HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY - (1) an auxiliary historical discipline that forms and studies a complex of reference and information manuals on social and human sciences, which has developed in the process of identifying, recording, describing and systematizing publications of sources, research literature, as well as various bibliographic aids; (2) a kind of branch bibliography, which, being a type of bibliography, serves as an information service for certain branches of knowledge or practice; I. b. as a kind of branch bibliography, it serves as an information service for the social and human sciences; (3) the discipline of teaching in higher education, which, as a rule, is included in the complex of auxiliary historical disciplines or acts as an independent course. The object of historical bibliography is the system of bibliographic aids (indexes, lists, reviews, catalogs, etc.), encyclopedias and reference books on social and humanitarian sciences in various carriers in its evolution. The subject of historical bibliography is the development of techniques and methods for identifying, selecting and systematizing publications of various types and types in the social and humanitarian sciences. I. b. develops special techniques and methods of presenting bibliographic information on social sciences and humanities in bibliographic manuals. Identification, selection and systematization of publications of various types and types for subsequent study is a necessary stage in the research activity of any science, thus, I. b. provides opportunities to search for the necessary information in research in the social sciences and humanities. I. b. closely connected with other auxiliary historical disciplines, the history of historical science, source study. The formation and development of historical bibliography in Russia took place along with the formation of historical and related sciences. For more than 300 years of development of historical bibliography, a corpus of bibliographic aids has been formed (which, however, contains significant gaps), the main institutions dealing with historical bibliography (State Public Historical Library) and bibliography on social sciences and humanities (Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences RAS). A system of accounting in bibliographic manuals of bibliographic publications on social sciences and humanities (bibliography of bibliography) has been developed. Annual analytical reviews of bibliographic textbooks on social sciences and humanities are included in the publication of the Russian Book Chamber "Bibliography of Russian Bibliography".

R.B. Kazakov

The definition of the concept is cited from: Theory and Methodology of Historical Science. Terminological dictionary. Resp. ed. A.O. Chubaryan. [M.], 2014, p. 30-31.


Bakun D. N. Development of bibliography of historical sources in Russia (XVIII - early XX century). M., 2006;

Parfenov I. D. Fundamentals of historical bibliography. M., 1990;

Prostovolosova L.N., Cheremisina N.M. Historical bibliography: history and current state. M., 1990;

Shapiro A. L. Bibliography of the history of the USSR. M., 1968.

S.V. Andryushina

On the history of bibliography

So, in the first quarter of the 19th century, those types and genres of bibliographic products that appeared earlier (critical and bibliographic information, bibliographic periodicals, manuals for industry bibliography) are further developed. The first retrospective index of Russian books is published, catalogs of paid libraries are published, the current bibliography begins to develop, experiments in the preparation of biobibliographic materials continue.

In 1810-11. in St. Petersburg published "A systematic review of literature in Russia for five years, from 1801 to 1806"... The compilers of the "Review" were well-known scientists at that time - A.K. Storkh and F.P. Adelung. In addition to the fact that the material in the "Review" was arranged in a systematic order, it was also supplied with auxiliary indexes, calculations and tables concerning the composition of the printed matter and the authors of the books. All this helped to make all kinds of inquiries. This work laid the foundation for Russian book statistics. It was conceived as a continuing publication, registering and analyzing the literature for every five years. However, there was no continuation.

A significant phenomenon in Russian bibliography of the nineteenth century. was the compilation of the printed catalog of the library of the famous bookseller V.A. Plavilshchikova. The funds of his library by 1820 amounted to more than 7000 titles of Russian books of the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries, translations of world classics and, naturally, as a tribute to their time, French enlighteners. To compile such a catalog, Plavilshchikov invited the famous bibliographer V.G. Anastasevich. The main advantage "Paintings for Russian books for reading from the library of V. Plavilshchikov ..." there was a systematic arrangement of the material, making it a convenient reference edition. The material was arranged in three large sections with subsequent more fractional divisions - "Mathematical and physical sciences", "Theological, moral and political sciences", "Literature". In 1821-1826. annual additions to the "Painting" of Plavilshchikov were issued.

After the death of Plavilshchikov, the book trade and the library passed to his clerk A.F. Smirdin, who managed to expand and improve the enterprise of his patron. His bookshop became a kind of salon for intellectuals, which was visited by the most prominent writers and scientists of Russia. The library fund has grown significantly. And not only new editions, but also valuable acquisitions over the past years. By 1828 the library holdings reached 20,000 titles. It was at this time that "Painting Russian books for reading from the library of Alexander Smirdin", a directory that has not lost its reference value today. Many anonyms and pseudonyms were disclosed in the "Painting", it is supplied with auxiliary indexes of names and titles, descriptions of sources in it are more accurate than in the "Painting" by Plavilshchikov. This "painting" of Smirdin's library was highly appreciated by its contemporaries. To her in 1829, 1832, 1847. additional "Additions" were issued.

Many bibliographers of the 19th century again set themselves the task of creating a repertoire for a Russian book. The dominant position here is occupied by biobibliography. Metropolitan Evgeny (Bolkhovitinov) of Kiev and Galicia develops this problem creatively. While still a teacher and librarian at the Voronezh Theological Seminary, the future Metropolitan conceives and partially implements the compilation of the "General Chronology of Famous Men, Famous for the Arts, Sciences, Inventions and Writings All Over the World from the Beginning of the World to Our Times." In 1802, the first part of the first volume was prepared for publication and cleared by the censorship, but remained unpublished. However, the work continued. And in 1805–06. in the journal of Count D.I. Khvostov's "Friend of Enlightenment" Metropolitan Eugene begins to publish "New experience of the historical dictionary about Russian writers, natural and foreign, dead and living"... The dictionary included about 300 names and ended with the letter "K". Over the course of several years, he corrected and supplemented his dictionary, but an attempt to publish it through the Society for Russian History and Antiquities was unsuccessful. Then Vladyka Eugene singled out from the dictionary only spiritual writers, and at the expense of Count N.P. Rumyantsev, under the supervision of V.G. Anastasevich published in two parts the "Historical Dictionary of the writers of the clergy of the Greek-Russian Church who were in Russia" (1818). However, here too he was pursued by failure. The dictionary was so disfigured by numerous misprints that both the author and the publisher removed their names from the title. The second edition, revised and multiplied, was issued in 1827. Supplementary alphabetical and chronological indexes were attached to it. According to N.V. Zdobnov, "this time the dictionary met the most stringent scientific requirements of the time."

The fate of the second part of the dictionary, concerning secular writers, turned out to be unfortunate. First, this material was published in the journal N.I. Grech "Son of the Fatherland" (1821-22), then in the "Experience of a Brief History of Russian Literature" (1822) by the same Grech, but soon the publication was interrupted. In 1826, Count Khvostov tried to resume the publication of a dictionary of secular writers, but his plans did not have to be realized. Vladyka Eugene himself a year before his death handed the manuscript to the archaeologist I.M. Snegirev, who in a revised form published the 1st volume of the work. However, not finding sympathy for his concerns from the public, he handed over the manuscript to the well-known historian and publisher of the "Moskvityanin" magazine M.P. Pogodin, who in 1845, eight years after the death of the Metropolitan, finally published a 2-volume "Dictionary of Secular Writers".

