries,

From the book Investments. cheat sheets author Smirnov Pavel Yurievich

114. Financing of innovation activities (end) Innovation is the result of investing in the development and acquisition of new knowledge, not previously used ideas for updating the areas of people's lives: technology; products; organizational forms of society

From the book Hunt for Ideas. How to break away from competitors, breaking all the rules author Sutton Robert

Principles of organizing everyday and innovative activities To catch the difference in approaches to organizing everyday and innovative work, we can compare cast members, i.e. actors, as Disney calls its Disneyland employees, with imagineers, i.e.

The main types of classroom work of the student in the study of the discipline are lectures and practical exercises. A student does not have the right to miss classroom classes without good reason, otherwise he may not be allowed to take a test or exam.

The lectures present and explain the basic concepts of the topic, the theoretical and practical problems associated with it, and give recommendations for independent work. During the lecture, it is necessary to listen carefully and take notes of the lecture material.

The study of the most important topics or sections of the discipline is completed by practical exercises. They serve to control the preparedness of the student by the teacher; consolidation of the studied material; development of skills and abilities in the preparation of reports, messages on the issues under study; gaining experience in oral public speaking, conducting discussions, including argumentation and defense of put forward provisions and theses.

The practical lesson is preceded by the independent work of the student, connected with the development of the lecture material and the materials presented in textbooks and teaching aids, as well as in the literature recommended by the teacher. By agreement with the teacher or his task, the student can prepare abstracts on individual topics of the discipline.

In the process of preparing for the seminar, the student can take advantage of the teacher's advice.

Seminars can also be held in the form of educational conferences. The conference includes presentations by students with prepared reports on selected topics. The basis of reports, as a rule, is the content of abstracts prepared by students. It is advisable to pre-submit the text of the report to the teacher for review.

The teacher can evaluate the results of quality control of students' educational work by putting current grades in a work journal. The student has the right to get acquainted with the grades given to him.

An important type of student work in the study of the discipline is independent work, so the correct organization of independent work is the key to successful study of the discipline. One cannot rely only on the material that was voiced during lectures or seminars - it is necessary to consolidate it and expand it in the course of independent work. The greatest effect is achieved when using the “read-ahead system”, i.e. preliminary independent study of the material of the next lecture. Independent work of the student - this is an out-of-class work of the student, aimed at mastering the theoretical and practical content of the discipline. The independent work of the student is to work out the issues discussed in the lectures, prepare for the questions submitted for practical classes, do homework, study and annotate literary sources, write reports, develop presentation material, prepare for the exam.

Independent work should be creative and systematic. The mistake is made by those students who hope to master all the material only during the preparation for the exam.

In the process of organizing independent work, consultations of the teacher are of great importance. It is advisable to start independent work with the study of the Program, which contains the basic requirements for the knowledge, skills, skills of trainees, familiarization with sections and topics in the manner prescribed by the curriculum. Having got an idea about the main content of the section, topic, it is necessary to study this topic presented in the textbook, adhering to the recommendations of the teacher, given during the orientation sessions on the methodology of working on educational material.

Then it is useful to get acquainted with the primary sources or excerpts from them, on the recommendation of the teacher, draw up a brief summary of them, answer control questions and tasks, and work out the key concepts of the topic.

Accompaniment of independent work of students in this course can be organized in the following forms:

coordination of individual plans (types and topics of assignments, deadlines for submitting results) of the student's independent work within the hours allotted for independent work;

consultations (individual and group);

Intermediate control of the progress of tasks;

Evaluation of the results of assignments (within classroom hours).

11.3. Basic concepts of the course "Innovative processes in education"

Pedagogical innovation- a special area of ​​scientific knowledge that studies the processes

school development associated with the creation of new educational practices.

Innovation- (from the Latin "innovation" - innovation, change, update)

activities for the creation, development, use and dissemination of new, with

a purposeful change that introduces new elements into the implementation environment that cause the system to change from one state to another. (Modern Dictionary of Foreign Languages)

Innovation process is a development process, an object of development management

educational institution, the process of development and development of innovations.

Innovation It's not just a creation... The spread of innovations is a change that is significant, accompanied by changes in the way of activity, style of thinking. (A.I.Prigozhin)

Innovative technologies is the production (invention) of something new for the system

component formation.

