5. Syntactic connection in a phrase

Syntactic relations are expressed by various means of subordination.

Syntactic link is a formal semantic connection between the components of a syntactic unit. There are 2 types of syntactic connection - writing And subordination.

Coordinating syntactic connection occurs in a sentence and combines homogeneous members of the sentence. We will talk about the types of composing syntactic connection later.

Subordinating syntactic connection occurs in phrases; this is a combination of unequal units: one word is grammatically dependent on another. Eg. , golden autumn, read the article, very easy. Subordination can be mandatory And optional.

Mandatory subordination arises when a word is used as the main one, requiring the appearance of a dependent component. That is, the main word is informatively insufficient, and complex relations arise between the components. For example .:

Optional subordinate relationship observed in cases where the word may or may not have a dependent component. For example :

ran - quickly, downhill, home, to my mother.

I read a book - interesting, old, fat.

The same word with different dependent word forms can have an obligatory and an optional connection. For example:

The nature of the connection in submission can be predictive And unpredictable.

The predictive nature of the relationship: the main word predicts the shape of the dependent component. For example ., the adjective agrees with the noun in gender, number and case: a new house, about new houses, in a new house; the transitive verb requires an addition in Win.p. no suggestion: see city, man, river; open window, book, door, America; some verbs and nouns require the setting of the dependent component in a specific case with a specific preposition: leave the hall, at home; think about life, soul, friend; hope for a brother, a case, maybe.

The unpredictable nature of the relationship occurs when the form of the dependent component is not determined by the properties of the main word. For example:

be- over the river

Under the tree

Grandma, etc.

Drive home, in the forest, for potatoes, under a bridge, over an abyss, to relatives, etc.

Both predictive and non-predictive relationships can be mandatory and optional:

Be in the forest - the connection is obligatory, unpredictable;

Take a book- obligatory, predictive;

Interesting book - optional, predictive;

Took on time- optional, unpredictable.

Allocate three main types subordination in phrases: agreement, control, adjoining.

Coordination - a type of connection in which the dependent word is similar in form to the main one, since it is morphologically adapted to change the form under the influence of the subordinate word. For example .: yellow leaf, yellow leaves, about yellow leaves.

chiefthe word in agreement is a noun or a substantiated part of speech, dependent- adjective, participle, pronominal adjective, ordinal number and cardinal number in indirect cases. For example .: new house, melting ice cream, unknown person, our son, first grade, about two friends.

Between the components of phrases arise attributive relations.

A special case of agreement - mutual agreement: it is a connection between a noun and a noun in which it is grammatically impossible to determine the main word. Eg. : a beautiful pine tree, a hero city, the Ob River, an old peasant, Dr. Petrov. Both components of such a phrase, as a rule, change in the same way ( about the beautiful pine, under the beautiful pines), therefore, the main word cannot be determined grammatically, it is determined only by meaning. Between the components of such phrases there are appositive relations.

Coordination happens complete And incomplete.

Full agreement is such a connection in which the dependent word is likened to the main one in all respects: by gender, number and case - or only by gender and case (there may be no agreement in number).

For example .: English and French;

Wool skirt and jacket.

Incomplete agreement is such a connection in which the dependent word is not likened to the main one in all respects: there may be no agreement in gender or case.

For example: Lake Baikal- there is no gender agreement;

on Lake Baikal - by gender and case.

Incomplete agreement is typical for phrases with appositive relations: Dnieper river, ore barge, teacher-chemist, associate professor Ivanova. Much less often, incomplete agreement is found in phrases with attributive relations, for example .: a young doctor, a skilled turner.

It should be noted that agreement is considered incomplete in such phrases where the generic form of words coincides by chance (for example .: house-ship, city of Tomsk, song-soul), in contrast to phrases with full agreement, where the dependent component has a correlate in gender (for example .: rock-giant and pine-giantess, apprentice-loafer and apprentice-loafer, fate-villain and cat-villain).