The Experience of Russian Literature is considered a classic work in bibliography, and its author is the founder of Russian bibliography.

In the second quarter of the nineteenth century. achieves significant success and is enriched with new genres of bibliographic information on the pages of periodicals. Along with critical bibliographic information, journals publish current registration lists of literature, reviews of newspapers and magazines, and works on industry bibliography. A significant part of the current printed matter was reflected in the "Moscow Telegraph" N.А. Field. The editors strove to give "a complete understanding of the course, spirit, direction of Russian literature."

According to modern bibliographers, the pinnacle of journal bibliography of the first half of the nineteenth century. became a department "Modern bibliographic chronicle" in the "Notes of the Fatherland". Up to 500 titles of new books were annually registered in it, almost everything that entered the Russian book market. A.A. Kraevsky, the editor of the journal, considered it necessary to publish reviews of books "as soon as they were released" and provide reviews for absolutely everything, regardless of the merit of the work. He managed to give the bibliographic department of the journal a scale that no other Russian journal had equal.

Bibliographic information also penetrates the pages of official publications. It was especially widely presented in the "Journal of the Ministry of Public Education". In the years 1834–55. it regularly publishes "Reviews of Russian newspapers and magazines", reflecting the most significant articles from periodicals, thus laying the foundation for bibliography of article materials in Russia. Book production was reflected in the department "New books published in Russia"... For quite a long time, the journal published annual reviews of the literature, accompanied by statistical calculations, as well as information about foreign publications. Attached to the journal in 1837–55. went out "Index of newly published books"censored by the Ministry of Public Education and some other censorship bodies. Thus, the "Index ..." became the first experience of an official state bibliography. The middle of the nineteenth century gave a new impetus to the development of science, culture, and the growth of literacy of the population, which clearly stimulated the printing of books. From 1850 to 1867 the number of books published in Russia has almost doubled. The number of books on natural sciences, socio-economic issues is growing, the range of publications for the people is expanding, popular science books are being published. It was this period that became extremely productive for the development of recommendatory bibliography.

In May 1860, the journal "Russian Pedagogical Bulletin" (edited by A.I. Grigorovich) opened a "special section for the examination of books suitable for public education", in the form "Bibliographic Index"... This index contains information about 62 books with annotations.

In 1861, under the Free Economic Society, the St. Petersburg Literacy Committee was created, under which a commission was organized to approve books. This commission regularly publishes recommendatory lists of literature for public reading. Realizing the enormous importance of literature "as one of the strongest springs of education," the teacher and writer F.G. Toll prepared an advisory index "Our children's literature" (1861–62), where the books were arranged in accordance with age characteristics child. Since 1863, the Ministry of Public Education has regularly published bibliographic lists of books recommended for school and public libraries. The Scientific Committee of the Ministry instructs A.D. Galakhov and A.N. Beketov to compose "Register of books that could be usefully used in elementary public schools" ... The first publication of the "Register" contained information on 37 books. In 1865, a second list of 21 book titles was published in the "Journal of the Ministry of Public Education". Its compilers were A.D. Galakhov, P.L. Chebyshev and N.Kh. Wessel.

An outstanding phenomenon for its time was the capital index in 3 volumes "What should people read?" (1884-1906), created by a circle of Kharkov teachers under the leadership of Kh.D. Alchevskaya.

In the 80-90s. recommendation signs have become widespread to help self-education and education of people, or who did not have the opportunity to enter higher educational establishments, or those who wish to expand their knowledge. These were "Programs for home reading”Published by various committees and departments of various dissemination societies. The most thorough and best was the index, published under the editorship of Professor of Moscow University I.I. Yanzhula, "Book about books" (1892).

The ecclesiastical departments also produced recommendatory lists of literature for church parishes. In 1861, the work of E.M. Kryzhanovsky "Book for the people", subsequently continued in 1865 by I.T. Instance [future Archbishop Jerome]. This work was a critical and advisory review of folk and educational secular and religious literature. "Tula Diocesan Gazette" from 1864 in their "Additions" began to publish "Index of books for the people" priest A. Ivanov.

Unfortunately, textbooks and monographs of modern bibliographers pay very little attention to bibliographic activity, which was carried out by spiritual departments and various religious societies. I think that young specialists will not disregard this direction and will take up the study of the "blank spots" of bibliography.

Among thematic indexes related to the history of the Russian Church, one can name the work of G.N. Gennadi (better known as the creator of the bibliography of bibliography, i.e. bibliography of the 2nd degree) "List of books about Russian monasteries and churches" (1854). It describes and analyzes 162 books from the collections of the Imperial Public Library, the Geographical Society and the private collection of P.S. Shishkin. The books reflect information about 116 Russian monasteries and churches. The material is located in the alphabet of the names of the cities in which they are located. "List ..." is provided with an alphabetical auxiliary index (authors and publishers, names of monasteries, monasteries, deserts, churches).

As noted earlier, the interest in bibliography on the part of the reading public and its all-round development led to the appearance of works on bibliography of bibliography. The world's first national retrospective bibliographic index was "Literature of Russian bibliography" G.N. Gennadi (1858). The purpose of the work, as the compiler wrote in the preface, is "to inform and indicate in a systematic manner, as far as possible, everything that is published in Russia on the subject of bibliography." Gennadi, in addition to directly bibliographic works, included in the index articles on librarianship, book history, printing production, etc. Thus, "Literature of Russian Bibliography" provided extensive material on the history of bibliography and summed up its development in Russia until 1855.

Based on the available sources, it can be concluded that the second half of the nineteenth century was very productive for the development of thematic bibliographic aids, making available the content of articles published in church and other Orthodox periodicals. The collections of libraries of large spiritual centers of Russia are also being disclosed, their catalogs are published.

So, in 1879–89. I.S. Znamensky publishes "A systematic index of articles found in various spiritual journals and diocesan records on the subject of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments" in two parts. Here are presented 51 editions for 1822–87, more than 8 thousand articles published in them are taken into account. The material is arranged in a systematic order. [There are copies in the RSL and the NLR].

In the same years, another summary index of articles from periodicals appears. It was compiled by P. Karpov. We know only the 2nd edition of the "Systematic Index of Articles on Basic, Dogmatic, Moral and Comparative Theology, published in the journals" Christian Reading "," Orthodox Review "," Readings in the Society of Lovers of Spiritual Enlightenment "," Orthodox Interlocutor "," Additions to the Creations of the Holy Fathers ”,“ Proceedings of the Kiev Theological Academy ”,“ The Wanderer ”,“ Faith and Reason ”and“ Psychic Reading ”. This Index was published by I.L. Tuzov in St. Petersburg in 1888. It contains over 2000 articles, the material is located in the alphabet of the names of the journals. [There is a copy in the RSL].

HISTORICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, one of the auxiliary historical disciplines that studies the forms and methods of bibliographic support for scientific research; in bibliography, it is understood as scientific and practical activities for accounting, bibliographic description and dissemination of information about historical publications (literature and sources). Historical bibliography is aimed at identifying and studying the historical repertoire (a set of publications on historical topics) of different territorial and temporal coverage, developing methods and optimal techniques for searching for publications, their bibliographic description and systematization. Its tasks also include the analysis of the development of the profile documentary flow and reference and bibliographic apparatus of libraries. Historical bibliography develops in close connection with historiography and source studies, provides the main material for historiographic analysis, reflecting a profile array of publications, helps to systematize and evaluate sources of historical information. There are the following types of lists, reviews, indexes (bibliographic manuals) and bibliographic databases: general historical character; on world history as a whole and on its individual periods; on the history of individual continents, countries, regions, localities; thematic (for the history of individual events, phenomena, problems) and personal (dedicated to a specific person; their special variety is bio-bibliographic indexes, dictionaries and reference books); on individual branches of historical science and its history; on the content of periodicals and continuing publications; publications of historical scientific societies and institutions; the works of individual historians; sources of different types and types. Historical bibliography is current (regularly and promptly reflects new publications) and retrospective (covers publications for a certain period).

Historical bibliography has evolved from bibliographic references, book and article bibliographies, catalogs and card indexes to summary indexes and databases available online. Historical bibliography began to take shape in Western Europe at the beginning of the 17th century as a result of the activities of the so-called erudite school (in France - the Moorists, in Belgium - the Bollandists) for the study of medieval history. The first bibliographic textbooks on general history were published by A. Duchenne in Paris in 1618 [“Bibliothèque des auteurs qui ont escrit l'histoire et topographie de la France” (“Library of authors who described the history and topography of France”)] and P. Baldouan in Leipzig in 1620 ["Bibliotheca historica ..." ("Historical Library ...")]. The largest phenomenon in the historical bibliography of the 18th century was the "Bibliothèque historique de la France ..." ("Historical Library of France ...") by J. Le Long (published in Paris in 1719; republished: volumes 1-5, 1768-78 ), containing about 18 thousand descriptions of books on church, political and civil history.

The authors of the first publications on historical bibliography in Russia were I.P. Kol, A. B. Selliy, N. I. Novikov, I. I. Golikov, etc. Sellius compiled and published the first bibliographic manual in Latin in 1736 in Reval on the history of Russia ("Shediasma litterarium de scriptoribus qui historiam politico-ecclesiasticam Rossiae scriptis illustrarunt"). In 1815, Eugene (E. A. Bolkhovitinov) translated it into Russian and republished it under the title “Catalog of Writers Explaining Civil and Church russian history". This biobibliographic dictionary mentioned the works of 164 Russian and foreign authors.

Historical bibliography achieved significant success in Russia and other countries in the 19th century, which was primarily associated with the increase in the social role of historical science. One of the most important directions in historical bibliography is the accounting of publications of historical sources. In the 1830s, the German historian J.F.Bömer provided the publication of the regest (systematized inventories of documents) with source research and bibliographic references, which was the beginning of the transition (primarily in Germany) to modern principles of bibliography of historical sources. By the middle of the 19th century, an array of indexes had formed in Russia that revealed the content of publications of legislative monuments, certain types of sources (notes and memoirs of foreigners who visited the country, diplomatic documents), as well as sources on certain periods and events of Russian history (for example, Patriotic War 1812). An important role in the development of historical bibliography was played by the work of N. M. Karamzin (he supplied his History of the Russian State ... with an exemplary bibliographic apparatus) and M. M. Speransky (in the course of the codification of legislation he established bibliographic records of legislative materials). In Russia, the first fundamental general historical manual on historical bibliography was the catalog of the book collection of A. D. Chertkov "The General Library of Russia, or the Catalog of Books for Studying Our Fatherland in All Respects and Details" (1838; Addendum 2: 1845; 2nd edition , unfinished: issues 1-2, 1863-64). General historical bibliography was further developed in the works of V. I. Mezhov and V. S. Ikonnikov. Among foreign bibliographic manuals, the most complete were the indexes on publications of medieval historical sources by A. Potthast ["Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des Europäischen Mittelalters von 375-1500" ("Guide to historical works about the European Middle Ages ..."), published in the series "Bibliotheca historica medii aevi "(" Historical Library of the Middle Ages ") in Berlin in 1862; 2nd edition, volumes 1-2, 1896)] and Y. Chevalier ["Repertoire des sources historiques du moyen âge ..." ("Catalog of medieval historical sources ..."), published in Paris, volumes 1-2 , 1877-86].

In the middle - the second half of the 19th century, the current bibliography on general history and the history of individual countries became widespread. It appeared in the form of specialized reviews of historical publications in journals and applications to them: Historische Zeitschrift (from 1859), Revue historique (from 1876), The English historical review (from 1886), American historical review ( since 1895), etc. In Russia, the current historical bibliography was presented in the collections "Readings in the Society of Russian History and Antiquities" (1846-48, 1858-1918), "Historical Review" (1890-1916) and the magazines "Russian Archive" ( 1863-1917), "Russian antiquity" (1870-1918), "Historical Bulletin" (1880-1917), etc. On the initiative of A. A. Kunik, the bibliographers Lambins made the first attempt in world practice to create an independent current index, which included materials on Russian and world history (yearbooks "Russian Historical Bibliography", 1861-1884; over 44 thousand titles of publications). Then the current bibliographic indexes began to appear in Germany (from 1880), France (from 1899), the USA (from 1904), Great Britain (from 1912) and a number of other countries. Most of them recorded materials on their own history with sufficient completeness.

From the 2nd half of the 19th century in Europe, thematic and personal historical bibliography received special development. At the same time, in the prefaces to major bibliographic indexes, in reviews and notes in periodicals, the first attempts were made to comprehend some theoretical and methodological aspects of historical bibliography: the subject and tasks of historical bibliography, the principles of selection, description and annotation of materials. In this respect, the first volume of "Russian Historical Bibliography for 1865-1876 inclusive" by V. I. Mezhov (1882) was of the greatest interest. The first manual on historical bibliography, thanks to which it finally took shape in a full-fledged scientific discipline, was published in Paris by the historian Charles V. Langlois ["Manuel de bibliographie historique" ("Textbook of historical bibliography"), 1896; 2nd edition, volumes 1-2, 1901-04; reprint - 1968]. From 1909 he taught a course in historical bibliography at the Sorbonne. In Russia, in 1913, N.I. Kareev was the first to call historical bibliography an auxiliary historical discipline. The first Russian textbook on historical bibliography was prepared by A. L. Shapiro (Bibliography of the History of the USSR, 1968).

