

Teach children to differentiate visual images of letters, in particular I - U;
... develop visual-spatial orientation;
... develop the skill of sound analysis;
... develop fine motor skills;
... develop logical thinking.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

The speech therapist asks the children to stand up from their seats and suggests, before sitting on a chair, to remember and name the name in which there is the letter "I"
(Inna, Ira, Ilya, Igor, Kira, Liza, Mila, Vika, Dima, Nikita)
The speech therapist introduces the children to the heroes of the lesson, the girls Uley and Ira. Children are encouraged to highlight the first letters in their names. (Y-Y)
The topic of the lesson is formulated.

II. The main stage

The speech therapist puts on the board an image of the elements of the letters "U" and "I", asks to add letters from the elements, looks for similarities and differences between the letters.

The speech therapist invites children to write down the names of the heroes of the lesson in a notebook, highlight the letters "I", "U".

The speech therapist introduces children to the designation of the letters of the lesson. "U" is an inverted triangle, "I" is a circle.
The speech therapist puts a card with the image of triangles and circles on the board, asks the children to write down the corresponding letters in the notebook. Instead of a triangle - "U", instead of a circle - "I".

Before completing the next task, the children's attention is repeatedly focused on the difference between the letters "I", "U". "U" has a long "tail" at the bottom, "I" has a small tail next to it. Children are encouraged to decipher the words on the board. If the asterisk is below, then you need to write "U", if the asterisk is near, then you need to write "And".

(Bullet, jester, snail, street, hands, chicken)

The speech therapist puts a card with passes on the board and invites the children to independently determine which letter should be put instead of an asterisk.

(Circle, shout, fluff, leaf, ear, needle)

Children are encouraged to divide the notebook into 3 columns. In the first column there will be words with the letter "U", in the second column there will be words with the letter "I", in the third - words that contain the letters "I", "U".

(The first column is a bow, rooster, fly; the second column is a needle, thread, sheet, books; the third column is a snail, chicken, emerald, jug)

III. Lesson summary

The speech therapist asks the children to write one word in each column on their own.


If a word is not clear

If I don't know how to write,

There is no other way out -

I am opening this book.

Everything is clear here, everything is true ...

What's that book? What a marvel!

No, not a miracle, even in the old days

That was compiled ... (dictionary)

Today we will continue to talk about various

dictionaries and vocabulary words. Let's remember what are dictionary words? What dictionaries do you already know?

Today I will tell you about the etiological dictionary.

Etymiological dictionaries tell about the origin of the word, its original meaning. By looking at the history of a word, you can understand its modern spelling. For example: RASPBERRY - the name was based on the sign of the berry fruit, which consisted of small parts. The word MALINA is derived from the word SMALL

Writing on the board.

RASPBERRY - small - "consisting of small parts"

Guess the riddle.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, nibs, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.

Read upside down how the word came about.

Guess the riddle.

He is not more important at school,

He has his own office.

He knows all the disciples

Ready to help and punish.

Find a word in the spelling dictionary.

Spell the words. Slap into syllables. Write to the dictionary. Write down the syllabic scheme nearby and write out the vowels with the non-dominant hand.

Game: Fly

The speech therapist explains the origin of the word.

The word PORTFOLIO came to Russian from French. PORT-carry


PORTFOLIO- "what documents, papers are in"

Speech therapist writes down the word on the board. PORTFOLIO

Spell it out orthographically. Pronounce with stress.

Spelling the word "eyes closed". Close your eyes, imagine this word written in a book. Make you blink

"dangerous letter". Which letter is flashing?

Make a sentence out of words. Sheets with words are distributed.

Put, briefcase, I, pencil case, in.

(I put the pencil case in my briefcase.)

How many words are there in this sentence?

Write the outline of the sentence by writing out the vowels with your non-dominant hand.

Physical minute.

Hand rotation (Left hand forward - right back) and vice versa.

Crosswise elbow-knee movements

Cross-arm heel movements

You need to sit down if there are 3 letters in the word and raise your hands

up if not 3 letters, but more or less.

Words: Onion, moon, juice, sun, cancer, poppy, step, fur coat.

Ball games:

Reverse words (antonyms)

Arabic letter (sleep, tok, mouth, soup)

We are going to the woods, we type words that end in OK

Game: Add a letter (Third)

Put emphasis. Highlight a dangerous location.

What's the last letter in this word?

Game: Assemble the "letter T" puzzle

Game: Magic Bag (Phraseologisms)

To know by heart is to learn very well.

To hack on the nose - remember it tightly, forever.

To soar in the clouds - to dream, to fantasize about something.

Peck your nose - fall asleep.

To start from the basics - (Az is the name of the first letter of the Slavic alphabet) that is, to start from the basics, from the simplest.

Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy

Trans-Baikal Territory

GOU for orphans and children,

left without parental care

"Borzin special (correctional) boarding school

for orphans and children left without parental care,

with disabilities of type VIII "

Abstract of the lesson on the correction of optical dysgraphia

in the 2nd grade of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type.

o - a.

teacher speech therapist

Highest qualification category

Adamova Yulia Petrovna

2012 r.

Summary of the lesson on the correction of optical dysgraphia in the 2nd grade of the special (correctional) school of the VIII type.

Topic: Distinguishing Optically Similar Letterso - a.

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish between optically similar handwritten letterso and a.



  1. Refine the spelling of lettersoh and a , identify similarities and differences;
  2. Refine the articulation of the sounds [O] and [A], consolidate the connection between the sound and the letter;
  3. Train students to distinguish between lettersoh and a in isolated writing, in syllables and words;
  4. Improve reading skills;
  5. Learn to highlight a vowel at the beginning of a word.


  1. Develop the logical thinking of children;
  2. Develop visual perception, the ability to navigate on a piece of paper;
  3. Develop the ability to coordinate speech with movement;
  4. Develop finger motor skills with massage.


  1. To instill in students the ability to actively work in the classroom;
  2. To cultivate the ability to achieve your goal.

Equipment: pictures - symbols for lettersoh and a ; uppercase lettersoh and a (uppercase and lowercase); individual mirrors; cards with the characteristics of sounds - "vowel"; cards - symbols of sounds "wide open mouth" - circle, "oval"; stencils of letters O and A, sets of colored pens; red pencils; layout of the aquarium, fish with syllables; layouts of apple trees with apples, on which words are written.

  1. Organizing time.

One, two - the head is higher,

Three, four shoulders are wider

Five, six - all sit down,

Seven, eight - attention please!

  1. Lesson topic message.

Speech therapist: You can determine the topic of the lesson when you guess the riddle:

Thirty-three sisters -

Written beauties

On one live page

And they are famous everywhere.


Speech therapist: “That's right, these are letters. Today we will learn to distinguish letters with you. And which letters we will distinguish, you will find out if you listen carefully to the poems and look at the pictures:

This letter has no corner

That's why she is round

Until then she was round

I could have rolled.

Children answer that we are talking about the letter O.

The speech therapist demonstrates a picture with the letter O.

The speech therapist turns the picture with the letter O, on the reverse side the letter is transformed into a wheel.

Then the speech therapist reads a poem:

Look at the wheel

And you will see the letter O.

Speech therapist demonstrates a picture with a lettera transformed into a girl with a braid.

What a girl is this

Girl Alena.

That girl has a braid

With a green ribbon.

Children answer that we are talking about a lettera .

Speech therapist: So what letters will we distinguish in class today?

Children: Today in the lesson we will distinguish letterso and a.

The speech therapist hangs pictures - symbols on the board.

The letter O is a wheel. The letter A is a girl with a braid.

  1. Clarifying the spelling of letterso and a.

Handwritten letters are hung on the boardoh and a and are placed under the pictures by symbols.

Speech therapist: “Look carefully at these letters. How are they similar? And what is the difference?

Children: The letters are similar in that they have an oval. And they differ in that the lettera there is a hook on the right side and the letterabout it is not.

4. Clarification of the articulation of the sounds [O] and [A] and consolidation of the connection between letters and sounds.

Speech therapist: Guys, what sound do we designate with the letter O?

Student response: Sound [O].

  1. Clarification of the articulation of the sound [O] in front of individual mirrors.

Students make the sound [O] and note that the lips take the shape of an oval. The sound articulation scheme [O] - oval is hung on the board.

Phonetic warm-up.

A picture of a boy with a bad tooth appears on the board, the boy moans: "O - O - O".

  1. Clarification of sound articulation [A].

Students look in mirrors, pronounce the sound [A] and note that when pronouncing the sound, the lips are open wide, the mouth is like a circle. The attention of the students is drawn to the articulation scheme sound [A] - a large circle.

Phonetic warm-up.

A picture of a girl swinging a doll appears on the board. All chorus "swing" the doll: "a - a - a - a - a - a - a".

Speech therapist: So, guys, when pronouncing the sounds [O] and [A], the mouth is open, an air stream comes out of the mouth, which does not meet obstacles in its path, we pronounce these sounds with a voice. What do we call these sounds?

Children: Vowels.

A "vowel" sign is posted on the board near each letter.

Speech therapist: What color do we designate vowel sounds? (in red).

A red circle is attached to the board next to each letter.

  1. Improving the ability to navigate a sheet of paper.

Students are offered a house with four windows - two on the first floor, two on the second. Each window contains a picture of an animal.

The speech therapist alternately opens the windows, the students name the address of the apartment in which the hero lives: the upper right apartment, the lower left, etc.