Innovation activity- this is a special activity to coordinate the disorganizations resulting from innovations in the processes of education and upbringing.

Innovation- this is the process of introducing "innovations" - such components or connections that were not previously in the educational system of the school.

The following innovations are distinguished:

On the subject of changes (goals, conditions, forms of organization of educational and

managerial processes at school);

According to the depth of transformations (modifying - providing improvement,

partial change; combined - a new combination of traditional elements;

radical - fundamentally new);

By scale (local - partial changes in technology; modular - holistic changes in any of the subsystems of the school; systemic - restructuring the entire school based on a new idea);

By resource intensity (volume of material, time, intellectual and other costs,

necessary for implementation);

According to the level of development (fully prepared - passed approbation and

insufficiently prepared innovations) (V.S. Lazarev)

Innovation- radical innovations as a specific form of advanced pedagogical experience.

Innovation- the process of transition of the system from one qualitative state to another based on the introduction of innovations.

Innovation is a fundamentally different approach based on a new idea, essentially

changing the established educational technologies, causing a new type

school organization.

Specificity of innovations in education manifests itself in the following (T.I. Shamova,

G.M. Tyul):

Innovation always contains a new solution to an actual problem;

The use of innovations leads to a qualitative change in the level of development of the personality of students;

The introduction of innovations causes qualitative changes in other components of the system

Only those schools that themselves are completely

develop and implement comprehensive innovative programs "from concept to

implementation”, and not just implement ready-made developments. The school in this case simultaneously performs the functions of both a scientific laboratory and an experimental site, and is a space for the life of children and adults.

(A.N. Tubelsky)

As an innovative A school may be considered that:

Develops or implements a model that differs from that generally accepted in most schools

organization of students' life;

Develops a fundamentally different from the traditional content of education;

Develops new content and methods of teacher activity.

The most important components of pedagogical innovation(P.G. Shchedrovitsky):

Availability of an appropriate research component;

Availability of an appropriate design component;

Availability of an appropriate management component.

The phenomenon of "pseudo-novelty" is the pursuit of originality at any cost;

projecting; striving to do not so much better as differently.

Pseudo-novelty in the process of modernization of education is manifested in the following phenomena:

In adjusting innovations to the old obsolete norms (“domestication of innovations”);

In the formal change of names and signs;

In the opportunistic reconstruction of the historical forms of educational institutions;

In the formal attraction of titled scientific leaders to the school (“flirting with scientific structures”);

In the mass creation of various "intellectualized" services (methodological,

sociological) and formal expert councils.

Criteria complex characterizing the innovation process:

Changes are carried out at the school level, i.e. "unit" of change is the whole

school organization, not its individual elements. Not only the educational component itself is being transformed, but also the organizational and managerial structure of the school system;

Changes in the school imply a new solution to an actual pedagogical or organizational-pedagogical problem;

The change process is built on the basis of relevant research and design


The changes are taking place in the context of the implementation of the school-developed model for organizing the life of students, which is different from those generally accepted in most other schools;

The changes relate to fundamental differences from the traditional content of education;

Changes determine the new content and methods of the teacher's activity;

Changes are systemic and purposeful, and are the result of

constant renewal and self-development based on periodic analysis of educational activities at school.

TO innovative schools- schools aimed at renewal, creativity, self-development can be attributed to:

Avant-garde, pilot schools, laboratory schools, i.e. schools with sustainable and systemic innovation;

Experimental and experimental schools, to varying degrees

those who have designed or adopted and are developing new models (projects, systems) of educational activities or conducting experimental activities in one or more directions;

Search schools with a pronounced innovative potential, the desire for renewal, the search for ways to "find their own face."

Innovations in the field of education:

Innovations in education are systems or long-term initiatives based on

the use of new educational means that contribute to the socialization of children and

adolescents and allowing leveling asocial phenomena in the children's and youth environment.

-Innovative educational programs:

Federal "My Choice", "School Against Violence", "Raising Patriots";

Target programs: "Health", "My Fatherland", "My Family", "Intellect", "Culture".

The concept of education, taking into account regulatory documents, the achievements of psychological

pedagogical science, innovative experience, local conditions and opportunities,

Updating the content of education: economic education, legal culture,

civil and patriotic education, pre-profile training, national

culture, personal professional career, educational trajectory design.

