We adults learn English for a long time and painfully. We are looking for a suitable way, we are trying to put in the head the rules of a different linguistic system, we are “re-educating” our articulatory apparatus for other sounds.

It is much easier for a child to learn English from scratch: children literally absorb it! Those grammatical constructions that we carefully memorize, they instantly "absorb". Without analysis, which is not yet capable of, but just like that.

The child can speak both two and three languages. The main thing is to constantly deal with him. Therefore, dear adults (present and future parents), we are getting ready to raise English-speaking kids! And we will help you with this.

So, on the agenda (table of contents of the article):

How to start learning English with your child on your own: the "immersion" method

Recently, a baby named Bella Devyatkina conquered our whole country. At the age of 4, this girl speaks 7 (in addition to her native) languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Arabic.

In fact, a child can learn more languages, because, as Masaru Ibuka wrote in the acclaimed book "It's too late after three":

"... a child's brain can accommodate an unlimited amount of information ..."

So, if the mother in the family is Russian, the father is English-speaking, and the nanny is, say, German, then the child will speak all three languages \u200b\u200bwithout any difficulties. And there will be no "mixing" of languages \u200b\u200b(as many skeptics say). It's just that mom will be with the baby for "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"and dad for “ABC songs”. 🙂

But Bella's parents are Russians! How is this possible then? It turns out that her mom since childhood spoke to her only in English (that is, the conditions for bilingualism were created artificially). After her parents noticed her interest in languages, they hired native-speaking tutors for her - and that was the baby polyglot.

And such an example is far from being the only one. Masaru Ibuka also talks about such bilingual children in his work (by the way, read this book - it is amazing).

If you speak English perfectly and feel confident enough to speak only it, then no theory and articles like "Where to start learning English with a child from scratch"will not need. Just talk to your baby in English. That's all.

Note: in this case, you will not be able to speak Russian with the preschooler. Other family members speak Russian to him, but you are ONLY in English.

But what should parents do who are not so confident in their English?Indeed, in this case, learning according to the method of “immersion in the language environment” will be impossible (unless you hire a native speaker as a nanny). We will answer this question in the article.

At what age to start learning English with a child?

About this issue, a whole discussion unfolded between teachers: when is it better to start, is it worth learning English with kids or not? Our answer is yes, it's worth it. But the main thing is to wait for the child to finish the process of forming their native language... That is, he will have a clear sound pronunciation and a properly developed coherent speech. Since every child develops differently, it is impossible to name any exact time frame. But minimum ≈ from 2.5 years (Not earlier).

How to learn English with a child on your own - where to start?

The best thing send the child to a special language nurseryif possible. Then you will not have to take on such a serious responsibility, besides, the child will have the same “separation of languages” in his mind (at home - Russian, in the nursery - English). And you yourself can support the child's interest and progress with games, cartoons, songs, etc.

If you still want to learn English with your child on your own, then you can motivate him with an "English doll"... Get a doll (you can use a glove doll) and introduce her to the baby, saying that she does not understand anything in Russian. To communicate with the "Englishwoman", he has to learn a new, but very interesting language... Well, then you play with this doll, watch cartoons, learn songs and poems ... all this will be discussed below.

For example, characters from Sesame Street are great as a doll.

What language skills can preschoolers develop?

Of course, no grammar, spelling, etc. A child in preschool age can:

  • to perceive speech by ear,
  • speak myself,
  • read (together with the parent, and then study / look at the book on their own, if it interests him).

I.e the child will learn all the same skills of English language, as a Russian at this age.

By the way, you don't have to worry too much about "speaking" and the correct pronunciation of English sounds. It is we, adults, who rebuild our articulatory apparatus after the Russian sounds we are used to. AND the child will learn the correct pronunciation much sooner.

To develop this skill best to sing songs and practice Nursery Rhymes behind an English-speaking announcer: children's “monkeyism” and a unique children's hearing will do their job. If, nevertheless, there are any shortcomings, then just correct the baby, but without any complicated explanations.

We invite you to figure it out yourself english sounds. Read the articles:

How to learn English with kids from the start: 5 specific ways

1. Watch cartoons in English with your child. Do you think he will not understand? You are wrong 🙂 Children of this age have incredible linguistic intuition. They may not understand the words, but they will be helped by emotions in the voices of the characters and on their painted “faces”, music will help them, etc. You will be surprised, but after watching a cartoon, he may start repeating words from it, humming songs.