Control - this is a type of connection in which the dependent component is used in a form determined by the lexical and grammatical properties of the main word, namely: the main word requires the setting of the dependent in a certain case with or without a preposition. In this case, the dependent word is a noun or any other substantiated part of speech, and the main word is practically any significant part of speech. For example .: read a book, learn new things, help him; friend's sister, waiting for a friend, two friends, older than a friend, sorry for a friend etc.

Relationships arise in phrases with the connection control object(ex. .: read a magazine, think about the future), attributive(ex. .: father's jacket, mascara), circumstantial(ex. : go to the forest, be late due to an accident), complete(ex. .: three musketeers, several people).

There are two approaches to the classification of communication management:

1) Highlight control strong And weak . At the same time, different scientists understand different linguistic phenomena as strong control: some consider strong control in phrases with a predictive connection, others - in phrases with an obligatory connection. To avoid this confusion, a second approach is suggested:

2)  4 types of control are distinguished based on the distinction between the relationship between mandatory / optional and predictive / non-predictive:

A) predictable mandatory management (ex. : read a book, go up to the house, run over the fence);

B) predictable optional control (for example .: mum's shawl, dress sleeve, father's house);

C) unpredictable mandatory control (eg. : live in the forest, live in the country; go to the city, go under the bridge);

D) unpredictable optional control (eg. : read in the room, flower garden at the gate, print in the evenings).

adjoining - such a subordination, in which the dependent component is an invariable word or an invariable form of inflected words.


1) adverbs (for example .: turn right, ride, very young, speak German);

2) invariable adjectives (for example .: beige coat, khaki jacket, raglan cut, extra salt);

3) comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs (for example .: older kids, be smarter, run faster);

4) infinitives (ex. : habit of smoking, love to read, came to study, started working);

5) gerunds (eg. : walks limping, silently smiling, eating while standing);

6) the connection between the noun and the forms of possessive pronouns is also considered adjoining him, her, them. Grammatically, these forms are close to invariable adjectives: they have no case forms, and gender and number forms do not participate in the expression of connection ( compare: his/her, their/family, home, children).

main word when adjoining, it can be mutable and immutable.

changeable the words:

1) nouns (for example .: Bordeaux scarf, her shoes, desire to learn);

2) personal forms of verbs and participles (eg. : stares without blinking, writes quickly, poorly studied, speaks loudly);

3) adjectives (for example .: ready to run, able to draw, very cold);

4) numerals (eg. : third from left, thrice three).

In such phrases, there are no problems with the definition of the main component: this is a modified word.

Immutable keywords - these are gerunds, infinitives, adverbs and words of the state category.

For example .: reading fast, watch without blinking, very fast, quite sorry.

In such phrases, the main word is the one that can be used in the sentence without the dependent. Let's compare two sentences: Easy to breathe in the morning And Breathe easy in the morning. From the first sentence, we select the phrase with the main word easily: easily(what?) breathe (compare: in the morning easily(breathe); from the second sentence we select the phrase with the main word breathe(changeable word); breathe(as?) easily(cf.: in the morning breathe(easily).

Adjacency happens compulsory And optional. Compulsory is an adjacency with a connection based on complementary relations (for example .: learn to knit, stay close, go right).

In phrases with adjacency, not only complex, but also adverbial, object and attributive relations are possible (for example, .: I'll do it tomorrow, it hurts a lot; recommend reading; soft-boiled eggs, ride).


1. Determine the type of syntactic connection in phrases:

About early spring, reading aloud, the Don River, two friends, in the third building, close to victory, something mysterious, absolutely distinct, ready to help, sick with a sore throat, quite far away, his ideas, noticed something, saw a cockatoo, a traveling frog , the ability to draw, the bank is lower, met her, at each student, silently nodded, beige dress, canceling the contract, came to study, put on a coat.