Innovative technologies of education:

National educational;

Creation of an expanded system of additional education within the school:

Television (talk shows, round tables, creative portraits, video panoramas);

Informational (creation of websites, a bank of ideas, videos, the Internet, a media library);

Non-standard technologies (improvisation, science culture days, intellectual


Various full-time school options;

Creation of a tutor service within the school, creation of parent-child associations within the school.


KSU them. K.E. Tsiolkovsky: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy - M.A. Zaborina


Registration sheet for changes and additions to the teaching materials of the discipline (module)

Change No. Sheet numbers Reasons for change date of No. of the minutes of the meeting of the department Date of change Signature Full name
Replaced New

When starting pedagogical design, it is advisable to determine the scale of design development, which depends on the scale of the innovations under consideration. From the standpoint of the system-activity approach at the theoretical and methodological level, the most fundamental problem of innovations is reflected in the works of M.M. Potashnik, V.S. Lazareva, A.V. Khutorsky, V.I. Zagvazinsky, A.M. Moiseeva and others.

System innovations - covering the entire system of education or upbringing or the entire educational process of creating new educational systems at the federal, regional, municipal level or the level of an educational institution. Modular innovations - seen as a set of private or local innovations. Private (separate, single, local) innovations - covering individual elements (pedagogical technologies, methods, programs) that are not interconnected in a system.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, a new field of knowledge was being formed - the science of the new, innovation, which studied the laws of the emergence, development and introduction of innovations in material production. Innovation is based on innovation, or innovation called innovation. Innovation is precisely the means (a new method, methodology, technology, curriculum, etc.), and innovation is the process of mastering this means. Innovation is the replacement of an old object (phenomenon) with a new one. Innovation is permanent, i.e. a constant force in the development of human society, the products of its activities and progress in general. Novation (lat. novation - change, update) is some kind of innovation that did not exist before. Innovation is a materialized result. Innovation is produced at the level of technological (applied) order. Innovation is developed by teams and embodied in the form of an innovative project. In general, the innovation process is understood as a complex activity for the creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations.

We will take a closer look at innovations in the social sphere, i.e. in education, in which the foundations of pedagogical innovation are laid. Pedagogical innovation is a field of science that studies the processes of school development associated with the creation of a new educational practice. The problems of creation, development and dissemination of pedagogical innovations are considered by scientists from different positions: the foundations of the theory of innovative processes in education, the classification of innovations in education, methods and technologies in teaching, the development of innovations in a modern school and their management. Innovations are such actual significant and systemically self-organizing neoplasms that arise on the basis of a variety of initiatives and innovations that become promising for the evolution of education and positively influence its development, as well as the development of a wider education space.

In the thesaurus for teachers and school psychologists "New Values ​​of Education", innovative mechanisms for the development of education include:

● creating a creative atmosphere in various educational institutions, cultivating interest in innovation in the scientific and pedagogical community;

● creation of socio-cultural and material (economic) conditions for the adoption and operation of various innovations;

● initiation of search educational systems and mechanisms for their comprehensive support;

● integration of the most promising innovations and productive projects into actual educational systems and transfer of accumulated innovations into the mode of permanent search and experimental educational systems.

The specificity of pedagogical innovations lies in the fact that the “subject” of activity is the constantly developing personality of the student or the personality of the teacher, which has unique features. Pedagogical innovations should be aimed at improving the process of development of this personality. The main meaning, essence, goal of pedagogical innovations is to implement changes with the help of new content, methods, technologies, technical means of education in order to develop the personality.

Pedagogical innovations depend on objective conditions in the form of a social or state order, its demand in society.

Education is a very complex and complex activity, consisting of a number of components that are dialectically interconnected, conditioned and dependent. Therefore, it is very difficult and ineffective to introduce innovations only in some components of education, since the question of the cumulative effect of the innovations being introduced necessarily arises.

Innovative processes in pedagogy are associated both with the social order and the means available in theoretical research and innovative experience that can ensure its implementation, and with significant changes and development of society as a whole. In its basic meaning, the concept of "innovation" refers not only to the creation and dissemination of innovations, but also to transformations, changes in the way of activity, the style of thinking that is associated with these innovations, therefore, a significant condition for effective innovation is the psychological readiness of teachers to accept systemic innovation.

