The textbook examines the main methods for calculating steady-state and transient processes in electrical circuits, as well as their applications to the most common electronic circuits in engineering practice. Much attention is paid to the properties and characteristics of semiconductor elements, as well as their circuit implementation. Separate chapters are devoted to the circuitry of digital devices. The basic principles of building programmable logic devices and microprocessors are considered. The main most promising directions of development of the electronic base are indicated. For better assimilation of the textbook material, each chapter contains control questions and tasks.

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    Feb 2016

    The work program of the academic discipline OP.02 Electrical Engineering developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter - FSES) for the professions of secondary vocational education (SVE).

    Organization-developer: GBPOU Sterlitamak Industrial and Industrial College


    Kilmukhametova Nelya Talgatovna - teacher of the highest category of GBPOU SIPK

    Conclusion of the Expert Council No. ____________ dated "____" __________ 20__











    1. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

    1. Monitoring and evaluating the results of Mastering the academic discipline


    1.passport of the working PROGRAM OF THE TRAINING DISCIPLINE

    OP.02. Electrical engineering

    1.1. Scope of the work program

    The work program of the discipline OP.02 Electrical engineering is an integral part of the training programs for skilled workers, office workers (PPKRS) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the vocational vocational education of a technical profile:

    01/18/26 "Operator-operator of petrochemical production"

    The curriculum of the discipline can be used in additional vocational education as part of advanced training, retraining and vocational training programs in the following professions:

    "Apparatus operator of petrochemical production"

    13910 "Operator of pumping units"

    13775 "Operator of compressor units

    18494 "Instrumentation locksmith"

    18559 "Locksmith - repairman"

    13321 "Laboratory assistant chem. Analysis "

    19861 "Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment"

    1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

    The discipline is included in the general professional cycle.

    1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

    be able to:

    As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student mustknow:

    1.4. Number of hours for mastering the program of the academic discipline:

    maximum study load of a student is 90 hours, including:

    compulsory classroom teaching load of the student 60 hours;

    independent work of the student 30 hours.


    2.1. The scope of the discipline and types of educational work

    Extracurricular independent work


    Final certification in the form differential credit

    2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline OP.02 Electrical Engineering


    The subject of the study of electrical engineering. Role in the development of the national economy. Safety engineering.

    Control of starting knowledge.

    Independent work :

    Safety precautions when working with electrical installations.

    Section 1.

    Electrical and magnetic circuits.


    Topic 1.1

    DC electric circuits


    D.C. Ohm's law. Work and power of current.

    Laboratory work No. 1 Determination of the resistance value using an ammeter and a voltmeter.

    Electrical circuits. Methods for calculating circuits.

    Practical lesson number 1 Calculation of an electrical circuit with various receiver connections.

    Basic laws of electrical engineering.

    Laboratory work No. 2 Daisy chain the receivers and check the voltage drop on the individual receivers.

    Receivers and sources of electricity.

    Practical lesson number 2 Study of ways to connect sources of electricity.

    General information about electrical measuring instruments.

    Laboratory work No. 3 Measurement of work and power in a DC circuit.

    Operating modes of electrical circuits.

    Practical lesson number 3 Calculation of wires for heating and voltage losses.

    Independent work : doing homework on the topic 1.1

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    Thermal effect of the current.

    Life of Remarkable People: Gustav Kirchhoff.

    Life of Remarkable People: Georg Ohm.

    Scopes of digital measuring devices.

    Methods for calculating direct current linear electric circuits.

    Methods for calculating nonlinear direct current electric circuits.

    Topic 1.2

    AC electric circuits


    The concept of alternating current electrical circuits.

    Laboratory work No. 4 Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

    Electrical circuits with active and reactive resistance.

    Laboratory work No. 5 Determination of work and power in a single-phase alternating current circuit.

    Oscillatory circuit.

    Practical lesson number 4 Calculation of the parameters of the oscillatory circuit.

    Resonance of stresses.

    Resonance of currents.

    Practical lesson number 5 Calculation of the power factor of installations.

    Laboratory work No. 6 The phenomenon of resonance in an alternating current circuit.

    Independent work : doing homework on the topic 1.2

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    The device and principle of operation of the alternator.

    Methods for calculating alternating current electrical circuits.

    The use of eddy currents in industry.

    Non-sinusoidal currents, their accounting and use.

    Methods for increasing the power factor of installations.

    Topic 1.3

    Three-phase electrical circuits


    Basic concepts about three-phase electrical circuits.

    Practical lesson number 6 Study of ways to connect the phases of the source.

    Three-phase load connection diagrams.

    Practical lesson number 7 Calculation of symmetrical three-phase systems.

    Circuit power and methods of its measurement.

    Laboratory work No. 7 Principles of operation of fuses in electrical circuits.

    Independent work : doing homework on the topic 1.3

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    Three-phase electrical devices.

    Calculation of symmetrical and asymmetrical three-phase circuits.

    Multiphase circuits and systems.

    Topic 1.4

    Magnetic circuits


    Direct current magnetic circuits.

    Practical lesson number 8 Calculation of the main characteristics of magnetic circuits.

    Practical lesson number 9 Study of electromagnetic devices: electromagnet, relay.

    AC magnetic circuits.

    Independent work : doing homework on the topic 1.4

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    Application of electromagnetic devices.

    Algorithm for calculating the magnetic circuit.

    Control work No. 1 on the section "Electric and magnetic circuits"

    Section 2. Electrical devices


    Topic 2.1

    Electrical measuring instruments and electrical measurements.


    Electrical measuring instruments: accuracy class, systems, operating conditions.

    Laboratory work No. 8 Determination of the characteristics of devices according to the symbols on the scales.

    Practical lesson number 10 Study of magnetoelectric and electromagnetic devices.

    Practical lesson number 11 Study of electrodynamic and induction devices.

    Electronic measuring devices.

    Practical lesson number 12 Measurement of non-electrical quantities by electrical methods.

    Independent work : doing homework on topic 2.1

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    Measurements and measuring instruments in the profession.


    Self-recording and recording devices.

    Topic 2.2



    Transformers: types, purpose, device, principle of operation.

    Practical lesson number 13 Calculation of the transformation ratio, efficiency of the transformer.

    Three-phase transformers.

    Practical lesson number 14 Study of special-purpose transformers.

    Independent work : doing homework on topic 2.2

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    The principle of operation and scope of transformers.

