The last task of the exam in geography is similar to the previous one - it also requires solving a small problem. However, this time it is associated with the definition of not natural growth, but migration, so there will be slightly more calculations.

Let's say that we need to know this value for 2013.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • subtract this indicator for 2013 from the resident population in 2014;
  • subtract the natural population growth for 2013 from the resulting number.

What happened is the migration growth of the population.

On the answer sheet for this task, two actions and an answer should be recorded. If all this is done correctly, it is estimated at 2 points. If there is only one action, or when calculating the answer, an error was made and it is incorrect, but two actions are recorded and the first is correct, 1 point is given. In all other cases, points for task 34 are not awarded.

To successfully complete the 34th USE number, you need, again, to fill in the algorithm for its implementation. Unlike the previous one, there is no need to write any per mille here, so the risk of confusion becomes less. The main thing is to carefully look at the year for which it is necessary to calculate the indicator.

Analysis of typical options for assignment No. 34 of the exam in geography

The first variant of the task

Based on the data in the table, calculate the value of the migration increase in the population for the Belgorod region in 2015. Write down the solution.

The number and natural growth of the population in the Belgorod region

The answer looks like this:

  1. 1 550 137 – 1 547 936 = 2201
  2. 2201 – (-3717) = 5918

Answer: 5918.

Second variant of the task

Using the data in the table below, calculate the value of the migration population growth for the Republic of Buryatia in 2015. Write down the calculations you need.

The number and natural growth of the population in the Republic of Buryatia

We write down the answer:

  1. 982 284 – 978 495 = 3789
  2. 3789 – 5795 = -2006

Answer: -2006.

The third variant of the task

Based on the indicators given in the table, calculate the value of the migration growth of the population in the Kostroma region in 2013. In your answer, also write down any calculations you have made.

The number and natural growth of the population in the Kostroma region

Let's write the answer:

  1. 656 389 – 658 925 = -2536
  2. -2536 – (-2218) = -318

Answer: -318.

Population size and movement

In the thirty-third task of the exam in geography, you need to solve a small problem related to the population size and its natural movement. Usually they are asked to determine the rate of natural growth in ppm. It must be remembered that in this task this is always done according to the following algorithm: we divide the rate of natural increase for the year by the average annual population and multiply by a thousand. The answer is usually rounded to the nearest tenth.

On the answer sheet, it is imperative to write down not only the resulting figure, but also the entire course of the solution. This affects how much score will be received for the task. If a solution record is given and the correct answer is received, 2 points are given, and if there is no solution record - 1. It is very important not to confuse the designation per mille ‰ with percentage% - if such a mistake is made, even if there is a solution record and the correct numerical value of the answer, only 1 is put score. If there is only a rounding error, 1 point is still awarded for the task.

This USE number is not at all difficult - it is enough to memorize the formula and solve several training tasks. The main thing is not to confuse the signs and carefully look at the indicator of which year you need to calculate.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 32 of the exam in geography

The first variant of the task

Based on the data presented in the table, determine the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) for the Voronezh region in 2012. Write down the solution and round the answer to tenths.

The number and natural growth of the population in the Voronezh region

The answer should look like this:

  1. Solution: -11 081: 2 331 298 1000 \u003d -4.7531.
  2. Rounding off we get -4.7

Answer: -4.7 ‰

Second variant of the task

Using the data in the table below, calculate the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) for the Vladimir region in 2013. Write down the solution, round the answer to the nearest tenth.

The number and natural growth of the population in the Vladimir region

We write the answer:

  1. Solution: -4131: 1 417 531 1000 \u003d -2.9142
  2. Round to -2.9

Answer: -2.9 ‰.

The third variant of the task

Based on the data in the table, determine the natural population growth rate (in ‰) for the Republic of Karelia in 2014. Record your calculations, rounding your answer to tenths.

Number and natural growth of the population in the Republic of Karelia

The answer looks like this:

  1. Solution: -1429/633 468 1000 \u003d -2.2558
  2. Rounding off will be -2.3

The exam in geography is somewhat different from the classic version, which provides for a detailed story and work with a map. But, despite this, schoolchildren pass the exam in geography quite successfully. Apparently the test variant makes the task easier, and it is much easier to find the correct answers. But you shouldn't rely on this conditional ease. The Unified State Exam in Geography is still the final exam, on which the place at the institute depends. So don't be light on him. You need to prepare for it as carefully as for other USEs. After all, even one ball can deprive you of a budget place in the chosen one.

Trial online test of the exam in geography on the site

On the educational portal, the site contains trial versions of the online exam tests. Everyone can try their hand at this or that subject. On our site there is no time limit or the number of times the tests are passed. Each visitor to the site can test his knowledge and use the test online exam in geography to prepare for the real exam. After all, this does not require registration or SMS. And this favorably distinguishes our educational portal, from other services that provide their services only to registered users.