In the first half of the 20th century, all areas of historical bibliography, primarily current and retrospective on general history and the history of individual countries, receive further development. Since 1930 (with a break in 1940-46) under the patronage of the International Committee of Historical Sciences, the first international project in the field of historical bibliography has been operating - an index "International bibliography of historical sciences" is published annually, covering publications since 1926. Historians and bibliographers from around the world also participate in the publication of the annual indexes "International medieval bibliography" (since 1967), "International review of social history" (since 1956), Bibliographie internationale de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance (International Bibliography of Humanism and Renaissance) (since 1965), Histoire et informatique; Une bibliographie internationale-History and computing: An international bibliography "(" History and informatics: International bibliography ") (since 1993) and others.

Abroad, bibliographic textbooks of a current nature are published on the history of Russia, including: "European bibliography of Slavic and East European studies" (since 1974, prepared by the House of Human Sciences in Paris), "The American bibliography of Slavic and East European studies "(since 1990; University of Illinois, USA)," International bibliography of the Pre-Petrine Russia, early Ukraine and the Russian territories under Polish-Lithuanian rule "(" International bibliography of pre-Petrine Russia, early Ukraine and Russian territories in the Polish-Lithuanian state "; since 1992, Institute for Eastern Europe, Munich).

Since 1947, the Fundamental Library for Social Sciences of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow (now the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, or INION) has been publishing (since 1986 on the basis of an automated information system) monthly indexes of new domestic and foreign literature on world history, archeology and ethnography ( ethnology). They quite fully take into account books and articles from periodicals published both in large scientific centers and in relatively small cities of the world. On the basis of these indexes, an electronic database has been created and is being updated. Since 1973, INION has also published the current abstract journal "History" (ser. 5), which includes a relatively small number of abstracts on books and articles (150-200 titles per year), detailing their content. Retrospective information on historical publications in the RSFSR and the USSR in the 1st half of the 20th century contains the index “History of the USSR: Index of Soviet Literature. 1917-1952 "(volumes 1-2, 1956-58).

In the second half of the 20th century, the increase in the number of bibliographic aids on historical subjects led to the appearance of indexes of bibliographic aids, with the help of which it became easier to record a huge flow of documentary information. The number of "guidebooks" has significantly increased (the first appeared in the late 19th - early 20th centuries), which take into account the main bibliographic, reference and periodicals, monographs: "Harvard guide to American history" (1954; revised edition: Volumes 1-2, 1974), The American historical association's guide to historical literature (1961; 3rd edition, 1995). The first index of bibliographic manuals on history was published in the USSR in 1957 ["Bibliography of Russian bibliography on the history of the USSR"; The third edition, prepared by G. A. Glavatskikh, I. A. Guzeeva, N. V. Kadushkina, L. M. Maslova, M. A. Ovsyannikova, was released under the title “History of the USSR. Annotated index of bibliographic manuals, published in Russian from the beginning of the 19th century to 1982 " (parts 1-2, Appendix, 1983-85)). It is supplemented by the index "Reference books on the history of pre-revolutionary Russia" (1971; 2nd edition, 1978). A prominent role in the development of historical bibliography in the second half of the 20th century in the USSR and then in the Russian Federation was played by P.N.Berkov, P.A.Zayonchkovsky, K.R.Simon, A.G. Tartakovsky, M.N. Tikhomirov and others.

By the beginning of the 21st century, the number of bibliographic publications in the field of historical disciplines has significantly increased and the range of problems has expanded in Russia. The centers of historical bibliography are INION, the State Public Historical Library and the RSL in Moscow, the RNL in St. Petersburg. They publish most of the current and retrospective bibliographic indexes, as well as materials on the theory, methodology, organization, history and contemporary problems of historical bibliography. A unique corpus of bibliography of Russian memoirs and diaries has been formed: “The history of pre-revolutionary Russia in diaries and memoirs” (edited by P. A. Zayonchkovsky; volumes 1-5, 1976-89), “History of Soviet society in the memoirs of contemporaries” (edited by V. Z. Drobizheva and others; parts 1-2, 1958-67), "Soviet society in memoirs and diaries" (edited by A. A. Lieberman; volumes 1-6, 1987-2006; the index includes editions for 1957- 82; its continuation is an electronic version of the index "Soviet Society ...", prepared by the National Library of Russia and including materials for 1983-2000), "Russia and Russian emigration in memoirs and diaries" (edited by O. V. Budnitsky, A. G. Tartakovsky, T. Emmons; volumes 1-4, 2003-06). Bibliographic databases are being created at INION, the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, in archives, as well as at other scientific institutions and universities.

Historical bibliography courses (appeared in the USSR in the 1930s-1950s) are usually taught at the history and library departments of universities.

Lit .: Likhachev N.P. About compiling a list of published Russian acts. 2nd ed. P., 1923; Parfenov I.D.Bases of historical bibliography. M., 1990; Prostovolosova L.N., Cheremisina N.M. Historical bibliography: History and current state. M., 1990; Babenko V. N. Development of scientific information in the field of historical sciences: Problems of theory and practice. M., 1998; he is. Domestic scientific information in the field of historical sciences in the second half of the XX century: Results and prospects. M., 1999; Information resources of the humanities. SPb., 2000. Issue. 2; Bakun DN Development of bibliography of historical sources in Russia (XVIII - early XX century). M., 2006.

D.N.Bakun, M.A.Mamontov.

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1. Development of bibliography abroad

The oldest forms of secondary information are inextricably linked with the written culture, which is confirmed by research on Byzantine library monuments, Sumerian bibliographic texts.

There are several approaches to the periodization of the development of bibliography: from the point of view of information carriers (written, printed, electronic), from the point of view of historical stages, types of bibliography, etc.

The first stage in the development of bibliography abroad is called latent (hidden), when the texts contained implicit bibliographic information (links within the text to other books, information about the authors and the work at the beginning of the texts), as well as pinacographic (pinakes - tables). Preserved information about such bibliographic monuments as: "Tables, those who shone in the field of culture and what they wrote, in 120 books", created by the founder of bibliography Callimachus on the basis of the funds of the Alexandrian library (250 BC); an inventory of the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (VII century BC); bibliographic index "Seven Abstracts" (China, 1st century BC).

At the second stage, we can talk about catalog bibliography (description of book collections, collections of libraries of universities, temples, monasteries).

At the third stage, industry and biobibliography (description of books by branches of knowledge, works of individual scientists) are distinguished.

Further development of bibliography is associated with the appearance of book printing (15th century in Europe, 16th century in Russia) - bookselling and publishing bibliography is developing. In the XVII century. legal deposit system appears and state bibliography (Germany) appears. Since the XVIII century. scientific auxiliary bibliography appears. Bibliographic science began to develop, bibliographic publications appeared.