Also use special Russian-language cartoons for language learning.

2. “Learn” with him english words and phrases (the first word is not just in quotes). These are not lessons or training sessions. This is your daily communication with your child, during which you speak English vocabulary to him.

- Mom, look - the car!
- Yes, indeed a car. Do you know how it will be in English? Car! This is a car.

Main rules:

  • Words to use in the context of the situation: during lunch we talk about food, while walking around the zoo we talk about animals, etc.
  • Accordingly, we master only those words that are related to the child's current life: family, colors, clothes, animals, fruits, etc.
  • Any word should be right there be reinforced: for the word “dog” is a toy, a picture / photograph or a shaggy and barking dog next to you 🙂

Such a visual image will help you learn new words with ease.

Another:so that the child immediately "mastered" english grammar (again in quotation marks) say whole phrases to him. After all, if you say individual words to him, he will repeat the words, and if whole sentences, he will use sentences.

- Dog!
- This is a dog!

Also, to master new words, you can use various games, handouts (coloring books, tasks, etc.), while working with which the child will get great pleasure!

3. Learn nursery rhymes and songs with him.You can find them on the sites below (or search in Yandex and Google). It is best to present the verse itself to the child in the form of a small “dramatization”, because many verses have a certain plot under them and are easily played out (live or on dolls).

The kid may ask to translate the verse into Russian - you translate, and then again act out the “performance” in front of him. The main rule: DO NOT ask your child to repeat after you. Your the task is to interest him in this incomprehensible language... Many children can at first just listen and listen and listen, and then suddenly start “fingering” these verses by heart 🙂

For example, the song “Old Macdonald had a farm” is played out in many different cartoons. The lyrics are .

Stages of work on the verse:

  • First, you yourself study the content of a poem or song, practice your pronunciation (sounds in words, intonation, rhythm).
  • Then you practice to read it expressively and think over a visual support for the child: dramatization with toys, some kind of dance ... in general, turn on your fantasy!
  • Now you can present your work to the baby's judgment. After that, discuss the performance with the child: what he understood, what moment he liked the most.
  • Then invite your child to “join” your production and prepare a joint performance for other family members. But for this, the kid has to learn this rhyme (this is how motivation will appear).
  • You can also find (or come up with) finger or gesture play based on this rhyme. Then you can periodically invite the child to play it in any suitable situations (of course, if he himself wants to).

4. Read books in English with your child. You can start when he already knows certain words. Simple plots will be quite clear to children, and pictures will clarify the incomprehensible.

If any book really interests him, he will take it on his own and look at it, study it (this will create motivation to learn to read). In addition, the child will “photograph” words with his eyes and memorize their appearance. It turns out your task is to get him interested in reading.

Systematic learning to read begins only at 4-5 years old according to the principle from simple to complex:

An amazing site will help you to teach your child to readwww.starfall.com . For example, go to this section and learn to read words with a short sound / a / (æ) with your baby. Each sound is pronounced in a cheerful children's voice and is accompanied by explanatory animation. Just a find!

Where can I find books to read in English:

And remember that all the same an e-book cannot be compared to a real one, which you can touch, and then look through with enthusiasm. Therefore, be sure to buy some colorful English books in your library!

5. Start fun games with your baby!And he will not even notice that during this game you are teaching him something. When the child is very young, organize joint games. An older “student” can be offered online games for learning English. Below you will find a list of both.

Learn English words for kids - games

The classic way to learn new vocabulary is vocabulary cards (i.e. word + translation + picture). By the way, there is a whole one in our blog.

Examples of flashcards from Lingualeo. A complete list is located.

But it will be even better if you create them together with the baby... Together you will pick up pictures, glue them to pieces of paper or cardboard, etc. Then, already during the preparation for the "games in English" the child will learn something. What to do next with the cards? Here are some options:

1. Cards can be used to play pantomime. First, you say the English word to the baby (and show it on the card), and the child must show this word with gestures. Then you can play "reverse" pantomime - the child (or you) depicts an animal, an action, an object that he pulled, and the rest of the participants guess.

2. Game “Show me”. Put several cards in front of the child, and then name one word from this list - the child must touch the desired card.

