Dedicated to Yashenka, man, thanks to ...

On the outskirts of one of the rare villages, which remained not only on the map, for many years, huge thickets have died. In them, the same wand that dreamed of becoming magic. And she dreamed about it. That's why: next to these bushes stood a twisted house, inside which the boy lived. This boy was dreaming about a magic wand, since he read the first fairy tale in his life. Because he really wanted to become a wizard, and everything is bad to fix. And what is the wizard without a magic stick? However, he did not know much about it so much, but when it came to miracles - his smile became slightly wider, and his eyes began to flicker mysteriously.

At first, the wand did not even think about it - he just grew up, and he listened to the whisper of other branches. And there were always enough reasons for whisper. When there was no such thing - they were pulled out, at worst, about what a gusty wind or what is heavy rain, but most often - they hung over the boy:

We see - Again, Isshhhbed the first hunted batch and Mashet

Oh, mockery ....duch-chok

But for some reason, there was no ridiculous wand. She was silently watched, as he runs around the yard in the dyed sandals and waving his hands, screaming: "Abrakadabra!" and other mysterious words

But nothing worried nothing happened.

Only sometimes the charter, dissatisfied with the words came out of the house and with the words:

Stop soyfully yelling, Makar, neighbors think that we cut you -

immediately left back. But this, in my opinion, I won't call the magic ...

Once, after the next portion of noisy rides in his address, the wand decided to ask for a reason, ask her neighbors:

And how to become ... Magic?

For a second, everyone was silent, but the subject began to make noise with a new force. What they just did not speak our wand, until the fattest escape, finally, did not slip, interrupting everyone else:

Magic not to become! Such a wand can only grow from the very beginning. They say everything depends on the core. But the magic wands, fortunately, never grow in the bushes. And most importantly - before making the magic, you need to be cut off a scary iron knife. Do you want this?

The wand was silent. First, she did not believe in a single word, because she saw that Makar never breaks down the plants, but he would pick up those blesses that they themselves were lying on the ground, so he would never have cut a live branch of a terrible iron knife. And secondly, she knew that there was nothing magical in her core, but hence it was not worth it and try. Thirdly, and it was the most important thing, she knew that Makar would never closely approach her, because only a few days ago, Mom told him:

Makar, for God's sake, do not climb into these bushes. Snakes are found there. We'll throw it there - there is no longer a step into the street ...

And yet, one only times the stick tried to call him. In this day, the boy was especially sad, and the game did not fit:

Come here - she whispered - I am that wand-corrosive. And together we will definitely think about something.

But here Mom came out of the house and said:

Makar! How much can you play? First, the lessons are not cooked, and secondly, it would be time to do at least something useful. You're understanding, no magic, and to achieve something, you need to go back. Let's go, help me.

And they left.

Time went fast, and the boy played in the yard more and less. And after a couple of winters, they completely disappeared with her mom. We moved to live in the city.

Our wand burned. But it still remained this strange need to become magical. Already for no one and why. She carefully listened to the wind and tried to read about the magicians of the plexus of the clouds. But the world was busy with his work and did not want to share secrets, and maybe did not know them.

After Makar left, the thickets began to whisper mainly about her and her miracle dream. Once, the same escape, which was previously reasoned with the importance about the core, I vividly noticed:

Magic ... it happens only in human fairy tales. In our life, everything is much more prosaic, stupid. It's like this: or you will burn with some kind of worthless people, or once you just fall quietly and you will be sick. People themselves can at least escape somewhere, but we have all our lives in this place. One joy, drink. The main thing, grow at least one new escape. For the sake of this and growing: so that our bushes become more neighboring - so that everyone is afraid to be enjoyed - so as not to cut down us ahead of time. Where do you see magic? He has no place here, and without him closely.

The mumbling wind picked up his words and started a sad motive in the forests:

.... In this world, the magic did not have the place, it was dull and cramped, boring and cramped ...

Please do not sing this song! - screamed our wand. But the wind and the case was not. He flew to himself further - spread it around cities and water, along the bushes and forests, without disaster.

But the sun was suddenly led to the sun, and the whole world happily sounded. While everything around rushed and rumbled, the sun whispered softly with a sad stick:

If you outside you are so closely, that there is no place for magic - maybe he will find a little place inside? My rays can become a wonderful core. Do not listen to what the world whisper - Listen, as it happens quietly when he is silent.