In the XX century. a professional and popular bibliography appears.

In the XXI century. webliography (bibliography of Internet resources) is rapidly developing.

Thus, the bibliography arose and develops in accordance with the requirements of society and individuals.

2. Development of bibliography in Russia

Bibliography in Russia has come a long and difficult way. During its formation, the first bibliographic monuments are considered "Lists of true and false books" in the 11th century Izbornik, inventory of princely, monastic libraries ("Description of the manuscripts of the Kirill-Belozersky monastery", 15th century), "Table of contents of books, who folded them" ( XVIII century).

The beginning of the true development of bibliography is associated with the transformations in the era of Peter I (the introduction of the civil type, the appearance of the first newspapers). Information about books from publishers and booksellers appears on the pages of periodicals, the state registration of books is being established. In the first half of the 18th century. published the first printed catalog of the library of the Academy of Sciences, "Register of books for civilians", etc. In the second half of the 18th century. with the rise of culture in Russia, the first branch works, biobibliographic dictionaries, repertoires of Russian books, and theoretical works were created.

In the XIX century. the activities of individual educators and scientists are distinguished, the theoretical foundations of bibliography are being developed, and a large number of bibliographic works are created, the value of which has not dried up over time. In order to educate the broad masses, the role of recommendatory bibliography is increasing. At the beginning of the XX century. in Russia, the political system is changing dramatically, and during the Soviet period the bibliography develops intensively and contradictory. Library and bibliographic education is being established (universities, colleges), a system of library and bibliographic services (a book is more accessible) in library and information centers, a lot of scientific works in the field of bibliography appear, the technology and methods of creating bibliographic products are being improved and implemented, etc. A big disadvantage is excessive ideologization based on the principle of partisanship, the presence of political censorship.

At the turn of XX-XXI centuries. After perestroika, a difficult period ensues: the system of centers and bibliographic aids has been destroyed, funding is decreasing, the production of printed bibliographic aids is sharply reduced, and so on. An undoubted advantage is the active introduction of new information technologies in all processes of library and bibliographic activity (creation of electronic bibliography), the creative development of bibliographic aids for new genres, the creation of corporate alliances to unite the efforts of bibliographers, etc.

bibliography monument information figure

3. Contribution of prominent figures to the development of bibliography

One of the first bibliographers is N.I. Novikov. (1744-1818) - educator, book publisher, journalist. He published the satirical magazines Truten and Zhivopisets, as well as the first Russian journal of critical bibliography, St. Petersburg Scientists Vedomosti, and the biobibliographic Experience of the Historical Dictionary of Russian Writers. Sopikov V.S. (1765-1818) - "the father of Russian bibliography" - for the first time implemented the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a repertoire of Russian books in his main work "Experience of Russian bibliography", in which he described more than 13 thousand books, magazines published "from the beginning of the establishment of printing houses, until 1813 ". He was the first to set out the theoretical provisions on the duties of a bibliographer. Anastasevich V.G. (1775-1845) published a number of theoretical works on bibliography, compiled a catalog "List of Russian books for reading .., arranged in a systematic order", "Bibliographic sheets" (critical bibliography), etc.

A.N. Neustroev (1825-1902) - created "Historical research about Russian time-based publications and collections for 1703-1802 ...", which covered 138 periodicals of the 18th century.

Gennadi G.N. (1826-1880) was the first bibliographer of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, created the "Reference Dictionary of Russian Writers and Scientists Who Died in the 18th-19th Centuries", the first retrospective index of the second degree "Literature of Russian Bibliography".

Mezhov V.I. (1830-1894) - the first Russian professional bibliographer - created over 100 bibliographic works: "Siberian bibliography", "Bibliography of Asia", etc.

Lisovskiy N.M. (1854-1920) - editor of the journals "Russian bibliography", "Bibliographer", Lisovsky's theoretical views had a great influence on Soviet bibliographers. His major work “Bibliography of Russian periodicals. 1703-1900 ”remains to this day the main reference book on Russian periodicals.

Vengerov S.A. (1855-1920) - organizer and first director of the Russian Book Chamber, created the "Critical-Bibliographic Dictionary of Russian Writers and Scientists" (2 volumes), other works

Rubakin N.A. (1862-1946) - Russian bibliologist, bibliographer, writer, creator of the science of bibliopsychology, author of popular science books. His bibliographic index in 3 volumes "Among the Books" is a major contribution to the Russian recommendatory bibliography.

Derunov K.N. (1866-1929) created to help the acquisition and self-education of the "Approximate Library Catalog" in 2 hours, "Bibliography of Russian Reviews", theoretical work "Life Tasks of Bibliography", etc.


1. Library encyclopedia / Ros. state b-ka. - Moscow: Pashkov House, 2007 .-- 1300s.

2. Diomidova, G.N. Bibliography: textbook. for environments. specialist. prof. study. head / G.N. Diomidov. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002. - S. 14-21. - ("Library").

3. Book science: encyclopedic. dictionary. - Moscow: Sov. encyclopedia, 1982 .-- 664 p.

4. Ravich, L.M. Archives of Russian bibliographers of the XIX century / L.M. Ravich // World bibliogr. - 1998. - No. 1.- S. 72-79.

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1. Historical bibliography as part of the research process.

2. Stages of development of historical bibliography.

3. Types of bibliographic indexes on history.

4. Retrospective search.

5. Design of the bibliographic apparatus.

I.Searching for sources and literature is time consuming. It simply would not have been possible to cope with this if the historical bibliography had not come to the rescue, which developed special techniques and methods of search, and created bibliographic aids. In recent years, a system of scientific information on social sciences, including history, has been created in our country and abroad, which helps the researcher to rationalize his work, reduce the search time, ensure the necessary completeness of the collected materials, and make work more fruitful and efficient.

Historical bibliography - an auxiliary historical discipline, the subject of which is the development of techniques and methods of search, bibliographic description, target selection, scientific systematization of sources and literature and the transfer of the information received to the researcher.

Historical bibliography is part of the research process, generated by the development of science itself and reflects the development of science. Historical science determines the problems, content and structure of historical bibliography. At the same time, historical bibliography influences the development of historical science, performing a number of important functions.

First of all, it is search engine function - the definition of techniques and methods of finding sources "and literature on a particular topic. The second function - appraisal : selection of the most scientifically significant and relevant to the search topic from a huge amount of searched materials. The third function is - systematizing : bringing the identified and selected literature into a specific system corresponding to the structure of the science itself. Finally, the fourth function is - communicative : reporting systematized information to the historian in the form of various manuals.

Historical bibliography develops at the junction with two special historical disciplines - source study and historiography.

Source study includes source study heuristics, that is, the search for sources. It is the bibliography that helps to solve this problem, to establish various editions of sources, to systematize them.

