
One of the greatest battles in history - the Soviet counteroffensive at Stalingrad - destroyed Field Marshal Paulus's Sixth Army and turned to dust the last hopes of the Reich for victory. Among other things, this operation was the first to demonstrate the growing capabilities of Soviet artillery, which deservedly earned the nickname "God of War".

Two years later, on October 21, 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR will issue a decree establishing the Artillery Day on November 19 in honor of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Another 20 years later, in connection with the ever-growing role of missile weapons in the Cold War, the holiday will be renamed the "Day of Missile Forces and Artillery" - which remains to this day.

This holiday is appreciated not only by gunners and operators of Grad, Smerchi and Iskander. In part, the servants of the new chthonic God of War, the Strategic Missile Forces, consider him their own; and air defense fighters, who "themselves do not fly and do not give to others."

The funny thing is that most of the Russian military are not very aware of themselves: the most terrible manifestation of Russian military power for possible foreign "partners" is not the staunchness and ferocity of the infantry, not the power of tanks and not the swiftness of aviation - but the merciless severity of artillery strikes.

(Photo: V. Savitsky)

It all started in the distant and terrible era of the Mongol invasion of Russia. To stop the elusive boyar Evpatiy Kolovrat and his rebels, who avenged Batu Khan's troops for the death of their native Ryazan, the army of the Mongol Empire "navadish on him a lot of vices, and began to beat him with numerous vices, and barely killed him." It is unlikely that siege stone throwers were useful to the Mongols in a field battle against Kolovrat's army ... but the Chinese cannons could play a critical role in the death of the brave rebels.

The presence of artillery among the Mongols in Batu's campaign against Russia is still not confirmed by sources, although it was already possible in time. Therefore, what the chronicler had in mind by "vices" - siege weapons (catapults, ballistae), machines for throwing arrows, or, indeed, firearms of the early period, common for those times, is no longer understood.

In 1382, Muscovites, defending the city walls from the armies of Khan Tokhtamysh, for the first time in Russian history, massively used cannons that fired at the Khan's troops from the city walls. The capital was eventually taken by deception, but the Russian princes and governors appreciated the power of artillery fire. A hundred years later, the Cannon Yard was founded in Moscow, where the centralized production of guns of various types and calibers began.

(Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense)

During the famous standing on the Ugra River, the presence of artillery in the army of Ivan III pretty much cooled the ardor of the Horde of Khan Akhmat, who in the end preferred to retreat. The son of the sovereign Vasily III brought 300 guns under the walls of Smolensk, including heavy siege weapons, and recaptured the city from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The victorious Russian army near Orsha, the great Lithuanian hetman Konstantin Ostrozhsky, who did not have a shadow of Moscow's artillery power with his advanced army of the Renaissance, only looked at the walls of Smolensk from a distance and was forced to leave.

Let's clarify that the city fell on the third attempt, and the siege of one of the most important Lithuanian fortresses at that time did not become an easy walk. But the artillery, which was established in the Russian troops by a German specialist - master Stefan - really played a key role in this campaign.

The gunners brought many victories to Ivan IV "the Terrible", bringing down the walls of Kazan, as well as the cities of Livonia and the Commonwealth, rescuing the sovereign soldiers in the fields of Molodi and on the walls of Pskov. In the Time of Troubles, they forced King Sigismund III, instead of a victorious march to Moscow, to spend the entire military budget under the walls of Smolensk. The Russian state of the XVI-XVII centuries possessed a huge artillery park of all calibers, and Russian engineers enthusiastically experimented with long-barreled, breech-loading and even rifled artillery.

Pavel Sokolov-Skalya, "The capture of the Livonian fortress of Kokkenhausen by Ivan the Terrible"

Alas, all the wealth of the old Russian artillery was lost in the fields near Narva, where the Swedes taught the young Tsar Peter Alekseevich an object lesson in modern European warfare. This lesson has been learned. The new artillery of the nascent Russian Empire was created by Yakov Vilimovich Bruce, a descendant of the Scottish kings, the great Russian alchemist and natural scientist. The guns of the "sorcerer from the Sukharev Tower" Bruce, cast from the requisitioned monastery bells, destroyed the Swedish army of Charles XII near Poltava and opened a new era of Russian artillery power - which will say a lot of loud words in the fields of Kunersdorf, Borodin, Crimea and Manchuria.

I note that the bells, of course, were not removed from the bell towers - the stored and unused samples were requisitioned. It soon became clear that the bell alloy was not very suitable for artillery, and they lagged behind monasteries and temples.