2. Determine the type of relationship and the type of syntactic link :

A) friendly, friendly, autumn rain, it was raining straight, studied by scientists, nowhere, unknown to anyone, acquaintance from Moscow, return of the master, phenomenon of synonymy, in a winter forest, bought a necklace, from the secretary-referent, asked for help, to his sister, a Bordeaux scarf;

B) turned right, found five kopecks, the captain of the ship, the artist Dürer, began to draw, four hundred and fifty volumes, on the thirty-fifth page, with two girlfriends, a very strange, easiest way.

3. Write out all the phrases from the sentences and conduct their structural-semantic analysis according to the following scheme: 1) simple or complex, 2) characteristic according to the morphological expression of the main word, 3) syntactic relations, 4) syntactic connection.

Example : BOUGHT(what?) THREE ASTERS- complex, verbal, object relations, communication management;

THREE(what?) ASTER- simple, numerative, complex relations, communication control.

1)How Prophetic Oleg is now going to take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars. Their villages and fields for a violent raid, he doomed swords and fires. With his retinue in Constantinople armor, the prince rides across the field on a faithful horse(P.).

2) The navigator Pausanias from the banks of the distant Nile brought to Rome the skins of fallow deer, and Egyptian fabrics, and a large crocodile(N. Gum.).

3) The long winter night passed unnoticed. Sat down to dinner at 5 o'clock in the morning(P.).

4) Only in the distance flaunt there, at the bottom of the valleys, brushes of bright red withering mountain ash(A. Tolstoy).

5) The autumn cold has died; the road freezes; murmuring, the stream still runs behind the mill (P.).

6) He brought fruits of learning from foggy Germany: freedom-loving dreams, an ardent and rather strange spirit, always enthusiastic speech and shoulder-length black curls (P.).

7) The nature of his thirsty steppes on the day of anger gave birth to dead green branches and watered the roots with poison (P.).

8) In cold blood, not yet aiming, two enemies with a firm gait, quietly, evenly, four have crossed steps, four mortal steps (P.).

Workshop on completing task B3 at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

As the analysis of the USE results shows, the test-takers, on the whole, successfully cope with task B3.

Particularly effective is the solution of tasks in which it is required to determine the method of subordination in a demonstrative phrase ( Indicate the type of connection in the subordinating phrase all sky (sentence 20). This is due to the fact that in such cases, the examinee does not analyze the entire sentence ( all sentences) as a whole, but only the given phrase.

Difficulties always arise when the same task requires finding a phrase in a particular sentence or text fragment ( From sentence 18, write out the subordinating phrase with the connection AGREEMENT), especially if the dependent component of such a phrase is a pronoun in a prepositional case form (on that day).

Diagnostic work revealed typical errors when performing task B3. They are related:

  • with insufficient ability of examinees to distinguish between lexical and grammatical categories of words (primarily pronouns and adverbs),
  • determine the meaning, grammatical features and functions in the speech of words of different lexical and grammatical categories,
  • with insufficient ability to establish the dependence of some words on others and isolate a phrase from a sentence.

When preparing for the exam, special attention should be paid to the formation of the ability to establish the dependence of some words on others and to isolate the phrase from the sentence, which causes great difficulties when completing task B3.

We start work with repetition and generalization of the material.

What is a phrase?(this is a combination of two or more words related in meaning and grammatically).
What are the types of phrases by meaning?

We pay attention to subordinate phrases, because they are found in the USE tests. Our task is to consider ways of connecting words in a phrase.

1. We conduct a workshop on the selection of all phrases from sentences.

Select all phrases:

My brain cleared dope
The soul is drawn into the primitive.
I see dewy fogs!
I hear a fake tune! (I. Severyanin "Epilogue")

Write out phrases: my brain
cleared up the brain
drawn into the primitive
dewy fogs
I see fogs
hear the motive
fake motif

I like that you are not sick of me,
I like that I'm not sick of you,
That never a heavy globe of the earth
Won't float under our feet. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Write out phrases: I like
sick not by me
under our feet
heavy ball
will never float

2. Workshop on determining the ways of connecting words in a phrase:

loud rustle (coordination);
go for luggage (management);
argue fervently (adjacency);
make a jump (control);
to speak in a whisper (adjacency);
overnight in the forest (management);
draw with a pencil (management);
shines brighter (adjacent);
my profession (coordination);
welcome guest (approval);
violation of the rules (management);
three comrades (coordination);
you need to think (adjacency);
gooseberries (management);
clear morning (coordination);
noticed by you (management);
speak more quietly (adjacent);
fall backwards (adjacency).