  1. Distinguishing isolated letterso and a.

Working with stencils.

  1. Stencil with lettera.

Speech therapist: Guys, today we will work with stencils. Let's take a close look at the stencil.

What do you see in the upper right corner? (a circle).

Right. A circle. This circle shows us that we open our mouth wide when we utter the sound A, and that it takes the form of a circle.

Find a circle stencil in your baskets, attach it to the main stencil.

We have got a sound pronunciation scheme [A].

Please look and tell me what is in the upper left corner of the stencil. (The letter a).

Right. This is a block letter A - capital and small. Outline the letters with a red pencil.

Take the capital and small letter A stencils in the basket, attach them to the main stencil, circle the missing details.

Now take out the stencils, and on the resulting letters we will apply shading in the following direction. (A speech therapist shows the direction of shading, children apply it with a red pencil or pen).

Guys, you see small windows in the middle of the stencil. Write uppercase small letters a in these boxes. (Reminds: lettera consists of an oval and a hook on the right side).

The windows are located on the stencil in a wave. Let's sing the sound in turn And so: the wave down - the voice sounds soft, the wave up the voice sounds loud. (A speech therapist sings, then each of the children, then in chorus, while holding a finger along a relief wave).

Guys, listen to the riddle.

He looks like a red ball,

Only now does not rush gallop,

Carefree all year round

It grows in warm climates.

Sour - sweet citrus this!

Hurry up and answer!

It contains a useful vitamin -

The fruit is called ...

That's right - an orange. Find an orange template in your trays, attach it to the stencil.

Listen carefully to the word "orange", what is the first sound in this word? (Sound [A]).

In the lower left corner, you see the outline of the word orange, which has three windows. They mark the beginning, middle and end of a word. Since the sound [A] in the word "orange" comes first, write the letter in the first window with a red pena. We write an oval, and a hook to the right of it.

In the lower right corner of the stencil, you see the uppercase letters A - uppercase and lowercase, embroidered with thread. Let's put our finger on the capital letter A and trace over it, as if we were writing it in a notebook. Now let's run our finger along the lowercase letter A.

Look just above the embroidered letters. Here we see stencils of capital and small letters A. Circle them with a red pencil. Now find the templates for these letters in the tray, attach them to the stencil and circle the missing details.

Physical education.

Speech therapist: What letters are we learning to distinguish today? (o - a).

Let's do a physical minute, in which the sound A is very often heard.

Stork flies above the ground

(wave your arms)

Stork collects branches


The stork is picking branches

Help him kids.

Speech therapist shows a hoop. What is it guys? (Hoop). What is the sound of the first hoop in the word? (Sound [O]). What letter does the hoop look like? (On the letter O). Let's play with the letter O. Students become pairs and roll the hoop to each other, and the speech therapist reads a poem:

Not along the trail, but around

Rolling and groaning.

Oh ooh, ooh ooh,

Not along the trail, but around.

  1. Stencil with the letter O.

Speech therapist: Guys, what figure is in the upper right corner? (Oval).

Correctly oval. This symbol tells us that when we utter the sound [O], our lips become like an oval. Now find an oval template that fits in your trays and attach it to the main stencil. The result is a sound pronunciation scheme [O].

Two ovals are cut in the upper left corner of the stencil. Stencil them with a red pen. Find the appropriate sized ovals in the trays, insert them into the main stencil, and drag over another oval. Take out the stencils. What letter did we get? (Letter O).

That's right, guys, we got the letter O. Let's hatch it in the following direction. Speech therapist shows a sample, children perform.

Guys, guess the riddle:

Flies without wings

Running without legs

Sails without a sail.

What is it? (Cloud). Right. Find a cloud template in your trays, attach to the stencil.

What sound comes first in the word "cloud"? (Sound O).

Under the cloud we have a diagram of the word "cloud", we will show on it that the sound [O] is in the first place, write the letter O in the window.

The letter O printed and capitalized are written almost the same, only in the notebook we write it with a tilt.

* Writing isolated letters.

In the lower left corner is the "Labyrinth". What is a labyrinth? (These are confusing moves). We will try now not to get confused and correctly enter the letters in the windows under my dictation. The speech therapist dictates to the students the isolated letters O and A, the children enter them into the windows until they reach the middle. Then read the "maze" in chorus in forward and backward directions.

  1. Finger massage.

Pupils are offered palms on the fingers of which applicators are glued. Students use their fingers to press on the applicators, massaging them.

  1. Distinguishing between letters O and A in syllables.

Game "Aquarium".

In the "aquarium" there are fish on which syllables with the letters O and A. are written. The guys take turns catching fish from the aquarium using a magnetic rod, read the syllables, and throw the fish into buckets with the letters O and A.