3. “Yes-No game”. You show the cards and say the words right or wrong (showing the hippo, say "tiger"). The child answers “Yes” or “No”.

- Is it a tiger? - No !!!

4. The game “What’s missing”. Lay out a row of cards (4-5 pieces). Look at them with your baby and speak the words. The child closes his eyes, and you take away one word. What is missing?

5. The game “Jump to…”. You lay out the cards in a vertical row on the floor and give the child the task to jump to a word (great if the kid is bored).

These are just a few of the card mechanics. By turning on your imagination, you can come up with even more game variations. And we will go further. What other games can I use?

5. The game “Is it. …? ”. You gradually draw an object, and the child tries to guess it. For example, draw half a circle, and the child wonders:

- Is it a ball? Is it the Sun?
- No, (keep drawing)
- Is it an apple?
- Yes!🙂

6. Another version of the game “Is it. …? ” - a card with a hole. Cut a hole in a piece of cloth (or sheet of paper) and place it on a dictionary card. Move the hole over the picture, and the child guesses what is hidden there.

7. Magic bag. You put various objects in a bag, and the baby takes them out and names them. An even more interesting option: he puts his hand into the bag and guesses the contents by touch.

8. Game “Touch your … Nose, leg, hand… ”(in general, parts of the body).

“Touch your mouth,” you say, and the baby touches his mouth.

9. Games will help children learn the colors of the English language easily. For example, you give him objects of different colors and ask him to find and select from them things of a certain color (by the way, the same task can concern words starting with some letter, etc.).

10. Another example of playing with colors - “Find something…. in the room ”.

“Find something red in the room!” - and the child searches for something of the indicated color.

11. How to learn verbs. You perform some action with the baby and say what exactly you are doing:

- “Fly! We are flying ”- and you pretend that you are flying.
- “Let’s sing! We are singing! ”And hold an imaginary microphone in your hands.
- “Jump! Jump! ”, And you jump around the room merrily.

Don't forget about role-playing games. For example, play "shop"... The child's task is to buy groceries from an English-speaking saleswoman (that's you). Before that, you remember words and phrases that will be useful to him in the store, and after that the child plays out this situation. This game can be played with any fictional conditions.

And be sure act out plays, fairy tales etc. For example, invite your child to make a video or movie! The girls will definitely be delighted. 🙂

Useful sites. Learning English from scratch for kids: games, alphabet, videos, materials for printing

When the child has already grown up, you can invite him to play online games. Particularly when you need free time to do chores around the house.

1. Online games for children: learning the English alphabet and words


This site was already mentioned above when it came to the game "Hangman". It has a huge number of online word games. For example, game Whack a mole helps to repeat the alphabet in a fun way: you need to knock on the letters with a hammer and collect the correct alphabet sequence.

Take aim and hit the desired letter with a hammer

Or Word paths game, where children have to assemble words from the available letters with a specific vowel sound. As you can see, the games are designed for different ages, which means the site will help your children for many years.


Another great site with online games for kids. For example, this game, where behind the emoticons are hidden:

  1. verb,
  2. picture for this verb.

The task is to combine. With each attempt, the words are read out. It's a pleasure to play.

A game Pirate Waters Board Game also deserves special attention... First, choose a topic that the child already knows (for example, body parts). Then you roll the dice (for this you need to click on the image of the dice) and walk along the board. You are asked a question, and you choose the answer. If it is given correctly, you roll the dice again.

If you get on a pirate, start over. In this case the child will repeat the correct construction several timeswhile the game is running. The only drawback is that there is no voice acting of the correct answer (which would develop auditory skills). Therefore, advice: play with your child for the first time in order to:

  1. help him deal with the conditions of the game (then you can't drag him by the ears),
  2. train him to pronounce the correct answer on his own every time (so that the constructions are deposited in memory).


This site has and printable materials (+ the ability to make your own worksheets), and videos, and games... Let's dwell on the games. For example, there is a great online vocabulary game. First, go to the Vocabulary column and listen and memorize the words. Then we go to the Question and answer section and listen to the question-answer:

- What’s this?
- It's a Lion!

And then in the Question only column, where you and your baby already need to answer.


This site also has cartoons, songs and games. For example, interactive alphabet gamessuitable for beginner toddlers. Choose a set of letters and a level (first Level 1).