3. Working out the task of the exam.

The task in the tests sounds, for example, like this: “Write out a phrase from sentence 6 with an adjunction connection.” The number of the offer and the method of communication, of course, can be anything.

What kind steps to take to complete this task?

  1. Highlight the grammatical basis, because. it cannot be a phrase.
  2. Based on the given task, we pay attention to the main OR dependent word (we are looking for the necessary parts of speech). Do not forget that the words in the phrase MAY BE BROKEN with other wordsAnd.

Step by step work on the task:

1. From the sentence, write out the phrase with the connection CONNECTION:

Recently, someone - I don’t remember who - said: if we didn’t teach literature, there would be no rockets, no Korolev, and much more.

  • The first basis - someone said; the second basis - do not be; the third would not be.
  • Since, when adjoining, the dependent word is an invariable part of speech, we will find an adverb in it (there are no gerunds and an indefinite form of the verb in the sentence). The only adverb is in the first simple sentence - recently. It is connected with the predicate: said (when?) Recently.
  • Therefore, we write the answer as these words are used in the sentence: recently said.

2. From the sentence, write out the phrase with the connection CONNECTION:

The writer, the true writer, does not compromise his conscience, even when he is in need.

3. From the sentence, write out the phrase with the connection AGREEMENT:

But then on what should we base our judgments about the life of society?

4. From the sentence, write out the phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT:

Quite often a cold, rational, technical process of work should come to the rescue.

5. From sentences 10-13, write out the phrase with the connection CONNECTION:

(10) We say this at a time when millions of books are being printed and every year the fountains of printed pages freeze like snowy mountains. (11) In this labyrinth of paper glaciers, snow blindness can strike an inexperienced traveler. (12) But a vigilant librarian is like a true keeper of Knowledge. (13) He knows how to guide the boat of the seeker through the waves of the boundless printed ocean.

6. From the sentence, write out the phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT:

Everyone hoped for the best, but our hopes were not justified.

7. From sentences 11, 12 write out the phrase with the link AGREED:

(11) When the sun shines, the light multiplies a hundredfold. (12) At such an hour you feel like a birthday person on earth.

8. From the sentence, write out the phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT:

My passion for sports came in handy very soon.

9. From the sentence, write out the phrase with the connection CONNECTION:

The discoveries of archaeologists have made a real revolution in the views on art that existed earlier.

Shevchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna

Lesson Development

Subject: Ways of subordination in the phrase: coordination, management,

Adjacency. Step-by-step preparation for the GIA according to the teaching materials of S.I. Lvova. 8th grade



To consolidate the concept of ways of connecting words in a phrase;

to develop the ability to produce syntactic analysis of the phrase;

to form the ability to transform phrases of one grammatical meaning into synonymous ones with another type of connection;

continue to work on the development of literate writing skills.


Create conditions for the formation of the skill of solving educational problems that meet the requirements of the GIA; contribute to the improvement of the ability to correctly use phrases related by the method of management and coordination.


Create conditions for the realization of a situation of success.


- presentation for the lesson ;

- interactive whiteboard and projector;

- Handout;


Lesson type - practical lesson

During the classes

  1. Organizing time

2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

3. Spelling warm-up

4. Preparing students for the perception of new material

5. Step-by-step study of new material and practical consolidation of the received


1. Observation-research

2. Training exercises.

3. Stimulation. Joke - minute

4. VD Methods of subordination.

5. Recording from dictation.

6. Propaedeutics. Getting ready for GIA.

6. Independent work.

7. Relaxation

8. Homework.

  1. Organizing time.

Teacher: Today we Let's continue the study of the phrase as a syntactic unit. We will consolidate and deepen knowledge about the ways of connecting words in phrases. In your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

2 . Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson. Slide #2

3. Spelling warm-up. (Taking into account the gaps in independent work)

(Target: developing writing skills.)

