The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is annually celebrated on November 19 on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" as a memorable day established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving defense tasks and the security of the state and designed to contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions, to increase the prestige of military service.

Artillery is one of the oldest combat arms. The first information about the appearance of artillery in Russia dates back to 1382. It was then, when defending Moscow from the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, Muscovites used the first artillery pieces against the besiegers - "mattresses" (guns firing with "shot" - pieces of iron, rubble, small stones) and "great cannons".

In the 16th century, artillery emerged as an independent branch of the armed forces capable of supporting the actions of infantry and cavalry in battle, and until the end of the 17th century it was served by cannons and beepers. At the beginning of the 18th century, there was a division of artillery into field (including regimental), siege and serf. At the end of the 18th century, horse artillery finally took shape, and at the beginning of the 19th century, artillery regiments and brigades began to form. In the 1840s, mountain artillery appeared.

In the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, Russian artillerymen first used firing from closed firing positions; then mortars appeared. By the beginning of the First World War (1914-1918), artillery was divided into field (light, horse, mountain), field heavy and heavy (siege). In the course of the war, anti-aircraft and self-propelled artillery was born, and a little later - anti-tank artillery.

Today, the Rocket Forces and Artillery are a branch of the Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy in the course of combined-arms operations (combat operations). They are designed to conquer and maintain fire superiority over the enemy; the destruction of his nuclear weapons, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment; disorganization of the systems of command and control of troops and weapons, intelligence and electronic warfare; destruction of long-term defensive structures and other infrastructure; disruption of the operational and military rear services; weakening and isolation of the enemy's second echelons and reserves; the destruction of tanks and other armored vehicles of the enemy that have broken through into the depths of the defense; covering open flanks and joints; participation in the destruction of enemy air and sea landings; remote mining of terrain and objects; light support for night operations of troops; smoke, blinding of enemy targets; distribution of campaign materials and other tasks.

Organizationally, the Rocket Forces and Artillery consist of rocket, rocket and artillery brigades, including mixed, high-power artillery battalions, rocket artillery regiments, separate reconnaissance divisions, as well as artillery of combined-arms brigades and military bases.

In accordance with the plan of activities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a set of measures is being carried out aimed at qualitatively improving the structure, combat strength and number of the Missile Forces and artillery.

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is a professional holiday for missilemen and artillerymen. Everyone who is related to this branch of the military, including veterans of the service and cadets of military educational institutions, joins the celebration.

In Russia, in 2020, the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated on November 19 and is held at the official level 77 times.

Meaning: the date of the holiday is timed to coincide with the counter-offensive of the Red Army during the Battle of Stalingrad on 11/19/1942.

On this day, celebrations are held, concerts with the participation of show business stars, receptions, parades, demonstrations of technical weapons, demonstration exercises and shooting, rallies, meetings. Distinguished employees are awarded medals, awards, cash prizes.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The date of the event has a symbolic meaning. On November 19, 1942, a fierce battle between the Soviet army and the soldiers of Nazi Germany at Stalingrad took place. Artillery fire stunned the enemy, and after a counteroffensive he was driven out of the occupied territory. The contribution to the victory of these troops was enormous, and for military merits by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 21, 1944 "On the establishment of the annual holiday of the" Day of Artillery "of the Red Army" its annual celebration was fixed on November 19. The document was ratified by the chairman of the Presidium M. Kalinin, under the secretary A. Gorkin.

With the creation of the Rocket Forces, this holiday in 1964 was renamed the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery. Since 1988, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces "On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days", it began to be celebrated on the third Sunday of November. But in 2006, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the original date of the celebration was returned.

Holiday traditions

In this celebration, solemn honoring of servicemen is held. Concerts with the participation of show business stars, marches, parades, rallies, meetings, indications of technical equipment, demonstration exercises and shooting are held. In the evening, artillery fireworks are launched into the sky. Distinguished employees are presented with awards, medals, prizes.

Also, the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is a memorable day. On this date, a traditional wreath-laying ceremony takes place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow. The ceremony is attended by veterans, active military personnel, school cadets.

Quest for the day

Watch a documentary or reportage about the Russian missile forces and artillery.

  • In the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 21, 1944, it was fixed to celebrate the "Day of Artillery" with 20 simultaneous shots from 224 artillery pieces.
  • The artillery chronicle dates back to 1382. Defending Moscow from the attack of the horde, they used "mattresses" and "guns".
  • Proven and effective combat systems are named after natural elements and plants: Grad, Hurricane, Acacia, Smerch.
  • The Katyusha, the brainchild of Russian scientists, was recognized as the first among the multiple launch rocket systems in the world.
  • The first missiles in the Russian army appeared in 1717. They were flares.
  • For the first time, the rocket forces began the battle in the Caucasus in August 1827, during the Russian-Iranian war.