  1. Distinguishing between the letters O and A in words.
  1. Game "Apple Trees".

Equipment: two apple trees, sewn from fabric and equipped with hooks; apples, made of cardboard, on which the words with the letters O and A are written, equipped with loops.

The speech therapist invites students to take one apple at a time, read the word that is written on it, and place words with the letter O on the left apple tree, and words with the letter A on the right one. Students should also determine the place of letters in a word.

Words: 1) With the letter A: park, pencil case, drop, blizzard, cap, tank, salad, rope, pipe.

  1. With the letter O: table, cat, swamp, lotto threshold.
  1. Summing up the results of the lesson.

What letters did we learn to distinguish today?

What is the difference between the letters O and A?

What sound do we designate with the letter O?

What sound do we designate with the letter A?

What are these sounds called?

Speech therapist: In the next lesson, we will continue to distinguish between the letters O and A in words, sentences and text. Let's take our time, we will carry out all the assignments thoughtfully and correctly, then our letter will be competent, and the grades in the notebooks are good.

Stencils can be made for all letters. Using letter stencils in speech therapy classes allows you to develop various skills and processes:

  1. The child traces the stencil letters, the articulation scheme, thus memorizing its graphic image and develops fine motor skills. The connection between the article - grapheme - kinema is fixed. The outlined letter can be shaded in a given direction, or it can be colored.
  1. The child has the opportunity to work not only with a stencil, but also with a letter template, which is designed to be inserted into a stencil. Students examine the letter with their hands, which allows them to remember its graphic image in case of impaired visual perception. The ability to visually correlate the letter with the clipping develops.
  1. Each stencil has various small inserts - mosaic letters, magnetic alphabet letters, geometric shapes. For children with impaired motor skills, working with such material presents certain difficulties. With the systematic work with stencils, this skill gradually develops. With the students of the first grade, work is carried out with geometric shapes: according to the instructions of the speech therapist, the children find the upper right, lower left corners, etc., determine the shape that is there. You can invite the child to circle the cutout of the form, color, shade, insert the desired shape. This technique is unusual for a child and is of particular interest.
  1. The stencils can be used to develop the processes of elementary phonemic analysis. Each stencil has a clipping of a picture, the name of which begins with the sound of the letter being studied.

The connection between the sound and the letter is fixed.

  1. Using stencils, you can successfully develop reading skills. At the initial stages, the reading process presents significant difficulties for a child with disabilities. The stencil allows you to make the learning process easy and attractive. The child inserts various letters into the windows and reads forward and backward syllables with them. A track, made of braid, connecting one letter to another allows the child to learn how to smoothly merge sounds into syllables.

As the formation of a smooth fusion of sounds into syllables, you can replace the embossed tracks with drawn ones.

  1. The stencils have embroidered letters. The child runs his finger along the embroidery, memorizes the graphic image of the letter.

Stencils can be made from linoleum, a thick cardboard (which can be painted over after cutting out the parts), which ensures their durability and hygiene.

The above forms of working with stencils are approximate, each speech therapist-practitioner can use stencils at his own discretion, develop all new methods of working with them.


1. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. - M .: VLADOS, 2001.

2. Lalaeva R.I. Speech therapy work in correctional classes. - M .: VLADOS, 1998.

3. Mazanova E.V. Correction of optical dysgraphia. - M .: Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2008.

Sections: Primary School

Lesson number 1

Theme:Differentiation of sounds C-C in syllables, words

Goal: learn to differentiate the sounds S-C, which have articulatory-acoustic similarity, to determine their position in syllables, words /


  • to learn to differentiate sounds C-C based on articulatory, visual and motor sensations;
  • develop the skills of sound-letter analysis and phonemic perception, self-control skills;
  • develop spelling vigilance;
  • expand vocabulary by word formation;
  • to foster interest in classes, to form positive educational motivation;

Equipment: demo pictures, graphic profiles of C-C sounds.


I. Organizational moment

- Today everyone is in a good mood, look at each other, smile sweetly and get ready for class. First, listen to the assignment and prepare to answer.
- What two groups of sounds do you know? (Vowels and consonants)
- Name the vowels of the 1st row; II row.
- What do the vowels of the first row indicate? II row?
- Well done!

II. Main part

Introduction to the topic

- Read the words written on the board.
- What do these words mean?
- What two sounds do these words differ in? (Sounds C-C)
- Who guessed and is ready to voice the topic of our lesson?
- Write down today's date and topic of the lesson:
[S] - [C]
- And also write down the names of the paintings, which differ in the sounds C-C. Underline the letters: C with one line, C with two.