    Special purpose transformers.

    Topic 2.3

    Electric cars


    Electric machines: purpose, types, characteristics, operation, reversibility.

    Asynchronous machines: design, operating principle ¸ characteristics.

    Practical lesson number 15 Study of the principle of operation and characteristics of synchronous machines.

    Practical lesson number 16 Study of the principle of operation and characteristics of DC machines.

    Independent work : doing homework on topic 2.3

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    Electric machines at your workplace

    Applications of electrical machines.

    Topic 2.4

    Semiconductor devices


    Semiconductor devices: classification, purpose, principle of operation.

    Laboratory work No. 9 Removing the volt - ampere characteristics of a semiconductor diode.

    Integrated circuits and microelectronics.

    Practical lesson number 17 Study of the principle of operation: rectifiers, stabilizers, amplifiers.

    Independent work : doing homework on topic 2.4

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    Linear and non-linear elements of industrial electronics.

    Electronic generators.

    Section 3.

    Electricity production, distribution and use


    Topic 3.1

    Power stations, networks and power supply


    Power generation.

    Practical lesson number 18 Study of traditional and non-traditional energy sources.

    Electricity transmission and distribution.

    Practical lesson number 19 Study of areas of application of electricity.

    Independent work : doing homework on topic 3.1

    Extracurricular independent work

    Preparation of abstracts, messages, presentations on topics:

    Features of power supply of cities and industrial enterprises.

    Energy strategy of Russia.

    Energy Saving Technologies.

    Unified energy system.

    Differentiated credit.


    To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used:

    1. - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

    2. - reproductive (performing activities according to the model, instructions or under the direction)

    3. - productive (planning and independent performance of activities, solving problematic tasks)

    3.conditions for the implementation of the EDUCATIONAL discipline

    3.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

    The implementation of the educational discipline electrical engineering requires the presence of the classroom "Electrical Engineering".

    Classroom equipment:

    Seats by the number of students;

    Posters, stands, layouts, tables, reference notes;

    Demonstration devices.

    Technical training aids:

    Multimedia projector;

    Computer with software.

    3.2. Information support of training

    Main sources:

      Electrical engineering: a textbook for institutions of the beginning of professional education / V.M. Proshin. - 3rd ed., Erased. - M .: OIC "Academy", 2012. - 288 p.

      Electrical engineering / Butyrin A.P., Tolcheev O.V .; textbook for NGOs, edited by P.A. Butyrina. - 4th edition., Erased. - M: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 272s.

      Problem book on electrical engineering: Textbook / PN Novikov, V.Ya. Kaufman, OV Tolcheev et al. - M: OIC "Academy", 2010. - 336 p.

    Additional sources:

      Panachevny B.I. Electrical Engineering Course .: A textbook for students of mechanical specials. study. institutions. - Kharkov: Torsing, Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2002. - 288p.

      Moskalenko V.V. Electric drive .: Textbook. manual for students of institutions of environments. prof. education. - M .: Higher school, 2000. - 368p.

      Katsman M.M. Electric machines .: A textbook for students of environments. prof. study. institutions, 3rd edition - M .: Higher School, Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 463p.

    Internet resources:

      Electrical engineering (electronic resource) http :// mexmat . ru

      E-library publishing center "Academy"

    4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the TRAINING Discipline

    The control and evaluation the results of mastering the discipline "Electrical Engineering" is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical exercises and laboratory work, testing, when solving mandatory control and independent work, control cuts, during frontal oral questioning, when working on individual task cards, as well as students performing individual tasks ...

    Learning outcomes

    Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes


    monitor the implementation of grounding, grounding

    monitor the parameters of the electrical equipment

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    start and stop electric motors installed on operated equipment

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    calculate parameters, draw up and collect diagrams for switching on devices when measuring various electrical quantities, electrical machines and mechanisms

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task. Testing

    take readings of work and use electrical equipment in compliance with safety standards and operating rules

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    carry out splicing, soldering and insulation of wires and control the quality of work performed

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task


    basic concepts of direct and alternating electric current, series and parallel connection of conductors and current sources, units of measurement of current strength, voltage, electric current power, resistance of conductors, electric and magnetic fields

    the essence and methods of measuring electrical quantities, design and technical characteristics of measuring instruments

    Practical lesson, laboratory work. Testing. Expert assessment in a practical lesson. Expert assessment of the protection of laboratory work.

    types and rules of graphic representation and drawing up electrical circuits

    Practical lesson, laboratory work. Testing. Expert assessment in a practical lesson. Expert assessment of the protection of laboratory work.

    symbols of electrical devices and electrical machines

    Practical lesson. Testing. Expert assessment in a practical lesson.

    main elements of electrical networks

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    principles of operation, device, main characteristics of electrical measuring instruments, electrical machines, control and protection equipment, power supply circuits

    dC and AC motors, their structure, principles of operation, rules for starting, stopping

    Testing. Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    ways to save energy

    Testing. Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    rules for splicing, soldering and insulation of wires

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    types and properties of electrical materials

    Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task

    safety rules for working with electrical appliances

    Testing. Practical lesson. Expert assessment of the implementation of a practical task


    GBPOU SIPK deputy. Director for PM Galiakberova G.R.

    GBPOU SIPK teacher Kilmukhametova N.T.

    (place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)


    ____________________ ___________________ __________________

    (place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)

    ____________________ ___________________ ___________________

    (place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)

    The main indicators for assessing learning outcomes see Appendix 1.

    Attachment 1.