  1. At the blackboard, the 1st student works on the card.

- Distribute words with unstressed vowels in the root according to the method of verification. Briefly explain the spelling.

Distribute, it seemed, position, assume, gather, grow up, president, ingenious, priority, privilege, partisan.

  1. At the blackboard, the 2nd student works on the card.

- Highlight spellings. What parts of the word are they in? To explain which orthograms did you need to determine the part of speech?

At the edge of a grove, in a dense forest, a talented person, on the outskirts of the village, we'll talk when we meet, at a rickety hut, a profession.

- Name phrases with the same structure.

(Mutual check)

3) 3rd student works with an interactive whiteboard. Comments on inserted

Letters. The class works in notebooks.

Slide #3

4. Preparing students for the perception of new material.

Slide #4

(Goal: to repeat the concept of a phrase, types of phrase according to the morphological features of the main word)

Teacher: Write down a sentence under dictation, write out phrases that are different in structure.

Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as precious stones radiate a mysterious brilliance. (K. Paustovsky)

Students write down the following phrases:many words, radiate poetry, radiate by themselves, like that.

5. Step-by-step study of new material and practical consolidation of acquired knowledge.

(Goal: to develop the concept of the types of connection of words in a phrase)

  1. Observation - research

Teacher: Guys, write the phrases in a column, leaving the first line for writing after the explanations. Find the main and dependent word; determine what part of speech the main and dependent words are expressed; on the left in your notebook, write down the diagrams.

(In parallel, after recording each group of phrases, work with the textbook)


Bad news adj. + n.

Excellent result app. + n.

The second invitation is num. (order) + noun.

This haven of places. + n.

The approaching storm + n.

Side №5

Teacher: Will the dependent word change if the main word is changed? (Yes)

What parts of speech can be expressed dependent words in

Harmonization? Determine the grammatical meanings of the written


Working with the textbook. Reading § 10 pp. 86-87. Coordination.


Reduction to the denominator of nouns. + n.

I saw the casting of the verb. + n.

Rush to you. + seats

Teacher: - Does the dependent word change if we change the main one? (Not)

What parts of speech act as dependent words?

Working with the textbook. Reading § 10 p. 87. Management.

Slide #6


Arrive unexpectedly. + adv.

He spoke with a smile. + ger.

Very carelessly adv. + adv.

Teacher: - What part of speech are dependent words?

Do the dependent words in these phrases obey the grammatical


Working with the textbook. Reading § 10 p. 87. Adjacency.

Slide №7,8

2 Training exercises.

(Target : to train students in determining the way words are connected in a phrase)


  1. - Match the nouns lecture, speech, assessment adjectives with

meaning "very good".(Brilliant, bright, high).Determine the type of connection in the recorded phrases, their grammatical meaning.

  1. What is the name of this series of words?to surprise, to puzzle, to amaze, to shake, to bewilder?In what style of speech are these words used? Make up and write down phrases with them. Determine the type of phrases, their grammatical meaning.
  1. Stimulation . Joke is a minute.

(To create interest in the work, I introduce entertaining material into the explanation)

Teacher: In a phrase, there is always one word that is the main thing, the master, the other is subordinate to him. Therefore, the relationship between words is subordinate. But the word “master” refers to his subordinates in different ways.

  1. Upon agreement. The main word is a good host. Works with subordinates. “I do, and you do the same,” it seems to say.
  2. When driving . The owner is demanding and rude. He does nothing himself, but orders his subordinate: “Do as I command!”
  3. When adjoining . The owner does not require anything from the subordinate, he only asks: "Stand next to me"

VD lesson

Teacher : - Name the types of phrases according to the morphological features of the main

The words.