And the sunbeam gently penetrates her top. From that moment on, everything became completely different. What the neighbors whisper about, ceased to exist. Every day, the wand absorbed so much sun as I could, and carefully listened to silence, in which only it was heard, as some partitions were burst inside it, while there was not all right and empty there.

That year was especially sunny. Once hot summer morning, our wand felt that it began to occur outside something. Something special ... On the overgrown path, it was walking, in the direction of the house, a man with a backpack.

Over the years, the boy has changed very much - he had a beard, and his hair was thrown, but the wand immediately recognized him: all the same dust sandals and eyes mysteriously flickering as in childhood. Makar dropped the backpack, looked at the half-chased doors, sat down on the threshold and thought.

A few minutes later, he got up sharply, pulled the penny knife from his pocket and walked over to the thickets.

This is how it happens - only I managed to think the wand - everyone turned out to be right.

And this is not so painful, as I thought, more precisely hurt, but also ... so easy.

While he met something, cut out, kovdalov over her, evening came. Our wand felt like it literally overwhelms a triumphant sunny song.

We were able ... The magic came ... We freed the place for him ....

When the sun began to slowly sit behind the horizon, Makar finally finished his job, he smiled, put his new flute to her lips and made the first exhale over long years.

There was a little girl. She was very badly afraid. I trembled all the time, I dressed in my sewer and looked at all with caution.

Everyone teased her panty, but in his soul she was brave-brave. In the evening, lying in the crib, she often imagined, as he comes to a wonderful clean, sees a beautiful table on it, and lies on it ... a magic wand! The girl makes a couple of steps to the table, and here there is a wizard.

- Hello, good girl!

- Hello, Fairy!

- What do you want to do now?

- I want to take a magic wand!

- Why do you need a magic wand, girl!

- I want her to play my wishes.

- What are your desires?

- Well, I have a lot of desires ... I want a lot of coffee cakes for the brother, he loves them very much, I want my mother with dad never quarrel, I want to never be war ... I want a lot!

- And what is your desire the most important thing?

- I want nothing to be afraid!

- Well, come, come and take a wand.

The girl made two more steps, but here he suddenly arose the rods, a small, cheerful, cheerful streams. The girl first pulled out, and then looked at him, smiled and stepped over him.

Made two more steps, and suddenly the mountain grown before her. A small, slightly higher than its growth. The girl was not confused, happily drunk on a slide and cheerfully descended from the opposite side, being still a couple of steps closer in the magic wand.

And so, when, before the stick, it remained literally two steps, where neither take the black cloud, and the shower went. But the girl was not afraid, glanced puzzled into the raincoat, threw the big burdock, hose to them as an umbrella, and boldly stepped into a table.

I stretched my hands to the stick ... at that moment the sun was looking out, and the girl involuntarily covered his eyes with her hand and smiled warm, kind sun.

- Wait! - said Fairy. - Are you still confident in our main desire?

The girl lowered his hand, thought for a second and said:

- You know, Fairy, for some reason I am not afraid at all. And the darkness in the room in the evenings no longer seems so terrible, because I know that mom is near and if a call, she will always come, but in the dark sleep better. And uncle with a mustache, who yesterday came to visit us, too, turned out to be at all Barmalem, he smiles so funny on his mustache and says Basa, and he also gave me a delicious cake. Maybe the magic has already worn, and I'm not afraid of anything now? But I did not even touch the magic wand!

- Remember that you felt when she went to her?

- I had fun and good, because I realized that the stream is kind and not at all deep, and I can jump over it that you can quickly run fast, and it's so fun, much more fun than going on a straight track, and Rain is just waiting for the sun, and so nice when it looks out of the tucci, immediately all and fill with warmth and happiness.

- But yesterday you would be afraid of the stream, slides and rain and would remain on the edge of the clearing. Truth? And so I would not get to the magic stick ... so that she performed all your desires ... What changed today?

- Wait, Fairy! What do you want to say? Can I fulfill my desires? But how did I do it?

- And what did you do today not as usual?