    Learning outcomes

    (learned skills, learned knowledge)

    Key indicators for assessing learning outcomes


    monitor the implementation of grounding, grounding

    Measuring the resistance of the grounding wire using a megohmmeter;

    Comparison of measurement results with tabular values;

    Stripping the ends of wires for grounding and neutralization

    monitor the parameters of the electrical equipment

    Measurement of the main parameters of the operation of electrical machines, transformers, control and protection equipment, switchgears, transformer substations using electrical measuring instruments;

    Comparison of results with tabular data;

    Performing preventive tests in accordance with the requirements of the PTE;

    Development of an answer about the operation of electrical equipment when comparing the measurement result with data in reference books;

    Planning for electrical troubleshooting

    start and stop electric motors installed on operated equipment

    Starting a motor with a phase rotor using a starting rheostat, with a squirrel cage rotor through a step-down autotransformer;

    Starting an electric motor by switching wires from "star" to "delta"

    calculate parameters, draw up and collect diagrams for switching on devices when measuring various electrical quantities, electrical machines and mechanisms

    Assembling the electrical circuit of direct, alternating and three-phase currents;

    Creation of electrical circuits for switching on ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, ohmmeters, electricity meters;

    Assembling the electrical control circuit for electric motors;

    Implementation of electrical circuits for switching on electrical devices to control electrical motors;

    Determination of the main parameters of electric circuits of direct, alternating and three-phase currents using the basic laws of electrical engineering

    take readings of work and use electrical equipment in compliance with safety standards and operating rules

    Assembling an electrical circuit with an incandescent lamp and a fluorescent lamp;

    Creation of electrical circuits of the electric drive of the power tool;

    Implementation of power transmission schemes in electric transport;

    Justification of compliance with safety regulations when working with electrical equipment;

    Statement of the basic requirements for the operation of electrical equipment in compliance with safety standards

    Allocation of distinctive features of structural and functional schemes;

    An outline of the basic requirements for reading electrical circuits;

    Outline of the sequence of reading electrical circuits

    carry out splicing, soldering and insulation of wires and control the quality of work performed

    Stripping the ends of the wires;

    Perform splicing of wires using various methods;

    Making connections and terminating wires;

    Obtaining permanent connections of wires by soldering and gluing;

    Demonstration of using a soldering iron;

    Making wire insulation


    basic concepts of direct and alternating electric current, series and parallel connection of conductors and current sources, units of measurement of current strength, voltage, electric current power, resistance of conductors, electric and magnetic fields

    Formulation of the definition of electrical circuits and their main elements;

    Explaining the laws of serial and parallel connection of electrical circuit elements;

    Formulation of the definition of magnetic circuits and their basic elements;

    Execution of graphic and vector representation of electric current;

    Finding the inductive capacitive and impedance of an alternating current electric circuit;

    Formulation of the conditions for the resonance of voltages and currents in an alternating current electric circuit;

    Formulation of the definition of active, reactive and total power in the AC circuit;

    Substantiation of ways to increase the power factor;

    Performing calculations of the main values \u200b\u200bof the electrical circuit

    the essence and methods of measuring electrical quantities, design and technical characteristics of measuring instruments

    Statement of the main methods for measuring electrical quantities;

    Description of the device and principle of operation of electrical measuring instruments of various systems;

    A statement of the advantages and disadvantages of the technical characteristics of electrical measuring instruments of various systems;

    Formulation of the definition of device errors and their designation on the scale;

    Reading the scale of an electrical measuring device;

    Obtaining calculation formulas for expanding the measurement limit of an ammeter and voltmeter

    types and rules of graphic representation and drawing up electrical circuits

    Formulation of the main types of electrical circuits (structural, functional, installation);

    Highlighting the basic rules necessary for graphic representation and drawing up electrical circuits;

    Highlighting the distinctive features of circuit and wiring diagrams;

    Implementation of structural, functional and wiring diagrams of the simplest electrical installations

    symbols of electrical devices and electrical machines

    Statement of symbols used in electrical engineering;

    Execution of electrical circuits of various electrical devices and electrical machines using conventional symbols;

    Finding symbols on the stand - examiner

    main elements of electrical networks

    Formulation of the definition of an electric power system;

    Statement of symbols for each element of the electric power system;

    Statement and image of symbols of elements of electrical networks;

    Proof of the need to combine power plants into an electric power system;

    Justification of the fact of the use of this power plant in a given area;

    Formulation of the definition of an electrical network;

    Substantiation of the advantages and disadvantages of the main power supply circuit of substations in comparison with radial;

    Performing calculations of the economic cross-section of wires of electrical networks, voltage losses, mechanical strength for overhead power lines;

    Substantiation of dividing electricity consumers into three categories depending on the reliability of power supply;

    Proof of the need to save electrical energy;

    Formulation of ways to improve power factor

    principles of operation, device, main characteristics of electrical measuring instruments, electrical machines, control and protection equipment, power supply circuits

    Isolation of the main elements of any electrical device (electrical measuring device, electrical machine, electrical apparatus);

    Formulation of the principle of operation of any electrical device based on the laws of electrodynamics;

    Justification for the use of this electrical device in industry;

    Formulation of the definition of the main characteristics of an electrical device;

    Implementation of power supply schemes for consumers, industrial enterprises, electric vehicles and power tools

    dC and AC motors, their structure, principles of operation, rules for starting, stopping

    Statement of the device of electric motors and generators;

    Formulation of the basic properties of electric machines (reversibility);

    Classification of electric motors;

    Formulation of definitions of collector, armature, inductor;

    Formulation of the main phenomena in motors (commutation, rotating magnetic field);

    Comparison of synchronicity and asynchrony in electric motors;

    Justification of the principle of operation of electric motors based on the laws of electrodynamics;

    Outline of different ways to start and stop electric motors

    ways to save energy

    Justification of the need to save electricity;

    An exposition of various ways to save energy (compensating devices, synchronous motors, rational use of power, limiting idling modes, replacing lightly loaded engines with engines of lower power, etc.)

    rules for splicing, soldering and insulation of wires

    Statement of rules for splicing, soldering and insulation of wires;

    Justification of the presence of low resistance and high mechanical strength at the junctions of conductors;

    Formulation of the definition of one-piece types of connection of conductors of wires and cables;

    Highlighting the main areas of application of various types of wire connection

    types and properties of electrical materials

    Allocation of all electrical materials according to their ability to conduct electric current into subgroups;

    Statement of the main properties of electrical materials in each subgroup;

    Justification of the choice of a particular material for use in technology (consideration of mechanical, chemical properties, the possibility of soldering, welding, corrosion resistance)

    safety rules for working with electrical appliances

    Statement of the causes of electrical injuries;

    Justification of the conditions for the greatest danger of electric current for humans;

    Enumeration of cases of electric shock to a person in everyday life and at work;

    Creation of a list of protective equipment to prevent electrical injuries;

    Statement of the basic requirements for the installation and repair of electrical equipment in order to exclude electric shock;

    Formulation of general safety rules;

    Demonstration of first aid for electric shock

    The program of the discipline "Electrical Engineering and Electronics" was developed on the basis of the Federal State Standard for the specialty of secondary vocational education 151031 "Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment"




    electrical and Electronics

    2012 r.