Student: Phrases are verbal, nominal and adverbial, depending on the main word.


  1. G.G. Granik, O.N. Yudin.Programmed tutorial and exercise book
  2. S.I. Lvova, V.V. Lvov. Russian language. Reference materials. Appendix to the textbook. Grade 8, M. "Mnemosyne", 2010, p. 13
  1. Work with the textbook.

Exercise number 179.

Write down phrases, distributing them into three groups depending on what part of speech the main word is. Determine how words are connected in a phrase. Follow spelling rules.

  1. Dictation recording.

Have you ever heard of wool or brick trees? Have you drunk stone, sawed cotton wool, dried clouds? This does not happen in life, and only such words can be combined into phrases that name phenomena that are actually interconnected.

(According to I. Postnikova)

Teacher:- Determine the main idea of ​​the statement.

Name two phrases with different types of connection. Make a syntactic analysis of the phrase according to the plan 2 .

(Students complete the task on their own, 3 people at the blackboard)

Have you ever heard that it doesn't happen - approx .; about woolen trees, such words - acc.; drank cotton wool, they call the phenomena - ex.

  1. Propaedeutics. Getting ready for the GIA

Teacher: Today we will get acquainted with you with one more concept - stylistic synonyms. This is a series of words with the same lexical meaning, relevant in different communication conditions.

Teacher: - Write down the phrases:

Shelter in the house, provide housing, give shelter, settle in oneself, give shelter, a roof over one's head.

Teacher: - When are these phrases used in speech?

Shelter in the house, provide housing, give shelter (book style); to settle in oneself, to give shelter, a roof over one's head (colloquial style).

Teacher: - The topic "Phrase", guys, requires deep understanding and memorization, because this section is included in the tasks of the GIA. Today this task IN 2 . And now we will practice together to complete the tasks, and then on our own.

Slide #9

  1. Replace the phrase ASKED WITH A grin (ex. No. 7: Bannikov even whistled, pulled up the tops of his new cloaks, asked with a grin), built on the basis of communication management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection connection. (Asked smiling).
  2. Replace the phrase CHILDREN'S IMAGINATION (Ex. 9), built on the basis of the connection agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection control. (Imagination of children).
  1. Independent work. Slide number 10,11

Target : creating conditions for the formation of the skill of solving educational problems that meet the requirements of the GIA

Handout for each student

1. Determine the way phrases are linked:

1. Purple twilight

2. Get out quickly

3. Float on water

4. A flock of birds

5. Walked looking back

6. Waving his hand

7. Hit hard

9. Went to get drunk

10. Heard a rustle

11. Very far

12. Eleventh on the list

13. Seventh day

2. Tasks of GIA 2013

1. Replace the phrase SPOKEN WITH rapture (sentence 18),

Communication-based management, synonymous with communication

Adjacency. Write the resulting phrase.

2.Replace the phrase ENEMY ARTILLERY, built on the basis of communication

Harmonization, a synonymous phrase with communication management. write down

The resulting phrase.

3. Replace the phrase UNCLE'S WIFE, built on the basis of communication management,

A synonymous phrase with a connection is agreement. Write down the result


Teacher: A now exchange works and check by key.

Slide #12

  1. Reflection:
  • Name the ways of subordination.
  • What parts of speech act as dependent words in coordination, control, adjunction.
  • What is not a phrase?
  • What do the terms "free" and "non-free phrases" mean?
  1. Homework: § 10, ex. No. 186

Beautiful house

watch a movie

referring to the article

allowed to kiss

school olympiad

2. Replace phrases

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

scattered things

running in jeans

likes to walk

fifth floor

sure of her

2. Replace phrases

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

fallen leaves

red from frost

came to laugh

with your mom

angry at daughter

2. Replace phrases

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Such a man

enemy of the people

wants to come

with someone funny

silver spoon

2. Replace phrasesbuilt on the basis of adjacency, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

in something beautiful

to the left of the house

first student

rhetoric lessons

2. Replace phrasesschoolbag, teddy bear, seaside park, built on the basis of coordination, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