1. Characteristics of sounds by articulation and acoustic signs, based on the graphic scheme of sound (on the board, accompanying the display with a pointer)

- To write C and H correctly, you need to learn to distinguish the sounds corresponding to them.
- Take a mirror, (the speech therapist shows every movement of the tongue along the way)
the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the teeth come together, take a deep breath and, exhaling air, say: C-C-C-C….
- Now bring the back of your hand to your lips and say the sound C. for a long time.
- Do you feel what a thin cold stream of air is exhaled? Hear the whistle? Therefore, it is called "sibilant". The sound is simple. The vocal cords are resting.
- Let's clarify the pronunciation of the sound Ts. The sound C is formed when the sounds T and C merge. Take a mirror, (the speech therapist shows each movement of the tongue along the way) the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth and at the same time the sounds T and C are pronounced. Inhale deeply and exhaling air, say quickly: TS.
- Bring the back of your hand to your lips and say: TC.
- What do you feel? Cold air is exhaled with a jerk and for a short time. The sound is explosive, complex. The vocal cords are resting.
- Thus, we clarified how the sound C and Ts are pronounced.
- In notebooks, we write down a brief description of the sound:
[C] - acc., Firm., Deaf, simple;
[Ts] - acc., Firm., Deaf., Difficult;

2. Correlation of sounds C - C with symbols (water from the tap, finger pressed to lips)

- We hear the sounds S and C in the world around us. Here are the pictures. Try to guess which one fits which sound? Why?
- And indeed, we hear the sound C when water flows from the tap, C - so mom asks to be quieter. (Attach symbols next to sounds on the board)
- Make the appropriate sound when I point to the picture. (2 times)

3. Reading syllables from the board (in chorus):

tsa - sa tso - so tsu - su tsy - sy
aca - asa ozo - oso utsu - usu ycy - ysy

4. The game "Clap and Top"

- Let's play the clap and top game and find out who is very attentive. I will call words with the sounds C - C. To words with the sound C - you clap, with the sound C - you stomp.
(plum, chain, dog, fox, circus, compasses, stork, net, wheat, saucepan, circus performer)

5. Finding pictures with the sounds C-C, determining the place of the sound in the word (at the beginning, middle, end). (On the A5 format there are pictures in which the sounds C - C are pronounced).

- Before you are picture words in which the sounds C-C are pronounced. I suggest you find them and mark them with chips. Words with the sound C - green chips, with the sound C - blue.
- Two people will work at the board, and the rest will check the correctness of the task.
(After the children find the pictures, the place of the sound in the word should be clarified: at the beginning, middle, end.)
- We name the object and the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, middle, end.
- Well done, we did everything with the task.

6. Cheating from the board.

- In the next task, write off the words, insert the missing letters C-C, underline C with one line, C with two. Find the "extra" word, mark it with a cross and explain why?

Kol_o, kole_o, ku_ty, tri_ta;
Fingers, dust_a, polo_a, canvas;
_and_terna, _ini_a, _ful_e, _pi_a;
_kvore_, ne_y, _ _ena, _e_ arch.

7. Graphic representation of the word.

- Let's practice highlighting syllables with letters C-C in words. Let's depict this graphically. We continue to work in notebooks. Sample: sa ___ ___ ,
boots, vacuum cleaner, sheep, ring, heart, beauty, hotel, tit.
- I remind you the sequence of work. You read the word, count the number of syllables based on the number of vowels, draw the number of syllables, determine the place of the syllable in the word, write down the syllable.

8. Guessing riddles.

- It's time to get smart. If you guess the riddles, then you will solve the crossword puzzle.

1. Guess what kind of bird:
Afraid of the bright light
Crochet beak, piglet eyes,
Eared head. It … (owl)

2. I fly everywhere,
I know everything in the world
I know every bush in the forest
I carry news on my tail. (Magpie)

3. And they don't swim in the sea,
And they have no bristles,
And yet they are called
They are marine ... (pigs)

4. The house guards all night long -
A stranger will not enter the house without an owner.
You can take her with you on a difficult trip,
It’s impossible to find a friend. (Dog)

5. Who is without notes and without a pipe
Trills are the best
More vociferous, more tender?
Who is this? ... (nightingale)

6. On the pole is the palace,
There is a singer in the palace
And his name is ... (starling)

7. In the summer in the field tears the grass,
And in winter he lives in the barn:
They give her enough hay
Yes, they are waiting for a lamb for profit.
Not horny, not vigorous,
Restless, fearful.
They cut her fur,
They knit from it and weave. (Sheep)

8. Who is afraid of everyone,
Escapes under a bush
Does a wolf catch a tooth? (Hare)

9.Long beak thin
Grab the frog.
A drop will drip from the beak
Who is this? (Heron)

10. Cluck, cluck, cluck
He collects all the children. (A hen)

- Read the answers carefully again. Think about who the riddles were about. Name it in one word. (Animals, birds)
- Write down the names of animals in the first column, the names of birds in the second. Underline C with one line, C with two.