    Study programdeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter - FSES) in the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter - SPO) 151031 Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry), which is part of the enlarged group of specialties 151000 Technological machines and equipment.

    Organization-developer: State educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Moscow region "Chekhov Mechanical and Technological College of the Dairy Industry"


    _ Zinakova_Vera Alexandrovna, teacher

    Full name, academic degree, title, position

    Considered at a meeting of the subject (cycle) commission

    mechanical cycle disciplines

    Protocol No. from


    Deputy Director of Academic Affairs


    1. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline
    1. Monitoring and evaluating the results of Mastering the academic discipline

    1.passport of the SCHOOL PROGRAM

    electrical and Electronics

    1. Scope of the program

    The program of the academic discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for specialty 151031 Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry), which is part of the enlarged group of specialties 151000 Technological machines and equipment.

    The program of the academic discipline can be used in additional professional education in the field of installation and technical operation of technological machines and industrial equipment.

    1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:discipline is part of the professional cycle.

    1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

    be able to:

    Select electronic devices, electrical devices and equipment with certain parameters and characteristics;

    Operate electrical equipment and mechanisms for transmitting the movement of technological machines and apparatus;

    Calculate the parameters of electrical, magnetic circuits;

    Take readings and use electrical measuring instruments and fixtures;

    Collect electrical circuits;

    As a result of mastering the discipline, the student mustknow:

    Basic laws of electrical engineering;

    Methods for calculating and measuring the main parameters of electrical, magnetic circuits;

    Basic rules for the operation of electrical equipment and methods for measuring electrical quantities;

    Fundamentals of the theory of electrical machines, the principle of operation of typical electrical devices;

    Parameters of electrical circuits and their units of measurement;

    Methods for receiving, transferring and using electrical energy;

    Fundamentals of physical processes in conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics;

    Classification of electronic devices, their structure and scope;

    Principles of operation, device, basic characteristics of electrical and electronic devices and devices;

    Properties of conductors, semiconductors, electrical insulating, magnetic materials;

    maximum study load of a student is 150 hours, including:

    compulsory classroom teaching load of the student 100 hours;

    student's independent work 50 hours


    2.1. The scope of the discipline and types of educational work

    Type of educational work

    Clock volume

    Compulsory classroom study load (total)


    Laboratory works


    Student's independent work (total)


    work with regulatory documents

    note-taking of material, answers to control questions and tests

    preparation for laboratory and practical exercises using the teacher's guidelines

    preparation of reports on laboratory and practical work and preparation for their protection

    Final certification in the form exam

    2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline"Electrical and Electronics"

    Names of sections and topics

    Number of hours

    Development level


    Electrical energy, its properties and applications.

    The main stages of development of the domestic electric power industry, electrical engineering and electronics. Prospects for the development of electric power, electrical engineering and electronics.

    Section 1. Electrical Engineering

    Topic 1.1. Electric field

    Basic properties and characteristics of the electric field. Conductors and dielectrics in an electric field. Electric capacity. Capacitors. Connecting capacitors. Electric field energy of a charged capacitor.

    Topic 1.2. DC electric circuits

    Elements of an electrical circuit, their parameters and characteristics.

    Elements of the electric circuit diagram: branch, node, circuit.

    Equivalent circuits for electrical circuits. Electromotive force (EMF).

    Electrical resistance. Dependence of electrical resistance on temperature. Electrical conductivity. Resistor. Connection of resistors.

    Operating modes of the electrical circuit: idle, nominal, working, short circuit.

    Energy and power of an electrical circuit. Power balance. Efficiency.

    Basics of calculating a direct current electric circuit. Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws. Calculation of electrical circuits of arbitrary configuration by methods: loop currents, nodal potentials, two nodes (nodal voltage).


    DC circuit calculation

    Calculation of a complex DC electrical circuit

    Laboratory exercises

    Voltage loss in wires

    Ways of connecting resistances

    Topic 1.3. Electromagnetism

    Basic properties and characteristics of the magnetic field. Ampere's law. Inductance: own and mutual.

    Magnetic permeability: absolute and relative. Magnetic properties of matter. Ferromagnet magnetization. Hysteresis.

    Electromagnetic induction. EMF of self-induction and mutual induction. EMF in

    conductor moving in a magnetic field.

    Magnetic circuits: branched and unbranched. Calculation of an unbranched magnetic circuit. Electromagnetic forces. The energy of the magnetic field. Electromagnets and their applications.

    Practical lesson

    1. Calculation of magnetic circuits.

    Topic 1.4. AC electric circuits

    The concept of alternators. Obtaining a sinusoidal EMF. General characteristics of AC circuits. Amplitude, period, frequency, phase, initial phase of sinusoidal current. Instantaneous, amplitude, effective and average values \u200b\u200bof EMF, voltage, current.

    Representation of sinusoidal quantities using time and vector diagrams.

    Electric circuit: with active resistance; with an inductor (ideal); with a capacity. Vector diagram. Phase difference between voltage and current.

    Unbranched electrical RС and RL-AC circuits. Triangles of voltages, resistances, powers. Power factor. Power balance. Unbranched AC RLC electric circuit, voltage resonance and conditions for its occurrence. A branched electrical RLC-circuit of alternating current, resonance of currents and conditions for its occurrence. Calculation of an electrical circuit containing a sinusoidal EMF source.

    Practical lesson

    Calculation of AC circuits

    Laboratory lesson

    Unbranched circuit with active resistance, inductance and capacitance

    Topic 1.5. Electrical measurements

    Basic measurement concepts. Measurement errors.

    Classification of electrical measuring instruments.

    Measurement of current and voltage. Magnetoelectric measuring mechanism, electromagnetic measuring mechanism. Instruments and circuits for measuring electrical voltage. Expansion of the limits of measurement of ammeters and voltmeters.

    Power measurement. Electrodynamic measuring mechanism. Power measurement in DC and AC circuits.

    Induction measuring mechanism. Measurement of electrical energy.

    Electrical resistance measurement, measuring mechanisms. Indirect methods for measuring resistance, methods and comparison devices for measuring resistance.

    Laboratory exercises

    Basics of working with electrical measuring equipment

    Topic 1.6. Three-phase electrical circuits

    Star and delta connection of windings of three-phase sources of electrical energy. Three-wire and four-wire three-phase electrical

    chains. Phase and line voltages, phase and line currents, the relationship between them. Symmetrical and unbalanced three-phase electrical circuits. Neutral (zero) wire and its purpose. Vector diagram of voltages and currents. Power transmission over a three-phase line. Three-phase electrical power at various load connections. Calculation of a symmetrical three-phase electrical circuit when connecting the load with a star and a delta.