White bathroom

down the street

must go

classical gymnasium

learn a paragraph

2. Replace phrasesbuilt on the basis of management, a synonymous phrase with a connection agreement. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Tanned vacationer

following them

turn right

entertaining linguistics

glad to see

2. Replace phrases

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Right turn

ready to answer

get out from behind the desk

wooden house
stand in front
2. Replace phrasessilently rides, fearlessly rushed, soullessly sang, built on the basis of adjacency, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

informatics office
elective in chemistry

twelve-story house

interested in art

2. Replace phrasesbuilt on the basis of coordination, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Desperate act
make it right
thinking about the task
desire to understand
walked without haste

2. Replace phrasesbuilt on the basis of management, a synonymous phrase with a connection agreement. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Answered irritably

my house

brick house

spring sun

funny kitten

2. Replace phrasesteacher's desk, horse neighing, checkered scarf, built on the basis of coordination, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

In a rushing stream

first lessons

funny kittens

interested in art


2. Replace phrasesbuilt on the basis of management, a synonymous phrase with a connection agreement. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Interested in art

soft-boiled egg

my bag

growing organism

2. Replace phrasesbuilt on the basis of control, a synonymous phrase with a connection adjunction. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

hide the letter

spoke smiling

forgot to call

along the river

clean dining room

2. Replace phrasesbuilt on the basis of coordination, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Get a new haircut

according to the new textbook

evening program

program work

subsequently decide

2. Replace phrasesspoke with anxiety, waited with tension, guarded with care, built on the basis of control, a synonymous phrase with a connection adjunction. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

A rash decision

chained to a rock


uncompromising person

deciding to act

2. Replace phraseswearily walked, looked pitifully, jumped boldly, built on the basis of adjacency, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Overcoming an obstacle

creeping over the river

red hot

yellow leaves

yellowed pages

2. Replace phrasessleepless night, underground passage, algebraic problem, built on the basis of coordination, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Third call

advanced worker

tanned vacationer

sofa bed

science to observe

2. Replace phrasesbuckwheat porridge, a shell for athletes, a path uphill, built on the basis of management, a synonymous phrase with a connection agreement. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Allowed to speak

intends to rest

right turn

boyish haircut

2. Replace phrasescarefully tears, calmly did, lived carefree, built on the basis of adjacency, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Very strict

talking smiling

flew somersault

I'll go running

sideways glance

2. Replace phrasesa man without conscience, a question on literature, a hotel at the station, built on the basis of management, a synonymous phrase with a connection agreement. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

jump higher

a little north

indigo paint


rush hour

2. Replace phraseslooked with embarrassment, left with calmness, spoke with pride, built on the basis of control, a synonymous phrase with a connection adjunction. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Blue sky

go to school

on the seventh sky

angry at father

let come

2. Replace phrasesregimental colors, solar energy, forest smell, built on the basis of coordination, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

Gloomy morning

we take care of parents

in the eleventh car

satisfied with the assessment

decided to rest

2. Replace phrasesstriped suit, lilac bushes, father's advice, built on the basis of management, a synonymous phrase with a connection agreement. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

sunny day

make a table

my cat

happy for the kids

speak beautifully

2. Replace phrasessnowball, mother's fate, music lessons, built on the basis of management, a synonymous phrase with a connection agreement. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

By the raging sea

proud of my motherland

your transmission

between the devil and the deep sea

do it your way

2. Replace phrasesdid it with care, wept silently, acted without pity, built on the basis of control, a synonymous phrase with a connection adjunction. Write the resulting phrases.

1. Determine the type of subordination in the phrase:

About the aborted flight

not ready for anything

no one is happy

three fat men

sideways hat

2. Replace phrasesa two-story building, a six-year-old child, a white-trunked birch, built on the basis of coordination, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrases.


phrase- this is a combination of two or more significant words related to each other in meaning and grammatically.

green eyes, writing letters, hard to convey.