9. Physics "Owl"

- The day is coming, everything comes to life!
(Children depict flying birds, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies - waving their wings).
- Night!
(All children should freeze in a pose).

10. Word formation of feminine nouns denoting persons by their actions.

Exercise "He - she".

- There are many professions. Both men and women master the profession. What professions do you know?
- Now let's practice the correct naming of professions. When you grow up, he is a writer, and she? (Writer)

teacher - pilot -
welder - worker -
scout - artist -
barman - skier -
master - gardener -

11. Work on the proposal. (A sentence is written on the board)

Children laugh, looking at the clear sun through the window.

- Read the sentence.
- What are the kids doing? (Laugh)
- Where are the children looking? (In the window)
- And what did they see in the window? (The sun)
- What sun did you see? (Clear)
- How many words are there in this sentence? (Eight)
- What pretexts did you see? (B, on)
- How are prepositions written? (Separately)
- In what words did you see the letters C and C? Let's highlight them.
- What word is followed by a comma? (laugh)
- Pay attention to how the word "sun" is spelled.
- Let's read the sentence, pronouncing each word syllables.
- Let's practice memorizing this sentence. First, we say in chorus 2 times, and then each one independently - in a half voice.
- Once again - with closed eyes.
- And now I close the recording, we write under dictation.
- Underline the letter C with one line, C with two.
- Let's read the entry, checking with the board.

III. Lesson summary

- What sounds did we learn to distinguish today?
- Characterize these sounds.
- Thank you all for the lesson, be healthy!

Lesson number 2

Theme:Differentiation of sounds C-C

Goal: to develop a clear differentiation of the sounds C-C and their correct designation in writing with the corresponding letters.


  • learn to differentiate the sounds C-C in words, phrases and sentences;
  • improve the skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis, phonemic perception;
  • activate and enrich vocabulary and improve grammatical forms of speech;
  • develop coherent speech; visual attention and memory;
  • observe continuity in work with the teacher;
  • to educate a respectful attitude towards birds, towards nature;

Equipment: demo pictures, cards of letters C - C, graphic profiles of sounds, cards of letters C-C, digital rulers for determining the place of sound in a word and counters, the text of the story "Our friends".


I. Organizational moment

- Hello children. Sit down.
- Remember the names of all the months in order.
- How many winter months are there in total?
- Name the last month of winter.
- What time of year comes after winter?

II. Main part

Introduction to the topic

- What do you see in the pictures? Name them. (Ear, well)
- Let's clarify what they mean.
- What sounds are pronounced at the end of words? (C-C)
- I think that you can easily voice the topic of our lesson.
Topic message
- Yes, today we will continue to work on distinguishing the sounds C-C
- Write down the date, month, subject. [C - C]
- And also write down the words: SPIKE, WELL. Underline the letters: C with one line, C with two. Name the syllable with the letter C in the word KOLOS, the syllable with the letter C - WELL. (LOS, DETS)
- Let's remember what we talked about in the previous lesson.

1. Clarification and comparison of the correct articulation of sounds.

- Let's clarify and compare the correct pronunciation of sounds. Let's give a brief description of the sounds. (Graphic profiles of sounds hang on the board)
- When pronouncing the sound C - the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the teeth come together, under the pressure of the exhaled air it is pronounced: C-C-C-C…. The vocal cords are resting.
- The C sound is formed when the vehicle sounds merge. When pronouncing the sound C - the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth and under the pressure of exhaled air, the sounds T and C are pronounced simultaneously. The vocal cords are resting.
- Let's characterize the sounds C-C.
- Sound C - consonant, solid, voiceless, simple.
- The sound C is a consonant, solid, voiceless, complex.

2. Reproduction of pure phrases.

As-as-as - we have pineapple at home
Os-os-os - Sanya has a coconut in her bag
Us-us-mustache - on the window at Sonya ficus
Ys-Ys-Ys - Denis, drink koumiss.
Tsa-tsa-tsa - a chicken clucks
Tso-tso-tso - a beautiful ring
Tsy-tsy-tsy - bells are ringing

3. Game "Who is attentive?"

- Listen to the assignment. I will pronounce words with the sounds S-C, and you raise a card with the corresponding letter: action, bag, hare, chicken, bridge, saucer, gardener, voditsa, writer.

4. Writing words in two columns C - Ts.

- I dictate the words, and you write them down in the appropriate columns. We emphasize the syllables with the letter C - with one line, C - with two. (Writer, bread box, educator, candy bowl, gardener, locksmith, welder, dumpling, milkmaid)
- Read the words that you wrote down in the first column. We read along the "chain", we name the syllable in the word with the letter C. Think and say how we will call these objects in one word. (Professions)
- Read the words of the second column, we call the syllable. What do the words in the second column mean? (Tableware)

5. Working with digital series

- The next task is to determine the place of sound in the digital series. We will work with black chips. I remind you the sequence of work: you listen to the word, speaking to yourself, determine the place of the sound, put the chip. First, let's define the sound C: pan, snowball, snack, cabbage, pine, height, word;
- Let's define the sound C: pollen, fingers, well, chain, onion, bird, officer.