    Practical lesson

    Calculation of three-phase AC circuits

    Topic 1.7. Transformers

    Purpose, principle of operation and device of a single-phase transformer.

    Transformer operating modes. Rated parameters of the transformer: power, voltage and currents of the windings. Energy loss and efficiency of the transformer. Types of transformers and their application: three-phase, multi-winding, measuring, autotransformers

    Practical lesson

    1 Calculation of power loads of the transformer.

    Topic 1.8. AC electric machines

    Appointment of AC machines and their classification. Obtaining a rotating magnetic field in three-phase electric motors and generators. The device of an alternating current electric machine: the stator and its winding, the rotor and its winding. The principle of operation of a three-phase asynchronous motor. The frequency of rotation of the stator magnetic field and the frequency of rotation of the rotor. Asynchronous motor torque. Slip. Start-up of asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage and phase rotor.

    The working process of an induction motor and its mechanical characteristics. Rotor speed control. Single-phase and two-phase asynchronous electric motors. Energy loss and efficiency of an induction motor.

    Synchronous machines and their area of \u200b\u200bapplication.

    Practical lesson

    Calculation of the parameters of an induction motor

    Laboratory lesson

    Reversible start of an asynchronous motor with a squirrel-cage rotor.

    Topic 1.9. DC electric machines

    Purpose of DC machines and their classification.

    The device and principle of operation of DC machines: magnetic circuit, collector, armature winding. Working process of a DC machine: EMF of armature winding, armature reaction, commutation.

    DC generators, DC motors, general information. Electric machines with independent excitation, parallel, series and mixed excitation.

    Start-up, speed control of DC motors. Energy loss and efficiency of DC machines.

    Topic 1.10. Electric drive basics

    The concept of an electric drive. Equation of motion of the electric drive. Mechanical characteristics of loading devices. Power calculation and engine selection for continuous, short-term and intermittent operation. Electric drive control equipment.

    Topic 1.11. Electricity transmission and distribution

    Power supply of industrial enterprises from the electrical system. Purpose and arrangement of transformer substations and distribution points.

    Electrical networks of industrial enterprises: overhead lines; cable lines; internal electrical networks and distribution points; electrical wiring.

    Power supply for workshops and lighting power grids. Electrical load graphs.

    Selection of wire and cable cross-sections: by permissible heating; taking into account protective devices; by permissible voltage loss.

    Operation of electrical installations. Protective grounding, grounding.

    Practical lesson

    Calculation of grounding parameters

    Independent work: doing homework for section 1.

    Systematic study of abstracts of classes, textbooks (on questions for paragraphs, chapters of textbooks compiled by the teacher) Preparation of abstracts and reports

    Preparation for laboratory and practical exercises using the teacher's methodological recommendations; Preparation of reports on laboratory and practical work and preparation for their protection.

    Electric capacity. Capacitors. Capacitor connections.

    Connection of resistances. Ohm's laws. Kirchhoff's laws. Calculation of a complex electrical circuit.

    Electromagnetism. Calculation of magnetic circuits.

    AC electric circuits. Calculation of AC circuits. Construction of vector diagrams for single-phase and three-phase AC circuits.

    Measurements, errors. Classification of measuring devices.

    Device, principle of operation of a single-phase transformer. Calculation of the power loads of the transformer.

    Device, principle of operation of AC machines. Asynchronous motor.

    Device, principle of operation of DC machines. Power supply schemes for industrial enterprises.

    Section 2. Electronics

    Topic 2.1. Physical foundations of electronics;

    electronic devices

    Electrical conductivity of semiconductors. Intrinsic and impurity conductivity. Electron-hole transition and its properties. Direct and reverse inclusion of "p-n" transition.

    Semiconductor diodes: classification, properties, marking, scope.

    Semiconductor transistors: classification, principle of operation, purpose, scope, marking.

    Bipolar transistors. Physical processes in a bipolar transistor. Bipolar transistor switching circuits: common base, common emitter, common collector. Volt-ampere characteristics, circuit parameters. Static parameters, dynamic mode of operation, temperature and frequency properties of bipolar transistors.

    Field-effect transistors: principle of operation, characteristics, switching circuits.

    Thyristors: classification, characteristics, scope, marking.

    Laboratory exercises

    Diode conductivity test.

    Study of the operation of a bipolar transistor, thyristor.

    Topic 2.2. Electronic rectifiers and stabilizers

    Basic information, block diagram of an electronic rectifier. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers. Smoothing filters.

    Basic information, block diagram of an electronic stabilizer. Surge Protectors. Current stabilizers.

    Topic 2.3. Electronic amplifiers

    Amplifier circuits for electrical signals.

    Basic technical characteristics of electronic amplifiers.

    The principle of operation of a low-frequency amplifier on a bipolar transistor.

    Feedback in amplifiers.

    Multistage amplifiers, temperature stabilization of the operating mode.

    Pulse and selective amplifiers. Operational amplifiers.

    Topic 2.4. Electronic generators and measuring instruments

    Oscillatory circuit. Block diagram of an electronic generator. Sine wave generators: LC-type generators, RC-type generators.

    Transient processes in RC circuits.

    Pulse generators: multivibrator, trigger.

    Linear voltage generator (CLAY generator).

    Electronic pointer and digital voltmeters.

    Electronic oscilloscope.

    Topic 2.5. Electronic devices for automation and

    computing technology

    The structure of the system of automatic control, management and regulation.

    Measuring transducers. Measurement of non-electrical quantities by electrical methods. Parametric converters: resistive, inductive, capacitive. Generator converters.

    Executive elements: electromagnets; AC and DC electric motors, stepper motors.

    Electromagnetic and ferromagnetic relay.

    Topic 2.6. Microprocessors and micro-computers

    The concept of microprocessors and microcomputers. The device and operation of a micro-computer. Block diagram, interaction of blocks.

    Arithmetic and logical support of microprocessors and microcomputers.

    Microprocessors with rigid and flexible logic. Microprocessor and microcomputer interface.

    Integrated circuits for microelectronics. The main parameters of large-scale integrated circuits of microprocessor sets.