So, the features and distinctive features of pedagogical innovations are:

● The subject of innovation - a personality, unique, developing, with specific features;

● Dependence on objective conditions in the form of a social order or being in demand by society;

● Psychological readiness of the teacher to accept and implement pedagogical innovations.

Development cycles of innovation processes:

● the process of formation is characterized by the rethinking of existing experience, its reassessment, the selection of new areas of activity, new ideas, value orientations, their comprehension, the creation of projects and the modeling of new systems and situations.

● the process of active formation includes the development of educational projects based on the modeling of processes in which changes are supposed to be implemented, the creation of teams of like-minded people in these areas, focused on the joint development of innovation.

● The transformation process involves the development or provision of a regulatory framework for innovation, their dissemination and use.

In the course of the innovation process, the innovative potential of educational systems is formed; their desire for self-development.

The most widespread are cultural and educational initiatives related to: the organization of the educational process, the introduction of new educational technologies, the change in the nature of the content of education, the development of an educational institution of an innovative type, the introduction of a mechanism for public examination of educational projects.

Let us give exemplary examples of topics of cultural and educational initiatives in educational institutions of the RS (Y). Let us first consider what the topic of cultural and educational initiatives is. The topic is the main content “folded” into one sentence, the study of which it is devoted to, with the help of key concepts and essential connections, the topic expresses the main idea, motive, inspiration of the study. In any case, the topic of pedagogical design is determined by the practice, needs and requirements of the school itself.

Topics of cultural and educational initiatives:

1. Cherkekh school-laboratory of the Tattinsky ulus. "Humanitarian expertise as a condition for identifying cultural and educational initiatives."

2. Khorinsky secondary school of the Suntarsky ulus.

"Integration of environmental education and practical rehabilitation of students in the educational process of rural schools."

3. Elgetskaya secondary school of the Verkhoyansk ulus.

"Organizational forms of specialized education in the conditions of the northern ungraded school".

4. Charan secondary school of Ust-Aldan ulus.

"Professional orientation of students through in-depth study of arts and crafts subjects."

5. Main Humanitarian School of the Megino-Kangalassky Ulus.

"Humanitarian way of school as a factor of self-creation of personality".

6. Malzhegorsk secondary school of the Khangalassky ulus. "Socialization and rehabilitation of students in a rural polytechnic school."

7. Preschool "Michil" p. Churapcha Churapchinsky ulus. "The development of children's abilities based on ethnic traditions".

8. MOU secondary school No. 38, Yakutsk Sakha-Canadian center with in-depth study of the languages ​​of the peoples of the North and foreign languages ​​"Multilingualism and multicultural development of the individual as a subject of the dialogue of cultures."

9. Topolino secondary school of the Tomponsky district “Network interaction of the supporting Topolino secondary school and the nomadic kindergarten-school “Ailik”.

10. Kazachinskaya secondary school of the Ust-Yansky ulus "Formation of a creative self-developing personality in the conditions of the Arctic".

One of the central concepts associated with an innovative project is the concept of the goal and objectives of the project.

A goal is a desired result of an activity and a pre-programmed result achievable in the future. The process of goal setting is called goal setting. Goal-setting is a logical and constructive operation carried out in the following algorithm: analysis of the situation with an answer to the question: “what do I want” → situational analysis, answering the question: “what can I do” → taking into account on this basis the needs and interests to be satisfied → analysis of the “goal-means” → clarification of the resources available to meet these needs and interests → selection of needs and interests, the satisfaction of which, with a given expenditure of effort and means, gives the greatest effect → formulation of goals.

Goals must meet the following requirements - they must be clear, specific, realistic, ranked according to their significance, divided into smaller ones depending on the stage of work, and diagnosable, that is, they must have meters (criteria and methods).

Task - the desired result of activity, achievable for the planned time interval and characterized by a set of quantitative data or parameters of this result. To solve the set tasks, it is necessary to indicate the timing of their achievement and set the quantitative characteristics of the desired result.

Based on the appropriate criteria for determining the degree of achievement of the goal, it is possible to evaluate alternative solutions to achieve the goals of an innovative project. Goals should be within the scope of the project's feasible solutions.