In the USSR, artillery was given no less attention, having created a number of advanced models even before the Great Patriotic War, many of which are still fighting. "Karelian sculptors" B-4 will break the Mannerheim line, "Katyusha" BM-13 will strike terror into the best divisions of the Third Reich, and the artillery of the reserve of the High Command will become the crowbar against which the best strategists of Germany, the heirs of von Clausewitz and von Schlieffen, will not find acceptance.

(Photo: Yuri Smityuk)

Now the rocket forces and artillery of the Russian Federation constitute one of the most important branches of the ground forces. Their regiments and brigades are armed with thousands of various artillery pieces and missile systems, constantly replenished with the latest models. From the first "mattresses" and squeaks to tactical missile systems and heavy MLRS, a long and glorious path has been traveled, and the modern descendants of the gunners of Voivode Shein, Field Marshal Bruce and Marshal Nedelin are unlikely to disgrace the artillery glory of their ancestors.

Although decades have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, the events of those heroic years have been carefully preserved in the memorable dates of our country. One of these dates is the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. This professional holiday is celebrated on November 19 and was established in honor of the defeat of the Nazi invaders at Stalingrad in 1942.

The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land military operation in which rocket forces and artillery played a decisive and key role. The date of November 19, 1942 was a turning point not only in the battle of Stalingrad, but throughout the Great Patriotic War. It was on this day that the Soviet troops completely seized the initiative, which marked the beginning of the mass expulsion of the fascist invaders from the territory of the USSR and the triumphant victory of the Soviet Union over the Third Reich.

In honor of this memorable date, on October 21, 1944, a decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued on the establishment of a memorable Artillery Day on November 17. Later, in 1964, the holiday was given a slightly different name - the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. Nowadays, the Day of the Artilleryman is celebrated on the basis of the decree of the PVS of the USSR, which was issued in 1988. I must say that in the calendar of memorable dates in Russia there is another day dedicated to the people of this courageous military profession, the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces, which is celebrated on December 17. These are different holidays, which should not be confused.

Gunner's Day Traditions

Today, rocket troops and artillery do not lose their important strategic importance. Russian missile and artillery units are among the most powerful in the world. This is the Russian military elite, which carefully preserves heroic traditions and augments the experience of the Soviet armed forces. Rocket troops and artillery stand guard over the security of our country and are ready to fulfill their military duty at any moment, defending its interests in combat conditions.

Every year, on the Day of the Artilleryman, parades are held at which the latest achievements in the development of military equipment are demonstrated, demonstration shootings are held, solemn events and receptions are held at the highest government level, and festive concerts are organized with the participation of Russian pop stars.

November 19 is a significant day for everyone who knows firsthand about artillery - the "god of war". On November 19, 1942, Operation Uranus began with a shell flurry at the enemy's position near Stalingrad. This was one of the most crushing defeats of the Nazi troops in the Great Patriotic War.

We invite you to celebrate Rocket Forces and Artillery Day together November 21 near Minsk in the historical and cultural complex "Stalin's Line". The Artilleryman's Day festival will be held in the format of a military-historical reconstruction, and the entertainment program will be of interest to the whole family!

The festival is organized with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Wargaming is the media partner of the event. The holiday starts at 11:00 and ends at 17:00 Minsk time.

The weather on "Day of the Gunner" is expected to be cool in autumn: we recommend that our guests dress warmly, and also take umbrellas, raincoats and waterproof shoes with them. Additionally, the organizers of the festival have provided places where you can warm up.

Preliminary plan of the festival "Day of the Artilleryman", Minsk time *

11:00 - the beginning of the event. Opening interactive areas for visitors:

  • Artillery exposition
  • Excursion route "Stalin's Line"
  • Photozone
  • Master class "Weapon"
  • Master class "Blacksmith"
  • Showcases of hot porridge
  • Tank coloring page
  • Sword fighting
  • Children's room
  • Helicopter ride
  • Tank riding
  • Laser tag
  • Shooting range

13:30 - a military-historical reconstruction, in which an artillery crew of the 17th century, an artillery crew of the 1812 war and an artillery crew of the First World War will take part.

14:00 - military-historical reconstruction of the battle of the Great Patriotic War.

15:00 - modern artillery of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus.

15:30 - awarding and presentation of diplomas.

16:30 - festive fireworks.

17:00 - the end of the holiday.

* The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program.