Historical bibliography is closely related to historiography, which studies the history of historical science. Reflecting the newly published historical literature or accumulated over a number of years, the historical bibliography provides the basic material for historiographic analysis. For its part, historiography helps the bibliographer to evaluate certain works, to navigate the historical literature.

Basic bibliographic concepts. Historical bibliographyreflects the development of historical science, it should not and cannot be isolated from the latter. But unlike historical science, bibliography deals not with scientific knowledge itself, but with the reflection of the latter in the works of the press and therefore depends on the development of book publishing and bibliography in general.

Bibliography - scientific and practical activities for the preparation and transmission of information about works of print and writing. The main result of bibliographic activity is the creation of: a bibliographic manual. Bibliographic guide - an ordered set of bibliographic records, united according to some criterion. It is compiled either by a historian or by a professional bibliographer working in a library or academic institution. There are many types of bibliography. Here are just three of the most important ones.

Bibliographic list - manual with a simple structure. Such lists are published as an appendix to the book, dissertation. The author is a historian.

Bibliographic index - a manual with a complex structure, assuming the presence of auxiliary indexes, preface, table of contents, etc. Compiled by a team of bibliographers edited by historians. Often published as a separate book, devoted to the section of science.

Bibliographic overview - a manual, which is a coherent narration about documents - books and articles on a specific scientific topic. Historiographic reviews are also published, which differ from bibliographic reviews by a deeper analysis of scientific literature. These reviews carry a lot of bibliographic information, which allows them to be considered along with bibliographic ones.

According to their intended purpose, bibliographic manuals can be registration , taking into account the printed materials produced in the country; scientific support , designed for scientists; finally, advisory , which are designed to promote education, upbringing and promotion of knowledge among a wide range of people.

In recommendatory indexes, literature is carefully selected based on the preparation of the reader. The student first uses such aids, but as the specialization deepens, he moves on to scientific auxiliary bibliography.

The bibliography is divided into the current and retrospective . Periodicals informing about new literature in the specialty belong to the current bibliography that must meet the requirements of completeness, regularity and timeliness. If this or that publication is late in the registration of literature, it loses the function of the current bibliography.

Retrospectivebibliographic manuals reflect the literature on a specific issue, published for a specific period. Such a manual can become a noticeable phenomenon in science if it contains everything of value and is systematized in accordance with the structure of science.

Bibliographers highlight promising bibliography containing information on scientific literature coming out in the coming year. These are the thematic plans of the publishers. Knowing about the upcoming publication, you can avoid duplication of topics, coordinate research, order the book in advance.

Exist personal bibliography, which has as its object the works of one person and literature about him, for example, indexes about major historians.

The historian often refers to local history bibliography that deals with literature on a particular locality, province, city, or regional - about a separate country. This bibliography is not "purely" historical, although there are sections on history. It contains materials on economics, culture and other spheres of public life. In modern conditions of the development of an integrated approach to the study of historical problems of this kind, pointers are of particular importance. They allow the historian to take into account the achievements of related social sciences.

In recent years, computer technology has been increasingly used to prepare bibliographic aids. Relatively new types of signage include permutation pointers . They are based on the extraction of "key" words from the titles of publications, from which the search column is composed; "Keywords" are highlighted "automatically". The second type is cited literature index . In it, under the names of the authors, information about the works containing links to publications of these authors is given. These pointers are used to search for papers on the topic and to study the intersectoral connections of scientists. So far these pointers are used more often in natural and technical sciences, less often in the humanities. Later, within the framework of other courses, special computer search techniques will be dealt with.

Historical bibliography deals with various types of scientific publications on history: with books, articles, reviews. Their search and systematization is possible only if they all have a unified bibliographic description.

A bibliographic description is the required minimum of information about a print product, and the elements of this description are arranged in a strictly established order. Separating signs are important: point, comma, colon, forward slashes, brackets, they are not placed arbitrarily, but in a certain order. The abbreviations of individual words in the description are made in accordance with GOST.

The history of the bibliographic description goes back more than one century. It begins with the emergence of writing, but takes on special significance with the invention of typography. By the end of the 17th century. indexes appear in which descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order of authors' names and book titles. It became the norm to single out the author's surname as the first element of the description and to describe the title from the title page. The publisher, year and place of publication are indicated. The first national cataloging code was compiled by the revolutionary government of France at the end of the 18th century. In Russia, the first instruction appeared in 1809. A significant step forward was made in 1841 in connection with the compilation of the catalog of the British Museum. By the beginning of the XX century. the Anglo-American and Prussian systems of description were formed, which still exist today, however, there is a tendency to smooth out differences and unify descriptions.

In our country, in the late 1920s and early 1930s, special instructions were issued, later - GOSTs. For a long time, the rules for bibliographic description were determined by the State All-Union Standard: Bibliographic Description of a Document. General requirements and rules for drawing up. GOST 7.1.84. M., 1984. Nowadays GOST 7.1 - 2003 is in force.

The most complete is the description of printed works on catalog cards and in publications of the Book Chamber. More abbreviated, in which some elements of the description are omitted, it is used in scientific articles and books. There is a special section in GOST, which defines the rules for a reduced bibliographic description. We will get acquainted with the elements of such a description a little later.

II.A variety of factual material on this issue is quite fully presented in thematic monographs, textbooks and articles. As an example, we can highlight the following edition: Parfenov I.D. Basics of Historical Bibliography. Tutorial. M., High School. 1990.-111 p.

When studying the stages of development of historical bibliography, it is advisable to pay attention to a number of points.

The first historical bibliography was the Historical Library, published by Pastor P. Baldouan in Leipzig in 1620.

The largest phenomenon in the bibliography of the ХУ111 century. Became the "Historical Library of France" Jacques Lelong, librarian of monastic segregation. It contained 18 thousand book descriptions.

In France on May 15, 1791, an instruction was issued for describing books. Abbot Gregoire, head of the Committee for Public Safety, expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a consolidated catalog of all French books and writing the history of France from a revolutionary perspective.

Lawyer, historian and bibliographer A. Camus made a report on May 27, 1796 at the National Institute of Arts and Sciences, in which he developed the idea that the bibliography of db. is designed not for book collectors, but for scientists.

At the beginning of the twentieth century. the first manual on historical bibliography, prepared by the famous French positivist historian C. Langlois, appears.

The second attempt at creating a guide is associated with the name of Pierre Caron, a prominent historian and bibliographer. Together with H. Brier, he published 11 issues of the "Systematic Index to the New and Contemporary History of France" (from 1500 to the beginning of the 20th century), which included 45 thousand descriptions of books and articles published from 1898 to 1913.

In Russia the first(there are different points of view on the problem of "first authorship") the historical bibliography was compiled by a member of the Academy of Sciences, a Dane by origin, Adam Selly (1679 - 1745). His "Catalog of the Books of Writers by Their Works Explaining Russian Civil and Church History" was published in Latin in 1736 and translated into Russian in 1815 (164 works).

In Russia in 1759 the first historical society of V. Krestinin was created (there are other points of view on this issue).