Next, click on a letter (for example "a") and listen to the pronunciation of this letter (or rather, the sound, of course, but kids don't need to know such difficulties) and the word starting with it. All this action is supplied with a funny picture.

The game has excellent voice acting and animation!

At the next level, you are asked to choose a letter by the word you hear. At the third level, only by sound.


Another super-useful site (it's not surprising - it's the British Council). For example, word gameswhere you need to match the word and the picture. Or trolley Dash gamewhere you need to quickly buy all the products from the shopping list (tested: very addicting!)


A large number of tasks (online and for download). For example, you need watch the video and fill in the gaps the right words (for older kids).

English for kids. What is the most effective technique? Language immersion is the most effective method for learning English. It consists in ... How to choose English courses for a child: 5 tips for ...

Please, tell me what interesting programs there are for children. We would like to talk with the teacher and the director about changing the program. Now we are in the 2nd grade using the Spotlight textbook from Enlightenment. At home, they are asked to read songs that are not understood in the classroom, are not translated. A bunch of new words, articles and other things that the child has no idea about, but must read. Otherwise, they put 3, 2 ... We need an accessible, interesting program for children.

We need English language courses, namely spoken language so that the child can communicate in English. The child is 13 years old, in English at school 5, he is friends with grammar, but he just cannot speak it ... some kind of barrier .. I consider all options as well as private ...

Please share, on what manuals, textbooks do your children additionally learn? You are satisfied? Do the kids like it? I am interested in textbooks for both preschool and elementary school. I am looking for educational material that is successful from the point of view of presentation and explanation and interesting for children (namely material :), it is clear that the teacher is much more important, etc.).

We teach the child English. My daughter teaches English at school according to Biboletova “Enjoy English”. First year of study. English for kids. Free open lessons English First in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

I saw an English school (with in-depth study of English) and decided: why not. Yes, everything is fine. English for kids. What is the most effective technique? English manual. lang. recommend for preschoolers, pliz). "send your child to good courses ...

We teach the child English. English for preschoolers and schoolchildren - how to achieve real knowledge? Discussion. English for kids. What is the most effective technique?

English at Shabolovka. Learning foreign languages. Children education. English at Shabolovka. I offer English lessons for schoolchildren in the daytime, if you live near the Shabolovskaya metro station, I teach English at a school.

Has anyone studied English with the Meshcheryakova method? Or is he doing it now? Mine in the d / s studied on Meshcheryakova, but I don’t remember the flower reading, probably they didn’t reach him. In advance, thanks! English for kids. What is the most effective technique?

English for a six-year-old. Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. Didn't find what you were looking for? Check out other discussions: English for Toddlers. What is the most effective technique?

English by Vereshchagina. - get-togethers. Child from 7 to 10. Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, additional activities, hobbies.

There are no such warm words in English that the baby would so like to say. Is it worth starting from that age or should it be left to an age closer to the time he starts English for kids. What is the most effective technique?

The situation is this: I am studying English with a three-year-old child (tutoring), the girl is quick-witted and with a good memory, thanks to this, a very active formation of the lexical stock is taking place: the number of words that she uses in everyday life is quite large (for a month of classes). But at the same time, the simplest constructions are not given at all (such as What "s this? Yes, it is), dialogues do not work, that is, she can repeat the phrase after me, but she does not understand what needs to be answered

Please tell me where in Moscow is it better to buy cartoons and children's films in English? At first I was going to just buy unduplicated cartoons, but I found that they cost 1000 rubles each. little thing .. Then I decided to buy dubbed into Russian English-language cartoons and put English instead of Russian. But one friend explained that such a trick will only work with expensive versions - English is worn out on cheap DVDs. This is true? Where, then, to buy "not cheap versions" cheaper? I was going to Gorbushka, but now I don’t know where.

English for kids. Free open English First lessons in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (children's books in English). Can you please tell me, are there books in English for children in Moscow?

I really need information about early development methods in English (I'm going for an interview with the British). What is the most effective technique? The language immersion method is easy! Early development. English for kids.

I use Meshcheryakova's method (very effective for preschoolers), but there are many methodological nuances (I am English for kids. What method is most effective? Another way to supplement it, you can use the video course on DVD "English with Piggy and ...

Please advise a good English tutor for a 3-year-old child. I'm an English teacher myself. language - it is, of course, possible to deal with such kids, but there will not be very many results. And at school, the child will still start learning all over again and, moreover, from completely different ones ...