“Congratulations on the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. I wish you absolute peace on the borders of the Motherland and absolute confidence in combat readiness for any unforeseen event. And also I wish you courage and determination, perseverance and endurance, perseverance and steadfastness. May every goal of life be achieved as quickly as a rocket launcher reaches its goal. "

“Today is a holiday for those who shoot the hardest and farthest - the missile forces and artillery. I wish you on this day so that not only at the training ground, but also in life, you have continuous hits! So that health, joy, love, prosperity, prosperity and peace of mind always have the highest rates, and everything that you have in mind gets into the top ten! And most importantly - let your valuable knowledge be used only at reviews and parades, under the peaceful sky of the Motherland. "

“Please accept from me the most sincere congratulations on the holiday! May the day of rocket troops and artillery bring you many pleasant surprises and the best mood! I wish you a sea of ​​positive, real luck and crushing victories in any business! "


Thematic accessory. A mug, a purse, a T-shirt, a baseball cap, a phone case with the emblem of the missile forces will be an excellent present for a serviceman for a professional holiday.

Military encyclopedia. The military encyclopedia in the deluxe edition will be an excellent present for a soldier. Those who prefer to spend their leisure time reading can also be presented with a collection of works by their favorite author.

Wrist Watch. A command watch will become a practical and stylish holiday gift. Personalized engraving will turn such a present into a memorable thing.

Camouflage uniform. Durable waterproof camouflage uniform will delight the military. These clothes can be worn at any time of the year and will come to the rescue when fishing, hunting, picnicking or hiking.


Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare sets of men's clothing: T-shirt, shirt, trousers, belt, socks, shoes, etc. The number of kits must correspond to the number of participants. The clothes are laid out on chairs, and the contestants are lined up. The presenter gives the command and lights the matches. Contestants must run to the chairs and put on their clothes. The winner is the participant who, while the match was burning, managed to put on more wardrobe items. If two contestants have the same results, then an additional round is held.

Accurate shooter
To conduct the competition, you must draw a target on the Whatman paper. The participants of the competition are given shells - colored markers. The contestants remove the caps from the felt-tip pens and, in turn, throw them at the target. The winner is the one whose "shot" is closer to the target. To complicate the competition, you can blindfold the participants and invite them to demonstrate their accuracy blindly.

The requisite for the competition is a transparent high container (jar or decanter), at the bottom of which a glass is placed. The container is completely filled with water. An unlimited number of people can take part in the competition. Each competitor is given a coin. Their task is to throw a coin into the glass. The one who manages to hit the target becomes the winner.

About employees of the missile forces and artillery

Rocket forces and artillery are part of the Ground Forces and are the firepower of the army. They provide peace and tranquility to the country, and in the event of an enemy attack, they attack with artillery and rocket launchers. In the course of hostilities, rocket forces and artillery are the main means of engaging the enemy with fire. The development and increase of combat capabilities is carried out by equipping with high-precision weapons, increasing the power and firing range of ammunition, and automating the firing processes.

reactive, cannon, howitzer, artillery reconnaissance, support and control. The rocket and artillery forces include the Ground Forces, the Coastal Forces of the Navy, and the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces. The artillery of the troops of the Russian Federation consists of units: mortars, service in them begins after graduation from specialized military educational institutions.

This holiday in other countries

In Belarus and Kazakhstan, as well as in Russia, the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is celebrated on November 19. In Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated on November 3.

Almost every military unit has its own holiday: Anti-Ballistic Missile Troops Day, Airborne Forces Day, Air Force Day. The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery was no exception. On this day, the artillerymen receive special attention, they demonstrate the capabilities of modern Russian artillery and, of course, mark the anniversary of the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Battle of Stalingrad, which marked the beginning of a new period of the Second World War. The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is an important date not only for representatives of these troops, but also for the entire Russian history.


The beginning of the war was given to the Soviet army very hard: there was not enough ammunition, new equipment, talented commanders were repressed, so there were problems with the command staff. German troops marched through the territory of Belarus and Ukraine, behind them were already the conquered Baltic, Moldavia and Estonia. The Soviet Union lost a huge number of industrial centers, which caused problems with the provision of troops. In 1942, the situation changed: the battle for Moscow allowed the Nazis to be driven back from the capital of the Soviet Union, and the defense of Crimea continued. The troops of the Red Army planned and carried out a number of successful military operations, which dealt a significant blow to Germany, which simply did not have time to make up for the losses of equipment and soldiers.