- I saw good in what was afraid before. It gave me strength and courage to overcome the obstacle to the dream. And he herself did not even notice how the dream was already coming! Although I did not even take another wand! J

- Well done! All right! Now take a wand!

- No, Fairy! Let it stay in its place. It is possible that she needs someone than me. After all, I myself am already a little wizard! Let this wand will help someone else to become a wizard, as helped me.

- Well, let it be so. But you must remember that it's not a wand, and you myself made yourself a wizard! You just made a small step towards a dream, then another one, then more - and here's a dream in your hands!

- Yes, Fairy, you are right! Everything turns out to be so simple: to come somewhere, you need to go small chambers, if you just stand and be afraid or wait for someone to take you there, where you want, then the dream will remain in the distance, you can even build up in such a waiting, And with each small step, we bring the dream to yourself. Everything is so simple, and most importantly - in our hands! No need to wait anything, you can start acting at any time. And even find unexpected joy on the way to your dream! Bringing your new secret with a brother! Thank you, Fairy! Fly to visit us yet.

He lived in the city with mom and dad girl Nastya. And so she was odd that neither in a fairy tale, no pen describe. It will be my mom to help wash the dishes, yes it is definitely a cup of drops and disassemble. It will be a dad to help a nail to score, be sure to pour a hammer to the hammer. Mom and dad are tired of such an assistant. Yes, and Nastya is tired of "praise" to listen and completely stopped helping mom and dad. And when Nastya went to school, he didn't get everything with study. She wants to write a straight wand, but it turns out some terrible burdens, wants to solve the task faster, and the answer does not converge. Upset Nastya, it does not work with it. She began to learn at one triple. Sad live nastya in the world. Neither at home, nor in school, nor in the yard does not work. And she began to think that she really could not learn anything. Once in the summer I went Nastya to visit my grandparents in the village. She did not help them in a garden, nor in the livestock. What for? Anyway, nothing will happen. And the nastya went to the forest to walk. Walked, walked and worn. She sat down on a penalty and crying. Suddenly, from behind the stump looked out the old man. - What is the girl, cry? - I got lost and I can not find the way home, but soon the night will come. Scary to me. If I look for the way home myself, I will get even more. What if the wolf will attack me, or will I fall into the pit? Who will help me? After all, I do not know how to do anything. Grandfather, maybe you spend me home? - Not. I will not lead you home, I have a lot of things, I have no time for me. But I will give a magic wand. She will help you if you fall into trouble. Take it and go on this road. There is nothing to do, I took the Magic wand and went along the path, which the old man showed to her. She walked, went. Already it became completely dark, suddenly hears Nastya, someone be sicked near the track itself. A girl bent and saw a little chick. He fell out of the nest, beeps, it can not take off. It was a sorry for Nastya chick, and she wanted to help him. But how? The nest is high, and the girl does not know how to climb the trees. She stood, looked around, looked at the magic wand and invented. Put the chick to the very top of the sticks and raised highly high. A little bit dropped, but the magic wand helped, swung and retained the chick. He jumped off his sticks in the nest, and Nastya went further. Suddenly he sees Nastya, glitters among the trees. I was delighted - in the village of Lights burn, but it came closer and saw that this fire in the forest begins, someone left, and the fire forgot to decay. I wanted to escape Nastya as soon as possible, because the fire is very dangerous. But then he thought that a fire could flared up, and many animals and plants would die in it. She regretted the forest and its inhabitants. Tied a large branch to the magic wand and began to extinguish fire. I put out all the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame and went on. Nastya has already come out at all. Here and the village can be seen. But suddenly Nastya noticed that the wolf sits the wolf herself, it was attached, he wants to attack herd, which grabs near the village. Increased Nastya, squeezed the magic wand streaming, shouted loudly and rushed to the wolf. Her shepherd heard, hurried to her aid, and the wolf was frightened and ran away. - Thank you, Nastya, and then the wolf would drag the lamb. I went nastya joyful home, and myself, everything on a magic wand looks, thinks, how if her old-handed leasher give back. And he is here as under the bush stands, Nastya is waiting for. I saw his girl, came up and gives a wand: - Thank you, grandfather, for the magic wand. I helped me very much. - Yes, no one is a magic wand, but the most ordinary stick. And you helped yourself. If you want to do something good, then always get out. Since then, it has become Nastya to help grandparents, grandfather, and mom, and dad, and to learn well at school. Not everything turned out at once, how many dishes interrupted, while her arisers had become, but Nastya did not give up. And now she is a helper at least where. The fairy tale about the magic wand and the girl Nastya for children is 6-9 years old. Fear of difficulties, insecurity in their forces.