Methods of memorizing English. words. How the spelling of anegl is remembered. words? English for kids. What is the most effective technique? And then the baby will learn not only to repeat English words after you, but also to understand me, but not at 2.5 months, I began to speak with ...

So, you have decided that your child must certainly master a foreign language. What method of teaching children English will fit your baby? Before you start looking for tutors or courses for your son or daughter, be sure to read this article.

Methodology for teaching children English: general principles

If you want to achieve a positive result, follow a few rules. First of all, remember that it is impossible to learn a foreign language under a stick. The more you force, the less the baby will have the desire to do something. Perhaps in the beginning it is worth trying exciting English courses on the Internet online in order to push the child to study the subject, to arouse his interest.

An integrated approach is also important. In no case should we focus on learning, say, grammar alone. The training plan must be carefully and deliberately drawn up.

Persistence is required. The child should know that he has embarked on a difficult path, but the reward for his efforts will be invaluable. Motivation is the key to success in studying any science.

Which technique to choose?

So which method of teaching English to children is the most effective? Let's list the most famous and popular methods.

For babies under three years old, the Zaitsev method is suitable. Small child learns a foreign language using blocks.

Another very common technique is play. It is one of the most productive. The teacher arranges various games during which the learning itself takes place. In a fun way, the child learns all the components foreign language, from grammar to speaking.

The project methodology for teaching children English is used when working with children over 4 years old. The teacher devotes a certain number of hours to a particular topic. Every child learns something interesting for himself. In the last lesson, all children bring various works on the topic studied.

The combined method involves mixing all kinds of foreign language teaching to kids. Here you can find games, poems, dances, songs. The child will definitely not get bored in the classroom. After all, learning English for kids can be fun and interesting. Moreover, the knowledge gained remains in memory for a long time.

Learning English in courses

Good English courses in St. Petersburg offer, as a rule, a combined method of teaching kids a foreign language. Experienced educators use modern methods. Computer technologies are widely used. These are programs for quickly memorizing words, programs designed to correct pronunciation, viewing adapted cartoons, and so on. Over time, a professional teacher develops his own unique method of teaching children English, which, in his opinion, is the most effective.

Tatiana Chernyshkova
Methodical recommendations for teaching English to preschool children

Study of of English language should start at an early age. Learning foreign language, in the case of correct organization of classes, develops children, raises their educational and cultural level. So, as a result of the conducted in schools England and Wales experiment, which covered 6000 children, it was found that the occupation of foreign tongue have a positive effect on knowledge of their native language, many children with weak general abilities showed excellent success in speaking in a foreign language language... Research from leading universities in the United States and Canada has shown that bilingual children cognitive abilities are better than monolinguals. The beneficial effect of learning a second language the development of native speech was proved by L. S. Vygotsky, L. V. Shcherba noted, and other domestic scientists. Perennial experimental foreign language teachingconducted by the laboratory team teaching foreign languages Research Institute of General and Secondary Education of the APN RF, confirmed “the beneficial effect of the subject on children: on their general mental development (memory, attention, imagination, thinking, on the development of ways of adequate behavior in children in various life situations, on better command of relatives tongue, on speech development children in general ”... The sooner you start introducing your child to english language environment, all the better. So, during the first 4 years of a person's life, 50% of the abilities for cognition are laid, by the age of 7-8, basic skills are formed. Starting from 8-10 years old, any opportunities must be developed through training. The more old you are, the more time you will need to devote and the more energy to invest. Therefore, the best option teaching English to children - this is to start at 4 years old, or even earlier. So, children speak those languages, they hear. Thus, as soon as possible introduction of learning into your child's life of English language will facilitate its quick setting. Later, when the child grows up, conversational english will be played on a subconscious level without accent, using correct grammar.

Principles of presenting educational material preschoolers: For classes to be truly effective and not overwhelm the child, they must follow certain principles.

Voluntary participation. In no case should a child be forced to teach english at an early age... If lessons become a duty, then they can quickly get bored, and later it can be difficult for the baby to learn tongue... The main task of parents and teachers is to generate interest in language, and the game helps a lot in this. Through play, children learn the world and are easily involved in the process, mastering important language skills.