6. Drawing up phrases

- Before you words and pictures. For the words of the first column, you should pick up pictures to get phrases. Pronounce phrases while pronouncing the words clearly.

(Another option: write down phrases in a notebook, matching words from references to the words of the first column. Underline syllables with the letter C - with one line, C - with two.)

Motley water
Clean chicken
The capital shines
Officer on the letter
valuable sun
Moscow - border

7. Physical minutes

8. Work at the blackboard.

- In the next task, you need to add sentences by inserting words instead of pictures. We carry out work only on the board, in a "chain". One writes, the rest is checked. We select the syllables with the letters C and C.

It grows in the garden….
It shines brightly today….
Hanging on a hanger….
Barks in the yard….
Performs on stage….
I grew up in the garden ...
Near the river stands….
Rides along the road….

(Currant, sun, towel, dog, cucumber, mill, motorcycle)

9. Reading the text.

- Before you text. The story is called Our Friends. Let's read it in a "chain".

Our friends

There are many insects in the gardens and fields. Caterpillars are especially dangerous for trees. The caterpillars eat the leaves. The trees are dying. Insects are eaten by starlings, bullfinches, tits and other birds. In winter, the guys help the birds. They make feeders for the birds. Feed is poured into the feeders. Tits, bullfinches and other birds fly to these feeders. Birds are our friends. They must be protected.

We will answer the questions:

- Why do trees die?
- Who protects trees from caterpillars?
- It turns out that various worms and caterpillars are the main food for birds living in the forest. Everything in nature is interconnected, there is nothing superfluous. Therefore, when entering the forest, do not seek to disrupt its vital activity. Birds and animals are the owners of the forest. They know what and how to protect. We should be grateful to the inhabitants of the forest for the fact that people have the opportunity to come to the forest, admire its beauty, and pick edible mushrooms and berries. The gifts of the forest will be enough for everyone - for people, animals and birds.
- Name the words from the story with the sounds C-C.
- After reading the story, what useful information did you learn?

III. Lesson summary

- What sounds did we distinguish today?
- What words do you remember with the sounds C - C? Name them.
- What tasks did you like?
- Thank you all for your work, goodbye!

Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy

Trans-Baikal Territory

GOU for orphans and children,

left without parental care

"Borzin special (correctional) boarding school

for orphans and children left without parental care,

with disabilities of type VIII "

Abstract of the lesson on the correction of optical dysgraphia

in the second grade of a special correctional school of the VIII type

teacher speech therapist

Highest qualification category

Adamova Yulia Petrovna

2012 r.

Topic: Distinguishing between optically similar capital letters I - W in words, sentences, text.


To improve the ability of children to distinguish between optically similar lowercase letters I - W in writing.



  1. Refine the spelling of capital letters I and W , identify similarities and differences.
  2. Clarify the articulation of the sounds [I] and [W], to consolidate the connection between the sound and the letter.
  3. Train students to distinguish between lettersI and W in isolated writing, in syllables and words, in sentences and text.
  4. Improve reading skills.


  1. Activate the attention of children, set them up for work.
  2. Develop children's auditory attention and perception.
  3. Develop visual perception.
  4. Develop the ability to coordinate speech with movement.
  5. Clarify and activate students' knowledge of Wildlife.


  1. Foster activity and initiative in completing assignments.
  2. Foster a respect for nature.

The course of the lesson.

  1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Guys, today in class we will go with you for a walk in the forest. Let's pretend we are in a forest. The forest is fresh, breathes easily, freely. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. Let's close our eyes and listen to the sounds that surround us.

  1. The sound of the forest is recorded.

Speech therapist: Guys, what sounds did you hear? (breath of wind, rustle of foliage, singing of birds, murmur of a brook, chirping of a grasshopper).

  1. Topic message.
  1. A poster depicting a forest is posted on the board.

Speech therapist: Guys, letters are lost in our magic forest, let's find them. (Students come up to the blackboard one at a time, carefully look at the poster and circle the letters they find with a black felt-tip pen).

Speech therapist: Guys, what letters did you meet in our magic forest? (letters I and W).

So, the topic of our lesson: "Distinguish capital letters I - W".

  1. Clarification of the spelling of isolated letters I - Sh.

Speech therapist: What are the elements of the letter I? (from two hooks).

Connect two hooks

And you get the letter I.

  1. Students lay out an uppercase, lowercase letter I with two red hooks.

Speech therapist: From which elementsdoes the letter Ш consist? (from hooks, there are three of them).