There was a little wizard, and he had a magic wand, covered with lacquer who had cracked from time to time. The wand went to Magu inheritance from the grandfather. Every day she made miracles and performed good wishes. But one day, a new magic wand presented a small magic wand. It was painted bright paint and decorated with figures of different animals. Alas, a small wizard, except that he is a wizard, was also a boy. And like all the boys, having received a new toy, he immediately forgot about the old. And now many days the wand stood in the corner without a business, covered with dust. And then she was removed into the chulad. An unfamiliar subject immediately surrounded the mice living here by noisy and friendly family. Momens of Fenia decided to try him on the teeth, and Otgby the very edge. But because of the varnish, the wand seemed to him bitter and not tasty.
- Eh, that's now a piece of cheese! - he was marked out loud. The magic wand thought, thought and ... performed the desire of the crumbs. In the corner of Chulana, the round head of a cream cheese with a variety of holes was shone. Mice did not believe their eyes, but they perfectly believed their spouts. Cheese source such an appetizing aroma that there was no doubt: it is he is the most delicious cheese in the light! They ate it in 5 minutes, and satisfied fell on a straw ohkaki to chat and borrow after such an unexpectedly pleasant dinner.
- Fenia, where did Cheese come from? - asked her brother Mouse Lucy.
- I do not know myself. Just said like - Batz! He appeared!
- Khe-Khe - a magic wand delicately leaked. "Sorry that I interrupt you, but I am a magic wand, and that I performed the desire of Fenia.
- Blimey! - pushed a mouse family. They had their own magic wand! Such amazing events have never happened to them. And mouse-mothers and dads, grandparents, not to mention the mice-children, began to make a lot of desires. And the CHMY Claus is filled with the most different things. Here were the mountains of the ram and giant smoked sausages rings, marmalade boxes, many shoes and clothes of mouse size and hundreds of cubes and balls for children. And someone wished even get a wheel from the car as a gift, and it, taking half the storage room, stood right there. The wand with ease performed funny whims of her friends. She felt needed again. When the mice were rapidly, and there was no free space in the chuladchik, the chain of mouse neighbors was reached into the chopstick. Kozhenki and spiders, worms and rodents from a neighboring house - everyone wanted to get what long ago dreamed of. True, their dreams were trivial compared to the fact that the magic wand could carry out. After all, sometime with a small wizard, they built cities, saved the sinking ships and treated people. These were really real important things!
- Lucy, did you notice that our wand was angry? - asked somehow a phenya from his sister. - She stopped laughing and joke ...
Lucy and Fenia pounded to a stick and began to ask her about what happened.
"I just very sadly" she replied. "It seems to me that I will never bet anything big and good." That for which I was created.
- M-yes, you have very sad thoughts. But I seem to know what to do to make you returned optimism and good mood - the Fenia decisively said. - You will be your own desire! Do you have it?
The magic wand never thought about wishing something herself. And do she have a desire? She was thoughtful, and spent all day in solitude. And no one bothered her. Mice knew that the magic wand reflects on very important. The next morning, the Fena and Lucia looked out into the courtyard to gain cool dew drops in the buckets. And they saw a mighty flowering tree. Formerly there are some stupid bush here, and now ....! The mice ran to the chulad and told about the miracle. And then the Fenia noticed that the magic wand disappeared - she was no longer! She finally performed his only desire for many hundreds of years, and became a cherry tree. A few weeks later, juicy sweet berries appeared on the branches. They were glad to root the birds, they gave rise to the beasts. People rested on hot days in the shade of thick crowns. And the little wizard came to the tree with their comrades play. Children swapped a strong rope through thick branches and made a swing. The cherry tree was strong and calm. And everyone who approached him immediately felt confidence and the desire to commit a truly important thing.