    Microcomputer peripherals.

    Independent work: doing homework for section 2.

    Systematic study of abstracts of classes, textbooks (on questions for paragraphs, chapters of textbooks compiled by the teacher)

    Preparation for laboratory and practical exercises using the teacher's methodological recommendations;

    Preparation of reports on laboratory and practical work and preparation for their protection.

    Preparation of abstracts and reports

    Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work

    Classification of electronic devices. Electronic emission. Lamp cathodes, cathode parameters. Electrovacuum devices: diodes, triodes, tetrodes, pentodes, their structure and purpose. Triode parameters.

    Gas discharge devices. Gazotron, thyratron, neon lamp, device and purpose.

    Semiconductor devices. Electrical conductivity of semiconductors. Transistor, thyristor, their structure and purpose.

    Photocells. External and internal photo effect. Photocell device. The use of photoelectronic devices.


    To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used:

    1. - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

    2. - reproductive (performing activities according to the model, instructions or under the direction)

    3. - productive (planning and independent performance of activities, solving problematic tasks).

    3. Conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline program

    3.1. Logistics requirements

    The implementation of the program of the academic discipline requires an educationallaboratories "Electrical and Electronics"

    Educational equipmentlaboratories:

    Seats by the number of students;

    The blackboard is cool;

    Rack for models and layouts;

    Wardrobe for models and layouts;

    A set of tables, posters for sections of the program;

    Teacher's workplace.

    Technical training aids:



    capacitor banks;


    3-phase transformers;


    generator GOS-30;

    capacity store;

    aP-407 device;

    stands for laboratory work in electronics;

    dC machines;


    computer with licensed software;

    multimedia projector;

    interactive whiteboard.

    3. 2. Information support of training

    Main sources:

    1 Danilov I.A., Ivanov P.M. Didactic material on general electrical engineering with the basics of electronics. - M .: Masterstvo, 2000.

    2 Danilov I.A., Ivanov P.M. General electrical engineering with electronics fundamentals. - M .: Masterstvo, 2001.

    3 Evdokimov F.E. General electrical engineering. - M .: Energy, 1992.

    Additional sources:

    1 Berezkina T.F., Gusev N.G., Maslennikov V.V. General electrical engineering problem book with the basics of electronics. - M .: Higher school, 1983.

    2 Volynsky B.A., Zein E.N., Shaternikov V.E. Electrical engineering. - M .: Energoatomizdat, 1987.

    3. Gordin E.M. and other Fundamentals of automation and computer technology. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 1978.

    4 Maslennikov V.V. Electronics Fundamentals Laboratory Manual. - M., 1985.

    5 Semiconductor devices. Diodes, thyristors, optoelectronic devices: Handbook / Ed. Perelman B.L. - M .: Radio and communication, 1981.

    6 Tatur T.A. Foundations of the theory of electrical circuits. - M .: Higher school, 1980.

    transistors for general-purpose equipment: Handbook / Ed. Perelman B.L. - M .: Radio and communication, 1981.

    7 Fedotov V.I. Fundamentals of Electronics. - M .: Higher school, 1990.

    8 Chekalin N.A. A guide to laboratory work in general electrical engineering. - M., 1983.

    9 Yakubovsky S.V., Nisselson L.I., Kuleshova V.I. and other Digital and analogue integrated circuits: Handbook. - M .: Radio and communication, 1990.

    4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the TRAINING Discipline

    Monitoring and evaluation the results of mastering the academic discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of laboratory and practical classes, testing, as well as the implementation of individual tasks, projects, research by students.

    Learning outcomes

    (learned skills, learned knowledge)

    Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes


    select electronic devices, electrical devices and equipment with certain parameters and characteristics;

    Right selection of electronic devices, electrical devices and equipment with certain parameters and characteristics.

    to operate electrical equipment and mechanisms of transmission of motion of technological machines and apparatus;

    Evaluation of the results of practical work.

    Clarity and safety of operation of electrical equipment and mechanisms for transmitting the movement of technological machines and apparatus.

    calculate the parameters of electrical, magnetic circuits;

    Evaluation of the results of laboratory work. Accuracy of calculations of the parameters of electrical, magnetic circuits.

    take readings and use electrical measuring instruments and fixtures;

    Evaluation of the results of laboratory and practical work.

    Clarity and correctness of taking readings and use of electrical measuring instruments and devices

    collect electrical circuits;

    The correctness of the collection of electrical circuits.

    Evaluation of the results of laboratory work.

    Accuracy and speed of reading circuit, electrical and wiring diagrams.


    basic laws of electrical engineering;

    Poll, testing. The accuracy of the presentation of the basic laws of electrical engineering.

    methods for calculating and measuring the main parameters of electrical, magnetic circuits;

    Poll, testing. The correctness of the determination of methods for calculating and measuring the main parameters of electrical, magnetic circuits.

    basic rules for the operation of electrical equipment and methods for measuring electrical quantities;

    Poll, testing. The accuracy of the presentation of the basic rules for the operation of electrical equipment and methods for measuring electrical quantities;

    foundations of the theory of electrical machines, the principles of operation of typical electrical devices;

    Poll, testing. Accuracy of the presentation of the foundations of the theory of electrical machines, the principle of operation of typical electrical devices;

    parameters of electrical circuits and units of their measurement;

    Poll, testing. The correctness of determining the parameters of electrical circuits and their units of measurement

    methods of obtaining, transferring and using electrical energy;

    Poll, testing. The correctness of the presentation of the methods of obtaining, transferring and using electrical energy

    fundamentals of physical processes in conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics;

    Poll, testing. Correct presentation of physical processes in conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics;

    classification of electronic devices, their structure and scope;

    Poll, testing. The correctness of the presentation of the classification of electronic devices, their devices and scope.

    principles of operation, device, basic characteristics of electrical and electronic devices and devices;

    Poll, testing. The correctness of the definition of the principles of operation, devices, the main characteristics of electrical and electronic devices and devices;

    properties of conductors, semiconductors, electrical insulating, magnetic materials;

    Poll, testing. The correctness and consistency of presentation of the properties of conductors, semiconductors, electrical insulating, magnetic materials

    The assessment of individual educational achievements based on the results of current and final control is carried out in accordance with a universal scale (see table).