Look at the letter W

The letter is very nice:

Three hooks stand in a row -

We are told to remember.

  1. Pupils lay out an uppercase small letter W with three blue hooks.
  1. Securing the connection between sound and letter.

What sound do we designate with the letter I? (Sound [And]).


The lips take the form of a smile, the tongue rises upward, there is a distance between the teeth. There is no obstruction in the mouth. The sound stretches easily and is sung.

* Speech therapist attaches sound articulation AND to the boy's face.

What sound do we designate with the letter Ш? (Sound [Sh]).

Let's characterize this sound:consonant, voiceless, hard.

The lips take the form of a horn, the tongue - the form of a cup, rises to the upper molars. In the mouth, the tongue creates an obstacle, so we cannot pull and sing the sound [Ш].

* The speech therapist attaches the articulation of the sound [Ш] to the boy's face.

  1. Clarification of the similarities and differences between isolated letters.

Speech therapist: Guys, what are the letters like? (They both consist of hooks.)

- And what is the difference? (The letter I has two hooks, and the letter W has three).

- Let us denote this difference by symbols: the letter I has the symbol "Number 2 in red", and the letter Ш has the symbol "Number 3 in blue".

Let's practice distinguishing the letters I - Sh.

* The speech therapist offers students cards with a task, which depict bumps with numbers 2 and 3 and empty windows, in which students must enter the letter I or W, respectively.

  1. Distinguishing letters I - Ш in syllables.
  1. The speech therapist offers students cards with an assignment: the cards show two mushrooms. The letter I is written on the cap of one mushroom, the letter Sh of the second.

Students go to the blackboard one at a time, take a fungus there, read a syllable written on it, and all together write this syllable on their cards on the corresponding mushroom.

  1. Physical minute.

We go, we go, we go

We will find mushrooms nowThey walk high raising their legs.

Under a leaf, under a blade of grass,

On a tree stump, under an aspen treeBend over and touch the floor with their hands.

Here comes the mushroom, don't yawn

And grab him quickly!Clap your hands.

  1. Distinguishing letters I - Ш in words.

Speech therapist: Wild apple trees grew in the forest. See how many apples fell from them. Let's collect them. But apples are not simple - words are written on them. The apples, on which the words with the letter I are written, are given to the hedgehog The apples, on which the words with the letter W are written, are put in our basket.

And now write down three words for yourself on the cards (students are offered cards with a hedgehog and a basket, they write down words depending on the presence of the letters I and Sh in them.

  1. Distinguishing letters I - Ш in sentences.

Speech therapist: Guys, look, the bunny brought us letters with assignments.

  1. Each student is given an envelope containing the words. Students make a sentence from these words.

Now write down the resulting sentences in your notebook, highlighting the letters I and W with colored pencils: I - red, W - blue.

  1. Distinguishing the letters I - W in the text.

Speech therapist: Look, different animals roam in the forest. Go to the board and take one animal at a time. On the back of the animal - the text with the missing letters I - Sh. Read the text, insert the necessary letters instead of the gaps: the letter I - with a red pen, the letter W - with a blue one.

Text 1.

L_s_tsa - x_thry beast At night l_s_tsa goes out to hunt. L_sa catches frogs, hunts for birds_, hares_, we_am_. L_su is called "L_sa - red-haired beauty." Painfully beautiful l_sya _ubka and poo_ _ stale l_s_th tail!

Text 2.

The hare's y_k_ are long, and the tail_k is empty and short. Hind feet are longer than front feet. The hare's Kurka is white in winter and gray in summer. During the day, hares sleep, and at night they go out to feed. _ sometimes they come close to the village and feast on hay and stumps_.

Text 3.

The squirrel is a very good mistress. The squirrel fills the pantries with nuts, crumbs, and cams She dries the mushrooms and applies them to the naked bitches. In the spring, squirrels appear in the white house. Squirrel is a fearless mother. She boldly protects her little ones.

Text 4.

The bear is huge, dressed in a warm _uba. The bear moves so t_ho that not a single twig will crack underfoot_. The paws of the bear become_toes_ inward, and the heels_ outward, hence he called him clubfoot. The bear's head is painful, it is shaggy, the eye is small. The bear's nose is very good _ _ th.

  1. Summarizing.

What letters did we learn to distinguish today?

What are the elements of the letters I and W?

How many hooks does the letter I have? And the letter W?

Look how many cones I got in the forest. Take as many cones from the basket as you earned in the lesson. Let's give the cones to the squirrel, and I will reward you with sweet prizes.


1. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. - M .: VLADOS, 2001.

2. Lalaeva R.I. Speech therapy work in correctional classes. - M .: VLADOS, 1998.

3. Mazanova E.V. Correction of optical dysgraphia. - M .: Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2008.