In the management of innovative projects, when describing the goal of the project, the result of the project, the deadline, costs, the order of changing the goal, the hierarchy of dependent goals should be reflected. Description of the purpose of the innovation project determines the essence of the project.

It is necessary to define and build the structure of the project, i.e. a set of interrelated elements and processes of the project, presented with varying degrees of detail into component parts, necessary and sufficient to identify and understand the goals, composition and content of the project, organize planning and control of the processes of drawing up innovative projects and its various participants.

Each innovative project, from the inception of an idea to its completion, goes through a series of successive stages of its development, i.e. The life cycle of a project (the time interval between the moment of appearance, inception of the project and the moment of its liquidation, completion) is the initial concept for studying the problems of financing project work and making appropriate decisions.

The life cycle is usually divided into phases, phases - into stages, stages - into stages. Another approach to the design process is offered by E.I. Mashbits, considering design at the conceptual, technological, operational and implementation levels. Arguing that with the transition from level to level, the scale of design tasks (and design objects) decreases and the requirements for concreteness of solutions increase.

In the first two phases of design, fragmentation, discontinuity, inconsistency of individual ideas and provisions is acceptable, but it is not advisable to carry out premature smoothing until the model is completely built.

Let us consider in more detail the content of the individual phases of the project. The life cycle can be divided into 5 phases:

conceptual phase, including the formulation of goals, analysis of opportunities, feasibility study (justification) and project planning;

the phase of project development, including the definition of the structure of work and performers, the construction of work schedules, the project budget, the development of design and estimate documentation;

project implementation phase, including work on its implementation;

the completion phase of the project, including the submission of a progress report and project validation;

operational phase, including: presentation of project products, expansion, modernization, innovation.

Thus, the life cycle of the project is the period of time between the moment of the appearance, inception of the project and the moment of its liquidation, completion.

The main reasons for the failure of projects (World Bank Experience):

● lack of clearly defined project goals;

● insufficient consideration of the external environment;

● lack of an effective project management system;

● insufficient attention to the consequences of the project implementation.

Creative tasks:

1. Create, using keywords, a reference summary "Features and distinctive features of pedagogical innovations"

2. Develop a Project Life Cycle presentation

3. Make tests to control the assimilation of theoretical material.

4. Complete the content of the concepts "goal", "model", "innovative process", "development" in the glossary of terms from various publications and sources.

Reflection: Fix your internal personal increments in the cognitive (thinking) sphere.

Glossary of terms:

1. A model is a tool for constructing possible future situations, finding alternatives in development, taking into account the main thing - the connection between the educational (or other) process and the organization of an educational institution.

2. Modeling - the development of ideas and programs of activity to transform what is, into what should or can be.

3. The analysis begins with answers to the following questions: What needs to be decided? What are the goals? Alternatives? Which alternatives take precedence? What risks do the alternatives have?

4. Decision analysis is a methodical, systematized process that, in each individual case, provides an opportunity for creative and innovative activity.


Zair-Bek E.S. Theoretical foundations of teaching pedagogical design. - SPb., 1995.

Lazarev V.S. Systematic development of the school. Second edition. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003. - 304 p.

Novikova T.G. Designing an experiment in educational systems. M., 2002.

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The concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. With regard to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. There are several types of innovations: technical innovations appear in the production of products with new or improved properties; technological ones arise when using more advanced methods of manufacturing products; organizational and managerial are associated with the processes of optimal organization of production, transport, marketing and supply; information solutions solve the problems of rational organization of information flows in the field of scientific, technical and innovative activities, increasing the reliability and efficiency of obtaining information; social ones are aimed at improving working conditions, solving problems of health care, education, and culture.