Stalingrad was one of the most important strategic points - its owner received not only a huge number of industrial enterprises, but also access to the railway leading to the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. That is why the capture of the city was so important for Germany. The Soviet government understood that the loss of the city on the banks of the Volga would be a heavy blow to the military forces of the USSR. On July 17, 1942, the defense of Stalingrad began, which lasted for eight long months. By the end of August, most of the residents were evacuated, and German troops broke into the city in September. For each quarter destroyed by the bombing, a difficult struggle was waged, both the Wehrmacht and the Soviet army suffered huge losses, but no one was going to surrender.

On November 19, 1942, a counter-offensive began, which made it possible to cut off one of the German armies holding the city from supply channels. It was this day that later began to be celebrated as the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the USSR. The successful military operation marked the beginning of a series of victories that led to the liberation of Stalingrad and a turning point in the course of the war.

Celebration establishment

In 1944, the key role of the gunners in the Battle of Stalingrad was marked by the establishment of the Day of Artillery, which twenty years later was renamed the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery. The celebration has been preserved to the present day. True, it has been renamed again: now November 19 is the Day of Russian Missile Forces and Artillery.

The current position of artillery and missile forces in Russia

Currently in service is a huge amount of artillery weapons. Today, all artillery is subdivided into rocket, rocket and artillery brigades proper, the main tasks of which are not only the capture and defense of strategically important objects, but also reconnaissance and damage to command and control systems.

Rocket and Artillery Day is a great opportunity to showcase the latest weapons. Today the Msta-SM howitzers are being modernized, the Tornado-G rocket and the Chrysanthemum-S anti-tank, the famous Iskander-M and Topol-M missile systems are being put into use.

Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - November 19 - is celebrated with demonstration performances of troops, firing practice and military parades; commemorative events and flower-laying at memorials are held in many cities.

Don't be confused!

Very often, the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery is confused with another military event - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces. In fact, the difference between these holidays is colossal. Nevertheless, November 19 is more a holiday of the artillerymen, and December 17 (the date of the second holiday) is a soldier of the rocket forces. For servicemen, congratulating them on the "wrong" day can even become a reason for resentment, so be sure to remember: The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - November 19.

Celebration in schools

When is the day for rocket troops and artillery? Not every adult can answer this question, let alone modern schoolchildren, who, in principle, are not particularly interested in the army. But at the same time, in some schools special events are held, which tell not only about the troops themselves, but also about their role in military affairs. The main goal of such meetings is to foster patriotism in the younger generation and to familiarize themselves with the latest models of military equipment. Often the activities are held as part of military training lessons.

Countrywide celebration

The Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery in Russia is usually celebrated on a grand scale. In Stalingrad itself, which is now called Volgograd, rallies and military parades are held. The military equipment driving through the streets of the huge city looks really impressive. Of course, one cannot do without festive concerts, at which songs of the war years are usually performed, and the laying of flowers at the monuments dedicated to the defense of the city and the military commanders who participated in the liberation of the city. In 2012, on the 70th anniversary of the famous counter-offensive, the holiday was celebrated not only in Volgograd, but also in other large cities of Russia: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh and many others. In addition to traditional rallies, a demonstration of weapons from the Second World War was held, at which everyone could taste dishes of real field cuisine.


When is the day for rocket troops and artillery? On the day when the first counter-offensive of the Battle of Stalingrad began, during which the troops of the Soviet Union were able not only to inflict significant damage on the troops of Nazi Germany, but also to completely change the position of forces. On the day when desperate soldiers and talented commanders were able to do what no one before them had been able to do in Europe, which had surrendered almost without a fight. On the day when the Soviet people showed what they are capable of, when something so expensive and important is at stake.

The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land battle in the history of mankind, and we, the descendants, must not forget those who fell to defend the city on the Volga. Artillery troops are a unit without which the command would hardly have been able to achieve a turning point in the war, so their holiday is a truly significant event.

Date in 2019: November 19th, Tuesday.

Rocket and Artillery Day falls on November 19. Celebrated in the USSR, today it is celebrated at the official level in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The celebration was established in honor of the Soviet counteroffensive near Stalingrad (1942), which marked the beginning of the defeat of Nazi Germany. It is celebrated with traditional events ranging from unit formations to flower-laying and demonstration exercises.