Child's motivation and interest in lessons. The child does not have that motivation to teach englishthat adults have. They don't need to build a career, they don't realize that english they will need in the future. Therefore, it is important to interest the child in something else. If he is interested in the process learning, if it is fun and not tiring, the child himself will strive for classes. Come up with your motivation.

Child comfort with learning... Comfort is another important consideration when learning... Some children easily stay in a group with other children and the teacher, others need one of the parents to be nearby. It also depends on child's age, and from his character. If classes are natural for the child, he will easily begin to master the material. If you see that your child is resisting learning, you shouldn't ignore it. Maybe it doesn't suit him technique, does not like the teacher or it is just hard for him. It's worth changing the approach to regain interest.

Sequence learning... It makes no sense to load up to six years children rules, spelling and grammar, but it is good to learn new words together through songs, dances, games. The main thing is that the presentation of the material is consistent and new knowledge is easy "Lay down" what the child is already familiar with.

Perseverance. Above all, remember that you have embarked on a difficult path, the reward at the end of which is great. There will be times when there will be no visible results. In these moments, you must support your child and with him overcome the difficulties that have arisen, without losing momentum. Also if technique, picked up by you, your child does not like, it is better to choose another methodology... The main thing is to find an interesting methodology, and persistence will come by itself.

Criteria for organizing classes in english for preschoolers.

Forms learning should be aimed not at mastering as many lexical units as possible, but at fostering interest in the subject, developing the child's communication skills, and the ability to express oneself. It is important to achieve certain qualities of mastery of the material, which should allow the child with a minimum of funds, assuming a subsequent increase linguistic units in the child's competence, use them situationally and meaningfully. The forms of classes can be following:

Daily 15 - 25 minute classes, accompanied by a speech in a foreign language language during regime moments.

Classes twice a week, 25 - 45 minutes with breaks for outdoor games in a foreign language language and time for sculpting, drawing and making crafts thematically related to the lesson.

Special lessons - fairy tale lessons and watching video fragments - as an addition to the main lessons.

Meetings with native speakers language.

Matinees and holidays where children can show their achievements - stage a fairy tale, recite a poem.

Classes are conversations.

Foreign classes language in nature.

The most successful methodology are based on the principle of the phased formation and development of speech action, when the simpler precedes the more complex. At all levels of material presentation, the principle of communication is implemented, that is, everything serves to achieve a certain result in communication. The independent use of speech units should be preceded by their understanding by ear, which corresponds to the psycholinguistic laws of speech acquisition.

Let's list some methods for teaching English to children:

method of learning English - Zaitsev's method... Intended for children under 3 years old... Also known as learning english by method Zaitsev using cubes;

Playroom technique(game method)... Very efficient methodology for teaching children English... The teacher starts games during which there is training... Develops all the components of knowledge language - from grammar to colloquial speech;

Design technique... Intended for children from 4 years old... A certain number of lessons are devoted to a certain topic. Everyone learns something interesting. For the last lesson on the topic, children should bring works on the past topic;

Combined technique... Mixing different teaching styles english for children... Here you can include both games and songs, dances, etc., etc. The child will never be bored and he will switch from one activity to another, which will have a beneficial effect on the results. English Teaching Methods.

Associative method... For children with their developed imaginations, this method fits perfectly... Its essence is that the studied phrase or word is associated with some very vivid image, picture. That is, remembering the word apple, they represent a delicious juicy apple. Subsequently, a vivid image makes it easy to find the right word in memory.

Communicative method(lexical approach)... it language learning method through communication, discussion - this is how children gradually learn to think in english... You can discuss how the day went, how interesting the new book or movie was, where you went on the weekend. Thus, children learn phrases and expressions, which are then easily used in speech.

Audio-lingual and audiovisual methods... With these methods speaking well is practiced. They are based on interesting dialogues, learning which children easily learn to speak.