Thus, pedagogical innovation is part of social innovation. The specificity of innovations in education is manifested in the fact that innovation always contains a new solution to an actual problem; the use of innovations leads to a qualitative change in the level of development of the personality of students; the introduction of innovations causes qualitative changes in other components of the school system. It is necessary to consider in more detail in general the types and types of innovations: Technological - innovations relate to various technical means and equipment used in education (computer technology, the Internet) Methodological - innovations in the field of education, covering the process of teaching natural sciences and humanities from preschool education to higher education, training and retraining of personnel. Organizational - the development of new forms and methods of organizing pedagogical work, involving changes in the ratio of spheres of influence of structural units, social groups or individuals (issues of staffing various classes, groups, ways of working in classes, school and out-of-school teams) Economic - innovations cover positive changes in the financial , payment, accounting areas, as well as in planning, motivation and remuneration and evaluation of performance in education. Social - forms of activation of the human factor through the development and implementation of a system for improving personnel policy, a system for vocational training for improving the skills of employees, a system for remuneration and evaluation of labor results, improving the social and living conditions of workers, conditions for safety and occupational health, cultural activities, organizing free time; raising the level of education, the culture of youth, the rationalization of mental and physical labor, the achievement of a high level of upbringing and morality. Legal - new and amended laws and regulations that define and regulate all types of activities of educational institutions. There are also innovations: Intra-subject - innovations that are implemented within the subject, which is due to the specifics of its teaching. General methodological - the transition to new teaching materials and the development of author's methodological technologies. Administrative - the introduction into pedagogical practice of non-traditional pedagogical technologies, universal in nature (development of creative tasks for students, project activities). Ideological - decisions made by leaders of various levels that contribute to the effective functioning of all subjects of educational activity. Innovations are caused by the renewal of consciousness, the trends of the time, they are the fundamental basis of all other innovations. Pedagogical innovations are aimed at improving the content of education, studying and implementing modern pedagogical technologies into practice. Also on the creation of a system of work with gifted children, improvement of the management system and informatization of the educational process. For a complete and accurate representation of the specifics of innovative processes taking place in the modern Russian educational space, two types of educational institutions can be distinguished in the education system: traditional and developing. Traditional systems are characterized by stable functioning, aimed at maintaining once established order. Developing systems are characterized by a search mode. Academician V.I. Zagvyazinsky, who studied, in particular, the life cycles of various innovative processes, notes that very often, having received positive results from the development of innovation, teachers unreasonably seek to universalize it, to extend it to all areas of pedagogical practice, which often ends in failure and leads to disappointment, cooling to innovative activity. The management structure involves the interaction of four types of management actions: planning - organization - management - control. As a rule, the innovation process in the school is planned in the form of a concept of a new school or - most fully - in the form of a school development program, then the activities of the school team are organized to implement this program and control its results. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that at some point the innovation process can be spontaneous (unmanaged) and exist due to internal self-regulation (that is, all the elements of the above structure, as it were, do not exist; there may be self-organization, self-regulation, self-control). However, the lack of management of such a complex system as the innovation process at school will quickly lead to its fading. Therefore, the presence of a management structure is a factor stabilizing and supporting this process, which, of course, does not exclude elements of self-government, self-regulation in it. Innovations in the field of education are aimed at shaping the personality, its ability for scientific, technical and innovative activities, at updating the content of the educational process. Each pedagogical era has generated its own generation of technologies. The first generation of educational technologies were traditional methodologies; technologies of the second and third generations were modular-block and whole-block learning systems; integrated technology belongs to the fourth generation of educational technologies. In historical terms, novelty is always relative. It is specific, i.e. may occur before its time, then may become the norm or become obsolete. UNESCO defines innovation as an attempt to change the education system, to consciously and deliberately improve the current systems. Innovation is not necessarily something new, but necessarily something better and can be demonstrated on its own.

Sources of innovative ideas can be:

  • 1) an unexpected event (success or failure, as an impetus to the development or expansion of activities or to the formulation of a problem);
  • 2) various inconsistencies (between the true motives of children's behavior, their requests and desires, and the practical actions of the teacher);
  • 3) the needs of the pedagogical process (weak points in the methodology, the search for new ideas);
  • 4) the emergence of new educational models;
  • 5) demographic factor;
  • 6) changes in the values ​​and attitudes of children (a change in the attitude of children to education, to significant values ​​entails the search for new forms of communication and professional behavior);
  • 7) new knowledge (new concepts, approaches to education, specific methods and technologies).
  • 8) Distinctive features of the innovative activity of the teacher:
  • 9) novelty in setting goals and objectives;
  • 10) deep content;
  • 11) the originality of the application of previously known and the use of new methods for solving pedagogical problems;
  • 12) development of new concepts, content of activities, pedagogical technologies based on the humanization and individualization of the educational process;
  • 13) the ability to consciously change and develop oneself, contributes to the profession.