    ___________________ __________________ _____________________

    ___________________ _________________ _____________________

    (place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)


    (place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)

    ____________________ ___________________ _________________________

    (place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)

    Physical phenomena occurring in an electric and magnetic field, methods for calculating DC circuits, alternating single-phase and three-phase currents, sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal currents, as well as methods for measuring the parameters of electrical circuits are considered. Examples and problems with solutions are given.
    Complies with the current Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Professional Education of the New Generation.
    For students of secondary vocational education of electric power and electrical engineering specialties.

    Electricity. Electrical conductivity.
    All substances are made up of atoms. The atom contains a nucleus around which electrons with a negative charge revolve. In the nucleus of an atom, protons with a positive charge and electrically neutral neutrons are concentrated. Figure 2.1 shows a simplified model of the hydrogen atom.

    If the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus, then the atom is electrically neutral. If an atom loses one or more electrons, it acquires positive polarity and becomes an ion. But if an atom attaches one or more electrons, then it becomes a negative ion.

    For an electric current to occur, three conditions must be met:
    1) the presence of free charge carriers (electrons in metals, ions in electrolytes);
    2) the presence of an electric field in the conductor;
    3) the presence of a closed circuit.

    To understand how an electric current flows through wires, let's recall the electronic theory of the structure of metals: positively charged ions vibrate near the nodes of the crystal lattice of the metal. Between them in chaotic motion, electrons seem to float, forming an "electron gas".

    When a conductor is connected to a source of electrical energy, the electrons move in order, and an electric current is generated. We cannot directly observe the electric current. The passage of a current is judged by its effect - thermal, magnetic and chemical.

    Chapter 1. Electric field
    1.1. Basic concepts
    1.2. Coulomb's law
    1.3. Electric field of several charges
    1.4. Tension vector flow
    1.5. Gauss's theorem
    1.6. Electric capacity
    1.7. Flat capacitor
    1.8. Connecting capacitors
    Chapter 2. Physical processes in direct current electric circuits
    2.1. Electricity. Electrical conductivity
    2.2. Ohm's law
    2.3. Electrical resistance. Conductivity
    2.4. Electrical energy and power
    2.5. Electrical circuit
    2.6. Joule-Lenz law
    2.7. Voltage loss in wires
    Chapter 3. Calculation of linear DC electric circuits
    3.1. Kirchhoff's laws
    3.2. Unbranched electrical circuit (serial connection)
    3.3. Branched electrical circuit (parallel connection)
    3.4. Converting schemas
    3.5. Calculation of the equivalent circuit resistance
    3.6. Equivalent resistance method
    3.7. Operation of sources in different modes
    3.8. Potential diagram
    3.9. Overlay method
    3.10. Method of nodal and contour equations
    3.11. Loop current method
    3.12. Nodal stress method
    3.13. Calculation of nonlinear DC circuits
    Chapter 4. Magnetic field
    4.1. Basic concepts
    4.2. Magnetic field characteristics
    4.3. Total current law
    4.4. Conductor with current in a magnetic field
    4.5. Interaction of currents in parallel wires
    Chapter 5. Electromagnetic induction
    5.1. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction
    5.2. The law of electromagnetic induction
    5.3. Lenz's rule
    5.4. Conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy
    5.5. Conversion of electrical energy into mechanical
    5.6. Inductance. The phenomenon of self-induction
    5.7. Mutual inductance. The phenomenon of mutual induction
    5.8. Eddy currents
    Chapter 6. Magnetic circuits and their calculation
    6.1. Magnetization of ferromagnets
    6.2. Magnetic hysteresis
    6.3. Magnetic materials
    6.4. Magnetic circuits
    6.5. Calculation of magnetic circuits
    Chapter 7. AC electrical circuits
    7.1. Introduction to alternating current
    7.2. Phase
    7.3. Graphical representation of sinusoidal values
    7.4. Addition and Subtraction of Sinusoidal Values
    7.5. AC average
    7.6. AC rms value
    Chapter 8. Elements and parameters of alternating current electric circuits
    8.1. Resistive circuit
    8.2. Ideal capacitor circuit
    8.3. Ideal coil circuit
    Chapter 9. Non-branched AC circuits
    9.1. Real coil chain
    9.2. Real capacitor circuit
    9.3. Unbranched circuit with active resistance, inductance and capacitance
    9.4. Calculation of unbranched AC circuits by the method of vector diagrams
    9.5. Oscillatory circuit
    9.6. Voltage resonance
    9.7. Resonant cree you e
    Chapter 10. Branched AC circuits
    10.1. Active and reactive conductivity and currents
    10.2. Parallel connection of coil and capacitor
    10.3. Computation of branched chains using the conductivity method
    10.4. Resonance of currents
    10.5. Power factor.
    Chapter 11. Symbolic method for calculating sinusoidal current circuits using complex numbers
    11.1. Basic concepts. Euler's theorem
    11.2. Electrical quantities in complex form
    11.3. Calculation of electrical circuits by a symbolic method
    11.4. Mutual inductance circuits
    Chapter 12. Three-phase circuits
    12.1. Basic concepts
    12.2. Star connection of generator windings
    12.3. Delta connection of generator windings
    12.4. Star connection of energy receivers
    12.5. Neutral wire value
    12.6. Star connection of energy receivers under uniform load
    12.7. Delta connection of energy receivers
    12.8. Delta connection of power receivers with uniform load
    12.9. Rotating magnetic field
    Chapter 13. Electric circuits with non-sinusoidal periodic voltages and currents
    13.1. Basic concepts. Fourier's theorem
    13.2. Calculation of linear circuits with non-sinusoidal currents and
    13.3. Electric filters
    Chapter 14. Non-linear AC circuits
    14.1. Non-linear elements
    14.2. Currents in circuits with valves
    14.3. Ferromagnetic core coil
    14.4. Power loss of energy in steel core coil
    Chapter 15. Transient processes in electrical circuits
    15.1. Basic concepts. Commutation laws
    15.2. Switching on the inductor for constant voltage
    15.3. Disconnecting the inductor from a DC voltage source
    15.4. The inclusion of a capacitor for constant voltage
    15.5. Discharging a capacitor for resistance
    Chapter 16. Electrical Measurements
    16.1. Basic concepts
    16.2. Electrical measuring instruments
    16.3. Measurement of electrical quantities
    16.4. Measurement of non-electrical and magnetic quantities
    Attachment 1
    The representation of elements in electrical circuits
    Appendix 2
    Conductive material properties
    Appendix 3
    Dielectric constant ε
    Appendix 4
    Units of measurement and designation of physical and technical quantities
    Appendix 5
    Loss of active power in steel
    Appendix 6
    Magnetization curves of steel and cast iron
    Appendix 7
    Trigonometric function table
    Appendix 8
    Complexes of resistances and conductivities for various circuits
    Appendix 9
    Symbols on the scales of measuring instruments
    Appendix 1 0
    Multipliers and prefixes used to form the names and designations of decimal multiples and sub-multiples of SI units

    Since 2003 produced and delivered more than 1569 pcs. ... The most widespread modifications of stands are EtsiOE-NRM (309 pcs.), ETS-MR (133 pcs.), ETIOE-SK (98 pcs.). New developments in 2015-2016: AD-MR, DPT-MR, OEI-NR.