Subscribe to our instagram page or, take a photo from the event, post it on your profile with the hashtags #worldoftanks #minsk #linestalina #artilleryday, show the photo to the employee of the SMM department directly at the event - and immediately get a bonus code!

How to get there?

The historical and cultural complex "Stalin's Line" is located on the 31st kilometer of the P28 highway (Minsk - Molodechno), 20 km from the Minsk ring road.

For owners of private cars, there are two equipped parking lots for 800 cars. You can see the directions to the Stalin Line IKK on map.

For visitors who do not have personal transport, from the dispatching station "Druzhnaya" with an interval of 20 minutes, route taxis "Molodechno" leave, by which, having paid a ticket, you can get to the stop "Stalin's Line".

As reported in the Memory of Afgan fund, the Day of the Artilleryman festival aroused unprecedented interest among the general public, and the organizers expect a large number of visitors on this day. In this regard, the administration of the Stalin Line complex made a decision On November 21, organize the movement of additional buses with a paid fare - 15 thousand Belarusian rubles one way - along the route 448E "DC" Kuntsevshchina "- Stalin Line - DC" Kuntsevshchina "".

The first buses of the special route will depart from the Kuntsevshchina DC at 10:01, then they will run at intervals of 40 minutes.

The schedule of the bus 448E "DS" Kuntsevshchina "- Stalin's Line"

The map and ways of getting to the Stalin Line IKK can be found on the website.

Where can I buy a ticket?

Anyone can purchase an entrance ticket for website of the ICC "Stalin's Line" or on the day of the event at the ticket offices of the Stalin Line ECC.

Children under 7 years old do not need a ticket, they can freely enter the event accompanied by adults. For visitors from 7 to 18 years old, a child ticket is purchased.

How do I collect reward points and get a keepsake?

On the territory of the event, during the "Day of the Artilleryman", exciting animation programs will be held in special interactive zones. Among other things, visitors will find competitions consisting of tasks on knowledge of the history of military affairs. Anyone can take part in entertainment programs.

When visiting the interactive zones, visitors will receive reward points, which can later be exchanged in a souvenir shop for memorable gifts from Stalin's Line.

Rewards points can be earned in the following interactive areas:

  • "Artillery Exposition". For correct answers to the guide's questions, each visitor receivesaward point, but not more than one.
  • "Tank coloring" (near the playground). Having drawn a thematic figure dedicated to the Day of the Artilleryman, the visitor receives an award point, but not more than one.
  • "Sword fighting". For participation in the Capture the Flag and Tournament scenarios, the visitor receives an award point, but no more than one for each scenario.
  • "Master class" Weapon "". For participation in the master class, the visitor receives an award point, but not more than one.
  • "Master class" Blacksmith "". For participation in the manufacture of a product with his own hands, the visitor receives an award point, but not more than one.
  • "Laser tag". For participation in the competition, the visitor receives an award point, but not more than one.
  • “Ready for work and defense (TRP.” For participation in this activity, the visitor receives an award point, but not more than one for each stage.

The event map will open by clicking:

How to ride military equipment and fly a helicopter for free?

The most active visitors over 18 years old, who will take a prize in one of the interactive zones, will be able to ride military equipment and take a helicopter flight for free.

Before participating in contests of interactive zones, you need to register with an instructor. In the future, the results of all registered participants will be marked in the information center, where the winners will be awarded with diplomas and prizes.

See you at the festival!

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery has become one of the most memorable days in the history of the Armed Forces and is celebrated on November 19. The day of the calendar date was chosen because it coincides with a significant historical event - the victorious liberation of Stalingrad from the German invaders, the beginning of which was the counteroffensive of Russian troops. On this day, the soldiers of artillery are congratulated with special honor.

A turning point and so significant for the outcome of the war, the battle was successful thanks to one of the key roles that the gunners played. In 1964 the holiday got a new name - the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery. The Russian people sacredly honor and preserve examples of unyielding fortitude, heroism, courage of all soldiers participating in this war, heroes of thousands of battles who repulsed enemy forces.

The entire experience of using artillery and missile forces in armed conflicts proves the enormous role of their maneuverability, efficiency and firepower. The heroic traditions are adequately continued by the modern generations of the military rocket and artillery troops of the RF Armed Forces. They fulfill their military duty with honor and nobility, master the latest weapons and equipment, improve their combat skills, the high level of which guarantees the fulfillment of the necessary tasks in a variety of combat conditions. Celebrating this holiday, demonstration shooting, exercises, parades are held.