Sami is a large edition of the second half of the XU111 century. in the field of historical bibliography was the "Experience of a Historical Dictionary of Russian Writers" (1772), published by NI Novikov, which included several dozen names of Russian historians from the 10th to the 16th centuries.

An outstanding monument of the Russian national bibliography was the "Experience of Russian Bibliography" by VS Sopikov, a book publisher and assistant librarian of the Public Library. More than 13 thousand books and magazines published from the time of the beginning of book printing until 1813 are reflected in his 5 vols. index published in 1813 - 1821.

At the beginning of the 19th century. in 1804 the Moscow Society of Russian History and Antiquities was created, which in 1846 began to publish the first historical journal "Readings in the Society of Russian History and Antiquities."

In the 30-40s. Х1Х century. Historical departments were created at universities, a department of history and philology at the Academy of Sciences, and in 1846 - the Russian Archaeological Society.

In 1838, the well-known historian A.D. Chertkov published a catalog of his book collection "The General Library of Russia" (collected descriptions of books, manuscripts, periodicals from the XU to the first half of the 19th century, more than 4 thousand records).

In 1866, the Imperial Russian Historical Society was created, in 1877 - the Society of Lovers of Ancient Writing, in 1895 - the Society of Zealots of Russian Historical Education, in 1889 - the Historical Society at St. Petersburg University ...

Among the prominent specialists in the field of historical bibliography of the second half of the 19th century. : A.A. Kunik, P.P. and B.P. Lambins, V.L. Mezhov and others ...

111. The historian obtains valuable bibliographic information primarily from the historical writings with which he gets acquainted. Usually, a history book contains a bibliographic apparatus: footnotes and references to the literature used, and at the end of the book is attached a list of sources and literature used by the author on the topic of this book. The scientific article also contains links and footnotes, which can be used to determine the range of materials used by the author.

But in addition to similar lists of sources and literature available in the historical work itself, there are also separately published bibliographic indexes for individual branches and sections of science. They are compiled, as a rule, by bibliographers using materials from the country's largest book depositories. Several thousand of them have been published all over the world. They are of great help to the researcher, and one must be able to use this wealth.

There are several types of separately published bibliographic indexes. The first type is indexes of literature on world history in general . They are often selective, since it is simply impossible to collect all published literature on all sections of history over several hundred years under one cover. Such indexes are mainly designed for novice researchers, and only record the most significant publications. Such is the bibliography for the "World History" published in our country. Historical guidebooks have been published in many other countries.

Pointers for specific periods of world history. Literature indexes on the ancient world, the Middle Ages and modern history have been published in our country. Many indexes and guidebooks on the history of the ancient world and the Middle Ages have been published abroad. Among them should be noted the fundamental indexes to the "Cambridge stories" published in England - antiquity, the Middle Ages, modern history. The situation is more complicated with pointers to recent, or, as it is called in the West, "modern" history. The geographical coverage of historical processes is too great and the published literature is innumerable to collect all this even in a series of indexes.

Pointers covering the history of individual countries. As a rule, they are compiled in those countries whose history is devoted to. For example, a multivolume history index was published in the USSR. In England and the USA, similar signs are produced in series, each of the signs is dedicated to a specific period. These indexes usually include all available scientific literature on all sections of the country's history, and this is their special significance.

Pointers on the history of individual localities.For historians of our country, this is the history of territories and regions, individual cities. Often this branch of historical science is called “local” history. Bibliographies are published on the history of individual counties in England, states in the USA, lands in the Federal Republic of Germany, the history of large cities in New York, Paris, London and others.

Subject guides on the history of specific events and issues. In the Russian bibliography, these are indexes on the history of the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War and other important events in our history. In foreign historiography - on the history of the French bourgeois revolution at the end of the 18th century, the civil war in the United States, etc.

Indexes for individual branches of science. Indexes on economic and social history, history of culture, religion and church, history of social thought are published separately. Bibliographies on the history of the working class, peasantry, and intelligentsia were published in the USSR.

Source pointers.In the named types of indexes, sources and literature are brought together. However, there are also bibliographies of sources published separately: general, specific topics, periods, and specific types of sources. Indexes of documentary publications on the history of 1917 and the Civil War, the period of the restoration of the national economy, a bibliography of leaflets and proclamations of Russian Social Democrats, the Bolshevik press were published ... Indexes of medieval cartularies, statistical publications and others were published abroad.

Indexes to auxiliary historical disciplines. In the USSR (hereinafter in Russia) this bibliography was published in the collection "Auxiliary Historical Disciplines". Many textbooks on numismatics, genealogy, and chronology have been published abroad.

Indexes on the history of historical science. This type of pointers has been particularly developed in recent decades. Back in the 1980s, two volumes were published: one on Russian historiography of the pre-revolutionary period, the second on Soviet historiography. Significant indexes have been published in the USA, for example, on methodology and on the historiography of science.

Bibliography of the works of individual historians.Personalia is an important reserve for the selection of literature on a particular topic. Usually it is published in connection with anniversaries in the life of the historian in journals and collections of articles. Special indexes of their works and literature about their work are devoted to major historians. Biobibliographic dictionaries have been published, which contain data on the place of work, the main works of these researchers. Similar dictionaries were published in the USA and France. In addition, information about foreign historians can be found in the national biographical dictionaries and reference books "Who's Who".

Indexes of the contents of historical journals. However, historical bibliography and other means of scientific information do not exempt the researcher from independent bibliographic work. The historian is often concerned with a relatively narrow topic. . In the last issues of the journals for the current year, a list of all materials published for the year is published. In addition, indexes to individual journals have been published for a number of years. There are pointers to some foreign magazines. But in general, this type of pointers is underdeveloped.

Indexes of publications of historical scientific societies and institutions.This type, like the previous one, is not strictly historical, but it is important. Knowing where this or that historian worked, you can find his research, his colleagues and students. Each institute of the system of the Academy of Sciences, universities periodically publish consolidated lists of published monographs and articles.

Method for familiarization with pointers. It is not enough to know about the existence of the index that interests you, you need to extract the necessary information from it, be able to find the necessary sources and literature, without missing the important. Very often, picking up a pointer, students cannot use it. Of course it takes practice. But some preliminary notes can help in this work.

First of all, you should carefully read the title page. There is indicated the topic on which the sources and literature are collected. Having compared it with your topic, you need to determine how much they coincide and how different they are. Then the chronological framework of the historical period to which the index is devoted should be clarified. Here, on the title page, it is indicated for what period the literature was taken into account.

After that, you must carefully read the introduction. The authors indicate on what principles they selected literature: territorial, chronological, linguistic. It is very important to understand which library collections they surveyed, which journals and bibliographic sources they studied, for example: were articles from collections, dissertations, abstracts of the latter, or deposited works included. If this index does not contain such works, the researcher will find them from other sources.