Immersion method... Children watch films, listen to songs, thus perceiving the original english speech... A good way is to communicate with the native languagewho cannot answer in Russian. Method immersion teaches you to think on english is a good skillwhich will be very useful in the future. Features: teaching children of different ages. Preschool English... IN preschool age when teaching English child, first of all, learns to communicate. The main emphasis is on getting children to understand english speech and could react to it. In that age the foundations of pronunciation are also laid. Children use elementary english words, learn phrases from songs, learn to recognize words in games. It is important to english words denoted concepts that are well known to children in their own languageand so that they can be easily combined with each other. Children in the younger age easiest to remember names items(you can touch them) and action (they can be played)... Clothes, body parts, family members, greetings, toys, animals - all these words children can already easily learn in english... Another feature of the perception of information in this age - in children well-developed figurative memory, so the words are demonstrated clearly. Real objects, pictures, toys help in this. Actively used in learning and drawing, coloring, cutting, tracing by points - creative work also makes it easier to memorize words. Often an obligatory component of the lesson is a physical education minute, in which all exercises and actions are also accompanied by naming them on english... However, keep attention for a long time it is still difficult for preschoolerstherefore the lesson usually does not exceed 30-40 minutes. As a rule, classes are held 2 times a week. Lessons english at preschool age develop memory, attention, intelligence, observation and prepare the child well for school.

Features: teaching a foreign language to older preschool children(5-6 years old).

Teaching older preschool children has its own characteristics. When starting work with children, it is very important for a teacher to know that the level of development children is still insufficient for them to independently solve many problems arising in the process of their activities (playful, productive, speech, etc.)... The child's independence is gradually formed under the guidance of an adult. The sixth year of life is important in preparing a child for school. At this time in pedagogical literature it is recommended to use techniques when teaching childrenthat provide increased efficiency children, the development of mental activity and curiosity, the formation of elements of purposeful attention, voluntary memory and imagination, the initial forms of conscious control of one's behavior. In this regard, great importance is attached to developmental teaching methods - systematization of the proposed knowledge and skills, the use of auxiliary visual aids that facilitate the child's learning process, the formation of skills to perform tasks of a certain type and apply them in new conditions. In the process of education important role is assigned to the formation and development of children's relationships, the initial awareness of the moral meaning of the learned rules of behavior. Creating a welcoming atmosphere in the group children, their ability to take care of their peers, to show kindness and attention is a necessary condition for the successful completion of any task in the process learning... To understand the nature of the relationship children, the teacher should constantly monitor the communication children in various types of joint activities, especially in the game. To help children, especially preschoolers, it is necessary to constantly monitor the behavior to tune in to the execution of educational tasks children... A kind, attentive attitude of an adult will relieve him of many grief and unnecessary worries, avoid stress. Have children attachment to fair and affectionate people grows stronger, they respond to requests or instructions, strive to please them. Peer relationships depend on how well the child meets their needs and how comfortable they are with their peers. Need to learn children positive ways communication: be kind to peers, show kindness, friendliness, fairness, help organize joint activities, encourage success, teach them to give joy to the people around them.

English for primary school children... Junior school age - it is also a time of exploration and knowledge of the world. Children during this period are very curious, active, it is still difficult for them to sit still, and they can quickly get tired. Therefore, often for primary school age also used games, moving tasks, poems and songs, cartoons. The child no longer loses interest so quickly during the lesson, but it is still important to build the process in a fun way, alternate different tasks. An important aspect of this age - the beginning of educational activities. The child's attention increases, it becomes more stable. By the age of 7-9, it is already much easier for children to complete a given program for a certain period. Memory improves - it becomes consciously regulated. In the same age, the desire of children to achieve... They already know how to set goals and achieve results. This feature allows you to instill interest in english language... Lessons can already last 40-45 minutes, they can be held 2-3 times a week. Parents can teach English to preschoolers or primary school children, of course, and on their own. To do this, they themselves must be good at tongueto get the correct pronunciation. Known methodologydeveloped by experts. However, firstly, parents do not always have the opportunity to deal with children regularly, and secondly, the level language or teaching skill. After all, it's one thing to own well tongue, and quite another - to explain or help the child to study it. A good way is to hire a tutor. But such method more suitable for schoolchildren who need, for example, to improve their level. If you want classes to be easy and comfortable, and the approach to training was systematic, then it is worth giving it to language school where there are special programs for children under 7-9 years old... Classes are held there in groups, which contributes to both the socialization of the child and better development language... He not only teaches english, but also develops the skill of teamwork. Children work with professionals who use the most modern methodology and create the right interest. So, gradually, through the game and exciting tasks, english becomes a part of the child's life, which subsequently helps him to achieve success in life. Thus, methods of teaching English to childrenas well as his teaching are different. It remains to choose exactly the one methodologythat will be interesting to the child.