Happy Missile Troops Day!
I only wish the best.
Do not know attacks and defeats,
More personal achievements.

Awards, medals, orders,
Quiet peaceful days and dreams.
May your sky be clear
And the look is cheerful and radiant.

And in your personal life, let everything be -
Wife, family, dear people,
Car, cottage and apartment.
I wish you happiness and peace!

I am rocket troops
I recognize from afar -
In mind and skill,
For excellent preparation.

Well done, gunners!
All tucked up, broad-shouldered,
Wait a minute to argue with them,
Don't put your finger in your mouth.

So that everyone knows the deer
What kind of troops is it today?
For the soul and in his honor
Give a festive fireworks!

On the Day of the Rocket Forces, with all my heart, I wish you strong health, a peaceful sky and unearthly happiness! Let your life be filled with colorful events, sincere love and reliable friendship! I wish you every success, the fulfillment of all goals and a cheerful spirit!

Happy missile troops and artillery day
I sincerely want to congratulate you
Wish you great luck
Kind words send a big bouquet.

In life, let only joy happen
Every day is a delight
All targets are hit
And a reward hurries to you!

You carry the rank of an artilleryman
And here, no doubt, there is a reason for pride.
I wish you to be agile, fast in life,
And have no excuses for kruchina.

I wish you happiness, joy, success,
Health, strong friendship and good luck.
So that you can only see bursts of laughter,
I am proud of you, you are a real macho!

Happy Rocket Forces and Artillery Day!
Accept your congratulations soon.
Let peace and warmth warm the soul.
Let there be no doubts in life.

Let all battles end
Only by your victory.
Let health flow over the edge
Let summer shine in your heart forever.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Those who were the gunners
Who served in the missile forces,
Thank you for the clear sky!

And we want to tell you:
"You are not more brave in the world,
May we not see the war
And our children are growing up in the world ”.

There is no power more powerful yet,
Than rocket troops
The artillery is coming
It also does not lag behind.

Well, happy holiday to all of you,
Success awaits you.
You are brave for the country too,
For Russia, it is so necessary!

Be happy, cheerful
On a holiday they are very cheerful
And let health be
And sadness will go away!

On the day of artillery and missile troops,
I wish not to meet with evil,
I wish you strength and noticeable joys,
So that everything around is surrounded by good.
To know success from many achievements,
And also happiness and great respect.

Congratulations to you rocket men
I want a special day
About all your successes
Today I will not remain silent.

Thank you all for your service,
Happiness and health to you,
Rainbow and bright life
Without frustration, trouble and drama.

Rocket congratulations
We send for you:
We start ... With this date -
Happy missile troops - now
We are glad to congratulate you again.
Artillery troops
We will always honor and praise!
Oh, the task is not easy ...
No matter how difficult
... service days to tough guys,
Borders of your country
We wish you to save.

Congratulations: 135 in verse, 20 in prose.

Picture of the day of the missile forces

HTML code to embed on a website or blog:

BB-code to embed on the forum:
http: //site/cards/prazdniki/den-raketchika.jpg

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is a professional holiday for missilemen and artillerymen. Everyone who is related to this branch of the military, including veterans of the service and cadets of military educational institutions, joins the celebration.

In Russia, in 2020, the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated on November 19 and is held at the official level 77 times.

Meaning: the date of the holiday is timed to coincide with the counter-offensive of the Red Army during the Battle of Stalingrad on 11/19/1942.

On this day, celebrations are held, concerts with the participation of show business stars, receptions, parades, demonstrations of technical weapons, demonstration exercises and shooting, rallies, meetings. Distinguished employees are awarded medals, awards, cash prizes.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The date of the event has a symbolic meaning. On November 19, 1942, a fierce battle between the Soviet army and the soldiers of Nazi Germany at Stalingrad took place. Artillery fire stunned the enemy, and after a counteroffensive he was driven out of the occupied territory. The contribution to the victory of these troops was enormous, and for military merits by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 21, 1944 "On the establishment of the annual holiday of the" Day of Artillery "of the Red Army" its annual celebration was fixed on November 19. The document was ratified by the chairman of the Presidium M. Kalinin, under the secretary A. Gorkin.

With the creation of the Rocket Forces, this holiday in 1964 was renamed the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery. Since 1988, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces "On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days", it began to be celebrated on the third Sunday of November. But in 2006, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the original date of the celebration was returned.