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The fairy tale about the fact that the mind and the semelter can even turn into the corrosion. So the hare stumbled on a stick, and hedgehog took her with him. And not in vain. On the way to home, she was very useful for them. And even saved the life of the hare ...

Wand-cutting read

She went home. On the way he caught his hare, and they went together. Together the road is twice in short.

The house is far away - go, talk.

And the side of the road was lying.

Behind the conversation, he did not notice her - stumbled, almost fell.

Oh, you! .. - Hare got angry. Like a stick with his foot, and she flew away to the side.

And the hedgehog raised the stick, threw it on his shoulder and ran to catch up with a hare.

I saw the hare from hedgehog stick, surprised:

Why do you need a stick? What is a sense in it?

This stick is not simple, - explained Hedgehog. - This is a chopstick.

The hare in response only snorted.

The hare jesked with one jump through the stream and shouted from another shore:

Hey, barbed head, throw his stick, you do not move here with it!

Hedgehog did not answer anything, retreated a little back, ruined, stuck on the run stick in the middle of the stream, flew in one fell on the other side and became next to the hare anything did not happen.

The hare from surprise even the mouth snapped:

Great you, it turns out, jump!

I do not know how to jump at all, "said Hedgehog," this is a cut-out wand - I helped me through all the jumps.

Hare from the bump on the bump jumps. Hedgehog behind walks, in front of him stick the road checks.

Hey, barbed head, what are you barely barely? Probably your stick ...

I did not have time to finish how to condemn from the bumps and fell into the bog on the ears. That's-here choke and drown.

Hedgehog on the hammer, closer to the hare, and shouts:

Praise for stick! Yes, pouch!

He grasped the hare for a stick. Hedgehog runned with all his might and pulled his friend from the swamp.

When we got into a dry place, the hare says the jet:

Thank you, Hedgehog, saved me.

What are you! This is a cut-out wand - from trouble-stretching.

Help, help! - Chirikali they.

The nest is high - you can't get anything. Neither Yozh nor the hare on the trees can not be able to climb. And you need to help.

I thought hedgehog, thought and invented.

Become face to the tree! - He commanded a hare.

The hare became face to the tree. Hedgehog put the chick to the tip of his stick, climbed a hare on her shoulders, raised him like a stick and pulled out almost to the nest.

The chick again squeaked and jumped right into the nest.

Here are his dad and mom delighted! Walk around the hare and hedgehog, tweet:

Thank you thank you thank you!

And the hare says the hero:

Well done, hedgehog! Well invented!

What are you! This is all a chopstick - up-lifted!

And suddenly because of the tree right on them, a huge wolf jumped out, talked the road, buried:

Stopped hare with hedgehog.

The wolf was licking, scratched his teeth and said:

You, Yozh, I am not a throne, you're prickly, but you, obliquely, the whole remove, with a tail and ears!

Tried a bunny from fear, walked all, as in the winter season, it cannot flee: the legs to the ground increased. Closed his eyes - now his wolf will eat.

Only hedgehog was not confused: hesitated with his stick and that there is a strength of a wolf wolf.

Heated the wolf from pain, jumped - and run ...

So I ran away, never turning around.

Thank you, Hedgehog, you saved me now and saved from the wolf!

This is a wand-cutting - on the enemy strike, "the hedgehog replied.

Nothing, "said Hedgehog," hold on my wand.

He grabbed the hare for a stick, and dragged his hedgehog to the mountain. And it seemed a hare, as if it became easier.

Look, "he says his hedgehog," your wand-cutting and this time helped me.

So hedgehog the hare was brought to him home, and there a long time ago he was waiting for a haunch with meanings.

Rejoice at the meeting, and the hare says the hero:

Kaba is not this your magic wand-corrupt, not to see my home home.

Hedgehog smiled and says:

Take me as a gift to this wand, maybe she is still useful for you.

The hare even hesitated:

But how do you yourself without such a magic wand, will you stay?

Nothing, "Hedgehog answered," you can always find a stick, but the cutter, "he knocked himself on his forehead," and the corrupt but is here that she is!

Here everything understood the hare.

True, you said: It is not a stick, but a smart head and good heart!

(Ill. V.G.Steeva)

Published: Mishka 19.01.2018 11:21 24.05.2019

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