To learn to speak English, you need a certain system or, as it is more often called, a method of teaching English, which would allow you to fully solve the tasks set, namely: to acquire the skills of reading, listening comprehension, speaking and writing in the target language.

Even 20-30 years ago, the teaching was based on the classical method. 90% of the time was devoted to the theory of a foreign language. In the classroom, students studied new vocabulary, syntactic constructions, discussed rules, and also read and translated texts, did written assignments and sometimes listened to audio recordings. It took only 10% of the time to develop speaking skills. As a result, the person understood texts in English and knew grammar rules, but could not speak. That is why the decision was made to change the approach to teaching. So, the following methods have replaced the fundamental "classics" +:


Its main principle is to use the lexical units and grammatical structures studied in the lessons in speech, both oral and written. All classes, which are developed according to the principles of this modern method of teaching English, are, if possible, conducted in a foreign language, or with minimal inclusion of native speech. Moreover, the teacher only guides the students, asks them questions and creates a communicative situation, while 70% of the time from the entire lesson, students speak. It is noteworthy that it is this methodology that forms the basis of teaching a foreign language at school. Nevertheless, some of the techniques of the classical school are still used. So, for example, teachers to this day share with their students knowledge of the theory of the English language, set written exercises to improve grammar and vocabulary.


This method of teaching English to children, however, as well as to adults, has long been used in schools and universities in America, and lately it has become more and more firmly in the educational activities of our students. Its meaning consists in using the studied material in practice and is optimal for use at the end of the whole module, when it becomes possible to assess the degree of mastering of the educational material. So, for example, junior schoolchildren are happy to present their projects on the themes "My home", "My pet", "My favorite toys", while senior students are already engaged in serious developments, for example, on environmental protection.


Unlike the methods of teaching English described above, for which favorable conditions have been created in the school, the training approach is based on self-study, with the amendment that students are given already worked out structured material and clearly explained by the teacher. As with any training, the student receives a portion of theory, memorizes the rules and uses them in practice. Very often, this technique is used in online learning, including on an educational resource. Its main advantages are the presence of a well-thought-out program, the presentation of the information necessary to increase the level of English proficiency in the most accessible form and the ability to independently plan the study schedule.

Offers to learn English with the help of texts, stories and fairy tales, voiced by professional announcers. Each text is accompanied by a series of exercises for memorizing new words, listening and translating. Having come to our site, you can start learning English even with a zero beginner level and, subject to regular classes, bring your knowledge to an above-average level. Here is an example of one of the short stories on the basis of which initial training on our website.

Your prayers

The Sunday School teacher asks Tom:
“Come to me and tell me the truth,
do you say your prayers before eating? "
Tom smiles proudly.
“No miss, no need,
my mom is really good at cooking. "


The intensive technique has gained particular popularity among those who seek to learn to speak English in the shortest possible time. To achieve this seemingly unrealistic goal allows a high level of stereotyped language - English is 25% cliché. Through the study of a large number stable expressions, memorizing and practicing them, a person can learn to explain in a foreign language and understand the interlocutor in a relatively short time.

Active methods of teaching English

The so-called active methods of teaching English are distinguished into a separate group, examples of the most widely used techniques are given below.

So, these include:

  • Round table
    The teacher formulates the problem and offers the students an assignment: evaluate the significance of the problem, demonstrate all the pros and cons, determine the possible result, etc. Students should speak out on the presented issue, argue their position and eventually come to a common decision.
  • Brainstorm
    This technique is also aimed at discussing and solving a problem. However, according to this method of teaching English, the audience is divided into two groups - "idea generators" who actually propose ideas, and "experts" who, at the end of the "storm", evaluate the position of each "generator".
  • Business game
    The teacher prepares a game on the studied topic and explains the rules to the students. As a rule, the proposed tasks imitate the tasks and situations of real communication, for example, finding and getting a job, concluding a contract, traveling, etc.
  • A game technique for learning English for children.
    Its main advantages are the absence of a mechanism of coercion into classes and a great interest on the part of the child. The teacher conducts with children a wide variety of games for the studied vocabulary and grammatical constructions, during which the children quickly memorize them and learn to apply them in speech.

Learning through online exercises. Example.

Whichever method of learning English you choose, remember that motivation is of great importance in learning a foreign language, and the key to successful learning is the regularity and consistency of your classes.