    Electrical Engineering Training Equipment for more than 13 years it has been successfully supplied to many universities, technical schools and colleges of the CIS countries. Among them: the Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (168 pcs.), MPEI (78 pcs.), UrFU (10 pcs.), NRNU MEPhI (16 pcs.), NArFU (31 pcs.), UrGUPS (15 pcs.), MSTU (15 pcs.), Penza. art. Ing. institute (15 pcs.), Military Academy of Air Defense (12 pcs.), Ch. center of automatic explosives systems (15 pcs.), College of Mirny (21 pcs.), SUSU (28 pcs.), etc.

    The introduction of educational standards of a new generation based on the block-modular design of training courses requires an increase in the efficiency and quality of electrical training. This is possible only with the optimal combination of the formation of high theoretical training with obtaining, in the course of a laboratory workshop, the appropriate skills and abilities, strength and depth of knowledge in the disciplines "Electrical circuits", "Fundamentals of electronics", "Electromechanics", "Electrical engineering and fundamentals of electronics", "Transformers and electrical circuits ”- lectures, practical and laboratory sessions.

    Solving such problems is impossible without the optimal combination of innovative emulators, cuts, interactive visual aids and laboratory stands "Electrical Engineering".

    Electrical Engineering Laboratory

    The company offers a detailed and wide range of various modifications of educational equipment, interactive information tools and technologies for acquisition turnkey electrical engineering training laboratories systems of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, as well as vocationally oriented training units at industrial enterprises. The proposed filling of laboratories is determined by customers based on the list of laboratory work and its financial capabilities.

    Calculation of training electrical engineering laboratories You can make on the website, in the "Expert of the selection of laboratories"

    Electrical Engineering Stands

    Information technology and stands "Electrical Engineering" provide a deep study of the issues under study on the topics:

    • Instruments and measurements in electrical circuits, electrical and electromechanical.
    • Electrical and magnetic circuits. Distributed circuits.
    • Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Electronics.
    • Electromechanics. Transformers.

    A complete list of laboratory work for each laboratory unit in the "Electrical Engineering" section is presented in the catalog and covers the entire range of topics demanded by educational standards.

    For electrical engineering, they are produced in the following versions: bench, monoblock, mini-module, manual (not automated), computer. Purpose, composition and price laboratory stands for electrical engineering indicated in the price list (to be specified and supplemented monthly).

    Circuitry solutions, information and software and methodological support allows students to receive and consolidate the necessary knowledge, to practice practical skills and abilities with comfortable modeling and selection of the composition and change of parameters of typical electrical, electronic and electromechanical devices and circuits.

    Stands for electrical engineering and electronics from the manufacturer

    Laboratory benches for electrical engineering firms "Uchtech-Profi" have positive differences and advantages:

    • Ergonomics, reliability, modern design with an optimal price-quality ratio.
    • An expanded range of modularity and unification of sizes allows you to quickly and at minimal cost change the composition and configuration, depending on the required laboratory work.
    • Each modification of the electrical engineering stand is an optimal configuration corresponding to the topic under study: generators, devices, electrical circuits, conductive units, digital phototachogenerator, laboratory table, power cables, a set of connecting wires, teaching aids and information support (tablets, posters, animations, emulators) ...
    The type and characteristics of the accompanying equipment depend on the list of laboratory works.
    1. Realization of the possibility of a comfortable assembly of the investigated circuits, setting the required parameters of the investigated elements, setting up devices, control signals, reading and processing information.
    2. The presence of a design feature that allows you to take out monoblocks from the table frame and use them independently as separate laboratory stands (table version).
    3. The availability of computer versions of educational stands for electrical engineering also allows you to conduct research on timing diagrams for various purposes (oscillography of transient processes, taking statistical characteristics ...).
    4. The exclusivity of the modification with the manufacture of custom-made training equipment: new laboratory work, laboratory equipment with a minimum m2, the specifics of training in training centers of industrial enterprises.
    5. Visibility of the results with the possibility of studying the effect of changing additional parameters, for example, an industrial source (network) on the object under study, the established asymmetry in 3-phase electrical circuits, oscillations, voltages, the introduction of higher harmonics into the network, generated by load nonlinearity, etc.
    6. The ability to conduct research on abnormal modes, elements (short circuits, exceeding the maximum permissible voltages and currents) without the realization of their irreparable breakdown.
    7. Unconditional and comprehensive protection of the stand as a whole from overloads and short circuits, and trainees from the consequences of unprofessional handling. For example, the study of various electrical circuits, including three-phase, is carried out at reduced voltages (10 - 15 V) galvanically isolated from the network.
    8. Industrial and serial production for many years, taking into account the comments and additions of customers.
    9. Post-warranty support, maintenance and upgrades.
    10. Long-term (over 17 years) experience of reliable supplies for the execution of contracts in the market of Russia and the CIS countries (more than 1900 universities, technical schools and colleges). Particular attention is paid to the creation and development of an interactive sphere of technological development, which is ensured by the use of interactive demonstrations, existing laboratory and information equipment, interactive software and an electronic educational process of active forms of organizing a laboratory workshop.

    Electrical Engineering Tutorials

    An exclusive set of information support in the form of posters, tablets, sections and interactive (electronic) visual aids contributes to increasing the efficiency of the laboratory workshop. The latter are intended for demonstration through a projector to a screen or interactive whiteboard. All graphic material (animations, videos, 3D models, pictures, diagrams, tables, graphs ...) is carefully worked out, structured and divided by topic in the form of “reference signals”. The embedded software shell has a table of contents for viewing and manipulating interactive objects, or images.