In the phrase stands out the main thing(from whom the question is asked) and dependent(to which is given) the word:


The following are not subordinating phrases:

1. The combination of an independent word with a service: near the house, before a thunderstorm, let him sing;

2. Combinations of words as part of phraseological units: beat the buckets, play the fool, headlong;

3. Subject and predicate: the night has come;

Questions may vary by case!

control (when changing the main word, the dependent does not change):

noun or pronoun in the indirect case with or without a preposition

questions of indirect cases (of whom? what? - about whom? about what?)

ó Remember! The prepositional form of a noun can be a circumstance, therefore questions of circumstance are asked for these forms (see below)

adjunction (dependent word - invariable part of speech!):

listen carefully, go without looking back, soft-boiled egg

3. adverb

4. possessive pronouns (his, her, them)

1. what to do? what to do?

2. What are you doing? having done what?

3. how? where? where? where? when? why? why?

Or so

Ways of subordination in a phrase




This is a subordinating relationship, in which the dependent word is consistent with the main word in gender, number and case.

From the main to the dependent word, the questions are WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH?

This is a subordinating relationship, in which the dependent word is placed in a certain case in relation to the main one. The dependent word is expressed by a pronoun, a noun and other parts of speech in the meaning of a noun.

Questions of INDIRECT cases are raised from the main to the dependent word

This is a subordinating relationship, in which invariable words act as a dependent word: adverb, gerund (we ask WHERE? WHEN? WHERE? WHERE? WHY? WHY? HOW? WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO?), possessive pronouns (his, her, theirs - the question is WHOSE? WHOSE?

reading boy

charity action

run fast

our village

sparkling in the snow

talk excitedly

Fox's tail

sparkling in the snow

cold in winter

open notebook

listen to the news

such an order

traffic on the road

third from left

Older brother

flew to us

unusually quiet

incessant rains

brought from a friend


first student

accept help

a little frivolous

this alley

visit a friend

to know by heart

deserted alley

help a friend

naval pasta

three notebooks

three notebooks


meet latecomers

Late night

their intentions, his mood,

. Distinguish!

In the categories of pronouns, two homonymous (the same in sound and spelling, but different in meaning) categories are distinguished. The personal pronoun answers the questions of indirect cases, and it participates in the subordinating connection - control, and the possessive answers the question whose? and is immutable, it participates in adjacency.

Distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb. They may have the same questions! If there is a preposition between the main word and the dependent, then you have control.

Algorithm of actions No. 1

1) Identify the main word by asking a question from one word to another.

2) Determine the part of speech of the dependent word.

3) Pay attention to the question you ask to the dependent word.

4) According to the identified signs, determine the type of connection.

Ñ Task parsing

What type of connection is used in the phrase CAPTURE MECHANICALLY.

We define the main word and ask a question from it: catch (how?) mechanically; catch - main word, mechanically - dependent. Determine the part of speech of the dependent word: mechanically- is an adverb. If the dependent word answers the question as? and is an adverb, then the phrase uses the connection abutment.

Algorithm of actions No. 2

1. In the text, it is easier for you to find the dependent word first.

2. If you need agreement, look for the word that answers the question which? whose?

3. If you need control, look for a non-nominative noun or pronoun.

4. If you need to find an adjunction, look for an invariable word (infinitive, gerund, adverb or possessive pronoun).

5. Determine from which word you can ask a question to the dependent word.

Ñ Task parsing

From the sentences, write out a subordinating phrase with the connection CONNECTION.

I was in third grade when I had a bad cold. I have otitis media. I screamed in pain and pounded my head with my hands. Mom called an ambulance, and we went to the district hospital.

When adjoining, the dependent word is an infinitive, adverb or gerund. Let's try to find these parts of speech: strong (how?) adverb. We find the main word for it, from which a question is asked to the adverb: caught a cold.

Thus, write out the phrase got a bad cold.