The benefits of online exam tests

Any workout improves the final result, and online examinations of the exam will contribute to the successful writing of the final exam. Experts in the field of psychology and pedagogy say that the exam is a huge stress. And it is stress that makes the exam worse. But frequent trainings in the USE format help to get used to the situation and reduce the stress level on the final USE. And this has a positive effect on the points received. So everyone can practice in their free time. It's not even worth making a huge effort for this. Just take the test and test your knowledge. In addition, you can identify weak sides and forgotten material, who will allow you to eliminate gaps in knowledge in time. This control of your knowledge does not take much time, but it has a positive effect on the results.

Demo options Unified State Exam in Geography for Grade 11 consist of two parts. The first part contains tasks in which you need to give a short answer. To the tasks from the second part, you need to give a detailed answer.

To complete assignments

IN demo versions of the exam in geography also provides the correct answers to the tasks from the first part and detailed answers and assessment criteria for the tasks from the second part.

IN demo version of the 2019 exam in geography compared with demo 2018 geographyno changes.

Demonstration options for the exam in geography

Note that demonstration options for the exam by geography for 2002 - 2019 are presented in pdf format, and to view them, you need, for example, the free software package Adobe Reader installed on your computer.

Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2002
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2003
Demonstration version of the exam in geography for 2004
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2005
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2006
Demonstration version of the USE in geography for 2007
Demonstration version of the USE in geography for 2008
Demonstration version of the exam in geography for 2009
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2010
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2011
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2012
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2013
Demonstration version of the exam in geography for 2014
Demonstration version of the exam in geography for 2015
Demonstration version of the exam in geography for 2016
Maps supplements to the demo version of the USE in geography for 2016
Demonstration version of the exam in geography for 2017
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2018
Demonstration version of the exam in geography for 2019
Map-application to the demo version of the USE in geography for 2019 (world map)
Map-attachment to the demo version of the Unified State Exam in Geography for 2019 (map of Russia)

Changes in the demo versions of the exam in geography

Demonstration options for the exam in geography for grade 11 for 2002 - 2014 consisted of three parts. The first part included tasks in which it was necessary to choose one of the proposed answers. The tasks from the second part required a short answer. The tasks from the third part had to be given a detailed answer. IN demo versions of the exam in geography for 2002 - 2014 the correct answers to the tasks from the first two parts and the detailed answers and assessment criteria for the tasks from the third part were also given.

In 2013 and 2014 in demo versions of the exam in geographysome changes compared to previous years:

  • it was reduced the number of tasks parts 2 from 14 to 13,
  • it was new basic quest included difficulties ( A24), which tests the ability to determine and compare geographic trends in the development of socio-economic processes and phenomena using different sources of information,

    it was included a new advanced task difficulties ( AT 5), which tests the ability to solve problems to determine the differences in time in different time zones.

In 2015, there was the structure of the variant as a whole has been changed:

    The variant became be in two parts (part 1 - short answer assignments, part 2 - tasks with a detailed answer).

    Numbering assignments became through throughout the entire version without letter designations A, B, C.

    Was the form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answer has been changed:it became necessary to write the answer in a number with the number of the correct answer (and not mark with a cross).

  • Was changed the sequence of tasksin part 1.

In 2016 in demo version on geography happened significant changes:

    The number of tasks has decreased from 41 to 34.

    From option excluded tasks with a choice of one answer of several suggested.

    The variant appeared new task models with a short answer.

    Maximum primary score for doing all the work decreased from 51 to 46.

    To complete assignments allowed to use maps-applications, which are issued to the student along with the examination option.

IN demonstration options for the exam 2017 - 2019 in geography compared with demo 2016 geographythere were no changes.

For delivery at the end of school in the 11th grade. Not the most popular subject: if you give figures for the country, it turns out that on average one graduate chose geography for two schools. Geography is required for admission to specialty in directions: geography, geology, cartography, hydrometeorology and ecology.

Check out general information about the exam and start preparing. Compared to last year, the version of the KIM USE 2019 is completely did not change , therefore, you can safely use the materials of past years.

Assessment of the exam

The minimum passing score in geography in 2019 is 37; to overcome the threshold, it is enough to correctly solve the first 12 tasks. Transfer primary scores in the test and assess your level of knowledge of the subject according to the usual five-point system.

The structure of the exam test

In 2019, the exam in geography consists of two parts, which include 34 tasks.

  • Part 1: 27 tasks (1–27) with a short answer being a number, a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers.
  • Part 2: 7 tasks (28–34) with a detailed answer, which is a drawing, a solution to a problem or a detailed description of the entire progress of the task.

Preparation for the exam

  • Go through uSE tests online free of charge without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to the real exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the exam in geography, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and take it easier. All proposed tests are designed and approved to prepare for Unified State Exam by Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all the official versions of the exam are being developed.
    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be encountered in the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General USE figures

Year Minimum USE score Average score Number of participants Not passed,% Qty
exam time, min.
2009 34
2010 35 53,61 22 256 6,3 17 180
2011 32 54,40 10 946 8 25 180
2012 37 55,8 24 423 8,3 64 180
2013 37 57,2 20 736 12,1 193 180
2014 37 52,9 235
2015 37 52,9 235
2016 37 235
2017 37 235