Holiday traditions

In this celebration, solemn honoring of servicemen is held. Concerts with the participation of show business stars, marches, parades, rallies, meetings, indications of technical equipment, demonstration exercises and shooting are held. In the evening, artillery fireworks are launched into the sky. Distinguished employees are presented with awards, medals, prizes.

Also, the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is a memorable day. On this date, a traditional wreath-laying ceremony takes place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow. The ceremony is attended by veterans, active military personnel, school cadets.

Quest for the day

Watch a documentary or reportage about the Russian missile forces and artillery.

  • In the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 21, 1944, it was fixed to celebrate the "Day of Artillery" with 20 simultaneous shots from 224 artillery pieces.
  • The artillery chronicle dates back to 1382. Defending Moscow from the attack of the horde, they used "mattresses" and "guns".
  • Proven and effective combat systems are named after natural elements and plants: Grad, Hurricane, Acacia, Smerch.
  • The Katyusha, the brainchild of Russian scientists, was recognized as the first among the multiple launch rocket systems in the world.
  • The first missiles in the Russian army appeared in 1717. They were flares.
  • For the first time, the rocket forces began the battle in the Caucasus in August 1827, during the Russian-Iranian war.


“Congratulations on the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. I wish you absolute peace on the borders of the Motherland and absolute confidence in combat readiness for any unforeseen event. And also I wish you courage and determination, perseverance and endurance, perseverance and steadfastness. May every goal of life be achieved as quickly as a rocket launcher reaches its goal. "

“Today is a holiday for those who shoot the hardest and farthest - the missile forces and artillery. I wish you on this day so that not only at the training ground, but also in life, you have continuous hits! So that health, joy, love, prosperity, prosperity and peace of mind always have the highest rates, and everything that you have in mind gets into the top ten! And most importantly - let your valuable knowledge be used only at reviews and parades, under the peaceful sky of the Motherland. "

“Please accept from me the most sincere congratulations on the holiday! May the day of rocket troops and artillery bring you many pleasant surprises and the best mood! I wish you a sea of ​​positive, real luck and crushing victories in any business! "


Thematic accessory. A mug, a purse, a T-shirt, a baseball cap, a phone case with the emblem of the missile forces will be an excellent present for a serviceman for a professional holiday.

Military encyclopedia. The military encyclopedia in the deluxe edition will be an excellent present for a soldier. Those who prefer to spend their leisure time reading can also be presented with a collection of works by their favorite author.

Wrist Watch. A command watch will become a practical and stylish holiday gift. Personalized engraving will turn such a present into a memorable thing.

Camouflage uniform. Durable waterproof camouflage uniform will delight the military. These clothes can be worn at any time of the year and will come to the rescue when fishing, hunting, picnicking or hiking.


Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare sets of men's clothing: T-shirt, shirt, trousers, belt, socks, shoes, etc. The number of kits must correspond to the number of participants. The clothes are laid out on chairs, and the contestants are lined up. The presenter gives the command and lights the matches. Contestants must run to the chairs and put on their clothes. The winner is the participant who, while the match was burning, managed to put on more wardrobe items. If two contestants have the same results, then an additional round is held.

Accurate shooter
To conduct the competition, you must draw a target on the Whatman paper. The participants of the competition are given shells - colored markers. The contestants remove the caps from the felt-tip pens and, in turn, throw them at the target. The winner is the one whose "shot" is closer to the target. To complicate the competition, you can blindfold the participants and invite them to demonstrate their accuracy blindly.

The requisite for the competition is a transparent high container (jar or decanter), at the bottom of which a glass is placed. The container is completely filled with water. An unlimited number of people can take part in the competition. Each competitor is given a coin. Their task is to throw a coin into the glass. The one who manages to hit the target becomes the winner.

About employees of the missile forces and artillery

Rocket forces and artillery are part of the Ground Forces and are the firepower of the army. They provide peace and tranquility to the country, and in the event of an enemy attack, they attack with artillery and rocket launchers. In the course of hostilities, rocket forces and artillery are the main means of engaging the enemy with fire. The development and increase of combat capabilities is carried out by equipping with high-precision weapons, increasing the power and firing range of ammunition, and automating the firing processes.

reactive, cannon, howitzer, artillery reconnaissance, support and control. The rocket and artillery forces include the Ground Forces, the Coastal Forces of the Navy, and the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces. The artillery of the troops of the Russian Federation consists of units: mortars, service in them begins after graduation from specialized military educational institutions.

This holiday in other countries

In Belarus and Kazakhstan, as well as in Russia, the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is celebrated on November 19. In Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated on November 3.