More than 1,800 artillerymen received the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for their exploits in the Great Patriotic War, more than 1.5 million were awarded orders and medals. For the invaluable contribution to the fight against fascism, a professional holiday was approved in 1944, which was renamed in 1964 as the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery.

history of the holiday

For the first time, the Day of Artillery was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 21, 1944. November 19 was chosen as a solemn day. In 1942, on this day, the strategic operation "Uranus" began, the purpose of which was the liberation of Stalingrad.

The powerful artillery preparation carried out became one of the turning points in the fight against Nazi Germany.

"In modern warfare, artillery is God ... Whoever wants to rebuild in a new modern way must understand that artillery decides the fate of the war", - I. V. Stalin.

In 1964, the artillery was renamed the Rocket Forces and Artillery. At the same time, it changed its name and holiday.

During the perestroika period, the date lost its validity, the day of the artillerymen began to be celebrated on the third Sunday in November. The historical tradition was restored only in 2006.

A brief history of Russian artillery

The first mention of Russian (firearms) artillery dates back to the end of the 14th century. In 1382, during the siege of Moscow by the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, the townspeople used forged cannons for defense purposes.

Video: "Of all the weapons." A fascinating history of Russian artillery in eight episodes

During the reign of Peter I, artillery became an independent branch of the army. In the first half of the 18th century, troops are divided into 3 categories: field, fortress and siege. By the end of the century, the equestrian direction was formed.

In the XX century there were victories and defeats. Thus, during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), Russian artillerymen said their victory word. However, during the First World War (1914-1918), the protracted period of rearmament did not allow the use of Russian guns by 100% due to the "shell" hunger.

Video: Song of the artillerymen of the Second World War

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the importance of the troops increased, they became indispensable on all fronts. New types of weapons appear. For example, combat vehicles of the BM series on which were located rocket launchers, nicknamed "Katyusha", which became one of the symbols of the era.

Who is celebrating?

The missile forces and artillery (MFA) include not only combat crews of cannons and howitzers, but also crews of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and a number of other narrow-profile military service specialists.

Photo: "Smerch" multiple launch rocket system

In addition, the rocket and artillery troops are armed with self-propelled guns, combat crews of towed artillery, mortars, anti-tank missile systems and much more.

Thus, any person whose service is associated with one of the listed types of weapons has the right to call himself an artilleryman and celebrate a professional holiday.

Important! Do not confuse the Day of MFA with the holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces!

How they celebrate

Many years of experience in celebrating the MFA Day gave rise to peculiar traditions. It all starts with the honorable construction of the parts, accompanied by patriotic music. Lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow or other memorial sites throughout the country. Congratulations and warm words of gratitude are addressed to veterans, active military personnel and students of specialized schools.

Video: Demonstration performances in St. Petersburg 2018

In recent years, demonstration performances have become popular, which demonstrate the power of the Russian army, in particular artillerymen and missilemen. All this takes place in an open mode, anyone can attend the event. In almost every part, in the second half of the day, by the efforts of the city's creative teams, a festive concert is held for the personnel. It celebrates the results of the outgoing year, distinguishes excellent students in combat and political training, awards state awards and regular titles.

The Day of the Artilleryman is solemn and interesting. However, it is not a day off, because whoever, if not the god of war, always remain on guard of the borders of our homeland.

Congratulations to the gunners

What does Artillery Day mean? This is a holiday for the bravest, the most daring, the most courageous and fearless. This is a holiday for those who defend our Motherland. The job of an artilleryman is not easy. Every day they risk their lives for us humans. So let us wish them on their professional holiday strength, not only spiritual, but also physical, courage and prosperity. May they always have a clear sky over their heads. Happy Holidays!

Defending your homeland is not an easy task. Therefore, only real men stand on guard - strong, courageous, proud. So let us wish them to remain men with a capital letter, let no storm break their proud disposition. May your family and friends be healthy and faithful. I wish you to appreciate the peaceful sky, clean air without admixture of gunpowder and quiet calm around. With the most courageous holiday you, real men!

They stand guard over the world

They always protect the life of the people.

Give them some applause

They are fearless for years.

Thank you gunners,

For your hard, strong work.

Let your path be not shady,

Your glorious life path!

In all ages, in all years

Russia is glorified by the gunners.

We wish you easy service,

And return home

Where they love you and are waiting for you,

And they appreciate your hard work!

Happy Holidays, Artillery Day!

May you always be lucky in life!

Let close people believe in you

And the best awaits!


Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you to hit the target under any life circumstances. May you be lucky, because luck is also a great gift and art!

Larisa, October 19, 2016.