In the introduction to the index, the basic principles of its structure are formulated. You should carefully study the table of contents. If you don't, you might miss out on a lot of valuable content.

The most common mistake when working with pointers is the desire to view only the section that directly corresponds to the topic, without looking into the general and related departments. In this case, you can skip a lot of interesting and important material.

When dealing with foreign indexes, one must bear in mind that a different periodization is adopted there - "by kings". For example, in the history of Great Britain, the eras of the Tudors, Stuarts, and the Victorian era are highlighted. Therefore, it is often necessary to look through "adjacent" eras in order to collect material, for example, on the industrial revolution of the last third of the 19th century.

In these indexes, a thematic structure is adopted: in the foreground, political, administrative, then social and economic history. Often, social and economic are listed in separate indexes. Therefore, in order to comprehensively study the topic, you need to look at a number of related pointers.

When working with an index, pay attention to the techniques of bibliographic description. Abbreviations of words and names of magazines are often used, turning the index into a rebus. You should carefully study the list of abbreviations, which will help decipher the entry. At the end there are auxiliary indexes - alphabetical, geographical, sometimes subject. They can be used for making inquiries, but this does not relieve the researcher of the task of carefully reviewing the entire index.

IУ.Bibliographers have been developing methods of bibliographic search for a long time, looking for the most optimal methods. Even C. Langlois, the author of the first manual on historical bibliography, wrote that "to study bibliography is to study the use of bibliographic tools."

Basically, two methods are used - solid and selective. With a continuous one, all the manuals in which information may appear are sequentially viewed. The method is reliable, keeping gaps to a minimum, but time consuming.

Researchers are more likely to use the selective, or concentric, method. In this case, the search is carried out in book bibliographies using bibliographic aids.

Bibliographic search consists of the following main stages. It starts with working in catalogs and library card files. In the identified literature, the book bibliography is examined.

Then the historian finds out what bibliographic aids exist on his problem, referring to the bibliography of historical bibliography, that is, as bibliographers call it, bibliography of the second degree.

The next step is to turn to the universal bibliography, which helps to find literature that has not been included in historical indexes. For example, the literature reflected in the index ends in 1965. In this case, the universal bibliography for the "History" section should be reviewed starting from 1965.

The historian makes extensive use of reference materials, dictionaries, encyclopedias, using the bibliographic information contained in these publications. Finally, a bibliography on related social sciences is reviewed. For example, working on the history of social thought - philosophy, political history, the researcher studies legal bibliography, etc.

This is an example of a lookback search. Sometimes the sequence of actions may be different, but all the necessary steps must be passed. And at all stages, again and again, you have to turn to the book and article bibliography - every book or article found becomes a valuable source of information. The main thing is not to miss anything important, essential.

Working with catalogs and library card files.Library catalogs and filing cabinets consist of cards. They contain information about the author, title, place and year of publication of the scientific work in accordance with the rules of bibliographic description. There is a card for every book stored in the library. The card contains the inventory number under which it is kept in the library. The inventory number makes it easier to find the book. Therefore, when writing out the title of the book, you must also indicate the inventory number.

When working with catalogs, one has to deal only with the literature that is in a given library, in contrast to bibliographic manuals, in which all literature is collected, regardless of the storage location. Often the researcher works in several libraries. The most complete collections of sources and literature are concentrated in Moscow at the State Public Historical Library, the Russian State Library, the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature, at the Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences; in St. Petersburg - in the Russian National Library, the Library of the Academy of Sciences, etc. Each academic institute, university, pedagogical institute has scientific libraries. You should start working on a topic in the library of your university or city, and literature stored in libraries of other cities should be subscribed to by interlibrary loan.

Each library has its own systematic catalog. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with its scheme. So, with the decimal classification system, the entire book fund is divided into 10 sections. History - 9th section. Each branch of knowledge is subdivided into departments, which in turn are subdivided into subdivisions. Moreover, each subsection has a conventional designation - an index that helps to navigate in the scheme. The main principle of the catalog is that departments and sub-departments are arranged from general to specific.

Within the headings, the cards are arranged by year of publication in reverse chronological order: the newest literature is in the foreground. Within the limits of the year, the cards are arranged in alphabetical order of surnames, authors. First, literature in Russian, then - the peoples of the CIS and, finally, literature in foreign languages (in the alphabet of languages).

The systematic catalog has an alphabetic-subject index, using which you can find the index of the required subsection. You should also look at other sections of the directory where you may find historical literature, "Economics", "Political Science", etc.

The subject catalog allows you to quickly find literature on a specific issue, but it is imperative to identify as many subject words as possible in order to more fully select the literature.

The alphabetical catalog, available in each library, contains a list of all books arranged in a single alphabet in Russian by them in foreign languages. If the authors have the same surnames, the cards are arranged alphabetically by name and patronymic. When one author has several books, the cards on them are arranged in the alphabet of titles. If the book had several editions, then the cards are arranged in reverse chronological order.

In addition to catalogs, there are various filing cabinets. The card file of magazine articles is compiled on the basis of cards published by the Book Chamber, and is formed according to the classification adopted in the publications of the Chamber.

Researchers often use the local history card index if they are studying the history of a city, region, or region. Such card indexes are kept in regional libraries and libraries of universities. There are other types of cards. Therefore, when starting to work in the library, the historian should familiarize himself with the existing catalogs and card indexes.

Work with book and cited bibliography... Having found a book or article, you need to subscribe to the literature indicated in the footnotes. In addition, books often include a list of sources and literature used by the author. After reading the books and articles indicated there, the titles of books and articles are again written out from them. This is how the necessary literature is collected.

Traditionally, since the 1920s, bibliographers have criticized historians for errors in the bibliographic description, inaccuracies in the systematization of the material. These reproaches are true. The design of the bibliographic apparatus should be treated in the same way as any other stage of research. Learning the basics of historical bibliography teaches the skills a researcher needs.

Book and article lists have some advantages. First, they provide faster information than fundamental pointers. Even in the current indexes, we receive information about published literature with a delay of 1-2 years (especially for foreign literature). With regard to retrospective indexes, the boundary of completion of the accounting of literature is pushed back every year, and information is given about the yesterday's state of the study of a particular problem. From a new article in a magazine or book, we immediately get the necessary directional information.

Secondly, these lists are compiled by a specialist who has studied this literature and sources. Of course, subjectivity of choice is possible, but it is corrected by lists in other articles and books.

As for errors in the description, they can be corrected using the catalog or manuals. If the systematization is unsuccessful, then after reading the entire list (they are usually small), you can avoid missing the article or book that interests us.

The role of book and article bibliography in the system of scientific information on history is constantly growing. This is due to the growing flow of literature on history. No indexes are able to contain information about this literature: even if one tried to collect everything published on a relatively narrow topic in 10-20 years, it would require a multivolume publication. Under these conditions, a scientific book, its bibliographic apparatus provide the most complete directional and operational information to the researcher.
